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tv   News  RT  December 11, 2023 10:00pm-10:31pm EST

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larry could have been the next president. ok, keep losing people out here. the you can hear explosions of reverberates in the cells of gaza, where farm land in the l. salaam. neighborhood, east of profit is being show along with nearby areas is really forces continue their attacks on to bali, a refugee camp as this place. palestinians are pushed, pushed further south for the bombing intensified. doesn't clean the scene, say they don't know where they can find safe shelter. we don't know where to go be forced us to leave, but no one gives any clarification. they told us to go to the tunnel street, but the bomb does their firing poles, bullets and miss tiles. also ahead and retired us army colonel wash is out at
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washington for c says fueling the rush of your friend complex and hindering any diplomatic efforts. she cites former german chancellor. gerhard schroeder is attempts to mediation 2022. his efforts trying to get nissan, ukraine, and russia were torpedo by the united states, and that is rarely ex prime minister enough to all the benefits of the same things . and regina faso commemorates the 63rd anniversary of independence from france, bald fight against the jihad. this insurgency continues the live in moscow. you're watching archie international. i'm rachel ruble explosions in the south of gaza. our deepening of restlessness on the streets as to agricultural areas were bomb than the else along neighborhood, east of rossa, and behind the cache. the community local reporter homes of salon has the latest on
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the situation on the ground. we're here standing in front of the way the hospital just now we hear multiple air strikes and the roof was huge explosions and the current from local sources. this fairly quick start getting some off of the different areas we keep hearing. also there's a big the, as you can hear, very intelligent. it's very interesting. so we just mentioned many palestinians here, sheltering skin, open areas in the 10s running out from their tents and hiding inside your car's features. it's not safe to say
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wild goose, massive explosions. property is rails on slots on gaza has spread throughout the region. the north has faced relentless shelling with such a volley. a refugee camp coming under repeated fire local reporter lockwood spa has more. well, what's the, that is these mainly occupation forces stored in the schools of all fluids to the west of your body, out of refugee camp. they force the displaced people to divide to a tangible bald mountain gunfire. we are witnessing a mass exodus from the area. the rest that many man, they later released some of them, but they kept all this in to tense and the displaced people in jamalia, a refugee camp. i'll leave it in the state to be a and tara, to go to the m 1st through the upper school. from the main street and put snipers on each floor, it was k us when they entered the school,
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eval dozer came in and followed by tongue. they were beating the children, forcing them to come down. one of the time with their ideas. then they called for the women to come down to if they follow someone they were looking for, they drag them far away from their family. they were around 7 or a tank, spread out along the street with $40.00 to $50.00 jews at each point. they spoke arabic yesterday the occupation opened fire on us forcing us to leave the camp in geneva. we're being poor. so where do we go? they asked us to have solved if we don't know exactly where the noise there's, we don't know where to go. they forced us to leave, but no one gives any clarification. they told us to go to the tunnel street, but the bomb does their firing both bullets and missiles. we as muslims pray for guidance. they storms the you and relief and works agency schools and forced us out . we've been besieged for a week with no watch or no food or elderly people in children among us. i work for
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the un release and works agency, but there's no immunity for people working for the un releasing works agency or any international organization. no one in the world was intervening for us. i still have the street was completely full of people searching for the children. women was separated and our children were taken to one side. and then they brought out the elderly. they forcibly remove some. i couldn't even guess how many that well, you know, i'm used to advancing towards us and we don't know where to go. it was the death toll and guys that passes $18200.00 israel is intensifying its airstrikes in the central region. there are many children among the dead and injured with dozens rushed until out to our ox. the hospital in the city of their all belong. according to the un, at least one minor is killed every 10 minutes in gaza. the total number of child victims has reportedly surpassed. 7000 hospitals are buckling under the overwhelming influx of patients and refugees. and must warn you. distressing images
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are ahead. the local mortgage is filling over with no space for bodies left in the refrigerators that said 2 scores of draped hop corpses, line on the floors, and that they are of a law facility. family members have been gathering outside the building to bid their final farewells. they say they're in english as the areas they were urged to sleep to are no say for themselves. a lot of value or my daughter has been killed. we were displaced from gather these really spread leaflets, asking us to leave for safety. so we fly to see right and reach the a cool area. and this is what happened to us here. may god have mercy and for an old our dad. meanwhile, at least $22.00 palestinians were reportedly killed in the shelling of a residential block in mind as a refugee camp in central gaza. as israel continues to strike the area,
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we got more from the local journalist rami almost already. we are here now in the my god, 0 jobs and middles, gaza strip. what is really ever strikes drones, drones, twice and time shows have reading and supplied extraordinarily. and this re fi g population of mcguffey and the middle of the gaza strip that and this refugee population, there was a very large just like that ted. this house, which is a 3 story building bed, where, according to neighbors and relatives, there were about 990 member families, including zainab, attends opposite home and other displaced. dozens of others have been displaced from relatives or friends displaced chiera. this house on these were errors, thrice came over night. it was a war. planes came overnight. andre did this home ground founding. this troubles
