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tv   News  RT  December 11, 2023 1:00pm-1:31pm EST

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the, the, the hit story caroling by india supreme court will see the union territory of jim lou and kashmir fully incorporated into the country with the elections to be held there within 9 months. also ahead is really all the patient forces stone, but schools of unfamiliar with just the fullest, the displaced people to divide to a tangible bald mountain. the gunfire is really forces continue attacking the job. only a refugee camp at this place, palestinians are pushed further south, were bombing intensifies thousands leading the sea and say they don't know where they can find safety. we don't know where to go. they force us to leave, but no one keeps any clarification. they told us to go to the tunnel street, but they bombed us. they're firing both bullets and miss tiles about us to new. any
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part of the life is not less valuable than any other civilized. human. lot of the jordanian prime minister calls out israel's impunity. distressing the value of palestinian live. this comes as world speakers discuss the middle east conflict actually on going to have for the evening from the russian capital. this is our to international with the latest and world news today. i'm fear eliza bell. we begin in india, where the supreme court has ruled that the union territory of jump moving kashmir is no longer a thomas and must hold elections as an indian state. next september, the move was welcomed by prime minister and around her moody today's supreme court verdict on the obligation of article 370 is historic. i want to show there is even
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people of jamel, gosh, me or in law the that our commitment to fulfilling your dreams remains and favoring the voted today is not just the legal judgment. it is a beacon of hope, a promise of a bright, a future. and a testament or collective results to building a stronger, more united india, article 2071. this provision did was it gave the state of crush me fall is to make their own constitution i for example, it also exempted the state from the constitution of india. so for example, if, if the central government and india i had to afford any one, please, that has to be permissions from chris me. this see the state permission and but of course, except for the saw me the, such as the defense finance or the phone industry, for example, the, the continue to big those decisions but full of decisions as was the speed that had to give permissions to listen to the government that close to the weight,
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so that's the special status of cushion news that had been there for the last 70 or abuse. now the supreme court of india a pause obligation of office 370 of the constitution. very clearly saying that the article 370 was the time to reprovision, also the supreme court avondale said that the boss location or obligations auto group suite 70 is valid. what that means is that the, there were a couple of petitions that were 5 of the supreme court, challenging the balance due to optical $370.00 the application affairs, which was done by the more the government back in 20, 19 august of 2019. so these a bunch of petitions, questions to valid the d o the by the government of india. now the supreme court of india has stabbed that at the decision which was taken by the government of india by keen office of 20194 years ago. is the right decision and that the
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word within of the bill follows to have taken that decision. also, the supreme court of india has gone one step ahead and they've gone on to say that the detective, although the election commission of india, that there should be elections conducted in the state of john one push made by the 30th september 2024. so by next your to restore the c towards o fall and someone christian need as soon as possible. also, the supreme court of in dell is going on to say that someone christian needs does not have any install a new self allergies. so that decision which this of being for to speak and that would, they also carries a lot of these started for them. well, indian politicians support the move pakistan has been now the indian supreme court ruling stating that india has no right to make this decision on the future of the region. merrill gardens,
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this is an important day as both this bills will be paused and also because this will be written in golden. let us in the history of john wayne smith and india. today, the supreme court upheld the 2019 gentleman cost me every organization bill. it's constitution valid, it's a and the process to follow back is done categorically, rejects the judgements announced by the supreme court of india. india has no right to make unilateral decisions on the status of this dispute to territory, which is against the will of the customary people i'm to pakistan. india cannot renounce international obligations under the pretext of its domestic legislation. i'm traditional verdict, its hundreds have taken to the streets in pakistan to protest india as move on to move and kashmir. demonstrators burned indian flags and demanded that the decision be over ruled. you jelly base political analysts kartik cho for us as the ruling of firms, kashmir status as an entry level part of india. essentially,
