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tv   News  RT  December 5, 2023 5:00am-5:31am EST

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many find themselves worlds of parts. we choose to look for common ground. the relatives of those wounded in the latest is ready for mingled to something called the scramble to get that off one to provide profound see a lot of the stand applies. we can turn away from what is evidently a more is saved or in the face of the international community. also, they've called 28, come out for you and time and confronted miles and controlled the speed as what the nation to mon, the globe. his house caught that initial updating between them, selling the closest you'll find the fuse in the south china sea intensify as space shang, the claim to us illegally on to the pulpit. aggravation towards the situation of
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a competitive reese of the coast of the palo on welcome at 1 pm here in moscow. which means that it has just gone mid day and also where we all stop taking the program at the very latest uh, from the south solve the strip is uh that the city of con eunice has once again come on, the heavy bombardment by is where the forces the . 2 local calls in or far to say the most recent defensive included rates across the city. it comes as hospitals, all ready operating points, have a huge influx of patients. so fall, moving, 15000 causes applicants of leaping kills. i'm moving to 1000 as well. still in fits so that it only carries out precision, strike, come from the day. finally,
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just struck across the garza street. most of these weren't very significantly precise and intelligent space strikes. in addition to that, we are expanding our ground operations against some of the wrong kind of go over to all my god, the stream, according to the 2 of us now see how i can fix funds. it's military offensive to southern call to which the previous need to cut a state's own hospitals, the all struggling with the boston flocks of injured civilians. can i do a lot of financial this month? so schuman pulls from the ground, the choices, that's the fee for did have no place to go off of itself. husband bombarded lights, image of the region has the bottom of the main, the roads protecting the north and south, our own being targeted. safe and here have no police left to go. one of the reasons why i'm doing this board with you on the southern light service provider is who the
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form has no officiating. that's not enough because together with many of the international tv broadcast patients, people here, obviously it is that law. so it'd be similar to what happens at a ship the is really times have come in, half killed all the time on the east and also almost $64.00 or some of the cities in the west. the best for bikes from this guy. there is stuff outside him as soon as the morning on to go because really and stuff has been leveled out of coming in . it also is really and calls on hall's cards and businesses have run out of solar. i think that's most accurate. it has to have to be and scan you this last night because every time somebody says he's got out something, some of that happens on behalf of the union visa view. he wants to change the people of the world for continuing to spend off for the life of the demonstration,
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slow being boy approaching, ensuring that social media is full of all for the see and on the heading, the tools. thank you very much. we see we hear you one, the 2 months of the conflict, many hospitals in the north of van k puppy left and ruins. and i would say that those in central garza which had the same fate facilities that already struggling to deliver the very basics of can image of lack of fuel electricity and supplies. just a warning you may find the following images. the stopping, the shelling of densely populated refuge account has watched and the situation with displaced kind of simians passing into medical centers in search of faith shelter. the world health organization has raised the alarm over the di conditions, and it's cool for the protection of civilian life. following a recent visit to hong units hospital,
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the president of the red cross international committees spoke of the unfolding crisis. we have to find solutions to this. we can turn away from what is evidently a more failure in the face of the international community. i've just visited the european garza hospital and the things i saw there it is beyond anything that anyone should be in a position to describe or tell me the law as to where the children was atrocious injuries. and that the same time having lost the parents with no one looking off to them. meanwhile, hamas carried out a number of what it describes as retired treat strikes on his way to territorial monday evening. the video shows rockets being 5, some southern falls us following the strikes, range sirens,
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lab reports to be sounding across this house as well. the aside from us strikes, intense, baffles up. well, so raging on the ground involves us, especially in the know the answer to this footage, released by the idea claims to shows you limitations of how much i'm going to to allegedly open fi, unengaged in close core to come. what are you in the office for? humanitarian affairs has worn to quote, the even more hellish scenario is about to unfold in the young plate. since there were no conditions which allow for the level of humanitarian aid needed to reach the area. according to the un ross, so that's in the south brain, see already place where supplies can still be delivered, display scalds and seeking show to that have spoken about the dog situation in the camps in the field little glove. all of
