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tv   Documentary  RT  December 5, 2023 1:30pm-2:01pm EST

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ation on ways and means to counter mitigate and compensate for the negative consequences of unilateral corps of measures. of course, this is an important step in increasing the coordination of efforts of members of the international community to overcome illegal sanctions which the united states and its sellers have made a substitute for diplomacy. that agreement, age still count or are the western pressures against both nations and as both countries are facing is common to us from the west. and the united states in particular of both are faced with the sanctions in. busy based on the 2 nations by the united states and by the west in general. and they are increasingly integrating and trying to forge closer ties in order to face those sanctions that we heard about iranian president. abraham bracy is also scheduled to travel to moscow on thursday, and this will mark his 2nd visit to moscow since he took office a couple of years ago. i mean, the young earlier set up before he attend, he,
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before he attended the meeting at moscow, he sat at the airport in moscow. that's one of the goals of his meeting and his visits and moscow is to follow up on the agreements that are signed earlier between the presidents of the 2 countries. well, for all the latest global updates, whether it be the crane conflict or the as well. and how much company didn't take that amount to come out and we'll be back at the top of the the finish wall time photograph archive has very few photos of the concentration comes in. those few, it seems as if prisoners move behind the above one of their own accord under very content with their lives. here, for instance, a photo from one of the pictures of all its comes inscribed today is sunday,
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a day off in the shape account. female workers have lined up in the yard to show, but a mobile van that's just arrived. trade is brisk, and the customers are happy because they're allowed to buy the necessities, such as cleaning product, household goods and sweets. the boxes to know stella entertains with labor cams residence i did. it gives them to the photo is dated. may the 31st 1942 according to preserve documents. 1942 was the hardest of a prisoners of the finish concentration camps during the full year occupation, and one with the most dest. let's just sort of take it one more to put me in another one, you know, pretty soon is still a good, you know, so i just wanted to know stuff to resolve these concerns. little, thank you. on the line, you can flag it, us dollars total will coordinate a dish bill up on your nose or store. okay. and if you're able to weigh near bruce
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who did 3 years, when would it these it is not that i'm going years. know what that the sort of can flag it a couple that was a no email at the cool glass school knew what she huddled shrove of clinical shows as not understood a whole bunch by giving me a key wrong because of all for a piece to shift the thoughts, feedback and were feeling she initially to my store and that's what i need display still, i get an invaluable go which that the death rage and finish concentration camps as high as any gym and ones according to historians due to hard labor famine, disease, and executions. almost 14000 people died in korea, an estimated one 5th of the remaining population. the people's only fault was that they would finish until a family simply died out. in the 1st year alone, account number of fine prisoners decreased by 25 percent. in 1941, they were up to 8000 people that by the middle of 1940 to just 60000. will you better with the vote for this? she didn't use you see what's going to william these,
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do you need to know what to put the most to shut the ocean? the funny news for you don't really like your yes, just message. there's a couple of cool. yes sir. 32, by the way, palladium that we're thinking of is that are surely that they did are you doing you . ringback attention really, there's a get those kids nobody a mobile law screen major dis menu do not malicious. show any j e. mom is maya. i should see him was i didn't want you to inventory motionless issue and you need to get money and you're going get it was generally we advise of i do really good question. wallace. no, no, no, that's chick again. douglas slowly slipped overboard them for full sneer. complete
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he was speaking to a drum. well, if you're really swamp and level of fusion left each in you just some know which will total will squish commercial pool with almost all of the slides at the bush. richard lynch, triple double play store with the to, with the 3 of us going to sing at a flip with almost a symbol of fusion. we just got the most get the cable euros gave you a little bit what you will say that on you. but on william keith shakita is and they have a disability touch base. i do need them to submit to the monthly get. could you show the quiz sliding key? the summer government is approval of a chevy. decoy must see. should they color or cheek? you could keep the, if you do 30 like you do a few with them yesterday with a stooped look to spend that sort of a depth, a couple of perception. i knew you flexible, but proven local move stuff. those are, you, can you provide still really deal with those that, that kind of can you look almost all day or so to can you pressure with them to you and you points to, we just move as more than just you. i said in that case,
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we get the approval for water slate. don't credit you, but when we come in, but i did a clean skin, put a cd you this last month and this is like a different the very is with them. so you got this because i'm just store where she and i got all them associated with a little personal connection, e number. so i guess in adaptive a list of kids that don't script. well, we're going to go from the machine portions to the various investments for the nature here. let me just see like your point of view before the deal. you see it here. i'm a former employees available for so was it them smith? smith? smith, you've got douglas. you're right in the gym. he's equally the field. they bought the car for what? low school for. get a with him. i p soldiers to move some, the bellagio, even the controlling the cause of all the change don't deal. they don't go to the valley to go off the wall quality of it was what the less can equal no global for
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new fuel to the full arch. normally would see if we much or what are the schools give you replacing the federal in the middle of them. you know, the, she knew she bought it, she took pictures to catch with the free boom, wanting community. so things to the dental took. the floor is nubile and sisters didn't survive even a year in the account. so they chose a good level metal, choose new dispos dinner. and that was just sort of to get them good to to dish just in each case one, the good. the don't wish to mamma watching to hello belinda. look, i knew blue book where you, if you've done you the bubble school midland because it was originally gave you, could you give up a, you know, much the least amount and you said one unit discuss get done. still because of the new lease,
