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tv   Documentary  RT  December 5, 2023 2:30am-3:01am EST

2:30 am
simple steps at the 1st stage with mine on some on the that in just a moment. iran does not have a significant share of do your asian markets, petrochemical sector. however, we are attempting to increase our footprints in your asian markets. we will primarily be an exporter of both energy and petro chemicals. since we are our producers and exporters of such products, organizers say as part of efforts to move away from the use of the dawn, or all transactions and business deals signed up this expo will be based on national currencies district on us uh the directions between those central bank and the banks of all parties the ongoing. accordingly, we have handled financial issues associated with connecting our systems. and payments mechanism has been established. and also patients must a different and it was 2 years ago for sanctions hit the wrong finding. no trade destinations has been on top of the short term agenda following the wants withdrawl from the nuclear
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d o. in 2018 of reinstatement of sanctions against if on these little public has submitted its ties with large mind divisions, mostly balance by licenses such as bricks. i'm the shanghai cooperation organization. now to one is it talks with the you asian economic union to become the 6 member of the group. judy is telling me you don't but jump the assignment. group public is a wrong, has a multiple offer and can play a key role in the ration region. 2 traits, population of more than 85000000 unique energy sources, millions industries, high quality engineering services, g, a political status and access the rail roads and see transport systems. i'm over the says your port finally won succession to the you. the 2 sides are working to finalize the terms of a support teachers free trade zone agreement versus one wish for 010 rips for over 7500 commodities. exchange between one and the 5 members. it won't be you reached on interim free trade agreement back in 2018. based on which more than $860.00
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agricultural commodities were subject to preferential terrace, the agreement doubled. it was trade with the roughly 2 and a half $1000000000.00 to $5000000000.00 in 2021. while the total trade volume that fell to a $3250000000.20. it was ex, worked with the maintained. it's a portrait. the uses the final version of a free trade agreement to boost commercial exchange between one and you a shot to $20000000000.00. a suggestion in europe over the contract is prepared. it has been fine tuned and have already gone through the formalities. when does it pay that it will be signed for the month? the work was completed quickly and intensively, and it's fantastic that out teams will able to reach an agreement. the documents will be signed by all representatives, then rectified, but parliament, and i believe will be operational by next year. that's part of the use policy of moving toward a multi planner world order. the union is working to seal f. t a agreements with several other nations including egypt, india, indonesia, and d, u,
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a. v. a u covers the total population of $183000000.00 people, and a gross domestic product of roughly 2 and a half trillion dollars. also from the massive market to be a viable alternative. last for holding countries walked by us sanctions. and now with the countries membership and the european union in towards the nation is joining the emerging wave of multiple narrative that supports the accounts or the unilateral pressure from the usability or to know that is a rap of this how we will be fine at the top of course, but to try to have until done one of our award winning adults. mentees takes a look at the don't history of fascism and the
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the finish war time photograph, all kind of has very few photos of the concentration comes in. those few, it seems as if prisoners move behind the above one of their own accord and a very content with their lives. here, for instance, a photo from one of the pictures of its comes inscribed today is sunday, a day off in the shape account. female workers have lined up in the yard to show but immobile then that's just arrived. trade is brisk, and the customer is a happy because they're allowed to bite the necessities such as cleaning products, household goods and sweets. the
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artist, as stella entertains with labor camps residence i did, it gives them to. the photo is dated. may the 31st 1942 according to preserve documents. 1942 was the holidays to you, of a prisoners of the finished concentration camps, doing the full year occupation on one with the most, dest, let's just sort of take it one more day and put me in another one, you know, pretty soon still, you don't know, so i just want to know stuff to, to solve these concepts. update you on go to this one, you can fly, get us dollars total will 40 this will up on, you know, just store located and repeated will to way, nicholas, who did 3 years the, would it, these, it is not the condition of what that this one looks like a couple that was a meal at the cool glass cool new which you huddle show this critical shows is minus little points by giving me a key role because of all for face to shift the thoughts, feedback from a family issue initially to my store and that's why i need this new skill,
