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tv   News  RT  December 8, 2023 8:00am-8:31am EST

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the, the now is the time to make decisions. i will run for the post of president of the russian federation. breaking news on the international right now is not important. the consulting he will be running for re election in 2024. if successful leave would be his 3rd consecutive time as the rest of the president and 5th. overall, the dozens of killed and wounded in on his rightly a time on a residential building near the palestine red christmas party headquarters in gauze as kind of an indian police are on high alert. talk through us based seeking separately, the publishers of the threat to the countries parliament comes and made washington 11 o'clock. use ation is that new delhi target's seat nationalist? the
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4 pm here in the russian capital. this is all the international. so good to have good company because it is breaking news this our here on this tunnel. as of lot him a puter and a has now announced that he is officially running for the 3rd consecutive presidential time in 2024. the news coming off of the russian leader awarded medals to members of the military on the heroes of the fatherland. the yeah, the merits loves the production. what you've done so much for our don boss. the federation council has called the election of the president of the russian federation, and i, as a person of all our people, all live down boss, are, were united lans would like to ask you to take part in the elections because there is a lot of work to do it is still necessary to go through integration, establish social ties, and economic formats, and simply establish an ordinary peaceful life. and under your leadership, we would like to do all of this. you are our president,
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we are your team. we'd need you russian need you. this message was thank you very much. i won't hide it. i've had different thoughts at different times, but you are right now. now is the time to make decisions. i will run for the post of president of the russian federation are getting ready to close, right. but now joining us here live in the sure to for the continuation of this breaking news. okay. so it's getting out that we're getting some reaction here and that, but just to be like we've been in the business so long. you shop the surprise. i'm not soft, i'm not surprised. we were expecting this announcement to come at some point. so we're starting to get a few down to, to be honest with you because there was this investment form where he was sites and we thought, well, it's coming to the end of the year. the last few days we've got the announcement that the elections will be held march 17th. so if he was going to announce that was helpful perhaps of the investment form. this is where the news would come up, but still nothing. and then here we go today at this awards ceremony, and he did it sort of as a, as a, by the way,
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we've finally got some clarification from the crumbling spokes person. he was a big journalist. we're asking them how that this happened. so many people wanted to know for so long. how come he just blurted it out? it seems to to these people. and he said, well, the criminal spokesperson visit this golf sets for he was asked these questions by the parents of those who were awarded heroes for all, for their flights in the special military operations. so in the way he, he couldn't refuse. he couldn't say no to these people. now the man in particular who was asking this question, he is the father. not only is he, he been awarded a metal for his bravery, but also he's the father of another man. the father of someone who died in 2020 to 28 years old. latimer show guy who was there. it was during a ceasefire. actually when he was helping his son to take people out through
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a core door to safety. and then according to the statements, the national, less ukrainian nationalist, spence fired military attack and he died. so this is the father who asked lot him, i presume the question he said, we want to see you have on for the president in 2024. what will you do? and that was the answer. let's have a listen again. on behalf of my comrades, all my friends and acquaintances, we ask vladimir putin to take part in the presidential elections. he said to this request, but times are always changing. but at the moment he will be with the people and will run for the presidency. so that's how it and follow that. and also afterwards, during the less asked me to discuss again, supplier 5. so can we say that this is the 1st day of lateral hooton's presidential election campaign? and they said the fact though, yes, but legally speaking. no, because they have to register of course, and go through the,
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the official procedure. but yes, it's official that he is running for president. the elections will be, like i said, march of 2024. and we are expected to hear about other candidates popping up. we already heard the, for example, from balance in the much the ica who said, who's happy about this? she is the chair of the opera house of the federation council. she said it's really important that he is chosen to consent me because of course we know that at least have been some challenge and times and yes, lot of our approved and has managed to drive russia out of these challenging times . but the mind must be full i or drawer a, so we were down. so like i said, both he continue with he wants to even vaughn for presidents. so valentine, in montana cassette, it's really important that he's choosing to continue to be a candidate at this point it's, it's not a guarantee. the west can say whatever they want, but it's not a guarantee that he will win and come on march. let's hear some more from balance in the monthly income of all precedent has never avoid does and does not to avoid