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a sudden these rarely ordered us to leave our homes. in the middle of the night, we rushed without taking money, boots or anything else, because our homes were bumped $2.00 or 3 days later, we moved to their rough box and then on eunice, where we stayed for a few days before returning to rough august. nobody, including officials and the government to wait any attention to us. where should we go? we're unable to bring the closing for our children. were sleeping on the ground and don't have food, water, or anything gas. next one, we are forced to get firewood from remote areas of omaha. rob moment who provide for these children's need does. but also they didn't want to see it alone. that's what the whole, the head drop, leaf nights, demonica we have ok to the west of crop farm land. we moved here. well good stuff tends to prepare areas for bathing and using the toilet and brush firewood. so nobody looks out for us on us to about our needs. we moved from place to place because of every school we went to. they told us there was no room available at all . so the ceasefire, i had 2 options,
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we need the return to the shelter will go back to the demolished house unless we choose to stay at home. this signifies the resilience even in the face of devastation without the portrays the challenge. we have to go through and at the same time is the symbol of resistance store to patient. and despite the destruction, god willing about times will be rebuilt. one hype remains on the prior to the one to me. what would the content clack of essentials in creating a voltage, gas, and electricity daily life is a struggle. local john, this rodney allegory sent this report about how people i'll coping as we are here. and the main is the range of the my guys are if the jeep value, see here, people here have invented this tool. you'll have the local community members. so is there a bridge, meg, the foods and stuff, their foods as a regular basis on a regular basis every day understand for payment? almost one week after the war broke out. when the gas and electricity were cut off, we began relying on this as we cannot toast our bread at homes of the top of the.
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but i have ruined this cooking gas and turned it into firewood stove. as you see, i mean, i don't normally toast brand but also cook for the locals, whatever they wish to cover your son. that sounds better give it. i come over to this bakery in the hope i can buy some bread. i come to such bakeries to get at least one or 2 loaves from each. it is not the only place where you can find these these back here is. this is 33 vectors, vendor light to into 3. it's also there in the most of the areas and the middle goes us red and new. so i rushed also the main street. there are some of these of these back to raise, right? there are no say rocks and the grades and 0 by the end. every part of the middle area and not only the major road but maybe. 6 the whole garza threat as the crisis of the lack of a few of cooking guys and you look through a city has been deepening and that throughout the rate since that is ray,
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the wall on the gaza thread has broken out. and october 7th. rodney asked me to reach out to you now guys, the refugee camp magic gaza strip on more than 120 russian citizens helped me in a box way, just from casa. they arrived in moscow on tuesday morning on a special rescue flight such of children was said to be among those effects of the cold 28 un climate conference. it's president has been full to row back on comments he made about facing out fossil fuels and the face of mounting media prussia there's no science out there on those scenarios out there that says the phase out of fossil fuel is what's going to achieve 1.5 degrees celsius, please help me show me the roadmap for phase out of fossil fuel that will allow for sustainable size. you know, you can only development unless you want to take the well back into caves. salt and
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all shop made the claims last month. however, on monday he's state to this was when misinterpreted, expressing his respect to the science and adding the net 0 emissions. one needed by 2050 to keep people rooming, to one and a half degrees celsius. for when i chair and presidential candidates on the call, but the 2nd question is the results of the 3 decades of cops on that's of this is the concern that i've been taking place since 1995. you know what i'm thinking about more than try to use a whole team to simple truth, almost how to use or what do something print. but it didn't want to know how much time this one yet to know. we have to buy me for, since you know, up to now, if you look at the global done, you know, from 60000000 bottles to the bottom under the assumption middle bought it on up to not even come to do what i want to know. and definitely need to come into 3 or what kind of vehicle, what time the 3 i want intel included in the 2 bedroom,
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but yeah, so i would have to deliver one day out. switch over to all the certainly without the additional do if it video, if you call the domain. so i do want to also in place. so push that is it or why i didn't something i didn't talk to the actually the talks with not home. so the just back up, which is the name of glenda too, but you've got an associated behind. it's gonna change a little document. additional dental conventions. yeah, i don't know. frame was a little comprehensive. i don't know. so i mean, a lot of discussions in the illusion of taking place, but i would really move forward in dumped to reality. no parking the calls that are 20. what do you see the i'm on disability? what dental global leaders look at? what is really and try to work within doing really well for the, i mean, the stability of the asia pacific region is
