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tv   Documentary  RT  December 8, 2023 8:30am-9:01am EST

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don't cry. i'm afraid for my family, my only sister, there's been no news about them. i think you're tired of those people were originally from java, jabante or in the north of the ink flavin area, which are the idea of labels as a terror stronghold and his vile to raise it to the ground. did you by the other be such a violent shoot? yeah, yeah. are strong holds. they are also refugee camps of terrorists. we are fighting them to come in, but they hide on the ground and come out and we fight to wherever remains in this area. those fighting, those internal challenges, those in homes we investigate who is connected to moscow and who isn't to be we are risk everyone and question them, but we will continue to dismantle all the areas until we are done in jamalia and should j. e in honey eunice and any place where we operate, we will continue in the same way of on the evening of the idea of proofing of this video report and the showing palestinians detained by his riley soldiers, a just popped off of the social media. frankly tough to verify when the footage was
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taken, but it showed the menu strip down sitting on the ground before being trucked away. now was fighting intensifies in the south of you and clave as well. power emetics and volunteers have been scrambling the carry patients into the local out and also it hospital adults. the claim that nearly everyone arriving is in a critical condition. the nicer hospital is already over crowded with patients. you have the facility keeps receiving injured civilians around the clock . you're through the ongoing muscle groups committed by israel. we have received scores of marchers an injured, despite the lack of medical resources and supplies, and the city and lack of transportation. the hospital continues to provide assistance to injured civilians where right most of the injured are in critical condition and loved their homes for so called safe places, but death full then the senior watching speaks for itself, the right to the west bank. where footage i fell in by the palestinian red crescent society. sure everything is ready for us is blocking the road for the local
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ambulances. as off of the idea, afraid of the outside, off refugee camp in the northern part of the area, a 6 residence scale there, according to palestinian officials. now as israel does expand his ground operation into southern gaza, those who have fled to the area have very few choices. way to go, i mean about we're talking to 85 percent of the entire gas and population are displaced. and here are some of the store the we are calling the civilians to leave guys a go selves. some us wants to keep them there as a human shield. this is innocent. civilians are going to be i to sign on. i see all the civilians and one of the,
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when they told us to get out of the house, we evacuated the building. and on the same day, they killed my brother in law's children. they bombed my whole house and then they bombed the whole neighborhood of about 6 houses. the whole street has changed, but we miraculously survived. we were left homeless. we are from the shoot johnny or districts neither tyrique bins the most the palm, the houses of our neighbors. so they were forced to leave the homes. when the bombing began, all the windows were broken, the doors were blown out, the kitchen sink was broken. and our children were slightly injured. we left our house and arrived at the chief a hospital. many times we were forced to relocate. but this is the 1st time we've
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been hunt. there are no windows, no doors, and full holes in our house. they so big even a purse and control through. it's all because of the foaming and shows the the people went to the south and there was showing, this is not a war. this is a mass murder, the 45 people living in this tent. we all sleep here at night. and yesterday the sewer burst and flooded us at night. there were schools page and death. let's see. so i
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can do the shortage of basic goods such as boiled sugar and flour. since con eunice has received thousands of refugees from across the cause, a strip, this basic goods can no longer be found here. my family's house was bombed. we lived our childhood in it, and our memories are with my parents and my father's brothers. the memories are all over the cleared at once and for all, as you can see, we're now displaced in the school. see how people are living in humiliation. if my parents are looking for a house to rent, the prices are very high, the water is, are as cars here it's, i can provide some on potable water to all of the refugees. many children suffer from intestinal colleagues due to the contaminated water. in addition to mel nutrition, because most of the food they eat just kept the we were fired on biased really tanks and rockets,
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our house with shelves. thank god we have miraculously survived. as you can see, we sleep outside the we don't need was a real food. we need a decent life. 2 to 3 was a car every year. we are very tired and we can't take it anymore. we all oppressed people and we want to live in peace enough with the siege. we are living and i don't like living here after leaving our homes. the palestinian people are resisting and fighting. the children will all end up in psychiatric hospitals. god grantham, strength and health, including my daughter, who as soon as she hears a sound, immediately feels fear the
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. this is all changed and i feel good to have your company today police our own hi, i look after a us based seek set previously to publish a video which is trucking to attack the indian parliament. it does come as representatives from new delhi at the us and i called on nation is to address trends, national cry when threats global met him. president, the response cannot be just local. the world has to come together to defeat these threats. we need to address growing political, all states complicity in suppressing the activities of transnational criminal groups. some states continue to provide support and safe havens to offend as of crime syndicates who have not only committed serious crimes bus also continue to home the economies of fed verse 3 states through means such as come to fishing and the dissemination of the currency of the adverse re state,
