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tv   News  RT  December 7, 2023 11:00am-11:31am EST

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the common ground the, the headlines are one option is an optional, unless the red carpet is rolled out for the iranian, the president who was meeting with vladimir putin. and right now in the heart of moscow on topic is a trade crisis in palestine and the north south cordele connecting the nation to the united states. he's in charge. he turned out that in practice, to exploit their allies, the russian president, underlining that must go to believes in a global economic model. but it's fat. something that he says is disregard advice out in western part of the southern gauze and city of the fall coming under israeli attack. the area or the anxiety refugees, will order to go through by the idea of to allegedly find safety is cut off. life ceases to exist,
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even if it's not suitable. people will drink it because they need to stay alive. and they die conditions and northern garza, west civilians go without clean water. but un secretary general says the situation has, quote, created a poorly human suffering the otherwise on the russian capital right now with 2 heads of states having a solid face to face in moscow. because the iranian, the president is meeting with the russian lead a here in the russian capital, even able to, i see, and vladimir putin, a big agenda set out for that by law for real adults, of the crisis in gaza, for example. and a host of international issues, and of course, the building trade between the 2 countries. earlier, the iranian president was created by townsend ministry orchestra. when his plane arrived here in the russian capital, his visit coming a day off the vladimir putin and made a trip to the middle east meeting with the leaders of the u, a. e and the saudi arabia. as the russian president welcomed his around and count
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upon a both lead to stress the need for cooperation and for exchanging views about the conflict in gaza. on the left, you take the rules by 20 percent reaching a good result. $5000000000.00. we have huge infrastructure projects we have been discussing for a long time and now are coming to a realization of the north. so 3 way project we cooperate in olsby. and of course, it's very important for us to exchange views on the situation in the region, especially when it comes to palestine. especially, i think the reason that mankind is suffering now is the unilateral decision making in, on just a global system. and what we see in garza is a demonstration of this system. what's happening in gaza is a genocide and a crime against humanity. it's very sad that more than 6000 children have been killed by the zionist regime. even worse is that all those crimes are supported by
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the us and the west. time to learn more right now of course you will have to watch these more in a culture of a while moreno what a busy schedule. prudence had recently in the past 24 hours also. and then again this often noon. but some of the highlights. yes for a well of lateral fruits and has been very busy indeed. and this morning for him, started with an investment for him here in moscow, where he gave us sort of updates on the health of the russian economy. and he said that russia has proven that a can withstand any challenges and that the west has failed. and it's quest to we can and isolate russia and not in slides right now. power dynamics, i change and in the world, and the west is losing its grip and is trying to contain the growth of all the countries, despite the fact that it's trying to contain the growth of other countries having become accustomed to treating them like colonies. let's have
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a listen susan. it was an agent story, and this is just, you know, that now the entire global system, most economic relations is undergoing a stage of radical. and as it has just been said, you reversible change. they are connected with the fact that the former model of globalization is being replaced by a multi point model. and really in need of its costing. just remember the former un secretary general, mr. coffee on coffee was a brilliant diplomat, a very good and decent man. i can say that for sure, and he spoke sincerely. and it really seemed impossible to deny it. at that time. actually, there was nothing to deny because globalization was there, it was developing. the only question is that it was understood differently by old people. and the goal is that people sit, we're also different and people like coffee and, and thought that it should benefit everyone that everybody should be put on an
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equal footing. and nothing like that ever happened in practice like ups. and he was one country, took it to a different level, but there should be a model of globalization. the united states is in charge of cost and now said that they are sharing with someone but not with their allies. it turned out that in practice, they exploit their allies. he added that war countries are switching to national currencies in trade, which in the long term will make the us dollar irrelevant. he added that more countries are refusing to play by the wes rules and are choosing their own, the national interest over washington's. and once again, when it comes to russia, the west failed. and it's all to me as goal to break down russia. and in fact, it's sanctions have the reverse effect and actually made process stronger on its own. i love food and stuff again was beautiful. let me remind you that one of the
