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tv   News  RT  December 12, 2023 8:00am-8:30am EST

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range taken away. sorry. the, the headlines on all the international, at least $24.00 people are killed in the city of rafa and southern guns us because the idea of intensifies is the tax on the area which was early as eclipse day. the distressing images is poor, people are killed, you and it is really military rate on the west bank for the afternoon. love seeing these images bites. now that's coming out to pleasant every day. it also affects any type of generation that might be, i think you're nice because of these images as well as prime minister will and citizens hi, a generation of arabs could turn on as well as a result we were told pulling and goals concepts. meanwhile, in the us, i think it's disgrace floor. i've been to center for almost a year now. this is the most disgraceful charade i've seen in my year here. a
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republican service and makes it clear. they'll be no red carpet for you. prince president on capitol hill as the head to the white house to ask for more money for his war machine. the a very warm welcome to you is to 10 full pm. hey, we're in most go and you're watching off the international with the very latest wells news updates. it's good to have you with us. and we saw the we'd latest from gaza web report suggesting multiple as strikes that being conducted by the ideas on the southern city of rough. uh, maybe a gyptian buddha, palestinians were earlier displaced to the area and told they would be safe that early on tuesday at least $24.00 people were killed in rough wine tooting 7 children. and this pertains, you can see the off, the muscle via tag causing destruction and yet not the residential area. no proof of trying to find victims under the rubble. but they say they not be need to
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quitman. recognize as the next little of them. there are still people under the rumble, nash, if the civil defense is helping us, we don't have enough equipment to pull the victors out. now we call on the people in the old world to put pressure for the strikes and the stock of them. and distressing images, a has as many families a morning, the relatives including children, those displaced to the area, have slight intensive bombings in other areas. this little girl was killed while sleeping in a tent. a family was displaced, a rough r refuge account, which is seeing an increase in the flow of refugees to spot. the mounting strikes or the south of the enclave. palestinians afford to stay in temporary accommodation . once in the city streets will correspond to. instead of being covering the war in gauze as, as the stones of the violence shed with us that are experience of working him in constant danger. you say for yourself also bought a house and a silver several watch outside down we as your noise became targets running from one attack to another from one house to another witnessing dance after day since
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the last of october, 7th, up until this moment we have been covering massacres, life as a whole has changed in winter are scarce, and people here are leaving an extremely difficult wise. the most dangerous situation i witnessed during these war was when i was as chief of hospital, and i was the only one awake among the young man. it was around 2 am on the journal, stand for sorry. is it with an artillery shell? the shell fell very close to me, just a few meters away from the things got the shell did not explode, but they weren't a large number of injuries from its impact. god granted us a new life after the skis. another situation was, when is real, a soldier's arrest of me? while i was heading to cover events and southern gas up for more than 2 hours, they've done many people. i have kansas memories. i will never forget. the name of someone could see the most dangerous situation i experienced happens when i was heading to rough up that would some agricultural fields near me were targeted. and
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the car i was taken from, con eunice was hit, and there was a lot of blood in the car. thankfully, we managed to escape the attack. another incident occurred one of the house directly behind me and close to nicer hospital was targeted. i was with an ambulance driver and then heading to the sides to cover events and transport the injured debris from the bumps house spelled right next to me. what i cannot forget from the war is the injured, especially the children. they are constantly being brought to nasser. hospital and other hospitals and because i'm seeing these children is always informed them as well as their mother's morning them in the words these farewells are unforgettable . the meanwhile is ready for to offer a single oil life of gauze us. the idea frequently said this fluid showing that troops and heavy machinery conducting a salts is really on the also came to have kept it had last come back post since
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weapons caches in residential buildings and javante, a refugee camp in the north of the and the cool cool, and they should be allowed to send the money or g. and she said it was a need to cut them to them as the sunset was the in class a lot. and then the results with the weight of a semi task. so at least 4 people have been killed during an ongoing 90 afraid on the west bank since the ups and then that's according to palestinian officials awarding for you.
