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tv   News  RT  December 4, 2023 5:00am-5:31am EST

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the time that you're not allowed to ask questions, you should ask all of the questions. some more questions ask the better. the answer is will be the tools to pick on. make sense to treat some of the areas as talk says, struggle to cope with the shift for the patient. types of that needs assessment. i'm just kind of opinions of reported to be killed in a single day of the strikes on goss. this one with a photo because we felt strongly and did not really i will be gone so we will start doing so. now in the southern part, it will be the strength to retain saying much of no, because it's a ruined israel says little now. so pacific tension on the south spots despite having previously told kind of thing to heads up for that safety. we had the very
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latest, somebody in stockton, the entering so be will to spacing a tooth is washington approximate regional piece in the, in dirt put to effect, operate the west of worship sales into chinese territory. so the philippines, also ukraine. presidents faces the flat from top officials found the relative, the phone to up to the town to the front, so they gave russia failed to deliver at any time to resolve the palo. it is 1 pm here in most that's myself, in the whole team at all. t's
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h skills, i will welcome to the program. let's get to us forces on 1st off, at least 700 people have reportedly been killed. felts in less than 24 hours and almost as well. ramped up it's offensive across casa, the central part of the cape has become the focus of the ideas, latest targets. the see ended up being taken to the out access hospital with power metrics, treating the wounded on blood stained tools. i made a severe shortage of supplies. i'm q, a wounded dogs distort father recruit what happened above the above the sea and the launch show the pilot and i were going to have it on my on a z as well. and that to yeah,
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i like to do and as you one of the of the, not all the oh yeah, the the where level that actually baptist hospital in garza city is that breaking point to magic. so walking around the clock to help patients. but the death toll is increasing by the hour with relatives. morning fell up once the shows you on the way doing came along with my children's lives and my youngest son. my brother was injured and, and my children's a show. where do we go? not disclose? no homes are safe, which would be go. death is everywhere. where i should with son. he was released 16 years ago in a prisoner exchange deal. he was martyred on his way out of the school. for shelter and schools. there is no place for us to seek shelter. there's nothing less talk to
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is in golf claim as well, is impeding that assets to a thought sway patients to the south to how flux ambulances under rested. medic pots has patients on the saw me suggest for to see south, even on the heavy selling and even a shipment. when i came from the high and nothing garza, my daughter has kaiser and miss kim, which are due to the is really attached to my daughter couldn't resume receiving treatment so her condition to through a rated to make it worse. she was also badly injured when we were running from the shelf. there is no way to receive medical services or medications and nothing goes up because the last one barely is the city but the solve. meanwhile, the idea said it's a tax on the south will be and paid will intensify to levels previously seen. and the noise that is despite having all the people to head south for that safety, this one with a whole lot as we felt strongly and the southern and northern go say we're also
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doing so now in the southern pods. come, we will be here with noted as drinks and that we are and it will be with low level results and that is on the mass. commodities will meet the idea of everywhere in a very strong while most of like a number for the the . 6 the
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one who has claimed 15500 kind of sitting in lives, but at least 70 percent of them said to be women and children. full suggested it's 15 people are being killed. every single one of the 4 to 1000 civilians have been wounded. so fathers pointing to thaws is health industry plus 60 percent of residential homes, happy, you know, either damaged or completely destroyed. so let's have a look at how the events have unfolded since will erupt. it on october 7th. now
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with the beginning it was the north of gauze, which found itself in the firing line of is really full, says you can see the areas hit kind of out in, right. it's the idea of strikes severely damaged bates noon a lot. yeah. to body, and of course in the center, thoughts of cities which is really sold to us then surrounded as they both stood the ground operation in the end, place full singleton. you'll see almost every hospital in the north was hits. now, one of them have seized operation. civilians were forced to head south and an estimated 1700000 have been displaced down this route. that as they headed to the problem is safe haven though of the south. that area is so then stopped, is coming on to increasing attacks. unicef spokesman says that despite those assurances as well, carpet problems. and this was in southern gaza as heavy as in the news.
