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tv   News  RT  December 11, 2023 5:00am-5:31am EST

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but again, it's not, we don't want to watch it because it might just change. and the way inside the historic ruling by india is supreme court will see that union territory of gen, move and kashmir fully incorporated into the country for the elections to be held there within 9 months. and also a head on the program. the is really strikes claims, dozens of lives in southern guns, where the idea is dropping leaflets, urging civilians. typically the area locals, us, where else is there to go to buy a campus transformed into a war zone between the palestinian resistance and these really occupational, i mean we're now in block to which recently experienced intense, showing, resulting in a significant number of castles, a ghost aton in northern cal,
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so that won't shelter thousands of refugees. we report from the jet following it incumbents, which has been under a relentless idea of fire for over 2 months. of big crowds again, make their feelings clear on guns that over the weekend. so scholars across the globe dom, i'm going to media then for to the soul on the policy. and in terms of us, muslims need to be united ski now. sold rarity with the n, as in palestinians, united against israel, and the us, the 247. use and use live from moscow. this is your r t international. hello and welcome. let's get into our top story. in the supreme court has ruled that the union territory of gen, move and kashmir is no longer a told them this unless told the elections as an indian state by the end of next
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september. the move was welcomed by prime minister, the original today's supreme court, the date on the obligation of article 370 is historic. i want to show do is when people of jamel, gosh me or in law the, that our commitment to fulfilling your dreams remains and favoring devoted today is not just the legal judgment. it is a beacon of hope, a promise of a bright, a future, and a testament or collective results to building a stronger, more united india, article 2070. what this provision did was it gave the state of crush me fall is to make their own constitution. i for example, it also exempted the state from the constitution of india. so for example, if, if the central government and media i had to afford any one, please the have to say permissions from crush me this see the state permission and up. but of course, except for the saw me the such as the defense finance or the foreign ministry,
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for example, the, the continue to big those decisions spiteful, other decisions. if was the speed that had to give permissions to listen to the government that close to the weight. so that special states of, of course, news that had been there for the last 70 or abuse. now the supreme court of india oppose obligation of office 370 on the constitution. they clearly seen that the article 370 was the same to reprovision. also the supreme court avondale said that the boss location or obligations optical 370 is valid. what that means is that the, there were a couple of petitions that were 5 of the supreme court, challenging the balance due to optical $370.00, the application of with which was done by the more the government back in 20, 19 august of 2019. so these a bunch of petitions, questions to valid the t or the by the government of india. now the supreme court
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of india has stabbed that the decision which was taken by the government of india by keen office of 20194 years ago is the right decision. and that the word within of the family to have taken that decision also. and the supreme court of india has gone one step ahead. i've been going on to say that the detective, although the election commission of india, that there should be elections conducted in the state of john, one christian nearby associates, september 2024. so by next year to restore the c towards o fall and someone push me to soon as possible. also the supreme court of and deals going on to see that someone who she needs does not have any install a new self allergies. so that decision which this of being for to speak and that would, they also carries a lot of these started for them. well, that's breakdown. and the historic ruling now with defense experts and retired
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indian army general a k c watch. joining us from new delhi. thank you for your time today. why is this court ruling for kashmir? why is it so significant? i'm the people who lived there. i see i saw it as a dom one cuz really concerned i don't want cuz media indigo bought off india on the 26th of 2. $11947.00 and the earliest to meant of next year 10 was signed. that time the off the loan, cuz we had our, the hudson and between the union offering the that it was a big come on in the gutter barbell for india unconditionally un hit. i'll tell you kind of them in a part of the india. but in between a, there was a split sudden a did does. it's what you want to do, more or less made in terms of audi. got to be 7, beautiful, and part if i a all of
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a deed, what doesn't put it in nature. and deed was recent bod ridgewood, on the 4th time b. but suddenly it had been more than about 75 years off the i bought independence . this bishop pod which worked the brain, they didn't continue. how was on 5th, on the 2019 the president in government of the nectar democratic allies i did by prime is dom will be hard to walk arctic on the 7 doodle unplugged. if i a, that means one it has the 30 concern a does oh, by for the character to do and mer to them are union data 31 to code young one cuz we the another. go let dog and the data off the uh, the superintendent improved tremendously. i good at the moment but to me to concern . but there was some but the service with the slide,
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which i learned that the textbook longer and had no bought off. but basically i bought a good thing or they got 31735. it just bits of bought you one by the constitution . all the supreme court has to the adult. that abrogation which was done on 5th of the 2019 wad legally valley. and the decision was given your name as lee. and also for the 2 motors diction on government of india. that the did pulled off from one cause we must be the 10 at the d. s. at the same time the election to be conducted in the morning because we did the assembly of biased towards the september default. yeah, let's talk a parent. a certain nessa can, so if not, if, if we could, sir, do you expect the u. n. and other world bodies not to box this move? could it be challenged by neighboring pocket spelling in china?
