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tv   News  RT  December 7, 2023 12:00pm-12:31pm EST

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the, the, the headlines, the red cobrin is rolled out full, the radium president who needs with about they put it in the fall. so lots of good on so big is trade prices in palestine and the notes of portal to connect the nation to. this is just a few united states and it turned out that in practice to exploit their allies, the president, underlining that most goober, these and the global economic model. but it's something that he says is disregarded by west and under the us senate gloves present by this multi $1000000000.00 a package for you plate. and the as well as the republicans, the presence of 2 of the pulled up the events that the
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live most go. this is up to you. my name is russell mom in 30 minutes of news article views starting at the writing president has met with the russian leader in moscow. abraham bracy, i have a lot of macbooks and had a big agenda set up for that by that to tools, including on the crisis in gaza. a host of international issues and buildings a between the 2 countries. earlier they really impressed it and was greeted by it. so i'm thinking that if you orchestra and his plane arrived here in the russian capital is visit, comes a day off the inputs and made a trip to the middle east meeting with the leaders of the new a, e and saudi arabia. as of the russian president welcomed his reading counterpart, mostly the stress, the need for cooperation. i don't think exchanging views about because conflicts, of course, the less you take the rules by 20 percent reaching
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a good result. $5000000000.00. we have huge infrastructure projects. we have been discussing for a long time and now coming to the realization of the north. so 3 way project we cooperating or spears. and of course it's very important for us to exchange views on the situation in the region, especially when it comes to palestine. especially i think the reason that mankind is suffering now is the unilateral decision making in on just a global system. and what we see in gaza is a demonstration of the system. what's happening in gaza is a genocide in a crime against humanity. it's very sad that more than 6000 children had been killed by the zionist regime. even worse is that all those crimes are supported by the us and the west lateral fruits and has been very busy indeed. and this morning for him, started with an investment for him here in moscow, where he gave a sort of updates on the health of the russian economy. and he said that russia has
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proven that a can withstand any challenges and that the west has failed in its quest to weaken and isolate russia and not in slides right now. power dynamics, i change and in the world, and the west is losing its grip and is trying to contain the growth of all the countries, despite the fact that it's trying to contain the growth of other countries having become accustomed to treating them like colonies. let's have a lesson was made to do it, and this is just, you know, that know the entire global system. most economic relations is undergoing a stage of radical and as it has just been said, you reversible change. they are connected with the fact that the former model of globalization is being replaced by a multi point model. and really in need of its costing. just remember the former un secretary general, mr. coffee on on was coffee, was a brilliant diplomat, a very good and decent man. i can say that for sure. and he spoke sincerely. and it
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really seemed impossible to deny it. at that time. actually there was nothing to deny because globalization was there, it was developing. the only question is that it was understood differently by old people. and the goal is that people sit, we're also different and people like coffee and, and thought that it should benefit everyone that everybody should be put on an equal footing. and nothing like that ever happened in practice. and he was one country, it thought differently that there should be a model of globalization. the united states is in charge of cost and now said that they are sharing with someone but not with their allies. it turned out that in practice, they exploit their allies. he added that more countries are switching to national currencies in trade, which in the long term will make the us dollar it relevant. he added that more
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countries are refusing to play by the wes rules and are choosing their own the national interest over washington's. and once again, when it comes to russia, the west failed, and it's all to me as goal to break down russia. and in fact it's sanctions had the reverse effect and actually made process stronger on its own. and the food understood again was let me remind you that one of the decisions of wisdom countries last year was to disconnect the russian banks from visa and must have consistent with you whether more of the calculation was that this would make it impossible to pay for goods and services it within the ring don't payments. and consequently, airlines are the countries banking things up with nick. i did some western colleagues put it and they wanted to make us citizen stuff such with their humanistic plans. they wanted to create problems for millions of russians, families, however, that in practice, citizens. and this is, that's what i see where did not actually notice the silent transition. you went to
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the national payment system, which is successfully operating and developing today yesterday. and at the same time, we stopped paying commission fee of the wisdom companies, and that's for sure, they only missed out on what they could earn in russia. and on the side lines of this very same form vladimir putin also match oman, crown prince, who expressed his eagerness to build and strength and corp between the 2 countries . he says that it's especially important now in the lights of the g opponents, except we're seeing the lights of the west double standards and usually polar vision of the world. so it seems that for a long process version of social democracy and the economic cooperation and the model of the economy in international relations is much closer and more attractive . now, after that form vladimir putin match with abraham. right, you see the iranian leader, where as you mentioned that discuss regional and international issues and also reiterated their commitments to strengthen and expand their corporation. latimer
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boots and even joke that one points saying that he really, really wanted to pop over to it's a wrong as he was flying over the country during his middle east. it's for there. yes. today, or of course, as we know, he visited the u. a. e. and saudi arabia and he got a spectacular spectacular welcome to the and discussions there mainly centered around all the energy markets off they all.