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the suggestions, sunrise now i know i to of actually relentless, bombardments, but i, i cannot stop thinking about the 1800000 people here in the south. i don't think there was more than a 5 or 10 minute period throughout the course than not. and, and i really didn't sleep where, where something was and flying out of the head or the sky being laid off last south today. a housing complex in the southern city of hong unice has been the target of the multiple bulk of the tax of the as, as tribes rained down on han units. that was
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a dramatic moment. cool turn camera. what a local to on this witness. how owed to being destroyed would have how many still inside a c was reporting lies nearby allow me to head the and the medina who does it, then b spokane, what we other than can be done in a month if not enough. so she was probably the most closely on the home most continual flow offering just palestinians arrive on the hospital in upon us. many of the patients, all children don't to say they are completely overwhelmed. i'm struggling to treat the insurance the fee is ready, so i feel so hit a residential building in roswell,
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place to the pool and help with each other, resulting in multiple people scramble to get those in just a way for treat well, when out to a life i talk to me, it's con, all my shady k. uh john, this and strategic defies x. but thank you so much for joining us. i'm the 1st thing i want to ask you. i mean the i guess has a talk to the noise. it's now clearly turning to the south. so the obvious question is, where are people supposed to go to exactly assess god that is very clearly said that i mean the idea is attacking, you know, for now on the taskbar is of the because i as well. i mean, it is a clear genocide, committed genocide supported by the united states and uh, your opinion was as well, especially the united kingdom. i mean, it is like asking for some people do with it to go on one side of god and then
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bumping them carpet bombing them. the collector damage of the civilian casualties will be, i imagine a boat and the density of population in that part of gods. i know because, i mean it's, it's all the of the egyptian border. it's all in the of the, you know, is the refugees, camps the schools, everything is being taught and it, it is a genocide and uh, i mean id have has to be honest with you before the time for the are doing under the leadership of nathan. yeah. and if you look at the situation with the last 27th or 24 hour to do what, 800 people have been killed and the intense bombardment is, is, is not stopping at all. and we don't believe it was name there they are, they've been negotiating for the hostages to be the needs. and now, i mean this, this war is getting a very, very, i would say, uh city is the word has to intervene. in fact, you're going to do this has to be intervene towards the long drives
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committed by a i d, f and the lady government. it is a time of all the tension on the so that you do that. their time to stop is very for doing this, genocide is a time to do an american and a be united kingdom stop supporting the genocide of you know, send by this to me and in god's up. if you look at the situation is that is that he has to watch on the side that is officer while the others are using. there is something that face washington is. well categorically denied, but i do want to us to israel. it is clearly they push people out to know the people in the south. i mean, we don't know why that going to go. so what is the goal? what not pushing palestinians literally to the edge of what is already a tiny strip of land. 25 miles long by 5 miles wide. a. exactly. i mean 25 miles an hour for young people out of stuck there. i mean,
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it is. look at the situation. i mean they have nobody to go. and i, they are like, uh, you know, are they under the idea is that you from bottom into like the flight, the idea arms. i mean, look at the situation. so i think it needs to be explained to the rest of the work that the seeds, why did not bring anything back and forth the very see me and it was the, it was a very clever move from a idea of the but on the other hand, the people either that either has to come up now has come on and talk about the, the, the, the 1st to talk about the 5 minutes these 5 talk about stopping the genocide. i mean, if you look at the situation, there is no way to go on for that. you guys have people on the web and then see on the desert of egypt. and on the other hand is from bottom rental evey before seats
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. no, it was working hardly, hardly any house is working. no for no for the going back to the city. i mean, it is going to be a biggest. i would say the cap just dropped off the essentially if the water but lot into read already. $6.00 to $15000.00 plus people have been died. 70 percent of them are j. a tried to run all the women. so i think so the united nation, you know, has to come followed by the united nation can not work as a, as a g, g, sion run by united states. it has to work as that it present duty of, of the uh, over $200.00 countries of the world. this is united nation as fairs blades rule. and i mean is the sad thing that many countries are trying. but if this thing is not missing unless the american invitation of the european countries support behind it say well. 1 let us hope, but if at least one tiny, tiny, as a tip comes out of what is just an a hop right,
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to me tragic situation that people really look at these organizations and understand that reform is needed and the world does need to change. we really appreciate you coming on. i'm afraid one of the time of that was that talk to him, his hon on my, should he keep you on this on strategical fast ex, but joining us the rushing of so my kid well across in the westbank palestinians are also dealing with escalating violence with at least 60 people detained in the pos punch for us. here's where i'm going to, based on this, what happened? did you, with more on that? the idea that it's connected, it's like rock bottom, the lowest bank in front of the north because sold will, might, it gives an upgrade discount styles on the seat is at all that up just as a father, steve goes out according to that, but assume that there's a lot more advantage series, hold on for a 100 spot of what is the best 7 of the both got sick last also came to the scene. i also think it was by the students and think of using that of one of us, that kind of stuff. i've seen that, so there's a lot smarter than i fucking,
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but i've seen a between and what do you have done as what i should do children as a just them and that could this phone was on the left. so the situation here are, oh, this on the bus, you have stuff on because of that is what i do. but if i is collision against those by the, the stability of the asia pacific region is at risk. that is the toward spacing levels at washington after the queues to us navy ship of violating its sovereignty and entering the south china sea. the united states has deliberately violated showing is suffering and security seriously undermine regional peace and stability and trampled on international law and the basic norms governing international relations. the united states has undermine stability in the south china sea. china has undisputed sovereignty over the islands of the south china sea and surrounding waters. to the side of the incident has been a bone of contention between china,
