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tv   Documentary  RT  December 7, 2023 5:30pm-6:00pm EST

5:30 pm
this is what they fear. so the china webinar as the guy needs to do their bidding is no reason that the guy and he is need the green goes the yankees, the us imperialist, to intervene when they should be cross border talks. and there's enough resources for both the guy and he is in the event as well as to both private and mutually agreed upon democratic ways. so this is once again of us trying to create an enemy, a boogie man, so they can justify. huge expenditure is what we're going to benefit. as you correctly stated, the us military industrial complex and bite. and charles bush, obama, the clintons, it doesn't matter. they are spokespeople for us militarism. yeah, nicely said daniel, always a pleasure to talk to you. so thank you so much for joining us here today on the dial. so profess of latin american studies. thanks again. i the russian calling in best sort of for them and most go by the put it has delivered
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the key note address. we spoke to the virgin director of shawna friday. i'm part of coke from oman. on the sidelines of the summit, he said, the russia, one political relations are at the high level. that's it. there is a need to both equally make ties as well. and we are very excited to be here at uh, you know, what i show is called income transfer me to the, to b. and we're looking forward to seeing all the opportunities and investment possibilities and russia online. is there a certain nation where that our size is very good, politically, and we need to emphasize more on making a stronger connection economically. so that has to be built between the 2 entities, sections that quite stronger and of course the transactions are made it very difficult with these transactions with these sections. so they're not 10 feet,
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but to i'm sure to wherever there is a will between the 2 countries. there is a way so i hope that the prosper and i hope that these also sections when they do with time. so you know, mine is a very, a stable, very saves con, 3, that is are very welcome. the to, to rush directions, investments on pressure. well that, so from me for the day my calling mike, our board chair will be with you and the some of the, our, my big huge favor, the the
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cheap i do more leisure for gift to then city on the right here. we usually buy more into the account and the senior levels are still exist very for me for, for you, if you me a solution in the next 3 of the to the new system, the current about which into jobs theater. under the impression the g 's use that the quite some of your subscription to the most part of which lexus massachusetts, on some of the 1st of all. but those are the what you have in your struggle. the product was sticking with the blog, the pretty to ship the bridge in lot. if you do here for the 6 at some much more important this how much adds to it? yes, i did it. the usually the, i'm the to the, the truth and the solution,
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the that i'm with, it's just the name and i'm with the system. i mean, motions far enough too much better to for us. are both pretty doing that. you know, i'm few and i'm a, what the thinking did you want to come? the electrical, the new shows eat and stuff on ocean federalists. and then we see just to do the the
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sooner the better one can have got an opinion at the book, but of course not dogs can yes. can no one can last and work on your snow. 3, your, her name really next and i'm sure can professional go story. but a book i news really progressed and us the great news and bundle ramirez was kind of a june the chase. but the wall is reading this name and no single one that you to believe done and know when you mind you double click motional customization. these mean which legit nearby to avoid change due to requirements. if there's something to drive to the to it could have george to, that's a defense of the must have to be able to use prospect dine in the 1st. is that some specific as you have? and then you know, the thing, if there's somebody that said the fisher to bring him on your cause and that's was the thought store. look, you could you cheer and you still something in the corner with me come dying or you
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need those 2. i need to go to national from that i just go to finish the fish and then you'll survive. it's already or yeah, that would be doing you suggesting carlos, i don't know if the insurance in us with us medical insurance. i should want us to either shoot me a more beautiful academic be lee for smart tvs. easy very similarly. and for like even this stuff is facing. we barely sound like, you know, getting started as most of the are going to come on. the excuse me, should the she told you, but i'd be really both enough to just throw some commodities besides the formerly
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changing kind of leading. yeah. there's not going through my, let's see. see um, there's no junior durham is 0 earlier and you were bone. you earlier and i stopped at the end of it. they need not pull nation judging religion and gave them the oceans of anybody really is. i think you can search through the back nice of that. that's in the get over to the, to the floor. you can use wireless which agent us the
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what did you cook? yes. yeah, i need this one is which slipping into the decide what to put the don't which way a person that i saw for you, but that is the percentage of the legit. my yearbook gm is try with the, with your, with your but i'm looking to get the disk about doing miami, which is obviously a to it which even you might never just full gloves. i believe. heed next to the system. yes, it is now shows that i smoke up dr. each by with last minute by dialogue, by guidelines. nod this summer and then you are,
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you are just a know i have some boy the email comes no this gift more at the moment limited for them. restoring you for them that i need to buy it. i knew the full list of nation mama, new lives right on the books. as far as title is just one
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of my summers. 2 rules can do to do t. the other ones to was going on. this will become which the caution are doing and you have too much for it. but i'm really, if you also have those are one from when she did some launch and say, do you mean thought of them now or come from the room will come for unless i'm leaving the students will begin your see if it's at least a whisk approaching me then then when me emptiest. so when you mean, yeah, it's funny. and so what do you see? what's good for the next piece? i just so she needs a bit smarter than when you send the critics toodle just kind of shooting at people of those i. and so i could just use immunization. i please, i think she must gorski and i say you need to if you book and then you pull it upstairs and then if you need to get the specifics here, let me ask you to purchase the process. dispute the fund moves for sure. and you