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and now i said that they need to strengthen the corporation within the only fact plus, and that they need to maintain a stable and reliable international energy market. so lots has been discussed, let them of who tend to match all for leaders pretty much in the space. so what was the 48 hours you could say so very busy day and nights. indeed for him to that as well. the quarter investment for and brought together as an investor from around the world by the inputs in headline the event we had a chance to speak to some guests on the sidelines. those interviews coming up later in the program, the b assignments has blown. so initially to, to send another $50000000000.00 in aid to claim this 5, his democratic part of you're having with georgie legislator joe biden was unable to secure approval for this funding. 5,
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this cannot wait. congress needs to pass supplemental funding for ukraine before they break for the holiday research. simple as that. frankly, i think it's funny that we've gotten to this point in the 1st place. well, bothering has responded to put the onboarding to this decision. he's accused of republicans of essentially me copying ukraine on the battlefield. his please fell on deaf ears as did those of the ukrainian delegation that was in washington dc. they met with the pens ago in chief, of course, that lensky was due to address send. it says earlier this week he pulled out the last minutes left us secretary of state on state, blinked in the defense secretary, lloyd austin on the other, find an administrator, an official, was to pitch full this tash and of course, what was he? it didn't work out for them and the, the vote went flawlessly, along party lines of republicans voting against the democrats voting in favor independent senator of,
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among bernie sanders. he voted against the package he was concerned about this unconditional need for as well. that was included in the, the bumper sum that was put forward. now the senate majority leader, chuck shoot. but now he switched his vote from yes to no. this means that the bill can be brought forward again. but this was long as the technicality of books, really, that it wasn't really that close, although the vote was close, it still needed 60 bucks out of the 100 to pause. and if i were to bust it up, but i don't understand why, you know, why have the republicans refused the aid? because, i mean, up until this point they were supporting ukraine. one thing, well, pretty much that has been the old republican who's come out against multiple for you crime, but there's been a, maybe a maybe had a reasoning for it. one is this a 5 year in strategy. now, by saying we pumped billions upon billions into play that there's no sign that it's capable of winning this. well, the other comes and they raises their site and the dependency going as of where the
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accounting for all of these cost it's flowed into caves, cost. now the white house has also conceded that this accountability is a concert. the republicans also raised immigration. now they want a change and navigation policy, the saying that this is a national security issue and they've kind of been pressing a bite into an for a change in direction in return for support for this problem. but there will now, why didn't a game has been very critical of the republicans folder stones. although lots of the now he's conceded that the immigration policy is broken, that he may make some changes that he hasn't exactly specified what yet. but let's remember, next year is an election year, and there are many republicans that believes that this money could be better spent out. well, why don't you just tell us why you are not voting for this? well, we can't afford it. look at some point i realized we had spent more in ukraine than we spend on all our roads and bridges in the united states to support this money.
