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tv   News  RT  December 6, 2023 9:00am-9:31am EST

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the, the colors of the russian flag in the sky above the u. a slight improvement receives a terrible welcome during a visit to the united arab emirates. his 1st stop in the middle east as is a so called by selection is spit on the lips of questions, politicians. but right now he's heading to saudi arabia kind of thing and. busy he's quoting all the you when to stop the read length of types on god. the thing is rails options are organized terrorism on the bombardment. some civilians. meantime a buried in the rubble waiting days for rest. as none might spend 4 days, trop tons of the rubble, without any food or water, i didn't even have
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a swimming pool of water. i tried to come out, but the rocks and concrete blocks left me a lot of studios gather what they can provide you and warehouse to monitor and aid stuff and risk their lives in god's. in the program we hear from us folks posted the palestinian red presence as i know the situation in the south. how to become the young catastrophe. why people should is already packed. there is no left to please put any one. and on top of that, people don't have access to the answer with many developments. and all correspondence, i guess the standing by its a busy one this hour here live one on the international. so the israeli, palestinian was helping the agenda between inviting the opposing and his u. a. e counterpart as the russian president is now ready to head, to saudi arabia. continuing his 1st trip to the middle east and for years that is
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however off the he was greeted in a very warm fashion in apple dot the, the on this stuff. what is here? we see what we're going to show you the streets, a line with the 2 countries flying to the skies above were painted white, blue and red mocking blot improvements arrival to the you. a presidential palace and some of his foster box. the russian president, outlined bilateral ties with a,
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the sewage unless you have the machine, you look at it, thanks to your position today. our relations are at an unprecedented level. the u. a is the rushes main trade partner in the world. last year, the trade turnover rose by 67.7 percent. it will be even larger this year. i think the same goes with investments. we conduct a number of large oil and gas projects. we also cooperate in opec plus. we co operate in the international arena, the u. e contributes a lot in stabilizing the situation in the world. being a non permanent member of the un security council. lot of moves, planning out on today is geo political, global chest for let's get more now from our correspondence, i'm at least bureau treat more if an option to write the study by and re add on correspondent eagerness donald starting by for us now in abu dhabi to both of you are very welcome and good evening. wow. what a big story today. you go to 1st to you to be a fly on the wall for these close to discussions, the russian president has just dropped off his trip in the u. a. e. he's now eh,
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born to saudi arabia. what do we know so far? well, rory, i have to say not much. if anything has seemed to be from the behind the close doors of the palace, which you can, you can probably still make out in the background over the very beautifully. let's help against the night sky of abu dhabi. but if those agreements were they were, if they were anything close to what we've seen when vladimir putin arrived here to the capital of the way. well certainly, well those news would be breathtaking as were the views because when jets painted the skies in the colors of the russian flag when the motorcade of latin a boot and the joint b as schools of well of cavalry and the streets were lined up by russian flags again, and the russian national anthem sounded right before the tubes began. well that
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those pictures were suddenly a bits of penalties. hello. so anybody who were advocating for the versions that russia has been sidelined at bottom approved and has become an outcast that he has been shot to the fringes of international diplomacy and will both write him approved and, and his counterpart here. they have stressed how close the ties between the countries up rule the way is the major economic partner full of russia in the region so far last year alone. the countries enjoyed a move in 67 percent growth in trade volume. and according to the russian, president, fig is coming out this year. well, they are expected to be even high. for instance, if you take uh, oil trade alone, last year, the increase was about what's in fact, more than a 100 percent. so it certainly seems that russia has figured out the answer to the equation and to the challenge of that is posed by the western sanction to which
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have been trying to cripple uh, rushes energy trade and rushes energy markets. and all these willing words, they have been reciprocated by again, be counterparts of let them approve me. here in abu dhabi have a list of every day relations between the russian federation and the we have a historical character in recent years. relations have been actively developing in various fields in the interest of both countries and peoples. i would like to emphasize that i very much appreciate your personal and effective role in strengthening bilateral relations in disregard. i would like to say that the u. e is russia's largest trading partner in the middle east in the gulf region, and that will be happy to continue our joint work to strength and bi lateral cooperation in various fields. well, these pillars visa storage pillars. they provide a fantastic foundation for washington d. e n. d u a to grow their relations. i have to say
