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tv   Documentary  RT  December 8, 2023 4:30am-5:01am EST

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the the holy man, the society or sound like this as you while these just proceed to the new order. 5 bags of cocaine, of 5 grams each. some customers are planning a big party, john slow jail,
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some new stranger to this neighborhood. he knows every street and every corner. he works fast and he's always on time. the . the damage done is one of the wells longest rivers and has a huge base scenario. it's also the world's busiest in terms of drug trafficking, estimated to be with $10000000000.00 a year. and most of that illegal trade isn't cocaine. the most expensive drug for the lead. in this area, the price is at its lowest. one don't up the grammar,
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but from here launch batches are ships to major cities like my now central room, a bunch of them. where a gram of cocaine cost as much as a packet of cigarettes. $5.00. to the world leader in cocaine consumption is the usa, but prizes can reach us on is a $150.00 a gram. and those little white lines run all the way to the top. celebrities see use politicians even to some of us president jones. but until i was at the, at the center of the cocaine scandal, the white powder seems to have become the entry tickets to high society in the us. one americans in town has allegedly tried cocaine at least once in their life. and most of it has for the us from here, the amazon where
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they say me getting man to be shocked me and i will barker that are the only less clear the news of the last thing i know i see is one bill as a new layer it was k is, is less core you chose here, but i think the ciocca thought of we said it was king, but i used to get out of state court carry him has lived in brazil for almost 11 years. he is a 100 percent. don't shift the drop down to the prestigious university and most go try and did a promising job for a life of adventure who are always on a web shift. sure. but you know, it's and you do more than you are kind of yeah. and yeah, and yeah,
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is there anything you guys seem? yeah, i could somewhat by, since i'm with the numbers. yeah, i mean look on the x over the fact that the reason we have some problem, we asked the to my dad and prospect time, especially because he was main source of income is fishing trips, which he arranges for the most exclusive play until it seems that life is improving, but this business has become very dangerous. you can run into drug dealers any way . they don't appreciate too much attention to the cutting is always on the run. investigating the m as in situations where he can take his clients and where he definitely should be, should stop at talk of all the cameras on the i'm the, i'm on voice just recently these go, i mean i'll keep them in stock on as long as even you know, but english financial,
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those are the, was a little that for the rest musical one you can throw in addition to our existing are going, you need says, thought i know your focus, the staples simple by different do that process and get out. and then i'm going to just keep it. i think i got on the a what the fuck a water leak. i some finance when use i have to marry can either get but as for your stores are very am. yeah. but they 1000000 not, of course of gulf views, and i made a gift sale, but i just need shots listed knowledge. and what's a commode mean? the uh, bulk system that the, what you guys are courting us more through a family that has a pain the way they got but that most places to buy fabrics in your chit is amazon. katarina is busy looking for a new fishing location. regular customers from the usa have been calling him to ask when they could come, but no, your phone started back. somebody today anyway. the
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situation on the river changes constantly. conflict wrapped all the time. drug dealers didn't just fight over the business, but also for tough. cutting decided to seek advice from his old friend, peon, who knows all the latest developments in drug trafficking. the piano is a typical which kid he gets from one of central rooms will see us to families posting a combined income of hundreds of thousands of dollars t 6 behind the world, protecting a mixed marriage family which is very common in brazil. his father is from japan, his mother was presenting kia, difficult as of course, the thing that has been my dream is that to the substitute a strong financial back case that he's not afraid to talk openly about violating
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social norms for the law. his family will always get him out of the most hopeless predicaments, the phone the the the so
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jen recommends that korean travels to what he thinks is the safest location of vista, a small fishing village on the banks of the remember the ceiling is used for an off century, most sooner rather than most of the crime in the center room is committed late at night, almost 2 thirds of his drug related in one way or another unofficially. if the police sold 30 percent of all crime committed in one night is considered