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my neighbor's house was palmed with more than a t h. a people from children, women, yoga the all does everything. everyone was there about most of them was injured and the more the rest of them was killed. and they, that could be claimed that they killed the resistance and they, they, they, they, they, they pulling kind of attack on days or they look ration. but this, they all innocent, people have lost so much. they say that we posted in the terrorists, but in reality it is these regulations of the terrorists. they killed many women and children because we do not have any heavy equipment like bulldozers we have forced to dig through the rubble using all back hands to find out that it is my pleasure to meet you campbells massaging the vigil area. at have the gun have gum intensive flights have gone on that they just over the past few we a few weeks or a few days actually i meant to international cause for to as well. just tell me
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what it is they are considering to be something that has not been reset dented before, and that as well showed, make sure that this fire is seized immediately to allow for the people of gauze to, to rejoice with their lives that that'd be better completely or totally because of this intensity of was were a war on the guys, it's web that is on the president. no one can predict yet. what will be the next for this population of gaza that has the, has been at we're talking about torn apart by means of as ray, the closure of the border crossings. as well as the that the lack of committed to basic do to come with it is fuels, supplies, electricity, cooking guys, and basic essential goods and come with it is commented as if throughout that goes
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us to it was israel and palestine. blame the other for the mass civilian casualties as part of our special coverage of the war, we strip away the rhetoric to reach the innocent civilians are caught in the crossfire. here's the story of an artic camera man who has lost many of his family members to is rarely strikes of the we are calling the civilians to leave guys, it goes, some us wants to keep them. there is a human shield. this is innocent. civilians are going to be hard on the all civilians and one of the
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a miracle. but this is the army of these radio occupies hit, my family's house and as triangles, there's an 8 maces. the crates are left when the house one stood. i got in touch with my brother who arrived there at 5 in the morning. he couldn't search the rubber that night because there's no electricity. so he came with his friends and neighbors to take the bodies out of the shovels, not machinery, because there's no fuel pitcher in the 5 days to catch the bodies. they're both going to sit on the thumbs. you my brother and he's 2 sons. my 2 sisters and one of best friends, also in the house at the time of destroying and they all died. the
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what do you mean? my son was 70 that for a family wedding. he doesn't even speak arabic and he was born and raised in most kind. he's become a hostage. she can't get out. most of the electricity in snatch, there's none of that that could cause how did they survive? what just like, honestly don't understand it myself. when i talked to them last, my nephew said that they would collecting so was that there's no other option as far as i understand, even though the salt water is dirty. most color, well let's see. want to. so yes, it's didn't see you come drinking and they just use it to wash. and so i was off to the straw and kind of had no contact with my son. for 2 and a half days i was simply terrifying. i didn't know whether he was alive or dead, but i didn't know what to do. i couldn't sit still the
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solutions, the situation is terrible. so everything that was covered in black to the women and children crying and salvation. fathers, mothers, and brothers or olds, i many perish from diseases but by the incentive truth conditions. when it comes to food, people have to go out for i am to my, perhaps people, so they have something to eat. the according to israeli authorities, tomas is still holding 137 hostages in gaza while pol us today and say there are 7000 of their own imprisoned israel. we spoke to and is really mother who's 23 year old daughter has been held by hamas since october 7th. we're of going and it told
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us she's not losing help. but once world leaders to act, it was a greater urgency to bring the hostages home. we were on the phone with her since 6 35 in the morning until 1058 when she was sick confirmed because she was in. so i heard the that came up as it went on. she was in the car, she called the 1014 saying she was shot. she said mommy, i was sure i'm believing. i think i'm going to die and we will continue talking. we were trying to find a way to take them out there and, but there was no way and i heard the terrorist coming to the to the car. i heard them shoot to give them because i've heard them when they would shouting around my daughter in arabic. and i heard them opening the door of the car and trying to start it and then taking them out of the car a and then they closed the phone and that was the, the,
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the last time i heard from my daughter, from the people that came back from guys uh we know that they sold her a and, and she's alive and the one the gunshots. one is not treated well. it is the is not moving right and hope she wants to lose their hands. i hope i hope for the her to the more big group of all families, we joined together with the volunteers from each row and around the world. and together we are joining hands and working to make sure the hostages. all the, all such as will come back home strongly because of the weld a. this is there a time of the history to make sure that it's true is shown to the whole world that they can do actions that we change history and the point choosing the right side of human tyrant who monitor inside of the history choose life.
