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tv   News  RT  December 8, 2023 8:00pm-8:31pm EST

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[000:00:00;00] the, the now is the time to make the, i will run for the post of president of the russian federation. glad america and confirm say, will be running for re election in 2024. it's successful, it would be his 3rd consecutive term is russian president and 5th. overall, the dozens are killed and wounded in and is rarely attack on a residential building. located near the palestine red crescent society headquarters in garza ton unit. the us the veto, the you in security council resolution calling for an immediate cease fire in gaza
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as over 17000 civilians are killed in. it's really is taxed on the palestinian enclave. the and there are rising calls to impeach joe biden. as his son hunter is investigated, provides financial primes that couldn't jeopardize the president of the year watching our 2 international. i'm rachel ruble live in moscow were covering the top new stories from around the world's latter opinion has officially confirmed . he'll be running for a 30 consecutive presidential term next year. the news came after the russian liter awarded metals to members of the military on the heroes of the fatherland, a for you at the moment. so that's the part of which you've done so much for our don boss. the federation council has called the election of the president of the
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russian federation, and i, as a person of all our people, all live down boss, are, were united lans would like to ask you to take part in the elections because there is a lot of work to do it is still necessary to go through integration, establish social ties, and economic formats, and simply establish an ordinary peaceful life. and under your leadership, we would like to do all this. you are our president, we are your team. we need you. russian need you. this especially with thank you very much, i won't hide it. i've had different thoughts at different times, but you right now now is the time to make decisions. i will run for the post of president of the russian federation. i'm not shocked, i'm not surprised. we're expecting this announcements to come at some point though, we're starting to get a few doubts, to be honest with you because there was this investment form where he was sites and we thought, well, it's coming to the end of the year the last few days because of the announcement that the elections will be held march 17th. so if he was going to announce that was
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helpful, perhaps up investment form. this is where the news would come up, but still nothing. and then here we go today at this awards ceremony, and he did it sort of as a, as a, by the way, we finally got some clarification from the kremlin spokes person. he was the journalist. we're asking them how that this happened. so many people wanted to know for so long. how come he just learned it out? it seems to be the see for the crime and spokesperson. golf said, well, he was asked these questions by the parents of those who were awarded heroes for uh, for their flights in the special military operations. so in the way he, he couldn't refuse. he couldn't say no to these people. now the man in particular, who was asking this question, he is the father, not only is he, he's been awarded a metal for his bravery, but also he's the father of someone who died in 2020 to 28 years old, lot him or so ago. who was there? it was during a ceasefire,
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actually when he was helping his son to take people out through a core door to safety. and then according to the statements, the nationalists, ukrainian nationalist then fired military attack and he died. so this is the father who asked lot of my present the question, he said, we want to see you of on the president in 2024 of what will you do? and that was the answer. let's have a listen again on behalf of my comrades. all my friends and acquaintances, we asked vladimir putin to take part in the presidential elections. he said to this request that times are always changing, but at the moment he will be with the people and will run for the presidency. so that's how it and follow that. and also afterwards, journalist asked me to post golf again to clarify. so can we say that this is the 1st day of lateral hooton's presidential election campaign? and they said the fact though, yes, but legally speaking. no,
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because they have to register of course and goals for the the official procedure. but yes, it's official that he is running for president. the elections will be, like i said, march of 2024. and we are expecting to hear about other candidates popping up. we already heard though, for example, from balance in the much younger who said, who is happy about this? she is the chair of the opera house of the federation council. she said it's really important that he is chosen to continue because of course, we know that at least have been some challenge in times and the a lot of our fruits and has managed to drive russia out of these challenge and finance. but the man must be fired drawer, right. so we were down. so like i said for the for the senior which he wants to give him von for president. so balance. and then once again, cosette is really important that he's refusing to continue to be a candidate at this point it's, it's not a guarantee. the west can say whatever they want, but it's not a guarantee that he will win and come on march. let's hear some more from balance
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in the monthly income. all precedent has never avoided and does not to avoid responsible decisions. and today he has once again consent this. i'm sure that's not true, may have left him a rich made his statement based 1st and foremost on the real demand of the russian people taking into account that will have spirit. and i think the logic may have, let him or which pretends decision to go to the pools, has become for the citizens of the country. and know, i'm so too many and pull some questions an additional guarantee of the preservation and development of russia as a just on social state. russians clearly understand that the car into unique cohesion, trust, and civic tranquillity in society has been formed around the president of russia. let a represent a has said by the way that he's that he's been having different thoughts about it, whether to run or not so wrong. but he realized, considering what is happening in the world that he must. all right, let's cross live now to our, to contributor carl john. carl, great to have you on put, has been an office as president,