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you have to be economically deliberate and morally deficient. those are the conditions of voting for this because to say that we're going to grind down russia, that we're going to deplete their own soldiers by expanding the lives of ukrainians . knowing that in the end, we're going to leave them holding the bag that india and they can never prevail. they're not going to take back crime even though we, we say that's one of the goals when, when we can get them to state goals, which usually they won't. so it's, it's morally reprehensible to say that you should find this. now the white house has become increasingly desperate. now it's late on the table. this potential will, with russia saying, the american soldiers will be killed if this money isn't handed to the bar. i didn't have been this ration prudent, takes ukraine, he won't stop there. it's important to see the long run here. he's got to keep going. he's made that pretty clear, put the tax on nato ally if he keeps going. many attacks, a nato ally,
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or we've committed as a nato member to we defend every inch of new territory. and will have something that we don't seek and that we don't have today. american troops for the russian troops. and if you think the cost of supporting cream is high, now, just imagine how much higher it's going to be. not just a national treasure, but in american blood most go understand the impact on surprising that he says that not only is this family, they describe this as a responsible given that both nations on nuclear powers, such boogie man stories are fabricated in order to justify, to tax payers and sober minded political forces, but huge expenses for containing the russian federation in an attempt to add fuel to the fire of the ukrainian proxy war. local authorities have finally lost touch with reality. easily discussing the likelihood of a direct clash between the armed forces of our countries. this kind of provocative
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rhetoric is unacceptable for a responsible nuclear state. now what we do know those of us that are being on the ground for many months is the situation is not looking very good for you quite. we've seen the situation in body in co rush who is making advances in of the golf course. things have been ukrainian stronghold was very since 2014 western allies are even now conceding that russia is in fact, winning the conflict. and there's even these disagreements now among the findings talk process. uh, we sold the most recently with the lensky and who's the top winner to come on. does it lose me? uh, open the disagreeing over the how the co, the conduct of the conflict in america. now of course, now we're seeing that the money is in fact running out the washington is, is conceding that there's not much left in the coffers now. next year is election year in the united states. and that seems very much that ukraine is on top of the agenda for the average american. with that,
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as i have discussed this with diane sat an independent candidate for the us senate . diane, thanks so much for joining us here. let's see. it was a pleasure to see you here. parts is a seems to be changing and, and what are your thoughts about the us senate locating that proposal for another $50000000000.00 fee. right. well i'm, i'm glad they did it. i would say i'm really happy to be with you today and remember today is actually the 82nd. is it? yes. anniversary of the japanese bombing of pearl harbor. i bring that up because there was a time when the united states was anti fascist. and when we had a president who actually was presidential, but we are very far from that now. and the united states to has a massive military budget, as you're aware, the biggest military budget in the world by far not even close,
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yet. we can't even muster the production of the shells and the other uh, ammunition that ukraine is demanding or supposedly needs. so i think that's a question that has to be asked by the american people. i appreciate what has been said about everything. we're not spending money on here. the score is not popular with the american people, but i would say worse than that, the entire thing is built on lie upon the lie. and i'm hoping that more people will have the courage to tell the truth about the situation. yeah, it's interesting. you know, we heard that we had job items to be good. yeah. he said, wow him, he had many, he's the members of his administration. there was a warning, but if it isn't ukrainian groups, i mean with a little bit out of context, but it wasn't. if it wasn't equate insurance fighting again, flush or it might eventually be american troops in the fighting. submit the fall
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fast. i a see. but what are your thoughts? oh, absolutely. i mean we heard that after $911.00 and we don't have killed them all over there will have to be killing them here. and we'll be fighting them here. it's crazy. we have to stop crisis management. we have a regime is in the western governments and i would say financial institutions who are on their last legs who think that you can only get your way through fear and brute force. and they're hoping if they scare you enough, you won't look behind the curtain to see the absurdity. i believe we've had numerous heads of state and other people traveling to key of in the not so distant past a. so how is it that of putting us so determined that he's going to take your up and take all of ukraine? why is it that heads of state and other leaders are able to travel?
