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tv   News  RT  December 5, 2023 12:00pm-12:31pm EST

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[000:00:00;00] the devastating is ready as so i tell at least 50 at the refugee camp in a sense of gauze i'm calling you in the south according to the works it comes as the idea of says is gronvold is 5 rates listed is ready. so it is 5 and they have, have seen way present blues as want live will of helpful that are they didn't things it is an order supplies to be in back to isn't for make other medicine stores within 24 hours. and india is pharmacist is new. there is a relationship with moscow, is sort of the significant with the process of having
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a role saving india, a number of times the life of moscow. this is a lot. see my is around her. mom is a 2 minutes of news. i'm these stop now. is there any thoughts as haven't reached the main cause of the southern, the city of harm us with passive continue that are offensive. but it's according to a report by the idea of what you said that tuesday was the most intense day of fighting since it began. and what is ground operations in the region? we are in the heart of jamalia, in the heart of jaya, and from this evening also in the heart of comes eunice, but blunted continued. second, 2 dependents. shipments of this cause at least 50 people have repeatedly being killed and these were the strikes on the new sort of yet refugee camp. out of the
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city of hong is in the south of the gaza enclave. a warning the following images. all disturbing, the local authorities said at least 43 of those killed was sent to the north side of hospital in hon. eunice. we heard from witnesses the, the guy who was staying at the school when your kid started training done. we thought we were safe at the school with so many dad and ancient people in the streets. i believe that the i d. s. has to be somewhere close this one off, or dean roads, the main, the roads, the that takes, and people from the north to the south. and they have reached need of these quotes, then the scanner, which is a 3 to 14 offices away from where i am. these ladies may have succeeded in going
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and 500 meters for once the insides and on the very heavy onto literally on fire, which we have been hitting over the last 56 hours. i'm here and also the hospital danville is the the pass in right credit society. you publish a video said to show is reading, trying to solve the thing, lives and the sentence, the of the 2 ambulances and the southern gaza city of the out by a local authority, say 250 met if it was having killed in the region since the conflict erupt, it does the so has been estimated at almost $16000.00 journalist. i mean, i'll move out a isn't there. i'll buy the full thing on the day just about all over night. is there any error strikes and a ground, a ground operations, a ground relate to reactions? and that goes us. we have have been intensified, especially in the southern regions of the gaza strip and the middle area of the gaza strip,
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where we are standing now. these as were either operations is really arris drives have various residential compounds in the middle area. that's why i ride, get rid of by law. i'll go rates and solve the jury by left a south of the ability by left down to was the southern region of can you and is the find you in a city as where 80 iris rice also continued over the eastern part of that time you in the city and the banister. hey lar, i've a son who's that colorado right? these villages and towns from which they is were in the army, had ever do minded the residents to leave to watch the rough la city where there is also a drop off. some is really actions including iris drives as a ground operations and the rough i've city the intensified is there any iris tracks on the ground operations across the soldering parts of the gaza strip. and
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the middle area has close the number of communities and the distance to increase our via our as stated by the health officials and the general rate for the time being the number of re schedule it got to do with this app is, is rising and mounting i meant set lot of medical supplies and the show it to you of a few and includes the day after many hospitals including val locks on martha's hospital and the during the buy left down, which serves more than $350.00 follow stadiums i didn't do if you hundreds, thousands are those of this place, palestinians from guys and city. i know the guys us threat. it's an online wow. has broken out between of the w h o, that's the world health organization and the i d f also the head of the w h. of shoes is where in a threatening residential areas and something positive medical supplies. today w h, i received notification from these real defense policies that we should remove our
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supplies from a medical warehouse in southern guns that within 24 hours this ground operations will put it beyond use. we appeal to israel to withdraw the order and take every possible measure to protect civilians and civilian infrastructure, including hospitals in humanitarian facilities. anxiety officials are responsible for passing. this is enough as rushed off the accusations and they didn't issue the warning. still, it's been taken seriously by the w h o. this reported a number of attacks on you guys in health care infrastructure. the number of functioning hospitals has been caught in the fall of the 60 days, including the un no more than 80 percent of causes, population is displaced. that's almost one point. 9000000 people might come. the 200 ministry of tax on health care institutions have been recorded by the your group, the w h. i describes