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you might find the following image is distressing. this with these forms and then shows the bodies of several men on the ground. the palestinian health industry stays the victims were killed by a ro stride of the images circulating online show ideas on the vehicles on the streets since many soldiers have also been seen wading homes in the area since october, the 7th. hundreds of being killed in more than 3000 others detains part of the idea in the west pine move buses here allegedly showing the author mazda of his wedding shelling engine in, according to local media reports. the ongoing, no idea where it is part of a series of similar operations across the west find is where the troops of blocks a refugee camp and several hospital. vincent in the idea of changes being targeting militants of explosives, of factories in that part of the past. city and territory. well that was main target to mazda operates inside garza and not in the west spend the director of the city and governmental hospital told us that the, his facility is on the stage. despite being
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a fully civilian side. i was with the and also, and i know the engineering that is no i need military fines for the i'm assuming i'm resistance. uh we are the only department. and once we thought andrea out on the different providers, that means you can facilitate the people, but a lot of the hospital is as low as through the. janine refuse, you can't, but this is a laws. so it is the area of the glasses and the military actions of those that i use or job to then take care of that as a husband and they shall take care. why are they making any military action? it is, uh, this is the house with uh, the, the show brands in the mountains uh and look at it. and they shall give some kind of, uh, despicable, this position. why are making that action but always because it is not military,
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as i said meant that is the. ready points or the part of that assistance in the hospital. i am high generation of arabs could be radicalized by as well as war on garza passed the star floating from the prime minister of cats. a. we're just trying to mediate this, these fun. shaking mohammed al tony spoke at the ongoing international forum and go ha, seeing these images right now that's coming out of the every day is not just affecting those forces which are on 11 on them and or on the wrong. but, and it's also assets that entire generation that's might be, i think you're nice because of these images and see the international community. not that a sponsor, not responding responsibly towards the shopping footage that comes from it. got a bloodshed. and one thing that i get, i moved out of the, the, on the people here,
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and that would be the use of the problem, this little problem. and because if we got to, during the opening of the portable, so the frontier bill, it says not secure. and this is still going to be, is it printed by that point you want to because the other people i sympathize with that god. so people on some countries the, there's shared them secure became san would, they'd, i could spare but the, but i, the stuff this time she is doesn't listen kate's allies. i'm only i bumped it back, speak to the off. when can you in the water is the best you'll find in their minds . the concern is that the united states is so bored as well. um, worldwide is where i would on that really produce support that needs to come here. it's more, i get his guys are that out of this price? no more than $18000.00, but as soon as most of them are children, i believe it's the only thing important, but it's to, i'm going to stop for the address we'll have for it. i'm seeing the kids and express the deep what's the problem that you saw? it was it was you guys are,
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that seems to interest you guys on this list of people and that's what i'm guys outside of what we see. and garza is not simply the killing of both innocent people, the destruction of their, their livelihoods. but we're seeing a systematic kit as it seems to empty guys from its people, would seen the amount of destruction in the north and, and, and, and, and some of the february that we see a taking place there is just indicative of, of, of, and is there any policy that seems to be determined on pushing guidance out of guys is what it is created, then amount of hatred that will hold on to this, this, this region that was defined generations will come and therefore it's hurting its own people as much as it has hurt, think of the bodies of the region. this is a war that to cut off to be one, is what it has or they be suffered, strategic defeats. actually they last fail us and using the to get the phone. so last friday, late support for is let me create
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a new respected uh with that all the under. i won't the onyx as well as the free people of the sport. and they looked at the service center back to you in your area . and then the, uh guess uh what its something does on the boat as well days later we'll continue to invest the videos on this point, the house as well as awesome. so um, which includes that a lot of crime and there a lot i, goodness team. so is i, i'm good to use, i want the brought up, sir, i'm like, it's true, it's on my bank because there are a bunch of stuff that i, you know, this calls that jonathan. yes. bar to think all the time is that i would that, that support him. so that's sort of mix how the anger is nothing i want to the autopay and this is the work with the, which would increase more and more. meanwhile, despite the rising, this totally as well continues. it's not of assault on gaza since october 7th moved and $17000.00 palestinians have been killed and hundreds of thousands wounded. as according to gauze as health industry for my is way,
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the prime minister. nothing needs that it saves the conflict with only ends when old minutes and this on top chip oak hills. firstly, this will end with either the killing or capture of all the militants, especially hamas leaders. and secondly, a security buffer zone will be created about one and a half kilometers deep into gaza to push them away from our border. meanwhile, is where the president i've, i've had so i've given, mincing his words on god zones. either early on, how did he claim there were no innocent civilians in garza and the responsibility for the conflict less with the palestinian people as a whole. so let's go live now, so let's go out of list a hate a sorry to discuss this further. thank you so much for joining us on the program. good to see you today. so we're turning to nothing but a statement about as well as puns to kill old militants. how can as well hope to achieve this when given to the number of civilian casualties. and that is the way the officials have said that winning the war against the mass containing is in
