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tv   News  RT  December 3, 2023 10:00am-10:31am EST

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the, the, the, or the 60 palestinians are reportedly killed and an id, a swan called at the town of calling eunice in southern garza. the 2nd such a title in the area in 2 days. also a has the is trying to give it to us from central gone so where refuge account symbols they've been struck by the ideas committees 15 people were supposedly killed as a nice many children. i remember the casualties, the invisible in guns are wages on protest sweep across europe with 1000 showing solar directly with the palestinians for the mountains and ends to um,
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ship funds to is where the guys a conflict. is he in another place, our german government is supplying weapons to? this must not happen. even our foreign minister says the cheese against the supply of weapons. the abram, welcome to you. this is the weekly on all the international with the very latest. well these along with around the, for the stories the shapes the week it's great to happy with us. on top story. i the 6 the palestinians of a possibly being killed in ms. railey strike on the town of con eunice in southern gaza. that's in addition to san today's attack on the local residential complex. the foaming rates reduced many of the buildings to rubble as is really strikes, weighed down on the neighborhood. and it will not take moments. the local
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journalist, witness to home being destroyed, has families still inside. while she was live on that. i mean, i had the and the medina who loves it, then be so kind. what definitely other than can be the colors you all call the get those at the beginning. the close are you on the home? why is it didn't say survive? the strikes have been venting best fury and reiterating the was distance to the is where the invasion, the just gather was all in one place and dropping the atomic bomb on us to get rid of us once and for long. we will no longer be a burden on the air of worlds on the slimy people because nobody cares about us. oh no, we don't know where to go. you can see what is happening to your people if we without
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any shield or we don't know where to run it. this fund was over. i have a wife with 9 children, all homes with boned and destroyed. but who will mostly guys? well, we're not the ones who should leave. i don't isn't. he's really tyrants who have killed the women and children driving the naked out of the homes. the law all the latest, 20 plus course live to canadian, palestinian joiner this month so. so i'm on company based in the city of con eunice, among so many thanks for joining us on the program. could you give us the latest on the ground and con units following sundays, the talk which we are hearing is came the lives of more than 60 people of the yes, it seems that the 2nd phase of the water here is going to be focused on the south of the split, the area where it is very forces said was supposed to be a safe zone for the 1500000 display civilians coming from the north. the
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price. now the strategy it seems, was to try to come in by a non did vision from the east and via c invasion from the how much city are you complex, which lies beside the see the what, what you heard about the killing of 60 people came from 3 different areas. one is the city of have a defense on the west. another isn't got out on the, on the west side of kind eunice another to strike hits here beside us beside last. got eunice. kidding. so but on people last to the hospital, as you can see, seeing an influx all for a few days, thinking that this is supposed to be a safe area from their home is hidden, hun eunice beep. and i'll also try to leave to it off off in the south. however, for loss of deeds the road, the main road has been hit several times. why is it in the air strikes? and servitor called as a bodies lie there waiting for someone to evacuate. the muscle,
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where are people supposed to go? that's the question that everyone here to ask report to the thinking that support there is no better than they do. we honestly don't know. unfortunately that off the border is close. sorry, go ahead. what can you tell us about some days it was a may just want going to residential complex that what, what do you know about that? yes. how about city is a relatively new residential complex? that was, that was the built with the assistance of the government. the top of it contains the hundreds of small and apartments under the phone of officers complexes on saturdays 7 of these buildings with hits directly by air strikes. and they wouldn't that have now demolished airstrikes hits,
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how much city again today. and like i said, the belief is that they want to repeat what they did in the north, by advancing from the east and the west side, eunice from the west. it was thought to how much the city and the for the input, how much city the belief is that they want to turn it into robin. similar to what they did to the beach come in because the city before trying to enter it and going to ship a hospital the following, these lights, the tax. what can you tell us about the humanitarian situation in hong eunice as the phone bottom of civilian areas has continues to escalate and there's no place. i mean it's, it's, it's, it's very compact right now. the area what the, where i am, but i know and also hospital and we have 4 or 5 schools that i've done is basically passed with a few g is coming from the east and west of kind eunice in addition to getting the
