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tv   News  RT  December 9, 2023 2:00am-2:30am EST

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the, the, the idea of take the flight would come off to the parts of calls with law says mounting on both sides is while we're pull pitching, there's a full 100 target. so i'm in the south of the young place, west thousands pulled, display civilians off shelter and also i had barely spent the today to try. i miles can never just be fine to select the spanish follow scene and keep us on it as well. phase of that class dropping your web security council off the washington z toes a safe spot resolution, palestine size move and $17000.00 moved. have already been killed. also this our
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know is the time to make decisions. i will run for the post of president of the russian federation vladimir to and confirms that next taking will be running for us, prod consecutive. i'm 5th, overall presidential, the norm. yeah, every. now this is all to international. a very welcome to myself and the whole team right here, in most cases. what we're going to start off this hour in gaza web. the style felt the on campus now bearing the brunt of the ideas on sold. nobody is despite the is ready to government previously designating the area as a say. so for garza's displaced population overnight, the city of russell became the target of a fresh round of strikes. well, so far, no casualties have been reported bought stripes on the neighboring city upon eunice have left 1000 instead. causes health ministry says the enclaves,
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death toll has now surpassed 17400. meanwhile, the idea is we need fresh footage of its own gutting ground invasion or the his right, the troops, the car in the active, in most parts of the goal. it's a stretch engaging and extensive bottles with her mouse minutes. and the idea of says a 2 of its soldiers was severely injured, overnights and a failed attempt to rest. 2 remaining hostages, as reported, had taken approximately $250.00 targets in garza and friday, and both at naples strikes, which from us fulton county, the several militants walk. hilton not intends fighting with a mouthful, so play and if it's not in his rated postage died in the disability contract. civilians are repeatedly off to see those hate to escape the process. how far?
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meanwhile, the us has vetoed a ceasefire resolution. propose to provide the way up to a security council on despite the security general of $1240.00 judging immediate action to save the lives of civilians. 13 of the 15 members of the council emptied in russia on china supported the resolution faulty who came up the details of what you're signed by the for both. and the people of guys are being sold to move like human pin balls are equal shifting between ever smaller sleeve versus of the sauce without any of the basics for survival. but no with in gaza is safe valley. the perpetrated by miles can never justify the collect these punishments of the policy and people. although the united states strongly supports a durable peace in which both israelis and palestinians can live in peace and
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security. we do not support this resolution to call for an unsustainable c 4 that will only plant the seeds for the next war. but we cannot search in favor of a resolution which does not condemn the atrocities from us. committed against innocent is ready. the civilians, on the 7th of october, this is a terrible day for the security council. we are the jack this resolved and will continue resorting to a very legitimate avenue to stop these a part of our process. these, including, as you mean the emergency session of the general assembly. while, while the politicians far away discussed a conflict that's no end in sight to the sufferings of civilians and garza canadian protest sending trying this month's or shoot me and brings us this report on the humanitarian situation in hong eunice. the ideas, posit each for most,
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the 800 meters decide loss of hospital. what i'm staying out before was drawing back a kilometer. uh, we do not know what dental objective is. almost the most we have seen here is civilians being killed, civilians insurance, more as being filled up the hospital and dispos that on the far over capacity. so they keep saying that's the most trying to this month. and i'm us not seeing any evidence of that. they keep saying that they want to city that on hostages, but it seems that they are sending that on hostages by their own expedites. and it's a very tough humanitarian situation and it's been worse and by the us doing the ceasefire. it is, are you a sion in the you and the people in does the see that to the us and the is that i as the the, i mean there's, there's no difference of 6 to basically is it i,
