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tv   News  RT  December 12, 2023 6:00am-6:30am EST

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to are we going to let that stay the store? i think it images for people like tell doing, and it's raining military rate on the west punk city option in the little graphics that you had from the several people. the dad also the idea as to like the central part of the enclave with locals, is crumbling to sift through the rubble and erase the gain of time to rescues, to live in the foods out. scores of bodies of women and children. they're killing us as if we aren't human. these really all mean bold, don't neighbor soul that how this more than 70 people, we spend the whole night trying to move with the bodies. indescribably horrible. seeing these images twice. now that's coming out of was every day. it's also
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effects that entire generation that might be, i think, utilize because of these images caused by municipal ones that an entire generation of arabs could turn on as well as a result of the whole building of the concept. meanwhile, in the us, i think it's this 1st floor i've been the senate for almost a year. now. this is the most disgraceful charade i've seen in my year here. a republic incentive, and they click a, they'll be no red carpet for new frames. presidents on capitol hill, that's not the middle empty heads to the white house to all school monday for his war machine. the a very well welcome to you with justin to p. i'm here in the russian capital and you're watching all the international with the very latest. well news updates. it's great to happy with us this out. now top story, at least 4 people have been killed during an ongoing id if right on the west bank
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city ocean. and that's according to palestinian officials. a warning to my phone, the following image is distressing, is supposed to terms and then shows the bodies of several men on the grounds. the palestinian health ministry stays the victims were killed by a drone stride of the images circulating online show ideas on the vehicles on the streets is ready. soldiers have also been seen wading homes in the area since october. the 7th. hundreds of being killed. more than 3000 others detained by the ideas in the west bank. more footage here allegedly showing the often amounts of his wavy selling engine in, according to local media reports, the ongoing id afraid is part of a series of similar operations across the west bank is where the troops of block to refugee count on several hospitals, engine, and the idea of claims is being targeting militants on the explosives, factories, and not part of the palestinian territory. well, there is main target. time loss operates inside garza and notes in the west bank,
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the direct. so all vision in governmental hospital told us that his facility is on the siege despite being a fully civilian side to be will definitely do this. that the most of them, either hosted by the inside the union city was sent out by uh, uh, military vehicles. they make us each other on it. and we looked at a vehicle listed in the goings on on dollars to get it added on to huntington. so, so they thought to get his house was done by the date of gas canisters before somebody minute does lie, and we are the 2 building, the interview they targeted the has to be done by the theater guys finished us. and also before ramos was also, they thought to get to the hospital also, right. you guys to be able to kind of stuff the vehicles, the still investment, other on the hospital and the events i'm belong to is on the music on the team to reach the hospital and we face up or off in and reaching the hospital for a lot of the stuff before,
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just as i've done. so that's the procedure for sufficiently the vehicles and on the main street that around the us with. and so it is a difficult process to rich and to maintain the staff to be in the safe a position. why and they can produce the hospital and i was withdrawal and also, and i know that comes with the engineering. that is no, i need made it to the point for the student number is a sense uh we are the neighborhood of maintenance with them and we are only a bit different. it provides me to get passivity for that people, but a lot of the hospital is a close to the g need, which is you can't, but this is a applause. so it is the area, all suggestions and the military, the actions of those that i use or job to then they can all that is a host with the and they shall take care. why are they make a 90 minute?
