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tv   Documentary  RT  December 6, 2023 8:30am-9:01am EST

8:30 am
and just stop by letting them stop taking away is that a land allows him to build anything they want. is it worth buying, giving you heads up and have a peaceful life. just download lots of called that type and type in, you know, in 7 of october it's really a terrible thing. but i don't think you can, the 60 do cannot solve they all way ahead of the people by making it bigger mexico into a impala stand in with the palestinian. this should stop this last month and this distorted distraction, and serve and sit and talk with the enemy, la, switching to jordan, now by the actions of israel, have been tied to his largest allies out of the united states. now the signs say it over there, america is the head of terrorism. hundreds of protest as converging on the israeli embassy and i'm on venting anger for the us of. ready of israel's actions in gaza, demanding also the jordan cut ties with both countries. here's what the secretary
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general of the jordanian hispanic action front party have to say read them that the couple of these more crimes are the responsibility of the us leg west of the lines in cooperation with the u. k. germany. and from these countries, a leading reliance to salvage this defeated is really only in the palace the land, the palestinian people have the legitimate right to resist the occupation which has been imposed with nearly 100 years. this is the last occupation regime in the world, and it is time for the palestinian people to gain their freedom from this occupation. the jordanian people are explicitly rejecting this humiliation know us interests embassy bases or goods. us is leading the war against all people and we must cut off all ties with it. now as conflicts around the world are splitting global sentiment, the raw strides to mental back together. the russian president right now to ring the middle east. the results of those talks with future bricks,
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members as likely paving the way for the expanding multi polar world, much more and all about the top of the the the if i do more lead for keith to then city on. so right here we usually buy more into the account and this and you in the remember or actually just very square and prosper. you may have solution in the very next 3 of the to me nice as then look at that, which is 2 types. the rent the same as on the g 's use that the pipeline in your subscription to the illustrative. which lexus massachusetts,
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on some to the door, but push them up with those of the what do you have in your struggle? the participants are sticking with the brother party to ship the bridge and what we can do here for you at some point this how much adds to it. yes, i did get the usually the i mentioned the truth and that's for sure. the but i'm with, it's just the name, but i'm with the system. i mean motions portion of the to much better to for us your boss could be doing that. you know, i'm, so you and what position did you want to come? the legend will the new shows eat and stuff on the ocean federals and how much do you disagree. busy the,
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the the, [000:00:00;00] the, the general opinion that the book and of course not dogs can yes, can don't the lots and work on your son a 3 year. her name. really, nixon, i'm sure can professional good story. but a book i news really progressed and us the great news and bundle ramirez was kind of a june the chase. but the role is written this name and no single one that you to believe, jen,
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and nor when you mind you double motional crossroads aging. these mean which religion nearby and grew up with james, due to requirements for some of the shrubs with that you could of george guess that's a defensive domestic. she'll get what i used was the sign in the 1st is that the same as your money? and the fine you, there's some good that said the board, the fisher did bring him on you. because then that's was the thought store. look, you could you cheer and you still something in the corner with me come down your, you need those 2. i need to go to national and from that i just go to finish the fish and then you'll survive. it's already or yeah, that would you suggest, carlos? i don't know who your insurance or not with us. not really sure. it's an issue that you shouldn't be
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a more beautiful academic the the 1st month. really the c, visually impala, even this stuff is facing. who but it does sound like, you know, getting better as most of the are going to come on the excuse me, should the she told you, but i beautiful it both enough convicted of compliment as besides the former leaching kind of leading. yeah. there's not going through my, let's see, see, i'm not shooting anchored room is 0 earlier. and you were bone, you earlier and i stopped at the end of it. they needing a full nation judging village and then gave them the oceans. everybody really is. i think you can search through the back nice of and this doesn't take you over to the,
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to the floor. you can use wireless. which agent us the, what did you cook? yes. yeah, i mean just the one additional thing is the decide what to put the the which way a person that i've talked to you but that is the percentage of the legit. my yearbook gm is try with the with your
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you. but i would look at the logistics of a do a miami, which is obviously a to what, which even you might to know what this is nicholas full gloves, i believe heed next to the system. yes, it is now shows that i smoke up dr. each by with last me signed by guy loud by a guy logo or yeah, i'm not sure. so mom and you know you, i just don't know i have some boy the middle comes no loud this gift right. the moment limited for them. restoring you for them that i need to buy it. i knew the fullest and that she knew she was on the books before i confirm title,
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she has to give to one of my summers. 2 rules can do to do t o. the other one is to was going on the list for between which to caution or doing any of the muscle for it. but i'm really, if you also have those are one from when she did some mountain, said even thought of them now or come from the room will come for unless i'm
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leaving, the students will be a junior. she's been said he stay wisco personally, then then we're going to use. so when you mean, yeah, it's funny and so i watch the see a couple of the next piece i just if you need to put it smarten with when you send the critics general, just kind of shooting at people to those. right. so i could just use immunization, i believe, i think she must go ski and i actually need to give you book. and then you pull the upstairs. and then if you need to get for specifics here, let me ask you to purchase the process dispute. and if i can know what to when you, cuz this is near okay for she is still in motion, ocean ocean. shasta thoughts and let me see what
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the the shop the windows. no. do you need to wonder? you don't wanna check for the next few minutes to come up with that. he does that sound like wrong, that's i'm a resident of virginia. you know, when i send them over to my and a little concerns, you only need to know if you're on track more than that,
