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tv   Documentary  RT  December 6, 2023 5:30pm-6:01pm EST

5:30 pm
probably give operatives basically warning everybody don't let him in, which is a signal, a dog with some of saying this is the kind of person you want in. if you don't like us, none of this makes sense. it's all political theater and it's insanity. what's really going to happen is nothing that we're seeing right now. nothing there i, i, i am sorry to tell you, but most people rational people say we're going to see another round 2 or whatever it is progression that you call a democratic call. it will grow left or whatever, but there is no way that this country is ever going to go for round 2 of donald trump's either right, because of actual vote or other machinations, right. as always, always advise ability line on saturday. we have out of time. well, i know media ality loud as a pleasure. thank you so much. all right, so for me, for today, my colleague, mike, a quick chat will be with you. let me talk to the,
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our, the on the eve, i do my lawyer for teeth to leave on right here. we usually buy more into the account and the senior levels are still exist. very squared plus bring me a solution in the very next 3 of them is due to the new system. the current about watching 2 types, the remainder of the same as on the g 's use that the pipe from your subscription to the most part of which was massachusetts,
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on some she did the 1st of all, but those are the what do you have in your struggle the punishment or stick with the brother party to ship the bridge a lot. you do here for the same at some mature recorded this how much adds to it. yes, i did get the music me of natural to the truth and the solution in the that i'm with it's just and then you know, but i'm with the system. i mean motions force enough too much better to process your boss pretty doing that. you know, i'm so you know what to say can give you an income eligible the new shows eat and stuff on the ocean, federal and then we certainly see the, the,
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the the, [000:00:00;00] the, the general opinion that the book and of course not dogs can yes. can don't the last and work on your snow. 3, your, her name will live next and i'm sure it can flush national go story. but a book i news really progressed and us the great news and bundle of commands was kind of a g, g chase. but of all is reading this name and no go signal on the table the done and know when you mind, you double click motional crossroads,
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aging. these mean which for ginia, but of with gems due to the quarter, which if there's something to drive to that you could of george guess that's a defense of the must that she'll be able to use trust baton in the 1st and that's a good sends you the one you know, the fine yet there's some good that said the there's usually depending on your position that's was still at the store. hope to kick her junior. so something in the corner missing. come dying or you need to see if i need to go to national from that i just go to finish the fish and then you'll survive. it's yeah, that would you suggest carlos? i don't know who your insurance or not with us. medical insurance should work with us to either shouldn't be
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a beautiful academic the the 1st month really the t visually impaired, even the staff is facing. we barely sound like, you know, getting started as most of the are going to come on the excuse me should the should already be due to really both enough to just throw some commodities besides the formerly changing kind of leading. yeah. there's not going through my, let's see, see um there's no junior durham is 0 earlier and you were bone you earlier and i stopped at the end of it. they need to pull nation judging for, for let you in, give them the motion of anybody really is. i think he searched through the back nice of that. that's in the go over to the,
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to the beach who which agent us the, what did you copy? yes. yeah, i need this for one additional thing in the dish. i put the the which i'm way a person that i saw for you, but that is the percentage in just a minute just measure legit. my yearbook gm is try with the, with your,
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with your but i'm looking to get the logistical about doing miami, which is obviously a to it which even you might to know what this is nicholas full gloves. i believe he's not certainly doubles to the system. users now says that i smoke up dr. each fall applause. me sign my new baby. i love the skin by a guy like, i'm not sure it's a mom and you know, you want to know i have some boy, the comes no, this gift more at the moment, limited for them, restoring you for them that i need to buy it. i knew the full list, i'm not sure what the community she was on the books as far as the title. she said you
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want to know? yeah. my uh my summer 2 rooms could do to do t. the other ones to ones come on. this will be can, which to caution are doing in your muscle for if i'm really, if you also have those are one from when she did some mountain, said even thought of them know a come from the little a come for unless leaving the students will be
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a junior she is been said he was pushing me then then when emptiest soon, you mean? yeah, it's funny. and so what do you see? what's good for her next piece? i just as you need to visit us more than we thought we, cindy, could external just kind of shooting at people of those i and so i could just use the musician. i please. i think she must gorski unless you need to. if you book it, then you pull it upstairs and it shouldn't be too specific here. let me ask you to purchase the process, dispute the effect of say, move on to and you can use it. is there okay, for sure. let's do a motion. ocean ocean. shasta thoughts and let me see what
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the the shop the windows no. do you need to use so much as easy for the next few minutes to come up with that he does that sound like drama, so i'm a resident of virginia 2. now, when i send them over to my reading and a little or concerns you only even if you're on okay, customers,
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no problem which mr. gustin doing. course the corrosion on. that's the view. what i'm conversing to, boost their codes tonight. the nationalist guys know a doctor on the doctor, but go, i'm of 3, but i'm which is to hear their own was washington glenn, is there a cookie for decent packing? you know, don't want you to do more than that. you and your people out of what's me on the positive you on crushing to do that. we have to go to youtube. videos and you have to use it for a studio posting here to, to meet and that's making
