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tv   News  RT  December 9, 2023 1:00am-1:31am EST

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the, the, the idea of takes the flight with the last part of garza with the law says mounting on both sides as well. the pool hitting over $200.00 target some in the south, hopefully and cave west thousands of displaced civilians or sheltering. also, fairly put by 3 feet by miles can never just be fine to collect the spanish notes and the follow seen, and people being usaa and israel phase pipe clash at the un security council. up to washington vito's a c supply rights in new said i pads. how this type has been. 17000 causes have already been killed. also this out now is the time to make decisions. i will run
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for the post of president of the russian federation. a lot of my parents and kind of 5 if they will be running for us side consecutive tom, i've said overload next year. the pride and audi this saturday morning. it has just gone at 9 am here and las go. it is great to have you with us very welcome to the program to well, let's start off in gaza web the south of the and davis now bearing the brunt of the ideas on stuart thought, is despite the, is reading the government previous to designate in that area as a say, so for dollars is displaced of population. as a night the city of russell, i became a tall girl that's fresh, round of strikes. well, so far, no casualties. that being reported,
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fox strikes on the neighboring city upon eunice have left thousands that calls us health industry says the enclaves, death toll has now support $17300.00. meanwhile, the idea has released fresh footage of its ongoing ground invasion. the is rainy troops are currently active in most parts of the gulf of strip engaging and extensive baffles with hamas minutes in the i guess says 2 of its soldiers was severely injured over nights and a failed attempt to rest. the remaining hostages is ro, reporters had taken approximately $850.00 target, some dollars on friday, and both at a naval strikes, which had last quote on time. the several militants look hills and the intense fighting with hamas, also claiming the news where a hostage died in the facilities outside of civilians are repeatedly off to
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relocate to a state the cross spot. meanwhile, the us has vetoed a c supply. resonation proposed by the way, at the un security council that is despite the secretary general weld, 40 judging in nature action to save the lives of civilians. 13 of the 15 members of the council entered in russia and china supported the resolution, while the u. k. abstained from the city washington, which i was slammed by some present for what with the people of guys are being sold to move like human pin balls. are equal shifting between ever smaller sleeve versus of the sauce without any of the basics for survival. but no with in gaza is safe valley. the perpetrated by miles can never justify the collect these punishments of the policy and people. although the united states strongly supports
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a durable peace in which both israelis and palestinians can live in peace and security, we do not support this resolutions call for an unsustainable c for they will only plant the seeds for the next war. but we cannot search in favor of a resolution which does not condemn the atrocities how much committed against innocent is rarely civilians. on the 7th of october, this is a terrible day for the security council. we are the jack this resolved and will continue resorting to every legitimate avenue to stop these a port on a process at these, including resuming the emergency session of the general assembly. the u. s. as a crucial infrastructure, more than 60 percent of goals as residential buildings have been reduced to rubble since the war erupt. it on october 7th, at least $1900000.00 palestinians have been displaced. not just the way you
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understand that is more than 85 percent of the total population. the head of the world food program says a deficit bank severely hampered by the ongoing violence. people are really desperate. there's fear in there, there's fear in the children's eyes that we see and you can almost smell the fear. they don't know where to go. they have nowhere to stay and we have no answers for them. and that's the most frustrating part of being here, not being able to have as well as spawns its ground operation in the south of cause . those who have fled to the area have really a few choices left around 85 percent of causes population on now to space. like i said, without 247 coverage. we are bringing you the untold stories of civilians including this special report of the we are calling the
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civilians to leave guys. it goes out. some us wants to keep them there as a human shield. this is innocent. civilians are going to be hard to sign on. i see all the civilians and one of the when they told us to get out of the house, we evacuated the building. and on the same day they killed my brother in law's children. they bombed my whole house and then they bombed the whole neighborhood of
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about 6 houses. the whole street has changed, but we miraculously survived. we were left homeless. we are from the shoot julia districts near the tarik, busy on most of the palm, the houses of our neighbors. so they were forced to leave the house. when the building began, all the windows were broken, the doors were blown out. the kitchen sink was broken and our children were slightly injured. we left our house and arrived at the house chief a hospital. many times we were forced to relocate. but this is the 1st time we've been hunt. there are no windows, no doors, and full holes in our house. they so big even to pass and control through it. so because of the foaming and shelves, the, the people went to the
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south and there was showing, this is not a war. this is a mass murder, the 45 people living in this tense. we all sleep yours night. and yesterday the sewer burst and flooded us. at nights. there were schools page shortish, amazing goods such as boils, sugar and flour. since con eunice has received thousands of refugees from across the street, these basic goods can no longer be far. family's house was bombed. we lived our childhood, and our memories are with my parents and my father's brothers. the memories are all over the cleared at once, and for, as you can see here, now displaced in the school, see how people are living in some nation. my parents are looking for a house to rent. the prices are very high