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as well as the supply of arms, drugs and other means to support tebow activities across the board to actions of such states should be held accountable to. well, they are separate as lead us struggling to quote shake of the foundation of parliament. next, when say that a month of grim anniversary of the 2001 attack on the indian parliament. back then this, the most terrorists are right at the legislature and killed 9 people. the separatists threat comes off to washington, a cute, an indian intelligence official often asked assassination flawed. a new deli, you said back then it will investigate the incident. let's try and understand the way across and lock to sort of go to a senior editor as to why the magazine joining us here live on, on the international a very well welcome to today. so how dangerous is the thread in your opinion? i mean, does the man have the resources to conduct or, or even order such an attack when good evening, happy to be here. the trig can not be understood. did i have
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a note type ever made to dis. busy rim, or any of it citizens can never be under plates. but to say that the model has this also has to go to an object. the leg doesn't apply like that, that's just do foxridge to do foxridge. and then the 1st veto is enough, though. they have been coming in for the last 3 years. no one has been thinking seriously as a to the mazda citizens, but it's called the security agencies, the law enforcement agencies, and does diplomats, they have been working closely with the governments of canada. i'm us, i do not this a man who has been making some very exotic threats on an offer. okay. or so. so it's nothing you apparently uh, we shouldn't take it too serious and he, but, well, i wanted to ask you, mr. group to, i mean, what reaction from us so authorities, would you expect to someone saying this on american soil? the recent trip from this gentleman was about blowing up in a line. no, not
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a line that doesn't differentiate between the citizens of any country. in 1985, when there was a bomb, they go from a counted as late. they will continue to instill, does read. so one would expect that the americans would consider in gonzalez's strategic buckner in the, in the pacific. they would take this trade seriously. but as so far it appears they haven't been doing that. it's very, very important that the white house works closely with them. their names are more the government, the new daily news shows that such elements do not get the backing. they often get i got so i guess i'd ask you what, why, why, why america still allows this guy to have refuge despite all of this. what, what, what's, what's, i guess? what's the agenda that is a lot of speed. that is something, a lot of people have been asking document. they're leaving many to government. if the u. s. government is having double standards because they go out across the one . they are free to not whoever is applied to the american state, but today it is mixed with similar claim. i'm the we,
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those that are from the open. this is no bonds. but as if you read this, there's no speculation. the mind has been said to make a new citizens vanden state on camera, that there's enough latricia available for the us government to both secure do have, this is not some sort of a minority that's been persecuted in india. this is not some of the dream. he's chasing, that'd be that is even feasible, even amongst his own people that has its own committee within and there is absolutely no support. i wouldn't even say there is some support there is absolutely no support 0. no, it's not up for him. i mean, the us government offices refute which makes me, which makes many wonder if you as indeed holding up the strategic partner thought dr. gifts to india audits just to make that good stuff in standards. all right, so you added to try to go to joining us live here or not. you international, very grateful for your time. thank you for your analysis. thank you. many territorial disputes across the america is, are actually the result of washington's monroe doctrine. it's been around for 200
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years, and the whole doctrine basically declared central and south america, the backyard of the united states. let's see how that's all played out of the past couple of centuries, his unties, rachel, but of the monroe doctrine. just turn 200 years old, but its role as a tool of u. s. foreign policy continues to be used to this day to argue the u. s has the right to intervene in latin america as we continue our look at the doctor in the legacy. we turn to the way it was used in nicaragua during the iran contra affair. the scandal occurred back in the 1980s when the administration of ronald reagan secretly sold weapons to a wrong to fund the congress. a group of anti communist fighters in the garage was president reagan initially signed an executive order in 1981 authorizing a covert ca operation to support the right wing rebel group, the starter overthrow, the left defendant needs to a government. daniel ortega in nicaragua,
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i must speak to you to night about a mounting danger in central america that threatens the security of the united states. this danger will not go away. it will grow worse, much worse if we fail to take action. now. i'm speaking of nicaragua, a soviet ally on the american mainland, only 2 hours flying time from our own borders. but everyone was on board with riggins planned to target the government in nicaragua, and that included democrats in congress. in fact, they passed the boland amendment starting in 1982 in an effort to prohibit the federal government from providing military supports for the purpose of over throwing the government in nicaragua. meanwhile, the c, i was air dropping thousands of 15 page manuals telling nicaragua to love their country and shares their freedom, how they could sabotaged their government. president reagan asked the american people in congress to continue the finance of the central intelligence agency is