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a certain customer. so you still need to know what the story to send you a lot more choice. you have to cut off so much for the ships and more than the my shift to the yeah. because i wish to, i know those know which i'm russian and you're good 3, but i knew i don't know what that system thing and but i'll just just ask them in motion source and the be much better for us to yeah. credential for ended up watching the quick video. yeah. glitter swimming it in what ask you to then to come to that. that's really the key story to cut the one. i know i'm just reading the what divides days the sort of a slips. no, but i don't want you to learn to see them cookie to bed. sure. but those are what i'm what the computer you're dealing with, the beam. what i'm what, what, what are you doing? yeah. press the new chose just to grab that again and with some that
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the talk with them with recording. so most of them is running agency. my pleasure, i am done, provide you to a motion of tax. tillman. gotcha. what do you have almost makes you mind that was short? can this quick memorial mission to do the extra pamela pointing to it, that's the blue chest in the text, them blue and his passionate barnett to need you to stay seduce me. would you tape what i teach in a glutton, isn't that you did with of storage of stops to cut that or what, what does that finish? what is your, what's, what's the, i'm upstairs eat, but i do need you to any thoughts as you might have the
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use me to send the crew, put them in your butcher. yes, to mama my opinion. let's throw in that for those. i'd be happy to have you guys have photos force consumption to somebody else get done up at the sky and the sounds and the doors to do it's just you in virginia store, but i do choose to that's the deal that she's healing and that's what fortunately for them, which is between the russian states never as tight as i'm one of the most sense community. best english . i'll send send up the send the 6595 and speed. what else calls question about this?
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even though we will then in the you are from you in the kremlin media machine, the states on the russians cruising and split the r t supposed neg, keeping our video agency roughly all the band on youtube tv services for the question, did you say even closer to the the,
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the the how much does more than pretty much ready to discuss mental health plan. you have the most huge grass with, with up. so there's nothing that says yes could, could you take out the criteria but, but it is just not an option when united really thoughtful me. even the on screen are some notes given that form used to miss the use of she had got those. so just that i'm not able to put this in such some gretta, who are sure to come, what are the slogans can going to do is if you can see
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the must here to, which is do you need? it's all cannot on both ends, very sensitive to you. we'll go from the native encroachments to say she did it the in the 3rd and it was actually to do. is it the what you're just doing it, there's a month left to do much thought on the card with the former, she for the leisure ga that gov daughter in law is not the most. that's a name is not, will describe the back of the door and we have cause the ramp up from the nurse not the on the if the duplicate, the asked of the name is that i just described pick it up and you get pick our boat and nobody in there permission of throwing massage in your window. thermal starts
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with accumulating as little by additional limited in our project near bulk of our youth. i'm on my comes to me. i did you meeting last year to you soon? related to a couple of them. name you to keep any part of your resume to and your mr. still, when the position to fit on their open fits that are on their way to upgrade their variety of is a lot they own all sorts of neat gift of with a do you have said you're in the deepest of foreigners, the invoice for them are each type of bullet force. now over the next 3 of the to me, a quick video. mm hm. when we're new system, that kind of which and 2 types of data render for them to directly you to run it. that's kind of you from it or not, which didn't start with them. nadine smith of new cars to the really floors. nice just line. yeah. a tiny, you come in the, from the video from the store so that you so that when you do that sort of both a little bit, just kind of similar, surely when you, when you, when you 1st and you bring,
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if you asked about the mattress from the new near pennsylvania, these providers only the nurse from to this d and remember her to the bomb coverage corporate commission for that new d instructor claim which to that that's cause i would do it that i'm option usually for those to show just put them in so that took the unusual was just the list of course because listed on the, on the what the mileage it to that is video. it's just about what's in, it's a pretty question. leave with a bit of course, span the good to coverage. he was the glad each the she just said you find the board. they just moved to us cock that the but the should i'm or what i mean. here's the best that we started, the jello but you switch it towards a used car that was just separate to lenient. the pretty much the just the, the,
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the dealer stuff. but the last items which adopted me yesterday to subscribe to, to, to be, you know, used to clearly uh, which is danielle deer. uh well, what the, what does that cost towards the lease to the dot net, just the new editors drops at the will. the net with the local guns cannot on that is for me to junior, near below double chain. you think you'd be cheap? no natural. that's just because it's not nice to good at that. those still live we did you guys that are doing the commit that all the novel chain you do 10000 a particular plots score the patricia to so let's just look across the time security. not like another sweater. no difference if the store uh, the other one and the digital guns cannot or that is for music, the system, somebody in nutrition, so gloss not how much it took you to look at this. instead i am so uh,
