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tv   Documentary  RT  December 5, 2023 5:30pm-6:01pm EST

5:30 pm
you know who just what you block them to stay on you the shaving them easy, just them you cause them in the some of the what you have us not that the most of us are budget you suggesting exec data to put in a user directly in the that's what does that suggest book on you shows you the book on you show me what's going on general to both of you. yeah. no, just a little video, but then you're watching partial photos. the electric c of c of us mos no. c. ledler, was it a she never got more than that was 3 of see if it was all ocean eco a. so then that us use give the full the same and of the us joint chiefs of staff mom committee has been for the the said that quote, it re busha going to sleep. should be wondering if that's right to move the slits in the middle of the night. now going into the washington post. the statement was made in jury an official trip to germany by the now retired general. there should be no russian who goes to sleep without wondering if they're going to get the
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throat slit in the middle of the night. you got to get back there and create a campaign behind the lines of st. reached out to the washington post. residing with these comment, but has yet to receive a response that we discussed on my side with the chief editor of the m v. let's e news outlet. he says that to the west of media is false. narrative collapses every time. but statements slip out by top officials i think that these, these a height of 3 shows. they have also, oh, we'll do seek the truth in their hearts. you know, they, they easily sleep about something. what is really going on, maybe in their weak moment or, or then just to promote themselves that they have be in the top of the issue, waiting. the tests being done, i think that they call correlate their own private position to be stronger if they sleep bought something. but of course, in the same time,
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the whole western media of falsified narrow, difficult lapses when these high officials gave him a hand for the troops. this policy of attacking of celia and people as being high and low grade in agend. and though when we look through the, through the ford service, are they are claim to be in us say in the see i headquarter. and so we go very close to pin the goal as well. i think these, these use the fact that the usa, he's behind the actions of the s b u. c. i is, is there, and the army supports in these kinds of activities. they have trained troops for this. well, that's all from me for today. my colleague, mike of what you will be with you and it's on the, on the
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the games was only seemed to increase with each passing day is counter offensive. was an utter failure. continued mass in western support is in doubt. zelinski is popularity is on the decline, and the military essentially has few ideas, how to proceed. kim is running out of options the do monday or produce the city or are you here? we usually buy more into the account and that's, and you remember those are still exist very for me for, for your can be a solution in the building. next 3 of the to the new system. the current about which is 2 types. 3 of them are under the impression the g
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's use that the quite some of your subscription to the most part of which lexus massachusetts, on some, she did the 1st of all, but those of the was the avenue struggle. the price was sticking with the brother pretty to ship the bridge a lot. if you do here for the 6 at some much more important this how much adds to it? yes, i did it. the usually the i'm the to the, the truth and the solution. the that i'm with, it's just the name and i'm with assess the motions far enough to much better to for us you're both pretty doing that. you know, i'm so you and what is who can give you? welcome the general, the new shows eat and stuff on ocean federalists and then we certainly see the. busy the
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the, [000:00:00;00] the beauty one cannot get an opinion at the book and of course not dogs can yes, can no one's the last and work on your snow. pretty your, her name really next and i'm sure it capital traditional good story. but a book i news really progressed and us to go look, i need and bundle ramirez was kind of a june the chase,
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but of all is in this name and no single one of the table who genuine know when you mine, you double click motional customization inducement which college in nearby and grew up with change due to coordinate system of the draft with that you could of george get this uh if it's at the most to tell you what are you supposed to dine in the 1st, is that the same as your menu, and the time yet there's some good that said the fisher did bring you on your son that's was still at the store with the queue for the chair, and you're still something in the court. miss mcdaniel, you need those 2. i need to go to national and from that i just both of them are sufficient manual. so i would say yeah, that would be suggesting carlos,
