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tv   News  RT  December 4, 2023 4:00pm-4:31pm EST

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the the civilian car got stopped for the last hour onto know, coming from all over the southern gaza navy, the city of han, you know, they've gotten via, as well as the idea to do so on least the same scale of destruction on back to this initial invasion and then note of the region from the photos as before, strongly and solely in northern congress. we're also doing so now in the southern pulse it will be no less strength and models. we are the houses that the coastal by policy will be open because of it is the head south of the previous quarter past to into the pools. a red cross spoke to us and says there are many safe places messed with a resumption of the slicing. the pressure even higher altitude,
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the less the reporting to us by for this traffic and impossible conditions to put things simply today, there is no work safe in gaza. and the new ruling policy, right in the supreme been states the election was i'll sing the opposition into little bit confused law. just the fire from our international news on to and most are, this is all to you. welcome to the global news though. we saw with the latest from a southern gaza, which continues to be on the heavy bombardment by the are the local authorities say the most recently offensive included dozens of bombing raids throughout the city of san eunice, canadian policy and some sort of somebody who is currently in the baffled area as the details. sticking me back to my time as a ship, a hospital around the 67 weeks,
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the plains at the very low altitude. it's a f said 55 cent f sixteens. where the where, where head and says, hovering the night above us here and also the hospital and civilians. here would see every single cross whenever one of the missiles got shots on either the eastern side nor sort of side on top of the side of north of the hospital and balances. and civilian caught us did not stop for the last hour onto know, coming from over a 100 units. and we also hear that in addition to the loss of hospitals where i am now, there are thousands of casualties into europe and hospitals in the solver eastern fall of kind units. the idea have said earlier this morning, we are almost done with north of casa now, what's the status of the ssl? so for those of the civilians here that have literally no place to go. the mainland
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old clinic thing con eunice to either the north or the south has been born for law, have been bought, fall off the roads. and even if they wanted to go somewhere they can logistically, it's impossible. so everyone is stuck where they are like know, and people are coming via drugs to lots of hospitals and it's surrounding areas. thinking that this would be the safest place for them now. right now, 10 sort overflowing with civilians. the hospital 7 floors are friends with civilians and instead of have been put up in instead of tense on the sides of the hospitals. i'm not lying on the floor. we are running out of medical supplies, running out of medicine. the doctor is here on complaining that if the board that has not opened as soon as possible to allow the trucks in i've done already come in
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for the morning, seems hospitals to be set up. then we are looking at the very side situation, especially with the cold weather, also coming in earlier this morning. monday, december, the 4th. i was walking down in con eunice finance, downtown area, trying to get on an add on for the family and needs. when i called in the, the, this happened, the it was working downtown, san eunice, when suddenly we had a big blast that shook the ground in front of me. there was a very big smoke screen. people started either running away or running to the bus. i started filming, as i came closer, i started seeing tens of the civilians and trying to move that all those seeing
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that are people inside there might be a life i helped take out for different bodies. and i was told that dozens square still under the rubble there, it was too dangerous to me in that area. as air strikes, continue to fly down, have to leave and balances, were hurling back and forth. and people, when their own personal cars were taking doors, that's what killed i couldn't see any injuries. everyone there was kim on site. anyone who isn't that looting that i think was that who are into us so that snooty 80 percent of the population of gaza have been displaced on the home since the war broke out. about fig. i was both of when the idea of advice giving us to move to the south of the enclave for safety. but now is where the forces say that offensive on that area will intensify to levels previously seen. and then those on this one
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with a hotel has to be full strongly and solely in northern garza. we're also doing so now in the southern pods, it will be no less strength than that. it will be no less results than that. and from us come on as we'll meet the idea of everywhere in a very strong way before mccormick, over the weekend of the city of hong units, hit twice, 5, the idea from the balding to the destroyed buildings to the hospitals in the end of the number the loads killed continues to mount a policy and that the, the say the grim toll has now passed 15000 units. so suppose the says, this fight as soon as this form is well, that the south would be safe. reality is now comparable to what the nor has gone it's just on sunrise now. i know i to of actually relentless, bombardments, but i, i cannot stop thinking about the 1800000 people here in the south. i
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don't think there was more than a 5 or 10 minute period throughout the course of the night and, and i really didn't sleep where, where something was and flying out of the head or the sky being laid off. and that component 1000000 people in, in the south, i spent my days in tonya. and as it is mattress next to mattress person, next person 10000 people in that shelter. 20000 in that cell to 500 sleeping outside. and i don't think bombardments such as the taught mit pack of moms children and families that i can't imagine how it would seem to me that everything that's blasted off. i pretend no middle transportation, but almost hit something someone i mean, i think i fell asleep about 20 minutes before the before sunrise, but i was working in the whites. we'll see you guys can. i was working anyway,