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this is a reiteration of the fact that the entire state of the 1st, why the princely state of join petroleum is an integral part of the union of india . all these areas are far all the us. why the state of gym when chris read, which has been headed to have been an integral part of india ever since. 194748 of since you have the u. s. supreme court, which often looks at judgement, spots supreme court. so other countries, i think they should also take a look at this judgment given by our under the supreme court to stop lobbyist in the united states were constantly calling for a discussion between india and pakistan over the issue of julian crush me at once. and for all this chapter is clause, it is a matter which has an internal matter of india well settled. the v integration of the state in full, under
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a common set of laws under the indian constitution. for more updates on this developing story, visit our website at r t dot com, the israel's on slot and gaza has spread throughout the region. the north has face relentless shelving with the job aliya refugee camp coming under repeated fire. local reporter mama subaru has the latest on the situation on the ground. well, what's the time with that is these mainly occupation forces storm the schools of all fluids to the west of giovanni refugee camp. they force the displaced people to divide to a tons of bombardments and gunfire. we are witnessing a mass exodus from the area, the rest of the many man, they later released some of them, but they kept all this in detention the displace people in jamalia, a refugee camp. i'll leave it in the state of p. a and tara, allowing them to go to the m 1st through the upper school from the main street and
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put snipers on each floor. it was k us. when they entered the school, eval dozer came in and followed by tongue. they were beating the children, forcing them to come down, one of the time with their id. then they called for the women to come down to. if they follow someone they were looking for, they drag them far away from their family. they were around 7 or a tank, spread out along the street with $40.00 to $50.00 jews at each point. they spoke arabic. yesterday. the occupation opened fire on us forcing us to leave the camp in geneva. we're being poor. so where do we go? they asked us to have solved if we don't know exactly where the noise there's we don't know where to go. they forced us to leave, but no one gives any clarification. they told us to go to the tunnel street, but the bomb does their firing both bullets and missed tiles. we, as muslims pray for guidance,
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they stormed view and relief in works agency schools and forced us out. we've been besieged for a week with no watch or no food, or elderly people and children among us. i work for the un relief and works agency, but there's no immunity for people working for the un releasing works agency or any international organization. no one in the world was intervening for us. i still have the street was completely full of people searching for the children. women was separated and our children were taken to one side. and then they brought out the elderly. they full siblings, listen. i couldn't even guess how many that was the army is still advancing towards us and we don't know where to go. as the death toll and gaza rises beyond 18200 people, israel is intensifying its air strikes on central gaza. there are many children among the dead and injured with dozens rush to a loss, a hospital in the city of their abala. according to the un, at least one minor is killed every 10 minutes in gaza. the total number of child
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victims has reportedly surpassed. 7000 hospitals are buckling under the overwhelming influx of patients and refugees. we must warn you. distressing images are ahead of the local mortgage filling over with no space for more bodies and refrigerators. that's led to scores of troops, corpses lying on the floors in the they're all below facilities that has family members have been gathering outside the building to bid their final farewells. they say they're in anguish as the areas they were urged stiffly to our no safer than where they left. my daughter has been killed. we were displaced from gather these really spread leaflets, asking us to leave for safety. so we fly to see right and reach the a cool area. and this is what happened to us here. may god have mercy and for an old our dad. meanwhile,
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at least 22 palestinians were reportedly killed in the shelling of a residential block in all, my gosh, a refugee camp in central gaza, as israel continues to strike the area, we've got more from local journalists rami, i'll move already. we are here now in the my god, 0 gums and middle guys. us read what is really ever strikes drones, drones, twice and time shows have read intensive, wide extraordinarily. and this re fi g population of my ghazi and the mid the gaza strip that and this refugee population, there was a very loud just like that ted. this house, which is a 3 story building there where, according to neighbors and relatives, there were about 990 member families, including zainab, attends of the home, and other displaced. dozens of others have been displaced from relatives,