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decisions of wisdom countries last year was to disconnect the russian banks from visa and mastercard. systems you ever ward, the calculation was that this would make it impossible to pay for goods and services it within the ring don't payments. and consequently, paralyzed the countries banking sector. as some west and colleagues put it that they wanted to make us citizen stuff such with their humanistic plans. they wanted to create problems for millions of russians, families. however, in practice, citizens and businesses did not actually notice the silent transition to the national payment system. which is successfully operating and developing today yesterday. and at the same time, we stop paying commission fees to wisdom companies. they only missed out on what they could earn in russia. and on the side lines of this very same form, vladimir putin also mats omens, crown prince, who expressed his eagerness to build and strength and corp between the 2 countries
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. he says that it's especially important now in the lives of the g opponents, except we're seeing the lights of the west double standards and usually polar vision of the world. so it seems that for a long process version of social democracy and the economic cooperation and the model of the economy in international relations is much closer and more attractive . now, after that form vladimir putin match with abraham. right, you see the iranian leader, where as you mentioned, they discussed regional and international issues and also reiterated their commitments to strengthen and expand their corporation. latimer boots and even joke that one point saying that he really, really wanted to pop over to ron as he was flying over the country during his middle east. it's for there. yes. today, or of course, as we know, he visited the u. a. e and saudi arabia and he got a spectacular, spectacular, a welcome. let's have a look for to of to the
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and discussions. they're mainly centered around the energy market. so they all in the side that they need to strengthen the corporation within the opec plus, and that they need to maintain a stable and reliable international energy markets. so lots has been discussed. latimer boots in the math of, for leaders pretty much in the space. so what was that 48 hours you could say so
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very busy day and nights indeed for him. so that as well. yeah, lead is in charge of oil rich countries as well. but a lot of the underlying theme, see if you can read between the lines a lot of changes coming in the energy markets in the very near future all season right across the river. thank you. as maureen was saying, the rush of holding $4.00 and $4.00 together experts and investors from all around the world. and we spoke with a doctor of buttons, health care from india to hear about the prospects for more cooperation for moscow and new delhi. i think the view is coming up just a bit later on in this program. for now as he takes inventory of a situation and guys are the un secretary general, antonio cortez laid out the desperate situation in alaska, where he invoked the rarely use the article. 99, the united nations john a more than 8 weeks of hostilities in gaza and israel have created a policy in human suffering, physical destruction and collective trauma across israel and the occupied
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palestinian territory. there is no effective protection of civilians. the health care system in garza is collapsing. hospitals have turned into battle grounds amid constant bombardment by the israeli defense forces and without shelter or the essentials to survive. i expect public order to completely break down soon due to the desperate conditions rendering even limited humanitarian assistance. impossible, and even worst situation could unfold, including dep, it damage diseases and increased pressure from mass displacements into neighboring countries. the article 99 of the un charter allows the secretary general to call it me thing of the security council on its own initiative, specifically issue warnings about the threats to international peace and security. and in the sign of just how serious the united nations considers the crisis, the article has not been invoked for the okay, well, 20 people have been killed in the southern gauze. and so he said he over it off as idea of force, has struck a residential building out of the destruction,
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a young survivor as car at the hospital as the locals deal with what's left behind . and we heard from some of those at the scene who believe that it would be a safe stone because there were 3 very big explosions. then we switched back from the apartment up there. my brother's apartment. it was completely destroyed along with a floor below it. a large number of people had been killed around 20 motors excluding the one that most of them are children. and with this, with less from got a seat seat and was stand it. and now the peasants home, when suddenly a rookie said the house and we were thrown in there, eventually i was pulled from underneath the rubble. the hospitals in the south of dallas, i take in the wounded, rushed in for calf following the lightest strikes, medical personnel of the palestinian red crescent, and say they are being targeted by israel. it wasn't even if the of the