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there wouldn't be awards on, wouldn't it be more like the gaza strip or something if that was really his intention? yeah, it was really interesting. i wonder why biden is pushing so hard. is he uh, influenced by uh, that makes it complex a well, i don't know what he's influenced by. i think his mental powers are failing. i think he and his son have a lot of criminal activity that they would like to cover up for. i think when he's not suffering from dementia, he is the vicious criminal minded person. uh so i don't know and i don't think he's really calling the shots. although if something is nasty and criminal, he's perfectly happy to make it his policy. i think we have a people in the pentagon, the state department, our intelligence agencies,
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who have a vested interest in the old as well for width, rumsfeld's christian doctor. and that once the berlin wall came down, the united states had to be the global hedge them on, which would be bad enough if we had continued to be a nation to be emulated with a robust space program, a high standard of living, modern, beautiful infrastructure. okay, but we have collapsed ourselves, that we have record drug overdose death, the infrastructure is disintegrating. and then if we're gonna run around the planet and say nobody is allowed to surpass us and if you try, we're going to bottom you back to the stone age. that's a pretty sick world view, but i'm afraid it is shared by a few people in washington d. c. wall street, unless city of london. yeah. do. i'm pretty sure you do. i mean, as i have one more question before i let you go,
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i didn't priorities are changing in uh in the us. i mean, i think the does the us thing sort of focus more on itself more that does of a been police in the world. a well, i think the us has to remember why we had a revolution against the british empire. because if we remember that we would be rejoicing at the project at the progress of the bricks plus nations, the commitment by china to lift people out of poverty. the african nations liberating themselves from colonialism. we would be overjoyed, and we'd say, think what the american revolution against colonialism brought to the world. unfortunately, we seem to have lost their identity. so i think that's really the issue. my intention is that we have to remind the americans what our nation was supposed to be. why the whole world was very excited about our defeating the british empire
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when we did. and perhaps we should pick up that legacy again and become a much better partner for good. and i think that would have very beneficial effects also on the american people who are definitely suffering as a result of these policies. yeah, it's very interesting and they i'm gonna have to leave it there. thank you so much independent us so that kind of it by and sat like it's going to for your time. thank you. as he takes inventory of the situation in gaza, the un secretary general general antonio good type is laid out, the desperate situation. and then that's the way he invoked the read me used article 199. well, the united nations charter for more than 8 weeks of hostilities in gaza and israel have created a policy in human suffering, physical destruction and collective trauma across israel and the occupied palestinian territory. there is no effective protection of civilians. the health
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care system in gaza is collapsing. hospitals have turned into battle grounds amid constant bombardment by the israeli defense forces, and without shelter or the essentials to survive. i expect public order to completely break down soon due to the desperate conditions rendering even limited humanitarian assistance. impossible. and even worst situation could unfold, including demick diseases and increase of pressure from mass displacement into neighboring countries. a total $99.00 of the you and so on. to allows, we'll set the general to claim a meeting over the security council on his own initiative to specifically issue warnings about threats to international peace and security, and a sign of just how serious the united nations considered as the crisis. the obstacle is not being boobs for decades. 20 people have been killed in the southern gauze and city, a rough idea of forces to like
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a residential building out of the destruction. a young to survive is carried to the hospital as locals deal with what's left behind. we had from some who sold the area would be safe. and there were 3 very big explosions. then we switched back from the apartment up there. my brother's apartment, it was completely destroyed, along with a floor below it. a large number of people had been killed around 20 motors excluding the one that most of them are children. and when, and as a full fledged from the other cities and was stay in it, and now the peasants home, when suddenly a rook is said, the house and we were thrown in there, eventually i was pulled from underneath the rubble about. so one of the top of story is as a valid inputs and address a major investment for them a months ago. these folks in particular about one of russia's main economic partners. india is to see what christmas college to the 1st of all, i want to say that the relations between russia and india are developing in almost
