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tv   News  RT  December 6, 2023 10:00am-10:30am EST

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you probably don't wanna watch it because it might just change the way inside the, the colors of the russian flag in the sky above the u. a. e, as a lot of improved and receive that very well and welcoming during a visit to the united arab emirates on his 1st stop with them at the least, as is so cool, the isolation is still on the lips of western politicians. now putting heads for saudi arabia, the palestinian authority called on the united nations to stop the relentless attacks on gaza. thing israel's actions are organized terrorism. under the constant bombardment, some civilians are buried in rubble for games just waiting to be rest. the pipe spent 4 days trop tons of the rubble without any food a. we didn't even highway smooth porcelain router. i tried to cool out,
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but the rocks and concrete blocks left deep wounds, palestinians gathering whatever they kind of like you and warehouse su, monetary and age stuff, continue risking their lives in gaza. in the program that we hear from a spokesperson with the palestinian and red present society. and now the situation in the south have become beyond catastrophe. why people should go is already passed . there is no police 41. and on top of that, people don't have access to nothing. the right of covering every major event as the world. talk to about your news front on sunday here on archie, unfiltered as old. and the russian president vladimir putin heading now from the you a to saudi arabia, his 1st trip to the middle east,
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and several years. and standing by in the yard is all to use. maria finch. the energy is real. how much conflicts humanitarian catastrophe in the gaza? strip and multi polarity are the key topics on the agenda during watering purposes, and for to, to visit to the region. now referenced president is on his way to saudi arabia to meet the king and the crown freeze. the talks here and under the rule, mainly be focusing on oil market cooperation. as you know, russia and saudi arabia, all the leaders of all, peck plus the groups that 2 nights. the countries pumping around 40 percent of global oil and the allies. they are the ones to decide how much oil to self regulated in such a way the supplies of petroleum to the global market and the pores, global energy prices. and just last week, old pick plus agreed to cut the output of oil for the 1st quarter of 2024. in order to boost the market. tends, i have to say didn't work as expected. so we might see further steps to be
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discussed here between continue and the leadership, also the ravia in that direction. another important topic is, of course, as ever mentioned for the extension of reeks the group called emergent economists that pays to making up more than 40 percent of global population and a quarter of global economy. and of course, you know, it is a, in the challenge in the world order when mary case dominating and both error countries and why represent visits on wednesday as well as iran, by the way, whose leader, a rush as president, is expected to meet on a thursday the following day in moscow has been invited to join the alliance and of course a membership that will drastically trenton their organization will be discussed here as well. and also on the agenda for as a dramatic situation is around israel, from us conflict tend to humanitarian catastrophe. in the gather street, this is
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a very important visit affords by russia's president in terms of strengthening friendly ties. that of course, showing to the whole world a, despite tremendous efforts by the western countries to isolate russia most go is far from alone. well, this comes off to earlier on wednesday. you have not improved and met with is you a counterpart in abu dhabi with the israel, palestinian, of all the top of the agenda in the u. i. e, the russian president was created in the national capital with a very warm welcome. the, the
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in the following up for the drive here, the skies above were painted white, blue, and red. the streets were lined with the 3 countries flags mocking, flooded, may put into arrival to the you, a presidential palace. and some of his 1st remarks, the russian president, outlined by lateral cooperation with the u. a sewage and the ship machine. you look at it, thanks to your position today. our relations are at an unprecedented level. the u. a is russia's main trade partner in the world. last year, the trade turnover rose by 67.7 percent. it will be even larger this year. i think the same goes with investments. we conduct a number of large oil and gas projects. we also cooperate in opec plus. we co operate in the international arena. the u. e contributes a lot in stabilizing the situation in the world. being a non permanent member of the un security council, if anything has saved to be from the behind the closed doors of the palace, we can,
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you can, you can probably still make out in the background over the very beautifully. let's help against the night sky of abu dhabi, but if they were anything close to what we've seen when vladimir putin arrived here to the capital of the way. well said, please, well those this would be breathtaking as were the views because when jets painted the skies in the colors of the russian flag when the motorcade of latin with you can enjoy the as school of well of cavalry. and the streets were lined up by russian flags again, and the russian national anthem sounded right before the tulips began. well, that those pictures were sudley, a bits of pill to swallow, for anybody who were advocating for the version that russia has been sidelined at the bottom of food and has become an outcast that he has been shot to the fringes of international diplomacy. and will both let him approved and in his counterpart
