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tv   News  RT  December 10, 2023 8:00am-8:31am EST

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[000:00:00;00] the, the injured children are rushed to hospital in central garza. austin is ready strike a blizzard race and last residential building, leaving thousands, trump spending the record. i swear i do not know the number of casualties, but it is definitely a large amount. restoring the house was prompt while the school it's time to build and believe in accommodates about 15 families and several displaced people. we were evacuated here from the north of casa because i'm so sorry to be the lead b would see the lead and the mind. and the resolution is not being implemented and you and chief admit, speak security. tell those failure to ends. the goal off of the us be to, is this,
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please fire resolution that on speaking to all t, a permanent time african political figures. these links between what ask for couldn't have been viewed on the software and the policy. cindy and debra, what he calls weston colonization for us, responsible for escalation in palestine for me. these and how the western mission support. bradley colonization by the a very well welcome to you. this is the weekly on, on the international with the late as well as news update along with around with the stories that shapes a week. it's good to have you within that would be good in dollars, but with the sky line this sunday has been shrouded by massive plumes of smoke. the ideas of stepping off is bombardment on the ground invasion is rarely forces came to a phase of
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a $250.00 targets in the past 24 hours. the essential dollars in the city of the garden city of d a. l. belong with hit this dried rest through a peroration so still on the way the locals are currently searching for survivors in the rubble of a multi story building. most of the victims were asleep at the time. of the attack enables fear, they may be no one left to find that the rooms we what the funder, you disagree with the family. so their house destroyed in the bombing over there has to be some morning while most of the victims are children, women, and the elderly. i swear of, i do not know the number of casualties, but it is definitely a large amount of 3 story house was prompt while it was full of it's not have it the what well, the luck, some of us were sleep and others were awake about the mother suddenly debris, so nice in our neighbors house had been destroyed by 2 missiles. the building relieving accommodates about 15 families and several displaced people. we were
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evacuated here from the north of golf and 100. what did we do? well the, the children have gone. so a bearing the brunt of the will with the alpha la hospital receiving even more patients. all survivors of the reason strike the you want estimates that on average one mind that is killed every 10 minutes in gaza with the total number of child victims. the policy 7000 as well. let's take a look at how events have unfolded since as well. be downwards, holly, 1840 him also talk on october the 7th. now initially it was the north of gauze, of which store the heaviest bone boss. and the idea strikes pomo. big capital is one is the cities of be at noon be at le jabante a. at the end of october, the id sent in is ground force and started surrounding the area. during that time, nearly every hospital in the north was hit and all of them have now ceased to
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function. civilians were forced to flee south and total an estimated war point. 9000000 people have been displaced. but as they headed to the promised southern states on that area also began coming on the increasing is ready, bombardments. the ideas then said it would allow the humanitarian movement of civilians along the 5 possible like hated near the coast. it was the previous cargo from the centre of gauze, it has turned into a battlefield. however, now these very ami since even hahn, eunice is no longer safe, and people should move away from that too. while neighboring egypt has refused to taking any refugees from garza. this weekend in the south of the pedestal, need and take the city's upon eunice and rough ball with hall gifted by escalating is really as strikes reportedly, timing dozens of lives. a warning for you now, you might find the following images obsessing while assisting him, moaning their loved ones, and saying that loss could buys to those killed in hon. eunice before that buried schools of draped bodies have been building up outside of the hospital,
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which is again being overwhelmed by an influx of fresh casualties. local officials say that facility has received over 60 corpses this weekend, so far. thousands with palestinians who are being forced to flee from the idea as an invasion of renewal for staying and makes it to camps in southern gaza. one of them and refund new the gold with egypt is growing in size every day. 20 footage from the low call shows the massive scale of the refugee crisis. the un say's note facing dogs a safe for civilians. i think that some 1900000 people that's more than 80 percent of the population have already been displaced by the war. joining us tons of july and reports from the southern city of refund. is there any forces? awesome, and you are an assistance to move from san eunice to the fleet to the south and to be honest, condemned to use a safe car door which the west side of the osman. to not use the ssl off the ssl
