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tv   News  RT  December 4, 2023 12:00pm-12:30pm EST

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of the number. c 7 garza named me the city of called unit is boomed by as well as the idea of pages on the, from the same scale destruction and complex area as it did in its initial invasion . and then north of the region, a photo has to be full strongly. and so what do you know of the guns that we're also doing? so now in the southern vaults, it will be no less strengthened. that's the idea of analysis that becomes too wide fall through will be open because of it is the head fell as the previous car, the was turned into a was a red cross. folks, both in size and safe places, left in god that we do resumption of the fighting the pressure even higher altitude
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. he goes to reporting to us quite to this traffic and possible condition to put things simply today, there is no work station in gaza. lane is a routing policy, right? supreme and state elections. i was seeing the position in 2 of the countries of the law just region the live most go. this is i see my name's word come on in 15 minutes of news. i'm these stop now, as we start with the laces from a southern gaza, which continues to be under heavy bombardment by the are the local authorities said that the most recent offensive included dozens of bombing raids on different areas in the city of hong us out. it's cost live to canadian policy and it's a mile so a few months is currently in the,
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in by the city of time. you know those moms so well, can you tell us about the latest bottom bottom then some of the house of it has it been and how many casualties do you think that all yes it's, it's taken. it's taking me back to my time as a shift my whole switch them around the 67 weeks, the plains at the very low altitude, the f to 55 cent f sixteens. where the where, where head and says, hovering the night above us see it and lost on hospital and, and, and civilians. here would see every single cross. whenever one of the missiles got shots on either the eastern side nor for the side or southern side of north of the hospital and balances. and civilian caught us did not stop for the last hour until now coming from over a 100 units. and we also hear that in addition to the loss of health,
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which is where i am now, there are thousands of casualties into europe and hospitals in the solver eastern part of kind eunice, the idea have said this morning, we are almost done with your for not with the 10 of the ssl, so for us yeah. so it is devastating the hand if you know, i mean the city of how you know, i, we know it's on the system attacks by the idea. but what about the souvenirs? i mean the civilians would told before to go from the. busy to the south, what conveying go now, how, what can they do the, the civilians here have literally no place to go. the main, the old clinic thing con unice to either the north or the south has been gone for a lot of the fall off of the roads. and even if they wanted to go somewhere they
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can logistically, it's impossible. so everyone is stuck where they are like know, and people are coming via drugs to lots of hospitals. and it's what all the areas are thinking that this would be the safest place for them now. right now, 10 sort overflowing with civilians, the hospitals, 7th floor, our finish with civilians. and instead of have been put up in instead of tense on the sides of the hospitals. i'm not lying on the floor. even the tents that i'm in the right now has 4 in zip civilians in them at this moment. that is no safe place and the 4 people to go to the center. i was walking downtown, san eunice, when so the neighborhood
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a big glass that shook the ground in front of me, there was a very big smoke screen. people started either running away or running to rumble. i started filming, as i came closer, i started seeing tens of the civilians and trying to move that all those seeing that are people inside they might be a life helps take out for different bodies. and i was told that doesn't square still under the rubble that it was too dangerous to in that area as, as to mikes continued to fly down. i had to leave and balances, were hurling back and forth. and people, when their own personal cars were taking those stats watkins, i couldn't see any injuries. everyone's dad was killed on site. anyone who isn't that booting? that i think was that so, according to you, an estimate nearly 80 percent of the population old garza has been displaced on
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them since the war broke out. not fig. i was bolstered when the idea of advice civilians to move to the south of the enclave for safety. but now it's ready for us to say they f, that offensive on the area will intensify to levels previously seen in the normal. this one with a whole lot has to be full strongly and solely in northern garza. we're also doing so now in the southern pods, it will be no less strengthened that it will be no less results and then to come us come on does will meet the idea of every way in a very strong way before them over the weekend of the city of con, units has hit twice by and the idea of from the building to the distorted buildings to the hospitals in the end, numbers of those killed continues to mount. as far as seeing authorities say, the grim tow has now passed $15000.00, the surfaces businesses as white the shows is from israel to the south would be safe. reality is now comparable to wanting to know. they've gone through
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a suggestion . sunrise now that i know i to of actually relentless, bombardments, but i, i cannot stop thinking about the 1800000 people here in the south. i don't think there was more than a 5 or 10 minute period throughout the course of the night and, and i really didn't sleep where, where something was and flying out of the head or the sky being laid off. the component 1000000 people in in the south, i spend my days in time units. it is mattress next to mattress person, next to person 10000 people in that shelter. 20000 in that cell to 500 sleeping outside. and i don't think bombardments such she's the taught mid pack of
