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tv   News  RT  December 6, 2023 6:00am-6:31am EST

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shell, it's called direction, but again, it's not, we don't want to watch it because it might just change the way the israel says a ground bottles are raging in the southern gauze and city of san eunice. exactly the place where a humanitarian price is taking a serious told on civilians who would flat this specifically for safety. for years since his last trip with them, at least invited me to put in his back in the region for bilateral talks with the leaders of the united arab emirates and saudi arabia vladimir. so as he pulls the plug in a meeting with us, lawmakers counseling at the last minute reports emerge of a risk between washington and p. a. over the failure serve with a much fibers counter offensive against russia. and out with the old new chair rips
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up its defendants and security partnership with the e. u as the west african nation, shred 6 pies with west and apartments, the sorry that just off the 2 pm locally here in moscow. this is auntie international. so much to tell you about today on this wednesday program, very, very grateful to have your come. so is ready. troops are at the city of hon. eunice in the south of casa, the idea upstairs. it is pushing on with his efforts to wipe out from us. let's uh, need somebody. okay, this is really military forces are now fighting. and con eunice, i'm us as capital in the southern gaza strip and the military wing of hamas is divided into 2 primary divisions. that act as the terrorist organizations centers of gravity, the city or date of gaza and the fun eunice brigade. our soldiers are advancing to dismantle home us as military capabilities
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israel's ministry and choose to. i really think footage of troops and action and gaza targeting a number of us drive that says that the ground operation expands deeper into the southern parts of yank lake, which had previously been declared to sites are. and now it is nearly a constant fly with the injured into this ton unit costs of all of which is already a shelter. thousands is the idea of intensifies as, as strikes in the south. the number of engine, of course, continues to rise and we heard from one distort local who's finally is currently trapped under a collapse building. the now as israel expands its military offensive, deeper into the gauze and self,
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the situation is just untenable for civilians that my colleagues ask you to earlier discussing. the latest developments with journalists all across the region on the walls through the program has said that the renewed facing and gaza is making the distribution of a almost impossible, i'm not to maddest harry and was also on the threat. so can you just give us some insight into what the situation is? what you are right now. i think this was one of the heaviest days of fighting. and i knew this did not sleep airstrikes and did not stop. the buzzing of the spied drones was continuous. and i know the idea is around the city could almost to the north. and so he could almost at his ease of loss of house with them. uh they did try to quickly uh, take on some, some lands uh by i've seen through the defendants main little under
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a very heavy s like in order to ensure that they capture as much as possible. yeah, i'm hitting a local office. i also use both on the side is that i'm, i'm from inside the us, that the clock is ticking. and that the support for any land division since against the people here in the plaza is out on the out. so we're thinking that they're looking for a quick when we're thinking that this is some kind of a little jason happening in the background for a ceasefire. happen as soon as possible. it is through the to the most uh, many other. is it a negotiations have left a couple of months ago? she usually has not stuff is happening to uh, to mediate, since the people here are sometimes trying to these of the problem is that there is no place to go that olds out of old locked. and even people who likes would exempt
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the needs. if i send them or if you're ready, terry lessons aren't going to any place where they're basically leaving and find to find chance that and so as to find, i love the safe lease and some of the smaller clinics or the most extend it is like i want to ask you just a perspective for me, i'll decide i mean, month to but i talked about the potential seatbar and it's actually something that doesn't what quoting is. so intel of fees, i just want to get a sense is this a grubbing sentiment within his res society or just a few known friends voices, part of days, riley day. one said this time that they tread for the loss. they could save from god, the street will be eliminated, so there will be no more real kits that fired towards ease row anyway, what unites always, riley is it said, they're willing to have
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a peaceful future. no one wants to live in that constance war. and then the wars are, as it was in israel seen since the beginning and the end of the forty's. um, what's interesting is that the by to mr. ation will restrict travel to the us by what it considers to be x 3 must as a set to is set to is and all those that it holds responsible for undermining security in the west bank. what you are, i'm in your opinion, what's the logic behind that? and do you think it will actually help stabilize the situation that the students are according to the, to states and on the open, you know, with some countries too, but event that sticklers cool in fault and violent action. as a fax, i gotta spell assume this not to info. they like to sit on the, you know, money of about 650000 citizens, one of them that was back on these on selling. how did you all submit and ship so they have the photo and by sports on the account. and so i'll do a visa,