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i get an invaluable go, which that the death rage and finish concentration camps as high as any gym and ones, according to historians due to hard labor famine, disease and executions. almost 14000 people died in korea to an estimated one face of the remaining population. the people's only fault was that they would finish until a family assembly died out in the 1st year alone, comp, number of fine prisoners, decreased by 25 percent. in 1941, they were up to 8000 people that by the middle of 1940 to just 60000. will you better with that approach? and we'll move to go with this. see, did you see what's kind of william needs to be at least would have done. most of the fun you use for your duffel is usually like your yes, she's not teach. there's a got to school. yes. but i create you by the way, the lady in the ring, a visitor, surely they did. are you doing you to really there's
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a get those kids the mobile la screen media discontinued you must malicious show in the j e mama, she's my and i should, she was and i didn't read this. why did you do agree? motionlessly sure you will need to get morning to go and get it to escape. you generally. we advise of i do really good question. wallace. no, no. no, that's to today the slowly slipped overboard them for full sneer complete. he was speaking with him. well, if you have at least dwell on the fields enough to change just some, none of which will total square scholarship, which was almost double the sledge, the bush ritual in triple double play store with the, to the 3 of us. going to sing at a flip with almost a symbol. if you need to know, we just got the work of the cable euros gave you moments. well,
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you will see that on you, but on william key shek at us and they were very slowly toward grace. i do need them to submit to the monthly get. could you show the quiz sliding key? that sound like the problem. okay. chevy decoy lets see. should they color or chick? you could keep the ultimate yeah. i'd like you to do you like it. you can a few with them yesterday with us to look to experience that sort of a death that got sort of a section. i need to have a local move. jeff, there was a new provides to really do with those that, that kind of can you look almost all day yet, so to keep russian with you and your point. so we just need to move as the more than just you. i said been that when we get the approval for what a slate don't credit you for a week. i'm hoping i'm but i get it clean. skim proceeded. you'd be a good ass. lo, initially is like a different program of variously bouncing back, just because the store where she got all the stuff associated with the tenants move
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in to go for some friction. you know, i'm just starting to little bit of a list of kids at the schedule. we're going to go on the machine portions to the various investments for the nature of the trustee, like your point of view, position video and send it to me. i'm a former employees available for. so was it them smith? let's fix that. does, is it you're right in the through i can use equally the field. they bought the car, so low school for get a with them. i'd be soldiers to boost some of the bellagio even look up to him because of all the change don't deal. they don't go to the valley to go off. you won't quality of a show up to less than equal number. all will for you'll show to the full arch normally would give you much what each color scheme even pushing the federal in the middle of them. you know, the she to, she would back up and see the pictures to the cash with the, for the duke wanting to more peaceful things to add additional to the floor. there's new boeing, sisters didn't survive even a year in the camp. so they chose
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a good level metal, choose me just pull dinner and then i mean, we're just sort of to get them good to to this just in each case when the good don't wish to mamma watching to manila look, i'm able to look for you. if you've done you the bubble school midland was, well that was good, would you like and you could choose your for you how much the least amount i knew. but the one you and if discuss it, done still because of the time you leave the vehicle when you need the new denise upload speed, the history is due to assist you with a case study. the russo finish was when he was in 1st grade, his father gave him a bowl cold winter war. since then he's been interested in a topic. let's little studied even today. once i've done that up in, what's your additional support on the significant as low as pepsi is level of the
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whole of the police? and if so, just all of us, like i said, there's right next. if you'll stick with, you know, what we focus on here because you can use this on your shareable. and there's no credit card on you that you feel which is nice. like why we should just, you know, usage of disgusting of what it is. and what else of them is i send you this email out to you a couple of months later and we still put it on your site. and one such just thing on easiest for me to do is here and it was left click on the 2nd beneficiary use of the rest of the sit open. still doing it seems to hold a bundle, but you are a support. the partnership just keeps throwing stuff on the 0 and we would and i still not publish it, just give us a newest lease and beautiful. but with the one you the invoice hotspot, both things that you me over of should in way of follow up with me. i will see want to publish it this case, which is a chain of squares. click on the she was the new one and still doesn't seem to book the machine. this little card you saw here is ancient piece of dead blowing. it was the level she still indicates that page it was one that it was about you. so that's what she was pushing. these are the pitching. you don't have to measure performance and you know, we have some or she needs some kind of approval mirrors. what was the also need you
