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tv   News  RT  December 11, 2023 10:00am-10:31am EST

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the 4 in state that's for taking away the story cooling by india supreme code for the the union territory of jonathan's cache may have fully incorporated into the country with elections to be held within 9 months. also ahead smoke grenades, a launch either the central, the domestic and it's and that's and by the occupational i'm going to displace people again and wait for his continue operations around the job. and the a refugee camp displaced palestinians of pushed the south web foaming, intensified amid the ongoing, doha for him on the middle east. cornflakes, be to date in 5 minutes. to close out is welding community, stressing the value of palestinian live the community, uh the,
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and production. and that is really enjoys, in terms of the, of the application to the, of this tons of different connections here, monitoring and loan international, legal for human rights that the tweet c as a, as not quite 10 for the hello and welcome. this is on the international with the latest world news update is great to have you with us this. our top story indeed is a supreme court as well for the union territory of john newtons. kashmir is no longer autonomous and must hold elections as an indian state. next september, the move was welcomed by prime minister and arrange a moody today's supreme court verdict on the obligation of article 370 is historic. i want to show there is in people of general, gosh, me or in law the, that our commitment to fulfilling your dreams remains and favoring devoted today is
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not just the legal judgment. it is a beacon of hope, a promise of a bright, a future, and a testament or collective results to building a stronger, more united india, article 2070. what this provision did was it do the state of crush me fall is to meet their own constitution. i for example, it also exempted the state from the constitution of india. so for example, if, if the central government in india i had to put in your, in please the have to be permissions from crush me the see the state permission. and, but of course, except for the saw me, the, such as the defense finance or the phone industry, for example, the, the continue to big those decisions like full audit decisions. if was the speed that had to give permissions to the central government that close to the weight, so that special status of cushion use that had been there for the last 70 or deals
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. now the supreme court of india oppose obligation of office 370 of the constitution. they clearly seen that the article 370 was them to reprovision, also the supreme court avondale said that the boss location or obligations optical 370 is valid. what that means is that the, there were a couple of petitions that were 5 of the supreme court, challenging the balance due to optical $370.00, the application of with which was done by the more the government back in 20, 19 august of 2019. so these a bunch of petitions, questions to valid the t or the by the government of india. now the supreme court of india has stabbed that at the decision which was taken by the government of india by keen office of 20194 years ago. is the right decision and that the word within of the bill follows to have taken that decision also and the supreme court of india has gone one step ahead. i've been going on to say that the
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detective, although the election commission of india, that there should be elections conducted in the state of john, one christian near by the 30th september 2024. so by next year to restore the sea toward old fall and someone push me to soon as possible. also the supreme court avondale is going on to say that someone christian needs does not have any install a new self allergies. so that decision which this of being for to speak, and that would, they also carries a lot of historic balden john, who owns cash, may have been autonomous for the 70. yes. in 2019 the indian parliament possible decision to take the region of the federal control and divided into 2 territories. however, today's move wasn't welcomed while position leaders who pledge to continue that political struggle. it's also, it's huh. i wanted to give my reaction to the media on what happened in the supreme
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court today, but the media is not allowed to come to my house and i am not allowed to step outside. we are disappointed, but not to disheartened. our struggle will continue. we knocked on the doors of the supreme court because we were hoping for justice. we do respect the supreme court, but our attempts will not end here. though we should not be disheartened. the supreme court's verdict stating that the article $370.00 was a temporary provision is not a defeat for us. it's a defeats the very idea of india to the many people that are celebrating this verdict. i say this, this is a political work which has been going on for ages, and a lot of people have sacrificed their lives for it. we will not lead the stand. we have to come together and fight. she. meanwhile pockets townhouse announced the indian supreme court ruling stating that india has no rights to make this decision on the future of the region. pakistan and categorically rejects the judgment,