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but they're gonna say i was calling about those countries to prevent their entry because they were involved in violent actions. i got to some of the thing i was on this is recently increased in the sense of the way they can fall as soon as they take over them, plans they buy them sort of using that old sort of go into that feels so the situation are difficult, but let me the stress of the idea of expanding ground operations civilians off fleeting, central god, so the trying to find shelter in the border with egypt. we spoke to some of those who fled south and our best we want to understand if they want to kill us, that them surround us in one place and eliminate us altogether. however, instructing us to move from one location to another is unfair. if they intend to kill us, would it be done decisively. we are dying, we don't mean numbers with human beings with no numbers. we don't want flour provisions, we simply seek understanding about all right. here we are wondering where the ball 6 palms is of golf land searching for a place to find refuge. there seems to be no way to provide us with shelter. one
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thing got we managed to relocate from one house to another. we have state in 8 or 9 houses before arriving to rob la presently, restaurants for an hour billows from honey and is too rough. uh so that was no transportation available. no cause. so any other means we have to work from honey this to rough. uh, less than more right now. of course in the life of the palestinian red crescent society spokesperson and about 5 south joining us here on the international. a very woman, welcome to you today. and about it's great to have you on the program. obviously, a lot of attention right now, a lot of focus in southern ga, so that was supposed to be a safety zone for those evacuating. now we know that southern parts of gauze are happening, getting pummeled by as really bumming campaigns. but i just quickly wanted to ask you, i've just heard in the north of gaza, the come out of the hospital in the north is reportedly being in circles by the idea. and about, do you have any details? any information about that right now is just coming into us is basically own hospitals and north of go. so went out of service and youtube compartments and
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running out of issue and medical supplies and came out of atlanta hospital is one of the hospital that was severely involved during the previous days yesterday. and it has been an understanding as well. and the situation inside the hospital, it just kept us to pick where we see people bleeding on the ground. and because of the verdict can provide their life savings services for the wounded people who many of them lost their life without getting medical care because the hospital is in contrast to fix situation and even run out of medical supplies and, and medicine. unfortunately, even asked the cassandra, the crescent, yesterday, our teams work in north of goes the engine around. yeah. before did that, we have to run out of, if you would put out all of our ambulances who works in north of casa. so now our
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ambulances, artist, stop youtube fuels, depression, and our teams are trying their best to continue providing their life savings services, where they can reach 1st responders are being trained and equipped with, with 1st aid kits. so they can, it provides if there's a of services to the people where they are. and also we had the stablish of the previous week's america post, which is in july ya north, they've got to provide music um services for the one of the people, especially that most hospitals already went out of service. and that's as a transportation movement for the ambulances. is an extremely hard and challenge says there is an intense jennings that has taken place in north. oh god. so you'll be successful. i want to ask you about this natal. i do apologize for interrupting you, but you raised my next points. i'm going to have to call you out on this uh the video
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has a motion about seeing it for the past couple of days now. allegedly showing is really tying so allegedly targeting the vicinity of a pair of ambulances in the central gauze. i know the palestinian records of society is accused israel, of endangering ambulances. um, if it is seen because it is seen by some as being a potential a tackle on your colleagues from the organization. if, if indeed, that is the case. i mean, it has this just happened before, have members of your organization come on to potential attack before for us as soon as the beginning of the escalation up to this moment. we have looked for critics. whitfield by uh, the is really imagery is just the beginning of the escalation when they were on the duty trying to save other people's life. at least a 26 or 7 others were injured. because and is there any forces targeting or what could be what they are trying to see other people's life a 2 days ago,
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one of i would, evelyn tears was time i was killed duty aboard meant near his home and injured nadia yesterday. as you highlighted 2 of our ambulances and there and, but now with, we're trying to get why they were trying to transport, wanted people and there, and by the, which has resulted in that damage reports i'm getting says, and one of our pretty was injured, 3 days ago into a valley. um, is there an occupation forces opened, fired at 2 times with the crescent and it says when they were transporting wanted, which houses are to do the injury of 2 clinics, as well as an injury, one companion of the wounded people. so this is the situation as an as intentionally targeting hospitals have skilled workers and humanitarian aid. a workers which is against the international humanitarian law. we always emphasize that scale workers and the humanitarian shouldn't be predicted under international
