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tv   Cross Talk  RT  December 8, 2023 5:30am-6:01am EST

5:30 am
the the the hello and welcome to cross ok. we're all things are considered. i am peter level, the slaughter and suffering. and guys that continue unabated is real appears not only determined to eliminate how boss, but the palestinians living and gaza as well. this is only possible with the blessing of the united states. this murderous affair is being underwritten by joe biden, in the name of the american people, the processing power assign. i'm joined by my guess line or new york. he's a legal and media analyst in toronto. we have judith deutsch, she is
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a member of independent jewish voices, canada, and be real. we crossed so late, left her dumb. she is a man to expert and independent work reporter or across up rules and effect. that means he can jump any time you want. and i always appreciate line and let me go to you 1st here. i want to give you a quote and i'd like your reaction. we have a retired idea of general names. it's a break to quote all of our missiles, the ammunition, the precision, guided bombs, all of the planes, and bombs. it's all from the us. the minute they turn off the tap, you can't keep fighting. you have no capability. everyone understands that it cannot fight this war without the united states. so this is americans, so that the, if it's a present the future solution, but then we use them as foundations, the nation to build all of the tomorrow. they're closer to the young people, how to act as those who have recently graduated from military academies. the jelly are showing you the same spirit that we have seen about centuries and the defenders
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that on the 5, the left on the in the 3rd here and feed so that you are amazing should see when you're not in the country takes a mental tried to do these people, you know, and so it's a great, honored to me. but what does that sound like? i don't have to be presenting the gold stars to pretty much go. okay. but the one across the street from korea to remarks q range of the blue shows they come from literally cities you and they fight shoulder to shoulder and you protect it. there are these 20. busy links not around, come on, you to see, did you say your thoughts? he would just together, so appreciate it. i'm borrowing unit in the publish in the comment as a young people. so he led matthew through with spiteful duty skills and the whole thing difficult for me is that they destroyed the enemy, me including the west of the questions i was doing the destroying the mess up on. yeah. but anyways, the districts has been submitted to my certificate for the manual. so to me on the,
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if not with a fuse to the state of the art technology, just want cities come to retrieve the admissions myself, eating a funeral. and then there is an aerial vehicles and the best choice. i'm not going to the comrades from the battlefield saving lights, beginning of all those who are receiving the awards today showed no issue with the temporary coverage for you. thank you. and for your service interest, you would just kind of go a good scenario with good cheese all here is what i suggest for a country demonstrate. and you said that you would want to change shop around for valerie, as doing this, to get coverage isn't us. and their example, i can actually get some type of a hold of us and you know what, you can get a self sacrifice about only part of the bravery. that's just what i was also temporary last year. and those kind of a lot of work into the whole process. so me much the defense succession which is just appraisals. and those who are the existing point functions will complete, but also increasing to production output to those who make
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a contribution to boosting precious feet, length ecological migration. so you can only send the cultural server and so he's not to unplug it. and they've also grateful to the volunteers gonna have to use who names always do, but you need to find it for us over things. but then you do 4 together with a country to and before i knew you were always ready to do what is it the just kind of what must be done to me is something i see when i meet expect people when i see you, when you, when they leave them there, but the test ration come through, but afterwards unit see you to the way they are support each other. how does this product here on the battlefield under like sean list see in the civilians? google just says, i mean, i feel that society has to be consolidated, not from a very light. you've been a sincere love show boyish to address. you know, what, what's most us forward, what allows us to, as amount of anti virus. if she was telling you that, i'm sure we'll do that together because it will be able to get you to choose from
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our goals. immeasurably related shell. there are children and grandchildren. that's when we have a hurry done. our best you sasha, and our comrades in the battlefield and you will, doesn't. i mean for, for the future something will be proud of us. you'll get away if readings on the heroes of the day. the doesn't easy deal that i see he's going to get us see it was was divided crazy is that the president of the russian federation williams covered over carriage and next year was pretty slow in the status of recognized by award to be able to move on to much sooner sessions future boxing did out of on the
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the, the watch. so most of them do you, do you do you and your thousands, your area of in the data so mostly to them to go. so you mobile, you do, you know the tendency to edward because you move the,
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the, what is, what is it down to? let's just get you that up. so what time of course i just the president especially with us, started with local, another guest. at that something you're going to say it's going to the special, but the only recognition contributed that's on file, off. and then one way to, to our entire unit adjusting that data, no way that i went on the other. and they called anybody that wants to, but it was a, do the words of greetings from of the people who are in the front line. we will never go back and just stand the stand while we can go to the new level. alexander law, 5, it's the name of the
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c o some to be 0. mm. you see on the sides and the room, is there any the data. so most of them to me say level or look students and it just depends on kind of the
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but the cool when you cool. mm hm. cuz i will go over those who are both stadium, betsy, the 2 accounts under dollars the see of them to me g o. e. yes. so i've been comments, thoughts, and ideas with some of the of
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the gave you the bolts, you know, because you, when you go ab to have done me kind of pollution the left similarly to them to but the civil look, see move you to slow the tenant mux and patasha of
