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tv   News  RT  December 12, 2023 2:00am-2:30am EST

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virtual sense of all we going to let that stay. the distressing image is emerging from the westbank city of janine for several people are reported dead following an idea of re done the color skin in region for warning or graphic video ahead. the main goals, the several people are killed in a central district of the script with local scrambling to sift through is really bombing raid rubble to the race against time to rescue the tubes out course of the bodies of women and children. they are killing us as if we aren't human. it's very easily. all me, boom, done neighbors, whole that how this more than 70 people we spend the whole night trying to, even with the bodies indescribably horrible.
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the more than a dozen civilian casualties are also reported in over nice idea of strikes on cities in the southern guns of the engineers death, toll continues the rush. it pushes from more humanitarian a to gaza. so say un security console delegation visits the border check point aiming to read your exclusively from most goes on the go and there was a decision to receive the 10 am this tuesday morning here in moscow. i'm you know, need to with your global news roundup. good, the of you with at least 3 people have been killed during an ongoing idea of rate
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on the city of janine and the westbank, according to palestinian officials and warning you may find the following images distressing. this on verified footage allegedly from the scene shows the bodies of several men on the ground. the palestinian health ministry seized the victims were killed by a drone strike. other images circulating on the line show idea of armored vehicles on this is released soldiers have also been seen reading a number of homes since october 7th, 100, something kills, and more than 3000 detained by the idea. if the west, by a more on verified footage here, allegedly showing the aftermath of us really showing injured name. according to media reports from the scene. the ongoing idea afraid is part of a series of similar operations or pulse the westbank is really troops of allegedly blocked a refugee camp of hospital and jeanine, with flushes said to be continuing in the area. the idea of claims its being
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targeting militants of explosives, factories in the part of published an entire tree of the woods main target from us operates inside garza, you know, in the west bank. we'll keep you updated on this developing store. indeed, let's turn attention then to go. so where is really, is escalating its bombardment? there 2 reports say 5 palestinians were killed including 3 children in an idea of strikes that hit a residential building in the central city of darrow, below the on this. but it shows the expense of the aftermath. several type, fully packed together homes were destroyed in a residential area. neighbors are strong scrambling to. as you can see here, find any survivors who may be from hopefully alive under the rubble. witness is helping describing the movement of the attack. the cool down course of bodies of
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women and children. so medical crews couldn't reach them, all ambulances are transporting victims, body parts look of them. they're searching for victims down there in the rubble, because there aren't an excavators for emergency services to help us. the locals are taken apart the rubble with their bare hands. they're kidding, as, as if we aren't human. where is the help from arab countries? they are traders in general, and the few of these really all me boom, done neighbors home that helps us more than 70 people for displace families from the north out of 11 grandchildren, only 2 or 3 survived. this is a hideous drive and we spend the whole night trying to remove the bodies. indescribably horrible. this is a residential area. how is this then close to each other? the world doesn't want to listen to us. whenever the house is destroyed, we speak up, but it's all in vain. the world has forgotten us. with god is with us. we no longer care about the world. washington a sub by
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a 2nd of the children was sleeping when did rabble fall on us? every scene was covered with thick dust. we didn't receive any warning. the explosion was so powerful that we couldn't move thing god was survived, but our neighbors here, the majority of them were killed. some say the 19 to 2 people in the house. lucas managed to pull out some bodies, but most of them a still under the rubble. hopefully we can pull them out some and then southern gallon so it's really flourish little the night sky has an idea for strikes again, rain fire on the city of con eunice. local media reports. the bombing campaign left several days. the. the largest medical facility in the area has been receiving new patients constantly leaving us or hospitals stretched the freaking point. after over 2 months of israel's as sole posted in health officials said gas as death told how surpassed
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18200 people below and was 50000 others. i've been injured since october 7 among those receiving treatment up. no sir, hospital is a boy from northern cancer. you survive done this really attack never was on his own again. the child has already one of his legs amputated is waiting for a 2nd operation to remove the other. he was wounded in an idea of striking legit. finally a refuge account that left most of his family dead. i wasn't trapped under the degrees. i called her to my brother. he lay next to me, but no one responded. hoya and the women were in the 1st floor when the men were upstairs. my brother was also on the 1st floor. that's how my mother and sisters my grandfather, grandfather, and my owns with our children were all lost, their lives, the only people left in my family after the shelling on me. my father and my brother and my uncle with danny. what canadian tell us to me in journalist months through a schuman spoke to the program earlier from con eunice,
