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tv   News  RT  December 8, 2023 12:00am-12:31am EST

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the united states, this murderous affair, is being underwritten by joe, by the name of the american people the, the pain all last mourners. very bad last ones and wrap them up to the as really minute treat struck the board, the 13th despite assurances the civilians with these types of that. meanwhile, and video set to show as well as mass fit tensions offices for me and thoughtful building cost. we are risk everyone and question them. we will continue to dismantle all the areas until we are done. 2 the angry scenes and how to code celebrations in the to roost. and um, what is raining right? windows were allowed to march and meals 15 at the same time. kind of sending prep put students in fact to have counsel christmas prescriptive in full authority with
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all christmas celebrations and cancel that plan. and that was fine because it's impossible to celebrate christmas and have all the tests. the 1st one that is a genocide taking place and why they were in the world, the work of emergency services is dangerous. but here and done yet, that's putting it lightly. they on the fire at $55.00 to $2.00 are killed to move that adults and injured in the line of duty as they come under a ukrainian miss. natasha. we report from the us, announces minute treat trails would be on a top, submit the south american nations territorial dispute with pen as wait us, which is only intensified off to the discovery of oil fields and the just the atm had mobile. so walter dots international,
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it is great to have you with us this friday. i mean all starts with the latest on the wall in garza, at least 25 people have reportedly been killed in the southern city of rough or up to as well targeted. an area it had previously stated would be safe pacific islands rather than solved rafa could be seen paying the final respect to the fact that with devastated relative struggling to comprehend that loss. so to those who to how to find safety in the for the city. describe the situation that the i'm from the jabante a cam pie was displaced in the school, but these radius bomb, the school and i came here. as you can see, this is a life. yes, my children, i live here and the god knows all condition is very difficult with much suffering. there's no boss and there's no food. what do we do? we in gaza would greatly
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a preston subject to degrade too many ation. i'm running around the streets until i get a piece of cloth to cover my children with. you have live, how can i do for the will when lived in peace and was safe in our homes and happy? it's difficult to sleep from fear and tara, but still hungry because there is no food available. my children spend the whole day hungry and it is with a great difficulty that we even find bread. i cry every day, not a day goes by that i don't cry. i'm afraid for my family and my only sister, there's been no news about them. well as here, just how those people was from trulia in the north of the unsafe and ari which the idea of naples as a terrorist, strong hold on is filed to raise to the ground. did you buy the other besides a volley and should yeah, yeah, our strong pulse. they are also refugee camps of terrace. we are fighting them coming, but they hide on the ground and come out and we fight to, to wherever remains in this area. those fighting those internal shafts,
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those in homes, we investigate who is connected to the mosque and who is and we, we are risk everyone and question them, but we will continue to dismantle all the areas until we are done in jamalia. and should julia and honey eunice and any place where we operate, we will continue in the same way of is this well on the evening of the ideas briefing, this video report today showing palestinians being detained by is where the soldiers and gaza a paid on social media, now it is hard to verify when the footage was taken, but it shows man who has been stripped to the west sitting on the ground before being taken away in trucks and was fighting intensifies in the south of the unsafe power magic's unfolding to have been scrambling to carry patients into the local mass, so hospital by hands went up to that claimed a f. one arising is in critical condition and the nicer hospital is already
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over crowded with patients. you have the facility keeps receiving injured civilians around the clock due to the ongoing muscle groups committed by israel. we have received scores of marchers and injured is by the lack of medical resources and supplies, and the city and lack of transportation. the hospital continues to provide assistance to injured civilians for right most of the injuries are in critical condition and left their homes for so called safe places, but does full then the senior watching speaks for itself. well, this footage right here, so is the off the mouth of recent strikes on the out my policy rescue. g come, the seems revealed, destroyed the buildings, one pauses, papery and a desperate fit to find the remnants of that pulse supplied flow to be seen searching through the ruins. here's what's on that to say. as i know, delta i'm the month i get heavy. i was a neighbor at that, and this was a residential building with civilians living inside. every tenant and the buildings owner were providing shelter for displaced individuals in their homes. that makes
