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tv   News  RT  December 7, 2023 3:00am-3:30am EST

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the, the law to bring out and the thought, the goals and pull the city of wrap up as, as well, targets an area many palestinians have floods to proceed with less from going to city and will stay in it. and now the peasants home, when suddenly a rookie said the house for the west, full training and it's a 10 to install is the crisis. and them at least if not in my position, has given. 6 a royal welcome turn over to stop trips to raping and then sit up defying claims of russia's international installation. and to find caught off for us to sign up for adults. president biden's multi 1000000000 dollar aid package for you pregnant, as well as republicans press the top of the policy at home instead,
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the for you old or latest, around the plug. this is all attempts, national life. what a skew her must go. a while come to the program. while we are starting with breaking news this hour, at least 2 people are dead. i'm still wounded. following a school searching in western russia, a young teenage call is said to have open fi on her classmates has gone and by her father, the incident is reported. they've been linked to school bullying. wonderful spring knew any more details as soon as we got them. one passenger pull to the been killed and a number instead of the v is radio and they talk to the board. the city of rafa in southern garza, the strikes comes as the war cost, the 2 month lock the
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explosions ton, the night sky of rockport reads as well says the attack was in retaliation to come off firing rockets from the city, toyota its territory. the idea has been pushing its round operation deep into southern casa, despite previous assurances, the parts of the cave would remain safe to citizen in shouts is that all said to be over. crowded with people struggling to access the very face it seems repeated around the clock, ambulances rushed, be interested in creating children to hospital. this is secure a t facility, and rafa is row claims that stripes only talk to that locations used by her mass militant but we had for once the volume the flight from the city and was stated to now the peasants home, when suddenly a rook is paid the house and we were thrown in there eventually i was pulled from
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underneath the rob. oh. well sorry for me. yeah. strikes is ready. so it says also engaged and has a house to house around bottles in the south of your own place on size, how mass flight to is respond with retaliate tree attacks in the move the fee is ready. um, it says it's entered the sent to upon eunice would. that's the goal right now to eliminate the caps and why a from us had he said to be high, them a huge complex of underground tunnels. the idea of claims that slowly winning the box when the game, the minutes, where did you buy the us and the jump? believe she giant and how do you nice area. we've broken through the defensive lines of the terrorists are now emerging from underground and are fighting against our forces in face to face combined with our forces a winning and we have the upper hand doesn't have been killed. and a recent is very striking that you finally a refugee camp in the north slope. the on tape residential buildings have been
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reduced to ruins, locals, the scrambled to take through the rubble searching. first of all i was so here a mediterranean human rights monitor times, the minute 22000 palestinians have been killed since the will broke out. 2 months ago, almost $9000.00 of the children of the dead are said to be children, canadian, patterson, and john. this month, so schumann says pushing monetary and situation and south is rapidly deteriorating . as many people like tens of thousands as ness and eunice assets be being picked their orders on by the is there any defense forces? thinking that going to it off off would be safer for them. so heating about these strikes now on the faucets or the most is some of the city in the us, us, but it is unfortunate. and however, it doesn't surprise us because that is that the is like the public guns on the lies
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. you don't stop, it seems by the is the defense forces? the house of the, uh yes, yes, in law has been demolished in the 1st days of the war. there is no, i'm data, there is nothing there. and right now is there any tools are standing in that area, trying to look for some kinds of tunnels or some weapons or i'll tell them that he, we believe that's fine. so there was some kind of media the, the water image that they are winning something he has had eunice. however, the bathrooms have been very hot and very strong. over the last lights, the strikes never stopped on the civilian population. here, the mazda of hospitality, complete, the overlays in with the, the women and children, and patients, 9 goals around the humanitarian situation. he has perhaps many weeks back when for the interest structure has been destroyed in the north and in the city,
