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tv   News  RT  December 8, 2023 12:00pm-12:31pm EST

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the, the, the low is the thing to make decisions. i will run for the post of president of the russian federation. right here in news on all 10 to the last to the confirm he will be running for reelection in 2024. if successful, it would be his good consecutive time as a russian president of the world. the dozens of killed and wounded in his radiance, slap on the residential building, located near the palestine red crescent society headquarters. in garza's con eunice . the event goes to impinge joe biden. as his son, the home to is investigated for a legit financial crime but could jeopardize the presidency.
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the life almost go this is on see you. my name's was her mom in 30 minutes of news and views thought now. so that's why i'm breaking news here or not. she international where vital bit puts in the has officially confirmed, he will be running full of a 3rd consecutive presidential. the next year the news came off of the russian liter wooded metals to members of the ministry on heroes of the fatherland bay. yeah, the must. so that's the heart of which you've done so much for our don boss. the federation council has called the election of the president of the russian federation, and i, as the person of all our people, all live down boss, are we united lans would like to ask you to take part in the elections because there is a lot of work to do it is still necessary to go through integration, establish social ties, and economic formats,
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and simply establish an ordinary peaceful life. and under your leadership, we would like to do all this. you are our president, we are your team. we'd need you, russian need you. this is mr. edwards. thank you very much. i won't hide it. i've had different thoughts at different times, but you are right now. now is the time to make decisions. i will run for the post of president of the russian federation. i'm not soft, i'm not surprised. we're, we're expecting this announcement to come at some point though, we were starting to get a few down to be honest with you because there was this investment form where he was sites and we thought, well, it's coming to the end of the year. the last few days because of the announcement that the elections will be held march 17th. so if he was going to announce that was helpful perhaps that the investment form, this is where the news would come up, but still nothing. and then here we go today at this awards ceremony, and he did it sort of as a, as a, by the way, we've finally got some clarification from the crime and spokes person. he was there
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during the list. we're asking them how that this happened. so many people wanted to know for so long. how come he does a letter to the out it seems to see the see for the criminals folks personally visit this golf said, well, he was asked these questions by the parents of of those who were awarded heroes for all, for their flights in the special military operations, so in the way he, he couldn't refuse. he couldn't say no to these people. now the man in particular, who was asking this question, he is the father, not only is he, he been awarded a metal for his bravery, but also he's the father of someone who died in 2020 to 28 years old, lot him or so ago. who was there? it was during a ceasefire, actually when he was helping his son to take people out through a core door to safety. and then according to the statements, the nationalists, ukrainian nationalists then fired military attack and he died. so this is the
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father who asked a lot of my friends and the question he said, we want to see you've on for the president in 2024 of what will you do? and that was the answer. let's have a listen again. and on behalf of my comrades all my friends and acquaintances, we ask vladimir putin to take part in the presidential elections. he said to this request, that times are always changing, but at the moment he will be with the people and will run for the presidency. so that's how it and follow that. and also afterwards, during the less asked meet with his golf again, supplier 5. so can we say that this is the 1st day of lateral hooton's presidential election campaign? and he said the fact though, yes, but legally speaking. no. because they have to register of course, and go through the, the official procedure. but yes, it's official that he is running for president. the elections will be, like i said, march of 2024. and we are expecting to hear about other candidates popping up. we
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already heard though, for example, from balance in the much younger who said, who's happy about this? she is the chair of the opera house of the federation council. she said it's really important that he is chosen to continue because of course, we know that at least have been some challenge and times and the us blood represent has managed to drive russia out of these challenge and finance. but the man must be fly or drawers. so we know we're down. so like i said, vote he continue with he wants to even von for president. so balance. and then once again, cosette is really important that he's refusing to continue to be a candidate at this point. so it's not a guarantee. the west can say whatever they want, but it's not a guarantee that he will win and come on march. let's hear. but some more from balancing about the income, all precedent has never avoided and does not to avoid responsible decisions. and today he has once again consent this. i'm sure that's not you may have left him a rich made his statement based 1st and foremost on the real demand of the russian
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people taking into account the will and spirit. and i think the larger may have let him or which pretends decision to go to the pools has become for the citizens of the country and on. so too many and pull some questions. and then just no guarantee of the preservation development of russia as a just and social state. russians clearly understand that the car and you, you need cohesion, trust, and civic tranquility. and society has been formed around the president of russia letter of who's in the has said by the way, that he's, that he's been having different thoughts about it, whether it's a wrong or not so wrong. but he realized, considering what is happening in the world that he must or on there's less live now to diana, but wanna a lawyer, i'm suppose for certain, for people's democratic party of nigeria to get his thoughts done. yeah, thanks so much for joining me here. now present, put to it hasn't now says seeking re election. well, could that mean for russia's relations with nigeria and africa in general?