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the vehicle when you need the new denise upload speed, the history is due to assist you with a case study. the russo finish was when he was in 1st grade, his father gave him a bowl cold winter war since then. he's been interested in a topic let's little study even today on one side of the motion, additional saw with on the significant as low as pepsi is level of the whole of the bodies. and if so, just all of us, like i said, the next few stick with you that we focus on here, because you can use this on your shareable. and there's no hard, i need your card on you that you feel which is nice, like why we should just, you know, usage of disgusting. i mean, what else of them is i send you this, this would be paying a lot to you a couple of months later and we still put it on your site. unfortunately, i still don't usually have somebody to do, sir, and it was last time you saw a couple of the sure you saw someone shut the door, but still doing it seems to hold a bundle. but you'll also be glad to ship your ski photos stuff from level 0 and we even, and i still not publish it. just give us the newest lease and beautiful, but which one you the invoice of style. both things that you me over of should in the way of follow up with me able to see when the publish it this case will be
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different. your decision of sports, the condition was when you want to still use that same global machine. so what i do show you is ancient piece of big bone. it was the level 50 indicate that it's a big oh so and then it was like a body. so that's what she was. the shooting is when you're ready to pick. if you don't have to measure performance and you have the steps, we have some or she needs to go. that beautiful mirrors. what was the block that also need? you know, what's the gpc that that needs to be available? you might ask me more. who are the, who are these lives in the world? what you'd have trustable shortly to me, it's useful to you what it is you're going to do so, so i'm going to show the difference. what do i need if those are continuous news? does or will you sort of do it from one, the vital is theodore, near cloud, the shepherds? no deductible. yes, ma'am grady, if they have to read your eve of space and we just for you need to not be sure to visual nacley stuff with nick. i'm called the ship couldn't use nicely transferred to your my position doesn't move any. so can you use, go, could you could explain the degrees here across that they've used them even more
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than what your thoughts go for school. or do you do decide if you're looking more weight in the living? would you rather do us sort of control or sort of reach him if you mind me with courses clipped this book we need to wish for most part where he may be working with liam this he may need just be the one on the books. shanina, do us do to get them what the photos you assume you and yet i knew 50. it's a city more simple. yeah, he also said i'll come will change another sort of move that there's always get. there's 2 is cynthia hong and no one needs to give some thought on by me to go to the thought you a position that when we had a stroke since the cold, you know who isn't just one of use the apartment, it was nickel plus you get them so you do, you have to so somebody, what do you mean on? so yes, can you push them mostly escalating royce and then you those really able to double . so she'll skip offering you to go at each or fiscal comments on the what is the real thoughts, the financial goal, so he's not going to have money and you also want to be the appointment was i just noticed that you had them in the field scope of san francisco group on a prisoner of war camp known as transit camp. number 17 was located on the
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outskirts of the occupied city of other near various times. and house between 601000 prisoners were quite enough as opposed to them. got those go to your boss, lead me about r o, b squared, z. as you do it to find me, your email, which is the most s g m, your move out to pretty much the last few all of your skills or you said that the years to some new level of good, it was put to screen level to several 100, really on the 2nd receive lives, defends ended up in cams, these with the so called politically unreliable persons who didn't except the occupation. that initial thought is felt they were to quote, russ advise you boldly, search and get that they're going to get can't get definitely got the nurse a while. he was feeling to buy more and was gonna wire that you're looking at the
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other most of the teeth of the condition. yes. the in the ask all kind of preserve letters from former korean concentration camp prisoners, city based commercial a. she was daughter will give me was and informed me that you this also you can get on the card joseph, once we get our stuff released on fall or each 1000 mom, lady salvo fly, log in. total one. welcome patients. but i'm with the actual dispute. oh, my pleasure to sort of start a work order for beauty where you would have searched your summer more. that's nice . you'll shoot for a few up log. it isn't the california to still more than a couple of years. the book is get the rules going his own. forty's logia. how much else you need this, don yet they charge us garage corner store. i don't, i don't leave on, on the toner, your car shopping and you've got enough gun. yeah. the bar and you'll see a for me is, did you, did he call zane jim, will she does it provide it as a binding up and you know, never hear about us. it's about the music, a car to start on spring you most of the way it's a fairly of august. the is
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a binding of more when you look on here, you know on it's sort of more of a nevada. so i do to speak of the judge india. yeah. for the good i for you to release the apartment that you always go to the store, your dears, look you all before she 1st of all care. what do y'all do more? yes. the on you will do it on the outside of the community to reach me on the bus. stop you different under a few years, march the smoke alarm, it was nice mom on a for the talk of pulling your current number line. yes. so what you're going to be doing a pretty showed the police say is get the fuel dodge. cute. i've seen a lump of what bill could be built up. i'll go either. you'll be biased, mutual contorting you, me a target balls. you guys do a full stay that he do on the when you bring much good on both of them. i did i to be a bit old where they blew it because if you will not be able to do it, it won't go. it doesn't look still just they decided to do it. you got to bring it down. so you can just do because i it but taylor seeing if that was. but if the,
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the, the tax just for the funeral for and the possibility of for the semester class. and like i said the last will probably, that's something i've been in the school, just do it in the polls. and it's a form of some of this in my own way this tell them by some football.
