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tv   News  RT  December 12, 2023 3:00am-3:31am EST

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green lights up further, fastest expansion in the world, and baby and the way for the outbreak of world war 2. the headlines stories this our distressing images from the westbank city of to name were several. people are reported that following an idea of raid on the palestinian area of some more graphic footage ahead from counseling the several people are killed by idea of strikes on the central part of the enclave with local scrambling to sift through is really foaming, read rental rates. against time to rest of the survivors, the bluetooth house, of course, of the bodies of women and children. they are killing us as if we aren't human. these really all mean boom, done neighbors,
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home that helps us more than 70 people. we spend the whole night trying to be with the bodies indescribably horrible. while more than a dozen civilian casualties are also reported in fresh idea of strikes on cities in southern down to the city of that sofa. and then you'd like to buy the onrush. it pushes for more to monitor in a work as a, as a un security council delegation visits the rough or border checkpoint in egypt. we are exclusively from most of the time. there was a decision to go see the regular catching the program from today across the world. welcome to the global news roundup on our team. one of these 4 people have been killed during an ongoing
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adf rate on the city of jeanine in the west bank, according to palestinian officials word. and you may find the following images distressing. this on verified video, allegedly, from the scene, shows the bodies of several men on the broad, the palestinian health ministry saves the victims, were killed by a drones drunk. one other image is circulating a line sho. id of armored vehicles on the streets is really soldiers have also been seen reading a number of homes since october 7th, hundreds have been killed and more than 3000 others detained by the it's really forces in the west by some more health verified for the cheer allegedly showing the aftermath of the screening showing in jeanine, according to media reports from the scene, the ongoing idea afraid as part of a series of similar operations across the west, but is really troops of allegedly blocked a refugee camp. i'm full, spittle, engineering with flushes said to be continuing there. the idea of flames it's being
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targeting militants of explosives, factories in the part, obviously in 3rd grade. although it's main target to come, us operates inside, goes a lot in the west bank. well, we can speak now to with some of the back of the director of the janine governmental hospital. thank you for your time today, sir. several medical facilities in the area have reportedly been surrounded by the idea. is your hospital one of them? what can you tell us about the situation there? yes, uh, do you think it is that uh most of the major hospital inside the janine city was sent out by uh the military vehicles. they make us each other on it. and we looked at a vehicle listed in the going on $9.00 to the wrong address. so, so they thought to get to the house or somebody. uh, did a gas good. this does before somebody minute did y and we are the bidding, the interview. they thought to get to the house to be done by the theater guys kind
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of stuff. and also before robust was also they thought to get to the hospital also via guess the canister, the vehicles as to investment around the hospital. and the prevents a ambulances on the music on the team duty to the hospital. it could only, i'll start making an agreement with the speaker. you say that tear gas canisters fired by bitterly miller tree. we're targeting your hospital. has there been any contact with the idea of as to why they are doing? that's why they are and seemingly attacking a health facility. it is some of the young the jump that in on the again, guns are on the most of the time. so when they're leaving because because the scam around the use of the dentist does uh to this is what makes them go away.
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okay. in terms of what has been unfolding, and it's not just today in terms of the palestinian response to these idea for a how inflamed cut the situation get? what, what are you seeing currently in jeanine in terms of a response? in the end, if it is that alien added the escalation in pleasing, more and more uh, we face every day as they either in the city or and any of the towns. uh that is the number of the wanted increased and the type of the wanted also to me difficult. most of them there is the you with uh, amazon and the by the drones. more and more. so the types of angelica is more difficult, usable from boiling beer, to sort of plan and own the dates. so uh,
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we face up the plan and reaching the hospital for a lot of the stuff because it has other insurance, the procedure, especially the vehicles and all that means through that around the 100000. so it is difficult to process storage and to maintain the staff to be in the safe, a position. why? and they can produce the hospital incredibly pressurized situation. the is really military say they targeted places like schools and hospitals in gaza because at the red tunnels, underneath it built by what they call a terrorists. have you seen anything like that in jeanine or run health facilities as to why these drones may be at stepping up? there are a salt in the west spike a no one has withdrawn and also another goes with the engineering. that is no,
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i need a military bind for the understanding of resistance. uh, we are the only able to make the switch on the, on the disney provides them and they can passivity for the people. but a lot of the hospital is a close to the janine, which is the count, but this is a applause. so it is a uh and uh, area of suggestions um the military uh, actions on the 80. so as of then they can all, does it as a hospitalization they can. why are they making any military action that is uh this is the hospice included the silver ends and included the w and they so give some kind of respect to this position. why i'm making that actual because because it is no military as i said, minutes that the. ready points are the part of that assistance in the hospital. yes
