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tv   News  RT  December 10, 2023 2:00am-2:31am EST

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was, could have been a doctor, or nurse could have been the next president overtake, keep losing people out here. the medicine is very scarce. now. almost nonexistent. i desperately need swords and medications. i could die without us to report a death soul in gaza. surpasses 17 and a half volumes, and people this, sorry for being late previously considered a safe zone, comes on to renew this really bombardment showing signs of physical abuse, palestinians who have been detained by the idea. describe the interrogation methods used on the front cover. allegedly they took us to my cousin's house, took off our clothes, slapped as kick disc, grab dislike animals and drag us through rubble on the ground with sand and stones . every morning they beat everyone in the stomach everywhere,
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beating kidding and screaming is there interrogation? in fact, they are criminals. while in israel and motions run high us pro testers and relative the solve the remaining come of hostages tape to the streets of tel aviv government, the focus of bringing back a 3rd of the law school. this is our take good to have your company for this. some of these latest developments under recap of the news week that was to we begin in northern cal. so with the sky line has been shredded by must've prince of smoking this sunday morning. in fact, these are live images we have right now from the enclave. the idea is stepping off its bombardment and rolling invasion of the area with what looks to have been
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missed. solid strikes over the past number of hours, including on the gym body, a refugee camp that's been happening for quite some time. no, any remaining civilians are being told to flee to other parts of the n plates. and that includes southern gaza where the cities up can units on the rough uh of also being targeted by us. the leading is really or strikes reportedly. busy being dozens of live warning you might find the following. images upsetting relatives are seen your morning. their loved ones sitting there last goodbyes. boost hills in 10 minutes before they are buried. scores of great bodies have been building up. i'd side nestor hospital, which is again being overwhelmed by an influx of fresh casualties. local officials say the facility has received over 60 corpses this weekend. so in terms of the overall fatality numbers, gals, us health ministry states, the enclaves,
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death tool has no surpass. $17700.00 people since october 7th. that's us inside and officer hospitals. doctors are fighting to save the lives of is really bombing rates or vipers, including many children. doctors say they're working under intense pressure. i'm facing insurmountable olds and that a shortage of a central suff to say i was the front office of the middle sister hospital and all the hospitals. and you guys have been over crowded since the latest round of conflict broke out, as the easily mailed that it continues its heavy bombardments garza goes to massive civilian casualties. the bed to no hospital was crowded with patients because there was food. some patients have to be moved to courtiers some line in the bags. someone to for medical stuff have get food, you know, the heavy psychological pressure was done with them remaining at a hospital for 60 days, helping patients and contributing to society. many of them have loved their families and everything behind to work for the patients analysed with oh no,
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i live in. and then the medicine that i need cannot be finding guys that madison is very scarce now, homeless non existent. i desperately need swords and medications. i could die without that, and i'm appealing to old countries after the world health organization to help us. i'm appealing to egypt open more border crossings as patients need medical treatment that is not available now or is that that you will follow since that palestinians have been forced to flee from the idea of invasion of the north 1st thing and make shift camps in southern gals, a one of them in the rough, up near the border with egypt. it's growing insides every day. in fact, there's room footage from the local shows the must have scale of the refugee prices there. the u. n. stays know, place and goes is safe for civilians. adding that some 1900000 people more than 80 percent of the population of already being displaced by the war as well. several published any man on the teenage boy have claimed they were beaten and deprived of
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the most basic needs. while the tain bias really trips in garza, the men were taken into custody for allegedly helping links to homos during the 5 day interrogation. the not released by less than in say they were given little water and then i use of the buffer several have bruises on their bodies. deep cuts from zip charts. thomas, the, i'm a low is really soldiers kept us for 5 days during which we drank half a glass of water on the 1st day we begged them for something to drink, but they said no, there was no water. they took us to my cousin's house, took off our clothes, or slapped as kicked as grab dislike animals and dragged us through rubble on the ground with sand and stones. they did not care. i felt like they were going to kill us. and then they took us to a place and i heard an interrogation. there were people who were taken, god knows where and then they took me to an area with another 10 people, with hands bound with plastic zip ties. we moved the every morning. they beat