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a situation in dollars of hospitals as catastrophic. but is israel listening comfortably on the day fighter jets struck across the gaza street. these were very significant, besides and intelligence base strikes. in addition, we are expanding our ground operations against thomas strongholds throughout the gaza strip to that would i mind passing this building or the as a head south, but the city is there such as a rafa from eunice. i'm that data ball. i'm a full on the most recent is where these attacks. now you can see where they are on the map just so the much all day with with this the video is running out of faces the fleet, the united nations a, was that. so the creation of saves, i think, also has become impossible, but it comes as before, the 7, the truth is, well targeted hospitals and refugee camps, locations in the northern parts of the old regarding the situation. here's the
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president of the red cross international committee. we have to find solutions to this. we can turn away from what is every then to a more failure in the face of the international community. i've just visited the european garza hospital and the things i saw there is is beyond anything that anyone should be in a position to describe or tell me the law as to where the children was atrocious injuries. and at the same time, having lost the parents with no one looking off to them you an office full of the minus area says how's was that there is no place safe in gauze on quote. then even . busy busy hellish scenario is about to unfold in the own group, according to the un. rafa in the south remains the only place where supplies can
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still be delivered. but it's never enough this face gauze and spoke to us. but also i didn't want to see it alone. that's what the whole of the head dropped least nights demonica. we've got ga to the west, the front part. we moved here to adopt tens per pet areas for bathing and using the toilet and brush firewood. nobody looks out for us or us about our needs. we move from place to place because at every school we went to, they told us there was no room available. after the cease fire, i had 2 options made the return to the shelter will go back to the demolished house . we chose to stay at our house. this signifies the resilience even in the face of devastation, to portrays the challenge we have to go through and at the same time is the symbol of resistance to occupation. despite the destruction, god willing homes will be rebuilt and hope remains on broken. for me. so i have little available. all of a sudden these rarely ordered us to leave our homes in the middle of the night, we rushed without taking money, boots or anything else. our homes were bumped 2 or 3 days later,
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we moved to dare rough off and then on eunice, where we stayed for a few days before returning to rough on nobody, including officials and the government paid any attention to us. why should we go? we were unable to bring closing for our children were sleeping on the ground and don't have food, water, or anything gas. we are forced to get firewood from remote areas of omaha to provide for these children's needs. so according to the international allies, ations around the world, children in gauze, all the ones most affected by the devastation of the conflict we had from. how do we heard from kind of the who's, who's my, who's the head of defense foot children international, based in the west bank city of ramallah. he says that despite evidence of world winds inside the community has failed to compel as well to stop it. so thanks a since it is the, the 5th is in any serious terms, services. i believe that is the identical bank board i was supposed to been of,
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of funding fund of addiction and did it for the children who are under that is that a military position. we work in the field for more than 50 years and we do prevents all the violation that goes to cynthia and or to manage cities as of the the way to present the standard for example, nursing lives or the but isn't that you? um, as the engine, but the thing is that i'm doing much less comfortable to fix the issue. it's a very sensitive the 2nd today it is a i guess, dividend. so we keep that. but i that seals the incident and that we have your life to talk about, but sometimes would have been missing from the primitives. and when the senior citizens had been reset with those who sent me a sense of the life of the business, unfortunately, or the information definitely provide the i see the dispute that the office
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unfortunately often mountain of use beside us on the general on phone which one of the joint chiefs of staff mock, many supposedly suggested to create in fitness, that quote, every blushing dirt into steve should be wondering if the throat will be slipped in the middle of the night. the washington post quotes of the now are type that on says the statement was made in jury and trip to germany when he was in his acting role as the chairman of the joint chiefs. so stop. now auntie has reached out to the washington post regarding margie's was on the diesel as i say. but as of now we have not received a response and there should be no russian who goes to sleep without wondering if they're going to get the throat slit in. the middle of the night, you've got to get back there and create a campaign behind the lines of us live to every, let's see if it is a. yeah. and that's for to the size of doing it here on on. so, you know, he does her that to the, the form of will, the, the top of the facial,