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friends displaced chiera, this house. and these were errors, thrice came over night. it was a war. planes came overnight. andre did this home round bounding this to robin. my neighbor's house was palmed with more than a g. a to be billed from children. women, yoga. the other ones. everything. everyone was there about most of them was injured and the more the rest of them was killed. and they back to the claim that they killed the resistance and they, they, they, they, they, they pulling kind of back on days or they look ration. but there's the own innocent people have lost so much. they say that we palestinians of terrorists, but in reality it is these regulations of the terrorists. they killed many women and children because we do not have any heavy equipment like bulldozers we are forced to dig through the rebel using all back comes to find out that the couple of
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my guys in the budget area have been gone. i've gone intensive flights. have gone on that they just over the past few we a few weeks or a few days actually i meant to international caused for to is rouse. just tell me what it is they are considering to be something that has not been free cit dented before. and that as well showed, make sure that this fire is seized immediately to allow for the people of gauze to, to rejoice with their lives that have been completely or totally because of this intensity of was or 80 war on the goes us rep that is on the president of no one can predict yet what will be the next for this population of garza, that has be, has been at a we're talking about torn apart by means of as rated closure of the border
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crossings. as well as the that the lack of committed to basic do to come with it is fuel supplies, electricity, cooking guys, and basic essential goods and come with it is commented as if throughout that goes us to it. both israel and palestine. blame the other for the mass civilian casualties. as part of our special coverage of the conflict, we strip away the rhetoric to reach the innocent civilians caught in the crossfire . we bring you the story of an r t camera man who has lost many of his family members to is rarely strikes the we are calling the civilians to leave the guys that goes out. some us wants to keep them. there is a human shield. this is innocent. civilians are going to be hurt. i
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to sign on, i see all the civilians and one of the a lot of miracle. but the design, the all me of these radio occupies hit, my family's house and, and as triangles, there's an 8 me is, is the crazy last where the house one stood. i got in touch with my brother who arrived there and 5 in the morning. he couldn't sash the revenue at night because there's no electricity. so he came with his friends and neighbors to take the bodies out of the shovels, no machinery because there's no fuel pitcher in the 5 days to catch the bodies. they're both going to sit on the
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thumbs. you my brother and he's 2 sons, my 2 sisters and one of the best friends, also in the house at the time of the strike. they all died the what the me with my son was 70. that for a family way thing, he doesn't even speak arabic and he was born and raised and most guy is become a hostage. she can't get out most electricity in snatch. there's none of that, that kind of vision. how did they survive? what just like, honestly don't understand it myself. when i told them last, my nephew said that they would collecting so was that there's no other option as far as understanding, even though the salt water is dirty. most color. well let's see water. so yes, it's gonna take you from drinking and they just use it to wash. and so i was off to the straw and kind of had no contact with my son. for 2 and
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a half days i was simply terrifying. i didn't know whether he was alive or dead, but i didn't know what to do. i couldn't sit still the ocean, the situation was terrible. everything that was covered in black, so women and children are crying and sobbing. father's mothers and brothers are old site. for many parish from diseases, but by the sound of truth conditions when it comes to the food, people have to go out to for i am to my products. so they have something to eat. the
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i mean the ongoing war on gaza, the jordanian prime minister called out israel's in unity at the doha, for i'm stressing the value of palestinian lives of these impunity uh the, and production that is really enjoys in terms of the, of the application to the of this tons of different connections, humanitarian lo, international legal for human rights that we see as a, as not quite helpful. we always and rightly so, we always here, the strong condemnations off anything that the roads, the base that the national or the end of the geography is in the world. by the same token, our general expectation is the should be extended indiscriminately to the entirety of the world. it should not stop the gateways of a certain religion race as not from the city geographic area or border until that effect. i can tell you the fattest any,