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everyone in the stomach everywhere, beating kidding and screaming. is there interrogation that the most horrific interrogation in my life is the interrogation by the jewish. in fact, they are criminals. the law support for pulse the names continues to be seen worldwide. solutions across the world are highlighting their solidarity, but the people have gone. so a lot of fun, great has been directed of western leaders who protesters accuse of turning a blind eye to the flight of civilians. just some of the cities here were college called for an immediate cease fire. it follows the us between a possible peace resolution of the un security council. some protesters went so far as to say, their governments are silently supporting janice and go. these are the ones that to, for being out of demonstrations. they wanted to silence us. they wanted to repress us, but the reality is that you can't repress be sold our team. it's ingrained in every
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human heart theater due to a different government, frankly, is hypocritical and irresponsible in the face of what is happening today. we don't understand anything. there must be some see cottage to write it out on paper and simply say stop the genocide leave. if i failed to west to me, this is all we're paying $10.00 pounds to fund this ethnic cleansing. and we're just here this our eyes. that's why we're in the streets. that's why we like everyone else in every major city. we're here to scream on and shouting top of the room stops. please find out. it's a shame that one man to put his hand up in the u. n and say no, not, not, it's not the, not the right time. you know, just it's, it's just laughable. it's so absolutely. uh, but so it's just to see that it can be to that when people are dying every single
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day. well, at least $138.00 hostages are still being held inside. does that buy from us relatives of the captives or rallying until it be demanding action from the is really government to help bring their loved ones? so local journalist, nickel, your takes us through the latest thousands of people at came again, it is becoming a retail out here that the people are coming and they're demanding these rather government to do anything in their power to release the remaining 100. 38. these riley's, some of them are elderly, some of them are children and women, and they're demanding to bring them back home. now they think that these rally government, again, think more about how to destroy eliminates how mice and about some other political issues. and they're not a good thing as the source priority to relieve. there are the people that are still
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there and there is riley, innocent citizens that were taken out of their badge from their homes, from a music festivals. there have nothing to do with. busy politics, they have nothing to do with the conflict. they just people that wants to continue want to continue to live their lives and that from the people that already returned from the cups the video of how much they are telling you this. busy horrible, it is so hard, it is harsh. it's unbearable to be in a cup, steve, at tea and dad. i know what, sorry not there. there are no fluid, no mitigation, no streets meant some of them where beach and they're saying it's terrible stories that remind the elder rewan how it was, how that goes. and for many is riley said the 7th of october. it's like the 2nd fall that goes and they are in the big a dilemma because they want to eliminate this threat of how much because nobody
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wants to leave under the stress anymore. but on the other hand, they still have so many is riley is there. and they understand that fees or i will continue the bombardment of the guys i may be, those people do not return alive, but police and the your people's calling for israel course, default return all your safe events and the officer that's deal this from us as well. let's just continue with what nicholas seeing there as crowds march through the streets of tel aviv gathering and what is now being called hostages square. many carried placards with the faces of the remaining hostages, calling on the is really government to negotiate and media release terms. those whose relatives are still being held by him. us say the government will be to blame if their loved ones are not return. call young shame, some of the items every day there remain their, their lives are in danger. whether it's from some us or the actions of the idea from the gaza strip. my cousin is a life. and if he doesn't return here alive,
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the only ones responsible for that are these riley government. we are asking this valley cabinet, the log cabin to talk to us the families and explain what exactly is on the negotiation table to key both families and where we need to be. we demand to be part of the decision process. timothy a dealership. my grandfather was kidnapped to gaza after witnessing the murder of my grandfather, to, to tune home up to 49 days. at least to, to tons physically. but her soul remains captive alone with her dear friends who are left behind. yeah, some tough testimony there. who allows the idea, but environment delagarza shows no signs. really of letting off the is really on the chief saves the offensive, should be even more forceful. well, jordan, it's a busy day. we're seeing more and more terrorists killed into more and more