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what's your view of the international law? how? how does that comes into this? the absolutely see as the in the eyes. good. so on this stuff is totally the right direction. i'd like to be assign the complete dumb one cause read. uh is that a good bottle for india? and the one which is the old with the bucket on which is bought, bought it on. okay. if i don't want to need that, didn't we'll just drop off beautiful boatley and give did want to tom had been illegally occupied from india uh, from dom one cost me, which is still had to buy it, bought this on us. but our own mortgage made you didn't know the libyan become like any of those did, which is like a good say how do you run up a job with the police? what's that? yeah, but there it in under uh in the tunnel. but the star has to come back to the list. we are already making
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a pretty we've done the lessons are concerned that some dude can be left listed at the same time, some area. he's also provided by china because been gifted by pockets on basically such as dom, but let me just down on, on, just move on kashmir, just briefly. if you will start. do you expect any kind of renewed violence from, from the people who live there or to the decision by the court today to be incorporated essentially into india, to become an indian state? the of the 2 did what that happened is off the 5th of that's to pull the 9 d, the situation, the head board tremendously and dumb on. cuz we the few turn order has prepared that the boat dot is them, has reduced considerably. once upon a time, they used to be on more deep one got 50, the edge of that dollars,
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which was one sort of bite bucket on of let's go to bar and just a moment. but i don't do the data only that you're going to for people 50, which i left. there's a good i blue level demo, but it seems it does come by holding a district grad from canceling the election and but that the election there the what is um, is that a good time in the morning? cuz we did it up for the rest were down to coming in addition to and then in the left line in terms of what the good job voltage industry as well as um, making up the engine ecology at the same time. the storm point reviewed to be a very global warming on once upon a time is know all of a water bark, the gold, the money reduce the gum from i if i will yet. and they, you do know a mic that the 220 no more bit. so or all that's weird. tell me or maybe very peaceful. i was just my dad's. com. the situation is i'm almost saying what
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a lot people, not very happy people are feeling too there, that in think of barbara for india or privileges and state of which other part of the country are enjoying the enjoy, which was done before the 2000. 19. thank you sir for your time and your thoughts on not defense expert on retired indian army general a k. see much. alright, let's move now to the war in the middle east, where dozens of people have reportedly been killed this monday in southern gaza, with a city of con eunice, targeted by escalating is really, are a strikes one. or you may find the following images of assessing the relatives of the victims are seen here, a gathering to more and their loved ones. that enough for hospital bodies are piling off with the medical facility already stretched to breaking point. the gas, the health ministry saves the enclaves entire death toll since october 7th has not
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reached $18000.00 people. thomas claims this fridays was taken on the outskirts of con eunice. that's where the idea is reportedly expanding its ground operation into the size of the enclaves. the area was previously designated as a safe zone for gals as displaced population or canyon. this is located just 20 kilometers from cancers border with egypt, but is relays urging residents to move further side dropping hundreds of leaflets from idea of planes. at least 1900000 palestinians have already been in this place . that's more than 85 percent of gases population does. egypt refuses to take in refugees displaced, palestinians are struggling to find any rest bike from the violets. here's canadian published and in journalist months are schuman, it's been complete to the chaos here in last and last put them in the vicinity. the non stop and quiet all sort of
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a non stop the drones like non stop the buzzing ghost by doing some of us, the times came as close as 700 meters. who knows what hospital and many people do not know where to go. i know that as well today's the need is that is the safe and the roots of costs um several times the people have to lease law sort of and then come back in fee to that. not for the most part. that would be as much as you for the number of people that to move off and see it on their lives. there isn't enough resources to show to be and provide clean water for them. so there are reports of people stopping right now. and because of that, a lot of people have decided to come back to you in this and other places in the us, but it takes us, you know, what? if we're going to die,
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we're going to die and i was homes. he won't die starving in a place outside one guy starving. be forced to leave the if chance you like an incident. yeah, so that's kind of testimony there for months or will further. so it still is really far, is also being done on the border city of rough. uh, the idea of targeted a series of strikes over the weekend. the continued into the early hours of monday . many homes are being turned to revel, while the inhabitants were sleep. survivors say they're leaving markers of the same . the reason for that, they hope to come back to recover the dead when it's a, or 5 or after digging through your rumble, without being able to find the children. they rolled their names and the ruins of the building is reminded to a soul that their children underneath the debris. mar abdulla, and must we old did when we get machines after the war is over, we'll be able to remove their bodies from under durable. well,
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here's the local reporter, homes of children with more on the is really assault against office city. i have seen many injuries arriving to the lady hospital where i am right now due to the strikes on this dungeon houses before 2 days from yesterday and today is committed. many last cape massacres, across the southern areas, the last few hours to have committed more than $21.00 massacre as a game against the bench and houses which is going to increase the number of casualties to 1818000 casualties have of course increase the number of entries, well, actually