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order users cars. here it's i can provide some on potable water to all of the refugees. many children suffer from intestinal colleagues due to the contaminated water in addition to mel nutrition because most of the food, the deep discount, the we were fired on biased really tanks and rockets, our house with shelves. thank god we have miraculously survives. as you can see, we sleep outside the we don't need more sort of food. we need a decent life. 2 to 3 was a kind of every year. we are very tired the we can't take it anymore. the oppressed
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people and we want to live in peace enough with the siege. we are living on the i don't like living here often meeting all homes had the share with the post. any and people are resisting and fighting. the children will all end up in psychiatric hospitals. good grantham, strength and health, including my daughter, who as soon as she shares a sound immediately feels fear, the troubled waters in the red sea way. yep. that is wanting to see. revel group has been launching a growing number of missiles towards this row. why don't serve targeting ships linked to the country? we stop down with the self proclaimed. do you have any in boston to to it wrong? so his take on why the, who sees, have joined the rule is because the she had enough of that a la la, the what was declared was the see spot. not
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a cool for us, the station and post entities, the many armed forces and a statement from that the many military position, whether in the red sea or through an missile strikes will continue until is blatant regression on cause of stops and the brocade is lifted, allowing aid on the resumption of commercial activity to and from the select up the statements issued by the armed forces a clear. so when this aggression stops, there is no room for further discussion. the armed forces a clear and this statement that these military operations that need to support the golf. but until this aggression stops, there is a difference between a ceasefire and this just ation of hostilities is these 5 means a temporary hold for specific purposes and does not mean is this ation of hostilities or an end to the aggression on the gaza strip. there for the many armed forces will continue that support until this aggression is completely stalled and the blockade on garza is lifted. a
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lead time with the presence of the united states in our region is considered a legitimate and unlawful without any justification except for and visions, dominance and using international institutions as a cover for advancing its colonial objectives as well. that claims about into setting all missiles and projectiles, lots towards the scientist and state occupied palestine. we can see that an aggressive acts in actual participation alongside design is sports is in the genocide and crimes against the people of palestine. we believe this to be an aggressive acts committed by american forces, effectively engaging alongside the zionist entity and intersecting our missiles. americans always justified that right to intervene and participate despite being strangers thousands of miles away when our countries are up all of these and resistance movements in debate to confront scientist, aggression against the people of palestine. they also these parties to stop america must cease its support, design is betrayal, or participation in the aggression on gaza. that's come up with
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the rest of the day. as i mentioned from the beginning, everything is calculated implant. therefore, we've considered old possibilities on the table, and we have developed plans to confront any repercussions or escalations with a way of kind of funny, i mean, or in the region. this is a calculated and serious matter, and we will face any consequences or upcoming plans. we have many strategies and also that we haven't disclosed or utilized yet. we rely on god and respond to the goals of all people. is searching the legitimacy of the palace standing caused the coordination with other forces in countries in the axis of resistance. we believe we can, and indeed we are confident that we can do a lot to confront. the site is american project and the region of 1st coal is due countries fed up with the american hegemony in the arrogance seeking to escape from the grip of americans. i'm a heavy boots, they need to realize that the re seeing the region, the red sea and yeah, mean has changed. there is an opportunity to benefit from this change to the
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maximum extent and pushed back american dominance in the region. and the well new powers are emerging on the international regional stage. and the multi part of reality is place that the never, the american power should not continue to manage the wealth of them to the business in terms of the west asia region. the extension has occurred. resistance forces in yemen, 11 in iraq and the syria are engaged and committed to confrontation. therefore, it is a given that the baffle is no longer confined to palestinians, and israelis. i believe if the requirements of the ceasefire not met, the will will expand further. this is natural, as long as they resign this insistence on aggression. it will be met with arab islamic determination to expand options to include all the regions and targeted areas be on these. on his end sees expectations on the axis and all of its a rina's have already made the decision not to allow the zionist entity to deflate
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the palestinian cause. there was a clear and firm decision not to allow the liquidation of the palestinian issue or the breaking of the resistance is back in palestine. moreover, that there is a decision within the access to achieve victory for the forces of resistance in palestine with how mass at the full front, a ticket and the well that i believe that the united states, especially after his experiences in the region and the world over the past decade is no longer capable of using military means as low as it used to numerous political, economic, and security fact as a county restricting this weapon. if the americans could resolve problems in the region through ministry action, they would have done so without hesitation. now the new reality in the region and the well, the emergence of new powers and the change in the g or political map of false the united states, to resort to other options. it is not necessarily just