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a low i think what's matters, the least for these 3 at least is the amount of rule t rule tyler, t and excessive board. that they are the wise to get go against the palestinians. but we are observing as of dates is indeed a collective punishment by they is really the forces and to as a matter of misfortune many best. and the states that they have decided to respond to this collective punishment with collective indifference. not solely, this is a fact that goes without saying, but also we have been observing that continuation 10 of supplements of back and raised by the best in car trees and added to that the extent to which they have gone with these kinds of collective punishment is sol so far is to an extent that they cannot deny it and use years ago,
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they used to stay used to some areas or to some techniques, lie a false accusations or lies in the media. it goes to an extent that now they shot sounding turn. it and now the entire world knows the limit knows the fact that the is really are there are below limits, then it's been so limits when it comes to this board. and that's who talbot t when it comes to ethnic cleansing lives when it comes to mass murder, systematic more, it gave you mad. it's c. and surprisingly car fees like united united states, when it comes to the united nations. they veto initiatives just come to days ago as you're there, they'd be sold a at an initiative to stop or to see squire just one day before. and it is a national human rights space. so it is very surprising to observe side of things. and of course, the brutality goes to an extent that nobody can deny it,
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but when it comes to practice, nothing is being done as a matter of misfortune. and western countries are trying to put a blind eye. on the other hand, countries like russia, countries like you and they have started. so some diplomatic effort, a multi faceted why the spectrum of efforts in order to stop the war, which is a guest. ready again, faced with negative feedback from best and cartridge. yeah. without us visa with the un security council, it feels like everyone's hands were tied now would be the the bowman continues. the goals and people have been squished into this tiny little area in the south. a bank like whether still bombings any way so that there was safe to, to hide for them. speaking to the media a few days ago, the idea spokesman talks about the ratio of, of, for every one minutes and 2 civilians killed. and he was very proud of that race
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here. he said, compared to some nato campaigns, that's actually the also a very good. but if this campaign continues, like, it looks like it's going to, but the more weeks what's going to happen. so because, and people a low, a true and of course it is a matter of misfortune, that is really, these are going to continue with this for and they're twins, they're, they're trying to resort any possible justification to do so. and they are to link st. millions, hundreds of them on a daily basis that basically justification that they are trying to just, uh, you know, for almost nothing or for no reasonable justification. comfortable for us here. first of all, we see a clear indicative of the fact that the united nations or other international bodies are quiet, inefficient when it comes to practice. and so far. but we have seen from these
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organizations is just sending some messages of kind of a nation which has no use for or people who are being palms and chilled on a daily, overly basis. and then the 2nd point is that we have some organizations like natal return our full called created for the sake of it for the sake of formulating and building security. but the truth of the matter is that these organizations, these treaties are shown on are proved to be of basically no, you use, they are supporting your regime that enjoys nuclear warheads that shields citizens, ordinary citizens, women and children. and they do nothing to talk this brutal regimes. so now what comes to my mind is adolfo sanders, that they are practicing when it comes to russia and ukraine are just supporting ukrainians. and they are going to continue to manage this war against ross's,
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i told you couple of weeks ago in that, in another interview that americans are going to fight the russians to the last oak cranium told your portion of the store that everything. so using the soldiers of other countries. yeah, here is a point when it, when it comes to israel, this is quite the other way around. they're supporting this, they're doing some, some, some other sort of behavior which is quite, it's indicative of their double standards. yeah. could be a conclude that it was sentenced if i may, what could be concluded is that then you're talking about human rights and human to terry and disasters. and member are talking about united states or other western countries is tasha flor the mattress, the list and i is this. why matt, what matters the list is these issues per se and what pops the list of priorities?
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yeah, i think you got then take this step, they sell a huge amount of back and read these reviews. they sell a huge amount of definitely to the rest and they yeah, and they are very much interested in austin and government are not a more. i'm thank you so i'm not sure if it's open to it today. i think a lot of people say things that the same way that you do also thank you for speaking to us today. we're all out of time. that's a hate to solve a political novelist. what am i thinking support for you? creating us congress lot to move the landscape in washington in a bit too drama moved funding for his country's war. so it's now he's due to be hosted at the y white house by joe biden, lights on tuesday, but what a republican sent it to is remarkably unimpressed. nonsense cooper, visit aisha rod, an orderly disgraceful. we're about to go through the united states senate tomorrow . a very on dignified process where zalinski comes to town and demands that you give him the american tax fair. it gives him another $61000000000.00. i think it's
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disgrace floor. i've been a center for almost a year now. this is the most disgraceful charade i've seen in my year here. we're seeing what somebody describing has been desperate and dashed quite zalinski to washington in a bid to do whatever he can to show up support. i mean, this visit, it will be very different. that must be it. previously. he's been welcomed with open arms, oppose. he's had in his standing ovations. when he's spoke that this time questions are being else asked about how much money the us already spent on this money. that's being requested $61000000000.00 in terms of this age package. and it comes at the time when americans also questioning the support. few points don't just politicians, likelihood that americans themselves, the single k was struggling. and yet you want to throw for this money to account for offensive, which has effectively failed something bits and then see himself as admitted. and it also comes with the time when the us in the budget office has admitted that it