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i don't know who your insurance or not with us, not google insurance. an issue that you the shouldn't be a joy for beautiful academic b the 1st month. really easy to visually impulse, even the staff is facing who but it does sound like you know, getting better. most of the are going to come on the excuse me, should that should old g, but i'd be really both enough to just sort of compliment as besides the former leaching economy leading. yeah, kristen, i don't fear my, let's see. see, i'm not junior durham is 0 earlier and you were bone you earlier and i stopped at the end of it, the even a full nation dujin village here and then gave them the ocean. everybody really is . i think the fridge, pretty big nice of. and this doesn't take you over to the,
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to the floor. you can use wireless, which i just design your 1st and bring us the would you do? yes. yeah. i mean just for one additional thing it the, the dish i don't which i'm really a person that i saw for the rest you. but that is the message in
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the legit my yearbook gm is shy with the with your but i'm looking to get the disk about doing miami, which adds it to it which even you much never just isn't gonna full gloves. i believe. heed next to the storm. yes, that is now shows that i smoke up dr. each followed last minute by dialogue by a guy lot. nod this mom and you are, you are just a know i have some boy, the middle comes no this guest. right. the moment limited the wrong for them restoring you for that i need to buy it. i knew the fullest. i'm not sure mama
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wasn't familiar. she went on the books divides title. she said you want to know yeah. most of my summer to ruth can do to do 2 of the other ones to ones come on. this for me can which the caution are doing in your muscle for it. but i'm really, if you also have those are one from when she did some lunch and said he meant, i don't know,
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a come from the room will come forth unless i'm leaving the students will be a junior. she's been said he stay wisco personally, then then we're going to use so many mean. yeah, it's funny and so watch for you see a couple of for next piece i just if you need to put it smarten with when you send the critics general, just kind of shooting at people to those. right. so i can just use immunization. i believe that it's on a she must go ski and i actually need to give you a book and then you put the upstairs. and then if you need to get the specifics here and they could ask you to purchase the process dispute. and if i'm to know what i'm showing you, cuz these have you do, is there okay, for sure. let's do a motion ocean from ocean shasta thoughts and let me see what
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the the windows no. do you need to wonder? you don't wanna check for the next few minutes to come up with that. he's speaking to me. you sound like ramos, i'm a resident of virginia 2 now. and when i say i'm over here, my reading and
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a sticky now will concerns you only even if you're on cash more than the problem which mr. gustin ended doing. course, the corrosion on. that's the view. what i'm conversing to, boost their customer. the national was as though a doctor on the open platform of 3, which is to hear their own word ocean. dom glenn is a projector. decent begging you not want you to go more than a century and you'll be brought out of what some uniforms are to do on the promotion for anything that we have to go to youtube videos mixed up. give me a few incidents sort of thing here for me,
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the minutes of june. so if you still need to know what the story just to get on my choice, you have to cut off so much for the ships and going into the mice. you took a yeah, because i was to, i know those know which i brush and then you could 3, but i knew i don't know what that just sort of thing, but i'll just just ask them in motion storage and on the screen. much better for us to. yeah, cuz i'm sure if we ended up watching everyone on the corporate do you, what are some of that in what ask you to then look up to that. that's really the key story to cut the what i know. and you said not uh what divides days. so it was slips. no, but i don't. what? she's flores, missy dab. cookie to bed. sure. but those are what i'm, what,
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what are you dealing with to be more i'm with what, what are you deal? a young person who chose just to grab sort of get over to that, the down with you quitting. so most of them is been running the agency. my pleasure, i am done, provide you to a notion of faxed over customers or you know, stuff almost makes you mind for sure. can this quick memorial, how much do next? the sample appointment. do a text book, shesta, do a text and blew his passion. burnett, you need you to stay. it's just me. i would be cheap. what i teach in a glutton isn't that you paid them at the store. it's a stops to get that. and what, what does that finish? what is the, what's the, what the options to eat? but i do need you to any thoughts as you might have
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the use it to. so now look, look at the menu which and you see my my, my opinion that's throwing up for those. i'd be happy to provide support on support for folks having somebody have to sign up with the skype and the sounds and it thor store deal. it's just you and maturity and store, but i do choose to, that's the deal that she's feeling and that's what, fortunately for them which is between the executive and i'm here to plan with you whatever you do. do not watch my new shelves seriously. why watch something that's so different little opinions that he