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better than of hundreds of injured patients here in the hospital. i personally until now did not have any foods and all the people that all me i'm sure are in much worse case scenario. i mean, they have children and they have the women, the elderly, the in just, i don't know how people are basically managing to go on by the day to day stuff. i mean, i how i, we don't know why i have no comments. i don't know what to say, and i'll be briefly syiaa how. how does that time with those buildings affect the product? it needs to billions, where you want the people knowledge to seek out safety to stuck up on essentially was that for spike useful for people that of the so a lot of people try to find the try to go back to that home in different fonts of the split so in the 1st 2 or 3 days of the ceasefire,
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the north side hospital and the surrounding areas where the minutes of the empty people's fault that they can go back to the lives. however, once the warranty started, again, in addition they, they brought back all the belongings and more. the neighborhoods have been effected together with the leaflets dropped on them by the is a, the settings of the con eunice and it's vicinities is a water zone has can feed into coming into more what are they going through the face areas like and also the hospital like i said, i'm sure more people may also try to go down to the south, but some off the road is locked. they cannot go there. in addition to the water that is between egypt and palestine, arcada to close. so people are basically cut off. we are trapped, we don't know where to go. there is no play safe here. and so we appreciate you the way. so it's very nice so much it's so important that we get that, that the real story of what's happening on the ground. really,
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really appreciate you. thank you so much and please stay safe during this month, social month. thank you. the likes the tax also hit gallons of city, which is the largest city in the enclave located in its north. while in central garza, the city of the alpha lock came on, the intent selling to with idea strikes reportedly, can i get these 15 people in a local encampment of the cries of children and parents in dispense filling the corridors of i'll at the hospital. the facility has been receiving patients from old across the central, gone to a large number of the wounded on minus the meantime, neighborhood in garza city was left essentially destroyed by as ready as likes to emergency services on sifting through the rubble,
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hoping to rescue the injured in time his awesome locals described the attack. my children were heading back to collect their belongings, who had been displaced in the morning and they had forgotten some things. so they went back, my son was struck there and the other 3 went to rescue him. but then all 4 of them were bombarded now me the rest in peace, our blue red streets and peacefully a tomb. when 3 buildings weigh eva twins, they're a few to to do and then women be haven't. so under the here, there is nothing related to resistance in our home, no one year as part of do existence. i urge by of countries to reboot. i urge edition presidents, i'll cc to take action abuse to king abdullah of jordan. what or do mines would i have them do mind and do most of them would see what we are going through and wanting to view is now distressing scenes from dallas. a city wide picture show the heartbreak has left one second bye to a young child, killed in a recent strike. the same took place outside the hospital. web bodybags lined the
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street as dozens of gather to prey of a dead before that varies. the number of destin garza, his reasons are the 15000 according to the palestinian health ministry. 70 percent of the report it to be women and children, guns and officials say the idea as has deliberately targeted a $130.00 medical facilities with the attacks leading to 20 hospital was going out of service is well a just a number of those sites were being used by her last 2 launch rockets, accusations, medical officials deny a mr. renewed is wally as sold on garza with hundreds killed since the truce broke down on friday. the west has been in gulf in protests this weekend, and the us hundreds march through downtown chicago waving palestinians flags, and demanding an end to hostilities. americans, according for a permanency fund and pays for them, at least and some of your biggest cities levels, it'd be engulfed by raleigh's empowers, protested slip slugs,
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and the colors of the palestinian flag when he pulled pulled towards the us. and the french precedents quoting them complicit annual crime. some of the accusations were held at the government in germany, where crowds, demanded boleyn, stop sending weapons to israel. the milan hundreds march through the streets waving palestinian flags on charging slogan. all the protest is united with one message the blood shed in gaza must still been throwing up the sound of the juices ended in the genocide continues from windows stuff. people when there's no more water or function hospitals in the guys a street. it's a genocide when they bomb and destroy houses in schools. it's a genocide, anything that is what we are fighting against the depth us do occurring on the policy and side, many people have lost their lives that has to stop. that's why politicians have to do something to achieve peace and human justice. yeah. yeah. the guys that conflict