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the current situation even more catastrophic is nearly $70.00 to $80.00. people were inside and only 16 survived. the rest remained beneath the rubble and we can't do anything. you can see the evident tragedy that has happened here. they are all unarmed civilians and children who yeah, well, i didn't get that. so i decide to look 9 pm. we were going to sleep nearly after half an hour that had happened. we thought our house had been show you to the mass of problem dogs. but it was our neighbors cost. thousands of marchers felt that we're all right. my mother, my father. now my family are intact except for minor injuries thing. god, may god have mercy on all marchers who must endure this or deal to liberate policy . so what does the to, as well marks the start of how to come right wing is ready groups march to east response. old city holding on me is really government to take control of the with it all acts up most the well,
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you'll know who is that the most pay to the one of the who yes. the sites for as long as you days. and christianity is really officials have been tightening restrictions on muslims attempting to enter the compound even for food. the october 7th, attacked by a mass, please for a cop besides a noise. radi citing hate speech and protest is disappearing. months prior to the march, a large number of offices were dispatched to the damascus gate and preparation for the crowd. the mulch in jerusalem to know it is a blatant tarnished attempt to set fire to more arenas in cosmo destruction and death. as prime minister, i approve marches in jerusalem, but not violent provocations. if there really was a cabinet in israel, he would not allow it a while. we had a chance to speak with some of those demonstrators who claimed that the march was a show of support is where the forces point of the march is to show support for the
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army. the soldiers fighting now in the guise of strip and were here in jerusalem because this is the capital of the jewish people, the place of the temple. and i'm going to watch to towards the temple about and in the march at the west and was now in the temple mount is there you're out. there is arabs, they are enemies, and we don't want them there. and we want israel came back to the sample mom, then the little the sample. again, the 3rd dimple. so here is always celebrating the 1st night of konica. it's a holiday where the jews celebrate, serve victory over the greeks. and on this day of hon, across the 1st day of hanukkah, they decided that on march, which would lead around the walls of the old city of jerusalem through damascus case and then to the west through all demanding rights for jews to be able to pray on the top of mount, which is always placed on the wall for jews. right now the total amount is
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controlled by the walk islamic chargeable trust, which is the jordanian base entity which limits the rights of jews to pray in the holy aside in the world for jews. so marched. 1 and about 8 o'clock with them to get more than a few feet when the soldiers and the police stopped the march. not really clear why they said they didn't like the signs that they had seen. they didn't like the chance that they were hearing the or more extreme is in the group of 200 people that were chatting. things that were inappropriate are considered to be racers. and right now they're just kind of hanging up signs and tried to protest for the right on the temple mount. however, it seems that within the jewish community does no consensus serve a support for as well the rob i of international and design as stultz jewish group . that's not who are a call to believes that as well as the claims of a palestinian territories have nothing to do with today is i'm unlike with an electrical and trust whatever this states of is. the representative say is
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repugnant and repulsive because we have to remember judaism is a religion of 3000 years to be subservient, to gone, to uphold the words of the total design. and this movement is a political nationalist movement that spotted a little over a 100 years that they've taken over the land. they want the national home, and they ignore the will of the inhabitants the indigenous populace. and they are trying to use the religion to justify the cause. it's not judy, it's judy, isn't it for bids us to have a home, a national home since the destruction of the temple 2000 years ago. judaism for business to kill and steal. they are using the whole cost as a guilt ride, that people should be afraid to be outspoken against their occupation to the criminal occupants parties using. oh, as i said, that isn't that if you're against them because they use the name is the court. the jew states, but they are criminals, that if they're not the jewish state,