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but goods pushing into my window were just consistently just, you know, just just on the window with their, with their um, with a big each. and i guess they just tried to escape the noise. i think everyone who would like to escape the noise and everything that comes with it. as i've looked at how the events i'm full, a sense of the ruptured on the side of the of, of the, of the beginning. it was the north of gauze o is so the heaviest from baldwin, the idea of flex submitting that must be known, made by the do by layer and gaza city. is there any forces then? so i'm in the area in the ground operation during that time, maybe a vi hospital and then also as hits. now all of them have seized operations. so the ins a were forced to head south in total, an estimated $1800000.00. i've been displaced. but as they headed to the sides,
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7 safe, so in that area has come on the increase impacts. now, the idea of said it will allow the imaginary movements of some buildings along a bypass road located near the coast as the previous car, the in the sense of gaza has turned into a by fulfilled political as a saw that in the middle says, is there any claims of safety, the civilians with just and c promises a swipe dear from the very beginning of this war. we are here the general side. i'm just stuck. ready with we are starting gigs because what these are you are doing is just, you know, um, i'm at the time of the crime and just getting the people there from the very beginning. they said that the last because the people should need to go through the so the so guys that now that i've done guesses some guys that would supposed to be the safe area and the greens of old, you know, save messages. absolutely. uh,
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you know, just to be joke by the, sorry i didn't process because in many cases when the people were leaving from the . busy house, they were shocked at the street and the same zip is now. this house all the guys that now the southern city in davos have really hit over the weekend. was a rough up near the do some or even residential areas came on the fly. the this is situated goes to the border with egypt. the psych has resulted in multiple tests, people's bible to get those injured a way for treatment retail. so suppose looking for the new i'm at least the international community of the red plus in mon. for betsy says the body is struggling to provide civilians in gaza with the basic necessities i made,
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raising humanitarian pressure. a, with a resumption of the fighting the pressure even higher altitude gives us the reporting to us quite that this traffic and possible conditions in which the house stuff, especially in 1000 areas, including communities, are still a habit of their lives. so over the past days we managed to cease fire to maximize, to intensify all patients in order to provide further assistance to the health facilities and to other facilities essential assessment facilities patch such as, sorry, temporary shelters. what we provide, i did over 12 temporary shelters and solar panels. i also decided a nation pilot, lots of plants with sort of kind of titles which could serve up to $70000.00 displace person. but this number is quite slim in comparison with the hundreds of thousands of comedies today. we're still either in the as
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a northern areas or southern areas lacking or a vital a need such as food want or access to health to get this job, situation continues to decline by today. tuition also in temporary shelters. now that the temperature is dropping is even more a disrupting conceptual i choose to be like to put things simply today. there is no work safe in gaza and wait until the resumed is very types. garza residents continue to face schultz and use of a certain tools, including electricity in gas, and a central part of garza passing in refugee is pretty easy to make shift though to cook for. ready a little dust rami almo product sent us this report about how people a fairly good as we are here and the maintenance range of the my guys are things you guys, as you see here. people here have invented this tool. you'll have the local community members. so is there a bridge, make the foods and stuff, their foods,
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and a regular basis on a regular basis every day. and there's and 4 payments almost one week after the war broke out, when the gas and electricity were cut off, we began relying on this is we cannot toast our bread at home. but i have ruined this cooking gas and turned it into firewood stove. as you see, i don't only toast bread, but also cook for the locals, whatever they wish to cook, better give it. i come over to this bakery in the hope i can buy some bread. i come to such bakeries to get at least one or 2 loaves from each step to this moment. i have not received my family's share of wheat that is provided by the united nations relief and works agency is not the only place where you can find these these back here is the just rate 3 becker is vendor lights and the 3 it's also there in the most of the areas in the middle of the gaza strip and new side rust also the
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main is 3. there are some of these of these back to raise, right? there are no say rods and the grades and 0 by the end, every part of the middle area and not only the midget road, but maybe. 6 in the whole, gaza strip as the crisis of the lack of a few of cooking guys i do look through a city has been deepening and that throughout the rate since that is ray, the wall on the gaza thread has broken out in october 7. rodney, i've made r e r t. now guys, the refugee jam magical guys as threats. as i was prime is, i mean there's, yeah, who says he wouldn't let the policy, you know, so to would sense in government in the so even if how boss is al. so from the region, he insisted that he would not quote, repeat the mistakes of the 19 ninety's peace, still known as the walls of the courts. one thing for sure, i am not doing. i am not ready to delude myself to say that the defective act that
