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tv   Cross Talk  RT  December 5, 2023 9:30pm-10:00pm EST

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ported by much of the main subject main screen press at least here, state side. in fact, anything that strays from what appears to be the approved narrative, the over simplification of israel, good palestine bad, those stories get buried. so as you can see here in the us, specifically washington d. c. there are approved talking points and the narrative must remain stead fast, especially since israel has been sort of reckless with so many wild stories that have since been de bont, but it would appear that nothing yahoo is government are taking cues from their american friends here in washington to use trigger words like rape in order to achieve political ends. the earlier we spoke with the general director of the defense for children international. and he blames usual for the debts taking place on both sides of the conflict of what had been and the signal to book the better
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for them. how much best of what it is that is out. it is not that he is the result of what that 16 years of siege and goods that manages and administer videos lost their life because there is no they have no life from those that you need denied from those lady to leave guys that for me to get a replacement and the of course, the to do for them is the theme from the, from the land. and this was the kind of, of what i said it really led to the next to religion. and of course, if there's, there's that there's even before the 16 years of a sewage, of course is at 56 years of ongoing, military or provision. i just agree with any hot and i got a judge regardless of the system, the sensors. but what if anything, yeah the and even by then for him to say that. busy is that there was lab, sent it in and the other all, what's missing out on it on and so,
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but it's really not a dramatic cause. audits, bubble is 2 or 3 times about these lies even the cnn. they talked about that in the beginning, and then they've got to, they said their level, the best for the what we, what we published. so i'm, i'm my, so my, my said i cannot just ask you guys, but i, in the media and the us the buttons and then uh, what's happening. i believe that is right. is it just a bunch of websites right now to use it as the victim in your, from both sides? it was you can check our 2 dot com for more details and the stories are following this out. see you again. yeah. the
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the the hello and welcome to cross stock were all things are considered. i am peter level. kids was only seem to increase with each passing day. it's counter offensive was an utter failure. continued mass of western support is in doubt. zalinski is popularity is on the decline, and the military essentially has few ideas, how to proceed to is running out of options. the cross option ukraine. i'm joined by my guess to me 3 lots caught us in montreal.
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he's a lawyer and a freelance journalist. also in montreal, we have michelle say more. he is a honorary professor of philosophy at the university of montreal and in paris we crossed the vitamin goldstein. he is the chairman of the department as lubbock studies at brown university. our gentleman cross stock rules and the fact that means he can jump any time you want. and i always appreciate, let's go to a lot of me are in paris 1st. i'm titling this program, we seem collapse question mark here. we have a number of articles coming out in the main stream media talking about the popularity of zones, given the lack there of how there is he's having a pitched battle with his military and particularly with general allusion and, and also the, the ever most important elements and all of this is western aid, which will some of it will definitely come through, but not nearly as much as that they, they were all hoping. so just how unstable is the regime because of the money go?