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yes, but you could thank you, 1st of all father me. but particularly with respect to the interest of africa, i did try the relationship that us be gone. you know, if you look at the recent time you're saying and number of, of africa, russia, somebody that has held in us and she does smoke, i believe, or something. we have issues that board the, on the entries of africa, work on bus now. so africa and i, i believe, for the whole was, was my, just as national as it gives interest of every country. so for example, a domestic i've, she has all the russia is to be determined by the russian people. and the decision of vladimir pointing to run a game will be determined by these people considering for example, where the northwest side is by, by a governess. one fact that cannot be taken out is that bloody male putting these as strongly elidah who is funding for the interest of this country and is consistent about tempted to defend the integrity of the russian federation. that would be on
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the domestic interest of russia. that is the international relationship between russia and africa in the area of trade in the area off security on that area, and offering cars. if continent has just begun that relationship, i know that i do have relationship with that side for many years with the ways which a lot of countries would be as him and africa would tell you the not comfortable because up to so many years that i'm not familiar with results that he suspected now trying a russia especially try it was on china, but especially this, this cause the russia is a key factor. if it go to the golf course, is that the specific on buses on the i pod with the rush like visual india and it'll be really great. everyone is excited. so the game ended rush after addition would be to the interest of actually got it because so sweet and get to be elected because the relationship that that'd be gone, you can only imagine how it will be supplanted. consequently,
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when he gets re elected. and then how relational specifically with nigeria, when they lost somebody that was held in russia, where the vice president or mad you ever presented the president. i believe that the ticket with that he came back to the country with some of the areas in relation to for example, trade, you know, about that, you know, some of the specific needs of problem confronting that julia and for which we need it, went into y'all's security is up loud, where most of web us to be able to do with these. so jesse is part of the issues that, that do that next to it. no rush off with an increase relationship go ahead, goes into fight against terrorism. so a country mad you that would benefit more would lodge a map within that we get it because one thing about this is we everybody's comment . it's not the one that you have already begun to relationship. you cannot tell what the policy of that person would be. the most cases usually deal with either have to decide the relationship or day when you bundle the relationship. so far i
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pick out a lot about what you get to be elected would be good. and especially in this case now you'd have a dish or the cost of the competition that has to be gotten in the area to indiana economy, ties to the arrows securities and that do that has come boss. i made a strong case that you'd be included as was one of the breaks, you know, that is getting expanded nations for, for, for trade on the look away from the dominance of doing all the things are changing and can really talk about things and stability that something that's quite important to the right expression and by the ration some, a couple of decades of ruling power here. but how do you think the international community outside of africa will reacts as well? because of the big long, the old relationship that the russian provision especially backed up with you outside with the waste. i do not think the ideal if you can get you related might
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be exciting to them. but then the unpredictability, or whatever that will come up studying, is they'll say, do to be concerned about, because that is not from is that if he doesn't get re elected, someone else wins. that you're going to have a very smart or strong relationship, especially if the policy that has been implemented in russia is for the restaurant restaurant in the system. that can be kind of either a spectacle. we have a comes, they may not be excited about it as we are looking at the events, but example, be due to what between russia and ukraine to that, as i try to, if they go on to where you look at again, the destruction of that is coming in this rattle between diesel and the, the but the, the, i was the, i guess is the spice. but i guess is on the, the what they call the categories and cover. so that i park it on. but look at the tree and utilize the relationship between russia. either you or ben punch is in the off got the right size, looking to wait on that to look out of the country. so the, the dynamics is change it. they may not be comfortable because uh,