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humanitarian law. the will of course, i mean it is profoundly disturbing the balance that they hear about these continued attacks and targeting of of hospitals refugee come see even convoys of evacuated is trying to get out of the water. and we have got a number of disturbing confirmations of medical workers, humanitarian work is actually being targeted in gaza. of course, if i was speaking to in his railey guest right now, they would say that's nonsense. it's not true. the adf is only doing precision strikes, but when you look at the numbers of 815000 people killed so far over 40000 injured, it's just, it's almost impossible to get your head around it. on the bottom, i wanted to ask you to obviously you with the palestinian red crescent society just on a personal level. what, what, what are the main problems that your facing day to day in your job and about it has
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been over 2 months and those teams have working tirelessly on 2nd street trying to continue providing deadlines feedback services. i can tell you how much of what critics are over when exhausted and able to traumatize. they have me ready is that they will never forget whatever. what is going on in the ground is beyond destruction. it's hard to break and over one meaning to see over to me, the civilians are suffering because of this continuous explanation. people under their own civilians are paying the high price of this installation. cedar stops. as you mentioned, over 16000 civilians have been killed. 70 percent of them are children and women over 40 percent over $40000.00 were injured and also 60 percent of those children and women cells and the police around
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a 1000 sports now missing under that open. and up to this moment we, they might obviously lost their lives because they have been under the, for a long time. on top of that for 2 continuous months. children are not going to school or not doing anything. they have lost their homes. thousands of children have lost their parents and well, these children are struggling to have food, water, and sewage. it's just a medical now for you as a mom or dad to provide you with children with a minimum one me a day. because all palestinians know are struggling to have the body, basically hear me 3 in the food water supply. we have means we have management and we are receiving aids in coordination with the egyptians or the crescent crossing border. what have leads up to this moment? is berkeley for days of what was interesting before this installation. i don't
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have a 1900. it drops, barely scratched the surface of any of it doesn't even one of those 10 percent of the needs. i'm now the situation in the so how become beyond catastrophe. i'll also have population more than half population, 80 percent of ballast, and use width wants to leave their homes and go to south of casa. and now what happens is when it's forcing people again to evacuate from, can you is and go tell us why people should go. why is already packaged, there is no left to place for anyone. i'm on top of that. people don't have access to nothing. if you are going to go to it or you're going to stay in the streets, because already when sensors are packed, i have been talking to our critics. one of our clinic told me he lost his modem.
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and now yesterday he had to evacuate his family to the phone with kristin execute and had newness. i asked him why he took them to to have units instead of taking them to the kids all the way i should take them. if i'm going to take them to the one they are doing to stay in the streets over here at the p or c. s. execute, we occasionally have access to water. when we go to the far, we've dealt with this, but it's, it's not going to say this out. there isn't about us as you say, that there are 5 border crossing. it's not always open that a lot of the trucks and not being allowed to get through people that trying to get out as well. um, you know, i had an, is there any guest on recently a circle the is there any strategic on the list? and he actually called for the the, the population of guys that that's what he was saying. and then when you look at what the idea of his doing is the idea of really just going off to hum us or is this all they going off of the palestinian people? because the numbers now are just, well that just beyond any sense of imagination and balance out of stock,
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a spokesperson for the palestinian red crescent society live in ramallah. thank you very much for your time. i mean, as far as trip to the region in 4 years, vladimir putin touching down in the middle east just a little over an hour ago. he's a part of the holding fold to the presidential palace in the united arab emirates. that is today. he's and heading off to saudi arabia, there's an awful lot of moving and shaking on today's geo political chessboard, live now as well as he's able to stand up. we standing by in the you a while. this is something important here. maybe there's an awful lot going on behind closed doors. whatever details you have, you placed possible of the fall. absolutely. the russian president got the most grandiose welcome imaginable. the skies of the united arab emirates have been painted in the colors of the russian flag. the streets have been lined up with cloths also colored in white, blue and red, which of course,