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it's been, it's, it's, you know, it turn off the lights, it's over. why them here? a well boss, it is unstable because it is basically was there. i mean, i've remitted on west some help. but what say is absolutely uh and is that the narrative is store to be destroyed. it was like a very convenient narrative bed, a rush out of the garage, the garage do more. glad you get great and the rush. it was cutely, a young, green shoots of democracy in your brain. well we see it's not, it's a slide democracy. it's loud. busy bored me to kind of, i mean it's a, it's a con sewage kid just may or may in uh, after the age of 60 and send that sends them to butcher e. uh if they're not quite ready for that. the only thing that they were ready is to get a major whitman's ends that ended in the front the front. it's even this one is
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stopping. so we see the deals that have collapse of the narrative. that zalinski is a great leader who's going to lead their rates and not just the grain, but it would lead to the great russia from its, uh, for the garage and, and so on, so forth. so it gets much japanese say, and i think what is fussing is about the whole thing since the landscape was so much invested with this narrative of a, the dangers of the metro give the danger to the country inches. it means that he's in the, in the page and that's why we have all the contenders and all of the new i was told and it just, uh, i mean, yeah, i mean, it seems like the, the west was looking for a new sarah good because of meeting time magazine, the economist, i mean, he can't get any more mainstream than that. and words like delusional is coming up . and, and, and that esentially paints a picture of that. zalinski is fighting
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a 2 front war against russia and his own generals. go ahead. michelle. uh yeah, well uh, i believe that uh well i, i, i read the seymour hersh has paper. oh, okay. i want to, i want to get to that will go ahead. i was gonna mention have go ahead, jump right in and talk about it. go ahead. well, uh i read the simple hersh his paper in which he says that there are you go. she ations taking place between valerie and judge above and brother. he is listening a new crime concerning a peace deal that might be a range between those 2. i'm convinced that there are such negotiate ations because uh, i, despite, uh, i think that the americans are desperate in finding a solution their way out of this country. but to exactly, for that reason, i'm not convinced that the americans are out of the picture. they are involved, i believe, the best scenario for the americans would. i've been to continue the war beyond the
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a presidential elections. so with the hope that way, maybe uh the trainers would be winning. but now that we know that they are losing, it's going just to be terrible for biden's re election. so there must be a plan b. and i believe that that plan b is forcing negotiation for a peace deal, right? know, and that's the i, the position of the americans will be, well, that was a, an aggression or non provo, to aggression. we help to ukraine, and now they, i've decided all by themselves to reach a peace deal with the russians. and we respect that, that would be this plan b. i heard that hopefully in the mind the biden will help him. when do we know that
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the election? yeah, well i, i, it's dreadful to think what is in the mind of joe biden, but that's a topic for another program. dimitri, i sense, you know, michelle already brought up to see more her space, which i wanted to delve into, but we're already into it. so i, it's of an interesting piece i, i don't buy it, i think it's more of a trial balloon than anything else to see what the reactions would be. because the russian military does not. it's not a free agent. okay. and i'm not really sure what that has to say about the training and military. so i would like to point out the solution is very much respected in russia that adds to this trial bloom kind of a narrative here. but you know, the whole point is that kim is running out of options here. i don't think the americans are really a band and ukraine. i just, i think they'll just keep it on life, support it before the election, dimitri, well, they certainly don't want to see a full scale collapse because that would be a narrative that would be beyond the control of even the button and distribution in
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the corporate medium. united states that would, i think, revealed to the entire world at this. and this project was ill conceived from the, from the outset. and that there is no way to deny that this has resulted in a strategic defeat for nato and for the vitamin ministration. so yes, i do agree that they're likely to keep it on life support. but the last several months have seen a, a, not necessarily the lowest levels of support coming from the united states. but certainly relative to levels of support during the so called defensive, very, very low. there's a, a statement coming out of the white house warning. i believe it's coming from the congressional budget office that they're almost out of money. 97 percent of the funds have been spent. the new speaker of the house, who apparently has a history of voting against aid for ukraine or increased amounts of age for ukraine, doesn't seem to be in any hurry to come up with more funds for this proxy more. so