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let any protest to the light is not less valuable than any other civil in human life. i don't think i was aware of it. i must activist a stop there today. i just thought that i probably missed that i most of it is for chicago to the crisis and goes um, but its to, to reach us is fine until this on that time used to be. so how sony also added to that on the job that is a most country that i think to the buy or stone in guys on those bank. because most of that half of the collection bought it from the origin. this to submit it to or, or if i left that drop in. yeah, it'd be free cuz that's the last time between the 3 because it's a goal. so if i drop it off on the consent on the day it is that a voice loudly in the door for them to all the decision makers, the or lead does that is i want. so there's a lot of interest for the rest of the size and goes, i'll just stop this. i'm going graphs. as much as this is the material violation of the provisions of the door to the street from the monthly prohibits any forced
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movements or for pollution. we have quite, very assured that we are on the same page here with the globe in general, mess, expulsion the most acceptable to the occupations versus multics, but it is not acceptable. the increased settlement violence in the west bank is not acceptable besides your but also the at all. yes, expressed a deep concern as to the inform mister, i've made up the light. yeah. as this of the how for them. so if you do come for us, for the border and review, it says failed, and the plan because i united states that support is what i mean, continue and use the read the article so, so, and that's what it meant to do that. so what was that use of the war and to be just as found, like now, and this has been a political fee ask for the white house. we just seamus the veto to cease fire. stop the violence. delays that they could have done is voted for the resolution to differentiate military and civilian targets because in terms of mailed 3, both sides and continued fighting for years. the leader of how might still be
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himself. they are ready to flight for years. at any moment the region could explode, we will, and that if they attack some women and children continue the regional above which will come and help with the removal of occupation forces as to what are the 2 days of the discussion of the spots. and by and live by you, i think that the general i'm funny with that is for certain just a bad about they, i'm a lot of and, and each of these play out because i us to use the visual and then the chief of the, from the rest of the girl who called on about me, she said to ask you, i, this is election tools. they just use fi, of course of the what i best of us who knows them as far as by the videos of all the items that lead us to becomes to find them here want us to find them. what is so overall that as football, cuz i what i got a schedule actually is i don't think i'm really to this folks at the airport for us . why they don't them with miss janelle a psychology. so that deal with it guys as part of the must because that's how they didn't get there. i guess some of the students people let's cross side to side so
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that professor of pay studies at the egypt, japan university a welcome sight. so jordan has said it won't accept refugees from gaza, but we're seeing more more palestinians fleet to the borders of these neighboring states. why is that? and what impacts could this have on the countries in the region? it is, or it has always been saying that the, or even the founder of design, this movement is that this will be the land for people. it was our plan and for land that was on see for so the idea about setting the population to all the neighbors has always been in a. it is like just the physics thinking. the old will say that the result in this part of fun and the sorry 9, which is 3 times as the dispute is what, why don't we store that guns sons into the neighboring d zip and get rid of this is a cdm question. so this is
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a very old idea and for the 1st fund, maybe we are what this example sites on our tv. like we are seeing a case of s, the cleansing stuff is happening with american approval and diplomatic decking. as we have seen with this vehicle that's happened, the nation secure with the ghost of a game is the window of the sick with a vision of what you know and then hospice and nothing was it you know, the recall and use the very read off to come and that you and she also, i'll stick with my 291 the security council members of the danger of what is happening and goes on to resubmit is secure with the message. the secuity, as you have seen from something is not limited to augusta. we have seen a tax on the navigation in the received by the house. the your we have seen since by is with a game is
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a new bed. all i gave is sylvia. so we are going to see these. and so what we're seeing today is a deliver a proven by the method speeds for the human side of ethnic cleansing, does not want to also get old boost better. because because cyanide, for example, can, does not happen in the 4th or 2 feet. 2.3000000 people, the thought of computing shovel, sorry, mine is almost 602700000. you cannot take more than that with you. and so this is different than this with name also. that's it is right. it's showing the, the problem on the neighbors and get rid of this up on a student question for the. so this is the idea about the funds through again, but pro, he, that they are using. well, you mentioned these escalations in the united states and what israel has been doing now, egypt has also reportedly warren of israel, that the ties between them will be put,