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the philippines on the us. washington has recently renewed warnings to beijing, but it will defend the philippines off to the island nation to choose china's coast guard of intentionally targeting it specials in the south china sea. now, last sunday, the philippine coast guard accuse china of nearly a mustang ships and philippine and national waters. according to the claims. last november, china sent a 100 ships divided the national nations maritime borders. the number of vessels has now increased and more than a 100 and such 5 units. we all got a political on this alex, a 45 leaves. the main motivation for us is keeping its military industrial complex and walk. there's been failure in ukraine failure with nato to show its dominance in that region. so we're seeing a deflection here and the next target i believe on their list to disrupt is um the island of ty one. and this is very interesting how the americans continue to,
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you know, cruise around this island, kind of poking at a, at the chinese navy to, you know, what, what is their intention? their intention is, well, they could spur mistake and that then we get into a conflict, and i think that's exactly what the americans want here. escalation is what america enjoys. this is how they're in military industrial complex benefits. like i said many times before, they make it killing on killing. and their arms dealers are, you know, ramping up a production of these uh, you know, arms that they've been selling throughout new countries throughout the last couple of years. and they're moving onto the next project, we hope, you know, for peace in the world here that, that is not going to be china. and china is tie one, but you know, nothing is new for america. this is a country that's invaded 36 nation since world war 2. nothing's going to stop them
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quickly. baton, to the west bank. what palestinians all beyond those who are in causal also dealing with escalating violence. we know at this stage that the 60 people have been detained in the last 24 hours and no, i don't want to get the input of palestinian business, entrepreneur, politician, boston corey. his joining us now. nice. i'm welcome boss summit. it's great to see you. um, i know it sounds like a very cynical thing and i obviously will go into that uh the human element of it and just a moment. but i mean, maybe it's most that of course your livelihood optimal. how has this war affected businesses in the west bank of people able to pay for food to put on that table? well, before we start, i would like to just mention that those with small blessing to those small prior to those who it goes by, is it over the last 2 months of the close to 2 months?
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we're speaking of around the casualty and gaza is around 20000 now that's been confirmed. and the end it was fun because i don't see 100 plus that would have killed the during this period. so i would like to before we discuss anything further, just to, to remind you to post those that does lead people. these are human beings. i thought of being good. so i'd like to mention the 10s of thousands of injured that . i mean that uh with the, with the issues that would stay with the handicaps that will stay with them for older lives. at the you mention the economic situation, most likely the competition. the respect is also extend the diet, the west back economy is made up of different sources of income and all sources of income and those things have been affected. the major source of income and the west bank of labor is that work and it said you're speaking of around $200000.00 plus minus that's across the from the west. think it was an every day for work and with
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those that the opinion to the west bank anywhere between is $6.00 to $8000000000.00 . yes, it depends how you calculate and the and the dependence of the time of period. because sometimes the numbers increase that on to 150000, not, not the induct. sometimes it is a $150000.00. so this has come to us times to also the but it's to me is living inside desired, which we call it inside the green line because they're really punched in units. they also come to do the shopping because of the differences in prices and come and invest and do work in the was and it's been they identified the $1000000001.00 plus $1000000000.00 a year that comes to us from the spin studio is also coming to discuss the tourism is 0 and the, you know, especially just to invest live on jekyll and we have christmas and as you know,
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jesus as a passivity and that he is our number one, export the whole world to the world of christianity. so now the dispute bethlehem, due to the jefferson center, is also 0. we get them to deserves anywhere between the $1.00 to $2000000000.00 a year. that also comes through the steps that adds more very drastic is that is, is not to pay us our tax. but i can use a u. s. the elsewhere agreements. and us go to, but as political, the, we paid on imports of goods from is or to is a via t. any other tax on other is due to some taxes. and we, we get them boxed for them and some of those areas. and of each month after deduct from them, some management fees of i don't see percent is a has refused to pay us this money. as
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a result did not pay subsidies for the last month. 2 months. they only paid 50 percent of the salary. and that means that on the employees are without any sources of income as it is of, as the minister, especially the economy and the numbers the 1st month. so 25 percent of businesses in the us bank stopped functioning. and now there's expecting now with the 2nd month, i don't 40 percent of businesses. i'm waiting for the report, but this, i don't 40 percent. the official report of the businesses and dos bank ceased to function is no secret that is z and huge economic situation. i'm in dire situation though. a spot is claimed. the good actions in gaza is the hosting, which is owned as a is for subs, defends, after october salvage. eh, what justification do they have to do the site and do a spunk, uh, other than their expressions, policies that they want us,
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they want us both list. i think as a is out of this digital the, there is no secret. the distribution in the us bank comically is extremely difficult. and you're seeing also it complicity by the national community. because many of the age programs, many of the less than development projects in the stock have also stopped after october 8th. this being, for example, for the germans who stopped on their projects in the us back and close to the product development projects plus the you know, why in the west, i don't know as if, as if there was also a lot of pressure on us. but a serious well it is a very dire situation and a but huge a paint for us and i actually find it up. c me, i've been to best to happen and it was a wonderful place and i found it incredibly moving experience to be that. so i am incredibly, i mean beyond what sad to hear, what is happening not as a compassed my memories. i'm thank you so much. that was by some inquiry,
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a palestinian business entrepreneur and a position. thank you so much for wonderful time. thank you. the, the policy of indian prime minister and random, monique has triumphed and state elections in the country. the ruling b, j piece, swept the polls and 3 out of the 4 largest regents outstanding, the opposition congress call $2.00 and $2.00 of them. this will comes ahead of a vital national vote scheduled in less than 6 months as well. delving into this father, let's head on over to rajiv. sit cree fulman indian. it's done the fast ministry secretary, who is joining us from new delhi. it's possible that we might have lost regina, but we're going to try because that's what we do here. i'm gonna see i'm just speaking to the team. who is rashid with us?
