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tv   News  RT  December 11, 2023 4:00am-4:29am EST

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that type keeps losing people out here. the historic ruling by india supreme court will see that union territory of general and kashmir fully incorporated into the country with elections to be held there within 9 months. also ahead. the english, this area is really strikes claim dozens of lives in southern gals that were the adf is dropping leaflets, urging civilians to flee the area, plus the locals task. where else is there to go to evaluate campus transform due to a war zone between the palestinian resistance and the israeli occupation on we're
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now in bluff to which recently experienced intense, showing, resulting in a significant number of casualties. i go start in northern cal, so that's one shelter. thousands of refugees. we report from the gym poly incompetent, which has been under a length with ideas fire for over 2 months. while big crowds, again, make their feelings clear on gals over the weekend solutions across the globe, the mountains and immediate in to the assault on the palestinian turret damage. i think it almost all of us. mostly i'm sweet to be united, steve. now, sol devotees with the innocent palestinians united against israel and the us the mid day in moscow. hello, and welcome to the art team. use our from the team and myself. you didn't. o'neill, india, a supreme court says rule that the union territory of gen move and kashmir is no
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longer a thomas and must hold elections as an indian state by the end of next september. the move was welcomed by prime minister and never in remote today's supreme court, the date on the obligation of article 370 is historic. i want to show there is even people of jamel, gosh, me or in law the that our commitment to fulfilling your dreams remains and favoring devoted today is not just the legal judgment. it is a beacon of hope, a promise of a bright, a future. and a testament or collective results to building a stronger, more united india. let me put this in perspective for adults. he was now india in august of 2020, uh, in august of 202019. in fact the had to be defined. it's relationship with chris media, basically a relationship that they said, oh, which was 70 yards. all of that, that's the history you were talking about. so when the british colonial ended in
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india, the state of course need was given a special solution for this temporary solution. article 370. what this provision did was it did the state of course new fall is to make their own constitution. i'm, for example, it also exempted the state from the constitution of india. so for example, if, if the central government and india had to afford any going please, that has to pay for missions from christine this, see the state permission. and uh, but of course, except for the some of the assets as defense, finance or the foreign ministry, for example, the, the continue to big those decisions. but for the decisions, it was the speed that had to give permissions to listen to the government that close to the weight, so that special status of cushioning you that had been there for the last 70 or abuse. now the supreme court of india a pause obligation of office 370 of the constitution. very clearly saying that the
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article 370 was the same to reprovision. also the supreme court avondale said that the boss of patient or obligations, optical, treat 70, is valid. what that means is that the, there were a couple of petitions that were 5 of the supreme court, challenging the balance due to optical $370.00 the application affairs, which was done by the more the government back in 20, 19 august of 2019. so these a bunch of petitions, questions to valid the g or the 5 the government of india. now the supreme court of india has stabbed that the decision which was taken by the government of india back in august of 20194 years ago is the right decision. and that they were within of the family to have taken that decision also. and the supreme court of india has gone one step ahead. i've been going on to say that the detective,
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although the election commission of india, that there should be elections conducted in the state of john, one christian nearby associates, september 2024. so by next year to restore the c towards o fall and someone who should meet as soon as possible. also the supreme court avondale is going on to see that someone christian needs does not have any in so no solve allergies. so that decision which this of being for to see can that would they also carries a lot of these started for them. new daily base political ellis kartik chopra, sees the ruling. 62 in the international dispute over just who controls customer wants and for all. and essentially, this is a reiteration of the fact that the entire state of the us, why the princely state of join, push me, it is an integral part of the union of india. now when i say those, why the state i endured in this debt of trees that are illegally occupied by
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pakistan and china, what is going to be a bulk of bikers? we are the oh good, but this done. you have the exciting area, the shucks. gum valley area, all these areas are bought all the us for the state of jim when crush me, which has been headed to have been an integral part of india ever since. 194748 of since you have the u. s. supreme court, which often looks that judgement spots, supreme courts or other countries. i think they should also take a look at this judgment given by our hon supreme court, to stop lobbyist in the united states. we're constantly calling for a discussion between india and pakistan over the issue of julian crush me at once. and for all this chapter is clause, it is a matter which has an internal matter of india well settled. the v integration of the state in full under a common set of laws under the indian constitution k to another for headlines