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denounced by the supreme court of india. india has no right to make unilateral decisions on the status of this dispute, the territory, which is against the will of the customary people i'm to practice them. india cannot renounce international obligations under the pretext of its domestic legislation and traditional verdict. your database, political analysts contact control processing, building of funds, cost me a status as an integral part of india. essentially, this is a reiteration of the fact that the entire state of the 1st world princely state of join push me. it is an integral part of the union of india. all these areas are bought all the us by the state of gym winbush lead, which has been headed to have been an integral part of india ever since. 194748. since you have the u. s supreme court, which often looks that judgement spots supreme court. so other countries, i think they should also take a look at best judgment given by our under the supreme court. to stop loving us in
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the united states were constantly calling for a discussion between india and pakistan over the issue of jo, moving push lead once and put all this chapter is clause. it is a matter which has an internal matter of india well settled, the reintegration of the state in full under a common set of laws under the indian constitution of more details on this developing story, you can visit our website the all to cell. com, the as well as on flow to ongoing that had spread across the anti and clay if it the know says face with leslie's shelling, with a job aliya refuge account coming under repeated fire local a full time loc. move sub reports from the ground. the smoke grenades a launch either this central digit ballet camp. it's in its end by the occupational
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i'm going to displace people. again, these are really tongue, so still advancing towards the develop account moving forward and retreating, engaged by listing and resistance in a game of cat and mouse. that with this new state of panic and see and amongst the land screwed up in a massive sort as from digit ballad, refugee camp, due to dismemberment. yesterday the occupation opened fire on us forcing us to leave the count in geneva. we're being poor self. where do we go? they asked us to have solved if we don't know exactly where we don't know where to go, they force us to leave, but no one gives any clarification. they told us to go to the tunnel street, but the bomb does their firing both bullets and missed tiles. we as muslims pray for guidance, easily the goes advanced down the street and the fee is but a lit up is between the occupation forces and the policy and resistance. the time
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is coming here is what started to flight. that wouldn't dense collages here between the resistance and the occupation. the is there a time started once in here, there's burst of gunfire and it seems the situation has become more perilous. that must be a safer place to go with the heating gunshots now and the sounds of easily things floating. well, i think that's totally goal is a new is 18000 people as well as intensifying get the rates on central gaza. there are many children among the dead and injured with dozens west to the outbox, the host within the city of the out by law. according to the you, whether this one mondays kills every 10 minutes. so the enclave, the total number of child victims has was supposedly supposed 7000 hospital was a buckling done to the overwhelming influx of patients on refugees. now we must warn you. distressing images are ahead. a local move is filling the with low space for more for these in refrigerators, the thoughts led to scores of drapes corpses. lines lines on the floor with would
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be out by law facility. as family members have been gathering outside the building to pick that final farewells, they say there were 9, which is the areas they want to sleep to want no safe. then why they left my daughter has been killed. we were displaced from gather these really spread leaflets, asking us to leave for safety. so we fly to see rod and reach the a cool area. and this is what happened to us here. may god have mercy and for an o our dad. and then the southern gaza, which accommodates more than one point. $8000000.00 palestinians, forced to flee to this, done to try to save dozens have supposedly being killed this monday alone with the city of han eunice. targeted by escalating is wally as strikes hon. eunice is located just 20 kilometers from dogs, is border with egypt, but is where i live searching residence to move the the south and dropping hundreds
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of leaflets from ideas, planes. and does egypt refuses to take in refugees displaced, palestinians of struggling to find any with spite from the violets, his canadian pa, the city enjoy the last month. so show a month it's been complete to the chaos here in last, last put them in the vicinity. the non stop and quiet all sort of a non stop. the drones likes non to talk about single spied going above us. the time came as close as 700 meters to the hospital hospital. busy many people do not know where to go right now. there is no today's the needs that is the safe. and the roots of cuts the several times the people have to lease law sort of and then come back into to the not for the most part. they would be as much as you for a hospital number of people,