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the reaction that is, uh, this is the house with the dish on the ends of the day. well managed to add dental care, and they shall give some kind of with respect to this position while you're making that action. but all the project is not military, as i said meant that the. ready points of the for that assistance in the hospital to garza as well as escalates and gets aerial bombardment report say 5 palestinians were killed this tuesday, including 3 children and an id. a strike that had a residential building in the central city a be out by law. the it says it shows the ultimate seen several, a tiny pot together, houses were destroyed, and a residential area. neighbors, a scrambling to find survivors. he may be trumped under the level witnesses have been describing the moments of the attack,
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the course of bodies of women and children. so medical crews couldn't reach them, all ambulances are transporting victims, body parts, look of them. they're searching for victims down there in the rubble, because there aren't an excavators for emergency services to help us. the locals are taken apart the rubble with their bare hands. they are killing us as if we aren't human. where is the help from arab countries? they are traders that the general and the few of these really all me boomed on the bus home. that how is this more than 70 people for displace families from the north out of 11 grandchildren, only 2 or 3 survived. this is a hideous drive and we spend the whole night trying to move the bodies. it was indescribably horrible. this is a residential area. how's this then close to each other? the world doesn't want to listen to us. whenever the house is destroyed, we speak up. but it's all in vain. the world has forgotten us,
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but god is with us. we no longer care about the world to austin i. it's a sub by a santana. the children was sleeping when the rumble fell on us. every scene was covered with thick dust. we didn't receive any warning. the explosion was so powerful that we couldn't move thing god was survived, but our neighbors here, the majority of them were killed. some say the 19 to 2 people in the house. lucas managed to pull out some bodies. but most of them a still under the rubble, hopefully we can pull them out soon. and in southern guns, that is way the flats lifts up the night sky as ideas as planks again lane down on the city of con eunice. local media is reporting the bombing re left several dead. the launches medical facility in the area has been receiving new patients constantly leaving us the hospital stretched to breaking point at the end of the of a 2 months that as well as a sold palestinian health official st. john's,
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his desktop has the past 18200 people, almost 50000. others have been injured since october, the 7th, and the is receiving treatment at nasa hospital is a boy from northern garza. he survived, and it's really a task but will never move on his own again. the child has already has one of his legs amputated and he's waiting for a 2nd operation to remove the other. it was when they did an id of strength on the job layer refuge account that left most of his family dead logo. i wasn't trapped under the breeze. i called to my brother. he lay next to me, but no one responded a whole. yeah, i know i had the women were in the 1st floor where the men were upstairs. my brother was also on the 1st floor. that's how my mother and sisters my grandfather, grandfather, and my owns with their children were all lost, their lives, the only people left in my family after the showing me my father and my brother and my uncle with dennis. yeah. canadian palestinian, joyless non social non spoke to the program earlier from hong eunice. but the
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stikes are not stopping down escalating the time around 600 meters away from the hospital. and the air strikes continuing from the sky from, particularly from the scan from the sea. um the people here in the hospital really do not know where to go or what to do. we austin, way to get seas for the governments of the world to wake up and try to help 2300000 civilians here to the point to genocide for the last 6 to 6 days. even not allowing, you know, for 8 to come in. so we don't know what they are waiting for. the people you're not asking. where is the warranty options, with auto door superpowers, especially the united states, a new p, loved manufacturing, the home world,
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about the values of democracy and human rights. what are they, you know, with tens of thousands of casualties and 80 percent displace population? here after legal press for dictates. meanwhile, the un security council delegation has visited the gyptian side of the roof on board across the b early entry point for 8 into and baffled garza. but you and says that every single civilian in gauze at best, more than 2000000 people, is now going hungry. the visit comes on the heels of the u. s. v towing the us these 5 resolution on friday, while the u. k. of stains on the scene, other countries voted in favor of the city of oppose us and i'll come all is on the golf and the side of the boat region on has the latest on the situation that over last night, data hostage and dissolves, in a part of the course of english very they look as here to have with news to one of the have used the and if you on on say, is it a tax on residential buildings?