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our prime minister for more than 2 decades. were you at all surprised to hear that he's running again? not at all as this is to be expected. i just a matter of fact, i was in rock shot in earlier in the summer during the precaution crew. and at that time the, the world's attention was a fix. what would happen in moscow? and i don't, i think you written that that particular you've been really show. there's really no other person other than who, who can take the role of leading russia at this very important juncture. in time taro, they think it's significant that putting made this announcement during a military awards ceremony at the criminal palace with he's sending a message there was definitely, i mean, just to just to reminding the public this is especially with time russia is at war . i put in now is effectively a work president and during work time,
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tons of people around the world. it no matter where, where is there you brush that's fine or you west. people tend to rally around a flag is a rally, a router leader and appointment has proved him himself quite capable as award leader and as a leader of who had previous as you mentioned in the previous 2 decades rusher bad on the drink a class. and then, and now again, russia is a very important juncture with the west is lining up waging across the world against russia, ukraine, and it is that we have seen, there's really no alternative candidates to go right now. so i say that you're in indonesia. can you tell us about the international communities reaction that to put into announcement? i think most people outside of rush are also expected this, and i mean, in the most recent years, what was the stature of russia and food and it has the right. it isn't considerably
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all over the world we've seen a couldn't be fitted around the world most recently in the middle east. not just because he is the leader of rush up, but also because he's pulling especially are given what happens in doing the serial award. the rushing intervention in this area were that that was a big announcement to the world. russia is russia is back as a great power to play its role on the world stage. and we have seen in most more of more recently in the development in west africa, where people want the french out and they look to see support from russia. you know, we, we see that again in middle east, when, when potent has softball, can us suppor for a establishment of a policy in your state cheapo in the world, look for leadership from russia and particularly for food. all right, we're going to leave it there are take contributor carl. john,
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thank you so much for your time. the thank you right. turning now to the latest in gaza, where israel and target at a residential building in the southern city of con eunice, located near the l. m. a hospital and the palestine red crescent society headquarters. according to reports, dozens of people were killed and wounded. the as israel expands its round operations of the south of gaza at least $17000.00 people have died in the conflict since october 7th, according to the palestinian health ministry. it adds that 70 percent of those killed our women and children. it comes as the un international children's emergency fund. the chief has named guys that the most dangerous place for a child in the world. according to the un,
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twice as many children have died in the enclave. and the last 2 months spending on global conflicts combined in 2022. but the us has veto the potential humanitarian resolution for post by the u. a seeking the end, the israel, him, us conflict us despite the un secretary general calling for the organization to urgently push for a cease fire to stop unnecessary civilian death. 13 of the 15 members of the council, including russia and china, supported the resolution, many attendees of the meeting condemned to washington's position. in particular, the palestinian representative who equated supporting your crimes with you'll select heading them to say what? instead of allowing this concept to uphold it's mandate by finally making a clear cold of those 2 months. mass, it goes, the atrocities must and as the war criminals are given,
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more time to better pet to a their crimes. how can this be justified? how can anyone justify the slaughter of entire people if you are against war crimes, crimes against humanity and genocide, you must stand against this war. and if you will support it, you are enabling what times crimes against humanity and genocide, regardless of your intentions and regardless of your efforts, only the outcome matos, when so many lives are at stake. well, the united nations security council came together for a meeting on friday after secretary general antonio gutierrez invoked article $99.00 for the 1st time in over 30 years. the measure is a tool that allows us to talk to people not to raise an issue to the security council,
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which he believes threatens international peace and security. in this case, gutierrez is using the provision to call for a permanent ceasefire in the gaza strip. and he's warning that time is running out for the palestinian civilians there. i wrote to the security going to be invoking article $99.00 because we are at the breaking point. there is a higher these of the total collapse of humanitarian support system even gaza, which would have devastating consequences. we anticipate. that's what the results in the complete breakdown of probably called of the and increase pressure for mess displacements into egypt. i see the consequences could be devastating for the security of the entire region, the setups to the safety and security if you not to play some stuff even gaza is. and for this event, it is more than one under a certainty of michael leaks have already been killed many with that families.
