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tv   The 360 View  RT  December 4, 2023 7:30pm-8:01pm EST

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the most protect this phone existence was only exist. the russian states never is as tight as i'm one of the most sense community best most. i'll send some of the same assistance to father speedy. what else calls question about this? even though we will then in the european union, the kremlin media mission, the state on the rush of funding and supports the r t supposed net, keeping our video agency, roughly all the band on youtube tv services. for the question, did you say steve or twist, which is the
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be number one is not always a good thing, especially if we're talking about the country with the most national debt sky. now he's in on this episode of $360.00 view, we're going to look at global monetary policy. and if it even matters to the politicians that the united states has secured the top spot in, definitely, let's get started. the debt is simple. hanging off is not national debt is created when countries as spend
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more than they collect, which is true for most large countries around the globe. and fact, the global institute of finance estimates and global debt has already had $307.00 trillion dollars in 2023. now of course your countries with the largest amount of debt or the obvious spain, canada, india, germany, united kingdom, italy, france, china and japan. right? second derivative spot, but the united states easily secures number one spot by almost 20 trillion dollars . but you would have to wonder what lender would continue to lend money. the country, which obviously has no real plan to ever pay back, enter the american taxpayer. and while foreign countries ownership of the united states debt has almost doubled in the last 5 years to around 30 percent of the $33.00 trillion dollars with japan and china holding the largest amount. the over whelming majority is for both domestic and foreign private investors. but what are
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these investors expecting to receive and return what is even considered a good return on investment? well, let's ask our panel. we are joined here in studio by political strategist and radio host in the league. abdul, as well as steve gail, who is also a political commentator and radio house and from afar we have with us legal and media analyst line. oh thank you so much for joining me gentlemen. steve. i want to start with you. is it even possible for a country the size of the united states to not carry a debt balance? well, and the problem is that the interest on that debt is about to cripple this, you know, even worse than before, we're going to be paying the highest level of interest that we've ever paid in this country because the debt keeps going up. interest rates keep going up, and that's going to make it impossible to spend on anything else but interest on our debt. so we're going to start feeling the pain in real direct ways for congress, which states to cut anything is going to have to cut just to pay interest was interesting bring of the interest part because relate,
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do you think the amount of debt and even now the interest that's going to go on top of it actually affects a country's domestic in global policies. i think it does, and i think we're, we're now seeing now with what the republicans or what congress is wanting to do with sending money to israel. you're starting to have more conversations, even the ukraine conversation, you're starting to have more conversations. the american people are saying to ourselves with their domestic power. there are domestic issues that are here at home that we're refusing to focus on. meanwhile, we're giving support to either israel or ukraine. so i think that people are starting to see how it impacts the global economy, but definitely here domestically and i think it's going to be an issue in the 2024 election cycle. well, why know, doesn't this seem like it's politically convenient then to bring it up? i mean it's when they're just spending money, they don't care. but when it goes, it gets something, they don't necessarily agree with all of a sudden, oh no, we have to watch our pennies. the problem is, is that this is a fascinating subject. i'd love to talk to you about it and i'm so honored to be
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with you in my honor and colleagues, but the average american has had a quote was about we're talking about this academic. this is completely and totally academic. this means nothing to them. whenever we have any kind of a need for whatever, whether it's a to uh to a ukraine or israel or whatever, we just pay it. or we put it to a 200000. the moment. the moment that we as the americans, it is a beautiful something specifically that's wonderful. there's a significant political difference. but this is wonderful. it's true. it is certainly valid, but it is completely and totally academic to a notion population that we have. who knows nothing about this and there's about nothing so long as there's 10 talks, it's something to divert their attention. or maybe they need to get some tick tock going about $3300.00 in debt lake. why is it you would think $3320.00 people would know. that would be over to somebody. why aren't people paying more attention to this number? it's a very scary number. look what's happening now with the conversation of israel. now we were facing up that was still facing a shut down. and after 3 weeks,