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responsible decisions. and today he has once again consent this i'm sure the apply to may have let him or rich made his statement based 1st and foremost, on the real demand of the russian people taking into account the will and spirit. and i think the lodging, they have let him or which pretends decision to go to the pools has become for the citizens of the country, and on. so too many and pull some questions and additional guarantee of the preservation and development of russia as a just on social state. russians clearly understand the car and you need cohesion, trust, and civic tranquillity. and society has been formed around the president of russia . a lot of revolution has said by the way, that he's, that does it, he's been having different thoughts about it, whether it's a wrong or not so wrong. but he realized, considering what is happening in the world, that he must run up and be a candidate. again, we're not saying that it's a guarantee that he will when we're talking
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a little bit about the headlines that are coming out in the west. and they're all now breaking news. you're saying that he will, ron? so just to let you know a little bit about headlines so far seems to be quite neutral. and then when you get into the article, it starts for it. for example, time magazine go, it starts and says, well, lot of our boots in on friday move to prolong his repressive and on the yielding thrift on the rush hour for at least another 6. yeah, there we go. let surely $0.01. and later, they stayed themselves boots and still combines why the supports after nearly a quarter century empower. and again, one paragraph later or a they say about 80 percent of the population approve of his performance according to an independence pulse there. so this repressive and on the yields in grip on those who support him, it just makes no sense to me whatsoever. it just doesn't stop, does it?
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no, you can just, you can write it without even thinking about it. the headlines and the west impressed. i mean, we've just been seeing it for so many years now. marietta, i mean, i just, you know, honestly, i feel sorry for those who live in europe in america who have to read this call can mean nonsense because it's just an outright bunch of lies. and i've been living in an outside of europe in america now long enough to see it so clearly. and i feel sorry for my friends and copatrick is who was still badly deluded by that political and media establishment. well, at least the gives them something to talk about and not pay attention to the mass that has happened, and the shame that they use as of a smoke screen all the time. whenever something's happening of something is bad in the country, they always try and bring out a scandal or something like the focus and attention on something else. yeah. and then america, that's where republicans realize we've been saying are all up in arms or say, tell me what police my attention to what is happening in the united states. fix that all the problems for you and then focus on what is happening in other
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countries. we, i mean, you know, the worst the media and the prostitutes, i mean that's really what they are. anyway, marina find so much. see you soon for that. so let's take this out of here. what i'll do international, the honey. so i am the executive director of the arabs center for research and studies joining us a live from cairo, a very warm welcome to today, sir. as we continue our break of use coverage, the russian president is going to run again. your immediate reaction honey, if you hear me, it's rory and moscow your immediately audio and the announcing his candidacy for 2024 a. yeah, i think it's a very agree, it's a new as far as the 4 is that i shouldn't be able to, but also adult, the boards and the dentist. and so wanted to see it before in different things and exec, let it go. does all can make i there for us. i did change and that international
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board is nowadays, so uh no going to mess the button for the negative is density, i think is, was due, continues the government in a restaurant is date and not also is that, but like we guys say the degree of relationship was, is the, what was the states like, is your thought of countries and a being in a position for the american is the room is the, is this order? i think the edition is what it's for is the management. it is the what is this to make a balance in the international? what did you go to edition so i think it's one of his there and we'd be interested for the restaurant the was. and disney is with america, has it as a head or some companies like united states over a minute ago, which when i told him about this and honey let's, let's talk about this, right. let me, let me just jump in for a 2nd. if you don't mind, i mean you're saying the put in going for election again is good for the middle
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east because russia is very much settings, a lot, solidarity and a lot of support of the palestinians right now on the global stage, the global political stage. you say it's a good thing, honey, but as you would just alluding to the west impress, i mean we're in a cause of revenue is just looking at some of the headlines here. they're already going for blood. they're already, you know, just costing fecal matter. this news that divided that russian present it is going to run again. um, why do you think the western establishment immediately starts throwing sterns when the russian president makes an announcement like this? yeah, i think is a city, it's a very the street towards the united states of america, one to one through ours that are strong position being is this a leadership role bank or thrown on demand are there for us and they have relations with many countries, most mostly in to me, that is or other partners, but also in africa and the bread and some chicago i, uh,
