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tv   News  RT  December 5, 2023 5:00pm-5:30pm EST

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the, the devastating is ready as slice to kill, at least 50 at the nearest that somebody read from gene com, in central because i am upon use in the cell to reboot. it comes as the idea of says this ground forces have reached the idea of time simple to be able to find the absolute at the and a un agency said is, well orders. it's typically around the middle of a surprise to you from ace to from the world. so the zation to prevent access to such a such warehouse. this is also not tech come help like it is to shoot at an ambulance or a to attack a hospital times as hopefully is released quite harmless law. safe back home in
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israel. we hear from some of the read this 5, the conditions they faced while and couple of us some of the need to put the stop, which is a little i need to forward you to what you want them to stay on. you the, she had easy just because the new stuff, some getting what you have us. not that that was the bustle, but due to the company today for the late this global news around the i'm was come on me and this is our t international. is there any forces have reached the main cause of the southern gaza city of harmony? and as with plans to continue the offensive events, quoting to report by the idea for which said that tuesday was the most intense day of fighting since it began its bland operation in the region. we are in the heart of jamalia, in the heart of jaya,
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and from this evening also in the heart of congress, we're going to continue talking to defendants shipments this column. so as at least 50 people have room for the being killed in is really strikes on the know. so that's a refugee camp at the city of fun, eunice in the south of the gaza strip. now wanting the following images. you're gonna find disturbing. the local authorities, at least 43 of those killed, listened to the next side of the hospital in a fun, eunice, we heard from witnesses the the guy who was staying at the school when rock had started training done. we thought we was safe at the school with so many dead, an injured people in the streets. i believe that the i d. s. has to be somewhere
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close this one off or dean road. the main, the roads that takes in people from the north to the south. and they have reached viewed, at least close by the scanner, which is a 3 to 4 kilometers away from where i am, is what it is. they have succeeded in going and 500 meters for one kilometers insides, and on that a very heavy onto literally on fire, which we have been hitting over the last 56 hours. i need and also hospital danville is that done stuff coming and getting the engine and the mergers do in addition to many civilian cars and those are supposed to be doing the same most people playing the funeral today it is and the more here. so there are tens of thousands of refugees. i'm going to be in most of most within the many more and the rest of the field. but all of us. and what i'm seeing now is one of 3 things.
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either people is coming in to the hospital, stating that i was thinking that this is the safe zone for people who are already here deciding to steve, saying there is no place that's safe to go in the heart of love this for that. and so this is visit, just be ready and more than the other. go where you don't know the google sees, you can just move instead of media stations that have left eunice and gone sort of . so this is what i'm seeing that i think the front of seeing that right for us. and so, so i think it has excuses. what of endangering ambulance is it published the video and said the show is really tank. saw the thing that as soon as the, the 2 ambulances in that out by law as fighting a robins in the south. dennis around me, out of my hoodie who's in the bins, us the latest. 6 overnight is where a, the at risk strikes and a ground, a ground operations, a ground really to reactions. and that goes us to have,
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have been to and supplied, especially in the southern regions of the gaza strip. and the middle area of the gaza strip, where we are standing. now, these is really operations is really a risk drives have hit various residential compounds in the middle area. and that's why i ride, get rid about off. i'll go rates and solve the jury by the size of the ability by left down to was the southern region of can you and is the find you in a city as where 80 arrow strikes also continued over the eastern part of the con you in the city and abundance of a lot of us on who's that colorado right? these villages and towns from which they is were in the army, had ever demanded the residence to leave, to watch the rough la city where there is also and drop off some. is there any actions including iris drives and it ground operations and the rough i city,
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the intensified is where 80 arrow strikes on the ground operations across the soldering parts of the gaza strip. and the middle area has closed the number of casualties and the distance to increase our via our as stated by the health officials and the jet or to rate for the time being the number of these control it gives you what this app is, is rising and mounting, i meant set lot of medical supplies and the show to you if you want and there's a date at some of the hospitals including val locks almost as hospital. and the during the fall off down which serves more than $350.00 follow study. and i didn't do if you hundreds, thousands are those of this place, palestinians from guys and city. i know the gaza strip a heavy that it could be of the massive influx at the alex motors. hospitals overwhelming us. we cannot accommodate these numbers due to a severe shortage of medicines and medical supplies. also, there is no space for admitting cases inside the hospital. the number of those