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the colors of the russian flag. this all of these highlights the importance of this visit and how seriously it is being taken by the host. by the shakes of, of the united arab emirates, we are in upper darby. behind me. you can see the archway and the palace, uh, web live approved and uh, is going to spend most of his time during his visit to the country before heading to saudi arabia. now of course, this visit is the 2nd major international event of this kind. since the beginning of the special minute military operation in ukraine, the 1st one came for the russian president earlier this get just a quick reminder, it was to china. and clearly all these pictures that you are seeing right now. if you were one of those poor souls who believed and who embrace the idea of the russian president putin being isolated and well costed
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a way to the fringes of international diplomacy. well the, it, uh, as well, these pictures, they are a hard pill to swallow. they sorta eye opening, i'd say for every everyone who believe that because right now, the spotlights of the well, that is focused on them, at least given all the tragic events that are happening in gaza in the gaza strip, which you really have just discussed with the guest uh, in the much, much detail. uh but those events are far from the only thing to discuss for vladimir putin. uh and uh, his counterparts in these regional power houses. the you a, for instance, is a major come nomic park next for russia. in fact, the trading volumes have been growing low, has been growing in the past years. and in 2022. for instance, the they reach the some $9000000000.00, which is, which is a significant amount. also, both the united arab emirates and saudi arabia have been invited by law school and
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the rest of member states to join the brakes alliance, political and economic one. and the, this is, of course, an initiative that russia has been back in a nurturing from its cradle. and it has seen some expansion of to the summit this year. and, well, these 2 nations could very well be the next addition to it, along along was another regional superpower, iran. and of course, the relation to, because russia is on such good terms with both iran and saudi arabia and of those nations. i mean, re, i didn't to wrong, they haven't seen exactly how to i it well historically. so this is another well balancing things out here is another important task faced by russia and it seems moscow has sent it's the highest while it's the highest vega, the president vladimir putin, to sort things out and to kind of well to pave the way for future corporation for
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future dealings in full in general for the expansion of the already very, very well and relations. again, underlined by the reception that the russian leda has got to you. got things a really good point. you gotta, you know, i think i put in has got a really good number of friends in that part of the world and they're all standing on the front line. it was multi posed a world now and so many opec members of now join bricks, meaning these are the guys in control of the majority of the world's oil production . and then you want to say by petro dollar, hello petrow, you one. it's all sorts of moving and shaking, going on in the next 24 hours. you would have done of thank you. but you, you said that regrets need to as decision discrepancy security and defense partnership with the block. the west african nation announced it was causing its ties on monday of the ministry of foreign affairs of the republic of needs, yet has the owner to notify the d. nancy ation of the agreement between the
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republic of egypt and the european union on the status of the common security and defense policy mission of the european union in the share and the withdrawal by the state to be share of the consent grunted by the deployment to the european union military partnership mission the government of these yet has decided to withdraw privileges and immunities grunted in the left side of 20. 22 says that co and july on each air has been increasingly distant, missing itself from south and west and partners. in august, the state of broken military agreements with france and expelled powers and bassett of the you said that for years it was helping these. you have fight terrorism, but you can make up your own mind about that. so we went and spoke to the low lemme it's a good thing because really, the european union doesn't like us to europe in union came to colonize us, not to get along with us. really, i'm very satisfied with the matter. they just have to leave the country. there are
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other partners were already willing to help us. a new jerry's absolutely right. to break all these cold duration seems signing, we haven't seen any real results. so what's the point of stain? it's completely normal for new share to explore all the horizons for a better result. so it's a good thing to the extent that it will allow the european union to understand that new share is a sovereign state. a state that has the right to independent policy, national policy, and even international policy for use media has been corporate with friends and particularly the european union. what can say that edison has changed at all, because i think that there is a new wind blowing across africa where people are able to save their angry and say, no, we're able to take charge. and this is what is happening today. wisconsin is like news here. we're just showing leadership by taking responsibility for years. africa
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has been under the west monopoly. so this decision by new here, i think, is a seller to a decision. but it's so good to have your company with us here will not see today a planned address by ukraine's president to us lawmakers was suddenly cancelled on tuesday december. the concerns on capitol hill over sending get more weapons, the key of more cash. the summers failed counter offensive and increasing military build up in the middle east. i mean, my goodness me, let's talk more about this object. we're in the culture of joining us. i live this judy on this, but i'm not tempted to say, well this is really really bad. p r optics. it looks bad. maybe i'm blowing it out of proportion, but is it significant? this whole, the senate briefing and life of the common developments between washington and keith, i'm, i'm, i reading too much into it. i don't think you are worried because the less than forget that they've been at an impasse for about a month fight. now not being able to agree besides that, or is, i mean in the united states in washington, so it'd be whether it's provide ukraine with additional funding. so at this send
