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tv   Documentary  RT  December 12, 2023 6:30am-7:01am EST

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the, the. 7 the wild land where no loss stands, but chicago is actually the home for many people that stand with us. and we have to just to verify if this issue is different.
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but if we continue to come together, i'll just say we're doing it this way. so this, the many people call kids already called the materials. i'm the wendy's, the when the biggest things that i've realized is how i had to look through those ones . there's other communities across the country that went through this every day. the, this is not a party issue, this is an issue that affects everybody, regardless of race, color, us freedom, religion,
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it doesn't matter. bullets do not discriminate. the organization founded on floor traveling the country and speaking to other communities about what is specifically on the topic. recently, i found out that texas has the most in united states, the responsible,
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the what make you a gun control expert? i'm not an expert. i'm part of the conversation. i don't need to be an expert to be part of the conversation that happens, the media, they put in all your friends on tv, that's what they're not on the covers of magazines and it makes me feel real nice and good. see it but, but it might because the using that every day i wake up and as nice as it seems to be in the media all the time. i wake up in my school. gotcha. and nothing, and i'll be going on. the news is going to, i'm sure that's not a good fit. we never, never will be. when i'm doing this, i can be at some of my initial plan was to be a summer camp. and then i was gonna go for one session to work at my comic book store. i'd be happy because that's what i would want to do. the thing is, the one that you realize that there's 3 types of people that they have to
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receive generally are good with never in pennsylvania to free on a ship. and then you have a seat, seat dog, protective seat, which whenever you see, you want me to say that i am a shoot. because then you can say that, i mean here's another thing. i mean there's more than 3 types. there's a lot of different types of people and we cannot base the world off of it can no longer be a good shot on the street or in school or in movie theater. or police. need some many universal comprehensive background. the
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domestic domestic violence senior. so not to be considered a threat with a gun. why the heck are we losing society? the chance is going to go up here, right? because it's there. so you want to eliminate came guns from side. that's one is a nice guy. roswell. the red flag was one of this lot of people because it's a wet dream for law enforcement as far as the guns on, excuse me, why are you going to disarm the us to give you when he got his arm and a month ago. okay. and then what about the knives? what happens? what about the raise a little bit more about this. what about therefore, it's, what about, i mean, do you think that if i, if i threaten to, to burn your house down and you're going to take my guns away and you still left me with imagine some gas already. so it's, are you saying it's just as you need to start somebody, just as it is, i'm guessing and when you're on the vending, erica, if you're in a merrill relationship is just isn't to stab someone in their screen because they
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don't use it. so if it's just as easy as harm, somebody in stock number the tracking number and then an hour 15, then why do you guys have a problem with sending them with i phone with anything being banned? what, what i choose to defend myself with is not your business or anyone else. i'm just going by the same part and you can tell somebody with the night. yeah. and you can also tell somebody with a gun, but otherwise in case you're not any close to me. okay. yeah. so you don't have to be near proximity and don't you think it makes a partner to kill that person? if you want to kill levers, it doesn't matter if it's harder or easier. a tool is a tool, whether you're doing it from 5, the way i can shoots you from here, or it isn't your from way over there. interesting, sorry, let me get your name and the last part of it now, but now we're arguing the morality of to we don't walk away. we're having in the
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yeah, the every right in america can go on. their sides won't walk away, walk away from the firewall, but the problem is that you stand by turbo, the top of their stay comes to be inside your team to prove yourself. and as we all i'm sorry, i feel like i recommend you guys go to our website much for large dot com technologies there. i think the just yeah, just set the policy. see what you agree on, man, i'm sure there's stuff, be very appreciated.