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it is the exit is the one who was executing 3, whatever the, the us uh uh, agrees with them on the us is the main supplier of the lessons to the is there any of these and the main uh, december 2012 that you can uh, support to the altima, the old the by the administration, dave is really is until the end of the month, but she is the objectives on the ground. so we think that over the next 2 weeks, they will stop sides in terms of their attacks. because the by that i'm afraid should once, when the next election next year. and i don't think they will given the, the us population being against the government in doing what they're doing. and i snellville of the you and says crucial infrastructure moving to 60 percent of balls as residential buildings have been reduced to rubble. since we have opted on
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october 7th, at least 1900000 palestinians have been display. so we understand the scale that's more than 85 percent of calls as total population. the head of the world food program says age assets of being severely hampered by the ongoing violence. people are really desperate. there's fear in there, there's fear in the children's eyes that we see and you can almost smell the fear. they don't know where to go. you have nowhere to stay and we have no answers for them. and that's the most frustrating part of being here. not being able to have went out to central garza, i was going to say right, refuge account has come on to heavy compartment footage. all to be off to mouth shows that community left in ruins. locals are still such and the proper for that loved ones neighbors, although there is this will hurt a finding any survivors. it has to be alone in the middle of it only for the
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corpses, corpses of children and their patterns. but it's no use. we're searching for the rest of our family, send the sand, stone rubble. we failed to cover anyone. we're looking for the remains. what else can we do to help along? i didn't go through this 4 story building collapsed each apartment house about 7 to 10 people. we only found bodies including the church, groups of children. my house was made with us besta, so i went to check with my children. i couldn't see them. so i begin touching the ground trying to find them. this is exactly where it would go to killed a 10 year old and the religious sides of also being turned into idea of targets with friday strike saving balls. his oldest musk have any damage. i mean, is it more than a 100 most have now been destroyed since the start of the world with places of worship, and so being subjected to frequent reigns local john. this rami on the gar eva pulls from outside the ground because the most insightful causes just behind me as
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the glad mollusk of the my god, 0 god in the middle of the gaza strip. visegrad most has been here for the k. h a is about 7 decades always. but during this time a floor is really walrus. plains rate is the smallest out of a sudden we'd like now to talk to some of the believers. how have that been adapted? i've been used to praying as this most during good friday times. you can, i mean, i have a show i have free for 30 some use for the past 60 days. i have no pride on friday . i'm over 50 years old and i have never experienced this kind of a situation. it's all because of the war. it seems we're living in a world of double standards, l now. oh god preserves how religion as a lot of good thinking about for the i am a resident of i remodel. i was a fruit and vegetable seller. come to me, i haven't freight on
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a friday for over 2 months. you might know, but we prefer to stay at home instead of going through a mazda just because of the safety reasons. many of the mosques have been bombed. i just hope that safe to return and come go home. or maybe you hear the background, the solid stuff is rated draws buzzing guns, some bomb things nearby. frequent bom, big in the area, that the lack of security and safety on the roads and in every place of gaza. as a reason for them not to perform the prayers, the regular prayers, daily prayers, as well as the friday sermon, which is the most important to pray or food the most with. and the only thing that more do it you, the people do is to go around to walk down just via, by their homes the, or should it are schools or filter places just to find out something to eat some there, there is thing sure. and basic needs to meet was the were range. as all
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a veteran is raney politician. you'll surveillance appeared on the show driving on the ground. he tried his views about as well as need a ship as well as him off. but when the conversation tugged potential idea flew crimes, things quickly got heated. the full episode will be full cost throughout the day. right here will not international, but for now his sneak preview. i mean, how many more people do you think join the come us for every bomb dropped on gaza and do you think it's an issue that concerns me is riley, in effect coalition government? well, i don't know the well does concern them with all due respect today, as you know me for a few years time such as storm supposition, produce a government. i hope that after the world there, we lay there with the end of the day, and bear with me, this is what will happen, but did you ask me about a joining call mazda as a result of the day of the conflict now?