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a military option. america and these scientists have no choice but to face challenge and resist. so coming to american will and threats means for they use a patient of all peoples freedoms. and all countries, resorts is. therefore, we dug that much on the rationality or wisdom of americans hold ever tons of the path of righteousness. instead, we forced them into it through political ministry, security, and economic battles with this american monster. the toddler, let's not engage with leeks or information that may not be accurate as operations conducted by the armed forces in support of garza and the gates. the zine. this enemy, as well as the lifting of the blockade on palestine and usually announced and endorsed, not hidden from followers and the vigilant. however, let me say that the sword must remain drawn and the stick raised against the zionist entity. not allowing it to rearrange. it's called so we'll play around, the stall should remain present. we look forward to movements by countries that
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encouraged the will to coordinate and communicate with the government of sign up consultation on how to secure the region on these maritime territory to ensure the security of important and to national passages. let's talk about the national delegation leaders statement reiterating our respect for parents that need decisions, that for the palestinian brothers opting for a safe spot to jeanette circumstances requires us to take that into consideration. however, since the 1st day is the government and on forces decide to engage in this confrontation, we being aware of all the consequences, risks, and threats that young man may face. whether it from the united states or from the design, essentially, it's no secret to the united states as issued threats and warnings. what time does advice regarding our military operations? however, we did not pay attention to them because we store it is our duty to move to support the much ahead dean in palestine and to stop this aggressive design is to tax at any cost. this does not mean that we're reckless will make decisions based on
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emotions. everything is calculated and executed, following a pre plans as ation for specific purposes. anyone keen on the region and the seas can compel the zine his enemy to retreat and refrain from targeting palestinians as the many armed forces announced in the statements. they will do everything in that power to stop this aggression on the gaza strip. therefore, everyone should expect any form of military operations to the many forces may undertake as a result of the ongoing aggression. ongoing side design is the enemy may not take this non serious make or may ignore it. but as is well known about the armed forces and you have many forces we back up was with deeds. therefore, we believe that the world must be aware all then stand by the warnings issued as the serious and real threats. the world should deal with them and study them, considering them as pre warnings. and as we mentioned, is stopping the aggression on gauze, up and face threats all heated the many armed forces and nothing tried to execute
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any action. the many armed forces have declared this, and this stones, they take represents the gear. many people desperately see it necessary to continue on military operations through various means following the directives of the government and leadership and the response of the guidance of the leader of the many revolution. it is not in the name of the who is the manufacturer will answer alex instead, it is in the name of all the sons of the many people, as i mentioned before, based on the demands of all people in that process and the coals about resistance in palestine urging or forces people's arab and islamic governments and the atlanta community to confront this and to be and design is the aggression a budget to then out. yeah, well, i reiterate that the operation was carried up by the many armed forces regarding b. c. ship the many armed forces announced 3 levels of which is ready. zine is shipped specifically would be targeted. there's no intention to talk to the other
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ships. all those affiliated with international entities or the b side is the entity . the statement was clear that we would target ships carrying the zine as well, and by is raisal operated by his rated companies. these 3 level specified in the statement by the armed forces, the talk saying, well planned calculation and carried out according to a specific plan. as i mentioned, we know and understand that the ship sees from the red sea belongs to design. this businessman named remy own god. therefore, there is no room for speculation that the ship is british. that is operate as a japanese or anything else. i returned to the time of toxic according to the statement by the armed forces. there's only targeting inside the ships and nothing else. there was no interference with any other ships or targeting of any other countries. another point is that the armed forces statement pulls on old companies and other ships. the distance themselves don't involve themselves in any confrontation in the red sea between us and is ready ships. this must be known to
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everyone that we declare it clearly. this military pressure, as i've said, primarily aims to hold this aggression fios everyone, all those concerned with security and peace in the region to start leaves honest aggression 1st before discussing the fight to this whole bad shape or the future of the mid 3 operation. once the world ends this aggression against the people of palestine and lifts the blockade on cause that everyone can see the extent of our commitment to stopping military operations. as soon as the aggression and blockade cease, the armed forces announced during a visit to the many naval base, to inspect these on a ship and meet each cruise that they would temporarily detain, pending the completion of investigations to find their identities. we can say to them, guests of the many naval forces. so there's no concern about the fight. as i mentioned, the goal is to target these on the ship, the ongoing communications from japan and mexico, and some countries with the government in sana to facilitate their release. i