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a success. the drug trafficking here is massive. for me for a lot of noise, i key symbols. so if you change your palazzo by march of this, so the kids have to name, which is bob that you sent me a b, c was made on the door not, you know, i just want to get the key. for example, today is what says if each key or there might be able much, but as inside book, excuse me, if i can afford to go to do that, we are a possible yacht clothing. i the foresight space mark was the view, the name of your former father, where you get into
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the police a country and people likes you well, jesus does not to use his real name. officially, it works as a career incense with him. he's been full years in prison for coleman robbery, but his only just been released. his friends helped him find a job delivering pizza, of cost. but that's just the front. the not who is and he's been installed. i'm officially single thing. so my 5 a few here it is there's no such thing as an ex criminal around here. you why that was sold read. come on. the countries biggest criminal gang for the rivals. northern family. there it will, those inside prisons and on the outside. they compete football, if you doubt, let's for the most stores after drug and amazon. here to see
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this is the last home footage showing a bazillion police sergeant motors philip and don't you. she was a very sociable person. everyone in the city knew, including counting the amount of stella was ambushed and killed by full point blank shots, killers of you have to be found. the whole city he bade farewell to the same as police women. not a stella was buried in central them. hometown on her birthday when they get here to ellen, down of the toner to somebody, kayla from the start to print last 4 feet
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a mile the of the space things. and so i will move this as soon as you do want to see if it'll attempt to find somebody la. yeah, here most and most of the plays a side explain to you guys to just a brief phone to do some things. i believe you said comes at the market buying a handbook and other necessities for the trip next up to the pool. the only way to reach the fishing village of the vista is by ferry, the cloud, but i didn't know which it said it was. the problem was emily. it's not the
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thursday's any longer gotten the some your tamala metal? could i just you? because i some people ideas where you more which of the meal which is floors effect the drug dealers explained to ruthlessly. there you go to sees fishermen's lands and homes any way they can see me and they kind of bleak, their new life here. waking up, it was a lot of computer the boat with a 6 ferry trip carry note to the few possible fishing spots, but his american claims he reached the fishing village at dusk, which is not the best time to visit such places.
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the police kill is always here on watch. say that 6 years kareem is trying to persuade a local guide to take him by boat to visit his own fishing friend, the man reluctant to increase the baby by tonight. if you'll have a better idea about whether it's worth doing business here, went to the
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focus of us focus groups, valuable audit is still with me. so can you guys just send through space to accept the of the team members visit the new site, which is the story i guess it sucks. so it's good. i used
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to be honest. can you just the the of the day they're reaching out about the rates go san for the sun, positive glasses on the with the scale moving and see the much noise in the rest move used to arrange fishing trips together. recently his friend built a new home on the amazon's banks. as a matter of principle, there was no never use as a mobile phone or anyone who knows
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a needs him can always find him here or not. if he wants to avoid being found physical it gives us the be the columbia and but why? somebody's bought the review process. let's see for the some of the machine to see the difference. you to jude you who the clock. ok, don't call you know, and i can put on your bus. i pulled the tools. okay. but as a human knowledge, mozy, how good are you here? keith size, you might have to look ahead. i mean, because she is your well was having a busy night after the big shipment was moved by river. he received a bunch of orders. criminal games with the police have long become
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a daily tradition. see he's who is a fight seniors if someone because you've got to have like some of these the how to you up with this? oh god thing. so i think being caused by fiscal and in mistakes i was calling about how you welcome bye bye bye. you know what he means to me, the, the guy that tell you is cautiously still, it's the engine. it's easy to run into traffic as on the river off to sundown. there are lots of other boats, including vessels carrying powder. they can still choose not to take any chances. kareem was invited to spend the night at mattel's his house. he had recently been visited by criminals who wanted to seize his land and home for storing drugs. it's i have the ever on confident
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you'll see a lot of the children are up early in the morning, which starts with a traditional brazilian breakfast of happy oca pancakes. mateus decides to go on camera to talk about his problem. good news on the see kind of much. i thought i could have been decided to finally came out to you i q and on your team to mr. science and the you plumb interviews for my the use the, the key key for me. i think i found a boss, right, joanna, the police here that can somebody wait for the boss got up leaving them within the about an hour on your data key. okay. and then