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okay, i'm sure that you are right, i'm sure because they are watching tv and seeing what is happening to their budgeting and i can understand it. but i don't think that it will go full long a this story, a full, i mean voice deeply. you guys, which is really very popular, not deep, but please give me a not the solution for the current, a situation. i still the 7th when we know what they can do, and we know that they can retail. and we know that the d as a must likely dicey seem to us, you know, how many people say that it's in apartheid states. a israel nelson mandela refused to negotiate unless the release of the amc prison is guilty of blowing up restaurants frequented by whites in the africa. right. is that no, i believe, i mean we do is 9. when you, when you lift the prison weight was really easy. i'm honest,
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one though it's prisoners. they went to all the prisoners or they called them off to jail, bainsville released but not so out from us. i mean, the don't want it from us. we to, as they don't stop the united nations on, does that contribute to believe that the adult button is slowing investigations now? i i'm just, i'm just doing the interviewing here and i'm saying that the it, so i'm getting people. if they say we are ready, if only goes to actions we diesel, at least still though it is before though it is well as though this is another ball game, i will, you know, been mom's babies. well, down the keeping the phone was full was go something to that of to alice comp, of the secure from the security team for cable. it's very telling how ritz is really forces killed. is there any jews in october? the 7th? the idea of cold for ariel strikes is killed is riley's. okay, maybe it is true and all day the. it's 11200 people who will keep it on the 7th of
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october when people use ratings. but why is that not on? it's actually in the israeli breast, but it's not in the breads in the united states and i believe that it is 100 percent. right. how you will crazy, please raise. i don't want to participate in such a dialogue. let's go to gaza right now. let's go to gaza right now. what do you think about israel's isolation in the international community? as well as the former deputy minister of foreign affairs in the is there any government the full mer? uh, is there any minister of justice diploma? is there any minister economics and planning the fullness folks visit with the? is there any labeled buddy the form or is there any minister in the prime minister's office of israel? you'll see ban ended the interview. the meanwhile,
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in here in russia, in a much anticipated announcement that went pitch and has officially confirmed, he will be running for us, the consecutive presidential time next march. and he's came off to the russian need, awards and metals to members of the military on heroes of the fatherland. yeah, so that's the part of the issue. you've done so much for our don boss. the federation council has called the election of the president of the russian federation, and i, as a person of all our people, all live down boss, are we united lans would like to ask you to take part in the elections because there is a lot of work to do it is still necessary to go through integration, establish social ties, and economic formats, and simply establish an ordinary peaceful life. and under your leadership, we would like to do all this. you are our president, we are your team. we need you. russian need you. especially with thank you very much. i won't hide it. i've had different thoughts at different times,
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but you right now? no. is the time to make decisions. i will run for the post of president of the russian federation. i'm not soft, i'm not surprised. we're expecting this announcement to come at some point though, we were starting to get a few down to be honest with you because there was this investment form where he was asked and we thought, well, it's coming to the end of the year. uh the last few days because of the announcement that the elections will be held march 17th. so if he was going to announce that was helpful, perhaps up investment form, this is where the news would come up, but still nothing. and then here we go today at this awards ceremony, and he did it sort of as a, as a, by the way, we finally got some clarification from the kremlin spokes person. he was the journalist. we're asking them how that this happened. so many people wanted to know for so long. how come he does a letter to the out it seems to see the see for the criminals folks personally visit this golf said, well, he was asked these questions by the parents of of those who were awarded heroes for
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all, for their flights in the special military operations, so in the way he, he couldn't refuse. he couldn't say no to these people. and afterwards during the less asked me to discuss again, to clarify, so can we say that this is the 1st day of lateral hooton's presidential election campaign? and they said the fact though, yes, but legally speaking, no, because they have to register of course and goes with the the official procedure. but yes, it's official that he is running for president. the elections will be, like i said, march a 2024 lot of who's in the has said by the way that he's that he's been having different thoughts about it, whether it's a wrong or not to run. but he realized, considering what is happening in the world that he must or on we spoke to archie, contributor call, shaw, who believes that another time, so it's not him in person? well, i really say sign a russian ties strength. the feelings of leadership in russia means continuation of the development of sign of