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a rule. remember that the way was invited to join the brakes. the lions, which has already seen some expansions this year and well the, the weight might be a very welcome member here, given that russia has been not trained uh, they spaby nurturing this uh, economic and political block from its cradle. and by the way, another country, the platinum, is in fact right now is en route to saudi arabia received a very, very similar invitation. and as i'm about to hand over this baton, to my colleague murray, if the notion of who is in re i'd right now, i can't help but wonder if we are indeed about to see some very similar pictures to the ones that we've witnessed here. when vladimir boots jet touches down on the soil of saudi arabia, if you ask me, i'm quite confident that the united arab emirates are going to win this one. all right, you've got to fight for that. that's go from abu dhabi now to re add on. i'm at
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least bureau chief maria you are in riyadh right now, putting his app on his way to you. it's about a 2 hour flight from abu dhabi to re at what do you expect patients for the meeting that's supposed to be happening, right. i mean, other than high fives and woman braces, the boy. yes. hello to you. rory energy is real, her mass conflicts, humanitarian catastrophe in the gaza strip and multi polarity, all the key topics on the agenda during watering purposes and for to, to visit to the region. not we'd all be 1st as you just heard from my colleague eager and now reference president is on his way to saudi arabia to meet the king and the crown cranes. the talks here and under the rule, mainly be focusing on oil market cooperation. as you know, russia and saudi arabia, all the leaders of opec, plus the group that's unites the countries pumping around 40 percent of global oil and the allies. they are the ones to decide how much oil to self regulate. and in
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such a way, the supplies of petroleum to the global market, enzo fours, global energy prices. and just last week, all tax was agreed to cut the output of oil for the 1st quarter of 2024 in order to boost the markets. and i have to say didn't work as expected. so we might see further steps to be discussed here between $2.00 and $2.00 and the leader shape also the a ravia in that direction. another important topic is, of course, as eager mentioned for the extension of reeks the group called emergent economists . that's phase to make, you know, more than 40 percent of global population and a quarter of global economy. and of course, you know, it is a, in the challenge in the world order when mary pays dominate to hand both our countries and why represent visits on wednesday as well as iran, by the way, whose leader, a rush as president, is expected to meet on a thursday, the following day in moscow has been invited to join the alliance and to force
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a membership that will drastically strengthen their organization will be discussed here as well. and also on the agenda for as a dramatic situation is around israel have mass conflict tend to humanitarian catastrophe. it's in the gather street. this is how everybody now describes the situation they are on the ground. so we'll keep you updated on the outcome of the tools and meetings here. but all and all i have to say this is a very important visit affords by rushes. president in terms of strengthening friendly ties. that of course, showing to the whole world the, despite tremendous efforts by the western countries to isolate russia most go is far from a low back. indeed, well said murray, if an option to live and re added just about 10 past 5 pm awaiting the arrival of the russian president, and you could have done with that life and i will definitely both of you. thank you . let's take this further now closing live to the director general of the do by a public policy research center mohamed, how to in joining us here on,
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on the international good evening. so it's a very well welcome to you to get you on the program and thank you for much for joining us here on the sofa. it's a big deal today. big changes are happening in the world with having to look at the geo political chessboard. and a lot of serious moves are being played out. the russian president right now heading to saudi arabia after visiting the u. a. e. your thoughts on the significance of this trip, i guess a further strengthening of ties. so am i reading too much into it? a good evening to you and i don't think the strengthening of ties is reading too much into it. however, maybe it's not more of a just score as a uh, what is what has been what is expected to be between the 2 important countries and, and in a tribute intriguing, i think the visits uh justifies, exemplifies this energy that is coming right up from the deacon to address the