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stories today. dozens of people have reportedly been killed this among the in southern gal. so with the city of con, eunice, targeted by escalating, is really, are a, strikes a warning. you may find the following images of pacific. the, the relatives of the victims are seen here gathering some more and their loved ones that the industrial hospital bodies are piling up with. the medical facility already stretched to breaking point because the health ministry stays the enclaves entire depth towards since october 7th was now reached just under $18.00 and what come us claims this footage was taken on the outskirts, off counting units. that's where the adf is reportedly expanding its rhonda operation into the size of the internet. the area was previously designated as a safe zone for gals has displaced population. i was telling you this is located
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just 20 kilometers from kansas border with egypt. israel is urging wristbands to move further size, dropping hundreds of leaflets from ideas planes. at least 1900000 palestinians have already been displaced. that's more than 85 percent of goals as total population. and those egypt refuses to take in refugees. displace palestinians are struggling to find any response from the violets. canadian policy and journalist monster schumann report started from the southern city of kent. it's been complete to the chaos here in loss of hospice and then the facilities. the non stop and quiet alternate non stop drones likes, non stop buzzing or by doing some of us the turns came as close as 700 meters. who knows what a hospital and many people do not know where to go right now. there is no place
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for these. c that is the safe and the roots of costs um several times the people in high police law sort of and then come back in fee of that not. so let's pretend would be as much as you've a hospital number of people that the most cut off in see it on their lives. there isn't enough resources to, to show to beads and provide clean water for them. so there are reports of people solving that i know. and because of that, a lot of people have decided to come back to you in this and other places in the us, but it takes us, you know, what? if we're going to die, we're going to die in our homes. he won't die starving in a place outside one guy starving, be forced to leave the chance in life and then sort of what further size still as you can see on their news map here is really fire is also bring done in the border
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city of the rafa the idea of cardiologist series of strikes over the weekend that continued into the early hours of monday, many homes helping turn to revel while their inhabitants, worsley. survivors say they're leaving markers of the scene, hoping to come back for us over the dead. let's say 5. after digging through your level would, they'll be able to find the children. they rolled their names in the ruins of the building. as a reminder to a soul, there are children underneath the debris, mar abdulla, and must we hold did. when we get machines under the water, solar will be able to remove their bodies for them under durable or here's local reporter homes or children with more on the is really assault against our offices. i have seen many injuries arriving to the to the hospital where i am right now due to the is there any strikes on it was done should houses before 2 days from now
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yesterday and today is committed. many last cape massacres. across the last few hours have committed more than $21.00. again, the residential houses across the office, which is going to increase the number of casualties to 18000 casualties. well, actually in different areas, this has to be the last area. they're going to be displaced to that phones if the face this place, the game that seems to be out of this type. everybody. uh everybody
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on this country like egypt. jordan miles is bo boyd, this place is no more displacement to the palestinians out that's means close. to palestinian tennessee one from the well, i mean they can monitor in crisis footage from southern gaza ports to show desperate locals, trying to loot supply trucks coming in from egypt. international grid, say the image of a being the log into the and if it's not nearly enough, the world health organization has called for immediate. so i'll see that you monitoring access to go so which has been on greece release. each bar meant for over 2 months. footage from the enclave shows shops completely out of stock and it does have m c shelves. painting. i fear it for does it start for supplies?
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the deputy director of the world food programs is nice out of every 10 civil inter left with thought meals everything. the military and organizations are springs with only one remaining supply line. a know, safety guard sees locals are the london international community. so i wanted to roam around the shop sleuthing for food for our kids, but his own way and all the shops. so it'd be empty since the flow of goods and our city was cut off for the world leads to folks and stopping to war. first, we have prepared t tvs of people being killed. we ask for sees far now, a lot of them up. we have to resort to using fire to cook. gas is completely inaccessible. most of the process and other things have gone up. living conditions here become extremely difficult and your grease please. please help bursting into by providing us with basic needs items like floor oil, rice, including fat, someone such as she thinks within one line,
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more of the food is not readily available. when the war started, we can still get products from merchants and guys them. but when the ground incursion began, all the shops were shelled and we could no longer find anyone selling food. well let's it turn attention to the center of the strip and also coming under, escalating is really bombardment. dozens of children are among the casualties and sweeping, rushed to the alex a hospital there. according to the u. n, a, at least one minor is killed every 10 minutes. in the end stage, the total number of child victims has reportedly surpassed. 7 hospitals are buckling under the overwhelming influx of patients in refugees. again, a warning distressing images are at the local morris is overflowing with had no space for more bodies and refrigerators. scott sled scores of draped corpses lying right on the floors and they filled out the law clinic that says family members helping, gathering outside the building to bid their final farewells. they say their anguish