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wounded now exceeds the hospital's capacity. by 5 times, we're looking for places outside the hospital to accommodate these people. we have a significant shortage of medical supplies, especially in the operating theatre, particularly internal and external fracture fixation devices, and many surgical trays for certain specialties. and one of them as an online route has broken out between the world health organization and the idea off of the head of the w. h. o excuse is a threatening residential areas. i'm some files of medical supplies today w h, i received notification from these real defense forces that we should remove our supplies from a medical warehouse in southern guns that within 24 hours is ground operations will put it beyond use. we appeal to israel to withdraw the order and take every possible measure to protect civilians and civilian infrastructure, including hospitals in humanitarian facilities. it is already officials responsible
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for processing and civilian f says brushed off the accusation the same, they didn't issue the warning seal is being taken seriously by that the ratio as it has reported a number of attacks on gauze in health care infrastructure, the number of functioning hospitals is being caught in hall for over the past 60 days, according to the un mindfully broad associated discuss the mindset with w h. i spoke with some kristin lynn mir. so what happened apparently was that on the ground, uh, the, the idea of the representatives told our team and the lead of our team and guys are the head of the country office, verbally, that uh, they strongly advise to uh, most supplies out of the warehouse because within 24 hours because off the buds, the sold would be a military operation area. hence no access. it could be a, might be very limited to get to the supplies or might even have collateral damage.
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so while it was not at the mountains, if to be very semantic here, it was a strong advice. your organization is also called on as well to, to take measures to protect, to help civilians. and i'm, she mandatory, an infrastructure has a, as a israel being cooperative in regards to such requests. just lays exactly into this because i'm also making it up impossible to access a warehouse with medical supplies are located, which are already way too little for the needs and gaza right now. so they have a bare minimum, let's call it that way to prevent access to such a such warehouse. this is also an attack on health, like it is to shoot at an ambulance or a to attack, a hospital out of $24.00 hospitals and the noise a 3, a barely functioning and to be a partially function. that's what the population has up there. we have 12 hospitals in the south sold to get to $36.00 and out of these 12,
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all of them only partially functioning. none of them of them fully. um they all the crowded overfilled people are lying on the floor. not only those in need of help, and they're literally lying on the floor and sometimes you get to beat it on the floor because there's no other space anymore. but also the people at sheltering they're trying to find some safe space. um, he's a horrific circumstances in, in the your tex continue, and of course the like now right now is that we see the same happening in the south that's happening. so in the north and let's not forget the use riley's have told people for about 6 to 8 weeks move to the south to the states on. so now people are have move those who could, those would survive. those were able to move um and that would be a text continued the same way. so it's, it's a, it's unbelievable my levels. us in northern gaza either cause as somebody told us about the situation in the palestinian enclave. the
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media them how to help with it. everyone knows the state of war being waged on the cause of strip, especially, and that's north, as there was a large and fierce attack on the north of the gas, a strip with all kinds of weapons, all kinds of missiles and the crown siege that is being waged against it through the failure to bring in the aid, the lack of diesel arriving and the inability of hospitals to work, especially with the major regression on the gas a strip in general. the situation here, especially after the humanitarian truce, which was hoped, would reduce the impact of the siege and this targeting and bombing of the northern gas a strip. this is also the case here with regard to hospitals. the humanitarian situation here is very difficult, as hospitals operate with a productive capacity to generate electricity. it is very small and does not satisfy the hospitals need to obtain the necessary electricity to operate and operate as departments here completely. the hospitals operate in the state of
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emergency in terms of the humanitarian situation. during a tour we took yesterday in the northern gaza strip. the situation is very difficult from an environmental point of view. there was a large accumulation of garbage in the streets. the sewage pumps have filled the streets as torrents of sewage are running in the streets. and this threatens and environmental disaster and the northern gaza strip. environmental is speaking in the northern gas, the strip. as for the humanitarian aspect, the situation here is very dire and difficult as there was no food, no medicine and no water. water which used to be one of the basic and easy to access things. now the residence of the north struggle to reach and obtain, especially after many water pumps and wells were targeted and there was no diesel to operate the dsl a nation plant. this has increased the suffering for the residents here. this