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the very 1st thing that republicans who were concerned about spending the very 1st thing that republicans did. they said, well, we need to actually bring a resolution to the floor and support of israel. okay, fine. well, how you're going to pay for that? we're going to pay for that by not cutting anything, even though they say we're going to cut the i r. s. know essentially what you're doing is you're moving money from the i r s into a priority that you actually prefer, which is the funding for israel. it doesn't cut the debt at all. it may flash funds from the r as, but you don't even see the american people. you don't see a groundswell of americans saying, well, wait a minute here, we're not going to fund domestic priorities because we're concerned about our foreign policy priorities. and i think that that is something and i'm going to be, you know, a broken record on this. it will factor in the 2024 election cycle because economic anxiety will impact how people feel here domestically. but i look at it, steve, it international. why is it that the american politician, the 1st thing,
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even the republicans out of their mouth is secure about an international policy? rather than literally the laundry list we have here in united states, which needs to be taken care of and desperately could use some funding. i think people are starting to wake up. they're starting to ask about the ukraine spending . where's the money gone? you know, i've got 2 boys that a little older than teenagers now, but when they were teenagers i give them money on friday they'd ask for more on saturday. and my 1st question is, what did you do with the money i gave you? we are asking that, and one of the most ridiculous things and i'll follow up on mine will be american. people don't get it. are politicians don't get it rich. scott or kim's got right for present recently said don't worry about the money we're giving to you. frank. it's alone. does anybody think we're gonna get paid that money faster than the french of pages for the loans after world war 2? vinyl isn't really alone though. the. the point is that a loan is something you're expecting to come back. zalinski comes out recently and just said he's saying this alone, just loaners this money. do these foreign countries actually look at this like a loan? so no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, this is i,
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listen, i, i, i still think you know what, what we'll always talk about sometimes, you know, who is the smartest person, whoever me, was an ice time. was it compared against it? just the people who saw this story to was under still by just look, somebody said, what time the federal reserve is, is federalist federal express to one of the greatest stories ever. when you ask somebody something, when you ask about elections, let me just say to my team, colleagues, i agree, 100 percent. and what i'm about to say is in no way meant to improve in what you're say, but to impute the collective integrity and, and, and mental where was all of this country. but recently we've had an election depending upon where, where, where we're playing this, where i thought that would be an absolute trend g o p. my god, when i mean doug, so not really a thing do not think it meant nothing and there was no stealing,
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no legal ceiling. so after what we went through, you know, you collectively, but you rhetorically, you, royally, you think the american people are going to wake up when we just had an election where people said we weren't more of the same when joe biden could actually flat wide space down and not space for that we would still be debating whether he'd rather not handle the job. listen, it comes down to this. america is in a coma, joe biden. we are. and for us to, if you were gonna go to the hardware and explain spending and who's going to pay this back, this is like diabetes, diabetes. unfortunately, secondary symptomatic problem that when it hits you, it's too late. but that's what this is going to be when it hits us. it, could it be too late? well, that's the thing, you know, stay the brains. a great point when you ask the american people, what's the number one thing that's the most important to you,
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the economy is always at the top. it's actually beating national security. and yet we're, why are they not connecting $33.00 trillion dollars to the economy? did they not think it has an effect on it? and why are we not doing the messaging? cuz once again, it's a messaging. why is there not an effective message about how you connect it and who to put the blame on? well, partly because we are economic imbeciles in this country is like the words, they're all like that. i mean, the bustle, we're like the guy who says i can't be overdrawn at my bank are still have checked in my checkbook. and that's exactly where we are as a country, and unfortunately, that's where our congress is there not any smarter than the american people that are looking at high gas prices, high food prices, all the economic issues that are bearing down on us and, and they're not focused on it, we just have elections that not recently in, in the us where abortion is the number one issue and, and that's not affecting anybody economically accepted washing providers on that side. well that's it. so what is it going to take when we talk about what is an
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economic, as you know, i mean what it economically is going to make the american people wake up and go, you have no money, you are broke. i think the last iteration we had of something like this may have been the occupied wall street. maybe it was that sort of movement where you were really more concerned about what's happening in the economy. but i think the american people to pick it back off of what c said. usually american people gives these politicians a pass. and as we know that politicians are in unison when it comes to our military space, or the republican or democratic republicans, or a democrat, which is why $808.00 plus $800.00 plus $1000000000.00 budget. that the pin that the d o d has 800000000000 and no one is saying, well wait a minute, maybe we should pull back on some of our military spending as we continue to see over and over again. the calls for more money, more money. but nobody just asked for a 100 and what 16 or so $1000000000.00. he's probably going to get a good portion of it. and why, how much of that military stuff is missing? because even to account for what we've given them?