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a russian friendship that had progress quite rapidly under booting for the last 20 years. and the importance of china, russia relationship is state ability and the fact that we will continue to be at the house for the next 6 years. that shows state ability, even the china, russia relationship going forward. but since it is, there has been a very cordial personal relationship between the russian leader who and the chinese leaders fusion being and going forward if we can continue to be russian. president data again paved the way forward for continued development, e u e. in the rush search, find a relationship in all aspect. and this year the russian china tray just surpassed $200000000.00 for the 1st time. and russia is now the number 5 trading partner
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on china. this will only continue or smoothly difficult to remain to be the president the ukraine concepts can no longer be considered regional due to the massive influx of foreign aid to kids, not supporting to cut to campbell. job items top picks a deputy secretary of state to look at the truth is the struggle. the desperate struggle in ukraine is no longer just the original conflict. many outside players are so usually invested. what's different about this conflict? not only have we seen substantial resources from europe even greater than from the united states, but huge support for the end of pacific. because the understand the stakes, there are models come to. * washington, as insistence that maters and falls into the concept is actually designed to stop it from spending or is that ukraine's what is most po for its part has always
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a fun, us flat interference for folks who in the 1st place that is open to peaceful switch kids and it's west and back cuz i've so far rejected. my cube has relied on a free flight with minute tre, from may to a spot in a spot where a field since february last year, for example, washington's asia pacific allies, japan, south korea and astray. you have contributed aid, but also joining the onto russia. functions of the original tires that they knew china, india knows korea how face criticism for refusing to copy ties with most good radio sound political commentators, faith go, says that the fight and administration is building up russians image as a book came on to when will support the ukraine is repeating the, the misinformation that the, by the best pricing is putting out there. i was listening some new stories today talking about how that if we, as the us and the western allies don't stop and ukraine,
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he's going to roll across ukraine. roland, defend my role as do a sweden. nothing could be further from the truth and they keep quoting these statements, but they never quote whose say that those are the russian ambitions. so they're trying to create a bunch of man to scare people into doing more in the summer of expensive the spring offensive, the fall offensive the winter offensive. i don't know how many offences we've been through that have not produced any results for a free credit. despite the billions of dollars in the argument and, and the additions that have been dispatched from, from your bank or from the us taxpayers. and just this week you have the way to austin, the secretary of defense, basically briefings to convers. tell them if they won't pass the aid for ukraine. he's going to send their sons and daughters and cousins that uncles the dying ukraine. i don't think the american people want us to invest more money to ukraine . i know they don't want to send boots on the ground. right? well, many territorial disputes across the americas, off the direct result of washington's monroe doctrine, which is a point a stone of
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u. s. foreign policy. turning which time is about 2 centuries old. this december, the strategy essentially to kind of central and south america, washington is about to about autism. rachel blevins takes a look at how it continues to play out to this day. the monroe doctrine just turned 200 years old, but its role as a tool of us foreign policy continues to be used to this day. to argue the u. s. has the right to intervene in latin america as we continue our look at the doctrines of legacy. we turn to the way it was used in nicaragua during the iran contra affair. the scandal occurred back in the 1980s when the administration of ronald reagan secretly sold weapons to a wrong to fund the congress, a group of anti communist fighters in nicaragua. president reagan initially signed an executive order in 1981 authorized a covert ca operation to support the right wing rebel group, the starter overthrow,
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the left defendant needs to a government. daniel ortega in nicaragua, i must speak to you tonight about a mounting danger in central america that threatens the security of the united states. this danger will not go away. it will grow worse, much worse if we fail to take action. now. i'm speaking of nicaragua, a soviet ally on the american mainland, only 2 hours flying time from our own borders. but not everyone was on board with riggins planned to target the government in nicaragua, and that included democrats in congress. in fact, they passed the boland amendment starting in 1982 in an effort to prohibit the federal government from providing military support for the purpose of over throwing the government in nicaragua. meanwhile, the c a was air dropping thousands of 15 page manuals telling nicaragua to love their country and shares their freedom, how they could sabotaged their government. president reagan, austin, american,