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i'm also in special effects. the, the roommates on this, but i don't want to continue caused them to turn it on and have a business i'm doing is a pro, it's not for them. then you have the community for yeah, a starting the music ups like you speak i'm you should get the there's not but he's yet to present. right. and i'm not sure what have you any snow down the money and the floors. nice to but she's got these kind of things as kept me. she could form a sheet of but not in the it's from do tanya to play to upstairs and and but what
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she just was that regardless. cool. no sweat and slip. joseph jones, this is due to go to any cause, any ups near though it is easy said that you will to new for them in to come in to facilitation exec nice to get of what used to do to get the assembly to use the steps here to skim to douglas to to and then you katia now which to double the speed of which is both best binding. the pm pioneers assembling those days. she placed at the do to cut the addendum as a kind of movie and the with jasmine. so then you put the project set that to cut the nation. so you, such as the estimated one from what the team that you must have caused much of the, much of your thoughts as she is on what she meant, what your thoughts cause on which i mentioned that so anyways, give me just holler was to kaiser could you get a chance once you get me to yes sir,
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bye it. i'm gonna try to keep it up to you is that this one we use for so let us just get other stuff to me when to use the actual it's a 1st day and was needing to get a horse not to grab a pen. and then with the store, when they just wanted this fine, which one is more, is it that you to, that is the, at the nice send that sense of we were which in independence and then there's doing the position of progression from that online edition. us at the which in the initial was protecting those changes and in particular, on the 1st year of school and i have been with the last couple of, i'm interested at the local cost cost on those can some of the,
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the portions to hold and students and again, things to special needs. this will show the content again. when you have this doing a used as a desk, i use terms to not possible put in the lab for so much energy and you've got the room on the baloney oceans, not just on the us assess why anyone nibble will try and come see push to the reason you're supposed to bring that as we do that, i'm not for sure. it sounds like she made those choice. the opponent luann sky painfully sued them clear which i sent them. yep. i'll put it. put in that are pretty up to date. yeah. because the name's projected industry show you
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the funding at the see what to expect in the last couple of years. so nobody who needs to skim somebody who snap the snap dash i shows can pretty much cover for some of it. all of that stuff. you're new to putting you on to put investment in the table, depending on what portion of that i'm sure of. i'm kind of nice to meet you because at the end of it as many times you can use your, what is the most popular opinion or really you are push. let me show with the most up to produce get hooked it up so you know, what got daughter and those are the more share from us on the none the dispatcher know, quite campus. the former, the chauffeur don't close up showing of give services,
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putting it up based on the move you as well as from the up to mystic ikea today because the rest of hygiene is food cut, daughter, catherine untouchable. and you should all normally is actually she did, i remember she clean kilometers because i still use the key j to use the cubic feet as being your thoughts as a manual. read it to me was just pulling a desktop with me yesterday that i've been working as to what he spent on last year with question was that i missed i to do to the band at them. that's the last off charlie attempt to add the ssl. so through the system stand 1st, the last 2 months. watch the email. no no i this cock this, it the config shooter itself or to your email. you can just do the trust. there's no bosses i bought. no,
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you much trouble with the yeah, those migrating some goes up. some of the stuff send the forms that you lets me you will each doesn't rings, casual text or speak to. oh yes, no shopping across number with which, which there's you and your global credit and you sign language, but i'm not saying you have, which is tim. what i'm, what the tax is. do i need nibble designers? that's a nif couple in this credit. so you need to go in this portion of it and i know that the credit is national, negligible man. is that that should say no, we're checking for should the mean? yeah, the
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the, the, the, i've just saw it and you pull some of the products and must have less than less will probably that's up to my minimum does. what is school district in the goals and it's a full of them in my own way. just tell them by some football, liam, shy, right? i'm like, i'm assuming you mean? yes,
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you will be pretty much the one who this is the city and the acceptance that i'm here to plan with you. whatever you do, do not watch my new show seriously. why watch something that's so different whitelisted opinions that he won't get anywhere else. what could i please or do you have the state department c, i a weapons, bankers, multi 1000000000 dollar corporations. choose your fax for you. go ahead, change and whatever you do, don't want myself to stay main street because i'm probably going to make you uncomfortable. my show is called stretching time, but again, you probably don't want to watch it because it might just change the way you in
6:00 pm
the lot of been put in the visit, saudi arabia for the 1st time in full years of needs with the prompt, prentice previously on the same tour pertaining was really, really the you a, despite claims by western politicians about supposedly isolating russia football stadium. and so what would they call the u. n. to stop the relentless attacks on gas say, use roles, actions organize terrorism on the monument. some civilians are buried on the robot and rumbled for days, waiting to be rescued. and then uh, i spent 4 days track tons of the rubble without any food to move to. i didn't even have
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a school to to. i tried to put the rocks in concrete lot less and


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