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tv   News  RT  December 11, 2023 1:00am-1:31am EST

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of the is really strikes to claim dozens of lives in southern gaza, where the idea fits dropping leaflets, searching and siblings to flee. the area of the local task world is there to go. also this hour to evaluate campus transform. the total was own between the power steering and resistance is really of the patient. we're now in block to which recently experienced intense, showing, resulting in a significant number of casualties. a ghost town in northern gals that won't shelter thousands of refugees. we report from the jeff volley, encampments, which has been under relentless idea of fire for over 2 months. russia condemns
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washington's recent vito of a un cease fire resolution for guns up us. do biden's top diplomat defends the u. s . move signing of the ongoing threat homes by the official concerns about us military funds running low on poll, showing americans being increasingly fed up with sponsoring foreign mores over shut to schedule the white house meeting between the presidents of the us. the 9 am in mombasa in damascus, and here in moscow this monday, december, the 11th, welcome to the our team use our dozens of people have reportedly been killed this monday morning in southern guns that the cities of ton unit. so the rough uh, were targeted by escalating is really, are a strikes one, and you may find the following images upsetting of
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the relative. so the victims in con eunice are gathering some more in their loved ones . that's enough for hospital bodies are piling up with the medical facility already stretched to breaking point. the gals that health ministry stays the enclaves, entire depth total since october 7th has not reached just under $18.00 and is, well, i'm us planes. this fridays was taken on the outskirts of the account units. that's where the adf is reportedly expanding its ground operation into the side of the enclave theory. it was previously designated a safe soon for it goes as displace population just to give you some sense of the look how here at canyon this is located around 20 kilometers from the gas is border with egypt. but these relays urging residents to move further sights again dropping
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100 sub leaflets from id f plains to say about at least 1900000 palestinians help already being displaced. that's more than 85 percent of gals as total population does. egypt refuses to take in refugees displaced. postal college students are struggling to find any rest buy from the pilots. the further side still is really fire results, so bearings all in the border city and foot off. but the idea of carried out a series of strikes over the weekend, the continued into the early hours of monday. many homes have been turned to rubble, while their inhabitants were asleep. for say, they're leaving markers of the scene, hoping to come back to recover the dead when it's bad. after digging through your level without being able to find the children, they roll their names and the ruins of the building. as a reminder to a soul, there are children underneath the debris, mar abdulla,
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and must we hold did when we get the machines under the water is over, we'll be able to remove their bodies from under durable work. well, i mean they can monitor in crisis and the gathering while that, that some images from southern gaza showed desperate locals trying to loot supply trucks coming in from egypt. international groups say the amount of a being allowed into the end type is not nearly enough. the world health organization has call for immediate un unimpeded, she momentary access to gaza, which has been under his really siege. i'm bombardment for over 2 months. a local reporter comes at charlotte. how so the latest updates now from the city of philadelphia, are they making the operation why they're easily uh, date. so that is a, uh, the id of the key targeting uh, residential houses off off are key to targeting bunch of houses. and how do you and this keep targeting expensive houses uh,
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inside upgrades come across the southern gaza strip. of course the, due to the ongoing flush just eunice, off the i, d, f start to envision 10 units. and of course the fallacy in existing groups always are facing this invasion web. fighting and resisting. of course, the processing of resisting groups at all was also publishing videos while they are targeting the is there a, these things and the is what he's told. so the hospitals go in the south was received in good casualties and entries from different areas in the south of city fenders. as i told you, the ministry of health loans,
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the number of casual casualties since the, the one of the were increases 271-8000 uh, 997 casualties and the more the 42404929092 the injuries since the day one of the number is increasing every single minute. so what i want to show you as well central gals are also coming under, escalating is really from time and dozens of children are among the casualties has been rushed to the lock. so hospital there, according to the un, at least one minor is killed every 10 minutes in the inside. the total number of child victims has reportedly surpassed 7 sizes. hospitals are buckling under the overwhelming influx of patients and rest inches. again, we must warn you,
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distressing images for local mortgages, over filled with no space for more bodies and refrigerators. scores of grapes, corpses lie right on the floor in or out. the law says family members helping, gathering outside the building to bid the final firm. some say they're in english as well, but the areas they were urge the food to our new se for them where they left my daughter has been killed. we were displaced from gather these really spread leaflets, asking us to leave for safety. so we fled to see right and reach the as a court area, and this is what happened to us here. may god have mercy, and for an old, our dad. while i me, the is really grown the invasion of northern get, i'll say the adf is reportedly reading an area next to a un medical claim that's in the bali, a refugee camp there. that is, according to the post and even read present. a local journalist sent us this report