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and nor more hospitals or clinics or anything that the humanitarian consists of collapse when the cutoff date. it says that he and the water and communication and for supplies from both board, there is many weeks ago. it collapses when over 16000 punish damian have lost their lives and over 35. 40000 has been in ship. many with applications and long term injuries. and meanwhile, the lack of pressure will despise and move in the cause a is forcing people to make desperate choices. we have some one local who said that turning to sources not fit for human consumption. within the as you can see, we're drinking civil defense water, which is not suitable for consumption. we use it as drinking water to meet the needs of our small children because there's nothing else. when the water and electricity are cut off, we use it to flush toilets and for other things. water is the most essential thing
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. if it's cut off, life ceases to exist, even if it's not suitable. people will drink it because they need to stay alive. thank god we're patient and will remain here. what do they want to achieve through displacement will continue despite it and the state of israel. thank god, brother, you see all the destruction they relentlessly bomb a set of crazy and disorganized men or people are being killed. we have martyrs, everywhere. living conditions are terrible. essentials like water and electricity have been cut off. even the aid they were supposed to deliver during the cease fire, they hit the machine center were convoys of assistance used to unload destruction. genocide, as netanyahu said before, the war, the people of gods or human animals. none of the countries are with us. may god grant has patience, mercy for our martyrs, and heal our sick. hopefully will come out of the safe and victorious
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the a rainy and president for him, right? you see is head thing to most go today. so as a was, she will means not an approved him. the leads as we'll sit down for 1220 regional and international issues as well as the expansion of trade between that 2 countries to corresponds that we're going to cost for the is following today's visit on joins me now. i'm moving, i mean these are obviously 2 countries here is cooperation has already been developing in recent months and years ago for, for lunch, for them to talk about. what do we know about the, the upcoming meeting so far as well as the ones all we know is that definitely as you said, regional and international issues are on the agenda, especially gaza. of course, you mentioned trade as well. it has grown significantly between the 2 countries, especially in the past year. and let's also not forget that this meeting comes after russian. the foreign ministers are did elaborate. but his iranian town support here in moscow, just the yesterday and they signed
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a declaration to overcome the quote illegal us saying, since let's have a lesson. because late but this, that it's sort of a subject level. we have just signed the declaration on ways and means to counter mitigate and compensate for the negative consequences of, you know, literal colors of measures. of course, this is an important step in increasing the coordination of efforts of members of the international community to overcome legal sanctions. which the united states and its allies have made a substitute for diplomacy. as this deal with both countries are, of course on the western science and spots driving this point. there restrictions much to the dismay of washington, of course trade, as i mentioned, the grown has grown significantly and is expected to grow even more so this year. so no doubt they'll be discussing their economic partnership. also much has been said about their military corporation, nor for the 2 countries bought from them was mainly because they have accused the wrong of supports in russia and ukraine,
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but allegedly sending drones and other weapons in washington seers ballistic missiles will be on the way as well, we know that iranian state media has reported that russia will be sending the attack helicopters and advanced fido drugs as well. so washington is concerned what that all means, especially considering the regional conflict that we're seeing evolve right now. we know that iran has said that if israel continues it's war crimes against palestinians, then there is the threat and the danger of the war expands and across the region. so it's a very interesting time for this meeting, especially after we've seen the meetings. the last couple of days of let them recruits and traveling to the u, a. e and saudi arabia award. all this means and what will come out of this off and what the bigger picture looks like. this is what will be monitoring. definitely a lot to keep an eye on that is definitely going to say appropriate wash and winds up marina. i can imagine it's minus 12 degrees out best for anyone who doesn't understand that is all to is correspondent were, you know, costs are gone in
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a true russian when. so i think she's well, like marina was talked about and yes, they've got them in person who sells me to whistle stop, talk to them. at least the role in gaza or production bilateral ties were the key topics of 2 sides. the russian needs met the celtic crown prince, and he was a president who organized so well. welcome to his. the skies above the city was painted white, new and red. the russian trickled as loud them if we can travel to the presidential