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. while all eyes are on gaz, hundreds of palestinians have also been killed. it's worth pointing out in the westbank since october 7th. you've got refugee camps. hospitals such as at your own being targeted there as well. what do you mix or of the international reaction to what's happening for the, for on the missing a lead accent, to uh, prevent the sort of data from the main procedure on the order constructing or the events that people police us because we have the patients near the end of the days we have on the face and we have the women near to delivery positively out of the, on the government of interest. and so let me think, assessing that the knowledge of it for the use of the patient is it stopped. they could introduce the husband to an i've done a cigarette. i was, it is a big not drawn to the, to the us with
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a day. the end velocity prevent the envelopes to put them in putting those. but that's what i'm also an hour and didn't meet during the inspection of the photos, the idea, all the stuff and um, but lots of stuff that they submit to enter the lady to the hospital. so this is the, i guess the, you want me to and all you say it very clearly and plainly you just want to be allowed to do your job as medics. and thank you very much for coming to the program and sharing all that with us with some i'll be by co director of the janine governmental host. you're welcome. okay, well that is the situation. the west bank, let's turn to gaza where israel is splitting it's aerial bombardment. 2 reports say 5 palestinians were killed including 3 children and an idea of strike that hit a residential building in the central city of darrow ballade. today, the
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studied shows the scene of the optima, several type lead packed together, houses were destroyed in a residential area. neighbors are scrambling, plus, you can see where to find survivors who may be soft, hopefully alive, on the level. and witnesses, how being describing the movement of the of the cool down course of bodies of women and children. so medical crews couldn't reach them. all ambulances are transporting victims, body parts, look of them. they're searching for victims down there in the rubble. because there aren't an excavators for emergency services to help us. the locals are taken apart the rubble with their bare hands. they are killing us as if we aren't human. where is the help from arab countries? they are traders in general, and the few of these really on the boom down the bus home that helps us more than 70 people for displace families from the north out of 11 grandchildren,
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only 2 or 3 survived. this is a hideous drive and we spend the whole night trying to remove the bodies. indescribably horrible. this is a residential area. houses then close to each other. the world doesn't want to listen to us. whenever the house is destroyed, we speak up, but it's all in vain. the world has forgotten us, but god is with us. we no longer care about the world. washington is to set by a sack in at the children were sleeping when durable fell on us. every scene was covered with big dust. we didn't receive any warning. the explosion was so powerful that we couldn't move thing god was devised, but our neighbors here, the majority of them were killed. some say the 1922 people in the house. lucas managed to pull out some bodies, but most of them are still under the rubble. hopefully, we can pull them out some. well, in another part of the strip, southern scouts that is really flourish. let's up the night sky as idea for strikes
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again, rain, fire on the truly in buffalo city of can you this local media is reporting the bombing raid left several the the well, the largest medical facility in the region has been receiving new patients constantly leaving nestor hospital stretched to breaking forth after over 2 months of israel to sol, posted in health. officials say gals has death to us or past 18200 people while almost 50000 others have been injured since october 7th. but among those receiving treatment up and us or hospital is a boy from northern golfer he survived and there's really a to will never walk on his own. again. the child has already had one of his legs amputated and is waiting for a 2nd operation to remove the other. he was wounded in an idea of striking the jabante, a refugee camp that left most of his family dead logo. i wasn't trapped under the
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breeze. i called to my brother, he lay next to me, but no one responded. a whole yeah, i know i had now women were in the 1st floor where the men were upstairs. my brother was also on the 1st floor. that's how my mother and sisters my grandfather, grandfather, and my owns with their children were all lost, their lives, the only people left in my family after the showing me my father and my brother and my uncle with anything or canadian, published to me in journal. this month for a shipment and spoke to the program earlier from can use the strikes are not stopping down, escalating the time around 600 meters away from the hospital. and the air strikes to continue from this guy. from off to the lady from the east, from the c. all the people here in the hospital really do not know where to go or what to do. we austin way to seize for the governments
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of the world to wake up and try to help. 2.3000000 civilians here to the point to genocide for the last 6 to 6 days. even not allowing, you know, for a to come in. so we don't know what they are waiting for. the people that are asking, where is the warranty options? with all of the super powers, especially the united states, a new p love manufacturing, the home world about the values of democracy and human rights. where are they, you know, with tens of thousands of casualties and 80 percent displace population. here after b will press the floor, the kids will not far from there. a un security council delegation visited the egyptian side of the rough uh, border crossing with gas. and that is the only entry point for a to the in bottles enclave is. according to the world body, every single gas that's more than $2000000.00 people are not going hungry. speaking