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from the in bottles which the hi witnesses report that the sound of is rarely artillery can be heard from the house of 2 by the account, accompanied by the corrects of sniper fine. we are cautiously advancing towards areas quotes in the crossfire between palestinian resistance and these riley forces . we're now in bluff to which recently experienced intense, showing, resulting in a significant number of casualties. we're moving towards the line of engagements. we can see the smoke rising, so i was rarely operations on going on. the situation is extremely powerless. the streets are completely empty. but the refugee centers are still crowded with locals and those display they have trapped inside the centers and very large numbers. so let's just say a suicide drone targeted, a group of displaced people at the gates of a refugee sense of belonging to the un relief and works agency for palestine refugees and gaza leading to many casualties. it's not the fire can be heard one small and us right targets the busy markets and you buy the account. now we had
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gone fire intense crushes me, buy to buy a campus transformed into a was own between the palestinian resistance and israeli occupation. army was harling images, port out of gals that follow since across the globe, continue to call for an immediate and to the violence. protesters are hitting the streets in the renewed show of solidarity with the enclave. suffering population. let's throw you some of those images beginning in europe. crowds gathered in mid range from left of your screen there over the weekend to the nights, the ongoing fighting, and you guys have studied showing protesters marching with bombers, the red smoke, the genocide, full sized engine berlin demanded that the german government cut all arm shipments to issue those rallying jumped and spoke and accusing the country's political lead of empowering the idea of foaming cust. uh, she knew the extra kia, also with a wave of support for the protesters and it's done both in the center of your screen. there are the turkish president to sever the product, guys produce real,
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deploy, wait for the social on the anti slave. try to talk a sudden, meanwhile, urging the world's most little community to unite, to protect us. it probably isn't really across the world with one united message stuff defines less than we feel paralyzed. i never could have believed that humanity could reach this level of cruelty and just watch it on television. this is not a war, it's genocide, the way they're farming, the civilian population, entire cities, schools and hospitals. it's genocide, it's important we come out because this is the most verbal infringement of human rights. it's not ok is it is not what people believe it is not. the governance are not representing or germany is not representing me. i am not. i do not support this support this. i'm gonna try and get a hold of us. mostly,
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i'm sweet to be united now sold, rarity, with innocent palestinians, united against israel, and the us this way as muslims. we all can help the oppressed down with the us down with these room. but we're leaders have slum the latest united states veto of a un resolution proposing a truce and gas. i us secretary of state on st, blinking, defended washington's russia now claiming that advocating for a truce could inadvertently sow the seeds for future conflicts. when it comes to a cease fire in this moment with some us still alive, still intact. and again with the state and intensive repeating, october 7th again and again and again. that would simply perpetuate the problem. look, this could be over tomorrow. this could be over tomorrow, secretary state as a blinking sounds like a kid who got hauled up in front of the teacher and is now trying to explain why his homework wasn't done, but he still deserves a passing grade. washington's trying to explain why they veto the united nations,
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these 5 for guys, even when they've been making a lot of noise about israel's killing of innocent civilians. the un resolution was moved by the united arab emirates and back by washington's allies in the air. a world which means that when washington gets a chance to actually act on its own state of concerns about civilian casualties. amid this is really offensive in gaza, it just ends up re framing a cease fire, which has always been defined as a cessation of hostilities. as be just a gateway to war, guess the only way to avoid the risk of worst starting up again, that is to make sure that it never ends in the 1st place. the deputy us and bachelor to the u. n. actually said that a cease fire with just kick the can down the road. quote, plant the seeds for the next war, which totally is not what washington stepping back and watching while thousands of civilians and guys are giving smokes with the entire error world watching. doesn't risk doing anyway. here's how the russian foreign minister says it all went down at
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the un, which events reduced the resolution and the security council. it was blocked by the might that states brazil introduced another resolution that was also blocked by the amount that states that the general assembly passed the resolution which was weaker than the what we wanted. then the security going. so because it provided not for human, you there in ceasefire, but for a the full human you, terry and fulfillment is darian throughs. but the one that uh was uh, not acceptable to the nearly consented other wisdom countries. they did not support the resolution. and eventually they organized the security council to pass a decision the resolution, which quote, not demanded but called for human utility. and was this uh, this resolution is better than nothing,
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nothing happened this week. but the old weekend lets see materialize to because to do this really is some kind of monitoring on the ground. so we can figure that she has a better idea. yeah, he said on sunday that ending the war is really simple. come off, just has to get out of the way of civilians, docs, improvement over demanding that civilians get out of the way up from us, which is what israel was telling them to do. early on in the complex may be israel would have an easier time hitting come off with surgical precision instead of civilians. if it wasn't just blasting us, made tank shells in the general direction of the problem. the kind of take busting shows that the by administration just bypass congressional authority to send more of under the pretext up there being an urgent threat to american national security . in israel, the state department even sat in the statement, explain the congressional bypass, that it's quote vital to us national interest to assist israel to develop and