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people in congress to continue the finance of the central intelligence agency, chicago war against me. come rocco, he says he's a is to make me come. rog would cry, uncle to bring about a restructuring of all government as we're trying to make us quite unco. based on this difference, all resistance, we know only one cry, the chrysler peace with dignity. that is, was, was sick from the united states, despite the crimes committed against us will extend a hand in friendship. congress began it's official proceedings in the investigation of the url and contra affair. in 1987 and the testimony from it brought new evidence to light, revealing that reagan knew up and personally ordered actions that appear to be directly on with the congressional restrictions against into the contracts. the purpose of this meeting is to focus on the political, economic, and military situation in central america. there seems to be no prospect that the democratic leadership will provide for any vote on the nicaraguan program. i would
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like to get money for the contractors, but another lawyer said that if we go out and try to get money from 3rd countries, it's impeachable offense. the lawyers argument is that the us government may raise and spend funds only through an appropriation by the congress after riggins 2nd term, and that george h. w. bush became the next us president. and in 1992, he pardoned the remaining 6 people whose convictions hadn't been overturned on appeal. notably, the us on its investigation, found the reagan administration's efforts to overthrow the leftist government in nicaragua. included support for an issue that reagan's own wife took a stand against drug trafficking. there was substantial evidence of drug smuggling through the walls. phones once a pulse of individual contreras, contra supplies, contrib pilots. most of the reese, what was the contractors and contract supporters throughout the region? us officials involved in central america failed to address the drug issue for fear
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on jeopardizing the will efforts against the correct guar. so what gives us the right to metal in nicaragua? well, according to the deputy director robert gates, it was the monroe doctrine. he also argued that the congress had no chance at over throwing ortega's government calling their efforts half hearted. and he argued in favor of a more aggressive approach that included the use of airstrikes. the fact is that the western hemisphere is the sphere of influence of the united states. if we have decided totally to abandon the monroe doctrine, if in the 1980s taking strong actions to protect our interests, despite the halo of criticism is too difficult, then we will to save political capital in washington. acknowledge all hell dismissing stop wasting everybody's time. gates was notably appointed director of the c, i by president george h. w bush in 1991. and he went on to sir the secretary of defense under president
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sports, w bush and brock obama. a reminder that all this scandal was made possible by numerous members of the us political establishment. they did one of the things they do best. they protected each other from accountability. well that is a little from loss and must go for the ssl. we would of course, pay fox at the top. in the meantime, we're gonna head over the state side, a 100 from a c i. a agent jumped out to the whistle plus is up next to enjoy the focus on those funds. this case is still with me. so can you guys just send through space to accept the
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good which is the use of mobile guessing sucks. so there's really good. i used to be honest. can you just the the of the the,
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the, sometimes something happens to a person that is so awful that what they need the most at the outset is support and a friendly here in a perfect world. that is how it would always work out. but this isn't the perfect world, and when things don't go the way they should, a strong person stands up. she stands up for herself and for others in the same position. even when the road becomes more difficult for flight continues. i'm john
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kerry ok welcome to the whistle blower, the . 2 2 2 2 2 1 of the most dramatic and damaging things that a person can experience is a sexual assault. the loss of a sense of safety, the distrust of one surroundings and the palpable fear that it could happen again are almost too much to handle. what a cell victims need is support the help and cooperation of law enforcement. a friendly ear, perhaps even a psychologist or psychiatrist to help the victim work her way through the experience. but what happens when that system breaks down? what happens when a company that has a role in the protection of the victim acton, in an ethical or perhaps even illegal way? that's when whistles are blown. nicole steven.


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