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the situation is looking rather grim. i think that the, the, the most fateful sign for zelinski himself is that there's literally a beauty pageant going on for the uh, the, the, the successor to helped zalinski at the moment. you have a lexi or a storage. yep. you know, to becoming increasingly assertive and his criticisms of the ways lensky is handled it. valerie clips go the mirror. keith, i just gave an interview in which he effectively cited with zillow's needs, allusion is, is now openly stating that this war effort was, is a stalemate. which is a, i think, fair say, a euphemism. in fact, uh, the ukrainian military is on the verge of collapse, as far as many of us can tell us. so it seems to me that the lensky is besieged on all sides, and that the greater threat to his survival at this moment is not russia but his internal enemies. yeah, a lot of me it's very interesting is it is uh, i think the last time we spoke, which was a while ago that we mentioned that eventually they'll be the blame game. who's to
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blame. okay, was it, you know, the ukrainians, not following advice from nato nato supporting the wrong person? i mean, it is, this essentially tells us that there is it, we're in the, in game i the end game can last a while, but we are there, vladimir, that's, that's, that's the rule. and that's why you. busy your image are a trial. well the one, the is a very correct one. everybody now is thinking and looking for an exit strategy. everybody wants to cover the backside. we have united stage with the directions and that being on august, the democrats on it because they can that, is it all good money after bad money? no. and does republicans will capitalize on that? they cannot stop. just support you need. uh without does not say anything happening, so they are probably thinking of some kind of i'm starting to do and since uh, uh, zalinski is connected with a webinar. we, in a way of succeeding here, some of the,
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usually the fall for him. i things i usually use it possible i'm starting to do because besides the united states and nato parisha, what leaders in key of care with the progress of the, from that nationally violent sides remeasured extended around the west of the brain, right in the, even the numbers they are not the be in terms of the violence and i search and they can do. and so i think people, i got a storage, they might have bills, intellectuals in the game, key of but these guys, you know, up to off. so the only person to whom, who somehow inconvenienced them, then we can make do with their as a some top general. so in that sense, i believe that is a loose that might be the bladder. me ready? sounds good mix and goes to china. type thing, is that what you're saying? that yes, no, i might be able to just go back to michelle in montreal. it's, it's very interesting because it gets if you have a change of a president and ukraine, then you can rationalize that, you know,
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he was the wrong guy. he was good at war, but not ending it. he couldn't win it. and that kind of ships the narrative to the advantage of the west. well, we did all we could, michelle. yeah. well, um perhaps. um, uh, uh too fast in my conclusion. but uh, it seems to me that the problem uh, with uh, the american admission and ministration is that, uh, is revealed by the implication. uh you, us a support for israel, not this month at this time. they have a hand corner, you rent approach, and i think that the, they, the biggest mistake made by the americans was to interpret russian restraint as a weakness. uh uh, before 2014 rush, i simply repeated, it's a position to nato expansion. after 2014, they were favorable to the main script cards before the war in december 2021. they
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wanted to negotiate on the basis of the treaty concerning european security. immediately after the beginning of this special military author opperation in april 2022, they were just about to arrive to a piece deal with the ukraine. as i teach moment in time in the escalation of the conflict. but things were interpreted by the west as a weakness on the part of russia, and that was their biggest mistake. and i think these kind of things will be revealed in the box. i have to jump in here. we're gonna have to go to a hard break at 11 after that hard break. we'll continue our discussion on ukraine . stay with our team. the,
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the, the, the welcome back across the dock were all things are considered. i'm peter the bill to mind you were discussing. you crate the
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okay, let's go do it. let's go to demetrius in montreal at the very end of the, of our, our discussion before we went to the break and we'll, michelle was talking about miss miss construing a so called russian weakness. i think it's a fascinating point and i think it really hits the market because there's been a fund to mentally a misunderstanding of brush all through this. okay. every step of the way. um old stereotypes um a self uh self. um, what would they reveal their self delusions about russia. but you know, all of this discussion of, we know what, you know, going back to the hersh. the issue is that, you know, russia will accept this for this. and you know, they're always drawing the board and assuming with russia wants and what will it accept. and again, they're making that fundamental mistake. russia will decide what it wants when it
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wants, and it has nothing to do with the, the, what the conversations going on in, in the economist or time magazine, dimitri, yeah, but one thing i want to say about the seymour hersh, or by the way, i completely agree that there was a complete misinterpretation of russia. there has been, there's, this is a profound problem within the foreign policy elite of the united states in the west generally is that they just don't understand the non western world that barely understand that they're open the world level in the northern western little this problem extends throughout the west, in the foreign policy to lead, it extends to not only rush, it extends to china, other parts of the non western world. and we've seen this in dramatic fashion now, but they also have over estimate of the capacity of the west to build the economic capacity of the west to impose its will upon countries like russia, which has a much larger economy than we are told on a purchasing power parity basis, for example, it has a, it now has a, an economy larger than the size of germany's on a nominal g d p. p basis,
