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tv   Documentary  RT  December 6, 2023 6:30am-7:01am EST

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inverting against these resolutions in ukraine and the money go into you credit since 2014, in 2014, we helped to overthrow their elected government. and we were saber rattling against russia. and i said listen, the sanctions and the saber rattling and these resolutions, they're going to have consequences and they have had consequences. and he also setup likes to mention that he thinks it's ridiculous that they you why so spending so much money to blow up infrastructure in another country with its own as far as structures struggling. and they could have built everything, roads and bridges across the united states. with just half of that money that they send to ukraine, easily, easily done. well, what about, you know, the rest of the democrats? what are they saying about these funding concerns? anything serious they, they don't care because they think that the stakes are high, the stakes high, meaning that they need to defeat russia at any cost, so they don't care how much money they're sending over. they don't care what state their roads in the infrastructure is in the united states,
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as long as they continue pump in ukraine with money and weapons, all against all against russia. my level of frustration about the lack of seriousness from republicans is due to the states that we're dealing with. and the stakes are whether you cream exist 12 months from now, or is a part of russia. so we don't understand why the issue of ukraine and russia, the conflict there is being discuss so much in detail in washington. but it seems a sense that they are the ones who are in charge and that they should dictate what happens in this parts of the world, even though as they put themselves at harm's their own infrastructure, their own quality of life, all at the expense of the american text, as always, maureen and, you know, they talk about the stakes being so high. the stakes have never been higher. the war against russia, with old as hybrid west and wolf had the nathan members, america. and we'll opt as of 304050 countries trying to fight russia. it's over
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militarily speaking. it's already over, but with the american presidential election around the corner, they've got to keep pushing this narrative, ukraine's gonna, when we're going to keep pumping money, we're going to keep pumping weapons. but every one knows in the military sector and the intelligent sector, the war is already over and, and the money is running out, don't forget. but as of right now, the united states can just keep printing and just keep printing at the detriment of their own inflation. yeah, the ones can use to be careful. he really, really does that. you know, he'll, he'll be hung out to dry sooner than later. if he doesn't step on the line with the washington narrative right now, so he needs to be looking at a villa, one of his village and tuscany, but one of his 2 brand new multi $1000000.00 york's that are waiting for him off the coast of the french riviera, we're going to cause a river. thank you. thank you for joining us here for going use line from moscow. this is audrey international. the the
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the, the tax just for the funeral. for the 1st month of, for the semester class. and like i said, the last will probably that's up to me. i been in the school just to read in the polls and it's a for most them go into the city of this thing while we're away. this the them by football shy, right? i'm like, i'm assuming because of the issue of the, the you pretty much the,
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this is this, the mirrors are with those are for the day if you are like us to kind of way of spam from going so far it is for me as much for this time when you that it's a day or 3, it is a way started so much. so it is for me to camp site is investigator is on the west village. but i want to know that it's the most part of the website, the if the it's a to new to most people, some are new from full of, of, of serious, serious of new and up there. but they are the kind of way better supplements go tomorrow to put all the way out, talking about being able to come in and sign up with somebody over there to,
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to georgia. and able to get is that after uh, the promotion. and i want that done samples might also, does it say to the use of or something. uh, uh, it's available for an hour. so obviously send me a detroit, somebody if someone. so if there's a lot on that as well from kamacho and have a to up, it's got special control gonna typically, even though you just come over to the individual plan, it's the most vehicles, it's more drop that's, that's or the afternoons pretty well. so i rest of them, i probably got some more of it. the most thankful. silly for me. are you still? yeah, i would have your number to the nearby you the for the little too much looking for the got difficult got possibly coming general. yeah. like i did, you mind go to. yep. i did them. so at least the mobile number. let's go ahead and let them still dakota driving the piano is 5. you have got totally new boy up with me when quarter of the swim on the can. i from canadian is on the icing,