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that's the most cut off and see it on their lives. there isn't enough resources to, to show to deeds and provide clean water for them. so there are reports of people's jobs in right now. and because of that, a lot of people have decided to come back to you and us and other places in the us . but it's things that you know, what if we're going to die or we're going to die and i was homes, e, one by starving, in a place outside one di starving view, forced to leave the hip chance. and i can answer both sides of the as well. my mouse will blame each other, so the staggering civilian casualties. it's possible special coverage of the conflicts. we strip away the rest of it to reach the innocent civilians. quote, in the crossfire we bring to the story of an all the time or mountains. he's lost many of his family members, and he is rarely strikes the we are calling the civilians to leave guys. it goes,
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some us wants to keep them there as a human shield. this is innocent. civilians are going to be hard to sign on. i see all the civilians and one of the a lot of miracle. but the design, the all me of these radio occupies hit, my family's house and, and as triangles, there's an 8 maces the crazy last where the house one stood. i got in touch with my brother who arrived there and 5 in the morning. he couldn't search the rubber the night because there's no electricity. so he came with his friends and neighbors to take the bodies out of the shovels, no machinery because there's no fuel pitcher in 5 days to catch the bodies. they're
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both going to sit on the do my brother and he's 2 sons, my 2 sisters and one of their friends, also in the house at the time of the strike and they all died. the, what do you need? my son was 70 that for a family, whether he doesn't even speak arabic and he was born and raised in most guy, these become a hostage. she can't get out the electricity, internet phase, none of that, that kind of vision. like how did they survive? what just like, honestly don't understand it myself. when i told them last, my nephew said that they would collecting some more. so there's no other option to
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confirm the appointment as far as i understand, even though the salt water is dirty. what's going on? well, let's see water, so yes, it's the yukon drinking and they just use it to wash and so on. after the strong guy had no contact with my son for 2 and a half days was simply terrifying. i didn't know whether he was alive or dead, but i didn't know what to do. i couldn't sit still. the solution for situation is terrible. so you have everything that is covered in black, so of women and children crying and salvation. fathers, mothers, and brothers, their old die for many parish from diseases, but by the i'm sen, conditions when it comes to food, people have to go out at 4 am to my friends. so they have something to eat. the
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the west african eco was lot has promised to ease sanctions imposed against media following the july to in the country. but i only have the government complies with some conditions, a lot of relatively easy solutions to both on these fairly oh, by the cns. feed to comply with the outcomes of engagement really coming to echo a as shelly been imposed sanctions, including the use of force. i'm show really request office a union on all the buttons and forces cognitive sanctions from members of the cnsp i'm the associates. so what, of course the stain is that, uh, it is trying to negotiate, you know, um, shorts,
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trends. so you said you're out with new jersey school government. this is the 1st time the regional block, which we have some knowledge inbox. you know, there is a military government now in place in, in, in missouri, initially the via, the regional block said, well not like it to buys. you know, the cool got nice can be shared by acknowledging a for accepting that, you know, it'd be on the back of that, that, that, you know, discipline a coordination of what on sunday during the summer across beach say about, you know, it's now recognizes that the res, a cool government in place, the major and that is right. it has gone. you know, i had to acquire 3 members including the price, that's a total bennett and a steering wheel. and these 3 lead us and we'll see 2 and the goal is the son of a starts transition period. you know, what finished, these are school lead us on this slide for games, you know, a 3 year term. see somebody basically does have a nice sleep. i propose, now this is the condition upon which across it's saying that, you know, it will now became progressively ease the sandstone. is that, you know,
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if it's early i can post doc, you know, and these are in july, just days after the cool, you know that out that price that i'm, i presume, to place of quest, you know, info. so raf samsung on these are including, you know, border closures include in a assets free and also straight for $0.06 on the sides of, you know, have been named largely for hurt in these as economy and affecting millions of people who are bad. it's free and very tough, you know, couple of months for, you know, people in missouri and now of course to say about it is very success with. and they go see some of us to start trying to see some figure out with, you know, the military government there, it will consider lifting all of these. um, samsung smart equities also saying that the, that the community does do not comply with, you know, um the, the, the mediation team. but you know, it's just not appointed to negotiate. that it will, you know,