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dozens of people with colored is a 1000 parts of gaza. a roof off on the new owners, as well as the data and by the hand that to keep to and the so you don't have to repeat the income. in addition to the la garza, this is your hand became a very difficult the here i made did. and going is it i and lead restriction dat info that's out of it. i can pause on it vicar thing to over the guys on the district to conduct themselves on the human side in a bit and thought the 2 guys are mainly they made it in human study and, and the ongoing and then increasing in the high end. and the number of the thoughts of better off hon antonio and it may be po chevy lopez to head to the border age hmo. does that have anything between guys on the, and a bid, or maybe in an attempt to escape a put on a the did is that and it said that involves the and does a bill cause he had, are pulling up the all in use a death related for the day and night admission
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a vis or is it that will that so we live with it the gaza as a whole bad to have a 5 not a maybe to have with that the united nation would have it. it's a free shot on is the interest of at least through the war and then a they can, is it, uh, it's see on the, on them and addison and they expected that may be in the upcoming days or maybe weeks and maybe they and i did mentioned as well as the outcomes is also, in addition to russia on the china may have, they did own a push out on the interest of the world and just a big telling the ongoing telling again everything and the kid and gaza of an entire generation of arabs could be radicalized by, as well as war on garza, a stock warning from the prime minister of cats, all which is trying to mediate a ceasefire. shake mohammed autonomy spoke it, the ongoing international for him in the ha,
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seeing these images right now that's coming out of the everyday is not just affecting those forces which are on 11 on them and or by now i wrong but. and it's also assets that entire generation that's might be, i think, utilize because of these images and see the international community. not that a sponsor, not responding responsibly to it. not showing support to ensure that comes from a got a bloodshed which will take the time before because they should know that people who want to watch what's happening there and wanting to i'm good. i'm on that. i don't believe that. i'm the people here that we don't use the so the printer's feel, it says it's the most secure. and this is it's printed by the warranty. because the people on this end because it does have people on some a sensor is the, there's share their security concern. with that i can say it's yes if that was
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going to me back to me if, if i find the frontier like doing that on the end of the night, the says this time to listen to its allies and only i bought it back because of switching you into the war anthem, but this month, so on the navigational pharma so and that situation are difficult and has to be here. they actually could have assistance on it. it blinked, and it said that today it was most of the war, and the advisors are promised to continue the war until that responsible from us. the important minister i'm going to suffer the will as this will have forms indicated and express the deep one send the from the is the, was it the one gather the amc english guys the and the displace that people that's what i'm getting outside. uh, what do we see? and goza is not simply a beginning go for the innocent people destruction of their what their livelihoods . but we're seeing a system out to get started. it seems to empty guys a from isp,
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the would seem to amount of destruction and didn't know us and, and an on some of the thought very that we see a taking place there is just indicative of, of, and is there any policy that seems to me it determined on pushing guidance. auto guys is what is created, then a mazda hatred, that's what it hold on to this, this, this region that would define generations. welcome and therefore it's hair. think it's on people as much as it is, or think of anybody else that that agent, this is or that to come out to be one as well, has already suffered a strategic defeat. actually they are stylus and using video to 50000. so last friday and they support for designed to create a new perspective where i'm at all under, i'm on the as well as the free people this floor. and they looked at the service center back to you and you paid in the i guess when it comes to guys on the boat, i will days ways to continue to invest the videos on the sportage, the houses of dollars themselves on which it goes to the award crime and that award
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i goodness to me to see so that i can get continues on the items here and on my trip home it was the bank because the i know this house that the videos are bar to things all the information i response. oh i thought it brings the guys to the port on beach. the older son is that good that's, that's support him marketing. so there's a, a, we have a 5 foot score that includes is that support as well? so that's sort of looks how the anger is nothing i want to get out of the war for fields and this would increase more and more. i've been thinking support for ukraine and us congress. vaughnam is a lensky is in washington and a bit to drum up move funding for his country as well as it is used to be hosted at the white house by jove, bite. and later on tuesday, the one of the public incentives that is remarkably unimpressed us has cooled, the visit extra rod, the utterly disgraceful we're about to go to the united states senate tomorrow,
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a very on dignified process where zalinski comes to town and demands that you give him the american tax fair. it gives him another $61000000000.00. i think it's disgrace floor. i've been a center for almost a year now. this is the most disgraceful charade i've seen in my year here. let's go to the details now from ortiz, so they've been state, thanks for coming in solid, lovely to see you today. so i sent as a bonus, that is missing his words. this type of what to what extent is such a diamond criticism of the landscape said by other politicians in washington, i think many, and this is why we're seeing what somebody describing has been desperate and dashed quite zelinski to washington in a bid to do whatever he can to show up support. i mean, this visit, it will be very different. not unless they have previously. he's been welcomed with open arms. suppose he's had in his standing ovations. when he's spoke that this time questions of being on asked about how much money us already spent on this money that's being requested. $61000000000.00 in terms of this