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is yet another place. our german government is supplying weapons to. this must not happen. even our foreign ministers says that she's against the supply weapons for peace. blood should, must stop immediately in every conflict. small as well say this was the make. oh, loud to operations against the law seeking to wipe out the medicine group is waiting for me to sit benjamin netanyahu safe is where the forces were trained to achieve a full victory over her loss during the c slab. recently 6 little hostages, released from her last captivity, have arrived and as well to cheering crowds since the october 7th attack, 100 in full comp, tips has been released on more than one hundreds which were made in the hands of the militant group. one laza who has terminal cancer, quoted the hot breaking message to her daughter who was kidnapped to during the music festival, hoping to see her child one last time. last, the last time i picked it up. no, i want to tell you if i don't get to see you, please know that i love you very much, please. no,
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we just everything we could to get you released. the whole world loves you any we heard from me. yeah. that go johnson, a friend of noah on kamani, who told us about well the loved ones of the hostages, a going through and also sent his own message to noah. the video was made to the whole world to see the situation of known as the mother of the or if she's in really bad situation. and the whole family actually is heartbroken that noise is not with us. she has to be the, the center of the family. does it have to do with the entry to no mother with the disease and they're helping everybody around. and now just though she's gone and help captive the whole if i'm is just broken. and i must say, okay, make that nice. sold to is and fullness. so just now remaining captivity, not women and children. so did you have any idea why noah has still not be released as she did her service as the every one of us and we supposed to,
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we have to go to the army and like in many other countries and but now she doesn't survey the idea of she doesn't have nothing, nothing to do with the idea as she was just a student. if you could send a message to noah and those holding her hostage, what would you say? the 1st of all, i believe i want to say the know that i love her, that we all, these are so much she has missed among friends and family. and she is a seriously, she has to be like the center of all our friends and, and then the family. and she has to organize all of our student groups and parties . and she is really missed. and we don't think we, we can smile again. uh without her home and i, we sure 1st of all to be strong, stay strong to wait for us. i'm. i'm 100 percent sure that our government is doing everything they can add to release or and the, the she will be released soon enough and, and i'm sending her my,
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my love and energy for her to be strong. i'm to be optimistic. so she will be there really soon. my community of their civilians has been there last week to ukraine. now, where the influence, influential narrow of kias, isn't pulling any punches in his career, just as enough president vladimir zalinski is the head of states. the approval ratings continued to plummet bits, all the clips, cuz a zalinski only has himself to play. the people see who's an effective leader and who is not if they had and still have many expectations, zalinski is paying for the mistakes he made. the medicare has become more vocal with his public purchasing some of the landscape this most recent state, but he was saying, well, um the people wondering perhaps why you crime wasn't better prepared for the conflict. and he said, that's a, so let's he was denying the reality of the situation right until the end, right? until the stall into
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a special ministry operation. he's also questioned how russia was able to reach the capital key of a so quickly and a lot of the information been waiting tally with reality. discard those early months of the conflict as lead of us and chaotic. now this has continued, what does it let's he continue to deny reality. up until this this very moment. now his office has lost a recent statement from his leading general illusion. the and he described the conflict as being at his style. my items on etsy symbol. this only way, he helps the russians and he went as far as to criticize, he's told me that the leader in a news conference, a lot of time has passed and people are tired. this is understandable, but i'll say it again. this is not a stalemate, but clicks go, has come out in support, a zillow's name. he says that he was in fact correct. is illusion. a told the truth . sometimes people don't want to hear it, but ultimately he is responsible. he has explained and justify to the current
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situation. of course we can you for equally lie to our people and our partners, but you can't do that forever. some of our politicians have wrongly criticize the illusionary, for his honesty. i stand with him. it seems like the wednesday does remain with the popular when it comes to the west, but at home on the home front. it's a different story. and what happened to him and he'd been taking what we're supposed to, but i see you for his mistakes. and if is to people saying through that, i think now we certainly starting to see more of that as being more public statement, some public criticisms of as old as it. and he's pretty much being involved in by the west. however, this between the boosters, i'm over the effectiveness, all the accounts are offensive and is it, let's keep going along with that and he's previously denied reality. but now that these questions are being authorized, he has a role back on some of the and he's admitted really that the counselor offensive is not going quite as part. of course,