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took place under oslo through a terrible error must now take place a 2nd time with the return of a hostile entity to guys in the west bank. i will repeat this mistake and return this body to gaza because the same thing will happen almost too good governance of the gaza on k, even the mid 2000 and sidelining. the arrival faucet proxy, which controls the westberg, is that it has insisted that it is fighting against from us. the policy and the thought of the of the united nations is represented by the chairman of the fonts that box the most of us. meanwhile, the rising number of civilian casualties and made the con, is really been bothering all because i have compelled the us to demolish civilians must be protective and appreciation for the less than is not that you can we add in urban con, the urban warfare by protecting civilians. the lesson is that you can only win in
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urban warfare by protecting civilians. usually give this kind of a fight. the center of gravity is the civilian population. and if you drive them into the arms of the enemy, you replace a technical victory with a strategic a fee. so i have repeatedly made clear to israel's leaders that protecting pulsed in civilians. and guys like is both a moral responsibility and a strategic impaired pass and develop. i'm member all the fuss of party, you know, set out to it says that despite washington much delayed warning against incurring civilian casualties as well. is still very much supported by the us leadership. the is the, the feeding, the message is not feeding. the message i think is one is waiting, but that is more, i guess for this thing. it's just me, it's not against
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a guess. and this was the, we are coming of the, from washington, the noise coming off of this to listen to a problem frankly, is less than it is with western countries, particularly when it was us with the us position. unfortunately, we have seen some solid, solid softball by those countries, all the actions without any questions. oscar this alone verification mandate from hong uh, you know, i've been to, to apply international material. no international was any, any, anything that actually is part of the system that was been of the 2nd world war. i think that system is being under pressure now because of the actions and because of the west, the main line i would say is what you guys are doing. and that's really dangerous
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for, for, for though they are the f size that have had come on that and control centers of his blood and lab it on having the operations kind of it out. so alpha number, what it called launches took aim at to know the names from earlier. my colleagues button to agenda is based in may. ruth malik holland, who reported the idea of a tax, have come at a cost to civilians of the menu. however, that is the, the army is launching a tax on center location that's almost system for me and they claim they are having trouble uh, sides. however, it's not true today they, they bombarded the house and been suspended. that was less of and uh, we have best opinion marches every, almost every day. so basically it takes me to the housing information or knowledge of what they are hitting however it's on. so we have less number of militants
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assumptions below to on and use tax on these is written that tax on more civilian skills law is having mode i q this targets yesterday they have gone somewhere. it's called the a betty helen. and it's so somehow between a key point 5 to 5, didn't meet those away from our bodies. and that is what you do. it has a 2 methods that's and that's one of the soldiers has been hipped, and that's the whole budman today. the money add money and booms against is that you decide to along the western part of the $1.00 is fine. and as i'm alone and nissan and distribution, i'm, i'm counting, besides, just to jump to assure that we know one that has the law as a targeting administrative side bios discuss this further and costs live. so jim, i'll see reverse of history and international relations at 11. he's, you know,
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the same beverage and, well, thanks so much for joining us here today on auditing. now the is ronnie, prime is it has threatened to destroy 11 on it. has all the estimates bought at $0.10? what is the probability of such as a value as well? of course, this is not the 1st time that there is radio officials, a prime ministers, whether this one or the previous ones, the threads into this 311 and send it back to the stone age. though we've been familiar with this rhetoric uh for the past 2 decades. uh, but this doesn't mean that this is an event to ality. so far has below has been engaging. these are, is uh, on a limited intensity. uh, what fed and it's aimed was to lay support to the resistance movement and
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a and goes up. uh well, it has been successfully because it was able to divert much of the attention of the israelis up to the northern border and the they have to deploy like 3 big gates alongside the bodies. a border which is uh, almost 35 percent of the adult the uh, is there any um forces. uh so if we come to to mitigate that our, um, actually uh um you deployed in the west bank. so all that remains for the is, are you is to devote the like 6 brigades against the guys. and so far there have been, uh, lots of losses uh, injured by the israelis along this border. so despite the 80 or so, uh, uh, the soldiers or let's say the existence or members of his blood get
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a, in addition to some civilians about the way i'd like 50 soldiers or over 50. is there any sort of skilled with tens of hardware and lots of a supplements? that's where the target the buyer has will. um this had the uh for the, the, the is ready to government to move uh, most of the settlers uh, northern palestine away from, from the board of the line uh with 11 on the some particular weighted zip. uh, the insides i understood entities and all this adds to the value of what the, the menus, it is and is doing and so forth of the, uh, resistance and goes, uh, so uh, but uh, and so far the u. s. has been going on,
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not expanding the the about the ground until 11 on. that's why the, uh, not the only sense. like for that stupid 11 on about the same time it, the, it gave cigna is too many. i mean that then the whole not to expand the scope of the confrontation and to 11 on because this would so that the uh to lead to add the general war. and this is a now to come to the united states is trying to avoid because of its impact not only on the u. s. or just spread on uh, tons of, uh, military bases throughout the middle east. but at the same time, this would affect the oil prices uh, the worldwide, and this would uh, eventually have a deep impact on the uh, on the west and uh, societies um, mainly on the united states at the time when joe biden is planning to it on for