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exclusively to archie rushes you in a box, or i said it's vital that delegates the, the situation on the ground for themselves. the surgeons designed to so the kristy a little bit and that was of the concept which is unfortunate. who is this the system function. ready the position of all of its members know what say that would have to really be good through june, to, to use the distribution variation that was, who stole this, who, from the sellers to say for the, for the suffering of the uh, for this thing. and people in augusta became a victim of the cost is useful because then we have to come to the university page and review the of the implementation of those decisions and the private security funds and the general. so we have this mission today because it was and you should do by the means to invite to as many un
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security council investors as possible to visit with reading it off on a global report on the, on the 7th and the agreement to the injection sort of the review it was supposed to the legacy we're discussing. we distributed the systems regardless of the year old . the reasons is the role of but this thing, particularly these are the facilities facing. so these 2 infinities to the people across the surface based on the as it, as we know use a, he's not being present the sitting room and we discuss it filled with them. the student council and there was a decision ready for us to go and see what it's what set it up in
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a policy and report her select him all brings us now the latest on this situation and gas is southern city. rough over last night, data hostage and dissolves in part of the course that are in place. very. they look as he and have with news to one of the have used the and if you on on say, is it a tax on residential building? dozens of people with colored is a 1000 parts of gaza, a roof off on the on units as well as the data and by the hand that to keep to and to tell you that if you did come in this into the la garza, this is your hand became a very difficult the here i made. did and going is it i, it is 3. can that info that's out of it. i can pause on it. bigger thing to over the guys on the restriction desk. impose on the human side in a bit and the 2 guys are mainly made it in human study and, and the ongoing and the increasing and the high end and the number of the thoughts of better off hon antonio. and it may be, bo, should they lopez to head,
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to the border age hmo. does that have anything between does i'm the, and a bid, or maybe in an attempt to escape a put on a the did this afternoon. did said that imposed the and got the bill comes here to our polling all the all in use or death related for the day and i did mention a vis or is it that will add that? so we live. is it a gaza as a whole the to have a 5, not a maybe to have with that the united nation would have it. it's a free shot on is it a, into stuff, at least through the war, and then made a can an easy is it, uh, it see on the, on them. and addison, a be a expected that may be in the upcoming days or maybe weeks, and maybe the united nations, as well as the out of countries. also, in addition to russia on the china may have, they did own a push out on the interest of the world. i'm just the telling the ongoing telling
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again everything is the he and, and gaza. a can other aspect to the conflict. i want to tell you about today a report suggesting is real use, the american supplied white phosphorus, munitions to shells. southern lebanon was raised concerns at the white house national security council spokesperson dunn, kirby said, washington will investigate the claim. we've seen the reports were certainly concerned about that. we will be asking questions to try to learn a little bit more. and any time that we provide items of white fos for us to another military. it is with a full expectation that it will be used in keeping with those legitimate purposes. and in keeping with the law armed conflict. for mr. kirby was responding to a washington post. the article a button is really a tuck on 11 on in october, which when did at least 9 civilians. the report source inquiries by human rights organizations is also called for investigations into what they're calling potential war crimes. what phosphorus is uninstall, injuring munition,
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that can cause people burdens on risk, fear 3 damage. now the w h o, as weren't about to, to use maybe an international law of i elation if directed against civilians, the idea of fox has blah have been exchanging fire across the lebanese border since october 7th, american politic level as jackson hinkle, that's the revelations will persuade washington to stop sending weapons to israel or, or crime being committed by the israeli state is just another old weekday for them . and this one was notable because 9 individuals, 9 civilians were injured for were hospitalized. smoke was pouring into the homes of the civilians in lab and on they had to be cleared out of the town and this is an agricultural town, so they're worried now about their crops being impacted by this white phosphorus. the united states, of course, is going to continue to supply arms and funding to israel because that's what they do. we saw just this week, benjamin netanyahu prime minister of israel,
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came out and said that if anyone dares even question whether or not is real as committing war crimes like the international criminal court, for example, who's launching some initial investigations? that those actions questioning whether or not they're committing. busy crimes is anti semitic, so i can't expect that anything is going to change is the death of 16000 civilians in gaza. $9000.00 of whom are you know, probably children or close to the age of under 18. i don't think that this is going to change anything. so these attacks are relentless, of course, not just on the people of gaza, but also in neighboring countries like lebanon in syria. it's really just par for the course. the try the president change it and paying has arrived in hanoi for 2 days of talks with. busy vietnamese officials, it is the chinese leaders 1st visit to the neighboring country in 6 years. and i paging has been working. busy to improving ties with other communist states.