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the stand similarly to them too. so when you google, you meet the tools and the other tenants in this part of the left, so most of them to the side of to him to yuko. you go a tool and you nurse options like cartoon go
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the but vocal when you cool they should we be able to download the you super easy to scroll down such a little go 10 and cancel the they go when you see the store, i'm do you and the ability to handle every show us the
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my, your, me, the little us level, the 2 major yards level, cooper, the, or that i get those, the tech premises. you go to and i show you this is like
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a c heroes are not, people are many words not and you slow a, sorry go i got an approximately they say they have to saying he'll go to the battlefield and their leaders don't speak and allowed to assess the words when you make the match license on your own words, suddenly nobody more likely to do it. you sign the title of cio russia on the board because she would have duties as you guys did you want to mention is that what i mean? respects to people in your units every day we are isaac, but it's your hopes on us revelations the there it was a live pictures right there for you from the grand kremlin palace on a value and self sacrifice throughout from the president speaking there and
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addressing goes and attendance for this is today, the heroes of the fall, the line day, the russian president vladimir putin handing out the gold star metal to the heroes of the russian federation. and i put in saying that he's very grateful to those, not just on the front lines, but also in the defense sector, both personnel and that of the manufacturing base is grateful to the volunteers who have joined the fight for sovereignty. as put in said beads, all speaking louder than was he also said of his time in history. russia has never been more united to stuff a lot of us soldiers that returning from the front lines receiving that gold star metal, the hero metal, of the russian federation. more details on the names of all the soldiers going off on a website to dot com. very good to have your company for that. sorry monday just now from the grand kremlin palace. well for now back to our regularly scheduled
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program here, we're not to international the in the wake of israel is intensified attacks across the gaza at the us national security council, a spokesperson. john coby says that washington is not in favor of a permanent ceasefire. and not conflict, we do not support a ceasefire at this time. and i think it's important that we talk a little bit about what we, what we mean when we talk about a permanent ceasefire. that is a, that is a step that you take in a, in the, in advance of ending a conflict, both sides weight and arms. and it's a sign that we're going to get into some sort of a negotiations and the conflict. we don't support a permanent ceasefire dis time, but this might have washington officials than's supposed show. the majority of americans favor a permanent truce while less than 30 percent of posted in new york and the big awful here. what protest as a saying over the of the ceasefire. thousands of 1000 people or be killed by israel. and the united states has been sending letters to israel. the us
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government has been colonial projects, all of the world that house displays people from their homes and everything resources. and i think we see that happening in palestine just like we see it happening. we're already a few months on whether we are seeing that it's happening right now in the process itself. i'll repeat and even north or if it gets the thing, that's the fact that this is going on and that nobody really is copying these. they are, it's cause really the power to stop the so that's why we are here for a few. this is a fight for humanity. anybody under one flag or another, you know, human lives are being destroyed. and we're here to say no. according to the host of the conservative daily port cost of jo, old, but he believes a long time. truth is the only way for both sides to move for as he was lying when
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he said that a cease fire. so he was lying when he said that a cease fire was only used as a final deterrent for when the conflict was over and that's not true. cease fires are used all the time in order to bring back down the temperature of what is happening in the nation. so he was lying about the fundamental use of a cease fire. cease fire should always be used in order to stop people from died. and he was lying about justifying the fact that he can say that a ceasefire is a necessary c 1st absolutely necessary. this is the problem when we talk about washington. can we talk about the united states is that they rarely tell the truth . and the other part of this is that why not have a c spar? you have a meat grinder, you have people that are dying and we'll meet women and children and families are getting torn apart and you're having an entire new generation of terrorist. they get generated, i mean, just call what it is, people that are upset over the fact that lost their mom or dad. the grand parents are children. those people are going to want vengeance. and so you're, you're creating, you know, are perpetuating generational hate for,
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for a 2 groups of people. it's wrong, it's wrong what you said as long as fundamentally wrong. but everything coming out of washington today is fundamentally wrong. well, the so called safe zones and guys and may become zones of disease or human suffering as well. there's neither sonnets ation facilities. no water provision that's according to the un children's fund, and living on the endless bombardment table and gaza can hardly called any place safe. meanwhile, the us state department says that israel is aware of special un designated humanitarian arrogance. most of people go so people should go the and the size. let's take it one question time before you ask questions on the answer. so people should go to the un designated sites except for you general say there are no safe places in gaza. there are shelters that's live video and flag that are sheltering thousands and thousands and thousands of people, men, women, and children who are trying to stay alive and get some food,