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as the areas they were or just the fleets are no safe for them. where they left my daughter has been killed. we were displaced from gather these really spread leaflets, asking us to leave for safety. so we fly to see right and reach the as a cool area. and this is what happened to us here. may god have mercy and for an o our, that of what we've seen the saw at the center. now this is the north of guys on the mid, the is really grounded invasion their images how the merge of a partially destroyed school in bates. lucky a smoke continues to rise above the damage building that had been used to shelter wreckage. a local journalist center this report from the in bottle region. one more items related to my witnesses report that the sound of is rarely artillery can be heard from the heart of july. the account, accompanied by the cracks of sniper, far, cautiously advancing towards areas,
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quotes in the crossfire between palestinian resistance and these really forces we are now in bluff to which recently experienced intense, showing, resulting in a significant number of casualties. we're moving towards the line of engagement. we can see the smoke rising, this is really operations on going and the situation is extremely powerless. the streets are completely empty. so the refugee centers are still crowded with locals and those display they have trapped inside the centers and very large numbers of sources, say a suicide drone targeted, a group of displaced people at the gates of a refugee sense of belonging to the un relief and works agency for post on refugees and gaza, leading to many casualties. it's not defy, can be head one small. and u. s. right targets the busy markets in july, the account. now we had gone fire intense clashes nearby to buy a compass transformed into a was own between the palestinian resistance and the israeli occupation. army was harling images, port out of gas solutions across the globe. continue to call for an immediate and
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to the violent protest. just hit the streets over the weekend and a renewed show of solidarity with the enclaves suffering population that shows some seems from here. first prize, gather in the grades to the nice the ongoing fighting and does it as protesters much with honors, which read stuff, the genocide, while thousands in berlin to monday about the german government cut all our new shipments. so is real. those raleigh and trump, that slogan, is accusing the country's political elite of empowering the idea on this like a sound can, is it for t also seeing a wave of support for 1000 protesters into symbol, urge the turkish president, a separate diplomatic ties with israel deployed troops to be in by products in pakistan, urging the world's most of the community to unites in protecting gas prices across the globe. essentially with the one message the pilot must. c during the summer, we feel paralyzed. i never could have believed that humanity could reach this level
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of cruelty and just watch it on television. this is not a war, it's genocide, the way they're farming, the civilian population, entire cities, schools and hospitals. it's genocide, it's important. we come out because this is the most brutal infringement of human rights. it's not ok. there's no, it is not what people believe it is not. the government are not representing or germany is not representing me. i am not. i do not support this support this. i'm gonna try and get them almost all of us. mostly i'm sweet to be united now. sold equity with innocent palestinians, united against israel and the us this way as muslims. we all can help the oppressed down with the us down with these, with israel's assault on gallons, a 6 to push palestinians out of their homeland. that's the accusation from jordan's for administer, speaking at the ongoing, doha, for them in kept talking what we see in gaza is not simply the killing gold
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for the innocent people, the destruction of their, their livelihoods. but we're seeing a systematic kit as it seems to empty guys from its people. we've seen the amount of destruction in the notes and, and, and, and, and some of the thought very that we see uh, taking place there is just indicative of, of, of, and is there any policy that seems to have it determined on pushing guidance out of guys is what is created that amount of hatred that wouldn't hold on to this, this, this region that would define generations will come and therefore it's hurting its own people as much as it has heard. think of anybody else that, that agent, this is a war that cannot be one as well, has, or they be suffered, strategic defeats, or more dollar from polish to me in journalists, mohammed not cheap. who's covering the door for him in cad? tar. how many direct remarks there are from jordan's top definitely not worth they
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. what's being the reaction to that statement? that hasn't been echoed by any other officials at the event. yes, you know, that continue over that is, i mean, as good as the pending order of the buses. he's playing dominated the 2nd business preference of the court on by the war because we're well wonder about the use the spend down by the united states. and they, i've seen 50000, i, when it comes with a bunch of, uh, what is your name brand, basically, what is the issue the, i'm section number show, but what it's from. so that brought us to another issue. i by the way, what are you guys that they to so the rest is. 2 because they are the ones on how it's had been done. it 5, but what pull it in both and because it's been fun going on, but it's the 150 countries on this on good amount that says that the united states use. that'd be to last friday, i guess. so you and there's an issue that we just use find out and goes off despite that,