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off. indeed, the street would be cool, it origin soon. so the injured soon, i'm talking about a lot heading street. and they, the posting is now are fleeing using a car door in this, in the west next to the beach. and they are building thousands of tons, tents, and next to the roof of quarters. and here next to the hospital, we can, there's, i reviewed you can build new build. here you can find a lot of the families are inside. one thing you can find the schools do with money or family members inside this dance. sure, we can see also here, thousands people are homeless for 2 the airstrikes everywhere. the leading down of the street. now it's very difficult because the weather we are in winter right now . it's basically very tough to even one mean. while this supposed to just start collecting on his wally media, the images claim to show health naked palestinian detaining. he's being
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a school said by all idea of soldiers across the route in the streets of northern garza, the power of leads videos which have gone viral, allegedly show a similar state of a mass surrender of men who being stripped down to the trunks. however, it appears to be the exact same, sorry, but i 20 film twice suggesting that it was in fact staged the videos, clinics are the same non taking the exact same steps while holding the same gun, but in different tons. but glaring inconsistency has sparked outrage from commentators on social media so they took their clothes off before surrendering their weapons more ridiculous, poisonous lives from the genocidal enemy that is forcing civilians into these stage scenes to try to paint an image of victory for its defeated, barbaric child massacring, id of criminals. this is clearly and forceful issue taken from different angles. visa just civilians who have post
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a bose rehearsed and ordered by the i d. f to normal civilians. they did it more than once. however, some of the spectators seem convinced that the alleged to run the frontage is all sensitive, and some of them even failed to question why prisoners of war would be stripped down and only then surrender the weapons. some commentators also suggested as such . images, kelly showed that the defeats of the last is on the horizon. just find no actual indicators of such developments being reported on the ground in garza, with an expert on pilot city and politics. so you see videos all yes, another attempt find the idea as to paint a favorable picture of its assault on garza. this is what i said, i'm all of them that go to some of the i'll either be a d and this was open the eyes. i go to visit a media that it is a falls news from the army that the others. yeah. and they are fine as is ryan. yeah. and it do everything to show that they have
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a kind of an evict story or some images to you and distribute to the is there a population? there's a community because now the main question is right. and what that is right um is doing and gaza and sort of getting about their new hostages. uh well yeah, i noticed by how much that is doing at the end of june side i'm trying to just sort of deal lies. one lie outside of the of that this side of good to yeah, i mean uh, to say that they are not responsible for busting the optus hospitality. and all the evidence is, yeah, and you say of that that, that's the case. go up then 500 a civilians. most of them are children. they said that the exact
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amount of miles is on the ship. a hospital and they destroyed all the house because yeah, uh by that plane. and when they yeah, and they uh and does the house the damage everything, the same money on the edge of the vehicle i'm they pull the escape, i the tools before to retain them but, and to get it to be bought it collectively. and based in the area of the city, they didn't fall, not pain in, in the hospital. all the world though is witnessing day after day, very lies. what's going on that because only i live range from, but then the out to cover his very large. and i had very the that's here in the heart of the nothing you know,
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i'm discovering it is dumbly not only the palestinians by can event collectively. he's gambling, the security of as rainy. i'm deep don't have part of that post to his political pressure. i must people to bad to achieve a humanitarian sees foreign guns that in spite of the continued us blockade against un resolutions seeking for peace and the conflict us according to russian farm. and as a 2nd off us with events would use the resolution and the security council, it was blocked by the united states, brazil introduced. and now there is a notion that was also blocked by doing that. states that the general assembly passed the resolution which was weaker than what we want to then be security going . so because it provided not for human, you differences fire but rather full human you theory and human utility and throughs. but the one that uh was uh, not acceptable to the nearby consent that the western countries they did not
