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tv   News  RT  December 6, 2023 1:00am-1:31am EST

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the, the israel says it take it, it will to the city of hon. you'd us in something called out to billions of schools to please from the very areas they previously. peter sold by the idea of putting say we want to understand if they want to kill us, we've been around just wondering when eliminates those together. they instructing us to move from one location to another. yeah, but we don't, we don't mean numbers with human beings. your brain president suppressed come to address you a little may cause as opposed to much of a risk between washington kids over the failure is also what type of counseling services. and that's a question that would be, oh miss. uh,
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what stop at the defense of security partnership with you as to west africa nation continues to break its ties with the west, the fellow on that morning. it is 9 am here in moscow. so it's a tab and garza where we all start single pump in a sudden decide what the latest development is. that is where the troops have now which the city of hong units that it's in the south of casa. the idea of says that it's pushing on with assessments to wipe out ha, i'm, it's, uh, you know, some him cuz really military forces are now fighting in san eunice. i'm us as capital in the southern gaza strip and still for people the military wing of hamas is divided into 2 primary divisions. assuming that because of the terrorist organizations come to the center of gravity or the city or data. because in the fun units for gays, our soldiers are advancing to dismantle the mazda is military to the abilities.
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the military on choose day reduced footage of troops in action in garza and asteroids on various targets in the region about sizes. the ground operation expands deeper into the southern part of the unsafe which has previously been declared a safe for a new procession of injured people. continued to be firing into the hospital in hong yu this which already has a 1000 sheltering arms, tennessee, as the i guess intensified as, as strikes in the south. the number of images has been steadily increasing. we heard from some local where is the red cross, where the ambulances? i lost my children and my husband. whereas the united nations, my children, my children, since 10 pm, a still under the rubble, they have been under the rubble since 10 pm. i miraculously survived. i
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miraculously survive well as a as well expands its military offensive, deep into gauze and south. the situation is becoming honda for those desperately seeking safety in the and baffled region. i discussed the latest developments with john this from on across the region on the walls. student program has said that the renewed spicing and gaza is making the distribution of a waste and possible. i'm not. she met us, harry, and was also on the threat. so can you just give us an insight into what the situation is? what you are right now. i think this was one of the heaviest days of fighting. and i knew this did not sleep airstrikes and did not stop. the buzzing of the spied drones was continuous. and i know the idea is around the city could on the to the north and stick it on with it is east of loss of house with them. uh they did try
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to quickly uh, take on some, some lands uh via auction through the different main, the roads on very, very heavy air strikes in order to ensure that they capture as much area as possible. we are hitting a lot of stuff and i also use both from inside and sort of inside the us that the loft is sticking. and that the supports for any land division, the fence against the people here. and that was, that is not what i mean out. so we're thinking that they're looking for a quick when we're thinking that that is some kind of the negotiations happening in the background for a ceasefire as often as soon as possible. it is true that to the most sad and many of them is it 8 and a go sheet that was half that's come from lots, negotiations has not stopped is happening so. so mediators the people here
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are some times trying to leave. but the problem is that there is no place to go. that olds are all locked. and even people who like for example, needs are pushing them or are you ready to tell the workers they are going to any place to work? basically leaving, i'm fine to find chance that advice to find i love the safe lease and some of the smaller clinics or the most extend the i'm going to ask you just a perspective for me of the saw it. i mean, month to the appointment about a potential seatbar and it's actually something that thousands, what point is so intel of fees, part of days, rarely the $1.00 said this time that they tread or the loss they could save from god the street will be eliminated. so there will be no more real kits that fired towards ease row. what do you nice, always rarely see says they're willing to have a peaceful future. no one wants to live in that constant war. and then the wars are
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as it was in the use of c and since the beginning getting that and they'll stay at forty's. um what's interesting is that the bite of missed ration. 9 will restrict travel to the u. s. by what it considers speak free must as receptive assessments and all those. but it holds responsible for undermining security in the west bank. what you are, i'm in your opinion, what's the logic behind not and do you think that will actually help stabilize the situation that the students are quoting, goes on there to states on, on the open, you know, with some countries too, but event that sticklers cool in fault and violent action as a fax, i got to spell a few minutes, not to interest. they like to sit on the, you know, getting, you know, money of about 650000 citizens. one of them that was back on these drums on him. how did you want to go to ship so they have the following by sports on the account . and so i'll do these, but definitely i was calling about those countries to prevent their injury because