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a package. and it comes at a time when americans also questioning the support. few points don't just politicians, likelihood that americans themselves, the single k was struggling. and yet you want to throw sort of this money to a comprehensive which has effectively failed something that's and then see himself as admitted. and it also comes with a time when the us budget office has admitted that it only has $1000000000.00 left and its own reserves. have to listen to what it have to say. you weren't in october and back in september that funding was running low. you sent a letter monday to the speaker saying we are out of money to support you creating the site. this isn't a next year problem when precisely where us funding be exhausted. but we have is either a budgetary standpoint. we have about a $1000000000.00 left to replenish our own stockpile. so really tough. so for
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sealants they, we know the republicans a forwarding block that package recently which included move funding, fee, ukraine. we know that the bite and administration is also becoming desperate to get this funding. it says, and it knows that she has called with the will without this extra funding bite and has said himself that american soldiers may have to fight in ukraine as a way of trying to assure that support against the russians and really don't spend the us defense secretary has also made another impassioned play ukraine matters profoundly to america security. and that's why the united states has committed more than $44000000000.00 in security assistance to ukraine's brave defenders. and of course, this comes at a time, when's the landscape is also facing increased criticism in his own country in ukraine. we've had the care of mer saying that he thinks lensky is becoming increasingly
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a or to cross. he said that so lensky is lying to the public about the situation with the war, and he's also said the politicians will be judged by the successes and failures at the end of this. it was also the pulling out with you, quinn's top command. seduce me after she gave me says that there was a stalemate in the war. i'm. that comes as popularity for on trust visit lensky has no sides. we know that almost hawks, if your cleanings would like to be some sort of compromise with russia. but of course, that's impossible under the zalinski regime because his out with it. so really he's having a difficult time, not just in washington, but also home and you quite as well. and data is going to be very interested in very curious to see what's going to come out of this meeting between advisements and landscape today. thank you for coming in with us. the test. all. it's always a pleasure. thank you so much. i as well. attorneys, presidents, agent paying the is in hanoi for 2 days of talks with help with getting the means. officials that c tawny said his 1st visit to the neighboring country in 6. yes.
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they think has been working on improving ties with other call me to states and according to president, sheba to nations should strive to what was a shed future community. his trip for those to our findings arrival for folks in the southeast asian country and set 10 busting fi on the list as totally away for the us to exploits historically tends times between china and vietnam. but those relations are guessing best with cheese visits, expected to result in significant chinese investments in vietnamese infrastructure, particularly railing of the votes for egypt. next president wraps up today. whoever secures the top top will be tossed with whitening the country's economy and navigating the will. and neighboring johnson for candidates on buying for the presidency, including incumbent up those funds. i'll see who was taking us the tub. polls opened on sunday with crowds lining up to cost that votes. the ballot comes as
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egypt experienced as a severe economic crisis with inflation rising by nearly 40 percent this. yeah. well that's discussed. so this way, the gyptian authorization say got call it and tell you to many things that you want to get on the product on very nice to see you today. so it was the media, it seems convinced that presidents i'll say thing will easily secure us the time. what's your assessment of the opposition's chances and this election? well i think that's it will be our tradition of the 2 previous elections, which i president cc managed to waiting with that but an average of 95 percent. and the fact that the presidency, she did not actually give that democracy as a priority throughout the past 9 years considering or saying that you was facing so many challenges, particularly as well against terrorist organizations. the most of the brotherhood group, which was overthrown by presentation 2013 plus the economic challenges. so there wasn't really much room for opposition or even the ability to feel the opposition
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candidates in the previous step and 10142018 elections in 2018 presidency. c. bradley, can you read on his own? it was more like a referendum because there was a last minute candidate that was suddenly broke the top to the scene just to give the impression that there is kind of uh, through reading the elections, but in reality, towards the different editor, mr. since the one with 97 percent of this time the conditions, as you mentioned, the economic conditions in particular are very difficult. there was some hope that there would be some opening got adopted there. jim said that it's now giving priority to political rewards to have several candidates up. but again, you know, the war of these really war against guys came and overshadowed like, you know, many uh, economic concerns among the addictions, like freezing price is the installation as a growing external debt that's basically sky rocketed under presidency because of his plans. the very ambitious plans to build up projects that are not necessarily