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3 minutes and the menu broke. so going on with the asian brooks to to they, they would have meant and perhaps that initially i think the rest of succeeds at school, the friends that got into the music is, and many of missus. and this is the one to see on that for him. but as for our shop is very interested on the make, agree to the lesions, it was a stable bonus. eat too many benefits to the the home or month. the font is not only for a one day election. so i think this will be both in the nation. part of the constitution wouldn't be a wouldn't be a, was it, was it from many countries and believe with find evidence, media and associate, or maybe a, a tax to. so i'm just to mr. hutton here in egypt, you know, with respect to, to mr. president, the button in the university is the 1st universe the entail. and he's of the,
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we find the mini mester and the doctor says about that. we need to go to the ship. i guess the study for most the most is nobody knows any other business because the make, i did the check and you and i saw in last, did you do the kids and the it'd be. ready to continue this uh they would have meant and this is bridget good, a control in the international relations. i think it went to be paid back to like a good city. this of i'm going to go one of the buses is what it is which they can uh, feel free to do. it was being in a certain, this uh, lower end is this, uh, a bit of, uh, these are like most of our financial, i mean, is the executive director of the art center of a research and studies joining us live during this breaking news. throwing off the international, we appreciate your time. thank you very much. thank you. during the program,
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we were talking with the professor of the institute of european studies in bel. great stuff and guy it she okay, what's his take on this development? straight from the quite berlin today, after the constitutional change, it looks like the 20, i think we could have expected that. that was a little run for another term. and i think that the, this is basically the only responsible move to make rush shop is in a global struggle now. and i would say that it is in a global struggle for the quantization. and in fact, schools, it is the leader of the free world. whatever people in the west think about the uh, this uh, word construction since the of countries that we used to call the 3rd world countries or the developing countries and peoples, uh, in them are predominantly supporting what russia is doing globally. i think that this is something that a was expected for a long time and now we know that it will happen. so. busy with your bill for sure.
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that'd be the president of russia. i think this comes is the relief i would say for both the russian citizens and for the majority for the majority. let's get more on this now. crossing live to watch these room jordan shot about joining us from new daily auto engine. there's about a 5 2nd delay in our transmission to just stand by with a if you would be so kind to india and a rush. i do have a very long history together, student as analyses running as you know for the presidency next year. can you, can you walk us through the ties that moscow and new delhi have band celebrate today? this announcement is um, dor, interesting, and special for india. now, as a why that is why this little question on the outcome of, of that election, which a lot the math and then would be running into modules 2024. but let me also tell
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you that india is also due for the general election or the next year. the data is not analysed as yes, but it will happen in the 1st of 1st half of the awesome wedding april me. know both the countries do for elections next year, and both the countries, the foss, one your or more for both new daddy and most school has been very, very solid, solid in terms of trusting joseph ties, solid in terms of also of the historic friendship which has deformed in the last your also i'm, when i see sweet ties, i don't mean just for, i mean sweet dies, not just in the energy sector, but of course also science trade. i'm talking about defense as well. i'm one of those that has only gone up and more so off to the conflict. the new creating had started the ties between new delhi and between most school has probably going off
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and no one though the plaza or something is all praises for not angel more the, the prime minister of india. and in their, it is to say, what christmas coverage to, 1st of all, i want to say that the relations between russia and india are developing in almost 3 years. we never discussed with prime minister moody, the ford and pressure india is facing. i just looked at what's happening and to be honest, i am even surprised sometimes by he's tough position when it comes to defending the national interests of india. trade turnover is on the rise. the increase will be significant this year. we understand that india has an advantage due to a lower price of russian fossil fuels, but they are right in doing that. i would do the same in such situation. but of course, this is not enough. we have far more opportunities. if we have trade turnover with china of around 200000000 dollars this year, then it would be right to increase the turn over with india further. how can we do that? first of all is to pay more attention to logistics and that's