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elections? yeah, it's interesting. you know, a lot of people, i'm curious myself included about how closely connected all the lebanese got is or is 11 years ago. i'm his blog and particularly in the circumstances as well. of course, that has always been discarded between the lebanese government on one hand has will on its allies. on the other hand, this division or on unified national stance has been the case of lebanon over the past 40 or 50 years. but this has not the obstructed the resistance from uh, going toward with the israel, and we're doing what it's considered as its duty to defend lebanon under the land of so this good, it has always been the present and 11, of course, uh, the kind of government cannot go against his will law because that are members of
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his blood, the other allies who are part of this government. however, the due to this division, it's unlikely for the cotton government to give the, for the let's a political support to the headlights that i think the distance itself from the actions of his law as not to go into a confrontation with the western governments. mainly the united states, which is very influential in, in lebanon, and has a lot of influence over i would government. yeah. and great in the very interesting and age hmo came with really appreciate your take on that. very interesting. i'm gonna have to leave it there. thank you very much for joining me, developing professor of history and international relations, living easy lives in babies now it on top, different about has
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a fuse. the us of being 2 faced man is support phase. so he said that while washington cooled for the protection of savannah's, it's still busing. the is ready, but it's invasion of garza on the car as the gates tied us on the one hand, the us media talks about warning israel to avoid killing women, children civilians. while on the other hand, the supports mass murderers by giving the green light to tel aviv. i wanted to declare that the u. s. should accept the consequences of its hypocritical attitude towards supporting genocide and war crimes and gaza and the west bank. of course we heard from huff on my, the, i'm a full lighting vice it into the re, new form is a, he says this why i suppose concerns about so that is a lesson to the time the tide vibe, powerful pro is ready. low bist, a plastic that double sanders is basically wanted in the u. s. internal politics. it's uh, it has less to do with the palestinian issue per se. uh there, there are
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a lot of these is very lobbies, one of the strongest in the united states. i see a sitting president usually seeks the support of the law, be his internal politics. there is a american push back against this double standard. we see it in the academic literature as well as in the media in the united states, though, not the mainstream media, but it's a growing push back against this. uh, you know, full fledged support to offend is right as well. that has committed crimes, basically against humanity in garza. so long as the the is waiting not be stronger than critical voices. i think the policy, the policy was policy would be the same if the accumulated push back against this policy goes above and beyond that, the importance of that at support, by these rated on the lot the,
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i think there will be, or the end of the policy but so far we don't see that things are changing, but i don't think this around conflicting garza is going to see any change on the list to have the news out of the positive in the assignment as under, under moody has a few key victories and we use a lot of jobs within the country. there's cover just ahead of the next is national polls rule and the j. p for the polls and 3 out of the 4 largest regions. i've seen the opposition to them, but it has given a momentum, a head of general elections in 2024, but mostly is why the expected to send his decade in office one another 5 is, are you supposed to land for impose the eggs, but don't assume so they'll come out due to explain how the state assembly think supervisor boost the mode is positive. a see of the state s and the index and the this off the state,
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the assembly in action has been up to him. and those will stop for the ruling party and find the ruling defense and at the center. these are major states. the states up on the petition at this time and set these can they actually clear, you know, for like them and they are, these have very big steps here to impart it. and therefore it has lots of meaning for the national election, which takes place next. the people we have a full test that need to back cascade in glenn site landslide. click the par prime minister. i'm not in the movie g and the ruling dispense and the product, the attendance, i bought the b to b. so it's in dev. send out a lot of boost up to be ads and uh, and to be good governance of the owner of a prime minister then also to the gods at the end of governance and tele, victory to the people off part of the by the ruling defensive club. 28 news drove, and charles with all our souls,
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have insisted that in the coming you and find me something like that. countries must stop using coal well ironed and natural gas. a good in house button. the button that came in that we want to see an acceleration worldwide in dealing with climate change. the energy transition must be made into a global success story. this energy transition include st. good bye to fossil fuels . we must now all demonstrate a firm determination to phase out fossil fuels. first and foremost, coal, i'm give you the ability to see a gel me food using coal fired power falls to produce electricity in order to overcome severe and visuals. it is the government highest homeless that come up with proposals on how to offset the increased carbon footprint from those facilities, looking for someone to blame for the country, the energy problems jobs. so the shouts pointed, the finger at the west usual scape goat russia. the fact that because of russia's.


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