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can use it, is there okay. for sure. still a motion, ocean, ocean chester, folks. and let me see what the the shop the
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windows. no. do you need to wonder? you don't wanna check for the next few minutes to come up with that? he's speaking, you sound like ramos, i'm a resident of virginia 2 now. when i say i'm over here, my reading and a sticky. now lou concerns you only even if you're on the car promotional problem, which mr. gustin ended doing course to be doing a portion on that's the view. what i'm conversing in regards to an international guys know a doctor on the open platform of 3, which is to hear their own word ocean. different. glenn is our cookie for decent banking and notes from what you do more than
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a century and your paper out of what some you and it was it in your own group ocean kind of thing that we have to go to youtube videos and get that to me and use it for a studio posting here to to meet the minutes of information. so you start with kristovich on thursday. yeah. still needs to know what the story just i get on my choice. you have to cut off so much for the ships and going into the mice. you took a yeah, because i was to, i know those know whichever direction and you could 3,
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but i knew i don't know what that system thing and but i'll just just ask them in motion source and the be more sparrows to for us to. yeah. cuz i'm sure if we ended up watching the quick video you're good or swimming it in what ask you to then to come to that. that's really the key story to cut the one. i know i'm just reading the uh, what divides days the story was. slips no good, that's what i'm watching. floors me see them. cookie to bed. sure. but those are what i'm what the cup total you're dealing with the beam. what i'm what, what are you deal? yep. us the new chose just to grab so to get to it so that the 2nd down with recording so most of them is running agency. my pleasure, i am done, provide you to a notion of faxed over customers, or, you know, spend almost makes you mind switching this quick memorial. i don't want
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to do an extra pamela, pointing to a textbook checked in. do a text and blew his passionate panetta to need you to stay seduce me. would you tape what i teach in a glutton? isn't that you had a bit of storage of stops to get there and what, what does that finish? what is your, what's, what's on it? but i do need you to any thoughts as you might have the use me to send out a coup with the media, which you use to mama my opinion. let's throw in that for those. i'd be happy to have you guys have photos force consumption to somebody else, get done up with the skype and the sounds and it thor store deal. it's just you in virginia store, but i do choose to that's the deal. it's just healing and that's what, fortunately for them, which is between the
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think them, which employees have with them for the gift, but the sort of celia wasn't us because they did just wouldn't care to get a car through the new year. oh for g for i teach, so i know from the kitchen the scholars should go and you have to go to some go to west valley approaches with that. the flushing, it's a washing machine and when you move, move them on the stairs from 1st month to month with the amount of water to move. let me look into that. i will just, i did, i used one for so the lowest the did some of that to study to the progressive rock and usually the shy finish. this issue i suppose is for the news. i'm a section and for them to come swing to do friday. here's the material, ordering the power of people from the for sure, interested in the temperature of intention to some of this
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the same wrong. just don't you have to say out and engagement equals betrayals. when so many find themselves quilts of parts, we choose to look so common ground the the how much of the woods i'm pretty much ready to discuss. not the most long. you know the most used car class with, with ups or something. this is yes. could, could you check out the criteria, but it just is not an option. when united latasha me in the condo on screen, i just, i know it's given that form used to mis 5 years and she got those. so just on the
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board. so what kind of subsystem gretta, and who are sure to come with our bonus, we'll go over to them, cuz there's hope you're going to see the as much data, which is danielle, you still cannot. i'm with a very sensitive to you. we'll go from the native encroachments to say she did it the in the 3rd and it was actually to quite do it was at the which is dania. there's a month left to do much thought on the card with the former. she for the luxury ga that got daughter english, not the most, that's a name you know is not will describe the back of the what i'm,
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we're cause of him from the notion of the on the if the difficult he asked of the name is that i just described, pick it up and you zip to cardboard, and nobody in their permission. they put the massage on your window. thermal starts with accumulating as little by additional limited in our project near above. are you with them on my comes to me. i did you meeting last year to you soon related to car thought i am name you to keep the product you doesn't need to and you're mrs. dealing with the beach and fix it on the open fits that are on their way. the progressive are on the, there's a lot the, some of the key of to point the dns pad, your new, deepest. it's on the invoice for the most mission type of bullet force. now we're building up city or the to me, a quick email. and when we're interested in that kind of which is 2 types of data vendor pathology, roughly it already has to happen that's coming from it or not,
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which didn't start with them and they didn't submit the new colors to the really close. nice to line. yeah. a tiny, you come in the, from the video from the store so that you said that we need you to that sort of both a little bit just kind of similar, surely when you, when you, when you press the button, you asked about the mattress and from the new nipples of my knees, providers only the nurse from me to this day, and remember her to live. i'm covered with documentation, destructive crime, which to die. that's cause i would do it the route that i'm option usually produces . sure. so settlements with that secondary line usually was the fittest of us. of course it's listed on the, on the never mind the chip to that us. but it was just about what say that the because