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yes. is this why we're seeing such a hesitation by cetera type reveal out of alabama to actually approve some of the military sort of to say we need some accountability not only in the leadership ranks, but also in the spending. steve, are you saying is i might have that it was i had more tit for tat with him and, you know, he's, he's a little hacked off and he's trying to get, get some payback. yeah, my favorite me is the little kid that's reading a story from school of jayden has $2.00 and he's got $0.35. and how much of it is nichols how many pennies? and this conclusion at the end is jayden broke. america is broke and nobody's paying any attention to it. but why don't we've been pro for a long time or other countries just printing their own currency now? or is it backed up by something? i mean, the british actually stopped using the gold standard and 1931. the us followed suit and 1933 and a bad at the goals that are completely by 1973 is this just happened in united states or other countries making this kind of, i would say, grave mistake. the line. oh, i'm sorry. are you?
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i see me, yes. oh. speaking of imbecilic citizen, i say you, i got to say something very quickly because one of our colleagues said something which is true. americans always say it's the economy. it's the economy with the economy is where that gas price goes out, or when i'm back. but let me just say something. we are the same country still walks around without man's double mass in cars by themselves. don't understand. the coldly is done. it's broad. the spanish simply wanted to and yet there was a huge fraction of people who don't know this. i asked the question to get you expect them to understand the records in archangel watches, of economic factors. it comes down to simply this america is in a coma and when it's wakes up along with joe biden, it's going to be too late. believe me, you, we all know with stroke when that happens. that's the way. after the break,
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when the majority of large countries are in debt to benefits, stick around the focus on those funds. this case funding these are still with me. so can you guys just send through space to accept the new site, which is the,
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is to not just use for mobile and guessing sucks. so it's good. i used to be honest. can you just the nature of the, of the same rom, just don't you have to shave house after care and engagement equals the trail. when so many find themselves will
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support we choose to look so common ground the welcome back on sky. now hughes, you are watching the 360 view we're discussing, the continued rise of national and international debt with our panel, political stripes and ready host malik abdul political commentator, radio hosted steve gill and from afar in new york city media analysts, wine. why no, i am going to keep you on because i want you to finish your answer. i do want to ask you about the importance of being off the gold standard right now in united states have been off it for 30 years. does that not concern you? am i the only one that is worried that there is nothing backing up the pay per dollar in my wallet? nothing but there is nothing practical. but let me let, let me give you a statistic. this one kills me and, and this goes back to the notion of the loan, which is, which is a great question. do you go country space?