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support this resolution. and eventually they organized the security council to pass a decision the resolution, which quote not demanded. that's called for human you theory, pause. this resolution is better than nothing, but they've been this week a deal. we can let's see, materialize to because to do this we need some kind of monitoring on the ground. meanwhile, the un secretary general has lamented that the will of body has discredited itself by failing to successfully broke ceased. byron johnson, the, the concert was all sorted. so you got the ability, what is the, the lee and the minds and the resolution is not being implemented. and i a just a courtesy call and see what to put as to the humanitarian catastrophe. and i write today to my view folder,
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you may 30th ceasefire to be the clips. it'd be aggressively the security policy on site to the weeds, but death does not make it less necessary. so i can problem is i will not give up for more on the story that's cost, lots of palestinian joining us mohammed in a j. but how did you get to see you could just tell us more about this so that so how for and whether you wouldn't have made these comments a yes, a do this on the 2 on 2000 the or very does kind of leave those the room opposite, it shouldn't make cars the guy the off or on. where does that listen to this vision from the you as a contingent on funded for fish about to that situation, even kind of situation. and then they got a slip on the war and value and i commission attempts to reach out to spy out of bucks of value. as soon as the people ever saw him on the sales office on the the, the walk and commission on the lovely me said that to the zone a bit, just relapse on dispos. completely providing services to the house of the scene.
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and if you do use it guys, that's what i have. so the situations are gov, our war as i'm going to cuz i guess the overall for them and it was ended by the and booked at the speech for the chief of the ocean city edition w. i c, so get a girl who said that it should been sick that how much the attack was the as an excuse for collective punishment. i guess i'll see you as i get as the women of the children, this is unacceptable. alarm he and because of possession as him. so as you are, it is huge and by the us to get the call so that he just, there's play out about every finds that i can says to is the visual and best insights of the, of, of the countries. so what i guess the decisions. so the situation, so in guys, the 1st of the discussions off the how far on the bottom by may have to include problems. who are the decision makers? it's almost the entire population of the guys us 3 and are looking for shelter
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anywhere they can find it. but know in and no one is safe in guys. yes actually what is the area on the ground dislikes, i guess does a split, but most of the solid found people make less than guys a ship for the machine. and if you use was the 1000, so the display of the phones, i don't think you have the south also, they bomb so close by the 1st that it doesn't mean that they're still advise us to kansas. they are, they're targeted and they fund loveless, and guys are from the north of the south side. this is a mechanic professional. according to all of the speakers here, i came a have as many things for that update. we're going to look into a palestinian, joining us mohammed the james speaking to his line from the ha, thank you. thank you. a prominent palm. the african political fig. i can be see by
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has shed his take on the wind gone. so during power that was between the destinies of africans and palestinians, you can watch is pulling to be throughout the day. hey, on all the for now is a preview. that's how about data. i'm black, i'm in. i know what's up at the end and what's going on these issues. he's because we're leaving the court and you kind of go to musician and i forgot to do this very important to explain that. so it explains that and, and, and if i am against globalization in africa, i'm kind of be a foreclosure positioning in, but it stands estimates that we must be wise. so for us, responsible for the escalation in, but it's time for me ease and how the west, the mission will shift thoughts, bradley, calling musician by this time. so kind of be acceptable. and we, we never accept. how is the destiny of the african people linked to the destiny
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of palestinian people on how can a comment, destiny, help you solve your problems in africa, really to unify forces against to come and help me because you feel no table to understand that we must stronger when we are unified, we love to be able to win against a blow by most a little beast him and me because eliza is uni 5. they hired me 50 west ality. gosh, she bridges. she'll do ya see friends with augusta. jim, i'm gonna be got, she is real, jo, american already gosh, 4 of us in the unified and i think that is african resistance that we have tried making right now is, has many years i use heavily to make and create some really links us for these reasons that that we will receive by as it has will a few months ago know it was the last year and we're going to continue to,