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terrorists. we might as well, and in recent days we seeing teresa surrendering name. that's a sewing the system is pulling upon a sign we need to press honda. and that's what we do. we have a one area where the is really military has focused itself or ations is the jump valley, a refugee camp in northern gals, a. the idea was released for the age for putting the show at soldiers bustling. come most fighters, there it planes. the militants were preparing to, i'm bushes really. troops near a central traffic route were discovered. i'm for israel also say several come us fighters were killed bike type fire and drugs also look at this. the . yeah, i must say it's engaging in intense fire fights with this really forces enough parts of the polish to me any save the militant say they targeted armored idea vehicles and officers inside kansas city. the $420.00 idea of soldiers
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hunting, killed the ground invasion so far. 5000 reportedly winded others according to these really on get some more regional developments as well to bring you the is really prime minister has turned his sites on 11 on a sporadic rock and fire was exchanged on saturday between these really military of hezbollah, militant group benjamin netanyahu offered this stock warning to the neighboring state. a team this is by like, if has ballade chooses to start a global war, then it will turn they route and south lebanon, which is not far from here into gaza. anton eunice with its own hands. we are determined to bring about a victory. the question i lied to, that was another warning from the is really defense minister you of get loved to us . that $80.00 and displaced is release. refrain from returning to their homes in northern israel. the official hinted that the idea of may open another front in the
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war there in order to fight. because the law earlier israel carried out a number of missile strikes on lebanese territories, claiming to target the militant group, people and they were told this they're not afraid of the is released rent and miss, i'm the know i then they're saying that nothing else wants to attack be route and turn it into gaza. bring it on. we're waiting for him. she did come by land and not use aircraft. if he's a man who leads, ma'am they should confront us face to face. but nothing. yeah, hold on. yeah. who says he wants to give the root the gaza, or hon eunice treatment, causing destruction, killing children and kerry. now the massacres there, he's trying to relieve himself of pressure at home by saying that. yeah, i know that the mind has been a failure of his whole life. if he were a man he would approach to their bodies boulder. i swear to god, i'm not joking if he is in mine, and if he's a fool, he will attack and lab and on. and it's people. lebanese political as lights motor
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with safety is really government feels free to fretting violence across the border because of us back a israel attack slipping on on. definitely this will open the reason for the wider confrontation. nothing. you know, is blood search the genocide or, and as we see, the united states is backing the genocide in gaza and especially where after the united nations security council of 4 to yesterday with the united states vetoing, secession of hostilities. uh so it is not something new for an attorney on how to threaten genocide. the question is, uh, how long will the west a bach these genocides and at what cost will it be that we stop this genocide from continuing? i think the resistance of hezbollah will defend living on no matter what the west
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does, and we will see how much beloved year a battle if this attack on bear with happens, the prominent pun, african political figure, kennedy se, but shared his take on the war and gaza drawing parallels between the destinies of africans policy. that means you can watch his full interview throughout the day on r t. your should preview. that's how about dates. i'm black man. i know what's up at the end and what's called a musician. he's because we leave and don't quote and you kind of go to musician enough. we got seemed to do this very important to explain that. so explains up and, and, and if i am against globalization in africa, i'm kind of be a foreclosure positioning in, but it stands us and that's, that's when the be was. so zip for us, responsible for the escalation. anybody spend for me ease and how the west, a mission will ship, bought, bradley,
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musician, by this time some kind of be acceptable and we, we never accept. how is the destiny of the african people linked to the destiny of palestinian people on how can a common destiny help you solve your problems in africa? really to unify forces? i guess a comb with him because you know, temper to understand that we must stronger when we are unified. we let be able to win against a blow by the most. uh, a little bit to him and me because eliza is uni 5. they hired me 50, west ality. gosh, she bridges. she'll do you guys to be friends with augusta. jim, i'm gonna be got. she is real. joe or mary country got some photos in the unified and i think that is african resistance that we have tried making right now is,
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has many years i use heavily to make and create some really links us for these reasons that, that we were received by the hezbollah, a few months ago, you know, it was the last year, and we're going to continue to, to work together on some history. and if we're able to of that, then that to come and help them in need of a common resistance. if you're able to understand things like many things which change in the issue the time, well, the word and you bring gals that is being closely watched by egypt. swear presidential elections have kicked off in the middle east, most populous nation citizens have 3 days to cast their ballots incumbent. the leader of dell thought the l. c. c is running for a 3rd term. looks favorite to win again. egyptian journalist here, i mean, told the program were earlier. this is an election that incumbent president have the fact that his cc is widely expected to win a certain. in this election,