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this is the largest single loss of life in the history of our organization. while the humanitarian crisis and gaza has been the topic of several of you in meetings over the last 2 months, russia's 1st deputy permanent representative noted that little meaningful action has been taken as a security council has become distracted by washington's calls for humanitarian pauses and precious time has been wasted, so we'll do this with you. so due to all the protracted discussions of the security council are unfortunately increasingly appearing to be just empty words. today, you and secretary general antonio gutierrez, is once again spoken about the situation. saying that you're gonna commit to earn the organizations part of the current circumstances simply can not help the residence of gaza. we're deeply regret the fact that you in security council has failed to adopt any crudely binding resolution to end. the violence you seen was under pressure from the united states, which has threatened to block this initiative and absolutely imperative force these far was replaced with
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a cold address to no one in particular. that was call for him to turn pauses decked him not being forced. that essentially golf tailed with israel approach of continue in military operations in the region. despite the dire situation on the ground and gaza, a representative for the us so that washington still does not support a ceasefire. and argue that the us should be getting credit for the 7 day truce. but did happen despite the fact that israel has since ramped up, it's been boardman with even more force using american bonds. american diplomacy opened the way for the 1st trucks that flowed into guys with, with a in partnership with gutter in egypt. it helped reunite more than $100.00 hostages with their loved ones, and dramatically expanded 8 to civilians and garza during a 7 day long mandatory and pause. while the united states strongly supports the durable peace in which both is really some palestinians who live in peace and security,
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we do not support calls for an immediate cease fire. this would only plant the seeds for the next war because the loss has no desire to see a durable peace to see a 2 state solution. meanwhile, china is in master reiterated calls for peace, noting that a permanent ceasefire is the only option to stop the loss of life. so if i do, the task required of the council is very clear to act immediately. achieve a cease fire protect civilians and prevent a larger scale humanitarian catastrophe. the draft resolution proposed by the u. e on behalf of beer states reflects the universal call of the international community and represents the right direction for the restoration of piece. china fully supports this and we'll join in co sponsoring the strapped resolution. well, the way is presenting the latest attack to pass a resolution calling for a permanent ceasefire and garza,
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the us has indicated it would use its veto power to strive down the attempt. just as it has done with previous resolutions considered by the security council, but they also insist that it's doing more than any other country to help relieve the suffering. the people of concept washington's national security council spokesperson, john kirby made that comment to the news media. tell me name me one more nation, any other nation that's doing as much as the united states to alleviate the pain and suffering of the people of god. but you can't. you just can't. meanwhile, the u. s. has maintained its strong military support for its close ally is round since the beginning of the israel hamas war. washington has provided aid to both sides of the complex. but the assistance to israel far outweighs with a sense the gaza. washington has given $14000000000.00 to tell a v versus $100000000.00 for palestinian humanitarian relief, or heard from journalists, rumsey by room,
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and he points out the long list of nations that are helping thousands more then. thank you, wes. it's really straightforward to answering mr. kirby's question name one country he said that does more to help goes on. well, i can name russia, china, turkey, egypt, a, julia, jordan, and many, many others from south africa to that as well that many other countries are doing everything in their power to help out. in fact, jordan dropped a medical supplies to the dean in a hospital in gauze all off from there to help break the siege. not just that, but the united states has if we've done everything and it's power to lock the aids from intern gauze and everything and it's power to destroy gaza. i mean, i think we are getting our sales when we keep saying that the u. s. is, was, is kind of, it's been a factor and supports or the u. s. is directly involved in this more involved not