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according to president she, the 2 nations should strive towards having assured future community of his trip comes just 3 months after us. president biden was hosted for talks in annoy cheese trip is expected to result in significant chinese investment in the media infrastructure, particularly we have ways to the i'm finally in, in buffalo. don't boss locals are seeking to bring a little joy back into their children's lives and had relentless ukrainian shelling on the dunce floor is where some find the way to do just that our teeth donald quarter and got an invite to watch some potential future starts in action here at the dance sports school and then yes, children enjoy an escape from the realities of living through war. they get to learn new dance skills and they also get a bit of that normality of life that every child with deserves
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the so just so you know, if she knew who were under close and showing, i don't go out at all. i'm starting remote thing. my parent stays me here. i only go dancing. i like it. it makes me feel calm. i really like to practice here for that. but how should i? yeah. when i come here, i forget the horror taking place outside my window. the shelves are flying, because when i'm here on the piece, i give a motion to my feelings. it makes me feel better because it's so much easier than holding it all in. i comes here to distract myself because it hurts to live like this, the new but there are many different situations in life, flight judge for myself, for example, i have some things going on like call adults, some problems or something else. but when you come to training,
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you forget about everything because of the dancing music and half most of the other cousins and phones. it's very cold. the school was founded around 7 years ago by its trainer, katya. a couple years after keeps forces began to wage war on dunbar, according to her, most of the republic stance instructors had left by them. and her goal now is to give these kids the future that she herself was denied by war, the math. and so she says, yes, i've been a dancer since childhood because my career as a dancer was finished at 18 when the war started in my city. i decided to teach because there was nowhere to reform here. i didn't want to leave, so i had to choose so either teach or you don't participate any words of answer the . so we decided to teach and i realized, but i'm even better. it is, i guess for my kids or happiness and they learn everything. not like me because i didn't succeed because of the work, and i hope then when they will be adults,
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so it'd be conscious dancers did. they will have a good future sort of choreography is very well developed in russia. i think they will succeed and the war will be over by them. the. the cost of school offers lessons to kids between 5 and 15 years of age, with teenagers gaining the skills needed to begin dancing professionally and the younger kids learning the basics, the buys a wake up, a go to the kindergarten. then i go to the ends classes. i've been doing that for weeks and as of of machinery. similarly it's my name is mash, i'm 70 years old. i study here. i like to study here. there is do stretching, a good coach. and who would you like to become when you grow up? so i want to become a coach. the
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thanks to people like katya in schools like this one, the children have done yet score able to enjoy that childhood. that so many kids around the world take for granted. sonya, it's people's republic. all right, time for another visit to the $360.00 views studios and moments we're starting now . i guess this goes to me whether twit thing 24 is set to say. more or siders upset the political establishment and take over the reigns in their countries. try the head stick lives the, to take a fresh look around as a life kaleidoscopic isn't just
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a shifted reality distortion by power to division with no real live indians. fixtures, design to simplify will confuse really once a better wills. and is it just as a chosen for you? fractured images presented to this, but can you see through their illusion going underground can as a result, online was can be started by lawrence. these can be satisfied for the importance of we can never be over stations. that transparency is extraordinary. john mystic patrice then just succeeded in finding documents that existed in making them available to the world public. i mean,
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what could be more moving box by publishing information and sharing information with the public. he was exercising the right to free speech. he did so in the public interest wants to so long realize 10 smith and golf and, and honestly, to relate continuously. i know why advice may say no one who is the guy that illegal anymore wisely fort adjusted for to be on box weighing a 175. used to go through the sentence. all we going to let that stay the after a larger than expected election with argentinian libertarian javier malay is watching a new political air on sky. now he is in, on this episode of $36.00 tvs,
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we're going to look at the newest round of outside are being elected around the globe. and what this could mean for the international landscape. let's get started . the there are 2 types of rebellions, military and political. one involves weapons and the other involves votes. both have the same result. change recently in argentina, writing what has been termed voter anger. at the main stream, javier malay found himself the winner with 56 percent of the vote. looks at that, i mean more data today, the impoverishing, omnipresent state model is over today. and the idea that the state is a spoils to be shared among politicians and their friends is that there is no doubt
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frustration amongst the argentinian population at the lack of work inflation and a broader scale of poverty which has taken over the nation, georgia to, to a presidential election has express contempt for socialism, the left and the government as the center of the country's problems. the a situation which seems oddly familiar to western countries like united states and the u. k. with origin tenea also suffering the largest national debt and history. a 150 percent inflation and lots of government inflation may le, who on all account seems to follow the personality of former president donald trump was a brash and bold public statements. and it's conservative stances on a loser, a gun that controls loose or gun controls. anti abortion and a criticism of argentine po francis pledge to achieve the end of our.


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