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maintain it. sanctions, which also includes uh, the sanctions include the use, you know, of the region, all of the military force and also across the same. but it will also, you know, work with the african union to impose a, you know, some are restrictions on these are, this is, this is what the regional block is, a global defense on the list of poll. again, they should have his take on the reasons behind the eco box decision, military intervention, or using the military and to do that has not been a popular decision. so imagine the countries, the nothing the, the knots in the garage member states. so and so man apartments and a number of states including that good here, which is the uh, holding the rotation matlab jeremiah street. but the attorney to has that slipped him. um you know, it goes to use in floss by our mastercard and country. and so it gives the,
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you know, i advertisement of states. so that is $1.00 and $2.00 is also the, the logistics of how that is going to have put, the reason has resumed. and then that is why a cool as is rolling back to me. as soon as that, the back that the option, the western states saw considering a shakeup of ukrainian government as blossom is the landscapes tell him to full show in his will list presidents us according to the russian foreign intelligence. this which also explains why western leaders are losing faith in zalinski. i said again, that is the head of the russian foreign intelligence status says they have received credible information that high ranking officials and permanent western countries are frequently discussing the needs. replaced the current ukrainian president brought him as lensky as unfulfilled promises to defeat russia on the battlefields as endless barshan assemblies. communication with foreign partners and rump nepotism in corruption. ukraine are among the reasons why,
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but the main thing is that the lensky has lost his ability to maneuver the conflict with russia in accordance with the interests of washington edit scholars. now, according to the russian foreign intelligence services, a replacement for ukrainian president zelinski is being discussed. and as we just saw from the official statements, some of the reasons are he's fail promises to defeat small shaw. he's rude behavior, communicative behavior with foreign partners and corruption. but of course, we know that the main reason this whole discussion is being brought up is because of ukraine's failed promises to the fee prussia and go with the interest of its western partners. that despite the endless amount of financial and military aid provided to it. so essentially here the west is saying that the landscape doesn't will suit them anymore. therefore he needs to go. and this is interesting because they're talking about the same person that they've been praising for the past 2 years. so it's quite an interesting turn of events and according to the s v r
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statement, the us intelligence also estimates that a discussion surrounding zelinski is a replacement may also rise in the future. now another point is that brussels already has candidates in mind to be zelinski, successors for presidency. and at this point, a consideration of a cease fire scenario between moscow and kids is also on the table. so it is safe to say that it looks like now kids western partners are finally coming to terms with and even admitting ukraine's failure and is previously very over hyped and much anticipated culture offensive to washington's possible costing of age to ukraine has become a worrying topic. full key of officials, as, according to inform you crazy and president len, it's coach law who added america's reputation will be damaged if it does stop support. we have to hold bothering to get the legislation for the us has lots of
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dennis done. defeat for ukraine means that you as little as face before the entire world. that's where it will during lessons political analysts, elijah magneer, se zelinski on his administration have dashed west in hopes. and i'd like a to lose that support. i think the west and the americans wouldn't have to continue supporting ukraine a one way or another because they don't like to be told that they have been defeated. however, in the west we haven't gotten to be very pragmatic and abandoned to share life correct when they just think a. so now default is or drop on is it in scale that needs to be changed because he did not conduct the war property or the job was only to be off and do exactly what i heard in person today for administer ukrainian for a minute to do me to me by saying to the europeans, if you want us to jump,