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the manager and assistance must be provided to gaza, which faces dire conditions, and russia is taking steps to make it happen. according to the russian ambassador to the one with the members of the quarter, which unfortunately, who sees the system or what's members know what say that we have to really be good to renew it for the space and we are discussing the community, the assistance regardless of the year old maintenance is 0, but this particular facility facing the soon city of 82 people because of the way it is ringgold
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these meetings. as we discuss this a little bit and there was a decision to go. i mean, steve will go nice to said versus you and envoy is part of a 12 member security council delegation travelling to rafa on the egypt as a border. it is certainly the only access point for aid to enter the besieged enclave. and that's the secretary general antonio. good terror sounds. the alarm over the humanitarian catastrophe. that looms as thousands of people quotes are simply starving in gaza. washington's war mongering and quest for defense industry profits are the focus. the remarks by former us army colonel, marianne wright, and monday, special meeting of the united nations security council on ukraine. she says the us has hindered any attempt at a peaceful resolution of the conflict between t f and moscow. the foreman, german counselor,
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has said that his efforts to try and get peace on ukraine and russia for torpedo by the united states. and that is rarely ex prime minister enough to all the benefits of the same things. secretary state lincoln said that in the last 2 years, the u. s. has provided over $70000000000.00 to support ukraine and european allies to provide over a $110000000.00 in weapons. blinked and said, if you look at these investments that we've made and ukraine's defense to deal with this aggression, 90 percent of the security assistance we provided has actually been spent here in the united states with our manufacturers, with our production. and that's produced more american jobs, more growth in our own economy. so this has been a win win that we need to continue. well, i would say to my secretary of state that when, when is not for the civilian and conflict areas, that remark for mary anne wright came during
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a session of the united nations security council. and it was echoed by russia's 1st deputy permanent representative to the un who did not hold back in his statement on monday, as he accused ukrainian president's landscape of retraining. his people by campaigning on a platform of peace and neutrality and enforcing his country to fight and die. and the us funded war. speaking of kias need for washington support, the russian ambassador compared zalinski is government to a dying drug addict that needs a continued fix of funding and weapons. but he pointed out that it's the us defense industry and it's backers who reap the benefits. i said suddenly, it's just a 2nd us officials came out in true colors and finally told the truth that we had warned about from the very beginning to military assistance to ukraine is another profitable commercial project for washington. there is no positive scenario for ukraine, which has turned out to be a bargain and cheap in someone else's jew political game. the safety trainings are
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unwilling to flight. according to the confessions of the grand and meal treat, which were recently published by western media, average life span of mobilized records on the front line is 48 hours. my question to my western colleagues, who are you going to supply weapons too? if fewer and fewer people are ready to die for his alaska regime that antagonizes its countrymen to people, they use their representatives for the us at the security council meeting, referred to washington's legal aid for ukraine as legitimate evidence as it is added to russia, which holds the keys to ending the current conflict, ignoring the report as interference from the u. s. and the u. k. the put a stop to few stocks between russia and ukraine in 2022 here. so we tried to shift the focus when asked about the goal of washington's a to key, as we all know why rush recalls repeated meetings on this topic. $655.00 days since the start of its illegal full scale and vision of
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ukraine. russia has failed to accomplish its war and it is failed to break the spirit and resistance of the ukrainian people. we expect russia to spout any justification. it can, no matter how absurd to mask its failures on the battlefield. it can with dried forces and start meeting is responsibilities as a permanent member of this council. instead, where suspends its time and as council criticized and legitimate assistance provided to defend ukraine from russia's illegal actions. meanwhile, when it comes to the fate of us 8 for ukraine, it is currently facing a deadline in washington. the vitamin ministration is bringing and zelinski on tuesday to try to convince lawmakers to pass around $60000000000.00 and funding for the next year. with the white house warning that ukraine's war chest is set to run out. at the end of this month. a report suggesting israel use
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us, supplied white fos for us. our tillery in southern lebanon has raised concerns in the white house national security council spokesperson, john kirby said. washington won best to get the claims, but added, they expect the deadly munitions have only been used for legitimate military purposes. we've seen the reports, we're certainly concerned about that. we'll be asking questions to try to learn a little bit more. and any time that we provide items of white fos for us to another military, it is with a full expectation that it will be used in keeping with those legitimate purposes. and in keeping with a lot of armed conflict, kirby was responding to a washington post article about and is really attack on 11 on an october which wounded at least 9 civilians. the report sourced inquiries by human rights organizations who have also called for investigations into the potential war crime . light, phosphorus can stick to scan and cause fatal burns and respiratory damage. the world health organization has warranted. sue's may be an international law