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called the war against me, correct? he says he's a is to make me come. rog would cry uncle to bring about a restructuring of all government as we're trying to make us quite unco. based on this different style resistance, we know only one cry, the chrysler peace with dignity. that is, was, was sick from the united states, despite the crimes committed against us will extend a hand in friendship. congress began it's official proceedings in the investigation of the url and conchar up there in 1987. and the testimony from it brought new evidence to light, revealing that reagan knew up and personally ordered actions that appear to be directly on with the congressional restrictions against a, to the contrast. the purpose of this meeting is to focus on the political, economic, and military situation in central america. there seems to be no prospect that the democratic leadership will provide for any vote on the nicaraguan program. i would
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like to get money for the contractors, but another lawyer said that if we go out and try to get money from 3rd countries, it's an impeachable offense. the lawyers argument is that the us government may raise and spend funds only through an appropriation by the congress after rigging 2nd term, and that george h. w. bush became the next us president. and in 1992, he pardoned the remaining 6 people whose convictions hadn't been overturned on appeal. notably the us then it's investigation found the reagan administration's efforts to overthrow the left just government in nicaragua, included support for an issue that reagans own wife took a stand against drug trafficking. there was substantial evidence of drug smuggling through the wall jones once a pulse of individual contreras contra supplies, contra pilots, most of the race. what was the contractors and contract supporters throughout the region? us officials involved in central america failed to address the drug issue for fear
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of jeopardizing the will efforts against me, correct? why? so what gives us the right to metal in nicaragua? well, according to the deputy director robert gates, it was the monroe doctrine. he also argued that the congress had no chance at over throwing. ortega is government calling their efforts half hearted. and he argued in favor of a more aggressive approach that included the use of air strikes. the fact is that the western hemisphere is the sphere of influence of the united states. if we have decided totally to abandon the monroe doctrine, if in the 1980s taking strong actions to protect our interests, despite the halo of criticism is too difficult, then we ought to say political capital in washington. acknowledge all hell dismissing stop wasting everybody's time. gates was notably a pointed director of the c i it by president george h. w bush in 1991. and he went on to sir,
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the secretary of defense under president's george w bush and brock obama. a reminder that all this scandal was made possible by numerous members of the us political establishment. they did one of the things they do best. they protected each other from accountability or shifting gears to africa now where hundreds of thousands of to new seasons are suffering from a water crisis. it's basically the result of a 4 years of drought. and the world bank projects, the amount of water per capita in the middle east and north africa will fold below what's known as 8 sconces. the threshold by 20 on the
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on the few we are the structural water prices and the problem is increasing. it dates back to 1995. when denise you, what scholastic find them on the 27 countries facing water pressure, a round water resources for over exploited beyond the renewable capacity. and after 30 years, the issue with surfaces indicating the failure of public policy. the best way in a city of what's a crisis, there is no irrigated krupps due to what this constitutes. if there is rainfall, the cultural season might succeed with something from thirst and high price is due to the water shortage. some fall must even have to sell their livestock. the
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still is the current dime levels stand at 22 percent relying on rain for next year . it is projected to be rainy and shrink significant water supply for drinking throughout the yeah, we study water rushing based on scenarios. the committee from the ministry of agriculture is analyzing lessons from policy is focusing on securing possible boards and preparing projects for the upcoming. yeah, the as well as a recap of where i can use, where it is all here on the us international as the russian president vladimir putin has confirmed, he's gonna run again for 2020, for the announcement made officer and event at the kremlin when a military officer at a ceremony for heroes of the fatherland off the president,
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if he would run again. and vitamin put in said yes, all the president's car and powers is head of state expire on the 7th of may next year on 3 days. as of everything in the next election will can clued on the 17th of march. now if food and succeeds it will be his 3rd consecutive time. 5th, overall, 2018 and and about election pollutant received over 3 quarters of the vote and an amendment to the russian constitution approved in 2020, allowing mister pruitt into running for the 3rd time in a row. just for a 2nd. let's uh, just hold on a moment and have a quick listen to help put in a nouns is re election bid. yeah. so that's the amount of inch you've done so much for our don boss. the federation council has called the election of the president of the russian federation, and i, as a person of all our people, all live down boss, are, were united lans would like to ask you to take part in the elections because there is a lot of work to do it is still necessary to go through integration, establish social ties, and economic formats,