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they were involved in violent actions. i got to some of the thing is and this is recently increased in the expense of the way they can fall as soon as they take over the land, very front of them for using but all of sort of go into the fields. so the situation audit difficult moment the threat of the expands in ground operation, people could, can you just say from central calls us trying to find shelter near the pools or with agents. people who have cut south. so say that they still don't feel safe because we want to understand if they want to kill us, that them surround us in one place and eliminate us all together. however, instructing us to move from one location to another is on 5 different types of kayla. so that it be done decisively. if there's no conspiracy, let them play and disclose it to us. we are dying. we don't mean numbers with human beings with no numbers. we don't want to fly with provisions, we simply seek understanding about the off site. here we are wondering where the ball 6 palms of gold land searching for a place to find refuge. there seems to be no way to provide us with shelter. one
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thing, gotcha. we managed to relocate from one house to another. we have states in 8 or 9 houses before arriving to rob la presently, what transformed old billows from han units to rough. uh, so there was no transportation available, no cost. so any other means we have to work from honey, this to russell or the world health organization has also moved. it stopped piles of medical supplies for the south, but it's meant to invite to deliveries to read the struggling health care facilities of how to be postponed. the organizations appealed to as well to see facilities failing that, the south of the unsafe concern. so the faith to be ready, delta state to know we have seen what happened to northern gas, that this cannot be the blueprint for the south gas. it cannot afford to lose. and now the hospital as health needs continue to sore intimacy fund military ground operations in solving gas a particular and hun, eunice are likely to caps,
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thousands of from health care, especially from accessing us or medical complex and european gas a hospital the 2 main hospital in southern gazda, as the number of wounded and sick increases, according to the w h o n a hall fault, the hospitals and dogs that still continue to operate on all those 3 are only tapering to providing space across state the health care situation in the end tape is described as catastrophic, and am i called invoice sinshay discussed the matter with w, tow spots putting, putting into my the so what happened apparently was that on the ground, uh, the uh, the idea of the representatives hold our team and the lead of our team and guys are the head of the country office uh, verbally that uh, they strongly advise to uh, move supplies out of the warehouse because within 24 hours because off the woods, the stone would be a military operation area. hence,
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no excess could be so might be very limited to get to the supplies or might even have collateral damage. so while it was not at the mountains, if to be very semantic here, it was a strong advice. your organization is also called on as well to, to take measures to protect, to help civilians. and i'm, she mandatory, an infrastructure has a, as a israel being cooperative in regards to such requests. just lays exactly into this because i'm also making it up impossible to access a warehouse with medical supplies are located, which are already way too little for the needs and gaza right now. so they have a bare minimum, let's call it that way to prevent access to such a such warehouse. this is also no track on health. like it is to shoot at an ambulance or to attack a hospital out of $24.00 hospitals and the noise, the 3 i barely functioning and to be a partially function, that's what the population has up there. we have 12 hospitals in the south sold to
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get a $36.00 and out of these 12, all of them only partially functioning. none of none of them fully. um, the overcrowded, overfilled people are lying on the floor, not only those in need of help, and they're literally lying on the floor. and sometimes we get to beat it on the floor because there's no other space anymore. but also the people at sheltering they're trying to find some safe space. um he's a horrific circumstances in, in the effects continue. and of course the like now right now is that we see the same happening in itself. that's happening. so in the not, and let's not forget to use riley's have told people for about 6 to 8 weeks move to the south to the states on. so now people are, have moved those with good those we would survive. those were able to move um and that would be a textbook to do the same way. so it's, it's a, it's unbelievable not well officials that the penalty of stock exchange have denied report. so that was a search and trading. just a heads up of him,
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off the tax on october 7th. but research says who claim tub identified the spike? say, it's unlikely to be a coincidence. well, there's behind the revelation, say that was a shop, an unusual search and trading, and what were called risky short dated options on is rated companies about type of trade heads a full teen? yeah, hi. on october 7th, 2nd, in one case with 4 and a half 1000000 shares of as well as the largest bank, was sold, sold between september 15th and october 5th. and terms of earnings. it was plain that millions of dollars could have been made for me. one brief transaction, our finding suggests the traders informed about the common attacks profited from these tragic events. and just before the attack, short selling is rarely securities on the television stock exchange increase dramatically. it is extremely unlikely that the volume will short selling on october 2nd occurred by random chance professor of economics politics out st.