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palace. the russian had a states that biological cooperation with key to the room ties when the gulf states our correspond secret santa for an riff and our staff was following up on. it is very well known. that's why my poor nun mohammad been set up on a cost invading tide show of a phone. conversations between the 2 leaders are behind, but this is their 1st face to face meeting since 2019. shoot me an email, just nothing can stop the development of our friendly relations over the last 7 years are relations of course have reached an unprecedented level. we have stable relations in terms of politics, economics, and in the humanitarian sphere. it's very important for us to exchange information and opinions about what's going on in the region here in the yard. why them important has praise the relations between the 2 countries saying it has reached unprecedentedly high level in the last 7 years. things do wise, saudi leadership has reminded that the ussr was them on the 1st face to recognize the independence of saudi arabia that has stress. but today russia respects very
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much that kings decision to choose independently their own future. life reporting has also said that the next meeting should be in moscow. the chrome frames have expected to visit the russia next year for breaks, gathering laws home. the agenda, of course, including the stability in the middle, is human to terry and catastrophe. in the gaz has 3 dramatic situation around israel have mass conflict that enters it's a month on thursday. both most co and the re add supports the idea of the creation of a palestinian state in order to guarantee and provide long term and long awaited peace in that part of the globe. he is the crown prince, speaking about the importance of saudi russia, communication, coordination, and cooperation in that field for setup, said altamont. there are many areas where we share interest and work to ensure stability, including in the middle east. thanks to political cooperation,
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we've managed to make a positive contribution to the resolution of a number of aspects in the middle east to strength and security. there are broad possibilities before us, which will be able to utilize for the benefit of the entire world. mister president, i'd like to note the you are a dear guest here in the saudi land. the rest of the main thing was behind closed doors. journalist were not allowed to, but it was expected earlier that mohammed been so mine and why am i putting would definitely discuss oil market cooperation. both russian and saudi arabia are the leaders off all pack plaza, pulling all it is a very important visit to the region by large, my poor not only in terms of strengthening friendly ties, but also in order to demonstrate and prove to the whole world that despite a norm or as asked for is by the west to isolates russia most quote is and is saying, but got off both vladimir putin in his counterpart here. they have stressed how
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close the ties between the countries up rule the way is the major economic partner full of russia in the region. so we're in the shop machine, you look at it, thanks to your position today. our relations are at an unprecedented level. the u. a is russia's main trade partner in the world. last year, the trade turnover rose by 67.7 percent. it will be even larger this year. i think the same goes with investments. we conduct a number of large oil and gas projects. we also cooperate in opec plus, we cooperate in the international arena. the u. a. e contributes a lot in stabilizing the situation in the world, being a non permanent member of the un security council. all these women was, they have been reciprocated by again, the counterparts of let them approve me here in abu dhabi relations between the russian federation and the u. a. have a historical character in recent years. relations have been actively developing in various fields in the interest of both countries and peoples. i would like to
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emphasize that i very much appreciate your personal and effective role in strengthening bilateral relations and disregard. i would like to say that the u. e is rushes largest trading partner in the middle east and the goal for you sions. and that will be happy to continue our joint work to strength and bilateral cooperation in various fields. well, these pillars visa storage pillars. they provide a fantastic foundation for washington, d. e. n d u a to grow their relations. i have to say a fool. remember that the way he was invited to join the brakes alliance, which has already seen some expansion this year. and, well, the way you might be a very welcome member here, given that russia has been nurturing this baby, nurturing this uh, economic and political blog from its cradle me, you sign it has voted down job items one $160000000000.00 a bill to fill out the sport ukraine and as well,
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that is despite the u. s. president passion moves to adjust the pulse. the motion. the think if we don't support you, what the rest of the world going to do? let's get this done. we're the reason food has not totally overrun ukraine and move beyond that. so the senate voted to block the massive a package which included funding for ukraine and israel on wednesday, after republicans demanded that it include tougher measures to control immigration of the us border with mexico and democrats did not comply with just $49.00 votes in favor to $51.00 against the nearly $111000000000.00 measure did not obtain the 60 votes needed to start debate on the bill. that's even after president biden pleaded with congress to approve his request. specifically for ukraine, arguing that a victory for russia was at stake while the binding administration claims that funding for ukraine is a matter of us national security republican congressman thomas massey noted that