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here, they have stressed how close the ties between the countries up the rule, the u. a is the major economic partner for russia in the regions. if you take uh, oil trade alone, the last year, uh, the increase was about was the same fact more than a 100 percent. so it certainly seems that russia has figured out the answer to the equation and to the challenge of that is posed by the western sanction to which have been trying to cripple rushes energy, trade and rushes energy markets, and all these willing words, they have been reciprocated. by again, be counterparts of let them approve me here in abu dhabi relations between the russian federation and the you. we have a historical character in recent years. relations have been actively developing in various fields in the interest of both countries and peoples. i would like to emphasize that i have very much appreciate your personal and effective role in strengthening bilateral relations and disregard. i would like to say that the u. e
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is russia's largest trading partner in the middle east in the gulf region. and that will be happy to continue our joint work to strengthen bilateral cooperation in various fields. well, these pillars visa storage pillars. they provide a fantastic foundation for russia and the, and the you a to grow their relations. i have to say, i've rule, remember that the way it was invited to join the brakes alliance, which has already seen some on this. yeah. and well, if the weight might be a very welcome member here, given that russia has been not trained, uh, they spaby nurturing this uh, economic and political block from its cradle. and by the way, another country, the platinum, is in fact right now is en route to saudi arabia received a very, very similar invitation. so many top russian officials are also visiting saudi arabia with their agendas and promoting cooperation in their own sectors. for
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example, the head of the russian nuclear power company roles. awesome. i'll show it inside about how his enterprise deals with sanctions and cooperates with other countries. so much for sharing the use of course we feel the pressure and difficulties associated with sanctions and absolutely illegal restrictions or problems of mutual settlements or problems in the supply of some components. we are a very open company and at our projects our international and we plan delivers from different countries. it is clear that there are trask and we have to carry out not even input substitution, but replacement of unfriendly countries replacing those supplies that manufacturers reframe from sending new to sanctions risks. this is one side of the coin, but not the main one. the main thing is different, the isolation ended with the fact that i rarely visit moscow a huge number of contacts, a huge number of business trips, and as much as that the sanctions have hardened us or made us stronger and more inventive. there is another very simple political conclusion that our partners make . they understand that sooner or later by behaving not to please washington,
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they can get the same set of technological restrictions, which means that any country today is interested in projects of technological sovereignty. regardless of the current state of relations with the collective west, everyone is trying to do this, the next some number of new projects that will allow us to be as independent as possible and be a solver and responsible in terms of choosing certain solutions. and in this sense, nuclear energy, nuclear engineering and measurement systems are among the top 3 interest that each country has to date in terms of software and taking a logical landscape. and in this sector, it, we're very hospitable and friendly. and from the time in memorial and since soviet times, we've been actively sharing this knowledge, this technology's, we ourselves are moving forward of course, and developing our knowledge and approaches. but at the same time we share today's knowledge from the heart. i was talking just a bit earlier with a highly photography professor at the l files university in saudi arabia. he says, the russian president is in good company is he visits the persian gulf. we are independent states and we have to draw on our policies and our
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relation to national relationships according to our interest and according to the kind of uh for the end of this and the state of buttons of uh, our partners and rushes of uh through uh, very good to me in many ways, i mean in all the most for example, uh, in the stands uh, uh, towards the s p and issues are the issues after uh, somebody really impatient guys. uh and uh, wasted instead of supporting his invasion, especially of eric. uh you okay. uh, germany and others and uh, the honorable stance of a flush um which in the statements and actions. uh, in fact uh he is more of luck today than any other uh, uh,
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withdrawing leaders as god. so it has been the side of wide spread destruction of devastation, of the palestinian authority is called on united nations. the stone is ready aggression quoting its actions, organized terrorism. our comments, as israel says, it's reached the heart of a southern golf and city of han eunice saying it has no intention of stopping the report. say that at least for the palestinian civilians, cables and the ladies as ready as drives from the city of con eunice attacks on the southern gauze i have run the top despite it being a so called safe stone. i think un has cited israel to saying it has conducted more than 10000 strikes since the start of the war october. the 2nd, the u. n. has also said there are serious concerns about whether israel is complying with international humanitarian law. so we spoke with survivors in new and i don't know what happened exactly. there was an explosion. i was,