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moms of children and families that i can't imagine how it would seem to me that everything that's blasted off. i pretend no middle transportation, but it almost hit something someone i mean, i think i fell asleep about 20 minutes before the before sunrise, but i was working anyway. i was working anyway, but goods pushing into my window risk just consistently. just, you know, just just on the window with the, with their um, with a peaks this which i guess they just trying to escape the noise. i think everyone who would like to escape the noise and everything that comes with it. now let's have a look at how the events unfolded. say this, the will erupt, said on the 7th of books, over at the beginning it was of the north of god soul, the heaviest bombardment. the idea of strikes severely damaged to bait honeymoon
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bates, law. he w. and gaza city, you can see that clearly on the my now is ready for asses. then surrounded the area in the ground operation. and during that time maybe every hospital in the north would say. now all of them have ceased operations. now civilians of course were forced to head south in total, an estimated $1700000.00 have been displaced. but as they headed to the promised southern safe zone in that area has also come on the increased attacks. now, the idea of said it will allow that he might as haven't moved, but most of it is on a bypassed road located near the coast as the previous card in the sense of gauze a has turned into a box of fleet. now despite these are the effects on the south, almost continually. busy wounded privacy is arrive at the hospital in fun news,
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many of the patients, but children also say they are completely overwhelmed. also a residential building in buffalo was hit on sunday. the it is situated close to the bullet with you did the psych has result in most of the best people scrambled to get those in just a way for all the visual folks listening for the near i'm at least international committee of the red cross. a mind that a bed see says the body is struggling to provide civilians in gaza with the basic necessities i made, raising monetary pressure. with a resumption of the fighting, the pressure even higher, i was particular the reporting to us by for this traffic and possible conditions in which the house stuff, especially in 1000, in areas including time units are still a habit and
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a very with. so over the past days we managed to cease fire to maximize, to intensify own patients in order to provide further assistance to the health facilities and to other facilities essential as of facilities such as ad, sorry, a temporary shelter to provide. i did over 12 temporary shelters and solar panels. uh also these kind of nation power. lots of plants with sort of kind of titles which could serve up 270000 displace person. but this number is one, a slim in comparison with a hundreds of thousands of families. today. we're still either in the as a northern areas or southern areas knocking on a vital a need such as food want or access to health because the traffic situation continues to decline by the day distortion also in temporary shelters. now that the temperature is dropping is even more a disrupting conceptual i choose to be like to put things simply today,
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there's nowhere safe in gaza is as private as n, as in yahoo says he won't let the passing of thought to be to the governing the gaza strip, even if how much is ousted from the region insisted that he would not quote, repeat the mistakes of the 1990. these deal known as the also quotes. one thing for sure i am not doing. i am not ready to delude myself to say that the defective act that took place under oslo through a terrible error must now take place the 2nd time with the return of a hostile entity to guys in the west bank. i will repeat this mistake and return this body to gaza because the same thing will happen from us. so cove of governance of the gaza strip in the mid 2005 binding the rival fossa party. the controls of westbank is low, hasn't insisted that it is
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a fighting and gates how much the past. and i thought of these at the united nations is represented by the chat live of the fossa party mod, abbas no mark. meanwhile, the rising number of civilian casualties amid the count is what people need bought . the gaza has compelled the us to demonic the civilians mostly for taxation for your support. for less than is not that you can. we add in urban con, urban warfare by protecting civilians. as the lesson is that you can only win in urban warfare by protecting civilians. you see this kind of a fight. the center of gravity is the civilian population. and if you drive them into the arms of the enemy, you replace a technical victory with a strategic a fee. so i have repeatedly made clear to israel's leaders that protecting tell us that in civilians and gods like is both or moral responsibility and
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a strategic impaired policy didn't per month. and a member of the 1st off i did not side out kidwell. so it is that despite washington was much delayed warning against incurring submitting casualties as well . it's very much supported by the us leadership the the is the heating, the message, 7 days of the message i think is one is waiting, but that is more i guess for the month, i guess, i guess. and this was the coming of the, from washington, the noise coming to listen to me. problem frankly, is less than it is with western countries, particularly when it was us for the us position. unfortunately, we have seen some solid solid there. so for buying those
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countries all the way, the actions without any questions, oscar visible on verification from hong uh, you know, i've been to, to apply international material. no dimension. was any, any, anything that actually is part of the system that was been of the 2nd one? i see that system is being under pressure now because of the actions and because of the west, the main line i was they use what you guys are doing, and that's really dangerous for, for so long as i will continue to come down. how mazda, one of the broad and 11 on to care and cuts off, if that's what it takes. and if it takes he is, that's according to the head of, as well as domestic security agency. the cabinet has set as a goal street, so to eliminate how most this is so unique, we will do this everywhere in gaza,