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the jews refused to accept occupation. it's an insult to my grandparents. it says if it picking up the rashes and burning them again by using the whole costs to occupy. they are the ones who are the anti semitic people, the ones because they have who they are, the ones are causing haste and bloodshed, they will be removed, then there will be, be scotts help or speedy removal of this occupation. meanwhile and best can palestinian christians have counselled christmas facilities and some of our 2 with glosser. one touch is even prepared and unusual nativity scene to show what christmas will look like in palestine. the nativity scene features the baby, jesus lange, and russell. the installation was conceived as a demonstration of fuel appeal. so many have gone through and protest on with children and women killed houses for with families display. we spoke with a priest about church this year. i'm sure i didn't want to have christmas
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celebration, so i can something bethlehem. and if you would and but this time, because it's impossible to celebrate christmas and have all the tests with us when there is a genocide taking place in orlando at when children not being pulled from under the in order to touch in bethlehem. we thought, what is a good way to bring the meaning of christmas tonight, for what people says, but also to send the message to the web. and the idea of this main just came out of the idea of maybe jesus under that of the to signify the stuff setting to the pain . and that god identifies with us in our society and that god isn't solely deputy with those who are oppressed, if jesus is to be born today, he would be born and set that up as a, as a sign officer, the deputy with those who are oppressed and going through injustice and faith. so
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please remember that in bethlehem, this is what's happening. and i hope that this message sense, this main just sense i missed this to the web so that everyone puts that effort together to and this one to 5 i just had been killed. and another thought to, you know, wounded off to the, came on the ukraine in mississauga talk house that they would backlink put out the place to an industrial area open. yet autism quotes some of this report from the scene to anywhere in the world. the work of emergency services is dangerous, but here in done yet, that's putting it lightly. by me, you can see the wreckage from a fire that was caused by ukrainian strike and right after emergency workers arrived here on the scene. another strike took place here at what was once an asphalt factory. should i believe that this completes the 2 that are more shall and literally 20 meet just from here just across the straits on a top production fund was head to as far as i know,
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everything was covered in smoke and suit. it was scary. the building and walls were shaking there before tax last night. everything was in smoke. you couldn't see or hear anything. it was impossible to breathe. people were taking refuge any way. they could. some live in more heights and bathrooms. we don't have shelves as nearby, no basements or anything else. you children cried, i'm shocked. it's just, i'm bearable to live like this. i'm local, say, repeat ukrainian. strikes on civilian infrastructure here and done yet. are nothing new for me to do. it must be a little, you can see the consequences for yourself. the cistern was on fire, their ordinary people here and there is no military. then emergency services arrived. ukrainian forces have such tactics. first, they strike, then a look out, gives the word, and then they finish you off to emergency services. workers were killed as a result of the 2nd strike. 35 year old son gave was 50 and 25 year old roost lawn
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started called according to locals. it said that they were killed right here in this fire truck that still standing here today. and there weren't the only people who suffered as a result of this blast. there were another 13 firefighters who were injured as a result of it as well, and had to be hospitalized. but it is it, it, and she is do to get his emotions, associates involved in extinguishing the top fine. up on the arrival. she didn't begin for a 2nd time. as a result, 2 people were killed and so teen, but injured, necessary medical care is being provided to the one day. it makes you wonder what's the point of striking the same area several times over an extended period of time knowing that civilians are going to be here trying to pick up the pieces after what happened? was it an accident or an act of deliberate killing of civilians? donald corridor r t. finance people's republic. chinese officials, how about the u counterparts to maintain dialogue with russia about how to resolve