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he didn't head by the trouble. i immediately threw myself to the ground who was sitting and suddenly it's try catch. and it was truck on the head by phone and storing over the coming up. my sister had 8 children. she flayed from mon during the bombardment and took shelter here. and us nearby areas were being hit. she had a seizure, died of a stroke. she's to 5 by 8 children, and this father is displaced, trying to make a living without i can tell him apart. meanwhile, the central godson, city of the aisle ballade. thousands of bodies were brought to the outlook so hospitable. the grim consequent sofas rarely extra. the. 2 the 73 people have been in for repeatedly killed as a result, this is according to gallons of health ministry. a many reportedly trapped under the debris of collapse the buildings waiting, but rescue teams and sometimes it can take days. so for now,
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the story of what one young girl into that and then uh, i spent 4 days trapped onto the rubble without any food or water. i didn't even have a small bottle of water. i tried to crew out, but the rocks and concrete blocks left deep wounds. the last night before the shedding took place, each family was a never even when i woke up, i felt pain in my neck as if i was sleeping on a rock. when i opened my eyes, i found a, we'll just over me. i slept again because i was feeling so much pain, an apocalyptic situation. that's how un human rights commission of volk tug says his colleagues describe the humanitarian conditions in god's mind. humanitarian colleagues have described the situation as apple collect take, or in these circumstances, there is a high risk of atrocity crimes. measures need to be taken to pete both by the
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part is concerned, and by all states, particularly those with influence to prevent any such crimes. crazy people right here in the city of san eunice grabbing whatever they can from the united nations a warehouse. it's a rush to get even the basics, one of the most needed items, simply that of drinking water. so they, we spoke to the palestinian, the red prison societies, folks both in the ballad for so she talked about how well the people need and what they're trying to get still doesn't arise. the it has been over 2 months and those teams how working tirelessly i'm searching, see trying to continue providing the lines, tv services. i can tell you how much i what cookies are overwhelmed, exhausted and eager to traumatize. they have me ready is that they will never forget whatever. what is going on in the ground is beyond destruction. it's hard to break and over one meaning to see over to me,
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the civilians are suffering because of this continuous escalation. people under their own civilians are paying the high price of this escalation. we have managed and we are still receiving aid in coordination with the egyptians. or the crescent, the throne crossing border. what have leads up to this moment is barely for the use of what was interesting before this escalation. i don't, i have a 1900. it drops barely scratch the surface of any of it doesn't even 20 for 10 percent of the needs. i'm now the situation in the so have become beyond kept asked to fix as well as forcing people again to evacuate from kindly with this and go tell us why people should go is already passed. there is no left to place for anyone. and on top of that,
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people don't have access to nothing. if you are going to go to, you're going to stay in the streets because already one sensors are packed. a number of disturbing confirmations of medical workers, humanitarian work is actually being targeted in gaza. of course, if i was speaking to in his riley gas drug, now they would say that's nonsense. it's not true. the idea is only doing precision strikes. but when you look at the numbers of, of 815000 people killed so far over 40000 injured, it's just, it's almost impossible to get your head around the bottom. i wanted to ask you to obviously you with the palestinian red crescent society just on, on a personal level. one of the main problems that your facing day to day in your job and about as soon as the beginning of the escalation. after this moments we have look for critics were killed by and is really. ringback imagery is just the beginning of the escalation when they were on the duty trying to save other
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people's life 3 days ago into a valley off. is there an occupation forces opened, fired at to assign to the crescent and didn't says when they were transporting wanted to be a planned address by your current president to american lawmakers was suddenly canceled on tuesday that some of the concerns in washington over sending get more weapons to po, box, to the fail, defensive, the counter offensive against russia in the mid the increasing and ministry build off in the middle east. totally. i wish discussing all of this with all teams. marina costs. is it a case of the landscape, given the cold shoulder to his best bodies in washington? because this seems like he's kind of turned around and given him the cold shoulder, but that he's turned his back on. then what do you think you could say that because it's been a month and congress can seem to. there are some that are, is there can agree on whether to send the explain more money or not. so we know, of course, that democrats are really pushing for, it was like, where's the landscape,