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a risk that is the charge patients level at washington, all through the q c, u. s. navy ship or violating its sovereignty on entering the south china sea in the united states is deliberately violated showing this sovereignty and security seriously undermined regional pieces of stability and trampled on international law . and the basic norms governing international relations. united states is undermine stability in the south china sea. china has undisputed sovereignty over the islands of the south china sea and surrounding borders. the territory in question is a, a bone of contention between china, the philippines on the us, on sunday, the philippines coast guard accuse china of the legally amassing the ships in the area report to detroit in a 135 vessels or some to it has previously filed to back manila encountering paycheck. i'm the passion now of uh, introducing uh how are you? okay, a little lawyer. i'm full of presidential spokes. parson. thank you so much for
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taking the time. speak to us is tuesday. thank you. it's my pleasure. um, the 1st thing i want to ask you is quite a general question. um, what's your assessment of the current american policy in the asia pacific region, specifically, how it relates to china? well, the philippines, historically was purchased by the united states, allegedly, from spain at a time when we had already established the 1st republic in each, i know because they wanted a stepping stone into china. so recent events actually mirror or reiterate why the american was invested in the 1st place. they want a stepping stone, they went the foothold in asia. and of course, initially they were interested in the china market, but today they seem to be more interested in good standing, the rights of china as the 2nd, the economic of super power of the world. and possibly the 2nd
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a superpower military country. yes, we have in the world. i mean, it's interesting because the us claims that the creation of this, as well as military assistance to taiwan, but it's naval maneuvers in that area of the south trying to see that o aimed at ensuring security. now cause one month security is another man's threat . i mean, nato russia, that's one of the most recent examples. so what are your thoughts on this? so for the security aspect of the claim, is that a risk that actually it could lead to conflict? so we have lives basically in asia, we have live basically we shy enough for thousands of centuries until the onset of colonialism. and it is only recently that there's been tensions because i married guys i said, appears to be bent on been think it's hedge, it more than that into the latest in asia. now please take note that the one china policy was formulated by the americans themselves. and they were the 1st to
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advocate that by one is really part and parcel of china. but because they want to challenge china girl, we innocent wins in the region. now we have nathan issue out the by one and they have said that their concern, their security concern to insure the independence of they what i think what is clear is that the americans have mistaken international security for american national interests. that's not the same. i mean, it's interesting because i'm in the name of international peace and prosperity to bite and has wound china, but the us will defend the philippines in case there's any attack in those disputes of both those. um, how do you evaluate the us defense commitment to the philippines? well, it's all empty promises. you see we've lost the islands to china already. and when system us position was that they do not in get involved in the,
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in the conflicting planes, the territory, you know, but it is only now that they have a national interest, a great deal of the growth of china. that's up there now, invoking them the mutual defense previously beans and they noted, states and law promising that they would come to our rescue if they do come to the assistance of the philippines. it is not because they believe that we have fights over this dispute of islands 1st because they simply want to start trouble with china. so one just as well. i mean, is interesting just up a bit already. you mentioned the us, we talked about had too many unimposing. these had to want to come fissions. i'm the us does have a 0 or some mentality. does not make it more difficult. the country is not just in the asia pacific, but globally, to be friends with both washington and beijing. the well medical use of the world succeeded and the philippians also succeeded in these regards during the administration of president. really go to what the depth a whole i would like to see bob's was my boss now. so it is not possible,
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but to the fact that you see with the philippine president not receiving advice from the public relations professional, who has been working with the u. s embassy in the philippines. that balance has been disturbed, and we have clearly veered towards the american now. so it's not even the fact that the student, the national interest, should encourage search advice for the china. that's only because it is the 2nd largest economy of the world, but also because we are so close to china and could possibly benefit from the economic bullying. china i want to mention because you want to. so you mentioned your full way employed to talk to a controversial, they got very popular amongst many filipinos not so popular internationally, especially perhaps among people of the i. c. c approved was north. so i just want to get your opinion on that. you a post an investigation into, to talk to i'm, what are your thoughts? well, can you explain why i know?