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ruptured if they attempt to continue pushing the refugees fleeing from gaza into the sign a desert. so do you think that this is going to rupture, the actual relationships do you think that will actually happen? and i think use it to that is a, is really distribute to this, you know, step foss. since it's signing and making stuff in your mind. a challenge of a lot of, uh, uh, difficult times like the invasion of the night you may need to, we had longer was the one, the ambassador. i don't think that it was easy to do with push the board. that's because now is if some of those was a deaf, i was guess the hudson s things in that we did not allow this to happen. we can only allow the names of people to be able to provide you monetary and gave, which is very possible. and we're all doing that, we're ready, but that we accept the stadium and i'm pushing it with means that is all you will
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have to use violence as that would be a big a breach of the egyptian is already be seated. i don't think the wouldn't do that. i think the i was just making a little bit of an effect on the version of diplomatic pressure, but i don't think the dance to do that because he's as last week. i mean, we have a lot of flip funds and we have the mind number 9 in the world. i do a very happy to business. i'll use it from the, from this military concert. now if use of this back in for this political content, which i don't think this is gonna happen at all, i don't see that this is the that direction. i don't think the they want to do this . that's all i, i don't blame maybe about it. if somebody wants to open a new fund, but where did they have the funds to depend on the, you know, hysteria, maybe read the lawn. if does that. one thing is the west bank. we're also open and now we will have to remember we have also that yeah, my me phone, which nobody expect it to be coming in to this conflict. this conflict does not in
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the end and does it when it's spend all over the world. you will see maybe effects on, on the, on those will support is i member though different especially in california in a lot of places where you have a slope and a student who is like flashing. i'm kidding. and so it will be heavy and stopping in the hopefully the hardwood buck only to does the unlimited these sites, so that professor of peace studies at each of japan university. thank you. and as the world celebrated the 75th anniversary of the universal declaration of human rights, the office of the un high commissioner for human rights in palestine shared his statement, calling for a ceasefire in gaza. this proclamation made by the united nations general assembly 75 years ago was not just their optical. it was a promise for a better future that all human beings, without exception, are inherently equal and deserving of the same rights and freedoms. 2 months later,
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we are witnessing a living nightmare in gaza, civilian spies, desk, sage destruction, and deprivation of the most essential human needs. more than 70 percent of those killed in his riley attacks have been women and children to give life to the universal declaration in palestine. we need an immediate cease for the release of hostages and ultimately an end to the occupation guaranteeing the rights of the palestinians. the self determination, i'm providing justice and equality for the people of both palestine and israel. now the declaration was adopted by the u. n. in 1948, shortly after world war 2 built around universal equality, justice and the right to fundamental freedoms. however many question whether the spirit of the declaration is applied in practice to complex around the world. and to commemorate the occasion, former us secretary of state, hillary clinton released an article lauding the declaration. however,
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people were quick to remind her about her own contribution to the human rights agenda. you support apostolic, these rails, human right to commit genocide. this is what you support. how have those human rights worked out for dozens of countries in the last few decades? your definition of human rights is now being practiced in garza and you, a secretary of state anthony blinking was also on hand to underline washington's commitment to human rights. a human advice belong to everyone. the universal in july symbol and interrelated today. as we recognize, 75 years of the universal declaration of human rights, the with all the deep commitments to protect human rights and hold to human rights abuses accountable. meanwhile, more than $22000.00 us made bombs were dropped on gaza in just the 1st month and a half of the conflict during which time washington supplied
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a further $15000.00 bonds and $50000.00 artillery shells to replenish israel's arsenal. and just 2 days ago, the us state department circumvented congress to approve a $106000000.00 sale of take ammunition to tell a view. and on top of that, the us was the only country to veto the un security council. reason resolution for peace in gaza. human and labor rights lawyer damn colleagues says the us is no shining light on human rights as washington funds and facts the killing of thousands of god and civilians. don't see us as a promoter of human rights and in any regard me i do think that think the case of guys, it shows the us as a park prosy on this. i mean gods is now number one in terms of very a number of quite a.


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