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his top rated and officials said that they're in danger of losing the war against russia. if they don't get that you what uh, at the same time, this is the briefing where there was supposed to push things forward. button savanski, it was a no show in the home made and itself, the sound of them. so chaos because the court on the read on certain things established the discussion got so heated that at one point. so this is tom kaufman then kevin kramer, with shouting questions that the senior binding administration officials in the room, including secretary of state anthony blinking psychiatry of defense, lloyd allstate, and the joint chiefs of stuff. chem and charles q brown. junior south a was due to the fact that the senator is wont answer as regarding a and they don't really see ukraine, even with us money being able to break flu, russia and you have a public and say, okay, we will vote in favor of more money to ukraine, contingent on reform is when it comes to the asylum system and sites and border security. but then the democrats said both republicans hijacked this entire
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briefing a made that all about our own issues that we have in the united states instead all about you. frayne. and aid there, and republicans just had an off and they ended up leaving the me. so we've had it when you have deb fisher, who's upset about this, they'd better be worried because i have backed everything. the point is, there's no answer to any questions down there. they should have realized the issues . we've been very aware of the issues that we have in ukraine with our own munitions. and now these are the people who were supporting all of these 8 packages . c crane and now they're saying the water is happening at this point. so they were the ones who were supporting it. but what about the ones who were critical? congressmen, thomas massey went on the tucker carlson, showing his a lot of interesting things among them. the fact that it was the west that was behind, not the revolution, but over the crew in ukraine all the way back in 2014, i've been voting against these resolutions and ukraine and the money go into
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ukraine. since 2014, in 2014, we helped to overthrow their elect the government, and we were saber rattling against russia. and i said, listen, the sanctions and the saber rattling and these resolutions, they're going to have consequences and they have had and consequences. not surely. there concerns when it comes to all this money going. so you claim, and these are concerns are echoed by another representative. for example, scott perry, we're just not going to keep writing blank checks to the most corrupt country on the planet for the sake of feeling good. and for the sake of democrats and whatever you want to call these republicans, that demand that the american taxpayer go further into debt for this things. all the democrats, of course, are all about pushing for more aid for more weapons to be sent to ukraine because they say the stakes are high. the stakes, meaning there cannot be a scenario in which russia can be seen. so when my level of frustration about the lack of seriousness from republicans is due to the stakes that we're dealing with.
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and the stakes are whether ukraine exist 12 months from now, or is a part of russia. we know that they are benefiting from this. the military industrial complex in the united states is just making a so much profit. and we know that it's in their favor to continue this. and as we know, they have a very strong lobby in washington. and wal tempos of a military aid, all flaring that the us senate, ukraine is also being losing support has into europe. this drum and the defense minister has gone as far as just claim that the balance is not even an ally of key as well. russia is foreign ministry. suppose when a pointed that out pulling at a complete utah for the german official german defense minister borders. the story is said that germany is not an ally of ukraine. bornea unpack the new loafers he had been given last christmas and changed his shoes. but as the west and officials of i've got concerns about security funding now, washington and key ever reportedly been shifting the blame for the failure of ukraine's counter offensive against russia. let's take a long,
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hard look at this without the ease of charlotte dupon ski. it's over ukraine has lost on we have to accept that. that's a general fee not being branded in editorials and all fades across the western world. but before she have officially waves the white flags, the nit picking where it went wrong has begun. top of the pine is an investigation by the washington post. it's, they sec did the face of the much hyped come to offensive speaking to move the 13th senior officials for me to crane the us and europe. the picture that appears to be new, less than shambolic, both sides took about an air of frustration that was concent 2nd guessing. and despite citizens keep confidently projecting a decisive victory intelligence community in the us said that there was only a 5050 chance of success. even before the offensive was launched, it was clear,
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nato allies couldn't provide ukraine, will take long to it. in an exchange between the us defense secretary lloyd austin and ukraine's top military commander, austin aust, what do you need? so loosely responded that he required a 1000 armored vehicles and 9 new brigades trained in germany and ready for battle . i took a big gulp. austin said later, according to an official with knowledge of the call that's near impossible. also in that was the supply you bought. hillary shells have was expected to blame through $90000.00 or more a month. but us production was badly a tense of that. it was just mass, the former senior official said at a certain point, we just wouldn't be able to provide them with the officials also told the kids, the pro choice, the wrong one. the americans had long question. the wisdom of kids decision to keep forces around the besieged, eastern city and back,
