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tv   News  RT  December 10, 2023 3:00pm-3:31pm EST

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for the there was rams and shedding in the streets and alleys of jamalia come, the incessant bombardment brings 5 explosions and so right shrugged really scott, today it's a body of refugee camp. and all the gods is hit by idea shutting and rates. the latest report that by the palestinian red presence in dangerous proximity to the on was medical clinic or the videos allegedly started capture to have lost prisoners cole's fury online and make questions over the whole thing. pacific. as well as allegations of staging. also head with events would use the resolution and the security council. it was blocked by the american states, brazil introduced and not the resolution that results to blow pipe in the states prussian farm. it is still lashes out of the us during the doha for him to get our
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problem says america has repeated it on the mind. the adoption of un resolutions on a few monetary spite take off the bible, well, can see it from the russian capital. this sunday evening money is pizza scouts under thank you for joining now we start this all with the morning gaza whether paula sent you a bed presence as the idea is reading the area next to the on the rock medical clinic in w. a refugee come local journalist as sense as this report from the ground. and so what it was that there was rumbling, shedding in the streets and alleys of jamalia come. the incessant bombardment brings 5 explosions and sorrow. shrugged really scots, it everywhere. the heavy artillery fire has led to a huge displacement from the comp driven by terror caused by shelves heating trees, rocks and people everywhere in northern garza, jabante
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a comp on the block to every has been repeatedly targeted by attend, restricts indian central defiant, resulting in dozens of casualties trapped under the rubble northern gauze is experiencing a lack of medical services. as all the major hospitals are out of service and only operating his mind and medical points. also today, the idea of published voltage of its operation in northern concert, including in jeopardy of refuge account for 40 to show soldiers fights and come us side you have claims that attends, were assessing and on boastful, these are the, i mean, their central traffic junction is there it also says several have mass sizes were killed by tongue fired on monday aerial vehicles. we should one view as the next report does contain some disturbing images. for the targets of idea strikes includes the central dogs and city of the l bar, which was heads of the on sunday. the just show rescue is searching. there were both of us, but neighbors said that may be no ones to the life. among people who it was
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a fundraiser. the civilian family sold their house destroyed in the bombing over. there has to be some morning. most of the victims are children, women, and the elderly. i swear i do not know the number of casualties, but it is definitely a large amount. a 3 story house was bumped while it was full of it's and have it done. well, good luck. some of us were sleep, and others were awake, but the mother suddenly debrief illness in our neighbor's house had been destroyed by 2 missiles. the building relieving accommodates about 15 families and several displaced people. we were evacuated here from the north of casa. what did we do? the children in gaza all bearing the front of the wall with the l bother receiving all survivors of the recent strike. un estimates roughly one minus is killed every 10 minutes. and the inc. clave is the total number of child victims, surpassing $7000.00 world health organization fif says the civilians confines
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safety in god. almost the entire population of the gaza strip and looking for shelter anywhere they can find it. but know in and no one is safe in guys a. so let's take a look at how events have unfolded since israel begun, but it's all the aging for the hamas upside on october. the 7th. initially it was the north of gaza, the sole, the heaviest bombardments, the idea of strikes, pull the capital, as well as the cities of bits known bits live here. and to bother you at the end of october that you have sent his ground force and started surrounding the area. during that time, nearly every hospital in the north was fed and all of them have ceased to function since then. civilians were forced to fee self, and so till an estimated $1900000.00 people have been displaced. but as they headed to the promised southern se,
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so that's area also begun coming on the increased is really bump up into that. yes . then said it would allow the humanitarian moving of civilians along a bypass road which is located near the coast. as the previous colored off on the sense of gaza had been turned into a battle field. but now these are the army says even con, your niece is no longer safe, and people should move away from that as well. when they bring egypt has so far still refused to taking any refugees from gaza. this weekend in the south of the palestinian and clay of the cities of con, units and rough uh, with targeted by escalating, is really strikes impulsively climbing dozens of lives. again, another one. and you may find the following images upsetting here you can see relatives morning, the loved ones encountering these before the buried scrolls. the bodies have been piling up outside nasa hospital, which is again being overwhelmed. local officials say the facility as received over 60 bodies this weekend, so far,