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mary's college of california, jack rasmus believes that the whole situation has the whole locks open sided traded . so not surprising at all 0, there are 1st of all a very close relationships between uh, the american investors and companies and is really investors and companies. and you know, it's kind of a well known fact in the us and i'm sure it is real to that. uh, there's revolving doors between government agencies between the put a gun and the defense companies. and even, you know, on the treasury side, treasury and the federal reserve and private sector. and i'm sure you know, the investors in key places got heads up. well, what was going to happen here is rarely side the. so we're to, the not just about investing is really markets, but also investing in us defense markets and munition companies and so forth.
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so it's great, it's quite a common thing to get what i called political inside trading to use a term. i don't think you'll see the investigation and certainly if they do, uh, it won't be independent. uh, no one really wants to upset that the lucrative apple cart ukraine's president abruptly counselled a cons address to us roommate. because on tuesday, not comes to mid continued wrangling on capitol hill. the more minute tree aid and reports of a rift between washington and t of a who's to blame for the faces of the stomach. how to offensive against russia would move his all to use. charlotte dimansky, it's over ukraine has lost on we have to accept that. that's a general fee not being branded in editorials and all fades across the western world. but before you have officially waves the white flags, the nit picking where it went wrong,
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has begun. top of the pine is an investigation by the washington post. it's they set did the face of the much hyped come to offensive speaking to move the 13th senior officials from ukraine. the us and europe, the picture that appears to be new, less than shambolic, both sides took about an air of frustration that was concent 2nd guessing. and despite so, let's keep confidently projecting a decisive victory intelligence community in the us said that there was only a 5050 chance of success even before the offensive was launched. it was clear nato allies couldn't provide ukraine, will take long to it's in an exchange between the us defense secretary lloyd austin and ukraine's top military commander, austin aust, what do you need so loosely responded that he required a 1000 armored vehicles and 9 new brigades trained in germany and ready for battle,
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i took a big gulp. austin said later, according to an official with knowledge of the call that's near impossible. also in that was the supply of thoughts. hillary shells have was expected to bloom through $90000.00 or more a month. but us production was badly, a tense of that. it was just mass, the former senior official said at a certain point, we just wouldn't be able to provide them with the officials also told the kids, the pro choice, the wrong one. the americans had long question. the wisdom of kids decision to keep forces around the besieged, eastern city and back. promot, ukrainian side, differently, document holds had become shorthand for pride, and their troops, fierce resistance against the bigger enemy. the city finally fell to russia in may . will gain simulations convinced the west and queen needed to focus its efforts on a single strategic objective, but to have thought it new back to the illusion and vision to making the formidable
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length of the 600 mile front. a problem for russia, western official solve problems with that approach, which would also diminish the fire power of ukraine's military. at any single point of attack, western military doctrine dictated the concentrated push towards a single object of the americans yielded. however, the investigation reveals. job binding was brief, early on the counter offensive could very likely fail. ukraine was frustrated to with its allies promised equipment at mon derived later on fit for the battle fields. a lot of weapons that are coming in now. they were relevant last year, the senior ukrainian military official said not for high tech babbles that had crucially, he said they had received only 15 percent of items like the mind clearing line charge launchers, mc elsie's needed to execute their plan to remotely cut passages through the mine fields. washington, however, it tells it differently, saying
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t i've got every thing it was promised on time. it was ukraine's fault. official say, if there were issues, the pentagon concluded that ukrainian forces were failing to properly handle him in pain all the equipment after it was received. what's clear is despite the rhetoric but ukraine would win this battle with russia for me earlier stages, there was always doubt you quite. and it seems, was due to fail from the start nato allies knew this and yet gave it just enough right to hung itself with both sides though, shifting the blame to one another. state full met chavez, and all of the us joint shapes to solve has reportedly claimed, quote that a free washing going to sleep should be wondering if the best throat will be slit in the middle of the night. the washington post claims not quite as comments came during the official trip to germany. there should be no russian who goes to sleep