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matter could also entail the disaster that could spread academics and spread germs here in the north. as for people suffering and obtaining food, this is much greater than obtaining water in medicine. the issue of food is a very thorny and difficult issue, especially after the exhaustion and consumption of all food supplies in the north, in gaza strip. the lack of aid during the humanitarian truce and this matter led to a scarcity of materials. and some of the available materials became expensive, meaning their price multiplied dozens of times as for moving to the southern gaza strip. this decision is a faithful decision because not moving would mean putting my life or the life of anyone here in the northern guys, a strip at risk. but what we see, and what we are witnessing is that there is no safety here in the northern gas, a strip, or even in the southern has a strip. many journalists arrived in the southern gas a strip and were displaced. as for me, as a journalist, i try as much as possible to stay here in the northern gas
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a strip to cover obtain and deliver the true message of what is happening here in the north. more than 80 percent of gauze population is this place that is about one point. 9000000 people cotton's is 203 of times on the health care institutions have been recorded by the you and group. meanwhile, the idea spokesman says, is a, isn't spinning is brown operation strip garza cut familiar on them today. finally, jet struck across the gaza strip. these were very significant resize and intelligence base strikes. in addition, we are expanding our ground operations against how much strong holds throughout the gaza strip as well. is that a mind 5 seems assume the or the head south, but city is there such as rafa con, units on there to our by law have also been under heavy is ready bombardment. you didn't see where those locations are on the map over my shoulder. that most of it
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is running out of places to feed to the united nations was that the creation of seats in gaza has become impossible. but come as the full, the 7 dates is israel targeted hospitals and refugee camps, located in the northern parts of the enclave. this way civil didn't say there was to be no safe place in the us. i mean, i the tell us to head to the super fun. we're to go to refund, even if there is no how someone me informs us, that the southern regions have safety that we had to sell. but there was no, i'm going to handle that, but there was no safety in roswell, we will stay here. no, all my children and grandchildren are next to me. master are 21 people. how can i go to a rough city with this number level? where do we live? and roughly, where do we get food from the we are deceased and the safety of calling eunice a complete siege. where are we going? and now they told us to go to roswell. i called go to roswell,
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because i do have money with you in the office for humanitarian affairs as well. and there is no reliable refuge in god's. i included an even more hellish sonata is about to unfold in the enclave. hooting to the un, rough. i in the south remains the only phase where the supplies gonna still be delivered. we spoke to display scouts of of yeah, this is what they had to say. but also i didn't want to see it alone. that's what the whole autumn and it had dropped the leaf nights demonica. we've got ga to the west of front fox. we moved here, send up tens per pet areas for bathing and using the toilet and brush firewood. nobody looks out for us. so aust, about our needs we moved from place to place because of every school we went to. they told us there was no room available. so after the ceasefire, i had 2 options. the, the return to the shelter will go back to the demolished house. we chose to stand on how this signifies the resilience even in the face of devastation portrays the
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challenge we have to go through and at the same time is the symbol of resistance to occupation just by the destruction god willing himes will be rebuilt and hope remains on the prior to the word to me. so i have little available go low. all of a sudden these rarely supported us to leave our homes. in the middle of the night, we rushed without taking money, boots or anything else, so our homes were bumped $2.00 or 3 days later. we moved there rough, uh, and then one unit where we stayed for a few days before returning to rough office. nobody including officials and the government paid any attention to us. where should we go? we were unable to bring closing for our children were sleeping on the ground and don't have food, water, or anything gas. we are forced to get firewood from remote areas of omaha to provide for these children's needs. the in to is a the s line phone, gaza back in on the us, made munitions killed, 43 p them. the majority of the women and children. those are the findings of human
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rights group. i'm the see international fund, an investigation into the incidence of us made munitions we used by the as ready military into deadly unlawful strikes on homes and gather which killed a total of $43.00 civilians. 19 children, 14 women, and 10 men. i'm the state and national has found following a detailed investigation into the 2 attacks. this acts investigative to family homes on the 10th and 22nd of october in central garza, i'm gonna say internationals websites was reviewed photos from the tablet and sides and found fragments with marketings from the us based and boeing company. those new lives the infrastructure in the area. according to satellite imagery, natalie human rights organization deemed it either a direct or indiscriminate attack on civilians and has called for an investigation into a possible crime. now despite the sudden death toll in gaza,