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so what are your thoughts done? me on the impartiality o p i c. c. the weather in the 1st place, the philippines, and i was one of the foremost advocates by joining the icy c joined the icy c. only because of the principle of compliment diabetes, that it will be of course, this last resort. and not quite the 1st instance. in fact, the rooms thoughts of itself assessed very clearly that the courts should not exercise their inspection unless local courts are unwilling or he may unable to exercise history selection. now we have a domestic international. you'll find that i know we have a functioning judy sherry or complaints against the former president because we do not have any immunity. statutes for former presidents should 1st be filed in the philippines. now i, judy, shari, is working. i need an institution's are working and there's absolutely no reason for the itc to intervene because for they, for them to do so, would be a violation of really being solvent beat and a violation of the principles of mountains or direction. i mean, that's obviously
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a discussion now in the context of the conflict in gaza about what the, the i, c, c is not necessarily doing what it was initially created to do. but as rather it was kept the pest of thoughts, nations with best interests and things, did not the fire assessment. i think so because it's very clear that you might die on the faster in gaza strip. now, should have been the primary focus of the isis, the prosecutor in the court itself, but they turning a blind eye and big one countries are like the philippines, maybe because of the colonial investor just on the i. c. c. after august cleared the european court. i want to come back to your souls to come bit close to time. i mean, no problem, but we sold the us and the philippines they had joined at and see patrols in the south china sea. i'm how necessary to think those exercises, are they really about deepening military co operation,
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or are they more about perhaps provoking the chinese drug and well, given the sorry, state the 5 military, these bands this exercise has read the are americans show us for us. it is really a threat on the parts of america, the use of force against china, for whatever reasons they may find it just be viable. because as you know, the americans are not exactly a lawyer or subservient to international law. they have their own definition of international law, right typically on the broad vision of the use of force. everyone else who resorts the unit that the use of force can do so except for the americans. now if i'm not mistaken, you folks have been a great space, a full, you've set the philippines should not be aggressive in protecting. uh, it's interested in the region. you read an uh, suggested sharing. uh, the south china sea. can you explain not a bit more? well, that's the way to go because it's actually there only. um,
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there are no geographic features in the dispute that the group of islands that can generate an exclusive economic zone, because none of them congested can sustain human habitation. so we only have 6 high, 5 elevations that can generate up to 12. i'm not to go miles up there until you'll see. and only the philippines declaring it exclusive economic zone because of the i just had to go allow. so you're really talking of 200 last uh about um 72. um, um, kilometer you had 72 miles off by what this covered by uh, silver in the out of the area of 1000315 square miles of south china sea. now the rest of the difference between the $272.13 always need price. the highest fees which can be used by anyone and everyone. and could be the subject of operation. and of course,
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joints use of all the claimant countries in addition to the rest of the world. 1 seems like a very reasonable proposition, but unfortunately reasonable is not something that many politicians in the world at the moment tend to lead towards. i mean, you just mentioned that a bit earlier, but could you just talk this through? i mean, you talked about, obviously the geographical proximity to china and so that would mean really the philippines seems like a natural um ally of china, or at least a. um, a very it rational cooperation could be stuff up. um, what do you think there are that does the great to space full co operation between the 2 nations? well, you know, china is our biggest great barden there. shine. that is one of our biggest sport investors. and of course, we would like to see really being products um, getting more foothold in the chinese market, because that would mean increasing prosperity for many filipino families now. and that is what i do not understand why our dieters right now. i can so they can sign
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up to be a military go phone. that's when, in fact, historically we've never had any type of if it's china we've had, we've brought with in japan inside with americans. we've had with the spaniards, but never we did say needs because our history has always been one of these both trainings and the slow cooperation research. i don't see any reason why that that's, that's as full shouldn't change just because america has its own national interest in the region today. i mean, america having national interest in the south china sea is a bit of an irony i'll have to call, not mention it. but one thing i do have to ask you is, i mean, we know the therapy intentions. you mentioned the co op, the competition between the us and china economically, but it definitely seems that uh, the rhetoric has ramped up in recent months. you know the last of 20 months so. so why do you think the us is stepping up doing more nape on the news as being more