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without wondering if they're going to get the throat slit in the middle of the night. you've got to get back there and create a campaign behind the lines full a us marine corps intelligence officer dot scott rich says, the statement of deals a lot to about current ministry thinking in washington. the problem here is that this is an american general speaking to ukrainian forces, and it just makes clear that there is no distinction between the to the united states. i think you're going to be seen in the weeks and months to come. we'll try to distance itself from this conflict. this conflict which did helped create which it promoted, which it sustained in which it is responsible for when it comes to casualties on both sides. in general, miley statement just makes it clear just, you know, how much blood is on the hands of him and other american generals who, you know, we're just observing this conflict, but actively participating passively encouraging ukrainian violence against
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russians is not the words that i find shocking but the fact that he's encouraging ukrainians to slit rushing drugs. that's what i find shocking because america is not a war with russia. indeed, america should be seeking good relations with russia, the normalization of relations with russia. we should be seeking a strategic negotiations about the control of nuclear weapons, but all of that gets thrown away when an american general of his rank is encouraging ukrainian soldiers to slip russian forces. this means that america is a partner of ukraine in this conflict. this means that america is responsible for every dead russian. and i don't know if russia's ever going to be able to forgive this but you said it regret, and there's a decision to describe the security on defense partnership with the union. the west africa nation announced it was coughing its ties. on monday of the ministry of foreign affairs of the republic of needs, yet has the owner to notify the dea number,
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the ation of the agreement between the republic of egypt and the european union on the status of the common security and defense policy mission. i'll be your pain, you need any share on the withdrawal by the state to be share of the consent grunted by the deployment to the european union military partnership mission the government of media has decided to withdraw privileges and immunities grunted in the left side of 2022, a well sense of who in july, and this has been increasingly distancing himself from the west. it will go spring . so i'm pulled the state broke minute tree agreements with fonts and expelled power. some pasta. the co operation with the new was supposed to help combat the threat of terror in the country puts failed to produce many results. we go look a reaction to the move it's a good thing because really the european union doesn't like us to europe in union came to colonize us, not to get along with us. really. i'm very satisfied with the matter. they just
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have to leave the country almost. there are other partners were already willing to help new jerry's episode to you, right? to break all these cold duration seems signing. we haven't seen any really results . so what's the point of steam? it's complex in normal for new share to explore all the horizon doctors now you'll see people, so it's a good scene to the extent that it will allow you needed to understand that new shit is a sovereign states. say that has the right dependent policy. national pull this up and even international policy for use media has been called thread with friends and particularly the european union. who can say that edison has changed at all. because i think that there is a new wind blow when the growth of africa, where people are able to say they're angry. is that and say no, no. so we're able to take talk and this is what is happening today in wisconsin. i just like these years will just show religious and might take some responsibility
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for years and so advocate has been under the western and i want to be so on this decision by these years. i think she is a cell at this moment marks 2 centuries since then. us present, james monroe foster took united what would become the monroe doctrine a put on the stone document that opposed your pin colonialism in the western hemisphere. 200. he is late to latin american countries, off still feeling its impact as all teeth. rachel 11th explains on the $200.00 the anniversary of the monroe doctrine. countries in latin america are still feeling the impact of its influence. as venezuela recently passed a referendum on a century old territorial dispute with guy in the borders they were fighting over, were influenced by the us back in 18. 99, as in washington, invoked the doctrine passed by the james monroe administration in 1823, which opposed european colonialism in the western hemisphere. but as the russian