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not only is it not benefiting americans, but it's taking away from money that could be spent improving us infrastructure to support this money. you have to be economically deliberate and morally deficient. it's morally reprehensible to say that you should fund this. i've been voting against these resolutions in ukraine and the money going to ukraine since 2014, in 2014. we helped to overthrow their elected government, and we were saber rattling against russia. and i said, listen, the sanctions and the saber rattling and these resolutions, they're going to have consequences and they have had consequences each day that aid isn't passed for you. crime brings us closer to the christmas holiday for congress, and the possibility of a key a is left without us 8 until 2024. if and when more support is passed, it would be a complete failure for the governments of both binding and zelinski and his treasury secretary,
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janet yelling. note that the us itself would be responsible for ukraine's defeat. i talk to members of congress, my colleagues have, i think they understand that this is a dire situation and we can hold ourselves responsible for ukraine's defeat if we don't manage to get the funding to creating that's needed. and i'm increasing direct budget support here because of the, of the essential a reminder that the us government's quest to make you crane totally reliant on washington can have major consequences when the word trust runs dry. and congress refuses to fill it up again. so my u. s. military officer, scott bennett, believes congress is the same through the bible and ministrations tactics. this is the exact a demonstration of fear, the by the end of ministration, the defense department, the war mongering, congressmen, they're full of fear they're, they're full of defeat and they are now desperately trying to scare
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the other american congressman into giving more money to ukraine. but i think it said it's an absolute fantasy, because number one of the american congress will not vote to send american troops and to ukraine. every person that vote would vote for that would lose their job instantly. because the american people do not under any circumstances want their boys and girls being sent to ukraine to fight russians. so that's never gonna happen. american troops are never going to be on the battlefield against russia, because the congress wouldn't allow that number to russia has no ambitions against me, though it has no ambitions against any european country. what i saw in the russian soldiers and volunteers and the medical volunteers in slot solid are in mario full. what i saw were were uh unbeatable volunteers and soldiers.
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and there is no american army that could defeat the russians. 1 in, in, in any sense, because the russians are fighting for their homeland and their families, they're fighting in defense against nazis. the dictator in the white house, that's what donald trump play me, he'll be re elected next year before the president said he'd need to use a firm hand to and do what he said. sees is to say, is off dividing the penetration under no circumstances. you are promising america tonight. you would never abuse power as retribution against anybody except to day one. except that he's going 1st except the day one meeting. i want to close the border and i want to drill federal federal. that's not all the rest of this is. i'm going to be this guy. he says you're not going to be dictated. right? yeah. i said no, no, no. other than day, one with clothes in the border. and with drilling drilling, drilling after that,
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i'm not into the remarks called my games about top of us, new of on teach from breath red sox and 18 in the american media, legal and media, unless not to believe strong slate to statements. well, i really found those planes already ranging around and when he does this, it does nothing but verify and people's mind. and he's a megalomania that was also even more funny. is that the miller, d m, i is the military industrial complex and neal contributive mega, my, me, megalomaniacs, new teeth are now jumping on the fact that he's claiming that he would be a dictator and there warning everybody. you can't let him when again. and i'm also saying that if you listen to the tenor of some of the things they're saying and the way they're raising this, they're almost god forbid, almost green lighting,
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our country action that we don't even want to discuss. this is, this is ray z talk all for a moment with sean hannity. that was just, he was exuberant that he was happy. but politically, one of the most stupid things anybody could ever say, quotes these people live with out trump. and he's love him that he love to eat him. they love to just buys him. he brings it because he has put more people to work. they kept more jobs floating then anyway. and you have to ask yourself, is everybody serious? do they really think it's possible for him to be directed to oh, i'm fine. mean what, you know, it's african nations with palestine is a poland, struggle against colonialism. that's the view of the prominent pun i for continued to coordinate the academy sub i. he's been on a watching visit to a roland for well to use use of july. the reports. what,