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a shift in different areas. this has to be the last area. they're going to be displaced to that phones if they face this place, the gain that seems to be out of everybody. everybody is dependent on this country like egypt. jordan allows that there's no more displace fan, there's no more displacement to the power outage that's means close to palestinian one from the mid. thank you. military and crisis footage from southern gallons that purports to show desperate locals trying to loot supply trucks coming in from egypt. and traditional groups say the amount of 8 being lied into the into if it's not nearly enough. the world health organization as coal for immediate, unimpaired she monitoring access to gas,
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which has been on the bridge really see john bombardment for over too much luxury of a situation in central gals as well. it's coming on dressed, living is really bombardment to dozens of children among the casualties who's been rushed to the lock. so hospital there, according to the u. n. a, at least one minor is killed every 10 minutes and then click. the total number of child victims has reportedly surpassed. 7000 hospitals are buckling under the overwhelming influx of patients in refugees. again and warning. distressing images are a head the local mortgage spelling over with no space for more bodies and refrigerators . that's led to scores of great corpses lying right on the floor in the pharaoh beloved facility and comes as family members have been gathering outside the building to final farewells. they say they're in anguish of the areas they refer to the fleets who are new, say for then where they left my daughter has been killed. we were displaced
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from gather these really spread leaflets, asking us to leave for safety. so we fled to see right. and reach the a core area and this is what happened to us here. may god have mercy and for an o our that may be is really grand invasion of northern gals. images help emerge of a partially destroyed school in bit lucky a. smoke continues to rise above the damage building that had been used to shelter refugees. a local journalist dentist. this report from the in buffalo area of the car. witnesses report that the sound of is rarely artillery can be heard from the hearts of july. the account accompanied by the cracks of sniping fine. we're cautiously advancing towards areas quotes in the crossfire between power standing resistance and these riley forces. we are now in the block to which recently experienced intense, showing, resulting in a significant number of casualties. we're moving towards the line of engagement. we
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can see the smoke rising is rarely operations are ongoing and the situation is extremely powerless. the streets are completely up for the refugee sensors are still crowded with locals and those displaced. they are trapped inside the centers and very large numbers one and a half. so let's just say a suicide drone targeted, a group of displaced people at the gates of a refugee sense of belonging to the un relief and works agency for palestine refugees and gaza leading to many casualties. it's not, defy, can be heard one small and us right. targets the busy markets in july. the account . now we had gone fire intense clashes nearby to evaluate campus transformed into a was own between the palestinian resistance and the israeli occupation. army was harling images, port out of gals i saw you since across the globe continued to call for an immediate into the violence protesters at the streets over the weekend. and i renewed show of solidarity with the enclave. suffering population that shows some things from europe. first prize gathered in madrid on sunday to the nice the
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ongoing finding in gaza. as protesters march when palmer's which read stopped the genocide, while thousands in berlin demanded the german government cut all arm shipments to israel. those rallying shunted slogans accusing the country's political lead, something powering the idea of foaming like a son. she knew the enter key, also seeing a wave of support. 4000 protesters in this simple urge the turkish president to separate diplomatic ties with history on the point. troops indeed, to the intake well tried to impact his gun, urging the world's muslim community to unites in protecting sales tysons across the safely with one message, the mileage of israel's assault on gals that's 6 that push palestinians. all right, so their homeland, that is the for a direct accusation from jordan's foreign ministers. speaking of the ongoing doha for them guitar. what we see in gaza is not simply the killing gold for the
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innocent people, the destruction of their or their livelihoods. but we're seeing a system out to get a sense. it seems to empty guys from its people would seem the amount of destruction and the noise and, and, and, and, and some of the february that we see taking place there is just indicative of, of, of, and is there any policy that seems to, i'm a determined on pushing guidelines out of guys is what is created that amount of hatred that wouldn't hold on to this, this, this region that would define generations welcome and therefore it's hurting its own people as much as it doesn't hurt. think of anybody else that, that agent, this is or that to come out to be one as well, has already suffered strategic defeat, that continue over that is as good as, as the pending order of the buses. he's playing dominated the 2nd base discussions of the forum by the was because we're pull wonder about the use of it is funded by the united states and they,
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i think $50000.00 i wouldn't spend too much of anything but isn't any plan basically matters. we shoot you an inspection on our show, but it's phone. so that brought us to another issue. i by the way, what are you guys that they to so that's, that's because the one button house had been that big 5, but wonderful. it's dave in both and the one on, on that is the war 100 countries on this and good amount that says that the united states use that people are surprised the again. so you understand agent, let me just you spell it out and goes off despite that. but you asked to get that open step until the blinking is ticket. that's as little as much as a line. that would be most useful. yeah. when it comes to a cease fire in this moment with i'm us still alive, still intact. and again with the state and intensive repeating, october 7th again and again and again. that was simply perpetuate the problem. look, this could be over tomorrow, and the 1st set of, that's because he or the mazda is being 1000 policy. that gives us out the rest of