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and simply establish an ordinary peaceful life. and under your leadership, we would like to do all this. you are our president, we are your team. we'd need you. russian need you. as it was, thank you very much. i won't hide it. i've had different thoughts at different times, but you are right now now is the time to make decisions. i will run for the post of president of the russian federation. i mean russia's central electric commission to announcing that the voting will be taking place over 3 days of friday, march 15th, to the 17th details on life. like we continue the program and just developing if i were going to take a very quick pause here at all to international returning and about 8 minutes the
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the the is the bed to my lawyer for teeth to then city on are right here. we usually buy more into the account and that's in the, in the, remember those are still exist very squares per square. you can give me a solution to the next 3 of energy to be nice as then look at that which and see chops, deity, right up the same as your energy is used in quite some your subscription. but the most part of which messages here on some of the 1st of all,
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but those of the what the avenue struggle, the price was sticking with the brother party to ship the july. if you do here for the same at some of this, how much adds to it? yes, i did it the usually the i'm the to the, the truth and associates the that i'm with, it's just the name, but i'm with the system. i mean motions portion of the to much better to for us work pretty doing that, you know, i'm so you and what is it can give you on come the general, the new shows eat and stuff on ocean photos. and then we see just to do the
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the little one. no, no, no, no, no, not for to most of the location of the unit 731 was a unique organization in the history of the world. what they were trying to do was to simply do nothing short and build the most powerful and most deadly biological weapons program that the world had every now through you know, to production with it. so i guess it was the great deal to bring it suddenly looking sort of as you keep a move model. uh, mazda thought, dismissed union. one of our from the sale. i
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don't understand. i wish to know about doing so need. i know you gave him some more or less than a to you it's. i have to put all of this kind of them of the a party bill because you cannot push the couch. so that's good to go. if you want to funds this to somebody in new on it on site, isn't more simone? good. so you don't the you are not on the ticket bus together. the slaughter and suffering and gaza continued wanda,
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beta israel appears not only determine to eliminate how box but the palestinians, living and gods as well. this is all the possible with the blessing of the united states. this murderous affair is being under written by joe biden, in the name of the american people because they already, gosh, they are cps because they kept the store i visited and then use familiar email. few are just going to offend them to the rules, the notes, the theory of racial superiority, finished style for years of creating an ssl all the place and 14 concentration cams . so the full prisoner of war labor comes 10. prisons, a well, you know, simple jewelry school level. she's been me and you can use on the scene and you need even the big chest is really to get ahold of that. could you look into the beatles going to be approximately 25000 people went through the occupied of go to
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finish camps according to official figures. these move stuff, dudley looked at it, the ship did utility and i give you an idea. i'm not sure it's just the size of the stuff. so the youngest, i mean, yeah. what the famine disease forced labor to achieve by the warden. so for me was what was the last it also need you to continue the density of it almost human off. what does it, what it is, 9, push that 6 up. the give you feel at 230 because he doesn't do those thousands of testimonies of crimes and the impunity of criminals. nothing more when you've got here, you know, one or 2. so do you to speak to me in the did i tell you? yeah, for the good i see it or released upon me, they decided to do it. you got to do, please don't. so you can just do it. but this is danielle. that was put in the middle of the, of the
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1935 fast is easily led by dictator benito mussolini decided to expand its colonial empire in africa and take over the d o, b a by that time l. p a was the only fully independent states on the continent. back in 1896. its inhabitants were able to defeat vito young colonists and defend their independence. since then. rome craved for revenge before the humiliating defeat. in the morning of october 3, 1935. without any announcement, the foxes attacked ethiopia and bombarded it most severely. d. d o b, an armed forces bod, courageously. but the roots, ality of the italians knew no bounds. they use not only massive bombing attacks on civilians, but also chemical weapons,
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toxic gases. this change the course of the war. as a result of the occupation of ethiopia, by the fastest 760000 people were killed. the capture of the african state was committed with europe's tacit approval. britain and france recognize the annexation, giving the green light to a further fastest expansion in the world. and davy and the way for the outbreak of world war 2, the russia country rich in for different modem heights in the community rates and very diverse matter terry. so the old who live here the see if that's a glance at the international russian expo,
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the and the know is the time to make decisions. i will run for the post of president of the russian federation expert can use right here on how to international a lot of my podium kind of pharmacy will be running for re election in 2024. if successful, they will be here supposed consecutive to me as the russian president and 5th, overall, the thousands of killed and wounded and is ready attack on a residential building located near the palestine reg, present society headquarters withholding about causes ton unit an indian police on jaila top for us based sequence, separatist data publishers as a threat to the countries parliament comes them in washington 11 and accusations that new delhi targets seek nationalist.


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