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maintain a strong and reading self defense capability. not only has the buyer and ministration failed to sell congress on the billions of dollars in more military aid for israel . but nato allies aren't really buying it either. well, to learn jelly. so what was the brutality of the oppression them? massacres, committed in guys that by these really administration which receive unlimited support from western countries to make all humanity feel ashamed. ceasefire wasn't unfortunately rejected by the us retail alone. is this justice? can such a world be fair? what can we say? a just world is possible, but the us is stopping us. facilities is secure. a see fire has also field unrest in richard where protesters to the states. i made landings of suspension funds to vote. protesters also came out in new york where the un both took place and
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opposition to this inspires failure. and the continued us financial background of israel. oh, by the way, it turns out that washington is apparently now down to its very last $1000000000.00 for replacing its own of weapons stockpiles. that's according to the head of the white house office of management and budget, which to put things in perspective means that they could only buy about 50000000 toy nerve guns at a retail price of about 20 bucks. but of course if there are some. busy source government contracts with ridiculous mark ups. they can maybe afford maybe 10 north guides at this point. so it sounds like the u. s. military industrial complex might actually finally be starting to run out of other people's money. was the head of the unit and said he will keep pushing for a cease fire in gaza despite the failure. now best security council to brokerage was the concert was all sorry to include the ability,
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what cvr lee and the minds. and the resolution is not being implemented and i are just a courtesy call and seem to pass through over the humanitarian catastrophe. and i write today to my view for the you made 30 and the ceasefire to be the clips. it'd be aggressively the security policy on site to the weeds, but death does not make it less necessary. so i can problem is i will not give up for my colleague next year and spoke with the tell you more correspondence. andrea lucida here in the studio earlier. he says washington has essentially paralyzed the un security council. true, it's vito usage in the theory. this organization can be able to resolve the conflict the without uh, without the war with in the base for many months. and the fact when we
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see data from us, like in this case and the we saw in the past, a lot of time we can think that's a maybe is mckenna is miles, isn't that kind of sort of the conflict the, it's not working now. an hour time, maybe it's closed. i don't know, but it's really 30, but especially for the people who goes on the with the how can i go a month to say no to us. these are you many 30 and says 5 now. and this moment does the un secretary general gutierrez, is clearly frustrated by the situation he's vowed to not give us and will continue to cool for us, the spot, the what are the chances of success? i have already negative about it because i mean, you know, my, think me the politics that is, that i are make are making now and gaza. it's a necessary, necessary for is that our politics and the us they can not be
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able to stop is that are in this moment. and they, they, they want, they don't want to stop is, are now because these are, it's a piece of the us in the me that list it's like, uh, throw you in the middle, is this the, the, the situation is increasingly desperate in dollars a, the, the 1000 people. what's left of the being squeezed into this tiny area at the south of the, the enclave. now speaking earlier at the they don't offer and the russian for him. and it's just like a lot of, he said that efforts should continue to ensure a stays firing dollars at the spot, the position of the united states. but the us doesn't seem to be changing its mind despite the international outrage, the spines being desperate situation. we have in the enclave. why is the us so intense on loan getting the conflict so no, no you just said that as well as
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a piece of the united states in the middle east, but you know strongly, they must be also considering their reputation. yeah, this is a good question because of all the war to it's watching what, what's happened now to the civilians in gaza. and i, so a lot of the coordination that say that is what i'm practically who is this war for their position in the other companies, because now the entire award. so are seeing kind of blocking the e d s and they are ex, drums in gaza. i can, i can nothing major how the people can, can support or could, can stay strong than this the police running does obviously the less so we, we saw a lot of children that died during the shredding of it if we are so a lot of balls to 1000 clinics and clinics that are targeting by this. and they said always, oh, maybe it was a to know of a mouse in this place and we need to show here. but when this funds are not
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found, they don't say anything easy. and they put it then for forget everything that it's happening, knowing doesn't ok. another development to keep aware of president biden has invited slumber zelinski back to the white house on choose a to discuss, quote, ukraine's urgent needs. it follows the lawford counseling. you may recall an address to the us senate last week over a funding raleigh. here's another recent exchange on the issue on the american tv warrant in october and back in september that funding was running low. you sent a letter monday to the speaker saying we are out of money to support you creating the site. this isn't a next year problem when, precisely where us funding be exhausted. but we have uh, you know, a budgetary standpoint. we have about a $1000000000.00 left to replenish our own stockpile. well, as we can see here,