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the us keeps funding as well with the weapons. the so kind of international piece research institute estimate is that washington sent over 70000 units of weaponry due to leave between 19502022. the list includes ad croft vehicles on munitions making israel, the biggest benefits of american legal aid. according to the us official slides hit by the wall street journal. washington has provided 15000 volumes. i'm 57000 artillery shows that since the 7th of upside of us live c u. s. is route relations explicit haldeman bottle to follow the thank you so much for joining us now. so there's no surprise at the us supplied is with weapons. we know that and these will kill use to kill civilians. ok. but why has i'm gonna say international made a point of this report now because it seems that i missed it has
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a pool of using these uh phones. i made a gun with plans in thought to get think of a standing in civilians. and this could be what of the crime an american addams could be used in what drawings by is that, i guess that with a staying ends and they have, it seems that they checked the remains of the woodlands or buns used. and this at tech, so, well a, it's for us as the stadiums. it's nothing new since i was young. this time i saw and, and is that i the so did he was getting an american him 16. and this was the very beginning to understand what does the us support to, is that what it means? so it's not only the, what the united states provide as an, as with the, with guns arms. it's, it's everything, the political position, the political support, and the nationally, and in the security council,
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diplomatic support. and the if we go to the, even the intention when united states use that they say said that they have no evidence that is meant to try to get civilians. so i don't know what can be said that the, the, this of the 16 motive in 16000 the at bella stanley and most of them of children and women and then united states defense is that i am intention. and now they know the intentions of is that i am not the only the actions of is that a little that and the who knows maybe to motivate would say that, well, we can confirm that with civilian skills. and because of why is it a and we so this think maybe before and now as a united states is not even but think any kind of restrictions or limit the to make is an ill for the end for on at least the killing civilians or making is that only
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minimize using these were the ones that against civilian sense, civilly and uh, the, the people in, in, in schools in united nations, uh facilities what they, but they are doing this and united states is defending them. so where there is for us and there is less than getting you into the part except that it could be a good document that can be used as in legal cases, i guess as an island united distance. well, that's what i wanted to lead to really. i mean it's clear that the us has blood on its hands. it's not the 1st time that's for sure. but uh, when the report was like, i'm gonna say international. i'm missing a report from the red cross and what's been happening, of course, in the gaza strip. will these be something that could eventually get someone in the united states so as well to own up to these war crimes with this
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perhaps prevents or slowed down the united states and is well in the continued attacks on these innocent civilians? well, i don't think this would happen now because if we go to the latest, the expectations coming from the us administration, they are thinking that the cutting, the military aggression against goes may continue to go to the stage, at least may continue to the next january. and so we're talking about a new addition of the months of flight think and destruction and killing of civilians and goes on to say it's band with who knows how many people are standing and so will be killed. tell many of the enjoy it will die. so we have the catastrophic could result of the kill link and i don't think that the united states will stay in. is it a um boss to share the same thought or get of this war? both share the same uh, maybe values they have both at their minute to the,
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the or with don't tell them. and they think that the people of this land in united states, they thought a good thing that and did you the people of america and he of, they are a good thing, the indigenous people of palestine and they share these values. i think when they talk about they should have values between isn't and united states, not democracy, and that sort of them of speech and of what the, what they share. it seems that the, the values of killing the oh did you know people who lives in that or try to live in that homeland? i don't think there would be any change in this. the u. s. policy thoughts is that i is always defending isn't a, and when it is right and when it is wrong, they refuse to condemn it. as the policy of 16 month old though, they say that's a 2 month policy is in league, and it violates international law. but when it comes to going anything to this policy, united states always uses the veto against the notice solution in the security
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council. and you can't understand the situation except that we will defend digital and what the price is. and now you to the states. there's knowing that it's position and support thing is an in this war and not on the support thing for the syrians. united states is but not in this war. it's fighting with isn't i am not directly, but when you give someone and allow them to leave within his flight, think with that uh uh, but the so we don't expect any changes may be when they feel that there's an event going to the to, to, to actually have it start to get them goes a lot when they feel that they need to intervene to save is what i'm from itself. if they think this is all right and is going to and you date them, then i think uh, they may interfere to serve as an from itself. and from being, you know, mean that then you hope well this is how long we don't have much time enough time.