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we john. if you want us to dance, we does how humans the 18 for the great news to come and say we deliver, i will send to you. but the support as, as a member of the e u and all these to ukraine has failed to achieve the american objectives. and the americans will blend ukrainian on this day the russian is a federal, secure to serve as the space as it has detained. several civilian suspects, allegedly recruited by keys to carry out terror attacks in crimea. hayes on seeing your correspondence more downstairs with the break down of the story. this year, ukraine has waged a campaign of terror across crimea. palding's assassinations, black male threats, and co operation. well, they cool terrorism. we call liberation. of all i have to say is that we've been kidding russians, and we will keep coming russians anywhere on the face of this until the complete
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victory of ukraine. terrill will died of the chief of ukraine's military intelligence service. he and he's, subordinates, i've done everything to swamp, cried mia entails every single perpetrator of every acts of terror was recruited. not one of them was it. you pay the intelligence agent here. what civilians and coverage to blackmailed or threatened into these acts of violence go good. we forbid that this farming and lots of debts, that's basically why we left the house around that time and all the quite in sense of mine from capstone called me up. i don't know how we found my number. he started asking how i was doing and checked if i needed what i told him that i have so much that i didn't know what sort of job would coverage they showed me. he told me would figure something out. it almost always starts flu. simple to watch, a dual way,
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film a trade with track an individual who is what they asked me if i was ashamed to sit idly by of such a time. i told them to look at my passport and check my health status. they said that's age and health pose, no problem. and i can still defend my homeland. at 1st, they ask you to watch that in field. then pick up a package, plant, a bomb, the sometimes recruits would vote, could the oldest they signed up foot for money for out of desperation, or even the fight for you prayed. they didn't sign up for a mother. you need the explosion to be loud and significant. not necessarily, well, it's on the way. well, i want to do it at the station,
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but are people that even if you do it at the station, people won't get hurt. explosions won't send out fragments on the fire. most perpetrators will quote before they could carry out their assign tasks, so bobbing so assassinations, the actions were monitored and they were followed up until the last moment rushes f . s. b or operatives take the time that the long good that they track these people, the move they love. so handlers dropped spots, logistics, money trails with high doubts, as well as foreign involvement. the goals and the reason why they have already cutting now strikes, releasing these weapons they use for long distance delegates both on the russia and crimea. this information is not widely spread to avoid criticism or yet less than the hand prints. everywhere from british and nato explosives and designate because of hardware smuggled into crimea for
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a tax. the testimony of suspects about who trains a group the most. our contacts took us to the city of your pin, where there were ukrainian instructors. later for an instructors arrived as well, they taught us to assemble improvised explosive devices and remote control devices set off by telephones and so on. i mean, it's a popular for queen. it's all with the 3. we can use span you whip on on all within 3, which parity also includes ukrainian women. these 2 aspiring fed for towels. the reno, nevada slot up was sent to crimea and tossed with seducing officials and service men in order to extract information. they would track, watched as they slept with numerous men will be it's, they didn't extract anything useful. this particular section operation for the
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order of ukraine was added to kind of magic, not the only dubious efforts, but you paid in intelligence as these intercepted compensation also reveals. i'm wondering if we will do things differently now. you stop them and then we will hit them with me styles. nobody will guess it was, you know, i mean, up to so many explosions. they will lose their minds over the years. they'll think it was another, have a strike. it will take them a while to understand that it was coming from partisans, as well as to extra him above will be really hard on them. so you and i better be prepared to go down in history. this the left hand code is now going and the praise that rods and died and history forgotten and abandoned by kids. and this is what separates you pay the intelligence agencies from those all over the world who look also those loyal to the off to their agents. you can have once requested a prisoner change involving one of these people that they sent on these missions
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and who were called rather have the list discarded, like waste the fees on the last suspects to be apprehended. you quite desperately needs to distract this population and sponsors from the disaster on the battlefield. para bombings and expend the bulls sent on suicide missions are certainly a cheap, easy alternative to actually winning a war. may be ongoing doha for them on the me, the least conflicts between data and private is to cool down to as well as impunity stressing the value of palestinian lives the impunity. uh the and, and production that is really enjoys in terms of the, of the application to the.


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