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violation if intentionally directed against civilians, attentions are high along the lebanese border with it as well as id if and hezbollah had been exchanging fire since the october 7th attacks, protocol analyst and host of the dive. and jackson, hinkle says, israel is committing a war crime and the us will continue his weapon supply to israel. or crime being committed by the israeli state is just another old weekday for them. and this one was notable because 9 individuals, 9 civilians were injured for, were hospitalized. smoke was pouring into the homes of the civilians in lab and on . they had to be cleared out of the town. and this is nag or cultural town. so they're worried now about their crops being impacted by this white phosphorus. the united states, of course, is going to continue to supply arms and funding to israel because that's what they do. we saw just this week, benjamin netanyahu prime minister of israel,
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came out and said that if anyone dares even question whether or not is real as committing war crimes like the international criminal court, for example, who's launching some initial investigations? that those actions, questioning whether or not they're committing more crimes is anti semitic. so i can't expect that anything is going to change is the death of 16000 civilians and gaza. $9000.00 of whom are, you know, probably children or close to the age of under 18. i don't think that this is going to change anything. so these attacks are relentless, of course, not just on the people of gaza, but also in neighboring countries like lebanon and syria. it's really just par for the course. or can't. affonso is celebrating the 63 years of independence. remembering that the country shook off a french rule and became a self governing states. the entire american, not a liter address to the nation. at the anniversary celebration is expressing his
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gratitude for support in the fight against the militant groups. it was going to be today. people support the 5 g forces as best they can. a lot has been done, but we're going to ask for even more sacrifices. thank you to these people who understand that the only way to achieve these is to waste their own war wants and for all. so addressing the workers who have already made a lot of efforts for beauty to fall. so i'm going to ask you for more efforts in 2024, there will be certain measures that will be taken to so that emphasize the contribution to the effort to fall through is basically does anniversary of for looking at fossils. especially independence is monica by the war again. so they're already small followed the president of the transition and then he, but he must probably victories, attacks the violence of mind, the physician phones of the imperialism, and the new point in nearly some way. the warnings against the representatives of
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temporary, at least powers the head of the minds of the head of newport. and yeah, this is, i want this to do. we have decided was all, all soul and conscience to take the destiny of homelands and to wage war. because the war could go on, if we do not wage it, this is evidenced by these don't months house, which suddenly they will comp, when we decided to start the fight in recent days. so you may have noticed the intensity of the battle, which conflicts us. you know, believe that there was several sleep cells that would keep this wall going for decades and decades. let's say that this is coming to the power following up to the but i'm proud it to minute and associates in order to compete with friends. the farmer putting in the country got into the press no longer has any sort of good in the book. you know, for us to call an adult, it was a dentist today we are in the process of acquiring real independence since we
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noticed on almost all levels that became the fast. so it was not really independent, as evidenced by the insecurity. today with the arrival of the president, captain ibrahim troy, we noticed that on multiple levels, we are in the process of acquiring real, suffering, t mobile. at the moment. we cannot say that bertina faso is completely independent as long as we continue to speak the language of the settlers. this is proof which shows that the country is not totally independent, but at least we can say that burkina faso is on the road to being independent. and what's going on with my, for the moment, i can say that with the new press didn't we see that burkina faso is moving towards independence. we didn't have complete freedom. i can say that before we were perhaps a french speaking country, but at the moment with the new president, a strong man, we really feel freedom. we have over him for nearly smoke, which is also ended with in monday and they need it. these 3 sides,
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countries need to buy minnesota powers for you to the allies outside the states, the secrecy facts which recreate it on the phone to an organization of the broken man. we've prospect of people, and this is a speech unavailable case on office 360 good anniversary, official independence of the president. would it also price repository, expression of thinking? i b and a news news taxi's to me because of the war 90 months i did. but what about the environmental pioneer? isaac is i'm a char, is turning plastic waste into ego cabins. in kenya, the visionary founder of murphy community international is revolutionizing sustainable. living with his architectural innovation, standing as
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a testament to the power of creativity in combat and environmental challenges. but as a says is work as a tour guide raised his awareness about. ken is natural environment. the idea to construct the eco houses out of waste bottles arose when they realized even wild life deepened, the reserves were impacted by the trash we spoke with is about he decided to clean up the land and do something positive by recycling the way of the whole thing that you have seen in terms of the environment which, which is becoming a really big issue globally. these something to do with the plastic use. i really stepped in, into the industry wanting to be a very responsible to a guy in the industry to allow. so to see and i, when i found a lie on screen with plastic bottles, i wanted to do something about it. and the started collecting the plastic bottles as, as a cheese. and i was still trying to recycle a lot of plastic bottles, and
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a lot of glass bookings, a lot of beer comes. and so to say, a lot of money by, of the grid of materials, which, which we used to make those carbons. so the carbons people see that the carbons are a sustainable that means for the environment to know it seemed for leads to clean up exercise the, the sustainability part of the copies come in with the revenue that brings up next. continuing the documentary parkland rising on the 2 thirds of a day of school shooting that changed the conversation about guns in america. the . 7 the.


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