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really from the us on forces. same was like, slid thing through some killing russians. while the sleep of these really inspiring was, what do you make of it? the 1st of all, as a participant of this uh, creating a feeling least the middle of towards us. i am have been there since 2015 this policy of, of attacking similarly, and people as being a high end though, creating an agenda. and under, when we look through the do the middle of the board servers are they are claimed to be in us say in the see i headquarter. and so we go very close, depend the goal, as well as supporting these kinds of policies. for years and years and years, we have seen a wave of us as a nation's and when the russian made its intervention to the serial more in 2022,
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these wave get very strong and we have which was unfortunately many of a boy additions and commanders being killed in these kind of brutal attacks behind the lines, so many simply as have been wounded and did in these attacks. and it's very of. so i think this is, this is a fact that the usa, he's behind the actions of the s b u. c. i is, is there as the army supports these kinds of activities they have trained to for so when it comes on an interesting time, of course, uh my, my so many is that for some kind of inspiration to sort of both of the craniums and perhaps give them a pet, so if you like, but it, because it seems like the u. s. condo in the afford to con, continue sending money, moving forward into this special ministry operation. now we still looking, i'm at a for
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a moment and that goes on within that you claim for us is to actually defend or to retake certain parts of the land of the situation. from here in regards to people's republic, watching towards the west, i see our troops are in good spirits. they are a strong, they are everywhere here in don't because i think that they are getting ready to view the, the final bunch do very week. and i me or it's getting weaker and weaker every day . and the reports are, are showing as of the situation with the weather and everything. i thing that the, the, we are watching the, the real decline of awful, creating an armed forces. they have suffered hugely, from this policy or fighting through the last to cranium. and of course, the full kind of a general, right, that's reason rules when they get this for a and a full kind of these kind of reports that the,
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the waste is supporting terrorist activity behind the lives. of course, for us, for the serial population. here it makes a greater threat to that, that before the final bulge, we will be watched as well. unfortunately. yeah, yeah, this is interesting that we have this continuing rhetoric when he comes to russia for bill russell. phobia ash oh, we're looking at more sort of about so recreate that most of that kind of hatred, tools or russians regardless i made for the fall fluid i wouldn't and so take a hypothetical with you if you don't mind if we can fast forward say, 10 years or, or 20? well think we'll look back on this and we'll, the west 3 but what they've done and i think that of many of the leaders today. ready in the west will be curse words for the, for the western population. as the finished president,
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seating presidents who are being one of the main factors of, of driving these, russo phobia, you know, all the finish borders are closed and, and they're putting natal weapons all around the russian borders. i'm sure that we will achieve a piece in some form, but i think that the, the roster are you strong enough to give the order and to keep the order some hallway into you are being called in. but these leaders today, zelinski meaning to call us other from the will the economic forum role and leaders they, they will be across fluids for the regular people because nobody deserve these kind of, uh you will be in reality what we are facing it. and of course, no window, when these desperate grain in the war against the russian people is getting the week's file phase. i being that the, that we are, we are dealing with, with the very degrees that, that this, let's say maybe ex,
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we'll start to try to open the 2nd front and that'd be something what we need to be careful. yeah. and we'd have to leave in the was always a pleasure talking to you. yeah. this, but that now thank you very much for your time. and you were speaking to as a global technology summit to the indian form is the high lives in new days, normally assigned the relationship with musket. the emphasizes the russians historical significance and is role in saving india on multiple occasions in the hallway relationship with restaurants. it's a lot of relationship which happened in one instance, one day, one month, one year. it isn't a cumulative relationship all close to 60 years. often i see the problem defined in a way as those somewhere does some handicap that india has by having the solution