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i think it seems we don't help them. okay, well let's move to see if we can get back to him. in the meantime, what we're going to do is head to ukraine, where the country is president to advise that has admitted that a lot of success on the front lines is beginning to show in society. which is, it was only because company was a lot of the rotation in society. society has also accumulated a lot of difficult questions. how well, why at what cost? there's also a lot of information in society. the not all levels of government adjusted is invested in the will as the society itself. i'm talking about corruption behavior problems and occasional bizarre statements. or the base is such a heavy burden because there's be no breakthrough on the front line. well that's comes to have days off to the influential may of kids and form a heavy weight book saying, well, champion the tardy put sco, didn't pull any punches in his criticism of the countries president, he all to try to me is that that's the only house himself to blame for declining
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popularity ratings all t shaped bows has more on that spot as winter sets in along the vast ukrainian front lines. there's a chill wind blowing through the key of we're in a bottle. vladimir zalinski is facing a winter of discontent. fail counter offensive dwindling western support. and the advancing russian army old bowed badly with the biggest threat to the bible. actor turned politician maybe from within his own administration. people see who's an effective leader and who was not they had and still have many expectations. zalinski is paying for the mistakes he made, and was the lensky looks to apportion blame for his catalogue or blows on the ukraine. we're re west, so much closer to home or no directly challenging. zelinski is authority, accomplish this open criticism that would have been a think about a month ago was now commonplace as his competitors smell, the blood in the water. do you have high profile maritally courage? go, didn't stop there. he opened the box and then skis,
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increasingly ostracized. army chief, well there is a losing for declaring that the conflict had reached a stay on the east. and as we know, telling the truth and to yes can be a very dangerous pastime. zillow usually told the truth. sometimes people don't want to hear it, but ultimately he is responsible. he has explained and justified to the current situation. of course we can, you for equally lie to our people and our partners, but you can't do that forever. some of our politicians have wrongly criticize the illusionary, for his honesty, i stand with him. so landscape is now paid to the army chief as of the feast for basically telling the truth about your claims collapse offensive. what is the storm clouds gathers, the landscape refuses to see the whiting on the wall. we're finding the 2nd best army in the world, and we didn't get all the weapons we wanted. i can't say i'm satisfied, but i can't really complain either. but of course, the landscaping was don't, and there with glowing street protests from soldiers,
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families increasing deserve sions, and mounting casualties. call no reflecting the mass of human toilet. the conflict in ukraine. acosta. that according to russian defense chief surrogate show who has led to the depths of over a $125000.00, you claim the troops during the fields counter offensive alone with a straw that may well break the camel's back. could be the confirmation that this could have all ended peacefully, soon after it started. when we return from miss timble forest, johnson came to keith and said that we would not sign anything with them at all. and let's just continue fighting. so as the landscape options run out, it seems the vultures are circling over to us. and rather than stepping it to save the mind they had bill as a modern day churchill is. western packers will most likely look the other way and let nature take its course. remember, winston churchill ended up on the winning side and that may be where the similarities with the landscape again and. and what's for tony?
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quick case, a story that we will cover and the part 2 of indian prime minister and the run that no day has prompt in state elections in the country. i'm very happy to welcome to the program of rashida sit creat full by indian external affairs ministry. secretary is joining us from new teddy. thank you very much for taking the time up this monday. and i want to ask you the 1st thing, i mean this is katie, a big win for the rolling p j. p. especially in those 4 states. it's not until summit of most of these policies or something else because literally it's an endorsement of the parameters, some of these policies under fix his credibility among the people. because, you know, is we've got beginning to understand that when he says something, promises something it really to be done. and the record of the last few years has shown that 2 things have.


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