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to do that? the city variables, given us, when you are more of the who are they solution where you don't trust it will shortly be me. it's useful to you what it is you're going to show the difference. what do i need if those are continuous news? does or will you sort of do it for me? the vital is theodore, near cloud. the ship raises no deductible. yes ma'am. great. he of them. so we do eve of space and we'll get for you on the call need to not be sure to visual nacley stuff with nick. i'm called the ship can use mostly transferred to you and officer doesn't know of any. so can you just go could you could explain more what degree is here? because if they've used them e emotional pressure that's good for school, or do you decide if you're looking more waiting to live with him or do i sort of donald control or sort of reach him? be mind. mueller. closer clipped his book. we need to wish for most part to where he might need to move in with to pm. this probably mean you'd just be the one on the bush. shanina wanted us to, to get them the photos you assume you and yet i knew 50. it's a seedmore,
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i'm simple. yeah, he also said i'll come will change and that is sort of a to my move to the housekeepers too. it seems you know what number nice to start on by me. think. yeah. couple the thought, your position that we had a stroke since the whole, you know, who isn't useful and i've used the apartment. it was like a fussy escape. i'm so you do you have to so somebody i would you, me on. so yes, great for him. most ask of him and we send, then you those really able to double. so she'll skip offering you to go at each or fiscal comments on the what is the real thought of the financial goal. so he's not going to have money and you also want to be the appointment was i just noticed that you had them in the field scope on san francisco group on a prisoner of war camp known as transit camp. number 17 was located on the outskirts of the occupied city of other near various times at house between 601000 prisoners were quite enough as opposed to them got those guns lead me, but r o, b squared, z. as you do it to find me the email for which is the most the best g m got to die,
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you can get on those out to pretty much the last few to of your skills. or you said that the years, the all new level outcomes it was put to screen level so several 100 really. on the 2nd great people of the things ended up in terms these with the so called politically unreliable persons who didn't accept the occupation if any show authorities felt they were too close. rest advise you boldly, search and get that they're going to get can't get actually got the message out here for you to buy more and more. it's kind of why or that you're looking at the other. most of the key, the condition is the in the archive because of that is from, from a korean concentration camp, prisoners, city based commercial a. she was the daughter will give me, it wasn't agreement that you, this also gave me dictum for joseph. once we get our stuff released on fall or each 1000, i'm let you solve all my log in on the bottom piece. gotcha. bureau,
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my pleasure to sort out of order for beauty where you would have searched your to avoid that. ok nice. you'll shoot for a few of the log. it isn't a california cheese to morning. are you not the policy or is it the rules going his own forty's, law data, publish the all seeing you based on. yeah, they pretty hard. yours garage corner store. i don't what was the one on the board of the toner? your social for me, you've got enough gun. yeah. the bar and you'll see a for me is did you use that? he called zane jim? will she does it provide enough to binding up and you know, never hear about us about the years a go card to start off. can you most of the way it's a pretty of all this is bonnie lot more when you look on here, you know when it's over the board of a nevada so i do to speak of the judge india. yeah. for the good i see you to release the apartment that you always go to store your gears. look you all before she 1st of all care. what do y'all do more? yes. the on you will do it on the outside of the community to reach me on the about opposite you different under a few years large the smoke alarm,
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it was like momma not for the talk of pulling it. okay. i number line. yes. so what you're going to be doing a pretty shoulder, say escape, but i feel that you are seeing a lump of one video to what bill could be a couple go either you'll be biased. even mutual got the new me a target bowels. you guys do a full star that he do on the when you bring much good on both of them. i did, i have to be a bit old with a broker so she will not be able to do it. it won't go. it doesn't look still just they did decide to do it. you got to bring it down the some good thing about the so you can just do because i it but taylor seeing if that was but the the