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the list. there's a lot of goodness guides. uh, what is the name that they are? how about sports? i'm lucky in sales to most of the work that they are by for to make obviously videos full field on this list. i'm being that you, i'm on to. i think it's the ones off for probably about 3rd time to issue to span. there's an issue that the counselors all sorry to include the b leads the what cv lee and the mines and the resolution is not being implemented. and i are just a courtesy call seem to pass through over the humanitarian catastrophe. and i write today to my view for the you made 30 and the ceasefire to be the clips. it'd be aggressively the security policy on site to the weeds. but death does not make it less necessary. so i can promise i will not give up that because he has as well as the 35000 box a bunch of the board on the list this month. by that one. spell it out and make
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sure i remember i never sent a support was not a big one. and guys always nothing. boy 3 and just to be on home on friday. just kidding. and it's a bless the south and there's people that you want and the food supplies got supplies, which is a positive as what a crime under what again, assuming it was is real. i'm from us. continue to buffalo dollars on the ground on line active. this are we doing a different kind of war with keyboards, their weapons, the cyber a theater of operations can be traced all the way to in the new z. let's go through it. we know that it's really government officials are facing abroad as of digital death threats and hostile comments from the nation online activists. and so if he stays, you're also taking aim of ideas, members and some of the following leaders to support israel's actions are 2. you spoke exclusively with or longer brushing of the model spearheading the entire
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operation from jakarta. you say it's a movement is focused on country and quotes. it's really more propaganda. ation donations. now dad, he said i illegal cooperation suit be indeed. and the one of 2 ways that we do test, you know, nations is conducting cyber attacks, particularly in their social media. and also some of us who are take us. they can take some safe. so what's up number off the idea if and some of the seals and then we done update them. they are a lot of the site and go from un office artist and also i the f so generous that the feel nice to meet the sky. and of the i d. s. you know that the side of the government often belongs to a lot of propaganda and folks,
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and that's why we need to contact them in the social media. so that is not just affecting them, but also to come 3rd aid propaganda. well, while indian easy and public sentiment is don't sleep pro palestinian, some people are concerned with the methods. the online group is resorting to communications expert, debbie, rama watson. he believes the hackers are committing a crime. association members, texting and anyone including sole gears, best sports is by spending in social media cost of coal. mine is it, it's not legal. we have some legal felicia, for example. it's in the low number, 1960 of sending information, electronics and section. and so the personal
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doesn't protection law, so we have to leave it to make sure that what do these to mean in harmony and digital. so how it can be something that everybody has to deal with the legal from the before the big the big shot teachers action. but he is has a lesion well,
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i'll say is really operation and goes inches towards the end tape southern border, neighboring egypt has entered its 2nd day of voting to elect the country's next president. incumbents of dell fell to elsie is taking a 3rd term. 3 other candidates are in the running bathroom politician. follow read sorta is representing the left this opposition as a little more, the former chair of the egyptian senates for in the 1st committee. he's also in the race while another tons of that sub dell. some of your mama has promised to reinstate 4 year presidential terms of phoenix into the office. that's after the presidency was extended to 6 years under mister elsie ginger. let's show here. i mean, spoke to the program earlier posting stations opened at 9 am this morning. they continuing to remain open until 9 p. m. that's 12 hours on the 2nd day of the, of the vote. it's a 3 day vote, as you know, 67000000 eligible photos. and as i was driving here to the studio,
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i so long lines of votes his wasting, waiting to cause fav pallets. public. discontent has been rising over the dia, economic conditions, as there is a chronic of foreign currency shortage in the country. the diction pound has last move in 50 percent of its value and 2 thirds of egypt options to leave either on or below the poverty line of prices. the soaring inflation is at 40 percent. so if he does win the election a c. c will have to focus on the economy company, president del sissy getting quite a lot of approve. busy for his handling of the situation and goes on with the is really operation coming right next. know, increasing the day by day to egypt border. our security concerns
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a big issue for voters as well heading to the polls? absolutely. it's both the die of state of the economy and what is happening on the northern border of the egyptians feel that cc is the best person to bring stability and security to egypt in this car and things or in his next phase of his presidency. a as, as other 3 rival candidates are not military men of they don't have the same background and they are not high profile. seeing what's happening in sit done in libya and in palestine. and also the fact that he handles a this will very well that so far he's kept the conflict from spilling over into egypt as that has one name. a lot of praise from egyptians here.


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