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them up or off the jumped up our lives. so i was on the way, what are these people that i told them that reminded me leave me a good the the police didn't work for. i'm about as much with us. look at that kind of schedule up on stuff on the closest . i've got the distinctions a couple of appointments through the grapevine. you split thing, it's a lot of or something with i wasn't against. if i went on the bus station for another one control center. think it's a little less more euro being way up, but i will anybody, me? so the don't for me is to get the uh, the way cuz finding the issue, it was one. yes. was scheduled. so it's kim norma, which is the way to remind me in store telling me is that some of the points that i need to move with mary's? these come up with somebody else who a book i'm going to, which and trust when they put it up. i will put them on the 1st of the solution and mostly show you what the content of the internet that with people are resorting to the bill. so i was a little fun. i just went on the side of the day of so when i went to where i can kind of but it's not sort of look into the rest of his until store as well. and
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that's what i was about different methods of cell. my mother, the purpose of study showing up sales of do we got to address that? i just, i'm or someone was there. right. and progressive has to be on way. i'm still, i know, based on what they sent me a kind of a budget on the spot such as quarter force, nice to start with the present the for the publish complex to now assist us with the with them when you. but if there was any way to bring them up before that point to me like a plan going, yeah, it's covered 4 times. you bought the new so i'm gonna put you as an associate and come to that the goal. so it's some is able to the post them or dish, both of them uh to the place for the solution under the sink on the go. and then it's a tech with the presentation at the front desk put up city over the phone. but i'm just, i used to use this phase of yeah. and the care of. yeah. and if you have a loser, who should i far, that's also good as nature nor to play the
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music. do you go to the blue she media holding the unit seduce me when you see what kind of school was to ask them if there's yeah, it's right in the middle, was there nearly the semester coordinator, and i was following them with an exclamation to kind of busy at the last the she just took the police to just go up and obviously you go to the kitchen for themselves against my oldest college is that of course with the company. then you would have utilized the system scoreboard. as you look at the one year for the pitch, but also pieces at the bottom, you need them to get me through to you. but up to 3 of the them see what the music is. i can use gold was to explain to me this because donna were reading so so we
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knew of any of us more than jim 0. see up to them about that was actually gonna usually take him a kind of school was to show my thumbs to play sports and that way and i get upset comes to my bill. is that so starting? yeah, eastern skills high school was in session. i'm not sure if there's somebody. uh and by the time i'm just a father and you buy a nice or cocked um, uh, i just do it to the national bait. see when you buy this little, you have streets ocean's house clean, the actual insure for and you know, the price is 20, i'm going to skip the until the week of this, when you click where it joined an authority on this, i'm going to see where it's going to solicit that wants to keep the syringe, community kind of stuff done by so comes and i ask you what the cost is this, what kind of goal is to if i'm going to them with the, with all these torch, quite a few animals like we're human yeah, for us the sounds most easily the never need to come into the music of teach political. you're going to shoot a 1000000 or even in the machine you're going to be securing it. you're still in
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the middle. isn't that it comes with to you? when you may experience job force usually is the yeah, it's a cool says cooler with quite a significant new window that will buy your home to the most of the most of them the especially city. and then you by listening for them, i see a couple of neighbors lists where you, me, you can get the see with me the board spring, you might. yeah. so now i don't want to just concentrate on a e, within the video because because this frontier secure what the shows, the reset, the just shows the reset or me is that the soonest that they want me to use the same thing as before. and they using data, but you mean this, the maternity system with the upstanding with bit of money on some of the email uh at the well, i'm just unable to get to the shape of sort of this, allowing me to it's not merely someone go on that but i'll a minimum doesn't which to see with some boys, but the so it means to us, why didn't it? it was like, almost uh, i was switching. sure. well nobody got the one moment somebody not going to to
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leave instead of going to do that. so i missed missed bitching, but show you my new jo is you know, a total of q spits out of the core. can you put them ok, and when i get the sheets, now if the spits out and they're still only used to see it's an issue with the show . and if the funds gives you a lot of notice at the move to show the show pretty much the so this is the old list. so to level a bundle actually bloomberg came from the points and it was to let the switch use them don't. can you, they move so i missed the floor, was motion. so could i need to move you by the system for you? the moment you might show up, it was still black simply within this i'm getting the me at the blue uh which nowhere to send. you from the new um yeah, and you also, and there's only the sticker near the nimble um, but it's good to be in the front and you know, corey, don't get it. you don't lose that? it's him cook, but he yes, ma'am. yes. the building was nighttime use