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smote ukrainian side. differently. document holds had become shorthand for pride in their troops, fierce resistance against the bigger enemy. the city finally fell to russia in may . will gain simulations convinced the west the new queen needed to focus its efforts on a single strategic objective. but she has thought it new back to the illusion and vision into making the formidable length of the 600 mile front. a problem for russia. western official solve problems with that approach which would also diminish the fire power of ukraine's military at any single point of attack, western military doctrine dictated the concentrated push towards a single object of the americans yielded. however, the investigation reveals to binding was briefed early on the counter offensive could very likely fail. ukraine was frustrated, too, with its allies promised equipment. it moaned, arrived late to i'm fit for the battle fields. a lot of weapons that are coming in
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now. they were relevant last year the senior ukrainian military official said not for high tech babbles that had crucially, he said they had received only 15 percent of items like the mind clearing line charge launchers needed to execute their plan to remotely cut passages through the mine fields. washington, however, it tells it differently, saying to you, i've got every thing it was promised on time. it was ukraine's fault. official say, if there were issues, the pentagon concluded that ukrainian forces were failing to properly handle them in pain. all the equipment after it was received. what's clear is despite the rhetoric but ukraine would win this battle with russia for me, earlier stages there was always doubt to clean it seems, was due to fail from the start nato allies knew this and yet gave it just enough right to hung itself with both sides now shifting the blame to one another
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and over to iran. now, the middle east country has launched what it describes as a bio science cap sewell, into space, or the mission is part of preparations for a possible mind. the space flight. i'll take correspondent, a use of july, the reporting now from the iranian capital. it all says it has taken the 1st step towards conducting manned missions, the space, the country is successfully placed into our beth. it's latest buyer space capsule. well, the domestically built some mon launcher, the 500 kilogram capsule lifted off on wednesday to raise the heights of 130 kilometer above the earth's surface. the main goal of the project stated by iranian i t officials, is to enhance and diversify the countries space technologies in different areas of this space industry. it was telecoms minister. it solves, all right, poor set to one will soon conduct, subordinates all the tests of the new generation of bio capsules, hoping that they will bring the country closer to it. some vision to carry out
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manned space meshes. there's as a claim that if everything goes as planned, then one will be able to send humans to space in 5 to 6 years. what's also significant here is that the recent launch was carried out using a fully indigenous launch or dumped side of mon. it was manufactured by the aerospace industry's organization, a subsidiary of the one in defense ministry, and recent years we have been hearing more about give on space program, which is again, one of the hardest hit by western sanctions. the countries stepped rather late into the realm of space. dec, but it has been making some significant headways. of course, they won't send it. so i'll send you into our breakfast 1st, bio capsule containing living creatures in february 20 to and using it's homegrown publish gal carrier. it is also developed and placed into orbit a range of research, telecom and imaging satellites. in 2020, it shot into space. it's 1st military satellite doc,
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new or using an indigenous we'd be able to face satellite carrier dump last set in late september, it won't launched the latest version of its military satellite, new or free, which was torque reactions from the us, of course, climbing back then the launch vehicles and won't use us to send us satellites, could potentially employed in the development of nuclear weapons. this, as one has dismissed such allegations saying, why keeps no clear activities in the space program 6 only see what we and purposes 5. before we wrap up this ellis live broadcast, some breaking news just reaching us right now. here at all, see, an assassination has been carried out on an official and the new guns with public. according to local officials, a car wasn't below and off and the guns cities tend to the nearest board stadium. oh, that's pop off, but i'm p and the regional peoples council was reportedly killed in the explosion. as we understand local law enforcement and i'll open a criminal case in the matter of,
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i mean some updates to that breaking news story will be going off by the minute to watch a dot com also, while i teach telegram channels and all the updates as well and we were ton for the top of the hour with another program for you live from the the, the tax just for the funeral or best buy or, and you bought some of the products and must have less than a concept for us. we'll probably that's up to my minimum.


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