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he has continued to blame the west where they're saying that they haven't supplied enough weapons and given enough support, we're finding the 2nd best or mean the world, and we didn't get all the weapons we wanted. i can't say i'm satisfied, but i can't really complain either. so looking at the big picture now, when he claim failing, so when on the battlefield, it seems that western money is starting to dry up here recently admitted that the wall could have ended back in march last year. so what, what is going on? what of course, that's absolutely correct many uh, thousands of done items. very, very serious questions. and now being all that could those tests all of these ukranian men are being killed during that time with the offense. they've been avoided, had zalinski face reality, not with having senior politicians within his own policy. the other than me to the a peace deal was on the table that russia and ukraine were ready to sign these back last last year. but that was discovered that the intervention of the former british problem is so far as johnson. let me pull the book goes on. in my opinion,
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the russians really believed until the very end that they could have pressed us. so we would accept neutrality. this was the main thing for them. they were ready to end the war if we accepted neutrality like finland once did. and then we make a commitment to not join nato. when we return for mr. kimball force johnson came to kiff and said that we would not sign anything with them at all. and let's just continue fighting with them. and so now we're, of course we're seeing much of the west in press were left to leave. perhaps conceding that russia is in fact uh, winning the conflict. we've seen these interviews in the front pages of the british magazine, the economist driven use type of door to val and others. i'm wasting polls now inside ukraine. the show is a serious dropping support for us and i'd see someone now taping as a new to me as a, as a potential success. so maybe the let the skis time is all well laid is going to into buying for the you and climate conference call. 28 to be organizations.
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secretary general, antonio guitar is, continues to ring the same alarm bell on climate change. we got a miles from the days of the pet disagreements as minutes to midnight for the 1.5 degree limits. but he does not like the science is clear and the hope of leaving thing temperature rise to 1.5 degrees means achieving global met 0 emissions by 2050. the science is clear. we know what to do. first, we must keep the goal of 145 degrees celsius, a light. 1.5 degrees is still on reach, but the live support. the 1st is to ensure they meet demands from the main. they meet thirds of more ambitious national commitments by 2020 the line with the 1.5 degree limits. the united nations climate change conferences have taken place
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every year since 1995 to assess progress sunset. the agenda on climate change following the breakthrough power is agreements in 2015 late to you and climate change conferences of the national play, just to reduce emissions, as scientists believe could soon keep global warming and check. however, wildly does a, using the platform to discuss the completely different topic. and this is very clear that israel has been attacked by him. us and israel has the right to defend itself into fights against the mass to the resolution of fighting. and the guys, the strip is clearly a cause for concern that is featured in many discussions that we've had on the fringes of this call. today. i had an opportunity to meet with a number of colleagues from across the region. and we, we focus our conversation on all 3 aspects of what we're doing today of the day after and gaza as well as the past to a durable last major piece that's west life to a down the go to the 2nd full month 202390 area and presidential times
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a day. 20. thanks for joining us on the program. nice to see you today. so we know there's no shortage of platforms for talking about geo politics and war. but so what do you make at west the latest hijacking? the agenda at cope 28. okay. we seems to have some problems with the sounds we can try and get that fixed and then went to the, you know, yes we can hear you now. please continue to hear. you're the one doing. it seems like there's, i mean by just the frame, the mind uh for the climate change. but to me it seems like the business of what you need to know that is taking place on. of course the, with the interview was tried to cover the lights on the maternity. because if your church historically, there is nothing to think about high level of global warming as clear. but like these done, do this closing feel quite into what they're saying. and then if you want to do and
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you see the image and i will see if you will actually divide when and thought so we have some improvement at the department of energy. so just at the bottom oil field, what don't you know? imagine the quartered waters, the templates in depth, i don't know. i'm using, you know, nearly $800000000.00 was what you just did going on to, you know, folks introduced in the nimble preventing the. so the whole thing is the level agenda behind the, the plane. so it is important or part just want to not just look at it as purely scientific objective. we're also going to put it to point into, i don't want you to put to get on to, to in the game, but there's like, can you bring to your much detail eventually we transition to the energy. what is