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on june the 21st 1944. the rate on a lot of interest that will it's defensive. delegate fighting continued throughout july, soviet troops kept pressure on the fins and cross the defensive positions. approaching pictures of old school in the north and south flotilla attacked from the west. the sailors were the 1st to enter could really is capital in june 1944 after the fins that over the left. because that was still a lot of the live them totally shoot the world and you'll be the side of the seen a new do me is this, need me, it was me treat you business for at least you'll see the most of the feeling me to deal with the which is almost thumbs. if you're not the abortion trip to see and
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install it in the installer plus model and said that somebody needs to speak with somebody to come in. don't like you do it because i get stuck with live for you. we get a said, you just use godaddy, but you more it got blood create your she gets to study. it is a little a little bit, but be sure you got a little of shows. i mean, you'd have and you could to mess with the bit of on your significance today, can you, can you hear it's a good number for you, for the words different to share your to get our initial discussion here. not to hold over to the minute. so by a solution. so not to me here you know choose united, great thomas, what is what are could be issue? where do i need the vehicle? i don't want you can just forget the say a gave it a unit, wrote a book about the concentration camps in korea,
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in collaboration with ryan to enter unless thomas motion now most is families. the grandparents only spoke finished. so he has 2 native languages today. he's the editor in chief of the caribbean magazine, published in finish the sale of the wrong day off, so which i us only made the same and lift the shade of. why don't you? why haste, jim? well, the lowest interest is danielle from you. show me like we're sorry. okay. we're getting a way of reaching with maybe a lot of each to a little unusual on you know what, what each was, but are you still have in general setup to store. oh, so yeah, of course i use you will have to do really. yeah. your red shirts. i have to real skin with no skin the little flesh just pick up much of an issue. you can then when you have a pistol between you seen scogel before the we usually we in the best opinion,
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if it was a good one, you deleted blood, you being the, the loan manya, an auto store. see if you look, i think you try to waste coffee menu option. deleting utility at the boss. as most people will see where you only buick. it's literally just brush man. so you just can females. good. i'll show you anybody the game. i don't want to be able to look that way, man. the, or just thought only. so we have a field scale studies is be good for us to come up with something is that i would probably in, with a box in place to bring, you know, duty feelings are these parts here. and you can say, of course i use a phone and support this, i usually use use as garcia to providence that my and so i can definitely with the way these if that's the case internet and see when the game that i would ask you to matter. what i'd be of the month actually be, can you maybe since just the impressions my style in look at video sto deals. what a 30 minutes away. it's a washing machine. you have the video stalling me out. so we move trim order to
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use the gear fugitive or close to hitting. so usually i'm from now in his study, she moved the already started, but i will start with them little bit. you should, you know, which is going well by the most that will be without foot watching. will go was from you. let me tell you what would show from what do you stick with what they felt sure you knew the need for you used to be also from the from left to loose. put 0. if you live nation a solution you can with, i'm also can you go scroll, usually care ya allows it is on the property, is there? she was a fluke introduction. the model start tomorrow and the storm completion of the actual form b roll moment comes with a sort of default dish, a partial mover. like if there's more to choose the most here you will distribute it. it'll show at the fuels coming. really can't believe yours, but almost all retired the flu shots of door. she thought that if you know, do you know the 4 doors and went to the l a. w a,
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the whole bullying region. her voice, but when each lady actually nibble well. but then most of the more upside enclosure there, and we're still confused. regime, excuse me, the height of the deal is reached wherever you can use the books published, finished political scientist historian and professor at helsinki university. beckman says the 1st time the genocide of russians in finland was discussed was in the eighty's when they tried to ignore it. now he's reminded them again, let us because our success manual senior and jet black so used to come not cisco. good morning. you had seen it as a divide near me actually plus i didn't lock of as to let me give you my system. it is, does he, in your service goes to use uh the frontier security to that's the level, the money to pay attention to start seeing the little bits. clicking told us that the 1st of these, cuz i asked a few minutes ago to, to about 16 will female function. you're going to cost plug it in. and if i'm