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the reason why i point out is, is mutual between new deleon most coal between delta my point then and the reason will be now this entire your role in fact off to is on the conflict and you create a headstart, they did have been initially stuff for the india, given the fact that there was a lot of pressure shaming. threats from the west to india, especially when it came to buying corn from moscow with what india did was they continue to buy more and more oil. in fact, almost school became new daddy's the top on society or, and leaving behind in the us, traditional dominant or suppliers and doing died in getting really give our message to the west. that in the us form for the c independent in dell, is going to do what is best for indians for the country. and they are not going to be lectured or affecting the pressure to buy the west as to water in the us going to new. so not just in terms of oil,
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but all those sectors of what remember mosque when you daddy are also historic defense fox news. so all of tasks continues to go explored. believe that the coming time, the next yard, of course, this trade between both of the countries will continue to grow be have a relationship with our shop. it's in order to relationship which happened in one instant, one day, one month, one year. if there's an accumulated relationship all close to 60 years, often i see the problem defined in a way as those somewhere does some handicap that india has by having the solution for this relationship. i saved us a thanks. a summarization. coding yes for minnesota, essentially seeing that differential between new deleon, most squares of time, tested long it has withstood the test of time. and what we've seen, both stuff,
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the water new crane has started and how it goes, continue to buy more, more or it has happened the only because this been flushed between the 2 countries . only because induct in does had an independent policy in the all has done what it wanted to do, ignoring that the west all this life. oh, who was on just ripened shame, pressurized india a why india continue to maintain, dies with law school. and that despite the fact that most school was slapped by several sanctions by the west, which of course stuff now assign his boss clearly, we can see that all of that has for you. interesting. now that's module 2024 off. there's going to be an election in russia few months off so that that's going to be in the election in india as well. the outcome of the elections of somewhat expected . and if the state elections, which recently happened to the new york, indicated of anything at all, that is that india e as in a move to let moving to more the again. so it is going to be an interesting here
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for both russia and india got with both collections that are happening, what we've been out with a short amount of time with any child of autism or wondering charm exciting days ahead. thank you for that report. meanwhile rushers, general election commission has the announce imposing and next year is poland is going to take place over 3 days. polls opening from friday, march 15th to sunday, details right now available on our website to gaza. now where israel target's the residential building and the southern city of con eunice, it's located in the out a mile hospital and the palestinian red crescent society headquarters. we understand dozens reportedly killed and wounded the the
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study flow, isn't it more and more each and every day, mostly wounded, arrived at the hospitals and gaza children very often in a state of critical condition. as israel expand its ground operation to the south of gaza, at least 17000 people have died. since the companies are roughly on the 7th of october, that's according to my law. also adds to some of those other men and children under 18. and it comes with us, but you are an international children's emergency fun change. first name guys have the most dangerous place for a child in the world. but you and reports the twice as many children have died of the ink lab over the last 2 months compared to an old, local conflicts come buying since 2022. and the bodies under secretary general, which mandatory. and if, as had this to say about the lack of international action that we do not have a humanitarian operation in southern gaza,
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that can be cooled by that name anymore. we are still unloading trucks and the rafa crossing. but what we don't have any sense of charge of kindling is any sense of what's gonna happen tomorrow and to be specific. none of us can see where this will end. there is no exit for the people. the cause of the other is in gaza. as a result, hope for the future is at its best premium. they tell everyone every day we tell everyone every day there's no place of safety. there's no safe zones. people aren't even talking about safe zones anymore. and while the un or raises delama over there crisis, there is a deliveries have been so badly impacted a local driver. so there, i mean i'm a hearty brings us this report,
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or israel has been continuing. jerry strikes village reactions, actresses that gaza strip the concern by the people. many of them i've said enough to, i've written on social media and not for this the security council. let's must victor base against the, the, the crimes i guess. people buy from from hunger, people buying from the shortage of for the environment situation. see was it very well we will live in time. we're missing and that will land a mistake. you got to in the knows that we, the people who had this time must join us and can present even as the situation gets worse, got to put in that will be reprise, we have listened to a sample of the people sample of the people's reactions and feelings towards what's going on on the ground and goes up with as well. continuing gets arris reich's