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the ukraine crisis on restore security in the region. the states and came, was taught for brussels officials with visiting basic decisions based on this one, which is the security. so the way i was just is there re braces. it says it was all about your genes address. sure. about super easy your well the who has been recalibrating, it's for me as a serial for and policy towards china. but the ukraine conflict remains an obstacle to developing relations father. china has to remain neutral according to p stokes and rejecting functions against moscow. european commission chief us of on demand for phasing stone from the wolf defines its relationship with the west. i'll send
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you a follow up to tell you that institute on a time getting believes the new tries to blame china for every single time. it seems that the you wants to blame china for um, everything from its trade issues. uh all the way to, uh, you know, saying that somehow the china has the duty to end. the ukrainian conflict in china is very consistent. that is, and they're the same way and gaza. you do not condemn either side. if you expect them to come to the table. a china is perspective, is that without all the parties at the table reaching some sort of consensus, you're not going to have a lasting piece is going to take both sides sitting at the table. not just, you know, the, you and the us saying that they're going to somehow win without the us providing arms and munitions, weapon systems and an additional monies. it'd be very hard to,
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for ukraine to go on with the political will starting to go down. and europe being faced with this idea of the us doesn't provide arms and ammunition on the theory that it will, you know, the, the, you will have to buy, or europe will have to buy weapons and ammunition from the u. s. given the economic realities it's, it's clear that this is not going to have a long run the way they us has announced kind of alternated ministry exercises with great news forces, font size tension, so the contested oil rich region of s k. s a keyboard between brianna and venezuela . meanwhile, the presidio and president and you'd have to so by is raising alonzo for a potential escalation station who is not welcome and left in america. i feel what idea i'd like to say that we're going to treat the guy on us as a quibble matter with great care. because if there's one thing we don't want here in south america, it's a war. we don't need a conflict,
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but we need is to build peace because we can only develop our country in peace. what tension as far as off the venezuela held a referendum on sunday with the majority of the population, 13 in favor of recognizing a 60 by law as part of the nation. i was on his way to present later announced matches to formalize the move. one was the grunting state oil and mining companies licenses. to extract nicholas ventura went on to reveal a map of the country, which now includes the new territory. the guy says they organic law to regulate the creation of the state of while yana is a cable and all the seasons of last sunday. this is a completed map really, really stayed on oil company b, d, b as a and stayed on mining company cvd immediately proceed to ground the operating licenses for the exploration and exploitation of oil, gas and mines in the entire area of our, well, ya know, as
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a cable professor of latin american and carbon studies at the city university of new york daniel sol. but it's about his weight on the, on a con, resolve the dispute piece pretty. there's no reason for president mohammed or finally to be on the phone with anthony blinking to coordinate military exercise. and so you should be on the phone with the vin as well. leadership with nicholas my little so you can resolve this in a peaceful in liberally way. then as well as b is not with diana, is with exxon mobil to the china webinar, as the guy needs to do, their bidding is no reason that the guy needs need, the green goes the yankees, the us impaired or lose to intervene when they should be cross border talks and there's enough resources for the guy and he is in the bed as well as to both private and mutually agreed upon democratic ways. so this is once again the us trying to create an enemy, a boogie man, so they can justify. huge expenditure is what we're going to benefit is the us
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military industrial complex in bite. and charles bush, obama clinton's, it doesn't matter. they are spokespeople for us militarism and find the money territorial disputes across the americas, all the result of washington's monroe doctrine, which box 2 centuries since december was strategy. but essentially to cut central on south america. the backyard of the us was signed by that in president james monroe with the state is going to fight to your pin coloring into some of these. rachel blackman's looks at one of the many cases of how the policy was used to justify washington's interventions in the western hemisphere on the rest of the well. the monroe doctrine just turned 200 years old, but its role as a tool of us foreign policy continues to be used to this day. to argue of us has the right to intervene in latin america as we continue our look at the doctrines of legacy. we turn to the way it was used in nicaragua during the iran contra affair.