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brought it up. would you have the little groceries trying to bring pallets in the global global spear particular way the idea of the domain as a 15 and 4. now, do we cut nature of find the old kind of keeps that lottie, may i put you on behalf of bureau shock theaters and is presenting something to will be all look, i'll wait your consideration. yes, very nice. they said that the ball i'm going to have to leave it there. thank you for joining us here on on c. o is a pleasure talking to you. thanks again. thank you. thank you 5. that's the problem statement came in just a day off. the blacksmith puts in, gone a great deal of attention by praising in these independent policies on t's rooms and chava in new delhi, those into the struggling ties between those 2 economic power houses are both the countries, the boss, one your or more for both new delhi in most school has been very, very solid. it's solid in terms of trust in terms of size,
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so that in terms of also of the historic friendship which has deformed in the last your also i'm, when i see queen size, i don't mean just for, i mean treat dies, not just in the energy sector but of course, also science trade. i'm talking about defenses welding. no one though, that's not the thing is all praises for no reason more the, the prime minister of india. and in there to, 1st of all, i want to say that the relations between russia and india are developing in almost 3 years. we never discussed with prime minister moody, the phone and pressure india is facing. i just looked at what's happening and to be honest, i am even surprised sometimes by he's tough position when it comes to defending the national interests of india. outright turnover is on the rise. the increase will be significant this year. we understand that india has an advantage due to a lower price of russian fossil fuels, but they are right in doing that. i would do the same in such situation. but of
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course, this is not enough. we have far more opportunities. if we have trade turnover with china around 200000000 dollars this year, then it would be right to increase the turn over with india further. how can we do that? first of all is to pay more attention to logistics. now this entire your role, in fact, of to zone of the conflict the new queen had started, hadn't been initially self within the i give them the fact that there was a lot of pressure shaming. trips from the west to india, especially when it came to buying for from moscow with what india did was they continue to buy more and more oil. in fact, almost school became new daddy's the top on supply or and leaving behind in the us . traditional dominance or suppliers and doing that and you really give out a message to the west that in the us. foreign policy is independent in dell is going to do what is best for indians for the country. and they are not going to be
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lectured or check the pressure to buy the west as to what in the us going to new. we have a relationship with the restaurant. it's an order of relationship which happened in one instance one day, one month, one year. it isn't a cumulative relationship all close to 60 years. often i see the problem defined in a way as those somewhere does some handicap that india has by having the solution for this relationship has saved us at times. so i'm going to j, so i'm good and guess for minnesota, essentially seeing that the friendship between new deleon, most squares of time tested wrong. and what we've seen, both stop the water new crane has started and how it is continued to buy more, more or it has happened to only because it's been flushed between the 2 countries. interesting. now that marshall 2024 sauce, there's going to be an election in russia few months off of that, that's going to be in the election in india as well, the outcome of the election,
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the somewhat expected. and if the state elections, which recently happened in the new york, indicates of anything at all, that is that india e as in a move to let's move into more the again. so it is going to be an interesting here for both russia. i'm in there. so i learned 6, find on this for then plus live 2 pallets who come and take this on the bush in india sunday. thanks so much for joining us here on on. so you now, if puts in is really i did what effect could that i have on relations between russia and india. as you say, i don't think it's the best thing that really happened under the circumstances. a, at any point in history, you must see it in a larger context. you know, i hope things are, there is nothing aps viewed which is right or wrong. but at this point in time, i think this is the best thing that can happen. not just to india in the restaurant, but to the world at lunch,
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because mr. reporting has come across as not just any russian premium, but i think he is one of the most pragmatic one who us or realizes the was, is today not just bipolar smoke headphone. and there's really nothing like you know, what people would say earlier that either you're with us or. busy or not with us kind of a thing. he understands the shades of gray, that international diplomacy. it need not be only is red and blue or, you know, black or white people would have to ultimately, the site was right for them. and that, i think that's better to back them edition, what is a, what really, you know, a sense about his ruley of from not just people in, you know,