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the stikes are not stopping down to escalate, take the time around 600 meters away from the hospital. and the air strikes to continue from the sky. from particularly from the east, from the sea. and all the people here in the hospital really do not know where to go or what to do. we austin way to seize for the governments of the world to wake up and try to help 2300000 civilians here to the point to genocide for the last 6 to 6 days. even not allowing, you know, for a to come in. so we don't know what they are waiting for. the people that are asking, where is the warranty options? with all of the super powers, especially the united states, a new p love manufacturing, the home world,
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about the values of democracy and human rights. where are they? you know, with tens of thousands of casualties and 80 percent displace population. here after legal press for dictates for a while, a un security console delegation does visited the egyptian side of the roof of border crossing with gills. and the only entry point for a to the impossible den, save that according to the world botany, every single gas, and that's more than $2000000.00 people is now going hungry. speaking exclusively to r t rushes un emboss address that is vital delegate, see the situation on the ground for themselves. we're going to so christy are fixing them as of the content, which is unfortunate. who is this the system function. ready the position of all of its members know what say that would have to really be good to to, to use the fits of patients. the reason that was sold is who, who you,
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some of the sofa know full of the suffering will be participating. and people in augusta became a victim of course to do so because then we have to come to the university page and i read you the of the implementation of those decisions by the security funds and run digital. so we have this mission today, of course it was and you should do by the means to invite to as many un security council investors as possible. let me just read it off on google record on the, on the 7th and the agreement to the injection sort of the review, the most part of the biggest thing we are discussing the distributive the systems regardless of the year old. the reasons is the role of but this
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thing, particularly these are the facilities facing. so this has been sitting at a to the people because of the way the campus slips through. still has the, as we know of use a, he's not being present the sitting room and we discuss it with them. the student council and there was a decision really cost to go and see what it's what set it up and posting and reporters. silicon brings us know the latest on the situation in kansas, southern city of rough or over last night, data hostage and dissolves in part of the course that are in place. very they look as he and have with news to one of the have used the and if you on on say, is it a the, a thoughts on what is the building? dozens of people with colored is a 1000 parts of gaza. a roof off on the new owners, as well as the data and by the hand that to keep to and the so you don't have to
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come in this into the la garza, this is your hand became a very difficult the here i made. did. and going, is it i in the district, can that info that's out of it. i can pause on it vicar thing to over the guys on the district to conduct themselves on the human side in a bit. and the 2 guys are mainly made it in human study and, and the ongoing and the increasing and the high end and the number of the thoughts of better off hon antonio. and it may be, bo, should they lopez to head, to the border agency on board that that's a better thing between guys on the, and a bid, or maybe in an attempt to escape a put on a, the did the set. and it said that involves the and does a bill cause here are polling all the all in use or death related for the day. and i did mention the vis or is it that will add that? so we lived with it the gaza as a whole. the to have a 5, not
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a maybe to have with that the united nation would have it. it's a free shot on, is it a and to stop? i police say the war and then made a can, is it, uh, its the on the, on them and addison and they expected that may be in the upcoming days or maybe weeks and maybe the united nations as well as the outcomes is also in addition, it's a russia on the china may have they did own a push out on the interest of the world and just so big telling the ongoing coming again, dive anything in the head and gaza as israel say's 137 hostages are still being held inside gal, somebody from us, but mentioned no prospects of another prisoner swamp. we spoke with these really women, his daughter was among those kidnapped on october 7th, during an emotional interview. motor of less than going urge the international community to help bring all the abducted hold. we were on the phone with her since
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6 35 in the morning until 1058 when she was sick, informed because she was in. so i heard the that came up as it went on. she was in the car, she called the 1014 saying she was shot. she said mommy, i always show i'm bleeding. i think i'm going to die and we will continue talking. we were trying to find a way to take them out there a but there was no way and i heard the terrorist coming to the to the car. i heard them shoot to you um because i heard them when they was shouting around my daughter in arabic and i heard them opening the door of the car and trying to start it and then taking them out of the car a and then they close the phone, and that was the, the, the last time i heard from my daughter some of the people that came back from guys, uh, we know that they sold her a and,
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and she lives on the one the gunshots. one is not treated well if this is not moving right and hope she wants to lose their hands. so i hope for her to more big group of old families, we joined together with the volunteers from each row and around the world. and together, we are joining hands and working to make sure the hostages. all of the hostages will come back home strongly because of the weld a. this is there a time of the history to make sure that it's train is shown to the whole world that they can do actions that will change history and the point choosing the right side of to retire and who monitor inside of the history choose life. it's been a long, 2 months for her husband. okay,