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undergrad operations as well as the closure of the board, the crossings and the at entrance of the entry of the image of the quantities of assistance and h to that gaza threat 90 people just except for the hope that they that that war comes to an end on this situation of floor at asia and is coming to an end and the peoples this a place in different parts of garza written back to their homes where they live. prior to days, we're either war on the guys, us threats from, you know, say wrong. well, at least 23 civilians killed and wounded and as riley strikes on to refugee camps and gauze or on thursday you can see the devastation, right? that that is just by his rails, previous order to the people have gone to leave the north for their own safety. but
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as you just heard from that gentleman back just a bit earlier saying that on a safety zones, people aren't even talking about them anymore. so we heard from some of those people in central guns how would you don't pay attention to this? wreckage is was stunned by the lack of humanity among other countries, including arab and islamic countries is what is the european community who advocates humanity and human rights? what kind of human rights in europe, in the us talking about when a building with more than 18 people, including innocent women and children who have nothing to do with what's going on, is it the number of missing people is either 50 and we are incapable of pulling them out to live. i'm the that remains. what kind of humanity do you have? do you have? know? mostly i didn't get that. so i just put 9 pm. we were going to sleep. after around hoffen hour, the strike happened. we sold our house had been show due to the massive rubble and dust. it was on neighbor's house, and dozens of mazda has failed, but we are all right, and my mother and my father and all my family are okay,
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except for minor injuries. st. gold, may god have mercy on all monitors, we must and you will be so deal to liberate palestine. while israel does play, you may wants to prevent hate humanitarian collapse in southern gaza, according to that, and yet it was office is ready. security cabinet will allow a minimal amount of fuel to enter the area. however, the people have gaza, say the situation is long past the breaking point. it was where displaced and have no money to not find anything to eat. so the dream with a month that they looked at us with mercy, we did not start this one, west civilians to the heart of we have been greatly damaged animal. so far, i've gone to a pharmacist. there's specific medicine for the heart that i could not find in the beginning when we arrived was available. so what did not bind bulk and but one pack and us the back ran out. we started having trouble getting it. there was a through shortage to, to the increasing population and the number of displaced people from the north,
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specifically to the durable law ever had even a baby milk baby food nappies and pads for the elderly and not available since november, people sleeping outdoors in the cold and are exposed to viral diseases, gastro, intestinal diseases, uncall other. but unfortunately we're facing a tragedy and something very dangerous. there's no food, there's no drain cuz we're dying and no one cares about us. other people of gas are not human. the human beings, we're not animals. why do they put us intense like dogs? whoever wants to start a war to provide his people with a place shelter? i'm food medicine, we will fight for food and drink. there was no light, how not this is not life. this is death. now every one wishes for death included within the law of israel, or the presidents of the northern part of yang clave. many simply fled to the southern border city over 5, because they would pull to the un now says nearly 1900000 palestinians,
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about 85 percent of the entire garza population have not been displaced. so we spoke to them. i visited you, but the i'm from the jabante. a cam pie was displaced in the school, but the is radius bomb. the school and i came here as you can see, this is a life. yes. my children, i live here and the god knows all condition is very difficult with much suffering. there's no boss and there's no food. what do we do? we in gaza would greatly a preston subject to degrade too many ation. i'm running around the streets until i get a piece of cloth to cover my children with a you have live, how do you for the well, we lived in peace and was safe in our homes and happy. it's difficult to sleep from fear into the field hungry because there is no food available. my children spend the whole day hungry and it is with a great difficulty that we even find bread. i cry every day, not a day goes by that i don't cry. i'm afraid for my family and my only sister,
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there's been no news about them. so your total, those people who are originally from java jabante are in the north of the ink raven area, which are the idea of labels as a, a terror stronghold in his file to raise it to the ground. did you by the other be such a violent shoot? yeah, yeah. are strong holes. they are also refugee camps of terrorists. we are fighting them to come in, but they hide underground and come out and we fight to, to wherever remains in this area, those fighting those internal challenges, those in homes we investigate who is connected to moscow and who isn't to be, we are risk everyone and question them, but we will continue to dismantle all the areas until we are done in jamalia and should j. e in honey eunice and any place where we operate. we will continue in the same way of on the evening of the idea for anything of this video report. a showing palestinians detained by his riley soldiers a is popped up on the social media. frankly tough to verify when the financial.


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