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a couple of them. he has the wireless sure for i'm going to store like each the nipple, intrinsic level without it. and now what else to bring up model is it to i don't thing on the door cost. i'm of just, you know, full weights i missed. so i just thought i'd like to see if that flashed on you white with a couple idols. i suppose that somebody's bottles, much of show selection of course number 10. and i shall see any of us cuz our store forgot both commerce west. the reason of my lease isn't a de la coke. the thing is i'm a 20 so yeah, it's initial and at least countable does communion that's are connected to me is
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covered in the us of course, and i'm doing it, but they are coming through with those image. that's what they said on both the couldn't you, on 5th wheel present to install a bunch of them to you want me to minutes ago was to go kind of a video clear skies of what's a phone call from and yet. so she's in the board of is discussing with the switching. oh goodness, explain it to me. that's cool. and sort of national. right. she guys do. so i'm gonna give him the last name as can i get with one of cuz non durable. i sure she has federal by his son, the body of water moving to it. so what would you like watching across me? they're still getting us through the open dish really never stood. it was important . i said with them go to the with us that i use it extensive, especially when it's grades in any way it's. and it was just because i just was daniel who made the communion, got senior good kid and oh, good stuff. but as i got near the sofa, the 0 really had the soon, but even want to for the most, the very much just on you. but you need to complete the know you can look up at them. they didn't want people to reducing it of you couldn't just a moment,
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but it isn't the more about the one you can throw in us and you'll be like, go through and you'll get the post of what our next video and what we suggest oblivious will be due to the next question from the list, all the due date, i use, the said all of us are seeing that loose to me. but at this moment, give me all skin, most of my own body of sports that gets guides in your body, needs to be politically nicholas, the son, not road zone. to me. i'm sitting months here with somebody's not to move the. that'd be a good what the guys vs. i've nobody in the most of the, like i did. so the payoff. so it's that i usually have option to buy in the correspondence. i love show kind of a pretty little boy. well, you're pretty good. it's lindsay and yeah, i would need a bus tour and escalators literally almost them. you push it up with a store to discuss that with just that and they see what the, what that's pending. and he's just an interesting couple of unable of all the news, the model, simple question, inconvenience around the but you got the goes to move went, but all the way with this is almost beside the ip address, the modem,
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which has got them. it might be listed, most of them up on the on what kind of what you guys need in finance could go slow in january of those not feeling good at your thoughts. you're good at this again. so you can put them with when you have some freedom wouldn't mind me on thursday they woke up still the way when you're thinking at the present wish there's something we're swimming. it's like i've saved. so basically with that, the last of them was your thing. that's been me over time. any of us comedy, i'm calling from the so i'm working on a quote from us. what i'm covering, what potential for you've no idea and i'm not supposed to publish it despite them. oh gosh, lose your thoughts. so i was gonna bring you much points and do more of them, but watching this, i'm going to get what your view was here because always put us there. so solution which in the machine, the issue of splitting the premiums we would say is that it could bet them continue . and so, so the money in those coordinates the with let me put it in here when they even took the course class, missed estimates of glucose to pretty much that's still good to and i sent them down and them a of a gloves. i mean, uh we have the able to print those. are you single as i'm in the volume it is you
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need a good thing at the commission do is to coordinate across them for either somebody to present worry about them that a shed is supposed to go around with it. so give me just a minute. who is this old lady? so if you wanted to see the bill to me, and cuz when i see the, [000:00:00;00]
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the the several days that's on the way that, that's what this truly benefits of, especially when income uptake is the reason why it happened at some let us or so is that somebody else from the bush gives to you, but the young, i'm a or somebody from the judge in the muscle right now. you have a life and i see, and i was going to finally get over them a spin off both of them. the muskets, because i'm always talking about the younger than i see. mean they're going to assume we're not the life of thought, but the on a boat and as little just and you know, i said it's on the spot while i look up on a boston, that's your problem. all right, ma'am,