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outspoken and how it views china as a threat? i'm offering more and more material and diplomatic support to taiwan. why now? well, i think it's very clear that america is really threatened with the rise of china as a military and as an economic power. and there is always refusal to acknowledge the reality, the bias of a single tinge of money. bower is the only thing it over with the whole more in the whole world has seized that basis. now the age of ribs, where many countries of the world have also become develop and are now asking for a bigger voice and international relations. i think the americans are in a state of denial. i actually that was one of it was the final question that i wanted to ask you. so thank you very much for leading me to it. since the beginning of the ukrainian conflict, weston countries have been well trying to force countries, especially in the global south, to abandon ties with russia to join onto the function. is we launch the on
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successful $0.87. well, has not sanctioned russia. i'm. we all seen growing, multiply petite, we've seen bread cuz we've seen people trading in national currencies. what you will take on how that multiple our t. it has a much in the last 24 months on what you see it going from now? well, i'm happy to say that because of the increased development and prosperity of many nations, they are now demanding for a larger participation in world affairs, which has given rise to this multi point row. and what is happening now is america refusing to acknowledge that we haven't ceased to be union folder that now has to entered name um volumes id yes. and the world view stuff from countries that have now are now able to stand on their own feet and will really make it very clear that they disagree with american international day of both, also their own national interests. and i think um, what's,
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what's happening in degree and of course is a very clear example of america promising your grand that they will support them all the way and leaving them in the middle of the bible. and that is why i been winding myself through the being those of even do america has been saying that their support for the philippines against china is iron clad. all that i have to tell them, this is what happened to ukraine. they left them handling in the middle of the bottle as well. um mr. okay, i can see why you are a sports person. you're very convincing me very comprehensively. uh, onto that report. i would say in fact the word interview is 3. the way that he wants your questions, so i really appreciate your time and your insight about what's how are you real. okay, boy, i'm for my presidential spokes person. thank you and have a great day. have a great day. thank you. what i think i'm not note, we will need you as all for today and from me out to the war associated. we take the already bought from the top. so caesar,
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the there's no end in sight over how you're going to continue to destroy the earth. is the case for the method as of the people i tried to go to the gym, but i'm certainly not ready to fight russia. this is also of soon. this is the 3rd world lunacy re washing press for so the funder line likes to say we have the tools while we just start with stability and business deals to work. so let me, let me on. you have a very quick propaganda. you know a price here in your i think we don't know the aftermath any time that you're not allowed to ask questions, you should ask all of the questions. the more questions ask the better the answer is will be the
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the slow, the other one is open when you come home like that. so when you lose this is yeah, the silver was, there is a couple of stuff that fair enough on the puzzle from the apartment to come sunday must spend a portion with the soldiers which didn't associate right now. that's my goal is to accomplish assessment. so why don't you also think us luck on model. ok, so you means when you, when you from the last time you know so much difficulties in the middle when you put the whole stuff ready for the middle one, going to do a 60 percent with us and then even like, interesting excuse me. let me just do it that way. let's see. uh,
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what do we do with this particular script? this done? i'm. those are preferred to have more. lucy's was just so be. so what is it the wound up now we see both lashawn motion openly come on. you train, we're off this off to february, the 14. so the front line was a stalemate. 20 kilometers from the sheet of good. the german surrounded the cavalry cool on the planet, advanced towards stone and was fortunate. they were ordered to retreat. companies to come the me to mitchell is tamia station say before we meet you welcome. we're going to love you chose to some of those or show them again for the info for, for the calories break through in february was very difficult. they were low on that munition and had to fight with sabres and hand to hand combat. they face not only enemy infantry but also tanks. none the less the cover men liberate.


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