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believe this mazda is on its way to resolution suits offing investigations that completed typically in previous operations, that talking to a number of the ships, the relevant local authorities allowed the crew to communicate with the families and concerned government agencies to ensure that well being and arranged that fast, i think this issue will be resolved one way or another as it's not a complex problem, but rather a routine procedural method that will be result soon. the ship sol located in germany coastal areas off to being seized from the right seat and run to the custody of the naval forces and the judicial and local executive authorities. olga, for as well as a man in the past when the united states commanded actions which he can today. yeah . mean refuses based american language impulse, not any concert again, but also regarding the region and the well that's all americans must change their approach and dealings with them. and specifically,
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the united states is no longer qualified to play any role in the region old weld. today in yemen, we consider ourselves partners in the security of the region where we have present . we consider ourselves partners in maritime security. the red sea is primarily and a re being lake, therefore, alongside the red sea coastal countries, we are primarily responsible for the security of this area. and this navigation, we do not accept a foreign presence with the american or otherwise in this area, under the pretext of security. combining piracy or fighting cycle, terrorism, we, native zip is region responsible for managing it and preserving it security. we believe this american rhetoric is outdated and unacceptable. americans have no sunglass but to heat the demands of arab and islamic nations to leave the region and entrust the security to his people, governments, and states. they should primarily stop the aggression on garza, if they keen on restoring security in the region and the wells. the,
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and finishing up right here in russia in a much anticipated announcement. it's not, in my opinion as officially confirmed, but he will be running for us side consecutive presidential tom. next march. the news came up, the russian need rewarded metals to members of the military on heroes of the fatherland today. yeah, the month. so that's the part of which you've done so much for our don boss. the federation council has called the election of the president of the russian federation. and i, as a person of all our people, all live down boss, are we united lands, would like to ask you to take part in the elections because there is a lot of work to do. it is still necessary to go through integration, establish social ties, and economic formats, and simply establish an ordinary peaceful life in under your leadership, we would like to do all this. you are our president, we are your team. we need you russian need you. spencer was thank you very much. i
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won't hide it. i've had different thoughts at different times, but you are right now. now is the time to make decisions. i will run for the post of president of the russian federation. i'm not soft, i'm not surprised. we're expecting this announcements to come at some point though, we're starting to get a few doubts, to be honest with you because there was this investment form where he was sites and we thought, well, it's coming to the end of the year the last few days because of the announcement that the elections will be held march 17th. so if he was going to announce that was helpful, perhaps up the investment form. this is where the news would come up, but still nothing. and then here we go today at this awards ceremony, and he did it sort of as a, as a, by the way, we finally got some clarification from the kremlin spokes person. he was a big journalist. we're asking them how that this happened. so many people wanted to know for so long. how come he does a fuller to the out? it seems to to the see for the criminals folks personally visit this golf said, well, he was asked these questions by the parents of those who were awarded heroes for
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uh, for their flights in the special military operations. so in the way he, he couldn't refuse. he couldn't say no to these people. and afterwards, during the less asked me trip his cough again to clarify. so can we say that this is the 1st day of lateral hooton's presidential election campaign? and he said the fact though, yes, but legally speaking. no, because they have to register of course, and go through the, the official procedure. but yes, it's official that he is running for president. the elections will be, like i said, march of 2024, lot of who's in the has said by the way that he's that he's been having different thoughts about it, whether to ron or not to run. but he realized considering what is happening in the world that he must or on a. 1 that's how things are shaping up so far this saturday morning. of course, we'll have the developments as they come in. come you only now one of our award winning communities enjoy the
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after the nazis bower in italy, states foreign policy became extremely aggressive. benito, mussolini needed glorious victories decided to achieve his ambitions in africa. despite the fact that formally libya had become an italian colony back in 1912. the vast territories of this country were not actually controlled by rome. the nazis decided to put an end to this. but as soon as the religious order of the senate side stood in their way, the arabs did not want to submit to foreign power and put up peers, resistance, dividers against colonialism were led by the seats of the senate side order. omar l
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move star, who was nicknamed the lion of the desert for his incredible courage. despite the violent, bombardments and boys in gas usage, mass deportations and the imprisonment of the local population in concentration camps. the invaders could not cope with the arrow patriots for a decade. in 1931, omar l move star was captured and sentenced to hanging at the trial, the hero of the libyan people behaved very bravely and rejected. pardon. pursuing a policy of genocide, italy was only able to temporarily suppress libya, 18th of the entire population. more than 100000 people fell victim to their. however, just a few years later, the entail you enroll collapsed. the 1951, libya became one of the 1st countries in africa to gain independence. the
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