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challenges that we need. and i think the role of a fresh uh, as well as it's the role of the china of the us. so you is requested everyone would need to stand at this point and address this very big challenge that we see in our region. what, what, what do you think most of a 100 and do? do you think the main issues are oil, energy, gaza ukraine? what do you think topping the list? i think this is an issue of responsibility when it comes to only. so i think more of responsibility to west energy markets requirements in energy security and on the well, it's not only about drawing, and i think it's coming in the background backdrop of a cup $28.00 and the impact that the markets would have on, on uh, on environment and climate change and the need for collective efforts to have that
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. however, we cannot ignore what is happening in and does that look it up, ignore what is the impact of engine precautions of such an event. so definitely collective security is going to be on uh on, on the discussion table. what do you, what do you think of it when you put together put together saudi arabia the way he and russia, when you put them all on the same page, also with other allies in the region. what do you think as a collector to they can do to help ease the situation in gaza or, and hopefully bring it to a quick peaceful resolution. the one there is a sort of differentiation of, of positions that has been a sort of divisive element. i mean, this is event and does that have divided people between people who think that this should be only treated as a terrorist attack? and others will see that that was the aspect of it. but i cannot ignore that. there
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is huge impact on civilians that need to be addressed as well. so induced times when people are split actions to, to bring together everyone and be a full voice. this concept that we need 1st to stop the war and then address the humanitarian aspect, becomes very important that i think it would be important in or complex. it's only the one doesn't do you think, do you think the saudi arabia or the u. e, or even both of them could put pressure on washington to put pressure on israel to try and bring the war to a speedy close. i don't think it's the method, especially if it's the method of collective. what do you mean this is, you know, with governor ising, the whole world behind one single issue is that this type of complex gonna go or whatever it has been going on for 75 years and we have not adjusted, frankly, i think this is about to die and we change that equation. so it is security and
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luckily to, to, to piece piece will need the security. i think it's a very interesting comment about missed about how to and his hope good to have you on the program here. and when you offer such insightful analysis, thank you very much for staying with us so far. here. we're not you international, i want to, to ask you russia, saudi arabia, the way the key play is an opec plus but, but also though, we're looking at new members of bricks, iran, the egypt, saudi arabia, these all major players mohammed were talking about the majority owners of the oil production in the world today. oh, pack all the bricks, nations they have the oil production. they've got the oil output. they've got a geo strategic ports around the world. they're old. and many of them are looking to 0 way from the us, donna, and you have all of the, these members of opec and these new members of bricks, they all stand on the frontline of this multi polar world. do you think putins visit right now to the middle east, end of the u, a in saudi array, but that does that in some way affect the development of this multi polar world?
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do you think of, i mean, i think this is what we went into, connected was, and i think the, you a, so the and also other countries, russia, china, has been pretty much developing an international or a global connectivity. and, and, and in that agenda as do one, mattress, and in the same way the way he is now, foster breaks. it says also been a constant participant. and in the d 20, it's also about the shipment, the g, 57. so the connectivity is what really matters and connectivity is different than what attitude beloved to me is. you're either it's a 0 sum either within this if you of is also another scale events. i think connectivity is a different issue. everyone needs everyone and the more channels of communication of trade, of exchange we have with other people,
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the more important it's going to be. well, how many that but how soon is the director general of the do by public policy research center? joining us live or not the international, a very insightful, an interesting conversation and thank you so much for your time. we appreciate it. thank you, sir. thank you. so i've gone so it has to be in the side of widespread devastation . the palestinian authority is called on the un to stop is ready aggression calling its actions organized terrorism. and it comes as israel says it's reached the hot to the southern golf and the city of con eunice saying it has no intention of stopping that. now, at least for the palestinian civilians were killed and dozens injured them. elated there's ready strikes that is according to local reports. attacks on southern cause, i have ramped top despite previous, riley orders for palestinian civilians to evacuate them from the no palestinians gathered outside the north side hospital to pray for those who lost their lives. and we spoke to some survivors. i don't know what happened exactly. there was an