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another us adults. the conflict of reports suggesting is real use the american supplied white phosphorus, munitions? the shell, southern lebanon, was raised concerns at the white house national security council spokesperson, john kirby said. washington will investigate the claims we've seen the reports, we're certainly concerned about that. we will be asking questions to try to learn a little bit more. and any time that we provide items of white fost for us to another military, it is with a full expectation that it will be used in keeping with those legitimate purposes. and in keeping with a lot of armed conflict, mr. kirby was responding to a washington post the article about and it's really a talk on lab and on in october which wounded at least 9 civilians. the report source inquiries by human rights organizations. they've also called for investigations into what they're calling potential war crimes. what foster, this is an in century musician that can cause faithful burdens, respiratory damage. the w h o has one that use may be an international law of
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violation if directed against civilians. the idea because belie, i've been exchanging fire across the lebanese border since october 7th, american politic level is jackson hankle. it's the revelations will persuade washington to stop sending weapons to israel or crime. being committed by the israeli state is just another old weekday for them. and this one was notable because 9 individuals, 9 civilians were injured for, were hospitalized. smoke was pouring into the homes of the civilians in lab and on . they had to be cleared out of the town. and this is an agricultural town, so they're worried now about their crops being impacted by this white phosphorus. the united states, of course, is going to continue to supply arms and funding to israel because that's what they do. we saw just this week, benjamin netanyahu prime minister of israel, came out and said that if anyone dares even question whether or not is real as committing war crimes like the international criminal court, for example,
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who's launching some initial investigations? that those actions, questioning whether or not they're committing war crimes is anti semitic. so i can't expect that anything is going to change is the death of 16000 civilians in gaza. $9000.00 of whom are, you know, probably children or close to the age of under 18. i don't think that this is going to change anything. so these attacks are relentless, of course, not just on the people of gaza, but also in neighboring countries like lebanon in syria. it's really just par for the course. i want to show you this a lot of reaction to the next story because speaking at the you and a former american army colonel has slum washington for its refusal to bring peace to ukraine, claiming profiteering from the conflict. there was taken preference and the foreman german counsellor has said that his efforts to try and get peace on ukraine and
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russia for torpedo by the united states. and that is rarely ex prime minister enough to all the benefits of the same things. secretary state lincoln said that in the last 2 years, the u. s. has provided over $70000000000.00 to support ukraine and european allies to provide over a $110000000.00 in weapons. lincoln said, if you look at these investments that we've made and ukraine's defense to deal with this aggression, 90 percent of the security assistance we provided has actually been spent here in the united states with our manufacturers, with our production. and that's produced more american jobs, more growth in our own economy. so this has been a win win that we need to continue. well, i would say to my secretary of state that when, when is not for the civilian and conflict areas, that remark for mary in right came during a session of the united nations security council. and it was echoed by russia's 1st deputy permanent representative to the un who did not hold back. and his statement
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on monday, as you keeps ukrainian president zalinski of retrain his people by campaigning on a platform of peace and neutrality and enforcing his country to fight and die in the us funded war. speaking of kias, meat for washington support, the russian ambassador compared zalinski is government to a dying drug addict that needs a continued fix of funding and what that. but he pointed out that it's the us defense industry and it's bankers who reap the benefits. suddenly it's just a 2nd, you have sufficient, came out in true colors and finally told the truth that we had warned about from the very beginning to military assistance to ukraine is another profitable commercial project for washington. there is no positive scenario for ukraine, which has turned out to be a bargain and cheap in someone else's geopolitical game. the safety trainings are unwilling to flight. according to the confessions of the great and meal treat, which were recently published by western media,
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average life span of mobilized records on the front line is 48 hours. my question to my western colleagues, who are you going to supply weapons too? if fewer and fewer people are ready to die for his alaska regime that antagonizes its country man to people, they use their representatives for the us at the security council meeting, referred to washington's legal aid for ukraine as legitimate and insisted if that is russia, which holds the keys to ending the current conflict, ignoring the report, his interference from the us and the u. k. the put a stop to peace talks between russia and ukraine in 2022 here. so we tried to shift the focus when asked about the goal of washington's a to key, as we all know why restoral calls repeated meetings on this topic. $655.00 days since the start of its illegal full scale and vision of ukraine. russia has failed to accomplish its war and it is failed to break the