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won't get anywhere else. welcome to planes or do they have the state department, the c i a weapons, bankers, multi $1000000000.00 corporations. choose your fax for you. go ahead. change and whatever you do. don't want marshall state main street because i'm probably going to make you uncomfortable. my show is called direction. but again, you probably don't wanna watch it because it might just change the way and say the how much of it would and pretty much it all up and ready to discuss. not the most long. you know, the most used contrast with went upstairs, immunization, yes. could, could you check out the criteria but, but at least is not an option when united without show me even the condo and there's not, no, it's given that form used to miss 5 years and she had got those as just on the
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board. so what this kind of took some guerrera who showed us the slogans converted them cuz there's hope you're going to see the as much data, which is the new. it's all cannot on both is very sensitive. so it will go from the bank statements to the so she did it in the 30 models cuz i still quite use it to what you're saying. it doesn't bundle up to don't much on the card with the former . she for the luxury ga that got daughter even lose, not that much. that's a name. you know, there's not little disagree with that. got the what i'm weird because the ramp up
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from the notion of the on the, if the duplicate, the asked of the name is that i just described pick it up and you get to cardboard or money in their permission. if i took the massage and you're going to throw specific humor within this little by additional limited enterprise, right near above. are you with them on my comes to me. i did you meeting last year to you soon related it could go to and you take the product, you doesn't need to and yet on the system when the position fits it on the open fits that are on their way. the progressive aren't really for a lot the most southern we need to have come with a need said you're the deepest, it's our nurse, the with a blue invoice for the marsh mesh tape of the floors. now over the next 3 of the, to me, a quick email and when we're new system that kind of been watching the 2 types of data for different them. did you ever played around? what is, do you happen that's prevented from it or not,
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which didn't start with them and they didn't submit the new colors to the really source and as to flying. yeah, e dani did come in from the, from the store so that you said that we need to do that sort of both a little bit. just kind of similar, surely when you, when you, when you 1st need by giving you asked about the mattress and from the federal questionnaire. and you nipples my knees, cavender stamillio nourishment to this day in the criteria from corporate corporate commission, destructive crime, which to time that's correct, and would do it throughout that i'm option you really produce a sure system incident ticket. that unusual was the fittest of us, of course, that are listed on the, on the never mind that you to, that has been able to stop. what say that the but of course leave with the but of course it will stay on the crew to come back. he will stay on the glad each to
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lucy's is to find out what the board they tell us. what move new to us cock that live with the should. i'm the, here's the best that we started the jello. but guess what you thought was a used car that was used to, particularly in the pretty much the just the, the, the dealers stuff to the last item. switch it back to me here. see, to subscribe to, to, to be no use to clearly uh, which is danielle deer. uh well, what i know, what does that good thoughts the usually new uh the at just the near to just drops that will lynette? oh, with the logo guns cannot on that is for me to junior near below for double chain. you think you cheat now? national just because it's not nice to go to that are still live. we do 2 cars to do on the commute. but all the novel chain you do 10000 in particular plots score
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equal attracted to so let's just look across the time security. no. another sweater . no good. i'm sister, store the other one on the to do the guns cannot on that is for me to the system or somebody in your mission. so gloss. know how much it that easy to look at this is that i am so uh, i'm also in discretion that the problem go ahead. what do you want to continue? the 1000 you said it as name of this and the sam june, is that pro is not affordable then you the commune before yeah, a started the music of like you speak,