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some pool showed that many americans think the government is over spending on military assistance to other countries. it follows that fail, sent a vote to approve $106000000000.00 and for an 8, including to ukraine in israel. republicans are demanding some about money, be used to address the immigration crisis on the us southern border on here as well . close to half of the public lead aide to key if is too high. republican senator, a james bond says it's time to talk peace for ukraine. instead of spending more tax periods money on the war. what's in america's best interest is to accept ukraine is going to have to seed some territory to the russians. and we need to bring this war to a close one. another republican lawmakers smart gate saves americans should no longer support, keeps demands for more funds as well. former pentagon anomalies mike maloof told r t, that portion can really needs to focus on solving problems on the home. a united
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states is, is supporting too many wars on the one hand and that looking out for itself. and that is, it's all stuck past. i might add that the, the oil reserves of the united states are at its lowest point that it's ever been. and why we should be replenishing this oral supply because of the creasing changes in the world and, and the need for to backup our own forces and our own home needs. uh, the, the, uh by the administration is not allowing for any drilling allow for that to be filled in at this point. it would be very expensive. so it's, we, we have a catastrophe about ready to do that. so moving on, us right here. and the ministration is totally quiet about the well as the is really operation and goes inches towards the enclave. southern
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border, neighboring egypt. and i was interested 2nd day of voting for the countries next president. for more home developments in the fall. it let's cross to at gyptian journal is shy here. i mean, good morning to you. issue here. first thing i at least have seen emerging is the voter turnout. it appears larger than the expected people clearly wanting to have their voices heard a good morning union. yes. indeed, hi, voter turnout. i've seen long lines at posing stations. the egyptian media is cooling it unprecedented. and this of course is in sharp contrast to the last 2 elections of 20182014, when voter turnout was at to 47 percent and 41 percent. and i think the people of i wouldn't say that it's because they won't say voices. good,
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because i think the results are a full gone conclusion. presidency c will secure at the time, but i think of, you know, they've been the given incentives and also a, there is a fine. so those that don't show up a $515.00 pounds, which is equivalent to 16 us dollars. okay, that's an issue to then incumbent president in sales since he gained quite a lot of approval for his handling of the situation in y'alls and. but as we've just been mentioning, she here is you've got these really operation, essentially coming right next to egypt border could not affect the the votes. how much of a say well, that's how about the bali. so i'm glad you asked that question because i've been speaking to voters and one mind told me yesterday,
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but he was said to have both for security and stability of the c. c. c. as the man who can bring this stability to egypt to you told me, look what's happening around us in libya and sit down in palestine. another woman said she was there to vote no to the displacement of palestinians, of cc'd had said, had the heat categorically rejected to the displacement of palestinians into egypt . so yes, it is uh, affecting uh the vote. okay, for no s year thanks very much giving us a sense of day to get going in at that ball as in egypt, the ginger la, shakira. i mean, well let's take a listen to what some other in tuesday asked the voters inc. i had to say about the president to the right. you will have just anyone who thinks about the future of himself and his children should always come and cast his vote. not only in the
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presidential elections but all elections. and it is important that we all have to participate. this is our country that we love. everyone should participate. pick any one you want, but all voices must be heard. everyone should go 1st, the elderly and young people's and then in the supply is very important for our voices to be hired. we must be positive and effective in the electro price. ash this is very important and this is the duty of all of us. okay, this so name western rules based order on trial. next in cross talk john peter, and guess as a discuss why democracy appears to be turning ever for a for it's very and it's an interesting one and it is right ahead the. ringback the the,
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the, [000:00:00;00] the, the russian states never as tired as i'm one of the most sense community best. most all sense of the, in the system must be the one else holes. question about this,
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even though we will then in the european union, the kremlin move. yep. mission, the state on the rush of funding and supports the r t spoke next. even our video agency, roughly all the band on youtube tv services. for what question did you say a request for? check the
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hello and welcome to cross talk. we're all things are considered. i'm peter a little western. the leads are in a state of panic, the world is crumbling before the rise. they resort to fake news lies and deception . instead of talking about the american back genocide and gaza, we're told anti semitism at home is ramping, or the trump is a tyrant when they themselves resort with ordinary means to undermine democracy. the discuss these issues in mor, i'm joined by i guess george, send me well we in budapest, he's a pod house. terrific as well, which can be found on youtube and locals and emeritus. we have martin j e as in or award winning journalist and commentator gillian cross up rules, and the fact that means can jump anytime you want. and i always appreciated closed . start out with georgia in budapest. i suppose there's not much debates anymore. the public sphere has just been so co,


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