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for me by sending shipments of weapons and money and political justification to or of, as well as war crime, crimes and v 2 and any resolution, the cost for the supplier and goes up it. but it has intelligence, it has drones. it has over 2000 soldiers on the grounds. near garza, do you see the boat directly in the war, but i personally doubt it and they have a craft carriers to protest garza from any retaliation of from its neighbors. so i think mr. kirby needs to go back to his own statements that he has made and defensive as well. and in justification of, is there any crimes in garza before asking such a question in a most? couldn't this thing way as if we in gaza? could not possibly survive without american support and american health, the 10 to 10 percent for the big guy plus, but his family gets as up to a possible impeachment,
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the with house oversight committee may have finally figured it all out as it has revealed the by them family and it's cohorts have been able to collect within $24000000.00 from so called foreign nationals of the white house. and multiple witnesses have repeatedly refused to cooperate with the investigation. i have rejected subpoenas. despite this refusal, the investigation has uncovered alarming details that the month further scrutiny, the binding family and associates received more than $24000000.00 from foreign nationals. this is potentially the start of what could be the page for the united states president more that's. so that's a big deal, right? and it's pressure is gathering, you know, it's, it's, it's building it's gathering in relation to this scandal surrounding the bite. and finally, for nonsense to the lot the impact here. it's a guide called kelly armstrong. he's released the 14 page long report, which i lines a lot of these allegations that some of which are proven because the bank records exist. and that's the byte. and finally, under association,
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it's basically received $24000000.00 and dodgy money, essentially from various sources of the foreign nationals of foreign companies does a lot to impact. so we go through the specific allegations that joe biden received, the $200000.00 loan from his brother. this we just received a loan from a collapsing health care company, but managed to borrow the money from his healthcare company and his arrives. and with joe, with joe biden, that joe biden himself received $40000.00 a cash from loan during money which had come from a chinese company. and remember this on the context of a significant concerns of a chinese influence as well in the midst of and the engine of us politics as well. the committee is identified over 20 shell companies, which are basically phones, which allow me to be moved around to put people off the train to where the cache is coming from. and we can actually listen to james calmer. who is the chair of the oversight committee?
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very powerful gentleman talking about this issue today. the house oversight committee is releasing subpoenaed bank records that show 100 biden's business entity, a wasco pc made direct monthly payments to jo. why? this wasn't payment from 100 by his personal account, but an account for his corporation that received payments from china and other shady corners of the world. at this moment, hunter barton is under an investigation by the department of justice for using a wasco pc for tax evasion and other serious crowds. joe biden started having to wait a. he's come on the, a little bit of both it to i believe we've seen him fawcett on the tablet, whatever you know about him, it's amanda doesn't need much introduction if you follow the news, want to buy it. and i mean, it's basically been a slow motion car crash beginning with the revelations from a laptop which you left in for repair, which you asked the information which was contained or read it the detailed, you know, the use of the drugs prostitutes. i really chaotic lifestyle. he also famously had
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a seat on an energy company in ukraine called, but he's not a very, very interesting me. he opening admitted that. i wouldn't never got this very highly paid job on a ukrainian energy company. if i didn't have the last name of, of blake, and to be seen on to admit that he's used his family name on this energy board, a very highly paid board, obviously no expertise in the energy sector really to, to, to sell. but he's still got the job and buying is essentially just avoided this issue . i've never discussed with my son, brother, or anyone else in the period. there's this testimony now where one of your sons from a business associates is claiming and you are on speakerphone a lot with them talking business. is that what never charged? susie? and i know you that allows the question, well what do you it's why is that allows the question is not true. there's pulling
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by the associated press that says that almost 70 percent of americans, including 40 percent of democrats, believes that you acted either legally or on ethically in regards to your family's business interest. can you explain to americans? it's let me submit this a piece of inquiry why you interact with so many of your son and brothers for this associates. i'm not going to come in. i did not and assessed a bunch of lies with my early logs associates. i did not realize interest any 60 percent of americans now believe, according to a recent poll that joe biden actively aided and abetted his own in his business, dealing illegal and media. analysts. lionel is of the view that despite the spring board toward impeachment bite and will likely remain in office unchallenged, we will often use the term impeachment well joe biden, be in peach. impeachment? is it completely political instrument? and it merely means to charge someone, what people mean is, will be, he,