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explosion. i was, he didn't head by the trouble. i immediately threw myself to the ground who was sitting and suddenly strike it. and it was truck on the head by phone and storing over the coming of my sister had 8 children. she flayed from mon during the bombardment and took shelter here. and as nearby areas were being hit, she had a seizure, had died of a stroke. she's to 5 by 8 children. and this father is displaced, trying to make a living with her. and as israel expands his ground offensive in the south living conditions, as one might imagine, for those there had become just about impossible this canadian public opinion journalist demands sort of shouldn't now explain over night. so i think this was one of the heaviest days of fighting tenuously not sleep terrace that i did not stop at. i know the idea is around the city could on the to the north and see could on with it is east off lots of hospitals. uh they did try to quickly uh
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take on some lands to buy it auction through the difference main roads on the very heavy s like the people here. uh, sometimes buying trees. but the problem is that there is no place to go that olds out of old luck and even people who like foot exempt and usually personnel or you ready to work cuz they aren't going to any place to work. they're basically leaving . i'm find to find sions up as far as to find other safe place and some of the smaller clinics or the most of the, the way the is the names of the are working on the ground. now, is the rushing. yeah. rushing inside you is. they are trying to achieve something, look for something, mix, make maybe some kind of a media or is it sort of it to show the public some to show the world that they have been able to this month and time us in some way or another year and try your
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cell. meanwhile, the central gods and sir, do you have the law thousands of bodies were brought to the all acts the hospital or the grim consequence of his right. it strikes the. 2 73 people who are being reportedly killed as a result that's according to god's as health of ministry. so many are still trapped, are waiting rescue teams and some times it takes days. so for now, the story of what one young girl into and then i spent 4 days trop tons of the rubble. without any food or water. i didn't even have a small bottle of water. i tried to crew out, but the rocks and concrete blocks left deep wounds. the last night before the shedding took place, each family was a never even when i woke up, i felt pain in my neck as if i was sleeping on a rock. when i opened my eyes,
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i found a will just over me. i slept again because i was feeling so much pain. a lot of israel proteins is ground operation and gaza to the previous. these are called a safe zone and the southern part of yank life open alpha local to unless other i'm a hottie reporting the latest details on the situation. it says rental has declared that sounds really odd eunice city and the outskirts of henry's, especially in the eastern box. as grounds for military operations are an area of as really military operations. operations is where 80 arrow strikes top gun free ones like over fox of the funny with this at city on eastern parts of the condo to city itself. is repos, say, is that to, is there any iris tribes have had various spots of con eunice and the east?
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i also, and the west residential homes have been patched by. is there any errors twice overnight and early this morning. the continuation of is really a re strikes on the software and fox of gaza, especially on you. it is a drop off city, comes against the bus, dropped off more flocks, more influx of people until from the scotty with this areas until the rough i city and some other thousands of people have flown into the metal area of the gaza thread. the fault of, if he comes on the village in the middle of guys, a thread, adding more populations to the old way to a residence of the regions and the thousands and thousands of thousands of thousands of this place palestinian house house and from the garza thread this
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also concise web reports about it as really as the, as what aly attempts to fund the c walter. any tool that grounds on the why, for of the some areas of gaza at particularly in the charge of, if you can ways to gaza city, that's how it's been already abundant by it's residents because of the intensity of wizard iris. right. is there any attempt to bomb the salt water, the seal on top and to the underground as, as well, has ever believed that there has been a underground tunnels used by the mass and other resistors. factions across that goes us rep and some households have been eh, reportedly stranded inside their homes, as is really at johnson is really heavy fire as being here loudly some of those
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families that chose the r t that, that they are being just drugs. it just stuck into their homes and they are not able to get to all their homes because of the intensity of that is really our me fire quote, an apocalyptic situation. that's how the un right. so she would not use that. you excuse me, shoot you in human rights commission. that's quite a mouthful. at this point in the program, i do have to pick feel forgiveness, mr. volk tuck. now he says it's an apocalyptic scenario. that's according to his colleagues. when describing think you might have tear in conditions right now in gosh, my humanitarian colleagues have described the situation as apple collect take, or in these circumstances, there is a high risk of atrocity crimes. measures need to be taken urgently, both by the parties concerned. and by all states, particularly those with influence to prevent any such crimes. oh,