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spirit and resistance of the ukrainian people. we expect russia to spout any justification. it can, no matter how absurd to mask its failures on the battlefield. it can with dried forces and start meeting its responsibilities as a permanent member of this council. instead, where suspends its time and his counsel criticized even legitimate assistance provided to defend ukraine from russia's illegal actions. meanwhile, when it comes to the fate of us to aid for ukraine, it is currently facing a deadline in washington. the vitamin ministration is bringing in zelinski on tuesday to try to convince lawmakers to pass around $60000000000.00 and funding for the next year. with the white house warning that ukraine's war chest is set to run out at the end of this month. and finally, in buffalo dunbar, locals are seeking to bring in little joy back into their children's lives and made
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relentless, ukrainian shelling. and the dense floor is where some find the way to do, just about our teeth. donald quarter got an invite to watch some potential future stars in action here at the dance sports school in done. yes, children enjoy an estate from the realities of living through war. they get to learn new dance skills and they also get a bit of that normality of life that every childhood deserves the . so just so you know, if she knew her thoughts were under close and showing, i don't go out at all. i'm starting remote thing, my parents taking this year. i only go dancing and like, it makes me feel calm. i really like to practice here for that, but how should i? yeah, when i come here, i forget the horror taking place outside my window. the shelves are flying because when i'm here on the piece, i give a motion to my feelings. it makes me feel better because it's so much easier than
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holding it all in. i come here to distract myself because it hurts to live like this, the new but there are many different situations in life, flight judge for myself, for example. i have some things going on like call adults, some problems. so something else. but when you come to training, do you forget about everything because he of the dancing music and half most of the other cousins and fun. it's very cold. the school was found at around 7 years ago by its trainer, katya. a couple years after keeps forces began to wage war on dunbar. according to her most of the republic stance instructors had left by them. and her goal now is to give these kids the future that she herself was denied by war. the math and social says, yes, i've been
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a dancer since childhood. because my career as a dancer was finished at 18 when the war started in my city. i decided to teach because there was no worth of reform here. i didn't want to leave, so i had to choose from either teach or you don't participate any words of answer. so we decided to teach and i realized, but i'm even better that i guess what my kids are happy and they learn everything, not like me. i didn't succeed because of the work. and i hope then when they will be adults, he'll be conscious dancers that they will have a good future sort of choreography is very well developed in russia. i think they will succeed and the work will be over by then. the cost of school offers lessons to kids between 5 and 15 years of age, with teenagers gaining the skills needed to begin dancing professionally. and the younger kids learning the basics, the
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by a wake up, a go to the kindergarten. then i go to the ends classes. i've been doing that for weeks, years of, of machinery. similarly as my name is mash, i'm 70 years old. i study here. i like to study here. there is do stretching, a good coach. and who would you like to become when you grow up? i want to become a coach. the thanks to people like katya in schools like this one, the children have done yet score able to enjoy that childhood. that so many kids around the world take for granted. sonya, it's people's republic who'd bad against seeing some of those youngsters on the whole show a state you're in moscow in a few years. okay. there have been many,
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many us because the shooting. so why didn't want in florida 5 years ago, which wasn't the deadliest or quote unquote, the most shocking, particularly resonates with the public. our documentary team dells deeper into that next in the park level. the the,
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the. 7 7 the chicago wild land where no loss stands, but chicago is actually the homes of many people that stand with us. and
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we have to just to verify that this issue is different. this issue, please continue to come together. all just say we're going to fix this. always so this the lady people call kids already called the materials. i'm the wendy's. the one of the biggest things that i've realized is how i had to look through those ones. but there's other communities across the country, it up and updates every day. the. this is not a party issue, this is an issue that affects everybody, regardless of race, color,
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class freed religion, it doesn't matter. bullets do not discriminate the, the organization for traveling the country and speaking about what specifically on the top of the united states, the responsible,
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the what make you a gun control expert? i'm not an expert. i'm part of the conversation that i need to be an expert to be part of the conversation that happens the media. so they put in all your friends on tv, the covers of magazines, and it made you feel real nice and good. but because the using that every day i wake up as nice as it seems to be in the media all the time. i wake up in my school . gotcha. and nothing, and i'll be going to do is, is going to and shoot on my screen. that's not a good fit. we never, never will be. when i'm doing this, i can be at some of my initial plan was to be a summer camp. and then i was going to go for one session to work at my comic book store. i'd be happy because that's what i would want to do.


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