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i need to get the there's not for these yet to because i like to know my short reviewing is not down the money and the floors nice to but she's got these kind of things as get these conform sheets, but not in the it's them do turn into play to upstairs and, and pull what she just was that piece of garbage cool no sweat and slip. joseph jones, this is due to go to any cause. any ups near though it is easy said that you will see you for managing is going into consideration the jack nice to get of what used to do to cut the sound. you to use the got steps here to skim to douglas to to and then you cut e x now which this that was beautiful, which is both best binding. the pm pioneers, the sampling those days. she placed it the do to cut the addendum as a color, then we have that with jasmine. so then you put the pure debt set. that's good then mission. so he says, is that it does need to be doing something with the team that you would go with much a little who were sending it out your thoughts as she is on what she meant,
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what your thoughts cause on which i mentioned that. so anyways, did it comes to questions ma'am? and is that what you guys could achieve newton chance once you get me to you, sir, by it. and we're trying to keep it up to us that we need special events that are supposed to move into use of was to the natural it's a 1st thing i knew was sneezing and you do go back then with the store when they just wanted this fine which one is more to choose from them as a mess. since then incentive, we were watching events and that's doing the position of professional from that online station us,
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if the which in the initial was perfect enough changes and i put a customer on the 1st year of school and i am going to put the lock up a little more interested at the local cost because i'm most concerned, let's move to portions to hold and extension again, things to special needs. this will show the contingency when you have the phone you used as a desk, i use terms to and that's possible for them to have for the shooting. janie's got the one that maloney trumps not just on the zoo. lots of stuff in the morning anymore. i nibble i will try and come to crush to the reason you're supposed to bring your interview with joe. but i'm not for sure. it sounds like she made those
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choice. that's cuz that's pulling the slow hand sky playing from suzanne. which i sent them. yep. i'll send you this in that you're pretty up to date. yeah. my name's patricia and this would show you the funding at the see what to expect you to know whether or not that's what the full gas company. yes. so i'm not pretty home mrs. kim. somebody who snapped us, it's not that sure i shows can pretty much cover for some of our demo. that goes you, us and you are putting your one chip and investment in the table by the pushing effective until nice to me to new kind at the end of what i was moving to terms of use your, what is new most popular opinion or really you of course, let me show with the most it up to produce hooked it up so you know what got daughter and those are the more share from us on the non the dispatch. and we'll
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catch up with the former the chauffeur doing construction of give service of putting it up based on the move you as well as from the up to the stick. i key at the bay because that's the hedge in this food. cut the a couple of visible and you should all normally is actually she did. i remember she clean that much because obviously you speak to you do to use the cubic meters in your thoughts as in manuel. read it to uh, is it just pulling a desktop let me ask you the largest of what he spent a no show was, gosh, it was that i missed i to do to the band at them. that's the last i was trying to attempt to see if the car saw so through the system stand 1st. the mattress. last. do you mind wash?
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sorry. no, no no i this cock this at the convention or it's um orchard. yeah. no, you can't just do this. the trust, there's no bosses i bought the you much of the endorsement like on extinguish up some of the stuff. so in the form that you lets me you will each during discussion with dr. speak to oh yes. now show progress number to reach which is in your global credit union sign language, but i'm not saying you have which is tim. what i'm, what the tax is. do i need nimble defenders that's nif cliquish credit, so you need to go in this portion of it or not? no the the credit. and there's just no mega byte net is that that should say no, we're checking for should the mean? yeah,
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the the, to take a fresh look around as a life kaleidoscopic isn't just a shifted reality distortion by power to division with no real live indians. fixtures, design to simplify will confuse really once a better wills, and is it just as a chosen for you. fractured images, presented to this, but can you see through their illusion going underground? can
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the devastating is rarely strikes carroll at least 50. uh, the massage, the refugee camp in central gathered town, eunice in the south, according to reports they commons as the id of says it's ground for this of respect as id of times report of the open fine. yeah, i'm good one says you it, agencies after the user ordered it to clear off medical supply from gather we hear from the support stuff around the world health organization to, to prevent access to such a such warehouse. this is also gonna come out like it is to shoot at an ambulance


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