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how seniors are facing is the extension of 5 centuries of the western colonization of african nations. that's according to academies of a french amenities, pen, african and political leader in remarks at oppressor, intertwined or he's on a 3 day visit to share his views on what he calls. the west view of colonialism which he says has manifested once again. and he's where the war and gaza, but his time is different for me. but through of some come on programs so that my brother, my brother and sister, and we are, is a brother and sister. and we need to understand and collaborate each of the core versions of through it goes up to the only solution if we want to make it into the 2 munitions of the western world. and as i own this, a little bit tiny sub i rose to prominence for his fight against french, new colonialism in africa. he believes that centuries upfront subjugation of african nations has not faded away. what has continued under the modern guise of economic colonialism from the use of the c, f, a frank and africa. lucy,
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it is original currency packed to the euro and use throughout its 14 mainly francophone countries in west and central africa and dates back to the days of colonial rule. he says, for god cannot be liberated from french dominance until the c f. a is abolished on the confidence that unfortunately a lease is a strongly easy pretty and maybe brody more present today. we do have at least some western globally, some is a was as a wall spots of gold and the least ones. this was in africa are pretty than the majority of our president as if it fits as early as it will be. as, as a book, this of you been mission is up with bits of america as i put bits of friends coming some last fall and get eloquent speeches against imperialism of want him in support . in africa, he has spearhead at several anti french rallies that resulted in huge turnouts. i'm asking a celebrity, like following of social media and appearing on television talk shows in french speaking africa. his frame is not limited to the compliment these well known in
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many non african countries that share the same sentiments towards the west. he suggests the footprints of anti imperialism can be traced in all countries that every subject to the western global is the approach from south american states to the arab world. and even russia. what is it going to receive loads of folks that some people want to view for, resist against wisdom and misread if somebody as an enemy. i have one enemy. and he said to me that the week i need to unify our forces against the government and to me, what is a problem? are you in europe mixed or, or where is this kind of action? wednesday august, i'm heading to meet wednesday was got a fee. is it usually if i order that for these 4 cubic feet, right? the one was, it was in there is to the game a bus are lots of all of them are usually fights are falsities for our back bus. our last upcoming has been arrested and jailed several times in france and even his home country benny for his straightforward rhetoric against the west. and his rel,
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western media referred to him as a radical anti semitic figure. he says, such labeling seeks to demonize him. this empty form uses up i'm, i'm facing, needs us, and people retracted them. a nice deal to do more noise ratio than when i say, even though the only people that don't them when i, as people say, i'm assuming to them. but they didn't want to be submit to anybody as a beginning on, as if people were in dice and it was it people? 82. but no. is it the point? well, i believe on thursday to say meet as the people are required, the size is it though, are we some of the 3 in kennedy, some of police palestinians and africans are both phase for the common for us. and that is western colonialism which uses still runs the from the west for him policy . he says the ultimate way out is sort of. 1 a unified font, settled, bunch africans, muslims, loss in americans and any other nation that us quotes, suffer this thing of colonialism with the ultimate goal of advancing a multi pull or was order. it would knock down. we're starting to unilateralism.
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usability are 2 different a while that is old, so this house from us and must go, but don't go anywhere quite yet. the photos now to through the child, the tragedies of the times of life is a john list on the front line. the take a fresh look around his life kaleidoscopic isn't just a shifted reality distortion by power to division with no real opinions fixtures designed to simplify. it will confuse really once a better wills, and is it just because it shows very few fractured images presented to this, but can you see through their illusion going underground?
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can the russian states navigate as tight as one of the most sense? community best ingles, all sun set up the same assistance to progress be the one else calls question about this, even though we will then in the european union, the kremlin mission, the state on russia to day and split the r t supposed met, keeping our video agency roughly, all the band on youtube, the payment services for the question, did you say a request to check the
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the stock of just because that was what you just keep dice. good exposure. somebody. well maybe she would let me know if there's a so was that the 20 gift serious because of the funeral or she was those and this part of the health care can always change in conditions. do not. there was no. okay . who's boys on? yeah. and that's the issue. those people say it is what i usually end up disc kit, cost you the fish question was which is so they were coming 0 if can get your thoughts. cool was like one the way moving.


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