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regional spokesperson for the mid least international committee of the red cross, a month for bill c. we spoke to earlier in the week, so the organization is still going to provide civilians in gaza with even the most basic of necessities, a. with a resumption of the fighting, the pressure, even higher altitude. these are still reporting to us quite. but this traffic and possible conditions in which the house stuff, especially in 1000 areas, including communities, are still a habit and of their lives. so over the past days we managed to cease fire to maximize to intensify or patients in order to provide further assistance to the health facilities and to other facilities essential assessment facilities patch such as, sorry, temporary shelters. what we provide, i did over 12 temporary shelters and solar panels. i also decided a nation pilot, lots of plants with sort of kind of titles which could serve up to $70000.00
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displace person. but this number is quite slim in comparison with the hundreds of thousands of comedies today. we're still either in the as a northern areas or southern areas lacking or a vital a need such as food want or access to health. because this traffic situation continues to decline by the day to, to waste and also in temporary shelters. now that the temperature is dropping is even more a disrupting conceptual i choose to be like to put things simply today. there is no work safe in gaza. i mean, while this footage is circulating on east valley media, the images claims show half naked palestinian detainees been a school to buy the idea of soldiers across the booing the streets of northern garza. no, no. the path of videos which i've done virally, allegedly show a similar scene of a must surrender man who's been stripped down to that underway. but it appears to be the exact same episode,
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what's actually still twice suggesting that it may have been staged. the videos that clearly show the same on taking the same steps while holding a rifle in different puns. that's inconsistency. it has sparked outrage from some on social media so they took their clothes off before surrendering their weapons. more ridiculous poisonous lives from the genocidal enemy that is forcing civilians into these stage scenes to try to paint an image of victory for its defeated, barbaric child massacring, id f criminals. this is clearly and forceful to shoot, taken from different angles. visa just civilians who have post a bose rehearsed and ordered by the i d, f to normal civilians. they did it more than once, but other people online of seem convinced that the footage is authentic and some of them have even failed to question why prisoners of war were 1st be stripped down and only then 7 to the weapons. some common sites is also suggested,
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the such images clearly show that the defeats of how much may be on the horizon despite there be no indicates, as of those developments being reported on the ground just a few days ago into the volume of video circulated online. this voltage shows dozens of semi naked palestinians sitting on the ground. the men were arrested buys very false as to be checked for links to how boss, according to is really media. the wall published any media have reported to the local journalist among the detainees. we had a the, a from political on list shoddy abdul rahman, it says that these detainees were local refugees from one of the you and shelters. so yeah, i'm trying to fight against watch it. i'm us is uh, showing be used like a daily basis showing how they are targeting their tanks and they're almost like hills. so they are trying to show him the other hand. something that y'all need is we use, we are seeing about the hops, make it, uh, people,
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according to our information. uh, which is a trustable, that these people have been taken from one of the in shelters. and these people are aware of locals who have been is like trying to save their lives by taking issues that are in school. so they told the man and uh, the left, the women and the all they do, it's tim down and then they tell them, and they claim that these people are from home, us, and this are. and so if they are out of people from us, why didn't you show them why they are surrendering? why didn't you show them? why the and the 1st thing is for a minute to is to handle, but he is gone. it looks really stage and it looks just like a continuous scene of what we have been seeing in the past. more than 2 months old . the is really lies. the game and the game and the political pressure can still bring a few monetary sci fi and gaza despite the continued us blockade against you and
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resolution seeking peace. that's according to the russian foreign minister, siggler off with events would use the resolution and the security council. it was blocked by the might that states brazil introduced another resolution that was also blocked by the amount that states that the general assembly plus the resolution which was weaker than what we want to then the security going. so because it provided not for human. you darian ceasefire, but rather full human you, terry, and for human, your dairy and throughs. but the one that uh was uh, not acceptable to the nearby consent that the western countries they did not support the resolution. and eventually they organized the security council to pass a decision the resolution, which quote, not demanded but called for human you terry was uh,