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which is basically a meaningless, manipulative figure. it has a much smaller economy in this type of misconception of the read the economy. economic strength of the united states is very emblematic of the foreign policy ignorance in the, in, in the west. but i want to say one thing about the seymour hersh piece, which i found rather fascinating. the suggestion that the russian government would accept a needle membership for what remained of ukraine on condition that the west not put that nato not station forces or offensive military weapons on ukrainian territory. initially i thought that this was preposterous because it's now been admitted by the west. and it was clear from the outset to those of us who have any objectivity, that nato was a core issue for the russian government. right. but it occurred to me that this is actually more plausible than might seem on that space. because i think the russian government may understand that the united states would have no interest whatsoever in natal membership or ukraine if it was deprived of the ability to place its forces and its offensive military weapons on russian soil. that was the whole point
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of needle membership for ukraine. there was never about protecting ukraine with an article 5 guarantees under the needle treaties. if they can put their forces there and threatened russia and contain russia, then why would the united states want to take on the burden of potentially having to come to ukraine's defense in the event of a flare up and military hostilities between russia and ukraine? the whole point was to threaten russia. so i think that this actually, if it's true that a, this is on the table needle membership without the ability to put nato forces on ukrainian soil. i think it may be a clever play by the russian government, because i don't think the buy demonstration would accept that at the end of the day . and you'd end up with a huge part of nato at all. yeah, but vladimir 80, any, any part of ukraine in nato and assuming that net hershey is reporting is correct. well, it wouldn't come under article 5. and what would stop a local elite and ukraine from starting a conflict with russia,
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which would pull in the rest of nato. i, i, i don't make, i don't understand that, that, that's a trip wire. that russia would never accept in nato full, which we should not accept because when everything is said and done, the russians in the ukrainians are not going to sit down and shake hands. maybe for generations. vladimir, well, the age has to be c. evans a has to be calculated to be seen about what emerges from all our discussions included would meet the in, michelle said, is that very serious uh, right. sequences of miscalculations on the bicycle, the waste beads and they. busy originally, russians result or russian capabilities, beach de department who consistently makes mistakes. a, the economic, the ministry they viewed the roger will collapse on the sanctions. even this happened, they view the risers one or the human habits. michelle mentioned is,
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you know, i use it as a days and i just recently read out of j sullivan was saying. busy i am going to leave and he's like, if you have a clean the man the answer he doesn't say into amberly. oh, that is not a big deal in the guys and nothing was happening. so they basically don't know maintenance things. they are political appointees. they appointed for various reasons, but not for the reasons of their expertise and then knowledge. i go to slide the confidence as i see people with my former students. they have friends who work and say department, and they try to tell me i hold the rest of the frequent the see what's going on and they're telling me russia is collapsing. there is no trains of the bills. that is, you know, i said, what are you talking about, you know, i, you, somebody, of course teaching, you know, no, no, whatever data, what kind of data they get, what it is. but this is, this isn't that there's a top people sitting in the top offices on the 7th floor right. busy or they sit there and state department where there's, you know, and newlands and others as i say do they have political appointees and close it
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with leaks. they will have to find the way to it just sort of some help protect democratic party, and it's a connection with a c, a, a which state department, and she has of mistakes. so mistake mistaken circulars which were there by the bladder management side of me. all. all of this can be easily explained a, it's just a good grist. it's a good grip. never did they do it. any tracks money, you know, they allocate money for all these types of thing here that, that, that is the purpose of it. it's a, it's a money laundering operation from what i can see. so when, when the money dries up, i mean, everyone's got us in the ukraine, they're going to start say, well, who took all of the money, then they're going to have their own problems among themselves. here. um, michelle, one of the interesting things is i think people tend to forget is that russia had proposals to avoid this conflict in december right before the february of and i see no reason why they're not gonna go back to them. okay. after everything