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into westbank, in lebanon, into kia in kata. it will take a few years, but who will be there to do it? and is ready for this meeting, nicholas affiliate, shameful as a token my as well. but as far as the 1972 mode, a for group is really the big team members bypassing this an organization. studies also as these have reports of the want is viola that would be serious consequences if is times to assassinate any members of how much on his territory. and we discussed this issue with a duplicate expert and go from any and anchor. he says it would be even legal for as well to conduct such an operation this event, instead of the issue, the old fall, i just, this is not product in official for for sure. for patients, even the, most of the officials. i'm even the thing you have
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a month. one of the poetry. these are very different, but anyway, he is the, the, any comedy to tell you even got to leave it on the issue is not the right way of doing it. so this is not legal. will be, seems to be a set to just put in a position as a demonstration will not be done effective. this is left a democratic off of this is not a, this is nothing i told you the new of up to, you know, if you say something in international relations and you need to live up to it. but it's about the, it's valuable results probably they already have says it has hit come on to our controls and is of his blood 11. i'm having the operation was carried out. also number, what it calls launch is took aim at northern israel, near my colleagues. so with the jim is based in bailey, to my colleagues who reported that the idea of tax have come at a cost to civilians. the menu, however,
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that is the army is launching a tax on center locations that are mostly symphony and they claim they are hitting cancel uh sites. however, it's not true today they, they've been binded the house and been suspended that goes by so and uh, we have best opinion marches every, almost every day. so basically it takes me to the housing information or knowledge of what they are hitting, however it's on. so we have less number of minutes and sometimes the last 2 on and use tax on these is right. yeah. tax on more civilian skills law is having more accurate as targets yesterday they have gone somewhere. it's called the a betty helen and it's a somehow between a c point 5 to 5 meters away from our borders. and that is what you do. it has a method that's and that's one of the soldiers has been hit in. that's the blue
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button today. the money um, as run in booms against is that you decide to along the western part of the one is fine. and as i'm alone and nissan and distribution, i'm, i'm counting, besides, just to jump to assure that we know one that has the law as a targeting administer, the sites is very full. is also i think, the south all over the gaza strip idea of chief of stuff as the effects movie, just as powerful was demolished the north for laurel this go and check out on the upcoming the but a chance to give them the policy you india is prime minister under, under moody, has secured key victories in regional elections within the country. this call was just ahead of the next year's national polls. routing and v j p. you slip the poles
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in 3 out of the full law, just regions. i'll sing the opposition and 2 of them just given the b j. p momentum as it goes up for in general elections in 2024. modi is why the expected to extend his decade in office by another 5 years. right? because live out of political and foreign policy experts, delta, so will come all delta dental. so wrote them out. thanks so much for joining us now . what do you think of the outcome of the, of the state assembly poles? what does this mean for any political opposition? a c uh the state, the assembly election, the results of the state, the assembly election has been a 3 man does boost stop for the ruling party and bought the ruling dispense. and at those centre, these are made to states the states up my probation. i have just found into this
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ged, they actually clear, you know, for the coming day are these not very big steps here in potus. and therefore it has lots of meaning for the national election, which takes place next. the people that we have here have full tire that need to back cascading land side. landslide victory far a prime minister, not in the movie g and the ruling defense and part of fields and possibly be to be so it's definitely not a lot of will stop to be attend and to the good governance of the under the prime minister. then also to the gods at the end of governance and talent very to the people of potter by the ruling defense and the prime minister to gain his campaign . he had. busy coast on to wedding pots and fines, one was good governance, good law and order. and the policy fabulous is in the opposition. boone state seems on those found as well as in depth. it's got that together. the pepsi had given a comment to me in to the people of bottom and to the people of the states,
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saying that this is a guarantee of multi and walk of a multi phase that data to gets fully failed. the last of the 3 and a half years, they should be doing the full beat. and after that both go with the scenario, the kind of steps which be on the prime and it's don't have state and the kind of steps and that's the part. so in some good complements which was done by people who linked to spence and that the vented back to that so near touch with the masses. and therefore, the people of all the states, they actually, uh, you know, got convinced with the comment and the big data and the slogan of the prime minister and bid gave up the founding victory to link this pension. to get the best . i would also say back to it, as i said to either me in part of that we don't have a creditable opposition now because in a healthy democracy operated, simple opposition is required. the grandmother of the opposition bought the methods,
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so when you are gone, be she has tried to re pick up the packet. so i have some and gone through a many a times to elections so that they can be done by the fall. it took a lot women's, but unfortunately all the times that i have gone beyond pre on come on drug. they have fade and they have failed this time also. so i think so the uh, the grandmother of pop wanted to come up with vision. madame sonya gee, she should 3 and not as bad a heart siblings or hot dog blows. they are not good for politics and now complicates country like bad thought bought it and they are much comfortable in, you know, roaming, get around in going fall into lives, destinations, and trying to pop culture and pocketing here. and there, there feel more comfortable in back and i think this would be left for doing that. that's. that's because the right this section has proved that the rock will gone be and priyanka county cannot be good to all of them if they've bothered holding