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for this relationship has saved us at times. today the 2 countries relationship is on the rise of linux will sort of matter fee equipment to india muscles. so promote scientific and trade corporation with the debbie which reached 15000000000 dollars this year as members of brakes. russia ad in the also share a commitment to a multi polar world order that we spoke with directly. so the sensor for, so to dig studies and he says this might end up being on the west, some 5 to not to have ties with russia. and new demi, i must go, continue to pay up off together as i share and, and get as, you know, being park. this is a nice job partnership goes back to the gets a right from the time that you got independence and these follow the orders and i'll make margaret off site, you know, having those 5 years plans, socialism, and manual 5, the structures which are out there or they just have to was clear to maybe with the help of sort of bishop,
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they got steve factory rental and even off to that and $71.00. but i, it was addressed savage came to address you because that time to be checked in by america. and the reason was we were trying to help people in bundle of dish that is a payment of it to shifting blood rescue and to day and the heck this morning you create a vehicle put under pressure not to buy oil from russia. but in the event that be being buying from buying oil from russia, if i ending it. and also minucci is totally different in almost 70 percent dependent on the oppression. they've been sticking logy and thinks that the other aspect is that people do people, economic. so right from the beginning, i mean, be possible to people is part of the language problem. they've been very friendly relations and in other fields also via being cooperating culture education. a lot of our students come in study. so if this relationship is something that is that
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it's not just security or a strategy, i just got a lot of other angus split and it's very or so the media and look up to shows in as you had a very good friends, allows you daddy where the indian prime minister has published substantial economic support for the east african nation in yeah. during a blind to summit. as to agrarian economies, we agreed to share our experiences more than as the agriculture sector of kenya. we've also decided to provide a line of credit of 2050 1000000 dollars laying the foundation of a progressive future. today, we thought to strengthen our cooperation in old sectors and identified many new initiatives. again in president is currently on an official visit to india to celebrate the succeed. i'm of the 3 of the countries diplomatic relations. let me just pull this thing crease of mutual cooperation between the nations,
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which are connected by the indian ocean. this year the 2 countries signed the memorandum of understanding and to strengthen naval security in the region we spoke with. i know it's a good may at a full, my indian, i'm boss of the who served in africa end of the middle east. he said that african countries us to change it partners with india in a variety of sexes as in there. and that's a have a number to kind of partnership and data strategy clean listed to each other. and as to mentioned, the 2 countries out of the signing sylvania, it was the near motion partner as a part of the global south. they have very similar challenges. like to put together the energy security. be for kaiser security or do you have an all of the tools that have come out? one of the major areas is of course, the matter of time, security and cooperation between the 2 countries that is very important for me in this, in the past. have a good strategy for go, i think so, but he meant to take us back to these different countries i'm seeing here is one of
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the bigger countries in india in this presidency problem, mr. moody. in fact, the major, an incentive to include the african union as a permanent member of 1820. which means that the voice of the result that comes from him in and i think that's where india is. a standing is a voice with these countries and has always supported these countries, whether it was ever went against the colonialism, done fight against the 5 kind. what is also very clearly that in the amenities of africa for ethics, i mean there brad, or do use their desire to bid the read you are going to have the places of which would be mutually beneficial. so there isn't a process spectrum corporation which is going on with various countries in africa, in fact, all of everything and confident, and which is no evidence in the way in the works for improving the african union as a part of the to, to opt out of a song hero of in the our, i seek estimate of the swamp,
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the both of the come this policy of india in tuscan and gave his descendants both a legacy. and then they read more on our website on the pump. is on time of year again for the united day because climate change conference and the new global plan of action has ever been put into effect off to the main thing. design being environmental. meso said that developed countries must start taking steps. but count seem to by waiting to see developed countries get on board to fulfill the responsibility on adaptation. they should not be allowed to continue working away whenever adaptation is mentioned. they need to start delivered on their promises to fix the negative effects of their emissions. that will be an outcome from c o, p 28. that africans could really behind the united nations as how climate change conference is since 1995 and year off to you,