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to just be right. and then the what's the scale probably, and so when the wrist, the ball will read it to us when he is older than it is because most of them eagles is 40 of those pieces. but obviously the narrative to hopefully enough time to comes back as that i do have 3 people to see if you received it. this is especially some people who is supposed to be. so i need to check on it. my bills come back up on the can. i know if i got, i want to feed them uh the way to move forward with the last part we think of a lot of them, but that much gives me about the union. so that, that for the basic of that, you know, that's why with a solution to your mom from 4 months. good luck for me as to what to fish. i'm pretty sure about that. not be that i would advise you to have a position to mushroom by itself. so you should this movie today should 3rd,
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so it in sweet them told them look at you to with the, the reading of me is just less than that, but i went to meet, you might be as well. and then my other commodity only didn't. yes, about a couple of different ones i was taught will not be this year. i'm said sometimes i do show for this for the big restaurants up. so yeah. when it comes that comes out so that i have or, and most of them are input wash, right and stuff like that. to me i'm ready to cover up was a lot of the kind of was more of us i knew today. oh, i'm us. uh no, it's a las invites us as much as for which and then you also do to flu is up to both of you. but when you're with i do as though supervision your job, you should use your boss, get her to do a section of this new process. and what i'll do, i'll shoot you frankly,
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simplest form which most capable of ship should go to the customers who in the most of the 11th or so that's fine. as long as you don't wanna do a numerous. as the slowest mind you already got exposures size issue as a whole bunch of little sort of mind people consume money. it should that should allow us to, to be, as opposed to go say no, much butterfly the way you really seem to have the meals, the quote because monday morning, so far, most lovely with the ship, the most of the insurance, the individual on board. but this is just the power off by the end of the stand and then you know, some folks, it's all based on the football team. no
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less. you know, um, well, what is your, what comes on the east when s o s, pharmacy sharing, but i guess he gave me this is what he would chase c to. so i didn't have to worry about your property. if somebody's got it stopped by your phone motors to walk you through the whole stuff, but we usually put that much the button to the 5 years of glitch in the much the english department with them look with us. just touched, and i'm gonna switch that to you. i promise you so much more new. but most, most of us not have money today. this isn't the best policy, is that i'm from probably excited almost to another email it by monday as well as the you know,
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i did see those kinds of boss deal with their credit on the little boy. she is the which that subsidy on some of the seen. you know, why is the lawyer resorted here? first of all, yes. for the chaise, a little decision. you know, when i say somebody must certainly involves the cost, raise it. let's see what we've done in quick bear who is the who will still without choosing the issues with the review. by monday, if i'm gonna have the tools or somebody, is there any questions for me though? i'm going to come, i'm not sure. so the bottom one, yes, to plug this one that is only going to be the way to the problem i should hope to get you. and i guess i'm a little more about problem. i'm scrolling finish that up on the google stuff. me have them double click on file, but we'll start comp. i don't want you to give them any part of the option to
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populate what's being real. quickly go through a method that are placed on how much less dispatch is mr. so we'll, we'll just to answer and i want you to star some uh loops. just correct somebody in a solution that the yeah idea. so is that your story with the washer is easy. you've also is that all, you know what it's got right? i'm set, i'm gonna put in your face. the reason why these are about is this the same thing with little issues, the shift, the name of those keywords. but that's, that's not a simulink or to the theme or who are so busy the name book and the other stuff we're printing, but i can use it to pretty much though, is this just more, is that going to is the link or some and there's a good thing to go, it has 3. anybody use me, especially when someone shares one sheets of children. when you have the equipment, it was going to be on the payment to start from and it was or is it was get so much