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3 years. we never discussed with prime minister moody, the foreign pressure india is facing. i just looked at what's happening and you can be honest, i am even surprised sometimes by he's tough position when it comes to defending the national interests of india and what our trade turnover is on the rise. the increase will be significant this year. we understand that india has an advantage due to a lower price of russian fossil fuels, but they are right in doing that. i would do the same in such situation. but of course, this is not enough. we have far more opportunities. if we have trade turnover with china of around 200000000 dollars this year, then it would be right to increase the turn over with india further. how can we do that? first of all is to pay more attention to logistics 1st and discuss this further. now with july, my former indian diplomatic public diaz, so thank you so much for joining us here on to the inputs in mentioned that the form pressure that is currently facing uh could you tell us
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a little bit more about that? well, thanks for having me on the show. and i also saw the road with great interest. the address of president bush and i d investment far, i'm go to russia goldie. and i was very impressed by his your box that it is impossible to imagine that it does private as the mister data. they're both to be dated office, both to take any extra steps when your decision this week, the country to the best interest of india and the new people. this will know if it is the way to know that we have them branded as a body is very independent in regard to his foreign policy as he places in the that's the english, as opposed to in his mind to the just mention that during the rough show you
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a great war that'd be on our pressures on us and that these do with the governor should i guess pressure because uh, the width was caught in the ground for a double and we will be off. do moved our own side, the rest of the bush, but you know, we consistently don't add independent position and use it because we do not want to be taking sides. we pursue an independent policy or something and we did not do any pressure from any science. i see, so i think residents go to me as being and that's looking correct and the way that you can get driving this to change the bodies is pursuing the scene on the defense that that's been in transit also been down despite the disorder based on the pressure of which this misapplied the also spoke about the need for the difficult
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development in order for russians increases trade with india. what can you say about the state of co operation between russia in india and the neighboring countries in terms of talk for why do you know i would also do these re boxed in the context of something else? did you say a resident booted emphasized the importance of increasing settlers and the coverage sees you between loss? right? yeah, no, all you gotta reason having a strong pursuit that are being real big creational associates and the you know, so what i'll do is to work together in regard to transform match a golf course we, we didn't buy just don't get to me and the rest of these children's knowledge because china is trying to build this rule, that should be networking too much. we can focus isn't working alongside of boxes.
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um yes, which is all started to watch. so we have our fuel political concerns. but as far as the sun, we smith in the gods rush has a great friend, bang destined grade, and we are very keen to work with the restaurant on, on that does which interest both countries. and so before i let it go, could you possibly could really possibly c, i a 3 way agreement between russia and china and india in the future. is that on the table? which way we would love such an agreement, but leave off the chinese to be good more than what they treat power to get on. get all this squared allow me, doug about dentistry. they are not only all to bind the agree, but they will do all coupon and full treatment the border. so it would be very involved in this brush or what to be. be able to check the chinese good. i can do all the in depth and what is the wrong side, china, but as we have made,
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it repeated the deal. as long as there is tension about border, we cannot have a normalized relationship with german. now we'll see you guys hope that the does open up when i have to leave it that i'm thank you. this is mr. pregnancy, die out for my indian diploma. thanks again. thank. now i'll rush out, coordinate investment for my about an input into the, the key note address we have, it's also speak with the investment bank though, from oman on the sidelines, who talks about the opportunities in russia. well, i always believe that, i mean, even if there is some sort of doors closing up, the doors would not be always closed. they have to open up in a way or another. i can see the imports that pressure keeps in place and i believe it's, it's what,
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any country you would keep in place to promote that service. and yeah, i believe the opportunities, like even though mine were you know, mind promotes for the opportunities starting in a month. and i, i can see that the size of the country has lots of opportunities and for sure that everyone has the right to your uh, the business. and yeah, this is uh uh it, so i look for to, to see what, what, what gets vivian from russia. well, that route was up. this thing is as always, great to have your company with us here on uh to be sure to check out not com as of interesting. so is that i'm only back at the top of the. yeah the
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