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english if you're up to this house, the phone you're good. it doesn't have been killed. and a recent is riley strike on the by the a refugee camp of the north of the enclave. the pictures here really speaking for themselves as locals, are dig through the debris, looking for survivors. meanwhile, the lack of fresh water in northern causes making life very difficult, and we spoke to locals about the situation of the english. as you can see, we're drinking civil defense water, which is not suitable for consumption. we use it as drinking water to meet the needs of small children because there's nothing else. when the water and electricity are cut off and use it to flush toilets and for other things,
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water is the most essential thing. if it's cut off, life ceases to exist, even if it's not suitable people drinking because they need to stay alive. think god were patient and will remain here. what do they want to achieve through displacement will continue despite it and the state of israel. thank god, brothers the you see all the destruction from the they relentlessly bomb a set of crazy and disorganized man or people are being killed. we have martyrs, everywhere. living conditions are terrible. essentials like water and electricity has been cut off. even a they were suppose to delivered during the ceasefire. they hit them achieved center convoys of assistance used to unload destruction. genocide, as netanyahu said before, the war, the people of gauze or human animals. none of the countries are with us. may god grant is patients mercy for our markers and hill. our sick hopefully will come out of the safe and victorious as shaping hosts european leaders and
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badging chinese officials of others. but you count deposits to maintain dialogue with russia are about how to resolve the ukraine crisis. and we're still security in the region is making a decision based on this pro maxima, which is a security. so in the way i was just saying this is there just re braces. it says it was all about your boss. she's already see your you has being recalibrating, its formerly adversarial foreign policy, which was china perhaps i asked you to the ukraine, complet remains an obstacle on the way it's about developing relations by the a, china, which of course board as russia has sought to remain neutral of aging and schools
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a peaceful time rejected the sanctions against most of the european commission chief also have on the on the says, basing of stones on the conflict defines its relationship with the west to load those and due to the parking lot. now to on our time going to senior fellow of the ty institute and the founder of, of china is that he's a blue, but consulting i'd great to have you on the program. really appreciate your time of the china summit taking off today and paging. i mean, just off the top of your head, any, any outcomes you might expect? well, the last time they had a meeting was in 2019 and they were able to pound out of 3000 word joint communicate, covered exhaustively, everything from trade to human rights. i don't think that's going to be the case here. it seems that the you wants to blame china for um, everything from its trade issues. uh, all the way to, uh, you know,
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saying that somehow the china has the duty to and the ukranian conflict to the leaders holding towards focus not only on trade as he said, but also the divide over the calls with in ukraine as you well know. i'm out of a chinese position who tends to be a neutral one? is it still neutral? do you think? yes it is. i mean the china is very consistent. that is, and they're the same way and gaza. you do not condemn either side if you expect them to come to the table and to negotiate a piece of you know, this idea that you can vilify everybody and then expect that there's going to be a diplomatic solution, hasn't worked. china's perspective is that without all the parties at the table reaching some sort of consensus, you're not going to have a lasting piece. so from their perspective this they, they want the conflict to end, but it's gonna take both sides sitting at the table,
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not just, you know, the, you and the us saying that they're going to somehow, when a, you know, some sort of baffled on the battlefield. that's, that's not even possible anymore. addressing the press. so the chinese officials is, uh, you know, doing europe for talks with russia about the ukrainian cries, anything to do you think the latest will listen to the calls this time because it's, it's a different city scenario. now it on the battlefield and ukraine as it was months ago, or even a year or more ago to well, the main actor here is the united states without the us providing arms and munitions weapon systems and an additional monies. it would be very hard to for ukraine to go on the $5000000000.00 a month that was flowing in is now stopped. and there was a bill on the senate that didn't make any headway in terms of funding ukraine. the american public has sees it as a no win situation where, you know, the us could be locked into an endless struggled amount, similar to vietnam and,
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and south korea, south korean. more. so at this point, uh, with the political will starting to go down. and europe being faced with this idea of the us doesn't provide arms and ammunition on the theory that it will, you know, the, the, you will have to buy, or europe will have to buy weapons and ammunition from the u. s. given the economic realities it's, it's clear that this is not going to have a long runway when it comes to a china is one belt one road and it should have, you know, the, the, i guess the contemporary more than day version all of the silk row you know, it's going to be a multi trillion dollar project. countries are trading and national currencies that, you know, the, the connectivity of this new trade route really is going to change the global phase of international trade. as we know it. however, this meeting today is basing is hosting europe and leaders it's, it's coming off the e you meant, but it's only analysis southern withdrawal from a,