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more of an issue when police you vehicle are going to the from it that i'm with the initial universe. this was going with the thing with the software for some of them, almost a, it's an interest with structure playing with i'm with the long distance and that that's a really nice thing. we should, i'm glad i got on. it is a glitch. i mostly weigh in the loop if we get this and go to it right now, they're gonna start from compassion, international capital. i'm going to start something by, you mean like a couple of them. all that stuff will depend on waste with what am i going to use or the 3 way one of these are gonna be a disclosure truck only initially. i think a lot of that stuff. susan neil link on. yes, let me try it on the east coast with the costly stuff. those cars to the right to the plasma, or there's no other religious gosh, no, and i had to had alternative, but actually i took squares if you actual, because i started buying energy with my own stuff was from which those, but i would never but of course the force that of the doesn't care should be
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insignificant. the history when you know boy is not the coolest that alpha nancy and this one. this is tasha. let's see that or what's the last by the tim? um i set across the uh, ocean and uh and i also checked the body shop motion with the dumpster, which also put some special ed to this. i was ways to deal with the the sample i would have to punch in name and number some of our machines label possible for transfer. hey, oral care which is another part is on us. go lower, the cost of whatever the problem is more store or correspond to him to. yes, in the store is more because i was on the stuff around here just what possible to push. cool. i'm going to add 2 of those. cool. so that's how i say it's an outside employee and i pay them why it is. i bet you lose. it's not fair for to move. yes, it was
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a bit slower. and if it's an investment to show us more and i'm with the kind of the late in corner, the audio gradient zone will just won't oppose the bushes deal with the top cover. if it was just a little switch in your 6th grade, you would have them bring the mobile support and stuff right there for starters, which ask them a bit of that was by the 5th of october under the say, some of those fellow across the street from the from the back of the finance procedure for why did you put them through to that when you scroll down to some books, i'd have to talk to the little people about shy of healthcare. yeah, i got them. i was a lady that goes on lots of realize go to a solution. your customer is reasonable for you to start with admission. as far as most of your day is kind of general, i wouldn't scary. so at the moment it's always nice,
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beautiful. when you have the football smoking ridiculous. so whenever you the most to partner with, like if they meet us posted in of the appropriate moses. so i can think of the reason for that is what i was originally. it was a part of it to yourself, and as always, i took over the risk of it. but actually as of to talking for about showing us solve some of the baskets, almost always just the cardboard apartment, talk to somebody as a walker from across. but almost the whole website with the cornerstone see it was probably the 2 of them, the take
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a look and see what so the 1st the 1st month of matched of a sort of not somebody you pretty much to definitely make are going to be 0 to the front loop at the most part, you think you're going to go up. i'm glad to see much rambled, which a good old almost over, but you to oh, i'm still present of the jacob sort of full speech, but the beach was human longer dealing with the thought of system model. and he was hoping you'd as the senior go to the wellness, thank you for hard on last the pool. no, as i've since shipped a fidget to our product group, i'm surprised scorpio bug, you might have multiple steps movies. uh the to simply me. but if any scenario that they cannot die to grab it at the place, if you do have any continuous now, no place to but the store baseball develop, i took a need for you to show me when you're the one that you want to get started from the get a short study, those teach us that you're kind of a full checking on what's going on with the thought. let me know somebody send them to us
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the the sure i'll show you my hold on for stay the same. i put you on the computer. okay, hold on. that's the reason for something that i've worse the used obasi, the pretty much the leverage stuff. what you're setup with the exclusively heard about that, but i'm spitting go. so this comes out of business model. so those are, some of those are sort of split the problem worse to what is there somewhere starts associates and the name of the company gave me is that opened by how much time when it's not for us to push some requirements. i'm not sure about them. we're just just right and it was i man shops of the positive for real drastically man with this 3 semesters which are now it's college, even though it's a problem with applying. if i read of
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the the rolling out the red, white and blue with a lot of effort and was given a warm welcome to meet the president of the united arab emirates, but focused on the conflicts in the middle east, butte crane and among other issues as well, the israel says ground by who's arranging in the southern gauze and city of con eunice, exactly the place right humanitarian crisis has taken a serious problem. civilians would read this specifically for safety and mr. landscape pulls the plug in a meeting with us lawmakers counseling at the last minute as the report said,


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