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to work together on some history. and if we're able to have that then that to come and help them in need of a common resistance. if you're able to understand things like many things we change in the issue the time. well, those are keeping a close eye on the ongoing hostilities in gaza. egyptians on heading to the posting station to call said ballots on the like the next presidential of the republic. there are 4 kinds of this to choose from. one of the payments, the, and company to out the fonts. i'll see, see, here's hoping to secure a search to follow on the election as close every now to egyptian jolessa shakira. a man many thanks for joining us on the program. so to hear what's the mood like in opposing stations? i'm what i see this our feet most concern to both is as i've been to several posing stations and then move seems to be jubilant. of their
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buses ferrying voters to the posting stations. most the government employees who've taken the day off to cost the pallets and we're hearing hatfield take songs blaring from loud speakers. we see a lot, a lot of support is waving flags. so i think of the, you know, it's a, they're getting the, the economic flows if only for today, of these at tough and trying times for egypt soon as we are facing is a via economic crisis, a high inflation, soaring prices of food and basic commodities. and of course, the war in gaza, a just on the northern border of egypt, which has the, you know, it has overshadowed this election, shows the economic difficulties and the war. indeed like like you say, you just has a vital role to play. you know, the company, the humanitarian cries,
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thing does it because of its limitation. but just how career so will this be fully outcome of the presidential race compared to the kinds of those policies on domestic affairs? i think that this school has given the president a lifeline because of people. there was a lot of discontent over the dia, economic conditions in the country. and then the school came and the egypt played a pivotal role of overseeing the though a few monetary and age into gaza at also of the role of mediating between him, us and israel, for the release of the hostages and evacuating foreign nationals from gaza. so egypt played this very important role and i think the exemptions of feels that to i've been speaking to a lot of people and they've been telling me that because c,
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c is from a military background. they see him as the person you know fit to leave the nation in the coming phase. so do you think cc is the kinds of which has the best chance of winning the election and then who might run them closest to the post? well, there are 3 rival candidates, and they are not very well known to egyptian as of the beds, the leader of the opposition, and left a party of the senate via mamma. there is a, has them all muddy from the people's republic and patsy. and the 3rd candidates is settings that on the, from the left his social democratic party. and i think he's the most popular up to cc because of all of the social democratic agenda.
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so he has great appeal with those opposing president cc, among the opposition, who have the, you know, criticized the current regime over as stifling political descent and the, the security crackdowns that's in place. many things to us about egypt enjoy the less to hear a man appreciate your time. thank you. with voting, taking place. so the 2 days egyptians told us why they feel that everyone should make bad voice counts. you will have you for anyone who thinks about the future of himself and his children should always come and cast his vote. not only in the presidential elections but all elections. and it doesn't. we all have to participate. this is all country that we love. everyone should participate. pick anyone you want to tell, voices must be heard. everyone should go 1st, elderly and young people's and then, and this is very important for our voices to be had. we must be positive and effective in the electoral process. this is very important. and this is the duty of
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all of us and just enjoy the rest on that is a dana stomach. so he's president on stacy's handling of the conflicts and goals that has boosted his popularity. one of the things that actually the, the, the, the, the presidential campaign of the cc has made as a major points through the past weeks is i couldn't best thing 8 for the senior team could uh, suffering under the war. and guys at the moment. and this is something that actually some value and some for connected to to, to, to, to the government and to the state until the campaign is gender. the ship sions, of course, are the, among the more aides entry into the us. so, but they know that china, just the egypt, the spacing egypt has in numerous times whether it's too it's for and it's part of miss hood a different political figures and also to
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a president of the defense. you see the never close that off or does it that the stuff and stuff it has been is the is really measurements. that is slowing actually the entry of 8 into that. so of course they expect the government to more, however, they know the challenges. and many of the egyptians actually are afraid of, of any escalation on the eastern border that can be egypt. scarlet, c based and get huge economic crisis into a war that would actually increase the sufferings of the people. this is the actions, know that they're walking on thin ice. at the moment. i'm going to, thanks for your company. it's always great to have you with us and make sure you check our website dante dot com for all the latest updates on the if you liked enjoying the again, some more news in 30 minutes have