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a call my phone has some power. ok, so let's head to the enter a headquarters red line. if that sounds weird, right. it's us national geo where you valley? i yes, put it on the he gps the one the i got a call from david han and he said, hey man, there was a big event in fairfax, virginia. and guess what is exactly the same day. the fucking is 4 days. it's almost 4. and i wonder if you want to do something, i said, a 100 percent. that is the best place to celebrate working in sporting in front of the n r a building. i mean, it's funny because no words a few professors from the time when i say a few,
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i will say less than 40 at the headquarter of the n. all right? and there was, at least i don't know, a 1000 people on our side. maybe more the d n r a creates this or of this large, scary, nasty group of people who are not affected by your loss and who are going to punish you. and the majority of it is the, they're just people who die into the delusional lie. that when you seem to work together, gun safety, the you are immediately going to be an anti 2nd amendment person coming to take
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their car. so your next step is no. so why so why that's why you say the reason i do have to read more, do you have to understand that some longer? so say no, you don't want to, you know, i haven't said something, not even close to that. my brother in law's and around like it's no big deal. every day we wake up, we pray and then we start or bottle every single day. the shop is over, we already know what happened. and now we need to deal with it. and it's terrible the, you know, it was going to be a problem today. we want to seeing how the birds. so let's, uh, please. ok. ok. ok. ok. ok. ok, well good. how divided 3. the,
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the, the different about parking natalie or none of us shutting up. they pushed back on us. we come back quarter, want to make sure that we all understand that whatever i say here today, might not be the same opinion from the students that organizes or from the marshal nice kids. i am responsible for what i'm going to say, and i'm as much as i live with them. i'm going to start being a little less polite the so that's the message from what came and he's got to the right. you the
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wrong thing on the so you guys done for me, this is like an expansion of working all over a holds are on them and being part of your home,
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it's great value. start to live in your cell phone from friends and what, what was it again let me just let me just see. yeah. yours managed is getting better and better by communion and most of the youth we were young people. the news already those online, it was can be started by line. please. kennedy sped advice for the importance of wiki name of the cove of stations. that transparency is extraordinary. john mystic, patrice, they just succeeded in finding documents that existed in making them
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available to the public. i mean, what could be more holding back by publishing information, sharing information with the public. he was exercising the right to free speech. he did so in the public interest, i watched as a mom realized pen smith and golf and, and honestly, to relate to seriously i'm, i know why advice may assume that no one who is the guy that illegal anymore wisely bought. adjustments for to be on box weighing a 175 used to go through. do you have sense of all we going to lift that stay in the david that has chosen to take a year off. and so he's still traveling all over the united states and actually the
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world and speaking about sensible gun legislation. but now that schools back in session, children like our daughter and jackie coran are back in high school. so i think it's been incredibly hard for kids to go back to douglas after being on the road to change tour. i'm proud of them, but i'm sorry for what they're having to go through with that age. obviously you just put all that on in the cabinet. let them lived there years at the high school . you know, i always wanted my kids to have and they joke about this. the john hughes high school experience like the t movies when i was a kid. and then the shooting happened. i don't think there is typical anything anymore. you know, we're the lucky ones. our children survive. but yet we have different children now . their childhood ended that day and their life of activism began.