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this is a load. imagine going to the mafia and get loaning money. is it, is this a loan? yes, this is a little bit if you don't pay it back, we'll break your. you know that between 20202021. the small business administration gave about $790000000000.00 and p p. so p p, p alone. remember that 790000000000. okay. of that, how much do you think was forgiven 757000000000? i mean for yeah. then they just started it it, they created it. they went like this to some data input. they created it out of somewhere to the, the fed moved in vaults of gold. so, and then they created it. do you remember your friends? i remember all of us. you're old enough. remember during your rack for the tongue tongue, and i'm not using this as the kids use it, but actual times of $100.00 bills on pallets that were sent
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a distributed and large interact 304-8011. oh gosh, we see this, and here we are. 4 of the brightest minds on the planet. discussing the minutia of gold standard, bretton woods weatherford, carmen c. a s t r's. the average american who by the way still runs the show not us. how does it a clue or a concern, and if they need to, by the way, but it, and i'm at that age this year, the 65 social security entitlement. where that how does that come from? i don't know, so long did i get it? that's your problem, young and we live in a world in may please. what in g baby is when ready? you say live on in the world, the monetary make believe it's in there for us. we just create it and, and,
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and how that, how that final moment is going to, to play out. i have no idea when we run out of stuff when there's no gas, there's no water as farm, but again, i don't know what up till now. american said, are we a body tissue? it bookkeeping us, hey, there is no tick, tock, game, or touch it. nobody is it's, it's not that they don't care to friends, is that i don't think they are able to really grasp lives. that might be the best that to the ground. well, and we saw how crazy people went over toilet paper just in a crowd of ours that i couldn't get. i can only imagine when they can't get things like milk and water. but steve, what effect is of inflation to people even understand inflation, or they just think, well, it's gone up a few cents. oh, well, okay. i'll still pay it. is it really registering to him that everything's going up a few cents? and what effect is that having on not only national global, that it doesn't even registered with the bite and white house they've claim 1st that there was no inflation then they could control it, then they had conquered it. and now they're claiming that by nomics is working the
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white house this week times again, the economy is booming with, with nobody else believe it when they see the gas prices and, and to live those point on the gas prices. one of the reasons gas prices do connect to americans is because they're signs on every corner telling you exactly the price . if it goes up 10 cents, 20 cents 40 cents goes down 30. we know if they had grocery prices that were on billboards, around town, people would have more of appreciation of what inflation is doing to their pocket book. and that's the question for you. is this having affect our, our average american seeing this effect, their daily lives, or they're still able to hide it with credit cards and other forms of it's not really registering them, but there's actually less money in their bank account today than there was even a year ago so there's a surprising thing or maybe not so surprising thing that's happening now. we're actually seeing voters. if you look at the polling numbers for jo bite, and they're saying that republicans would be better on the economy of jo bite. and this is after joe biden's by didn't know makes it, does anybody remember the, by the number by the nomics that actually is now translates according to the
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administration by the nomics means that the defense industry, the weapons manufacturers are making a killing. and that is what they're using as a gauge for the economy. i think that the american people with those numbers show it because it's one thing, most of us don't understand inflation g, d p, consumer price index. nobody understands that. but they do understand and i was just having a conversation this morning. i understand when i go to the store, that the price that i pay for my very favorite chicken wings. they're up then what they were probably just a few months ago. it matters to me and i'm not, you know, i'm not in poverty or anything like that, but even i am concerned about the price that i am paying for milk for egg for. um, you know, chicken, all of those type of things that we do. this is what people are feeling and we're seeing there was an impact of that in the polling, which is why democrats are concerned about what's happening now with the joe binding. 2024 can't find the deception of when you go to the grocery store. the
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cereal boxes are smaller, but the prices are higher so that everybody's it on the scale and this up, my cool res deriento the bad, the do not have little or so and do you agree with the bottom? is this just a part of it? this great, one great big deception that's working not only between the government, but now we're saying private bridges. are they in on it together as well? you know, you, you said something right now, 1st of all, of the entire population and this wonderful world that we live in, how many people do you think even vote and of the people who vote how many people know what they're voting for? here in new york city, we think we had as early election and i thought, okay, fine less than 2 percent of the people sort of early election. by the way, let, let me explain something to a speaking of elections, and i don't know how to say there's, but, you know, and i know that if worst comes of work at whatever is, well, i'll say that progress, they're gonna steal this thing legally. now understand something,
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you're going to the average american and you're going to say, i want you to trust me on monetary policy. even though i can show you pictures of people stealing votes by 11000. and i don't know what to do. i can have you show indoctrinated, stoled brain wash during cold, but that every night at 7 pm, you'll open up the window like some barking, c o r r r, and your fake for your move something or whether you'll blow trumpets, you will stand 6 feet apart i will deny you the chance to go to funerals and i can control you. i will scare you. i will freak you out. it doesn't matter. i can't control you. and the last thing i'm worried about is you ever come into the position of your wife? will you understand monetary policy or better yet that you force us to do? certainly, do you know how many times jim jordan has had?