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will he be convicted? removed from office before his term runs out in 2021. now that's not going to happen next. we're at this level of heavy and impeach. mindy inquiry, not an engagement and impeachment inquiry to talk about whether we should have an impeachment that will not end in the removal of any one. so that that port under binding was indicted today for income tax evasion for either so creating of income not pay taxes on not reporting it. but here's the best part. nobody cares about that. what people wanted to know was where did the money coming from? not whether you pay taxes on it, but did it come from bribery influence peddling? was it done illegally that the issue? so i hate to break it to my friends in the media, but this is
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a big nothing. and the best part about is that you asked to good us, great question. i always wonder buying who can speak ukrainian, who knows nothing about oil, nothing of my gas, somebody to buy anything other than hookers and getting drunk, which i'm sure has its own worth, something where, but aside from that what, why was he doing this? i add another blunder as the bbc after a senior news anchor stuck up her middle finger at the beginning of a broadcast. maria missouri has since apologized on social media and said the propane gesture was just a jo comment for some friends. it was a private to with the team and i am so sore each went out on air. it was not my intention for these to happen. and im, story for offended or upset anyone i wasn't sleeping the bird to yours or even the person really well that's the 1st time the british broadcast or has dropped the
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ball recently the agency had to back track on several of the news reports about the israel home us war later admitting they contained false claims. the bbc also apologize for saying that pro palestinian protests and london were essentially supporting homos militants. earlier we spoke with a investigative journalist edwards. all he says the gas is not only the anchor's fall, but signifies greater issues within the bbc. i certainly don't want to blame the presenter 1st and this is why i think there's a culture it baby. see, let's realistically bbc. and this is a big thing for a british citizens, and i looked at the situation. i wonder again, what has bbc done be seen, but the country, it original intent was it was supposed to inform the public. bbc has not only fall and passed this mandate. it's a joke and i think this uh, this event that happened. it just capitalizes again that that channel that network,
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that organization, it needs to not be something paid by the tech specs. bbc, a long time is gonna propaganda outputs on the minds of, i'd say employees and not journalists, they're the employees at the bbc, some of them who also moonlight with government agencies that's been reported that there's intelligence officials with sarah in the state, broadcast media that these individuals they don't see themselves as, as dro, associate themselves as, as a recognize of a truth seeking us for them. it's a little bit of a joke when they show up, especially these anchors. so i, i'm a little split on this. i do think the, the anchor was right to apologize because i can imagine my parents to dig into this and, and feeling quite insulted. the moving to african, our hundreds of thousands of donations are suffering from a water crisis as a result of 4 years of drought. the world bank projects that the amount of water per capita in the middle east and north africa will fall below what's known as a scarcity threshold by 2030. on
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the, on the few we were the structural water of prices and the problem is increasing some dates back to 1995. when to me is you what's classic, find them on 27 countries facing water pressure, a round water resources were over exploited beyond their renewable capacity. and some of them after 30 years, the issue or surfaces indicating the failure or public bullshit of many years of the way in the city of what's a crisis, there was no irrigated,
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corrupt you to what this cost it to you. there is rain full control season might succeed with something from 1st and high prices due to they want to show to some farm us even how to sell their lives. still, the still is the current time level stand at 22 percent relying on rain for next year. it is projected to be rainy and shrink significant boards and supplies for drinking throughout the year. we study want to rationing based on scenarios. a committee from the ministry of agriculture is analyzing lessons from policy is focusing on securing possible boards and preparing projects for the upcoming. yeah,
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