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he's been empowered since 2014. we had elections in 2018 and been in 2019. that would constitutional amendments extending the presidential tub from 4 to 6 years and allowing him to run for the to these elections that taking place uh as injections are in the grip of a severe economic crisis as the a is available on guys, a raging on egypt sin, old and bolder, and i believe the, the war is overshadowing the election, but also it has boosted presidency, sees popularity because of the role he played in mediation between our mazda and israel, for the release of the hostages, but also for overseeing the humanitarian aid into gaza and the evacuation of the foreign nationals from gaza,
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a through egypt to that countries. and he is a military background. so a lot of egyptians feel that, you know, he is the right person for the coming phase because he will keep the egypt sport as secure. and the, you know, the stop the conflict from spilling over into egyptian territory. we have to see how things go because a, a, a high voltage, a high voltage to an out will in fact, to give cc legitimacy to press on with the economic reform is the event to, and you know, the measures that the i m. s. a has demanded of egypt as well on the eve of the vote. the egyptian leader mold over the gals, a war during a phone conversation with his russian culture part of death. it'll say, see, was fine by,
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let them are for helping secure the evacuation of russian citizens from gaza. the delivery of a to policy meets the leaders agreed to continue joint efforts to pursue this. the spar, the russian president's recent visit to the middle east was also discussed. egyptian political science scholar, my ged, bought for us, told us that most school and cairo's long spending partnership will only strength machines. there is. i started a development uh of the motion, a cooperation with egypt since the 1950s due to now, now we have a, was a fields and all sectors of the egyptian economy. we have strategic alliance, strategic partnership between egypt and russia. russia has been families and historically been a very active in the middle east,
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and it's known to be protecting their lights and very supportive to the upper rights in the region. that's why it was a and it was and it is still very credible parts not to be at ups. and the middle east to the all russia people's from political coalition has gathered in, must go to discuss how to support lot of move fitness campaign. following the recent announcement of his candidacy for the 2024 presidential election, government officials held there say on the prospect of another term, the nation's leader suggested that the election will confirm that russian citizens are unanimous. this will be a period of examination. i'm delighted to the president in spite of his ty, schedule and heavy workloads that decided to run for office one small that for a citizens of russia. we're going to show our trust in him by supporting the
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president's line. we to put a media on the eve of the election, tens of millions of people, all kinds of people that were waiting for this decisions. atlanta recruitment, because the president has the absolute support of the people and by the will of the people is uniting russia today. as a nation states, as a society, as a country. and so the fact that putting made this decision and it shows that he's with the people a leader is always with his people. e some. what's up with you about the event itself was long awaited many people hope that it would be this way, not only in the country, but also around the world. because the fact that our president fulfills is judy to the country, to the people under the international community. evoke simply hold for a better future incumbent russian president vladimir pregnancy will be formerly nominated in the restroom presidential elections on december. the 16th that's according to a meeting held him in the russian capital. moscow by the initiative group, which drew together, representatives from across russia from political organizations and jos sports clubs to discuss his candidacy pollutant announced his intention to stand in the
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elections on friday following a question from one representative of the town. yes, peoples republic, of course, one of the regents and you'd be incorporated into the russian federation, which will take part in those russian presidential elections to the very 1st time. now the date has been set, the elections will take place between march the 15th and march the 17th with some 110000000000 people expected or eligible to vote in the box poll. now if put in windsor p successful, it will be his face to of office, of course nothing. it's so it's and those electrons will be contested, but polluting will be the overwhelming favorite in 2018. he won the election with more than 77 percent of the vote. now this election is important, not just for russia, but also internationally with between is a key finger on the global stage, a times of great global upheaval, rusher and polluting play leading role in the british group of emerging economies.