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they do differently. do find this office. i'm going to shoot obviously as you will see, the changes to these dates for say go i need some people know of the young as well, like in the city whole way works. this project is almost finished and the planning ability today, especially since you brought in a fresh batch last night,
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done is very low, but doesn't limit himself and everything. he works in the modeling business, preparing goals for beauty, contest, his job goals for inspiration and new ideas. the new for me, that sounds interesting. and the last of them either that will keep moving in some way to uh drastically frustrated bad because it did usually allergy to try to push the little bit more about your mind change how to do he should want that was the 3 but quality of like you mean,
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is it all with cash and cheese? some botching the marsh. i come home most a sort of midway are going to be a huge if i can budge world high enough to come by to focus on i think adult ends are among the few safe inhabitants of the amazon. but tell us decided to show career one of the visitors drug dealers, how i doubt the title physical more the more no more. and so here's what i do for you. thank you. the, i think on the phone for me, and this is close to where mattel's lives, the police recently run sector drug dealing dest, confiscating several 100 kilograms of cocaine dealer. according to mateo is still here at night. you saw the memories,
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how things you perform the policy. we see that a lot of they hired me to show them what i got in for the fall face. and meanwhile, the state governor arrives. and so to them with humanitarian aid for local village residents, practice and building materials. everyone's getting ready for the governor elections, land for peasants. north drug dealers is the slogan of today the scouting the river. that's a good fishing spots. kareem need silva and a cheese more than
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a simple village had every day. they have skim issues with drug dealers at 1st, silva and a strongly advise is korean to leave. but then decides to give him a tool and was hoping to see him on a i they this is all i see a lot of timely ad for me. do not
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go outside at the gene. yeah. add on for my dad. the villages, plastic on something to do. the some fuzzy on my essay cam energies a they said all i use don't for them. do i have issues that phone so do that after you know, you come from dollars is yes, just for so please you definitely use an i $716.00 and a bunch of deals. and you know, as i'm more junior, the watching the get up in the subject. yeah. and are you scared of bulky code? should i change that key to the point on the laptop here devices. you see the names on
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the lease, the sample even deal. even with a key focus in tional lies. c will be nice. nice. nice. it will be nice for fee. ok, the most it was for me, the source name was my dentist to find me just gather stat and i will send you a bought a silver on a carefully instagram that this is not a good place for fishing. the main drug trafficking roots us nearby and the criminal sort, the account goes into smaller batches here. they store load and send them out to see silver and it has a diagram showing how it all works. the cell phones
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out here, the shit, c o v v for much of a beta the p each 5. can you go with the p o box, which is what for the c age concussion? each of the 13 key or then there's a long yeah. moustache to the is josh the new key and on my cell. ready my age, my home, the way the guys in every way of human log that story, if anything, we have somebody ideally, if i order new lease less voltage, shall i be a little being concerned about that and some of those can wish i say it time for us and you
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said your house, same, same brazilian police are doing can sometimes even more to shut down the cocaine distribution channels that you know for mother. so the dog for mazda service is, so she was on the wrong side of van, the children i spoke to the, the, the the
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the who, when i would show the wrong just don't you have to shape house after and engagement equals the trails. when so many find themselves will support, we choose to look for common ground, the the slaughter and suffering. and guys that continue unabated is real appears not only determined to eliminate how box but the palestinians, living and gods, but as well. this is only possible with the blessing of united states. this
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murderous affair is being under written by joe, by the name of the american people, the pain of no mona's buried that loved ones. in rough uh, cost would be, is really military struck comfortable to succeed. despite the assurances civilians would fix facebook. meanwhile, the video said to show resolve messages, henderson saw officers from and baffled north and boston. we arrest everyone and question them. we will continue to dismantle all the areas until we are done. 2 7 angry scenes and how to concern the braces, interest, and i was ready right wing as we're allowed to march in the old city of the same time kind of send you an crystal.


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