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this resolution is better than nothing but the when this week a deal. we can lets see materialize to because to do this we need some kind of money touring on the ground. but this does not mean that we all should stop trying. we should do every single, no 4 to continue this political pressure to achieve this human. you darian says 5 sure impression to say instead of yellow girl at this the afford, i'm a speech. so it'll be different for us that he said that that is the initial going to pay the take to the how much of the fact as an excuse to spend last absolutely punishment. i gotta stick unless you know, and because of which included as a target, there's that i see really honest about a women of the children the also to be connected to the sion similar items. uh, the uh, security costs of the shortage solutions that leads for spider bows. i choose not
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to visit funds that i used to incite to the dentist, but once again, a service you're gonna, i love this speech account with that little. what are the best deal that will have one on this specialist? what is also they want us to do it all? i'm funding for tears. here's a speech of the morning. and the he also indicative is opposite side from the rejection office. i'm ever boss on the now. so he is a bill. in fact, of the, the, the optical or like you like yours is i'm the, that's a guys or a dot information on the least of security. so the 1st question is that a very what the, despite all the american efforts that have to get the rest of the lots that under, he would love to help you with with any of his efforts, stuart spoke with us or i guess you guys are the father, if you think about, so you really are there the counselors all sorry to you and cut the b leads, the would see the lead and the minds. and the resolution is not being implemented.
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and i are just a courtesy call and seemed to pass through over the humanitarian capacity of feet and died right today to my view 4 or you may 30 and ceasefire to be the clips. it'd be aggressively the security council site to the weeds. but death does not make it less necessary. so i can problem is i will not give up on the last commission on elijah really said that to the phillips on the phone, completely providing services to the thousands of on a scene. and if you do use it guys that slip, so the situations, i guess our war as a minute because i guess the florida area we would joined in the studio by itself in wal correspondence. andrea lucida. and he said that washington is in no hurry to stop the conflict. as israel holds a special role for the country and the beach, you might think me the politics that is that i are make,
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are making now and gaza. it's a necessary, necessary for is there a politics and the us they can not be able to stop is that are in this moment and they, they don't, they don't want to stop. is that right now because it a, it's a piece of the us in the me that list, or it's like, uh, throw you in the middle, is this the, the, the situation is increasingly desperate in dollars a, the, the 1000 people what's left of the being squeezed into this tiny area at the south of the, the enclave. now speaking earlier at the, the, the offer and the russian for him. and it's just like a lot of he said that efforts should continue to ensure a stays firing dollars at the spot. the position of the united states, but the us doesn't seem to be changing its mind despite the international outrage, the spines being desperate situation we have in the enclave. why is the us so
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intense on present zone, getting the conflict? so no, no you just said that is well as a piece of the united states in the middle east, but you know, shortly they must be also considering their reputation. yeah, this is a good question. because of all the word it's watching what, what's happening now to the civilians in gaza. and i, so a lot of the coordination that say that is what, i'm practically who is this war for their petition in uh, other companies. because now then ty ward, so are seeing how to look in the e d s. and their ex, drums and gaza. i can, i can nothing major how the people can, can support or could, can stay strong than this the police running as obviously as always we saw a lot of children that died during the shredding of it if we have so a lot of balls to 1000 clinics and clinics that are targeting by the f and they
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said always, oh maybe it was a to know of a monson displays and we need to show here. but when this funds are not found, they don't say anything easy and they report it then for forget everything that's it's happened in 9000, as well as support for palestine grows worldwide. our 2nd officers have joined the expressions of support full gaza amid the ongoing conflicts and events in john, his big speakers shed the feelings and emotions on the stage into each huge areas, you know, goals the schools, the last one,
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they just read the drivers, even the old many african artists have expressed the support for the palestinian cause and have used many platforms to raise awareness about the situation in pel. assign some notable f can access that really stood up and the sign in was the recent developments of the israel. how much conflicts the u, as a refusing to vote in favor of a ceasefire today openly express via supports and kind of sign parts of sizing is ross policies and sharing some some of their tea with the palestinian people. hannibal every day to see the numbers escalating the snap sets of women and children i've been talking to set fits what receives it. seems to be almost assassination. you know, assess tim's basically inside the,