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the chinese belt and rhode initially, if we're talking about the new p, m, georgia maloney. uh, how might that complicate the relationship between, for example, you are being countries in china or specifically italy and china. it is strange. i mean, the whole one bell, one road, it's supposed to bring all these countries together. i'd be mutually respectable and very prosperous. but if lee has suddenly pulled out as well, i mean, if you talk to the lee they aside, they say, well, the belt and road isn't really aimed at them. they don't really need infrastructure . what they want is access to more trade. now they, they, you know, trade actually when top uh, when the belgian road initiative since it was enacted. there's, it's certainly not hurting italy, but there's tremendous pressure on them by other european countries as well as the united states to withdraw. so, you know, you're seeing a very sharper divisions happening between the developed countries,
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especially europe and america. and what i would call the rest of the world, global south, central asia, china, russia, it's, you know, these are countries that say when they want trade, they want the infrastructure that's necessary to promote trade. but that's a very different scenario. then apparently the us or europe wants, i know it's hanging in joining a 5 euro analogy international. what's in very insightful commentary. thank you so much for your time. we appreciate it. and i've looked at the rest of the quoting investment forum held here in the russian capital's item and put in deliberate, a key note address on the sidelines. we had a chance to speak with a doctor from india who laid out what's the head for cooperation between moscow and new delhi. as i say, it's a lot of opportunities. you know, so in russia, as i live here, the rest of for quite a long time, and i see that my size that was very big lined up with somebody. and mike, i'm, the thing i wanted to see about is we can invest in photos. we can make
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a book that i sent him, the prospect of some of the russian banks already in indian market. but we need more uh, advertisement of the mosque media. we promoted almost like the bases language barrier. we have to find like this, like people like us, you know, like, you most pulled the car to use them. uh, putting more people into. so yeah. alright, over degrees now, where a group of demonstrate is classed with the police following a memorial. ma jeanette, the holding off a 1000 is coming down for the riley to margaret 15. kind of a 3 of the killing of a teenager by police. the event was mostly peaceful. however, when it ended a group of participants went on the clash with the us already molotov cocktails and stones being thrown in the mail. i have got a sound of forward has responded with to i guess the,
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the former us secretary of state hillary clinton has a lashed out of the international community, accusing it of toning a blind eye to alleged acts of rape and sexual violence, allegedly committed by her mass on october, the 7th. she said using rape is a weapon of war is quote, a crime against you back of any women and girls were attacked brutally by hamas on october 7th, we must respond to weaponized sexual violence where ever it happens with absolute condemnation. there can be no justifications and no excuses rate as a weapon of war is a crime against humanity out rages that some who claim to stand for justice are closing their eyes and their hearts to the victims of some us accuse it opponents the door to her political interest or agenda of rape or sexual
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violence seems to be a great hobby of hillary clinton because this is not the 1st time clinton is bullying that the top of her longs about such sensitive topics for their have as did or did not commit this private it is still an allegation that hillary clinton in particular has a rather questionable history of such claims, all of which incidentally turned out to be false stake in libya as an example. first, back in 2011, a number of reports from natal and western media suggested that the deputy government had ordered mass rates, hillary clinton and the secretary of state that the time jumped on the bandwagon and it to that fee of using raped as a weapon of war raped physical, intimidation, sexual harassment, and even so called virginia to test have taken place in countries throughout the region. she wasn't the only one though. susan rice, the american ambassador to the one of the times and
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a proponent of american intervention in libya, had also made a similar claim. naturally, these extreme accusations prompt investigation that demonstrated the falsity of these assertions. we have not found any evidence, a single victim of free or doctor who knew about somebody being raped with i have not been able to find the evidence. oh it. oh, remember, don't we? one of these accusations that have later been the bunk, turned into any su, playing was the next item on the 2016 presidential candidate agenda. but this time clinton accused russia and russian forces of committed war crimes in ukraine. and here we go. the same to once again. well, the most terrible challenge facing women girls is this a violent, unprovoked unjustified war that is waging against them?