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the global size? well, the technology do we have the original? what else you're not wanting to transition or what the job to do, the job one is going to supply the money, pull it up. how are we know what you just do? it's just the, it's the interest driven before and you decide to pick the template based on the ones that i'd love to be a little more, anita. i think one of the big problems with the green agend erase a site. people are so contradictory like politicians talk, the talk about the great agenda for words don't often translates into action, for example. and the, during the recent energy crisis here, it was very quick to switch back over to cold. do you think these politicians have a will appetite to make that those difficult decisions implied by the climate agenda? yes, that's why i said just the only reason why this is also set to lead because this is
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the confident that i've been taking place since 1995. you know, leverage in about more than 2 years old in december timeframe. almost not to use the whole thing, simple print, but i didn't want to know how many times this one yet to know we have to bind because you know, up to now you look at the global bond that was as good as the good, you know, for a 60000000 bottles to know where i put in about 100 or something you know, bought it on up to 1000000. come to do what i want to know. i have dealt problems to come into play or what kind of vehicle, what time the 3 hour and tell me just included in the 2 bedroom but yeah, so the one down switch, i will do all the suddenly without transition. is it very difficult to domain? so i do want to also increase push that instead of why i didn't such an agenda to be actually the no deductible, not home. so the, the deductible, which is the name of glenda. what is that and is to say that you're behind,
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it's gonna change, you've got a society. why wouldn't log in to you what they don't do the energy infrastructure? what do you have in many places do not have the engine for the window to confirm the whole electronic they want to factor up. there's not one book invited to measure that to be plugged into the energy give, we're only one to transition a new energy domain. then we must do what we say. what is the georgia? well, but we just got on it simply because what the bread legendary is an issue. and that is why we know what the bloody knew to the top, the shuttles because of the transition to the new energy domain. when it minimal, the on our system, people are the only one in the twenty's. we didn't really want to, you know, the transition to the dream for the family as much i do that we can just which
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are booked in. i don't, i mean kind of go in with the, the, the, for the damage. the best solution is i'm, well, it just took me, the energy went up. was it um in the print in the new in the you know, does it much thanks for sharing your thoughts with us today. really appreciate your time and on the golf with the 2nd form, a 20239. jerry and presidential candidate. thank you. thank you. i mean, well the individuals on cooperation should pay for the home that closing know, supporting here in front of you on special russell to on climate and human rights will cop $28.00 and they just episode of going on the ground. he says his views on climate change on the climate change agenda, and thousands of reasons activating the crisis, and you can watch the full episode tomorrow on all the in the meantime, here's a quick preview. climate change represents of one of the most serious registers
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here, manatees that we live upsized in it. and it's uh, you know, it's already causing home too many hundreds or thousands of people that the rights to was a food shelter are all being affected by the impacts of climate change. and yet, of course, we have the richest in the world, say the washington post owner amazons you haven't been, as well as talking green like other all the gods. but with a half a $1000000.00 york's that need super time. because for dorking intimate, $7000.00 tons of carbon a year aux. i'm reporting that just 12000000000 is bill gates. jeff, as us del musket brokovich, they use the same as 2100000 homes in terms of carbon emissions equivalent to full point 6 coal cold plants just every year. isn't the it really the gap between rich and poor? here? that's a in question. the odd. yes, it's critical that you know, we, we have a huge in balance in, in the,
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the amount of people who use greenhouse gases and it costs that you know, the rich countries and, and the billing is using out 5 grades of emissions. and then the pores, people, how do you think the going to pay for the poor us to people at this go up to the age limit? well, i think the get a price for it at this cost, but i think inevitably they gonna have to, to pay somehow. and i think this is part of the discussions where having during this comp summit around this lawson damage fund, it's clear that we need a fund that will draw from uh, you know, rich people from corporations that are producing greenhouse gases and to pay for the home that they causing to, to pull communities. the many thanks. the company here went on to international this sunday. we always appreciated.


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