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who are being an expert assessed as in russia. but lot of deal with leaders. and that's why you've seen how this entire ukraine russia crisis, has to be navigated a so way without anybody really forcing someone to take up to the pod stand one way or the other. understanding that everybody has the compulsions and within that they are going to play and that's why it, i think the, it's a very new dimension of the into. busy a russian relationship, as opposed to what, you know, russia's older is being a friend of india, india and russia has always enjoyed a very special relationship. but, oh, yeah, it for us in this either or fashion. you know, us seen either you're part of the soviet blog or the, you know, the rest of the. busy best how the way viewed. but today i think both india
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recognizes you can be having your own independence position without being with one or the other. and equally, i think the rest of your location from restaurant that uh, you know, we, we understand you compunctions for everything. you don't need to lean on us or be with us, but where there is a neutrality of interest. we stand with each other as friends. and that is, i think, was really the underlying basis of this a friendship relationship. what you might call between the support team and the multi, i think that's in some ways meet them. uh, you know, very similar kind of need is who, 1st, what their country's interests, but also understand that the authors may have written to. so another movie will last question uh, russia's relationship with china, all the we may be having moments of pension that equally,
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i think most important recognizes the india as part of a logic. doable good. and it's today and no longer one of those, you know, people are who are also right today in the highest that position, the world and the respect that and they respect that, okay? and it may have to take a 2nd different position as well. and it's, so that's where this comes from mutual respect, sunday, very slow, right? you really covered all the questions i was going to ask you, i'm going to have to leave it there. thank you so much for joining me here today on the page. it's open q, so thanks again. thanks. sure. thank you to go as well as well saga to a residential building in the southern city of calling you and is located near the out a mile of us with will. i'm the palestine red crescent society, h cube, according to reports i've is, i'm dozens are killed and wounded. the
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. busy on more day off, as a multi wounded arrived to the hospital in god's children in a life threatening state. as is rugs finds that some ground operation to the south of gauze at least 17000 people have lost their lives in the conflict. since the 7th of october, according to the past in health ministry, it adds the 70 percent of those a women and children. on the 18th, it comes as the un inspections. so the emergency fun chief is named gov. the most dangerous place for a child in the world. doing reports that twice as many children have died in the enclave over the last 2 months compared to in full glued tongue. 6 combined in 20 to agree to the bodies on the secretary general. so you might here in the 1st time this to say about the lack of international attention that we do not have
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a humanitarian operation in southern gaza. that can be cooled by that name anymore. we are still unloading trucks and the rafa crossing. but what we don't have this is any sense of charity of timing. is any sense of what's gonna happen tomorrow and to be specific. none of us can see where this will end. there is no exit for the people. the cause of the other is in gaza. as a result, hope for the future is at its best to premium. they tell everyone every day we tell everyone every day there's no place of safety. there's no sights zones. people don't even talking about safe zones anymore. the type the site and so
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the big guy plus what his family gets, adds up to a possible in pizza. the us house oversight committee may have finally figured that all out as it has revealed the bible. finally, i'm it's codes and been able to collect more than $24000000.00 from so called for a nationals. the white house and multiple weaknesses have repeatedly refused to cooperate with the investigation. i have projected subpoenas. despite this refusal investigation has uncovered alarming details that the month further scrutiny, the binding family and associates received more than $24000000.00 from foreign nationals. this to figure this whole out policy corner. so let's say bows. fillings, me in the studio, show a great to see. gamble is a foots my friend. well, can you tell us about the latest the ballot? well yeah, as we say this is potentially at the start of what could be the page for the united states president, right. so that's a big deal, right?