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and in defense of a multicultural world suited himself, has just returned home, a visit to the united arab emirates and also to saudi arabia, both countries where he received a very warm reception. and he recently hosted the arabian president, every rising, cutting through the mist, perpetuated by the west russell and pretend isolated on the world say he's not once at full nomination has been accepted. the campaign for reelection can begin in earnest. steve just mentioned, the russian president touchstone, indeed in the middle east. this week. the war in garza, oil production on by left roll ties with a key topics up talks about them are put in was posted by the study from prince and the u. h. e president. who both organized, receptions the
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well, the sky is above all the debbie were painted in the colors of the russian flag. those lot of them are put in trouble to the presidential palace there. during the talks, the russian leaders stressed but by law fro cooperation was key to the warm sized health with the we are correspondence. we're following a lot of group with mr. it is very well known. that's why my poor nun mohammad been set up on a costing thing tied shut. a phone. conversations between the 2 leaders are behind, but this is their 1st face to face meeting since 2019. shoot me an email, just nothing can stop the development of a friendly relations over the last 7 years are relations of course have reached an
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unprecedented level. we have stable relations in terms of politics, economics, and in the humanitarian sphere. it's very important for us to exchange information and opinions about what's going on in the region here in the yard. why them important has praise the relations between the 2 countries saying it has reached unprecedentedly high level in the last 7 years. thanks to wise saudi leadership has reminded that the ussr was them on the 1st states to recognize the independence of saudi arabia. that has for us, but today russia respects very much that kings decision to choose independently their own future. life reporting has also said that the next meeting should be in moscow. the crowd phrase is expected to visit the russia next year for breaks, gathering lots on the agenda. of course, including the stability in the middle is given to terry and catastrophe. in the gaz was 3 dramatic situations around israel. high mass conflict that enters it's a month on the states. both most of the ends of riyadh supports the idea of the
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creation of the poly scan stage in order to guarantee and provide long term and long awaited peace in that part of the globe. he is the crown prince, speaking about the importance of saudi russia, communication, coordination, and cooperation in that field for setup, said altamont. there are many areas where we share interest and work to ensure stability, including in the middle east. thanks to political cooperation, we've managed to make a positive contribution to the resolution of a number of aspects in the middle east to strength and security. there are broad possibilities before us, which will be able to utilize for the pen said of the entire world. mister president, i'd like to note the you are a dear guest here in the saudi land. the rest of the main thing was behind closed doors. journalist were not allowed, but it was expected earlier that mohammed been so in mind and why report we would definitely discuss oil market cooperation. both russian and saudi arabia are the
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leaders off all pack plaza, pulling all it is a very important visit to the region by large, my poor not only in terms of strengthening friendly ties, but also in order to demonstrate and prove to the whole world that despite a norm or as average by the west to isolate russia, most quote is and is saying, but got off both, right? i'm approved and then his counterpart here, they have stressed how close the ties between the countries up through the you a is the major economic partner for russia in the region. so within the ship machine, you look at it. thanks to your position today. our relations are at an unprecedented level. the u. a is russia's main trade partner in the world. last year, the trade turnover rose by 67.7 percent. it will be even larger this year. i think the same goes with investments. we conduct a number of large oil and gas projects. we also cooperate in opec plus. we co operate in the international arena, the u. a. he contributes
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a lot in stabilizing the situation in the world. being a non permanent member of the un security council. all these women was, they have been reciprocated by again, the counterparts of let them approve me here in abu dhabi relations between the russian federation and the you a, have a historical character in recent years. relations have been actively developing in various fields in the interest of both countries and peoples. i would like to emphasize that i have very much appreciate your personal and effective role in strengthening bilateral relations and disregard. i would like to say that the u. e is russia's largest trading partner in the middle east and the self regions. and that will be happy to continue our joint work to strengthen bilateral cooperation in various fields. well, these pillars visa storage pillars. they provide a sand tastic foundation for russia and the e and the you a to grow their relations. i have to say, i remember that the way it was involved.


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