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other seats lineup and virtuous signal officer tapping of private jets cups. so any it is now taking place in device and while more people flocked to the summit, some results have been announced. what can they be considered real change? 50 international. i'm not sure. an oil companies that are present the over 40 percent to blow by the oil production have signed up. that is a phenomenal achievement. 19 of them are adopting that 02050 targets for the 1st time. since the one i've also committed to not 0 meet in emissions by 2050 for the 1st time. some organizations have been port to criticize the initiative, suggesting it's a diversionary tactics. there may be true to the accusation as in the past, the event has reduced more so than absence. and now this agreement terms,
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we don't want. so i'm hopeful or important parts to all in gas production, but self regulation of governments and for fuel fuel companies. james to lock m f c j to inherit motors and the needs of those involved in an announcement of what the agreement really accomplishes some so called climate activist. maybe last but please. what exactly that level is we all have our different views on, but as long as there's the model there, i think what society wants or the most responsible operators meeting that the month . what we're committing to do is to be the most responsible operator, will basically produce more oil at a low cost more efficiently with less environmental footprint. that's a win win win. and we're improving us energy security. so there's a lot to liked about that. you well, very day is reduced fossil fuels, evidently not try to reduce emissions. sure, no problem. it's been a breakthrough for the 70000 people taking faults in the cups whitehead into by. well, they've got to show something
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a look for the when the climate form has been right in new chopped us for years from global warming to climate change to turning the page to the latest jo, political issues back in 2022 of the ukraine and complex headlights, the events this year java is left right and centre world lead us severe turn of the podium on friday to criticize ease of bombardment of gas or breaking on spoken agreement to steer clear of politics. this is, it's very clear that israel has been, it's is by him, us and israel has the right to defend itself into fights against him, us to the resolution of fighting. and the guys, the strip is clearly a cause for concern that is featured in many discussions that we find on the fringes of this carpet they. i had an opportunity to meet with a number of colleagues across the region. and we, we focus our conversation on all 3 aspects of what we're doing today the day after and gaza, as well as the past to
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a durable last meeting securities. this international forum has turned into a cloud of interest, veering off the path of environmental virtues are we still of the slides where turning away from fossil fuels is just not feasible west and close for energy translations. sabrina passed as requires tons of money. and in a period of high inflation, when recession maybe around the corner, not full even developed, countries are ready to take the risk of developing countries seem to have put forward the hash tag on interest. first movement had of western calls to tank their economies and wait for the son to sign, timothy or peasy archie, a pull job nigeria natalie high from full midnight june and presidential 1010. the other little garber. the 2nd, who raised the question off the 3 decades of course submits, what is that to show?
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this is the concern that i've been taking place since 1995. you know what i'm thinking about more than to, to use a whole team to simple truth, almost not to use or what do something for him. but i didn't want to know how much time this one yet to know. we have to bind me for some, you know, up to now if you look at the global bond, yields around 16000000 bottles to the bottom under the assumption middle bought it on up to not even come to do what i want to know. i am dep almost 3 or what kind of vehicle what time the 3 hour intel included in the 2 bedroom but yeah, so the one down switch i will do all the certainly without transitional do it very difficult to domain. so i think when the awesome increase, push that is it or why i didn't fucking, i didn't talk to the actually the no deductible, no co sort of the just back up, which is the name of collaborative. what you've got and is to say to just behind is
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gonna change a little document. dish on dental conventions. yeah, i don't know for them. well, a lot of confidence is i don't know. so i mean a lot of discussions and i know what is illusion of taking place, but i wouldn't really move forward in dumped to the reality. no. watching the calls that actually what do you see the i'm on disability? what dental global leaders look at what is real and try to work within doing really well for the, i mean, while our ups off of this, the news as always, is paid to have your company with us here on our tea international. let's take a break right now the back of the top of the out. we're letting us that the the guys they already see here because they come to school. so i'd be such and then use for me to email you or just the


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