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you guys on run the 50 mile and my sister lives in west right now are in the middle of massachusetts and basically the middle of nowhere the there's all his science said that the 2nd amendment is greater than kids. why that guy doesn't understand what we're talking about in the 1st place. we support the 2nd and then we also support kids. right? so live a, it's not mutually exclusive. you can do both the
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year, make sure you won't be active is very important. west invest the somebody needs to take a bucket nice my face because we're on the road of the brand new this, alaska, dead of winter, or the right of loose march for our exclusive david. hug slaves on his left side. clearly linked to sing,
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the man or the my problem with counter protesters is when they come just to kind of protest, they don't come to get anything out of it. other than to yell and scream out, a bunch of kids. no. right. but in terms of them being here, that isn't a sense to me cuz i know what we're doing is right. and i know i'm on the right side of history on this, you know, and i don't think they can stay the same. c i wanna
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thank you for being here today, ensuring support for these kids wives. we understand that we're not fighting against the constitution providing for common sense gun laws that allow us to practice our 2nd amendment rights and the right to the be continue to watch this unfolding story, a mass shooting at an a gaming tournament. it happened this afternoon in jacksonville, florida. what was the most b r done time in the nightclub? turn daily, people in the 1st responders in baker's the so she's not a what appears to be a domestic related murder amended with an active shooter. right now we always have a one year old child birthday party, 5 people within shots hot yoga class was violently interrupted. they describe the scene at the scene of or to avoid gunfire. ross, or shot, we ask for your vision and your family, the tree of life synagogue in pittsburgh,
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pennsylvania authorities are reporting multiple casually. it's not even like you even hear the shock in our voices anymore. i mean, which is a sad state of itself the today's, the day we've all been working so hard for the mid term elections. we've called over 1200 numbers and should like everyone knows what today is and making sure that they get out and either vote on the boat or today but is really for the past 8 months. have been training for this marathon. and this is the starting, and if the people we put in the power now don't work for us and don't represent the
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young people. we're not just gonna vote and now we're going to run again the the, everybody today is november. did you go to the building is to the duties presented. the 7 and a half percent of the community close. we're all. you'll see we're on the
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phone so he slammed the door on me and my sister when we walk back because my sister did this, dan, dan, of all the like, fairfax, virginia is the the, the, the
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election there were some huge wins and some huge losses around the country, we honestly one young people showed up in record numbers and that's the most important thing to acknowledge. the fact that the energy loss so much power in one election, i'm crediting to the young activists of this country that's set up over the past 8 and a half months. 20202020, to 2024. there's no limit as to how much of a difference. ok, so could actually make just not the end of this race. since the beginning both political parties are going to have to represent us more routes to have to fear being voted out of off the
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this is a long fight for the by continuing the we can be the reason to find strange can in the world. so we shall, we can be we can either leave or could i say to my son to my daughter came and asked him about what kind of reason could argue and then tell them that nobody to judge them. if a stranger on the blocks of them, no but the,
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the, well, it's easy to forget things that you're not involved. not. you are involving this. we're all come right guys. you are. we are of course. so who's safe
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in this room? no one can get shot. you and you keep trying to get shot, unless you do something the the, the day and the public key. and everyone's a creative watching pretty started. everybody watching your people up there with you. everybody's really a know by the strong share which is a lead is on there as and i think at least some services and certainly why they frame with the tears kids on the fergus that jumping on the status that color like
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everybody's column with people loving times more than kids and they say the reason is to protect the freedom, but we don't believe them. the or the, the
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the, the rapid collapse of the ottoman empire gave the arabs hold for independence. but the colonial power. so their future differently. great britain and france agreed on the seizure of the arab lands under the guise of the so called mandate of the league of nations. baseball will play cause particular indignation in a rack, which was to get under the control of the british. in may 1921 wrist with claim for independence broke out, both assuming and that she took part in it. soon the rallies turned into a real uprising against the invaders. more than 130000 people took up arms. britain
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urgently began to transfer reinforcements to a rack and used aircraft radius war secretary, winston churchill birds, the use of chemical weapons against the rebels. and general ser, i am are held a border the destruction of any village where weapons were found. burning a village properly takes a long time, an hour or more according to size paulding recalls cynically and his memoirs, the mediaeval cruel de paid off. the revolt was crushed, however, separate his empire had to make serious concessions. in 1921, it recognized bustle. the 1st, as the king of a rag time gave part of the power to representatives of the local population. v. a racket revolt marked the beginning of the national consolidation of the country and
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became an important milestone on the way to final independence. the, the, the, the headlines on all the international rescue and images the school people are killed doing is really military waste on the west spot, the option to move graphic footage a headphone garza, the several people, the dead zone to the almighty a swine, cuz the central pos it'd be enclave with local scrambling to slip through the rubble and it breaks the gains time to rest. please provide foods out. scores of bodies of women and children. they are killing us as if we aren't human. these really all mean boom. done. neighbors, home that helps us more than 70 people. we spend the whole night trying to move the bodies. it was can describe.


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