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leave with the but of course it was span the good to coverage. he was tell you, i'm glad each the caesar said, if i put the board, they just moved to us cock that the but the should, i'm the, here's the best that we started the jello. but guess what you thought was a used car that was used to, particularly in the pretty much the just the, the, the dealer stuff. but the last items which adopted me yesterday to sort of cut through today, you know, used to clearly uh, which is danielle deer. uh well, what i know were just talking towards the lee to the dot net, just the new editors here drops at the will. lynette with the local gods. connecticut is probably giving you some near below that machine. you think you'd be cheap? no natural. that's just because it's not nice to go to that. those still live, we do 2 cards to do in the community, but all the novel chain you do 10000 in particular plots across score the patricia
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to so let's just look across the time security. not as like another sweater. no good. i'm just the store, the other one and the digital guns cannot on that is for me to check the system because i'm writing in nutrition, so gloss know how much at the q b. well it in the book got this instead i am so uh, i'm also instructions that the read doesn't. what do you want to continue the 1000 you sent it as name of this and the sam june, is that pro us? not for them. then you the community for yeah,
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a starting the music of like you speak i'm you should go to, there's not but he's yet to present. right. and i'm not sure what have you and you know down the money on the floor and there's 2, but she's happy. she's got to things that's getting. she could form a sheet, but not in that. it's due to me. you have to play to upstairs and what she just was that she got this cool you know, slow to slip. joseph jones, this is due to go to any cause. any ups near though it is easy said that you will to new for me and you can come in to facilitation exec nice to get of what used to do to good thought in the sam did it. yes, the steps here to skim to douglas 0 and then you cut here now which to still was beautiful, which is both best binding. the pm pioneers assembling those days. she placed at the do to cut the addendum as a kind of the and the with jasmine. so then you put the predicts set, that's good the nation. so he said this, the estimated one from what the team that you put goes much a little who were sending it. thanks so much out your thoughts as she is on what
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she meant, what your thoughts cause on which i mentioned that so anyways, kit comes to questions melanie. hala was 2 guys, could she can get a chance once you get me to just buy it and we're trying to keep it up to us that we use for services that are supposed to move into. you want to see that actually it's a brush thing. i knew it sneezing and yet i was not to go. and then with this one, they just want to best buy, which one is more to choose from? that is, the, at the said since then incentive, we will, which in independence and then there's doing the position of progression from the line station us if the which in the initial was
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perfect enough changes. and that particular on the 1st year of school and i have been with the last couple more interested at the local cost cost on those can some of the portions to hold and extension again, things to special needs. this will show the content again when you have this too, and you used as a desk guy use terms to not possible for them to have for so much energy. and you've got the room on the baloney oceans, not just on the us this morning anymore. i nibbled a little check in chromebook. she crushed to the reason you're supposed to bring it as we chose that i'm not for sure. it sounds like she made those choice. the opponent luann sky painfully sued them.
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which i sent them. yep. i'll put it. put in that are pretty up to date. yeah. my name's patricia industries show you the funding. i thought let me see what i expect you to know what the what the full gas company your thoughts on that pretty home. mister skips vehicle snapped us. it's not that sure, i shows can pretty much come up with some of it, all of that stuff. you knew what i'm putting you on to put investment in the table by the portion of time. sure of. i'm kind of nice to meet you new kind at the end of it as many times with your what is your most popular opinion or really you, of course, let me show with the most it up to produce hooked it up, say. now what category? those are the moisture from us on the not just that you know,
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which of the former the chauffeur dung. construction of give services putting it up based on the move you as well as from the up to mystic ikea today because that's behind you. and the suit to cut the cut, the portable and you should all normally especially she did. i remember she clean them at us cuz i still use the key to to use the kitchen is in your thoughts as your manual read it. to me was just pulling a desktop with me yesterday the where's the road he spent unless you have a question posted on this, try to get the band at them. that's just the last off charlie attempt to add the ssl. so through the system stand, 1st, the
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mattress that flows, do you mind? watch the email? no, i these cock this at the conference shooter itself or to your email. you punches through the trust, there's no bosses i bought the you much trouble with the north, mike getting some goes up some of the stuff. send a form that you lets me you will each doesn't ring schedule text or speak to oh yes, no. show progress. number with which, which is in your global credit and you sign language, but i'm not saying you have, which is tim, what i'm, what the tax is. do i need nibble designers? that's a need of couple in this credit. so you need to go in this portion of it and i know that the credit is nash with no mega byte. and then that should say, you know, what's your concession the mean? yeah. the
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the if you don't help any human being collective or individual with a pathway to having their most basic needs met status, a sense of identity, a sense of meaning, security. platinum, at least applies. russell wise in the west. if you don't do that, you will have called the, [000:00:00;00]
6:00 pm
the, the red carpet is rolled down for the arabian president told me to let him it put him in the heart of moscow. on top of the god straight, the price is a polish sign, and then no stop calling to connect the nation's also a head student. this is just a few united states. he's in charge. it turned out that in practice they explained what their allies that's the russian president, the underscoring that moscow believes in the global economic modeling, body fat. something that he says is disregarded by western partners on the southern guys and set you a rough a comes on there is riley attack. and the area of the enclave. refugees were


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