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the genocide. i think it's a genocide. almost 17000 people did. most of them women, children. this is this though, i mean, how can you accept it? how can we live in the world, then nobody is. the current situation in palestine is directly related to what happens to south africa during up are moving on now. south africa's represents due to the you called for dialogue on unity between europe on the bricks group in her remarks as an historic european and paul them in conference, had of the upcoming expansion of the lines. the expansions would be seen as an extension of weeks conference for us here in corporation with a broader set of developing countries. it is not an on to western college. and as most would like to believe, since breaks plus in south africa support a strategic partnership with the u within the c a u strategic partnership. it is
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important to recognize the complex network of connections between these formations, us as the alliance of brazil, russia, india, china, and south africa expands with the inclusion of 6 new members. in january, the blog is increasingly being labeled a potential threat. so the west, but several mainstream media headlines like these prompts in debates on the balance of power. a diplomatic challenges between the brakes and the western world. adjoining the rising power of breaks conference must held the draw off a member of the european parliament challenge. the use approach calling for fair and equitable relations with bricks, countries, and the besides being the need for a part time shift in international developed reaction to, to be together with the united states is one of new colonialism. what we're doing is profiting from cheap natural resources from cheap labor bringing basically nothing in return. it's like a win lose situation. and what we would like to see is
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a win win situation. the prices for other things, the developing countries deliver that the brakes are delivering. we spoke with independence on the list, jackie shondae, who said the brakes to makes the world more democratic due to his position as a global alternative. i think this is traveling to west, that is what sends shivers down the spines of the west because i am more organized and more efficient and more very breaks in terms of what a 6 to achieve. what is fundamental strategic mission is? i think spell is, is off to, because in my own, the analysis and understanding i think breaks wants to position it says and correctly. so as an alternative, in particular, to the current west and donate to flow one, a cologne, or in the military, industrial complex, which on the good old monopoly in particular on being able to meet our
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brute force and more organized brakes takes more than half the world away from the democrats and stick to to ship institutions such as the and such as the was a bad definitely bring about more in this more democracy to make it a true representative of how the world disclose it to this is yvonne celebrates a 120 years of ties with lots of the american countries, a forum escapes off into, around to build cooperation between iran and those states. correspondents, you sent you a lot of things as well. a toss at the pack so forced our sanctions engaged with no trading partners and like minded countries even as far away as latin america. the horn is hosting representatives from a number of i bureau, american states including brazil, cuba, argentina,
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and mexico. to develop my lateral ties, even with different languages, different cultures and over 7000 miles away. latin american countries are turning into a role and strategic partners that will get to your site. but in that role, ties will continue to flourish against the will of the united states mental. so i'm ok, i think he really is. governments of the united states has never liked people, countries and governments to be dependent. you're on them visa l a, support the child the to go in case the yes, we have the same flights for the dignity of all people. and these convergence will always be in favor of all peoples for independence, sovereign and free, and do not accept sanctions. a pressure from the us or anybody else. and it says it's ties in this region have developed over the last 120 years. the country lots left in america is resistance against western unilateralism. everyone has even named some of its streets after hispanic revolutionaries. such a small body bar,
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it wanting official say both politically and ideologically. everyone in latin america share a similar vision. here's a little t nimble and if the hatred that we both maintained to will colonialism is a shade heritage between all nation and the latin american nations and the long geographic distance between us will not be an impediment to our interaction. despite matching goals, yvonne and loved america have yet to grow into a strong trading partners experts a to what needs to make the best of its political alliance with a lot of states to build this into an economic partnership. a, it, is it very difficult to introduce the end to market them both sides because of this option to many countries that have this care a many country to try to avoid sanctions in order to, to, to do it on the, on a fits. they be that that of electrons and in many in many ways. so we need to fight again, these kind of functions and we need to put our boys very high in de monte left. the federal took the size and to avoid the assumptions from the united states and some