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how, how many hearings he's had, one thing he's accomplish fasick. then one thing from the, from, from the 100, by a laptop from hell. not they have you ever seen john john? john kennedy has all these funny saying what he oh, so that i have, you know, we know how many of those lousy judicial nominees for important upper end for julie, all of them, we leverage this is n world where we think we know what is going on we haven't a clue. everyone else just seems to be very quickly. after 17, forget 91112 or the 7. the great reset is here. you know, who's running the world m b s. has bowler. read. who's these the alex, so brigade, the drawers and not us, not it has changed. so. oh, maybe we'll not now the, we're not running the world anymore. we could figure out maybe about monetary policy. but the world pre october 7th is not the same world now. it's changed that
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fast and the average american had a clue, but not a clue. but yes, i'm going to bring us back down because this is talking about national debt malik on this side of it. it's to your point, it's going to cost the united states. we both do things, we give aid to these countries. what is the interplay you think between international aid and national debt? i mean, the united states gives the most aid to most countries around the world. what exactly do we get for our investment? well, if you listen to for us is our treasury secretary, who said when we're talking about whether or not we'll be able to afford supporting both ukrainian, the israel, what are what our own treasury secretary said is, will be able to fund it. and definitely that is, that is the position of the united states. and we encourage a lot of this debt. a lot of the conversation now that people are having about china basic. oh china, you know, it's, china is like russia, you know, the big, the boogeyman in the room. so if you say china, china, china,
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but what politicians are actually talking about. um decoupling any of our in an oil engagements website and no one is talking about divorcing our sales from china in any type of constructive way. china who holds a lot of our debt. no one is pushing for that at all. which is the point, is there a line, is there a red line when a country is considered to be cut off from recurring more debt from their borrowers? is there a time to china and japan look the united states and say, nope, no more? are these private investors? why are we still loaning money, a sense of blowing we're going to do the india when and when they're doing a space program. i mean, they're not destitute and impoverished that they're sending rockets towards the middle. so is it our fault? our american stupid read consummating the bad decisions that i don't want to keep your breeding on tim scott. but he's also the one that tried to justify ukraine spending, not only because it was a loan, but also because it's really coming back us. because all those weapons and munitions are buying or being bought from us. so it's really good for us to give hundreds of billions of dollars that we borrow from the chinese to the ukrainians of idols. that how you said this is a good thing is, is that,
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are people actually buying that spin right there, that we should give aid to countries because it's ultimately going to come back to us. and is it really coming back to us? yes, but it's got you, you us, the best question to lead all the question is that you said is, is there a point where a child or somebody would say this america, this isn't the way to, to, don't know they're, they're, they're not a good uh, a good up, a bargain or a good the bad. as long as we have the most efficient tax collection system, we're, we just announced the world $80.00 a $100.00 or new agents out there when we still have a lot of the real property. so we are, we are read dead or people will always come to us. we've got stuff. however, what do we produce? let me just leave our, our friends with this. what, what do we produce? what does our collateral, what ideas, what uh, what do we produce? we can do oil and co, uh, copper and timber right, and goals and railroads. what do we do now?
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we printers, great. we printers, great conversation like this. and i want to thank again my panel for joining us today. went by really quick little strategist and we're your hosting, like adults, it'll commentator and really has to go. and of course the very quiet and dom, your legal and media analyst line. all we have to have all 3 of you back on with us in of running a country is not cheap and well it would be nice to think of a government just like a business. it is almost impossible considering the amount of charity. one might say is larger than the amount produced, any business or even household which was run like and the federal government would quickly find itself either divorced or in bankruptcy of sky no use. and this has been your 360 view. thanks for watching the
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american. so see what's printing what was are up in there. so some of this, so basically of course we need the last name was needed, read it was can when we used to be too much and we have some more for someone who has this relationship to the, the of the
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southern gas, the name of the city of can you and this is bombed by use all have the idea of pleasures to on least the same scale of destruction and that area as a data. and it's initial invasion of the roles or the regions. and the idea of analysis that the cost old bypass road will be open for civilians to head south. that's a 3 gift card that has turned into a was a and in the as routing parties reigned supreme in state elections. house thing, the opposition into the country's largest region, the robot continuing a coverage of the conflict in the middle east.


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