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embassy in the us know that it was in about opposing colonialism altogether. but rather about making way for the us to take the lead in influencing the region of this and the, the nicole in our policy of the united states has not disappeared after 2 centuries . it has only acquired new phones, its vivid person if occasion is attempts to twist the hands of original pock missing to come in foreign policy. i will try blackmail for disobedience and defending the southern passport development. the administration should have thrown the law nowadays mongo a doctrine into the dustbin of history. in one example, the monroe doctrine was used in the creation of the republic of panama, going back to 1850 when panama was a province of columbia. the us in great britain negotiated a treaty to under rivalry over a propos, come out through the central american republic of nicaragua. well, it didn't come together right away. the us and britain eventually agreed to
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a treaty that gave washington a license to build and managed to canal project, following a heated debate over the location of the proposed waterway in 1902. the us senate voted in favor of building the canal through panama, while columbia agreed to washington's project, the terms dictated by the us secretary of state at the time lead columbia is congress to reject the deal. i just say that the administrator ship of theodore roosevelt was not unhappy would be an understatement. make it as strong as you can . those contemptible little creatures and bobo, top 2 wrote to hey, to understand how much they are jeopardizing things and imperiling their own future . the results to us covertly supported a succession is revolt as a province of panama. in 19 o. 3, roosevelt then declared in 19 o for the us had the right and responsibility to militarily intervene in order to correct what he called chronic wrong doing. and in exchange for
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a guarantee of independence from the us, the newly declared republican panama gave washington the green lights for permanent rights to a 10 mile wide strip of land for the canal. but it didn't stop there. in the 1916 john f. kennedy, in the monroe doctrine during the cuban missile crisis, then in the 1980, it's ronald reagan use the doctrine to justify us intervention in el salvador in nicaragua, his successor towards each w bush did the same in panama, in the 1990s by claiming the monroe doctrine, the u. s. government got the access to it and control it was seeking, and it has continued to use similar strategies around the world ever since. washington tries to turn to the tenants into its back count, given the same us monroe doctrine, the global reach and illegal unilateral sanctions, the stages of a tool to force solver in countries to comply with its will. instead of saving latin america from europe, the monroe doctor was used as an instrument of
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u. s. foreign policy, which argue that european involvement in some countries, internal affairs was bad. but when washington carried out similar strategies, it was acceptable because the us was a fellow america i'm fine if the sound, the cope 28 climate. some of that underway right now into by is all about finding a way for which the planet with p sustainable energy. it seems to us as hedging its bets on the field of fusion technology, something extremely hard to attain. a strategy identifies 5 areas of work that will help us to realize the promise of this technology and they are are in the supply chain and marketplace regulation, workforce and education and engagement. however, not all scientists said john kerry's optimism independent new for the expos. damon,
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mobile and brand it, the invoice claims us on to see i think this proposal is basically nonsense. there really has been no breakthroughs whatsoever on fusion. and in the midst of catastrophic climate change, we need solutions now, and we have the solutions, the solutions are really low energy energy efficiency and battery technology. yeah . so, so for me discussing fusion which is decades for centuries way, is a distraction from what needs to be done here and now, and that's stopping fossil fuel in wrapping? well, again i see, you know, to talk about fusion. we're talking about a few radical energy source, and nobody has got a commercial reactor operating anywhere in the world. this is all about research and research is fine, but what we need our call are affected technologies here. and now there's no room
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for wasting time, energy and money on fusion, right? well it's, it's very hard to talk about what it would mean to operate or reactor with nuclear fusion because we don't have any. and this is all fantasy the toilet is that one use round up for this. i will close the box up the top with the very latest. in the meantime, trustful is heading your way. enjoy the the the
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the the hello and welcome to cross stock. were all things are considered? i'm peter level. kids was only seem to increase with each passing day. it's counter offensive was an utter failure. continued mass of western support is in doubt. zalinski is popularity is on the decline. and the military essentially has few ideas how to proceed to is running out of options.


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