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a priority for addictions, that new administrative capital and electric re away. you know, those kinds of, you know, projects that have, that definitely would be good for many, many years to come. but they're not gonna need you to beneficial to many of the addiction. so, i mean, there wasn't much room. maybe there is only one opposition. candidate among the 4 of the 2 others have practically been supporters of residency. c. that tells you the context of these elections, but generally speaking, i don't think that, you know, elections right now are the priority for addictions, as much as we don't have serious security concerns about the consequences of the war. and guys of these really plans to forcibly remove but a sinews from guys that towards northern sign, i thought, because we don't want to host. but the thing is we are stuck with these problems to then from libya, from young man, but particularly because we know that the senior and who's going to need a guys that or any but a senior in town in the west bank and jerusalem would not be able to go back to his hometown or to get started cities. so we don't want to like we dates the city an
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issue, and that's why you can see even more rallied support for presidency c, considering for serious securities. here is we have about the guys and they'd like to assign it to the 2 big issues on people's minds right now, and that's the economy and the situation in gone. so the economy, i mean, the support of seas, they would say that we need for the long game. they think they will this bit, this must have been expand to the ultimate, they make their lives easier, a truck move for an investment. bear with me for the long game because the situation is, of course, a pressing issue over which one of the people know worried about. do you think? i think we're worried about boats, but before the october 7 war started, practically, the key issue was the economy. i mean, there are serious peers that even with egypt with before, just right before the war and meant most of the financial institutions as done great in egypt category, you know from b to b minus or even less than a amenities of egypt and banks. the reserves, we have something like $22000000000.00 that we have to pay you next year in 2024.
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and we're not guessing the money that we were promised by the i m f a. busy every time there is like, got a hold of, you know, some hold for things to start moving, or we get 1st covered, then we get the war between russia and ukraine. that's very much negatively affected the diction economy in terms of importance that is appropriate evaluations . so that's why the issue of presidency sees the genomic priorities came to the surface because after like 9 years of that basically he took over the country with $40000000000.00 in external that now we have a 100 and $65000000.00 in extern, of that while poverty did not decrease, i mean actually have more port addiction people going up to 50 percent who live in poverty. and most of those projects that cc support is referred to. they're not even going to benefit to accept the very small minority of those which in population health. so this is deteriorating educational services and of course make being able to make ends meet. that's a prime concern for addiction. so, i mean,
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i think the of, i hope the guys have war ended yesterday actually, but i mean, sooner or later we would come to face those cars, economics realities. although, i mean, i have to admit that drugs and cc sensors looked better. now. i mean, in terms of popular support, then instead of possibly just possibly worsted support coming in with somebody to, to been ad due to the need for egypt as a participant in 4th and participant in the effort to find that and for this more crimes that these readings are competing against the palestinian people to go. so i suppose the egyptian people are going to be looking at the opposition candidates and wondering what can they offer better then cc town. what do you think a, i'm a 1st of all, it's a good thing that the please, this time we have one opposition candidates on the list. there was a whole that's another opposition. candid missed the call. the former apartments member was far more outspoken in his witnesses and obviously on the cc would be on the list. but practically speaking, he was not allowed to ride by placing many obstacles and then on his ability to
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finish his candidacy papers according to the egyptian. those, so i'll probably have mr. car probably around the elections would have had more creative entity and a transport addictions to express the destructive section with the konami god policies. but particularly right now the issue of prime concern to these are some people how we're going to make ends meet, how we're going to deal with the economic situation and where there's, there's got like some lights at the end of the tunnel from this down full that we've been witnessing is tremendously over the past few years that you had. this is evaluation of the local currency and like basically up to a 100 percent in a matter of 18 months, only guy speaking to today. thank you for your time. i've been talking to addiction opposition if they got college deluge. i thank you so much. thanks. i thank you for joining us. hey, on the, on the international. we always appreciate your company. does it get to take a website all to come for all the latest news updates on documentary of about with more needs and 30 minutes? the
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take a fresh look around his life. kaleidoscopic isn't just a shifted reality distortion by power to division with no real opinions. fixtures designed to simplify. it will confuse who really wants a better wills, and is it just as a chosen few fractured images presented as 1st? can you see through their illusion going underground? can the
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chicago wild land where no loss stands, but chicago was actually the home for many people that stand with us and.


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