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but you asked to create that office. they are going to blanket assistance just as little as much as i like. that would be most useful. yeah, i see, i think i'm us as in fact when it comes to a cease fire in this moment with i'm us still alive, still intact and again with the state and intensive repeating, october 7th again and again and again. that would simply perpetuate the problem. look, this could be over tomorrow. this could be over tomorrow. the question here um, because certain of that because he is about 15000 fellows to have to give since the out to breakfast. give me a lot of goodness guys up. um, both of them are women and children, what the is with them that they all have a spectrum. but in the world that they on piper williams, hope you understand blue and being that you, i'm also the ones off uh, probably about 30 times to issue uh to spam. there's an issue and to reach you
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about the goals, who's all started c and good. the be lead, see what see the lee and the minds and the resolution is not being implemented. and i urge the security policy to pass through over the humanitarian catastrophe and died right today to my view. for the you made 30 and the ceasefire to be the clips. it'd be aggressively the security policy on site to the weeds, but death does not make it less necessary. so i can problem is i will not give up. yes, because he has as well as about 3500 the box a bunch of the board on this. this is the break my by that one fairly to make sure i've never, i've never been to the posting stations, and the government is threatening of 500 egyptian pound fine on
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those that don't show up a, a i, sol bus loads mostly of public sector employees being ferried to posting stations, and i just want to say that also a presidency is expected to win as a to in this election. it's not the results here. that's the main factor. it's that if he wins the, which he's most likely to win a, it's going to give him a legitimacy, a mandate to continue with the painful austerity measures started in 2016 and which have been preconditioned to secure egypt, a $12000000000.00 loan from the i m. s. economy certainly to the forefront in the selection something else as well, incumbent president, they'll assist in getting quite a lot of approval for his handling of the situation and goes on with the is really
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operation coming right next. know, increasing the day by day to egypt border are security concerns. a big issue for folders as well. heading to the polls of the absolute key. it's both the die, a state of the economy and what is happening on the northern border of egyptians . feel that cc is the best person to bring stability and security to egypt in this, the current phase or in his next phase of his presidency of the other 3 rival candidates are not military men of they don't have the same background and they'll of not high profile a lot of the voters don't know anything about them, a tool and yes, people are very concerned. seeing what's happening in sedan in libya and in
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palestine. and also the fact that he handled a, this will very well that so far he's kept the conflict from spilling over into egypt a that has one name, a lot of praise of from egyptians here, and just come wednesday morning if the result is known by that stage and it is president l city or whoever. what's the immediate issues in the inquiry? what will the public expect to be dealt with to the forefront is, is it the, as you say, the 13 measures? is that the general support, or are people aware that it's necessary to, to health, or is there a reaction against well, public discontent has been rising over the dia, economic conditions, uh, as there is a chronic of foreign currency shortage in the country. the diction pounds has last
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move in 50 percent of its value. and 2 thirds of egypt, sions live either on or below the poverty line of prices. a soaring inflation is at 40 percent so, so if he does win the election a c. c will have to focus on the economy and the there are expectations of increased investments coming into egypt. and in the coming phase, the in fact to the i m. s. is mulling expanding. it's a loan package from 3000000000 to 10000000000. another $10000000000.00 expected and then another $10000000000.00 from the european union. so as there are also expectations that the current c a might have to be d valued again. because the i m f is conditioning. a flexible for
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an exchange rate. and also they want the state to new senate square over the economy. so uh, sale of state assets may continue. okay, we wait and see what comes from the bottle. it's a different journal issue here. i mean with the latest on, let's just take a look at what some voters in cairo had to say about the presidential risk. you will have just anyone who thinks about the future of himself will and his children should always come and cast his vote with not only in the presidential election was but all election and it is. and then we all have to participate. this is all country that we love. everyone should participate. pick anyone you want to tell, voices must be heard. everyone should go 1st, the elderly and young people's and then in the supply is, is very important for our voices to be hired. we must be positive and effective in the electro price, ashe, this is very important and this is the duty of all of us. now,
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as non western countries, increasingly question the rapid push towards green energy. next option talks to the east or climate change minister who points out the industrialize north may set the rules, but has a difficult time following them, going underground and gets going in the afternoon or can see and welcome back to going under ground broadcasting or on the world from comp 28 hosts new by. it's the largest united nations climate change conference, bringing together the $198.00 countries. all parties of the ratified the 1992. you
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and framework convention on climate change. nearly every country in the world with me is the ways for minister of climate change and environment of all of administer . infrastructure development don't drop due to the life on the way me. thank you so much for coming on form a climate minnesota. so of course there's a lot of dual credit.


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