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countries to given the fact that it has joined breaks and says it is a major country inputs. i think that's what facilitate it on in entry into that's an american economic markets. more than before, there's this issue of this test between these on and that's in america, it's quite far from where it on is. but given that to the political climate is frenzy towards the line in most. if not all that's in american countries, i think that relations would continue to increase their way. you see administration has more than any other a warranty in president seeing the potential of latin america as a counterweight to western sanctions. back in june, we see travel to venezuela, cuba, and the correct well a his toward the trip that was seen as a challenge to the west, which seemingly not be happy with it. sworn, perfect rival, and what it considers its backyard photo and gets pulled out from the 2015 nuclear deal for us to bring it was a oil sales to 0, while china continued to buy,
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the bulk of there was energy despite the oil embargo lesson american nations like venezuela, cuba and dig around, you have also prove that if there is a will, there is a way during gracie's tour of the cost and the countries sealed oil contracts with 3 nations. the most important of which was the 110000000 euro deal for the reconstruction and overall of l. polito refinery in venezuela, which wrapped up the exports of a wanting an oil to characterize by $100000.00 barrels per day, accidentally or intentionally. the glowing convergence between the one and latin america is another stepping stone in the emerging multiple world order that is re shaping geo politics. brazil has already welcome there was future inclusion in brooks and on the back of all of these developments. it one is why didn't go the passing storm of western e post isolation, usability are $2.00 to $1.00. finally, the uses it regrets, new jazz decision to scrap
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a security and defense partnership with the blog which the west african nation announced it was going to do on monday. the minister of foreign affairs of the republic of these yeah, has the honor to notify the general association of the agreement between the republic of these you and the repeating union owned the status of the common security and defense paula submission of the european union in new jersey and the withdrawal by the state of new shale, the consents granted for the deployment of what you were being union mil to partnership commission. the governments of this year has decided to withdraw privileges and immunities concepts. and the last of 2022. since the july to news has been increasing the, this thing is this, this new. so from the west in august, the state broke military agreements with funds that expelled the countries on both of the you claimants who have helped me to fight terrorism for years. for many locals talk of a different picture it's a good thing because really the european union doesn't like us to europe in union
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came to colonize us, not to get along with us. really. i'm very satisfied with the matter. they just have to leave the country. there are other partners were already willing to help us easier is absolutely right. to break off this corporation society, we haven't seen any real results. so what's the point of staying is completely normal for any share to explore other horizons for a better result. so it's a good thing to the extent that it will allow the european union to understand that nisha is a sovereign states, a state that has the right to independent policy, national policy, and even international policy. the form that needs to be in boston to to moscow tardy move color sides of the west, a miniature presence, and these country had an overall negative impact the signature or the law. we absolutely sincerely believe that the shifting paradigm in such circumstances will help us better protect health population and then show our own security. if the day we decide to turn the situation in the opposite direction,
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it is only because we need to do everything possible to ensure the survival of all people. for untruths have been in our country for 12 years. the result is highly negative and the beef will often be supposed to leave the concert today. it is because they have done nothing to show safety to help us by terrorism. we want to be solving independence to enjoy the wealth of all countries and decide for ourselves what will happen to us. we want to try something different. 63 years of cooperation with the less and less still last in line. well, the most unhappy, the most destitute people to our population is dying of hunger 1st, there's no serious infrastructure. honestly, i don't think anyone has the right to be angry, that we are looking at all the options until assessing 1st. the main store is this . how do you head over to r t dot com or off social media pages for more money speak to scouts on the box instead. thanks for watching
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the news. somebody needs the body shop, realized that i'm not seeing the new vehicles. i mean video search for, for the videos that are not able to do some use the stuff which itself because it's we already, we've already switching the ssl is cartoon. could you try cartoons? who do you have from kirkland by needs in which you to somebody in the book with video sending you as an entry, tennessee this casual escape record the when you present has your vehicle been yet to.


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