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has been said and done, we've already given you a proposal. let's sit down and talk about it. you scoffed at it, but it's still meaningful to us. and when you think about it, it is a to germane articles. go ahead, michelle. yeah, well it could be losing face for uh, the americans, and in a way they stood there is anything serious said the proposal to recognize the ukraine as part of nato is, would be symbolically simply a symbolic gesture. it's a dog that only would not bite, but that would not even bark. uh, so maybe they are leaving them ways to uh, so that they don't lose face. uh, but uh more generally again, i really, i want to emphasize that the situation is israel and palestine at this moment is quite revealing. all the demonstration, all over the world are really revealing to the public that the americans are
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involved everywhere. and then in the china seed in palestine, they are in the rock. they are in syria and then also in ukraine and every all their involvement in ukraine, which was receive the here in north america in the west, in general. i something very noble is a crumbling right now. we're realizing that what the us are doing all over the world is not to, to go to come to the rescue to widows and orphans as to where it's instead that wherever they pass they are leaving be, i'm more our friends and widow which you know. so i did, there is a, a, a piece, the core seller. was there nowhere near. so the population right now that the us are involved in 2 criminal uh,
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gestures all over the world. yeah. big michelle, you know, you're absolutely right. we can over the last few administrations, can they point to one foreign policy success? just one. yeah, just one. yeah. you can, you can. it's really interesting because all of us have been remembering the legacy of henry kissinger. what foreign policy success has been since henry kissinger. not that i'm saying he had a lot of success, is there? let me 3, let me go to you. we've seen the, the passion come out on the streets all over the world because of the what's going on and gaza and, and, but we were there is a big debate about funding that in that is a, the money we'll get to is all i have no worries about that for them. it shouldn't be, it should be leverage to stop the killing. but dimitry where all the protests around the world and want demanding the funding of the war and ukraine. you know, of any, i don't know, one where people are protesting saying more money for ukraine. my point is, dimitri, this has always been a lead to agenda. this is an elite project,
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dimitri absolutely. i the, the entire narrative has evaporated from, but i mean, for 18 months, 18 months, there was obsessive discussion in the foreign policy elite and the government, the governmental level at the level of the pen to talk or see in the west, you know, the people who are normally relied upon as being foreign policy experts that saving ukraine, the so called democracy of ukraine, was the highest priority and had to take precedence over everything else. if i had a dollar for every time justin to do with the canadian prime ministers, that as long as it takes in respect of ukraine, i'd be richard and bill gates. and all of a sudden the discussion has evaporated. there's no talk whatsoever, almost no mention whatsoever. oh, well, what demetrius since i have you here? i mean it is the, is it part and parcel of the nazi problem in canada is a part of it as well?
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i mean, i, i always look for the opportunity, say, nazi occupied canada, cuz i liked the way it rolls off my tongue. go ahead, dmitri, i guess the, you know, the double a standing ovation for a board member of the watson s as and the canadian parliament has to stand is one of the most disgraceful moments through. and in a way, from a political perspective, it's tragic, of course, what's happening in israel palestine, but from a political perspective, it saved the canadian government because the conversation shifted almost immediately to what's happening there. but that was really, it wasn't simply symbolic. it is, uh, it was the latest scandal in a long line of canadian government support for far, right. the elements within canadian side society and, and ukraine and elsewhere, frankly. and now all of this is being buried under the rug. and what we're talking about is israel and palestine because nobody wants to come to terms in the western political lead with the disaster they have created and ukraine. and for all i, i,
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we're, we're out of time gentlemen. but all i can say is the canadian people deserve so much better than they have from this man. okay. i always take an opportunity to take a swipe, intrude though, if i have a gentleman that's all the time we have a want to thank my guests in montreal and in paris. and of course i want to thank god yours for watching us here at r t c. you next time. remember ross up rules the the who when i would show seemed wrong. just don't you have to safe house because the after care and engagement equals the trail. when so many find themselves will support. we choose to look for common ground
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the. the devastating is rarely strikes kayla. nice 50. the news arrives, refugee camp in central gather time. goodness of the south, according to the fords, and it comes as the idea of its ground forces every specific as id of tags report to the open fire near ambulances, and is un agencies says that the user, i've ordered it to clear out medical supplies from gas it, we hear from us folks pressing on w h o to prevent access to such a such warehouse. this is also not coming out like it is to shoot at an ambulance or a to attack a hospital as hostages released by him. as i say, he's back at home and he's, well we hear from someone.


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