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shy. right. students presuming issue over to you pretty much lose the on june the 21st 1944. the read on a lot of pictures of all it skips into toby and fighting continued throughout july . soviet troops kept pressure on the fins and cross the defensive positions, approaching pictures of old school in the north and south of such a time from the west. the sailors were the 1st to enter could really is capital in june 1944 after the fins had already left because that was futile,
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couldn't needed to fall out of any of them. totally shoot the world. and you'll be the side of the scene and you do me a few pieces before. we'll go through it. please feel free to to go through a few. let me deal with the field, which is almost thumbs. if you're not seeing a solid d 30 in the installer plus model and say, for somebody to choose, can you just come in then plug it in because i get stuck with loop for you. we get a said, you just use godaddy, but you more. lucas, blank page or she gets to study it is a little while ago, but be sure you will as soon as i mean you're the you're going to mess with the new significance today. can you, can you hear me please confirm the words ship and to share your the, the initial discussion here not to hold over to the minute supply a solution to ship you left of the month to meet your your mattress. do you agree?
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thomas? motive is motor, copious. you write your swear, i need the vehicle. i don't want you can just do the. don't forget the say a gave it a unit, wrote a book about the concentration camps in korea, in collaboration with ryan to internalize thomas motion and almost his family. the grandparents only spoke finished, so he has 2 native languages today. he's the editor in chief of the caribbean magazine, published didn't finish the sale of the wrong k off. so what would i us alone, right on the side and lift the shade. why don't you, why haste? jim. well, below you purchased in? yeah, from you show me like we're funny. okay. we're getting a way of reaching with whatever means doing the usual on you know what, what each was, what are you still have in general setup to store oh for yeah,
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of course i usually will have to do really. yeah. jim leo, red shirts, a dual real ski boat and you'll skip the little flesh just measuring the issue. you can then when you have a pistol between you seen scogel performed a visual of genius based opinion. if it was a good one, you don't even look at you being the, the loan that get them on you an auto store. see if you look, i think you try to waste coffee menu. but the option to 1000000 utility at the law says most beautiful will stay where you only buick celebrities brush man. so we just can females. good. i'll show you. i mean, if the game i don't want to feel a little bit right now the or just thought only. so we have a field scale studies is be good for us to go up. well, something is up i would probably, and with a box is based opinion that they do need to learn to use uh us, i use a phone and supports the site using can be used to this garcia of 2 products that mike and select the needs of patients and then seeing when the game that i have so
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you have to matter what spend the of the show everything and i use interesting pressure is my study and look at a store deal. it's what a 30 minutes away. it's a button washing machine. you have the door for getting your phone. yep. so we move trim order to use the gear fewest if are close to hitting shop new and his study i she moved already started but i will start with them a little bit. you should get it, which is going the ocean low off by the most. that will be without foot watching will go, was from you. let me telling you what would show it go from what do you stick with initial change? you knew the need for you used to be also from a, from left to loose. put zillow. if you live nation a solution you can with i most of can you go nice and scroll usually care ya allows it is on the property or does she walk to school? she thought you the model start tomorrow, and the storm piece of text will be the mobile phone. so for sort of default the shape of some overlay,
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if there's more of the price to choose the most here you will distribute itself to show at the fuels coming really can't believe yours, but almost all retired the flu shots plugged all the sheet that you know if you know, do you know the squared or 10 went to the l a, w a, the whole bullying region. her voice, but when each lady actually nibble well, but most of the more of a sudden enclosure there. and we're still confusion, excuse me. the height of the deal is reached wherever you can use. the votes published finished, political scientist historian and professor at helsinki university. beckman says the 1st time the genocide of russians in finland was discussed was in the eighty's when they tried to ignore it. now he's reminded them again because i've succeeded in your change engine block. so you think i'm not just a bit of money. you'd see me as a divide near the absolute law. i didn't lock of as to let me give you my sister at
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whose does he and your service goes to use or just for just indicate that so the level that money to pay attention to start seeing the option to be clicking though, but as are the 1st of it is cuz i asked a few minutes ago to, to see if they all seem a function you're going to possibly get in some get a new block the show. but i did go in you that 2nd. yes, but we're slowly coming use, most of nick, you got a box and you go to the store because like enter most of some which of them is each most of us come to some committee or to easiest name nations. get gets in the notes here because you know, the blower comes on, some people are going to use god healey and want to be smart enough to sell searching. you just google, when you're out of trouble the plan, you have to create him the because they don't have to, i didn't use those are the do she's going to make data like a piece of piece and i still not that list. does that single? you've got any, if there's ation, there's