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but much mr. gustin doing course, the corrosion on that's the view. what i'm covering a booster customer, the nationalist passed the doctor on the open platform of 3, which is to hear their own words in washington. glen, is there a cookie for a decent? begging you don't want you to go on more than a century and you'll be brought out of what some you and it was the review on google ocean kind of thing that we have to go to youtube videos and that that thing is using it october. the 1st thing here to, to, for me to get some information to the customer. so you start with kristovich on
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thursday. yes. tell me what the story just to get on my choice. you have to kind of how much are the ships and going into the mice. you took a. yeah, because i was to, i know those know which i'm russian and you could 3, but i knew i don't know what to just sort of thing and but i'll just just ask them in motion source on the screen. much better for us to. yeah, cuz i'm sure if we ended up watching the video, you're good or swimming it in what ask you to then look up to that. that's really the key story to cut the one. i know i'm just waiting. uh what device days were slips. no, but that's what i'm watching. floors me see them cookie to bed. sure. but of those with what i'm what the cup total you're dealing with the beam what i'm what, what, what are you doing? yeah. person know,
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chose just to grab that again or with some that the talking down with recording. so most of them is been running. agent cima came up for lunch. i am done to provide you to a motion to fax them. gotcha. now, similar to mine, that was short, can this quick memorial permission to do next, to pamela bringing you a text book. she has to do a text in blue and he's passionate burnett. you need you to say, it's just me. i would you tape what i teach in a glutton, isn't that you paid them at the store. it's a stops to get that and what's a good? what does that finish? what is your, what's, what the options to eat. but i do need you to any thoughts as you might have
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the use me to send out a coup with the media, which you use to mom and that thing and that's through it. and i for those, i'd be happy to provide support on the voice could function if somebody else can sign up with the skype and the sound janet doors to do. it's just you in virginia store, but i do choose to test a deal. it's just really nice for, fortunately for them, which is between the,
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[000:00:00;00] the, the fun to boost it off the citizens to the campus, the, on the, of the mazda. believe me with the, the one thing that they need to know should flush, especially when she did it, then its got the ocean plus the footboard position. would you be really cool? so i need you to yes, my gosh. mar. there's a lot of these new or to purchase subject of some of the buy to go with the most show. you know what good us today which is to deal with the food just hit the
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little girl, another girl caputo group of to choose which enters. oh, of course the most do. so none of us dollar even less to move to those just 1st thing you will receive from status of his own choice. right now. there's a typical one. see how much of the woods in pretty much ready to go. some of the most line, you know, the most used car grass with, with ups or something. this is yes. could, could you take a 3rd or 4th? i totally bought, but every station and i've said when united really thoughtful. well, even the nurse, i know it's kinda slow, i'm used to mis 5 years and she had got those have just done a lot of would so, but this kinda took some gretta, who should have come with our strong us. we'll go over to them because if you can
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see the as much data which is danielle, it will come out on both ends, very sensitive to you. we'll go from the native encroachments to the so she did it the in the 3rd and i was asked to do, is it the what you're just doing it, there's a month left to do. much thought on the card with the former, she for the leisure ga that gov daughter. even lose not the most. that's a name is not the script, but that got the weird because the ramp up from the nurse not on the on
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the if the dip get the asked of the name is that i just described. pick it up and you get your cardboard or melody and their permission for the massage. and you're the thermal specific human being as little by additional limited in our project near above. are you with them on my comes to me. i did you meeting last year to you soon related to thought i am name you to keep any part of the resume to and you are mr. still in the position to sit on the open fits that are on their way to upgrade the volume dealer a lot. the most expensive, we need to have couple with a huge bed, usually the, the foreigners to put the invoice for the most mission type of bullet force. now over the next 3 of the, to me to complete the video. mm hm. when we're a system that kind of which is 2 types of data vendor for them directly to run it that's kind of you from it. they're not which didn't start with them and they didn't submit the new colors to the really floors. nice just line. yeah. a tiny, you come in the,
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from the video from the store so that you started when you do that sort of both a little bit just kind of similar, surely when you, when you, when you 1st me by giving you asked about the purchase and from the new near pennsylvania needs providers to the nurse, which is the me for her to live. i'm a product corporate commission that new d instructor crime which to that, that's correct and would do it throughout that i'm option usually for those to show settlements with that secondary line usually was the fittest of us focused. it's listed on the, on the what the mileage it to that is video. it's just about what's in, it's a pretty question. leave with the but of course it the span, the good to coverage. he was tell you, i'm glad each the she just said, if i have to go to the board, they just moved to us cock that the but the should,
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i'm the, here's the best that we started. the jello like you switch it towards a used car that was just supposed to leading it pretty much the just the, the, the dealer. stuff to the last of them. switch it back to me yesterday to subscribe to to, to be, you know, used to clearly uh, which is danielle. dear. uh well, what i know would you stuck a door to the new uh, the me at 232 uh near just a few drops at the will it lynette? oh, with the local guns, coronado. and that is for me to junior, near below, for double change and the key the key. no, not sure that's just because it's not nice to good at that. those still live worried you a chance guys that are doing that for me is that all the novel chain? you do 10000 in particular plots. a cost score the patricia to so let's check them across the time security. not like another sweater. no difference. if the store uh, the other one on the to do the guns cannot or that is for me to the system.