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here we go. the people in the city of a con, eunice, basically grabbing whatever they can, like united nations, a warehouse. and you can imagine it's a rush to get even the basics. one of the things in the highest them on simply that of drinking water. oh yeah, we spoke to the palestinian red present societies. folks posted in about 5. so we talked about what the people need but still don't have that has been over 2 months. and those teams how working tirelessly i'm searching, see trying to continue providing the lines, feedback services. i can tell you how much i what cookies are overwhelmed, exhausted and eager to traumatize they have me ready is that they will never forget whatever. what is going on in the background is beyond description. it's hard to break and over one meaning to see over to me, the and civilians are suffering because of this continuous escalation. people under
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their own civilians are paying the high price of this escalation. we have management and we are still receiving aid in coordination with the egyptians of the crescent crossing the border. what have leads up to this moment is barely 4 days of what was interesting before this escalation. i don't, i have a 1900. it's just barely scratched the surface of any of it doesn't even for the, for 10 percent of the needs. and now the situation and the so have become beyond catastrophe, as well as forcing people again to evacuate from kindly with is i'm going to what is it all? why people should go has already passed and there is no left to place for anyone. i'm on top of that. people don't have access to nothing. if you are going to go to them, you're going to stay in the streets because already one sensors are packed. a number
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of disturbing confirmations of medical workers, humanitarian work is actually being targeted in gaza. of course, if i was speaking to in his railey guest right now, they would say that's nonsense. it's not true. the adf is only doing precision strikes, but when you look at the numbers of 815000 people killed surf all over, 40000 injured, it's just, it's almost impossible to get your head around it. and the bottom i wanted to ask you to obviously you with the palestinian red crescent society just on a personal level. what, what one of the main problems that your facing day to day in your job and about since the beginning of the escalation after this moment. we have looked for critics whitfield by and the is really. ringback imagery is just the beginning of the escalation when they were on duty trying to save other people's life 3 days ago into a valley. um, is there an occupation forces open fired as to the sound of the crescent attitude
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and says when they were transporting wanted to be well that directly to the israel now where support for the war and gaza is not unanimous. people gather mentality, demanding a ceasefire. some suggested that what is happening in gauze or is a government excuse to eliminate civilian life there with very strong comment. have a listen for yourself. we ask the government to stop the bombing immediately and to stop the killing vistas, domestic killing, of people in the cause we, we are convinced that they just want to the story. zip the zip populations of the story. the honda civic life spring has up and, and, and the funding of up to the how much is just an excuse, you know, to the story is a life in augusta dealing with a situation we've come off and is all 40. think a situation like, what do you think? i mean, not by the military means. and in order to do that,
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they have to negotiate both with her mazda and weezer. but it's daniel, it's all we do and gives about a senior, and the lights to live peacefully is the one lens and stop harassing them. stop taking go or is it a land allows him to build anything they want? is it worth buying, giving you heads up and have a peaceful life. just download lots of called the type it and type in, you know, in 7 of october it's really a terrible thing. but i don't think you can, the 60 do cannot solve a, all the people by making it big there must have gone into a in palestinian with the palestinian. this should stop this last month, and this restored this production and serve and sit and talk with the enemy are switching to georgia now, where the actions of israel have been tied to his lodgers allied that to the united states. and the signs say at all, if you can read those, write this yourself hung fits of protest is converging on the israeli embassy and
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i'm on venting. i can go for the us support of israel's actions in gaza. a demonic goals are the jordan con, ties with both countries. here's what the secretary general of the go daddy and hispanic action front party had this is the facebook crimes of the responsibility of the us leg west of the lines in cooperation with the u. k. germany at and from these countries a leading reliance to salvage this defeated is ready only in the palace, the land, the palestinian people have the legitimate right to resist the occupation which has been imposed with nearly 100 years. this is the last occupation regime in the world, and it is time for the palestinian people to gain their freedom from this occupation. the jordanian people are explicitly rejecting this humiliation know us interests embassy basis or goods. us is leading the war against all people and we must cut off all ties with it going over to iran now where the country is low.


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