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dispenser in thumbs up on the fix at the national level. all right, so before i don't want to cut in there, but i want to ask one more question. before i get cut off on me, why out of time? i'm really curious to know why prime is emoji is so popular. i mean, he seems to be getting momentum constantly. what might seem so different. you see the honorable prime minister is mascot beyond comparative and now she is international feet are the popularity of the honorable prime minister. that's not the rest. so net own be been positive, but groups rare. so next at cross the globe, if you look into their various thought of is being done by the international agencies many times to look into the ratings of the, the international see the, you know, they're probably minnesota or potter at get down south to be number one across the globe really and had opportunities so not marks on that, samantha joe biden on anyone else that's that's our appeal strategy and pregnant
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and stuff. so therefore, the people out here in potter, if in my country they feel and they understand that it is something which is common . the very part of this, when break off know spectrum think low, because something dynamic tends to internationally the same problem that a minimum energy. that is something which we have so names with the new condo drop, the electric act drops the country. and i think that is the reason why he vincent and some lee and to give them pay and it gets so popular that in my understanding to 2024 maximum election is just going to be uptake. lots of people in this right. and okay, at the center, find that last minute election takes place next to you. fantastic. on so very far in the savvy, we have one out of time. thank you so much for joining us here today. is this on out the table and farm policies with delta silver? i'll come out with that. thanks again. a table of venezuela have
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approved a referendum, organize my correctness, a claim with disputed oil. which cabinetry has become a flash point with enabling guy on my local authority. suggest 95 percent of those is pay, but the amex ation and this for the board is date back more than a 100 years. nicholas mother says he's ready to implement this and citizens will vary the people spite called loud and clear. and we're going to start a new powerful stage because we carry the mandate of the people. we carry the voice of the people that ignoring the the jump into the principles of justice as
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part of the referendum oven is what is also rejected to the jurisdiction of the international court of justice has to settle the case of the country is present, insisted that s. s, a queen the board is, should be decided and quote, solve in way the vote calls into question and $1899.00 decision, one, arbitration tribunal to fix the board as of the tone for the oil, which s k though that's a clever region, is currently working with international energy companies such as x on mobile, to extracts it's crude, a recent discovery, 5, an estimated 10000000 barrels of reserves that has cost life to last in american studies professor dial. so dial, thanks so much for taking the time to join us here on our see. so what do you make of the referendum results held in venezuela? and do they have any international legal standing with the vin as well as are
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saying? so they don't want exxon mobil to explode either. diana, oregon as well. this is not a guy, and he's been as well, a conflict and the boulevard. and leadership wants to work with all of their neighbors is a extreme amount of well that can benefit both populations. the problem is, is 2015. exxon mobiles been doing everything at the same time that the us government, under brock obama and through trump and to bite and today continues to implemented sanctions campaign that doesn't allow the vin as well as to develop all of these energy resources. so it's important to the guy needs to understand the neighboring bent as well. it doesn't represent a threat to the interest exxon mobil does. all the size of these made to my question, i'm going to dispute to, i think a new dimension in 2015 web ex on mobile discovered this massive crude field in the
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region. but what, what role do western energy companies play in this debate? i mean, can they influence what really goes on in the region? well, this referendum is non binding. it was more of a diplomatic referendum with more than 95 percent of venezuelans voting that yes, the se, keeble and his resources should be developed for the benefit of the event as well. in people who we know have been crushed by these sanctions. now for almost a decade, the international court of justice has ruled in favor of the guy in east, but this can be seen is very prep, provocative a proxy decision that favors the interests of the us in there are other international partners. we'll do everything to towards south american unity and economic integration. if we go back to 1899. these board is whenever drawn by the local indigenous and mixed population of the 2 countries. they were drawn up in
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london and in europe with no regard for the interests and needs of the local population. hi. uh, they owe me quite a few little by minute or so less quickly. what's next? i mean, i'll be expecting something to happen or will this just then just bo, though way. certainly not. going to blow over whenever there's billions and billions of dollars. it profited steak. exxon mobil in any of these parasitic capital is entities or, or i'm not going to go away. that is for sure. we hope that cool a heads prevail in diana, that they can be um, communication between president ali and diana and the leadership of nicholas moodle with no meddling from the united states or england or any of the imperialism of uh yes to year. this is very clearly a regional in south america and in caribbean issue.


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