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somebody in nutrition, so gloss, know how much it took you to g wasn't the book got this instead i am. so i'm also in special effects, the read the roommates on this, but i don't want to continue caused them to send it as name of this and this i'm doing is a pro it's not for them. then you have the community for yeah, a starting the music ups like you speak i'm you should get the, there's not for these yet to present, right. and i'm not sure what have you and it's not down the money and the floors. nice to but she's got these kind of things as kept me. she could form a sheet, but not in that. it's due to me. you have to play to upstairs and. yeah,
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but what she just was, i got this cool you know slowness of joseph jones. this is due to go to any cause of any up smear though it is easy said that you will to new for me then to come in to facilitation exec nice to get of what used to do to good thought in the sound you to use the steps here to skim to douglas to to and then you kind of, you know which to step was beautiful, which is book plus binding. the pm pioneers assembling those days. she placed at the do to the daughter jasmine as a kind of the and the with jasmine. so then you put the project set that to cut the nation. so he said this the resonated one from what the team that you the good cause much a little who was sitting at the church and thought that she is on what she meant, what your thoughts cause on which i mentioned that to me always did. it comes to mind is that how it was 2 guys, could you get
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a chance once you get me to you, sir? by it, i'm gonna try to keep it up to you is that this one we use for? so let us just get other stuff to when to use what seems essential. it's a brush sneezing to get a horse, not to grab a pen and then with the store when they just wanted the spine, which one is more to choose from? that which is at the less a sudden it sense of war, which in independence and most on the position of progression from the line station us if the which in the initial was split, that's enough changes. and that particular on the 1st you don't, you call me and i am
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going to with the last couple more interested at the local cost cost on those can some of the portions to home and finish. and again, things to special needs. this will show the content again when you have this too, and you use as a desk guy, use terms to nice possible, put in the lab for so much energy and you've got the room on the baloney oceans, not just on the us assess why anyone nibble will try and come, she crushed to his reason. you're supposed to bring a interview with joe, but i'm know for sure. it sounds like she made those choice that opponent luann sky painfully sued. them was clear which i sent them. yep. i'll put it. put it back to the
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pickup date. yeah, uh my name's patricia industry. show you the funding at the see what to expect and then the last couple of years. so nobody who needs to skip the whole snap. the snap dash i shows can pretty much cover for some of the demo that of you new or putting you want me to put investment in the table depending on what solution it's actually of . instead of nice to meet you new kind at the end of it. as many times you can use your, what is the most popular opinion or really you, of course, let me show with the most up to, to just get hooked it up. so you know, what got daughter and all the moisture from us on the nothing just that you know which of the former the chauffeur don't close up showing up,
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give services putting it up based on the move you as well as from the up to mystic. i key at the bakers, but i still had you in the suit, cut, the captain untouchable and you should all normally especially she did. i remember she clean kilometers because obviously used the key to to use the cube changes in your thoughts as your manual read it to me or is it just pulling a desktop with me yesterday to the large list of what he spent? unless you have a question list that i missed, i to you to the band at them. that's the last off charlie attempt to add the ssl. so through the system stand 1st the bed mattress. do you mind wash the email? no no i these cop. what is it? the config shooter itself,
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origin. you're trying to see the you print just the mattress. there's no boxes i bought. no, you much trouble with the yeah. don't my goodness. some goes up. some of the stuff. send a form that you lets me you each doesn't ring this casual text or speak to, oh yes, no shopping across number with which, which is in your global credit and you sign language. but i'm not saying you have, which is tim, what i'm, what the tax is, do i need nibble designers? that's a need of couple in this credit. so you need to go in this portion of it and i know that the credit is national. negligible man is a dad should say, you know, we're checking for should the media,
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the the, the lowest points of the the, the with the vehicle. so the motions for the, for the money and douglas is leaving which is see the steel,
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the the, the colors of the russian flag in the sky above the you. a lot of it proves and receives a heavy ball and welcome during the visit to the united arab emirates. his 1st stop in the middle east, as is the so called price solution is spit on the lips of western politicians. but right now he's heading to saudi arabia kind of thinking of. busy he's calling on to you when to stop the red length of the tax on god. the thing is, rails options are organized terrorism on the bombardment. some civilians. meantime


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