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the scandal occurred back in the 1980s when the administration of ronald reagan secretly sold weapons to a wrong to fund the congress. a group of anti communist finders in the garage was president reagan initially signed an executive order in 1981 authorized a covert ca operation to support the right wing rebel group. the starter overs wrote the left defendant needs to a government. daniel ortega in nicaragua, i must speak to you tonight about a mounting danger in central america that threatens the security of the united states. this danger will not go away. it will grow worse, much worse if we fail to take action. now. i'm speaking of nicaragua, a soviet ally on the american mainland, only 2 hours flying time from our own borders. but not everyone was on board with riggins planned to target the government in nicaragua, and that included democrats in congress. in fact,
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they passed the boland amendment starting in 1982 in an effort to prohibit the federal government from providing military support for the purpose of over throwing the government in nicaragua. meanwhile, the c a was air dropping thousands of 15 page manuals telling nicaragua to love their country and shares their freedom, how they could sabotaged their government. president reagan, austin, american, people in congress to continue the finance of the central intelligence agency, chicago war against me, correct. he says he's a is to make me come rog would cry, uncle to bring in about a restructuring of all governments as we're trying to make us quite unco. based on this different style resistance, we know only one cry, the chrysler peace with dignity. that is, was, was sick from the united states, despite the crimes committed against us will extend a hand in friendship. congress began it's official proceedings in the investigation of the url and contra affair. in 1987 and the testimony from it brought new
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evidence to light, revealing that reagan knew up and personally ordered actions that appear to be directly on with the congressional restrictions against a to the contrast. the purpose of this meeting is to focus on the political, economic, and military situation in central america. there seems to be no prospect that the democratic leadership will provide for any vote on the nicaraguan program. i would like to get money for the contractors, but another lawyer said that if we go out and try to get money from 3rd countries, it's impeachable offense. the lawyers argument is that the us government may raise and spend funds only through an appropriation by the congress after riggins 2nd term, and that george h. w. bush became the next us president. and in 1992, he pardoned the remaining 6 people whose convictions hadn't been overturned on appeal. notably, the us on its investigation, found the reagan administration's efforts to overthrow the leftist government in
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nicaragua. included support for an issue that reagan's own wife took a stand against drug trafficking. there was substantial evidence of drug smuggling through the walls. phones once a pulse of individual contreras, contra supplies, control pilots, most of the reese, what was the controls and control supporters throughout the region. us officials involved in central america failed to address the drug issue for fear on jeopardizing the will efforts against me, correct? why? so what gives us the right to meddle in nicaragua? well, according to the deputy director robert gates, it was the monroe doctrine. he also argued that the congress had no chance that over throwing ortega's government calling their efforts have parted. and he argued in favor of a more aggressive approach that included the use of airstrikes. the fact is that the western hemisphere is the sphere of influence of the united states. if we have
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decided totally to abandon the monroe doctrine, if in the 1980s taking strong actions to protect our interests, despite the halo of criticism is too difficult, then we will to save political capital in washington. acknowledge all hell dismissing stop wasting everybody's time. gates was notably appointed director of the c, i by president george h. w bush in 1991. and he went on to sir, the secretary of defense under president sports, w bush and brock obama. a reminder that all this scandal was made possible by numerous members of the us political establishment. they did one of the things they do best, they protected each other from accountability as well. that is how we're going to send this out. we will back up the top with more calls, but if you do want in the meantime to check out all the competitive stories and have a great day, the
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focus of us focus groups probably a little how did this wish me? so can you guys just sent it stays picks up the
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new printer, which is the new story i just used to move in sales and they just sucks. so good. i used to be asking here the soonest, the, the the
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holy man and the society or sound like this as you please just proceed to a new order. 5 bags of cocaine, of 5 grams each. some customers are planning a big party and they've done slow to else move straight to this neighborhood, pianos, every street and every corner. he works fast and he's always on time. the
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the damage done is one of the wells longest rivers and has a huge base scenario. it's also the world's busiest in terms of drug trafficking, estimated to be with $10000000000.00 a year. and most of that illegal trade isn't cocaine. the most expensive drug for the elite in this area, the price is at its lowest one don't of the grammar. but from here launch batches are ships to major cities like my house and tell them about him. regardless contain costs as much as a packet of cigarettes $5.00 the world leader with.


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