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and it's pressure is gathering, you know, it takes it's building, it's gathering in relation to this scandal surrounding the bite and finally finances that a lot to impact here. it's a guy called kelly armstrong. he's released a 14 page long report which lines a lot of these allegations that some of which are proven because the bank records exist at the bite. and finally, under association, it's basically received $24000000.00 and dodgy money, essentially from various sources of foreign nationals of foreign companies. there's a lot the impacts we go through it. and the specific allegations that joe biden received a $200000.00 loan from his brother at this, if you would just received a loan from a collapsing health care company, but managed to borrow the money from his health circle me and it arrives then with joe with joe biden, that joe biden himself received for $2000.00, a cash from loan toward money which had come from a chinese company. and remember this on the context of a significant concerns of
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a chinese influence as well in the midst of and the engine of us politics as well. the committee is identified over 20 shell companies, which are basically phones, which allow money to be moved around to put people off the trailer where the cache is coming from. joe biden was sold as the brand. you know that we had the big fellow one though he's been at called the brand, so it's into, it's fairly and we're out as well as the financial records show that hunter bite and his firm at westco p. c. had received forms in cash from a chinese companies, and then that company had then paid at joe biden, natasha of the some, some type songs on a monthly basis as uh, you know, uh, i like these allegations that are so many of them to unpack in this report, but the key is that they allege that this morning has come from countries like causing style, like russia. i like china abroad and we can actually listen to james calmer. who is
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the chair of the oversight committee. very powerful gentleman talking about this issue today. the house oversight committee is releasing subpoenaed bank records that show 100 biden's business entity, a wasco pc may direct monthly payments to jo wide. this was an a payment from 100 by his personal account, but an account for his corporation that received payments from china and other shady corners of the world. to at this moment, 100 button is under an investigation by the department of justice for using a wash co pc for tax evasion and other serious crimes. yeah, so as you can see, the bank statements don't lie, as we all know where the money's moved. it stared this a record, so mister combe was homing in on this as a hunter this uh, mr. by the son is under scrutiny as well at the moment supposedly talk about that jo bivens or joe biden started a 100 to, i mean, he's come under a little bit of balls at sue. i believe we've seen him fawcett on the tablet. what
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do we know about him? well, it's amanda doesn't need much introduction if you follow the news, want to buy it. and i mean, it's basically been a slow motion car crash. beginning with the revelations, from a laptop which you left in for repair, which you asked the information which was contained or read it the detailed, you know, the use of the drugs prostitutes. i really chaotic lifestyle. a slow motion car crash. you feel like that he famously paid a firm to clean up his wikipedia, this laptop that was left into the repair shop when it was revealed. and the information on it was revealed initially at the fbi. i contact the social media companies in the us to say, you know, be careful of this. it's a russian plant. it's dodgy. but in the aftermath of the election after joe biden was elected, and this information wasn't really disseminated at the turning his own sort of chaotic legs. but they admitted that the laptop was real. and he also famously had a seat on an energy company in ukraine called, but he's not a very,
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very interesting me. he opening admitted that. i wouldn't never got this very highly paid job on a ukrainian an energy company. if i didn't have the last name of, of blatant for us. so you know, that's quite like, you know, they've been charged with anything recently or there was some tax charges recently . yeah. they've been charged for tax evasion, division i have, as on top of his gun, or the drop that one they've dropped the info to them with all this sort of going on. the big man, joe biden himself, he must have known. you know that his name is being binded about, so i use for leverage, right? yeah, i mean, look, this is influenced by like something the next french president was, was recently charged with as well. that doesn't have to be death audit trails of cache or me to it's a use that info to be seen on to admit that he's used his family name on this energy board. a very highly paid board, obviously no expertise in the energy sector really to, to, to sell. but he still got the job. and by just essentially just avoided this issue
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. he's got a huge amount of external pressure, probably one of the most on popular sitting us presidents and living memory, add a ukrainian, you know, a car crash. it's not going well for me in foreign policy. so there's a massive amount of pressure. his own issues with his competence and his ability to call you out the road as well, which are open to you on display for people to see. and we'd like to see him here talking about the allegations against them, or i think you'll have a list. i have never discussed with my sons brother or anyone else in the period and he is your son the yes, i stand by that there's this testimony now where one of your sons from a business associates is claiming that you are on speakerphone a lot with them talking business is that what the charge is? and i know you'd have allows the question, well, what do you it's why is that allows exposure is not true. there's pulling by the
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associated press that shows that almost 70 percent of americans, including 40 percent of democrats. we've that you acted either legally or on ethically in regards to your family's business. interest can use leads to americans to americans, fitness impeachment, inquiry why you interacted with so many of your son and brothers for this associates. i'm not going to come in. i did not and assessed a bunch of lies with my associates. i did not, there's a lies. so you know, we're at the pressure was building and interest and the 60 percent of americans now believe according to a recent poll that jo button actively aided and abetted his own and his business dealings or at store the suspect gives them well. but after the thank you, that shape goes out because one thing i said live unless you do things again. well, the guy that wrote was that this news out will be back on the top of the i with the latest updates to understand the.


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