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a mom i show that i think you should. i should read ami. sonya is which we did by any scratches with b steel, cruelty prisoners eyes would go just out. it's cut off and impaled on spike's. there are recorded cases of finish offices ordering a prison scale to be boiled as a gift to the bride or to be kept as a souvenir for themselves as passionate who died that lucy has gotten the senior legal one has access to garden d equal when he is out so because of his collection would be a good solution. most of them are like, i don't want you to at the new would yet. so you need your suggest that the trying to to stay different when he is us. the science 1st opportunities next. as a new model of using for us. and it said the that's key to comment is i've seen some of them, emily and not us. could you convenience? i've seen the solution of best, but since 2000 the machine was up, please visit our store and i see and you made private message divide by the lead to
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do you know what the us to you to this to us by that i see if the nation's a line my of the shipping level, the way you do is and when the difficult way might that, that is like what makes it they keep getting, get them. we're going to get this image of compute delete them. but if you put the, let's your senior apartments the way they split up the seats on the suit, thought that the guy's gonna finish of the used to play a lot people did. they just don't at least come up. it's just a lot that needs to something nice for you. what is the limiting as i see, but it would, you like the developer would get you. it is a mo, george update. but you know, if an worship pushed him store, you will get to you next to him as well to lend you just be sure to move to those from the study google shifting this to or show up. so
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yes, kind of thing. just to snare value and you've got to where you feel good with a gulf view of both audio ski versus the future when you turn your thoughts. sure. and that's where these are up to a couple of the furniture store while he was the one was previously when my teams coming over to you. if you could please give me a phone for 2 jobs for the multiple dogs. yours is shipped to a live feed on the shelves. origin, future shikeria postscript issue a new trust since 1990, the union of a former juvenile prison is appealed to the finish government. 3 times the amount in compensation for the physical and psychological damage cause during the
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occupation. in response, they received either silence or refusal, referencing the 1947 powers peace treaties, which made no provision for compensation to citizens of the us as the the, the surviving prism is at the finish concentration camps, appealed to the investigative committee of the russian federation. skein to investigate and prosecute those implicated in these crimes, but remained unpunished. april 2020, the investigative committee opened a criminal case on the genocide of the civilian population of korea. taking into
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account the archive of documents on the finished concentration camps, declassified as part of the new statute of limitations projects the war isn't over until all crimes against civilians and soviet prisoners of war. fully investigated. for the better we is uh told you what the what part, what city yours on park brushing so i'm not enough. so i don't need to ask them separate or just the which one because the of the, which charity to go for what arctic of waste could be something we can go from. what i need to know more than enough, would you mind at up to our pros. meanwhile, a steeping in your thoughts of a sort of shame suddenly and cbs. so i use that interest. groupon magazine here on the list of borrowers next thursday and fox still might even leslie need you to have to weigh about the ship to be 0?
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no, my dogs read must lead to get there. so i'm gonna ship the manuals mesh. not wishing me said leah mazda eastern. yes. natalie shae steeping be sort of useless to mislead store. village loss still. can you tell me? i'll let you. i'm you can you have so many is that us? yeah. so when you felt we made the on the east coast time is still with me. so can you
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guys just sent it to you? so could you which is the is to remove it and see i guess it sucks. so good. i used to be honest. can you give the, the
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the, the new media research deployed here to nancy kim's in the book, the mattress, just me very the, the only showcase is use the so he's going to the, by the ways that the boys the, the most new. and that'll be for them. imagery of us to florida doesn't want that
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extra them. but adults under that the devastating is ready. and so i till at least 50 at the new story out of the refugee camp in central gauze. i from eunice, in the south of folding tables. it comes as the idea of size. it's where i'm folders have reached the city. as idea of times, fruitful the open find the ambush designed a un agencies says is what i ordered it to clear up for medical supplies from gaza . we hear from a sports person from the w health organization to prevent access to such a such warehouse. this is also not 2nd else like it is to shoot at an ambulance or a to attack a hospital. so no doubt that the us provides fuels.


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