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trafficking is sadly exploding in ukraine and in the neighboring countries where girls and women and children have sought refuge. the interesting thing about this is that the ukrainian official who wrote the reports on sexual assault was ultimately sacked from her position after being accused of spreading and verified information. then comprehensible concentration of ludmilla denise was meet a work on numerous details of, quote, sexual crimes committed in a natural way and quote, the rape of children and occupied territories, which you could not do with evidence only harm to create and diverted. the attention of the world media from the real needs of ukraine. but what could be behind hillary clinton's massive focus on this issue? let's now go onto her own husband, ex president bill clinton's a ledge, sexual misconduct in addition to the affair he had with ben, a white house intern, monica lewinsky, several other women have accused him of sexual assault. vill oh,
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is this pin down? it was a variable the situation or did the what to do. so frightened at claim he has the night a that all right victims should be a believe. but would you say that about johnny? so broderick, kathleen wiley and or paula jones, should we believe them as well? well, i would say that everybody should be believed at 1st until they are just fully based on evidence. though they are, i had it all to contribute atara rated with me. here in the studio, i'll shed light on this issue as well as her own personal experience with hillary clinton regarding the protection of women from sexual bye. it's i have talk or see is really kind of glaring as an, as really ironic fits. and hillary clinton is coming out as if she's defending rates victims. when in fact, you know,
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then you look into the epstein accusations with the site and then she's done a great deal to try to cover up that many times, tara, how many times to bill bill clinton fly on that change jet down to that noti, island, i mean i, i saw a report the said he 2 dozen times maybe and he was the lead to express. yes. yes. and they called at the express for a reason. there's a photo of him with a woman, a young woman under age, giving him a massage. there's all kinds of things that there have been the survivors who have spoken out and named him directly. it, there's been no consequences for the a we, it's always the democrats, right, right. right. or, i mean, you know, with, you know, you had the, all, the monica lewinsky, a fat back there and you know, number a number of years ago and when asked about whether or not her husband should have resigned of the affair with monica lewinsky, hillary clinton rejected the idea, but then back in 2017, she was quoting for further investigations into sexual assault allegations against then president donald trump. and it's like, i don't know, is it double standards?
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did she deliberately like protecting her husband? and then going off to donald trump. i mean, i don't know this woman over to you so absolutely. i mean, what you're looking at here is more than hip hop, christie. it's an actual way to weaponized sexual assault allegations, which diminishes the actual victims who have real accusations. for instance, when i came forward, hillary clinton denounced me as did other elite democrats, right. when i came forward about joe biden, hillary clinton endorsed joe biden. they don't care about real justice for rates victims. they don't care about me too. that's a hash tag to them. it's a political weapon, ization tool, like what's being hot, what's happened right now when she was speaking out about gaza. these allegations of rape have no evidence. sure. back in an american journalist in fact, uncovered affect though max blumenthal did and brought it to the attention. so they're actually being investigated. the soccer group for fake stories of raped. and this is really concerning. worry because this affects real sexual assault
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survivors. i am a survivor and i can tell you how in reading it is when i see how sexual assault is manipulated and used for political purposes. and the master class was given by elite democrats like hillary clinton. all right, thanks for joining our service program. live from much though, and my colleague motor i've had mom is here at the desk and half an hour's time with all the very latest details on the continued visit of the a rodney and president, he has a russia he is in moscow. now we understand that folds with the restroom president on hiring on the details for you at the top of the on the
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dock just because that was what you just keep dice. good extension somebody. well, maybe let me know if there's a, so was there at the 25th and the serious talk about a funeral issues those and that's part of the stuff you can always change in conditions. do not pay more than okay. who's towards the end of the day? should those people say it is what i usually end up disc kit, cost you a physical chicago as much as we're coming to work. i'm good at your thoughts. cool. was on the way moving. i mean, you can show that i'm on this web page create. uh yes, typically the, my gods just looks good. the way up to your system, i'm going to pursue that kind of shock. lot most are you making any boys or some store frontier secure? sure. they're clean, pass all those much on that, but i'm as i was like was it was in the bid is biased, gave us on the way we used to be everyone's place.


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