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even what about minute and asking for my direct the kinds of ssl. but before i let you guys, uh we thought about the united states. we did a lot is where i live to out of over a 190 countries. i mean, how about the international community getting behind each other and i know function in the us functioning as well, forcing them to make the humid terry in decision to and this conflict is not an option. it said the name, in fact because you know what the united states has been doing the same thing and it's 7 to try to get other countries to with sanctions on other account countries and escaping every think it has been doing and it is skewing is an item for them and it sanctions, any pets of and she has sanctions even when it says that is elizabeth in the thing international. we hope we could reach this position if the, the international, the,
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or the is changed somehow. maybe we could through to this point last time. so without leaving the house, doing model to us is revelations and split as a, with a place as a thank you for your time. you know, now the experiences of hostages and preserves between how mazda is. i'm have allowed many people to listen to safety. some of those who is why have most all russian citizens we spoke about the difficult experiences income timothy j. d. not that good. and then could i see? yeah, look at that and could i be just do it? i see this is a given that imagery which is that the fishes is using the controls. if they're using to be the most giving us a view to cause me to be seen to, to look up the data for my shit that he's going to have you just a little bit of bringing as we did. i'm sure there's a portion the same thing you might are still going to do. you go to the chest,
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a good thing in the city doing that down the road and you go there, which initial, a southern and my own boost because they decided that it was due for the few students that you could ask the school community. it seemed to 3 to to, to, to the social. so because she said that it is because he wanted to do this me else at the new book because mentioning you've a crazy that's hopefully you will to be youngest because it those pictures so that it should explain suggest it's pretty easy to see if it was seduce me and it seems given godson, but monday to then put those. it's just more of no, no coordinates. so those niko newsom, i'm fortunate to do when his name a couple. you did you up. it's to the new but let me upgrade you muted is the issue of new and you want us to produce good. so you, you and use it. now you put the menu and then some of us do some homes just to, to ensure determine sunbrook table vipers to your particular seo service request through associates. a 0 sum has been senior, who looks special to for,
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and some of those released supply. how mazda, describe how they had experience a terrified little deal, and hoped every day that they would be feed one. well, it was in camps it would see, it wasn't come to be still waiting for his son to be released. she described a harrowing conditions, which be no, it does not you. but if i do to cause the junior edition and we'll go with the disney that the which and digital abuse needs to the guys the didn't. is that the best will but yet because they did, they did it because they didn't move because they didn't special most of most of the student emergency wasn't emergency, wasn't it that they didn't. and mr. pollen and mr. polly watching digital watching digital office. you just use your bullet digital model on it. some of the need to get the rest of this done in which and digital i'm you know who just what you're
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looking to stay on you the shaving them usually just gum. you cause them in the some dilution of us, not just the most of us are budget you suggesting exec data to put in the user? did you i mean in the that's what does that suggest? look on. you should reason, but can you show me what's going on? i don't know to or both of them. yeah, yeah. no, just a little good buddy to let them know what's in, but i shall post the electric see of see of us most know. see ledler, was it a she never got more than that was 3 of see if it was always and eco, a. so then that us use google for sam and of the us joint chiefs of stuff. mark, milly has been for the the said that quote, it re busha going to sleep should be wondering if that's right to the slits in the middle of the night. now going into the washington post. the statement was made in jury an official trip to germany by the now retired general there should be.


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