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a briefing there was supposed to discuss system. we have us senators, of course, with a discussing this with the bottom administration. officials who are of course push and congress to release that money urgently. and as the landscape was supposed to be there virtually to try and plead his case to give them an update. first of all, what's happening on the front lines and also to explain why you pray, needs this money urgently. we've heard just recently has helped me credit and official saying that ukraine will lose this war against russia. if it doesn't get the additional money and weapons from the united states, the white house itself has said that the funds are running out of funds amount since about over a $100000000000.00. so far that the spend all that money will be funded out at the end of the year. and if lawmakers don't approve of this additional package, then they stand to lose this war against russia. so of course, this money is a, is necessary, and that's what they needed. so the lensky being and no show of the last minute and
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not exactly given the reason why is a strange and also the fact that the meeting itself or the center then so chaos the discussion got so heated that at one point. so just as tom talked him then kevin kramer was shouting questions at the cd, a binding administration officials in the room, including secretary of state anthony blinking psychiatry of defense, lloyd allstate, and the joint chiefs of stuff. jim and charles q brown, junior. oh dear, sounds like some people are starting that's host uh that towards out of a sun box here that's challenging of the us senate. what's the balance? yes. well, because the senators wants to know, is there a comprehensive strategy when it comes to credit, or are we just throwing money out? you've praying and we don't know what is happening with it. then there is no progress on the front line. as we've seen with accounts for offensive not going well, and also worried, they want to know what is happening with the problems that we are facing in the united states. for example, with border security, immigration. so senator is wanted to get answers regarding that,
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and republicans did say we will back additional h you praying if you approve the reforms move on when it comes to the border control, additional funding there, democrats have a ready, by the way, rejected that idea. so i don't know how they will agree at the end of the day, but this is what the center has been said to resolve their own issues that they're having before it's more and more money in ukraine. democrats said, oh republicans hijacked a hijacked, as brief and with talking about problems in the united states. well, because that's what the people, both of them to discuss problems in the united states. let's fix that. let's 1st and then talk about what the pray needs. for example, and this led to republicans just literally leaving storm and building we've had it when you have deb fisher, who's upset about this, they better be worried because i have backed everything. the point is, there's no answer to any questions down there. they should have realized the issues
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we've been very aware of the issues that we have in ukraine with our own munitions . and now these are the people who were supporting additional aid to ukraine and now they're changing their team because they don't understand what the purpose of this is anymore. but i mean, they were supportive. but what about the ones who were critical? i mean few and far between perhaps but what are they been saying? well, this is there a moment to shine and say, see, we told you. so we told you that there is no strategy would told you that way. you don't know where the money is going. and one of them, congressmen, thomas, my c one to talk across of the show for example. and he said a lot of interesting things, but among them, the most interesting thing i would say is the fact that it was legal. wes, as we know, but you have a us congressman saying that's the us was behind the crew. that was a new crate in 2014 and it was some kind of revolution. it was them doing this with their own hands. let's, let's me, i've been voting against these resolutions and ukraine and the money go into you
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credit since 2014, in 2014. we helped to over throw their elect the government, and we were saber rattling against russia. and i said listen, the sanctions and the saber rattling and these resolutions, they're going to have consequences and they have had and consequences. and he also setup likes to mention that he thinks it's ridiculous that they, you why suspended so much money to blow up the infrastructure in another country with its own as far as structures struggling. and they could have built everything, roads and bridges across the united states. with just half of that money that they send to ukraine, easily, easily done. well, what about, you know, the rest of the democrats? what are they saying about these funding concerns? anything serious they, they don't care because they think that the stakes are high, the stakes high, meaning that they need to defeat russia at any cost, so they don't care how much money they're sending over. they don't care what state their roads in the infrastructure is in the united states as long as.


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