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getting a block, you shall, i do go in your notes. i can use mobile floating communities, most low. nick, you got a box and you've already restored faith because like, after most of some which i'm usually most of it's going to committee or to easiest name, especially if it's in the notes here. because you know, the blower on some people are going to use to ask, i really want to be some are coming up is still searching. you just go when you're out of trouble with the plan, you wash your mouth. typically he'll try him. i added because you know that i didn't use those are the do 6 go to the much detail, a piece of piece and i still not that nice does that sickle? you've got any, those ation, there's a mom. i show that i think you should actually read on me. sonya is which we did by finish precious with be still close. the business eyes would go down. it's cut off and impaled on spike's. there are recorded cases of finish offices ordering a prison scale to be boiled as a gift to the bride or to be kept as
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a souvenir for themselves as passionate. who do i have thoughts? lucy has gotten a senior. legal one is i've gotten to the point is that so because of this collection would be a good semester. most of them are like, i don't want you to do it and you would you said your name is joseph to try and do a different one is that's the science 1st opportunities, excessively new model of using that the that's key to communities. i've seen some of that memory and not us could you convenience? i've seen a solution of best about says she thought and the machine was up please. you're busy. and i see, and you made problem associate divided by the lead to you know what that i see you close to us, but i see at the motion july my at the windows within the widow slip of deals and women, difficulties when life is like what makes it,
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they keep the guardian get them legally together, let you compute delete them. that would be able to, to a sure senior apartments the way they split up the seats and the suit thoughts that the guy's gonna finish of being used to play a lot. people don't at least come up. it's just a lot that he's something nice for you. what is the limiting associated with your developer would get you. it is a mold sewage up to it, but you know, if an worship flushed him store, you will get you next to you in the shop to lend you just blue shield. let you move to replace. she told me to do the study struggle shifting was too much trouble. so yes, kind of thing. just to snare value and you've got for you if you go with a gulf view. so for the of the 1st e signature, when you're more targeted, where she showed that some of them are, these are up to a couple of them uh,
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some shoes for you. what was the, what was previously? what seems to me reach here if you and ski again, here who are you are driving the 50 joe for the well those yours shift a live feed on there. yeah. but you also you feature for the initial postscript. so what are you shall study? issue of information we just since 1990, the union of a former juvenile prison is, is appealed to the finished government 3 times demanding compensation for the physical and psychological damage cause joined the occupation in response they received either silence or refusal referencing the 1947 powers, peace treaties, which made no provision for compensation to citizens of the us as
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the lead. the, the surviving prism is at the finish concentration camps, appealed to the investigative committee of the russian federation scheme to investigate and prosecute those implicated in these crimes, but remained unpunished. april 2020. the investigative committee opened a criminal case on the genocide of the civilian population of korea. taking into account the archive of documents on the finished concentration camps, declassified as part of the new statute of limitations projects. the war isn't over until all crimes against civilians and soviet prisoners of war
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uh, fully investigated or better. we. yes, i don't care what the what the dark, what city yours on park brushing so i'm not in the ocean. you need to ask them separate or just the which one because the of the, which charity to go for the sake of least could be something we can go from. what could i need to know more than enough? would you mind at up to our pros, monday, annually steeping in your thoughts on the sort of shame needs to be. so are you study just groupon magazine here in the next slide lock for thursday and fox still might you mostly need you to have to weigh about the shift to be 0. no, my daughters read must lead and get there. so i'm gonna shift dr. munoz mesh not wishing me sadly up. not as up. you can use that we chaise taping be so this place
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to mislead store village loss. they still can you can me. i'll let you. i'm you can you have so many is that as you also in your style, we made the the,
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the relatives of those wounded in the latest space range, foaming all the southern gall, to scramble to get the loved ones to hospital. i'll talk to the red cross sounds, see a lot of the scale of finding we can turn away from what is evidently, i'm more afraid or in the face of the international community. we will not let from us to be with united states is the most powerful country without power comes at a price on it. one, congress seems increasingly uneasy about paying also the 28th hope i will see you at an climate conference as much trouble sees as western nations to mom's, the global south cops, our.


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