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a great day. the thank you so much. can you said bob pan african leader, best known for his fiery rhetoric against the west, and what he calls french neo colonialism? well, to begin with, let's talk more about this term french colonialism as your repeatedly talked about . this in your rally isn't in your speech as you say, as long as the african nations use this c, f, a frank as a courtesy. the french colonialism will not be over. how has parents, if use this courtesy to exploit your confidence? and what is the way at 1st on which is that is a new question of currency because the new building anything is 46. and what is the color is the military is the same way. it's crucial. and it's a global system of explanation. if we don't understand that, i think it would be difficult to understand how difficult in, in, and out people what, where,
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and he's to the oppressed by the french or the gosh. and not so good about it was because you say that i know for my, on this, on the, on the west, the read the rate but isn't more complex because i am falls of west 40000. but the notes for the west 40. gosh, she's as difference. and when use to do with the french, what do you guys see and you make buy relatively zoe zone east or the gosh. and you understand that you kind of be, we use the of calling at least low be global will be of clothing and it has a real issue in my mind. so for come back to the see if i, frankly, if i frank, is it, when it's our system, what korea to buy is a french or the gosh, she's a french calling, at least for a, gives a possibility to friends. the lights to the opposite was the russell says is any of the african continent? is this what is that we system we were created after as a single and why?
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so was so course of the word why. in fact, it was an intel ready to make it worse than what if you want to be honest about the situation and is it creates creative disease system for gives a possibility to differential thought would seem to brings the resources of african countries move out controlled for us to the inside of the system, supposed to be deep for the oppression it comes to of the big pots. obviously, russell says of the transaction, obviously, if i frank in size refresh the true for gives opposing between the 2 friends. what are we do to of more, more, more, more resources? so in english is difficult to explain that, but the things that are in the sense that in fact, it is the system. and, you know, see if a friend is a fixed by the, you and you are, is a very strong currency, too much strong for the look of african,
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according to me. so this is destroyed or complex tvc between the african country doesn't give the possibility to the commission rise economics. so see if i frank is organize was organize and e, f, e continued of use the according to these will continue. but even if we step in because we organize many groceries, mobilization everywhere in france, we can go think i was put in jail for the situation. i was expect buses, sidney guy, his government was a, was the bits of the flesh or the guess is we need to be clear about this issue. i will explain is every 6 years a go up with some equity for, for organized restaurants will be the vision sending molly and book it off. i saw and been everyone french being africa. and because the people who control are wrong, i forgot anita fred was with folks that wouldn't be able to change the monetary system and give us a possibility of
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a new kind of money with every system. and we have a flexible exchange rate. i think that's this as a history, that's what we want and present the money, immeasurable at the end, disclose that was a growing a prism, michael understands that that was a big, big, big, big old decision against the sci fi framing and french speaking. i forgot. so you try to, to make some kind of so called changes is a superficial changes, but it's not a deep changing. this is a victor of the upper us and that comes but for the moments a brass and that comes to a life, you know? so there is many, many, many, many pro, many was where the express by differential authority, and this is the so called african the, the what, but there's a friends of the region, but today, so it was no change. and we continue to struggle against the stephen is that was over aspect of nuclear and he's as a, like him,
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military forces french troops away. not forgetting many country in africa. we organized and mobilized westwood. so it gives us these things true because we kind of accept something to 21st century. you say that we are in dip and then so could independent, but or the french for a new frame on me in french army for us on orleans that's not possible for us because of the x is duration. after the 2nd law, genuine, a big old say to the maybe kind of means that he doesn't want. it didn't ones that america not mistaken friends. why? what is it is an acceptable for french authorities need to be acceptable for us? we will said that the munition we won solvency and i think that's it. is this research not to be it against the west of globally is to be for all people for us. the most important thing in the way. also to see if a frank as i understood is just part of the problem. but do you expect that the


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