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get some water. we have seen since the beginning of this conflict that those places that fly, they are like habits have enough insight, but i did not say that they were saved zones. that is a different concept we have seen earlier in this kind of conflict. the idea of safe zones and what instead we have moved to what we have supported our areas that are the conflicts insights. and there are sites that are you in flag facilities that israel is a, what is real, is aware where those sites are. israel has placed them on the conflicts and list and israel's not supposed to target those sides says and own the fact that every person born or guides and guides, i must register with those ratings and they know exactly where they live and where they stay. and so, so yeah, somebody who's right in that sense that these way knows that these are you in designated centers and they're flying that you and flag and all that stuff, but they target them nonetheless, as they did today, god is the size of the larger washington dc area, it's not
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a very big place. said 2300000 people. what uh, what are they going to go? so you keep moving from place to place, then you hit them on the road, you have them and their new places you ask them and you have $0.10 or so it is just nonsense. i mean there is no safe place. so he also discussed, but tiger so will climb is by is right, including raise on hospitals. here's the sake of this and that, here's how the us to stay. and the problem is those person responded. if it did happen to get to work on site, i would say that is a tragedy is a tragedy for those. it is right. it's a tragedy for their family members. it's a tragedy for the palestinian people, and it is a tragedy for the world. but if it happen, it's got to work right? or is that a work site? hi, i'm never going to be able to make an assessment here. you saw today make a conclusion about more concepts. they were very deliberate fast finding the process where we then apply the satellite. it's not something i can do, but it just shows how critical and the place it is very nice to the government is,
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i mean, they are, they can easily issue an, you know, more crime description that need expense on in sudan and against the present. the russia against, you know, all kinds of places where there is no stock evidence of such a crime. but when it comes to, you know, plenty of evidence starts. you evidence, physical evidence recorded evidence day after day. in fact, several times a day of work comes it keep getting, you know, repeatedly committed by as well. they shy away from describing it at such as the united states of america that really allows israel to go on with bombardment of the civilian places at the u. n, a place to be, say, a national organization of places, and so, and then nobody will that the dropping bombs on the center will cause that hundreds and thousands of dest among civilians. they 9 states is the 1st and premier and power of the israel's aggression. so every single ballast,
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any and that is killed in gaza was actually killed by a us made bomb or be an issue is ready. i'm boss of the to the u. k. is described past the as, as, quote, i mean, we population a see and this is the, is i was going to a lot of efforts to evacuated civilians has statement. how much efforts as well is doing to make sure the palestinians will get to a designated areas in the southwest area of guys or something that's not in the past. all the countries did for limits population that is real, has always treated the past is a, as guilty. all cost is including babies. i mean, you know, when you were to pull the plug on incubators, i mean is, and obviously you consider everybody including babies that were born after october 7th, to be an amazing and the to be hostile and then to be had legitimate target for
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those ready military the question is, will the world, you know, one of the major partners of the world, russia, china, india, i mean, all the major part of all the people that will they take us to, to prevent it or taking a polish for a couple of minutes or one how to international, returning with headlines from ben, his way to china, the mid east. i know the the, the, the the
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is the bed to monday for keys to the city or are you here? we usually buy more into the account. and that's and in the, remember those actually exist very square and prosper. yes. the
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floors and then the very next day or the due to the new system. look at that which and 2 jobs to the right of the same as your energy is used by the pipeline. your subscription to the illustrative. which lexus messages here on some submit the 1st of all, but these are the, was the avenue struggle. the price was sticking with the brother party to ship the bridging lot. if you do here for the same at some of this, how much adds to it? yes, i did it the usually the i'm not sure the, the truth and the solution the that i'm with, it's just the name, but i'm with the system. i mean motions portion of to much better. so for us the, i do understand that, you know, i'm see what i see can give you, i'm come the general,
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the new shows and stuff on ocean photos. and then we see that you do. busy the the,
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[000:00:00;00] the, [000:00:00;00] the, the rapid collapse of the ottoman empire gave the arabs hoped for independence. but the colonial power. so their future differently. great britain and france agreed on the seizure of the aeroplanes under the guise of the so called mandate of the league of nations. baseball will play cause particular indignation in a rack, which was to get under the control of the british. in may 1921 rest with claim for independence broke out,
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both assuming and that she took part in it. soon the rallies turned into a real uprising against the invaders. more than 130000 people took up arms. britons urgently began to transfer reinforcements to a rack and used aircraft radius war secretary, winston churchill birds, the use of chemical weapons against the rebels. and general ser, i own are held a border the destruction of any village where weapons were found. burning a village properly takes a long time, an hour or more, according to the size paulding recalls cynically. in his memoirs, the media build girl d paid off. the result was crush. however, separate his empire had to make serious concessions. in 1921, it recognized the solve the 1st as the king of
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a rack and gave part of the power to representatives of the local population via racket. revolt marked the beginning of the national consolidation of the country and became an important milestone on the way to final independence. the, the pain of losing loved ones and gaza bodies lined up off of the idea of strikes the southern border circles safe to serve in the city a profile. meanwhile, video services set to show a match. the tension by is ready for it is different than we are risk everyone in question that we will continue to dismantle all the areas until we are done. the angry seems that tanika celebrations in jerusalem, where it's rarely ultra nationalists were allowed to march in the old city. the


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