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only has $1000000000.00 left and its own reserves. you warned in october and back in september that funding was running low. you sent a letter monday to the speaker saying we are out of money to support you create in the site. this is an a next year problem when, precisely where us funding be exhausted. but we have is either a budgetary standpoint, we have about a $1000000000.00 left to replenish our own stockpile. so really tough sell facilitated ski. we know the republicans forwarding block that package recently, which included move funding, fee crane. we know that the binding is ministration is also becoming desperate to get this funding. it says, and it knows that she has called, with the will without the 2nd to funding bargain has said himself that american soldiers may have to fight the crane is a wave from the shore that support against the russians. and really don't spend the us defense. secretary has also made another impassioned plea. ukraine matters
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profoundly to america security. and that's why the united states has committed more than $44000000000.00 in security assistance to ukraine's brave defenders. and of course, this comes at a time, when's it landscape also facing increased criticism in his home country in ukraine? we've had the care of mer saying that she thinks to lensky is becoming increasingly un or to cry. she said that so lensky is lying to the public about the situation with the war. and he's also said the politicians will be judged by the successes and failures at the end of this. it was also the pulling out with the queen's top command solution. the after she gave me says that there was a stalemate in who i'm that comes as popularity for on trust visit lensky has no sides. we now move it almost hawks. if your cleanings would like said to be some sort of compromise with russia, but of course that's impossible under the zalinski regime because his out load it
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really he's having a difficult time, not just in washington, but also home. and you claim, as well as the landscape twice the drum, up more a from washington, an upcoming fresh round of folks or the ukraine's e u membership shows the growing gap interviews with k of willing to do anything it takes to get into the block. well, multiple easy to see things differently to keep various commission the recommendations were implemented into ukrainian legislation. so we, we can jump, we condense, e for that is that is requested to, in addition to a check other than the european commission proposal starting negotiations on ukraine's membership. but this does not coincide with the interests of many member states, certainly not with hunger ease interest. and we dare to say so, no matter what pressure we are subject to, to have proposed. and i am proposing that negotiations on ukraine's you membership,
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but you should not to begin. let's go with this house now. philosophy contributes a rachel in austin way to get to see you today. are you kinds hopes of the membership increasingly coming up against a brick wall? do you think i as well they're now offering to dance and jump around to get into the you. what's cleaner, so going to do is sit there on an ice red velvet couch with a cigar. sounds like team zalinski has euro zone confused with the euro vision. zalinski, the comedian can't just expect to dazzle cleaners or with this pants. free hands free piano playing number and expect to get into the you, you don't mean it sounds like she's that impressed by ukraine anymore. actually, she's being a lot more selective about her words. now really underscoring over the past couple of days when talking about you create a session that if there's any move on that front at the block summit later this week, it's only going to be around the issue of whether you member states should even begin to have talked about whether ukraine should even be considered for membership
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candidacy. so not even about whether you brain should be a member of or not. which sounds like the wall from rugs being yanked right out from zalinski speak, considering all the gushing praise with which cleaners. so it has loved the bomb tim for months on end now, and which contradicted the actual report card issued last month by her own european commission, pointing out that no whatever teams lewinsky says ukraine still did not meet all of the preconditions for even opening negotiations on joining the block, you don't mean that 4 of the 7 preconditions it's still needed to do corrupt and the all the guard prize for example. and do well if they've managed to do all of that and just a month, then it sounds like what a kid would do when his mom tells them that he could have a treat if his room is clean and 10 minutes. so what does he do? it just quickly takes all the mcdonald's hamburger wrappers and all the mass and all the clothes that are on the floor and shelves, the whole thing into
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a giant pile inside of this closet and forces the door close, hoping that she doesn't notice. but there's no hiding the growing mass that you create is already causing for the you even without being a good candidate. yet, just the fact that last year the block allowed full trade liberalization. suspending import duties quotas and trade defense measures for imports from ukraine until at least june 2024 has caused the real mass on the ukraine border. gary and truckers are upset about ukrainian truckers routing logistics in hungry and they've now joined slovakian and polish truckers who are angry with losing you markets to their ukrainian counterparts. and they've been blocking the border, causing weights of up to a 127 hours long, which actually sounds like quite an sitting tribute to your being bureaucracy for anyone who's had experience with it full and apparently did not really appreciate
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that parade like performance art and has gone about arresting a few of it's tucker protesters, but officials from other countries sound like they're worried about all the troublesome writing on the wall when it comes to frame. most european politicians wants to make decisions of this magnitude, despite these decisions not being properly considered unlucky and strategic or hearings for the future of europe. we will not given pressure regardless of from where in whom that pressure comes. and irrespective of what promises are made or blackmail is used, ukraine should not have privileges compared to other countries supply and to join the repeating community. slow walk, you will not be on the list of countries. let's suppose to create a new a 3. we are ready to help, but not to meet with 3 because i do not believe in the middle of the solution to the conflict in ukraine. all right, so what's the reality light for the average person here in the you? well, there's no installation relief insight here in the block. we keep hearing officials
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in france, for example, talk about how inflation has slowed. they're trying to celebrate that as though it means deflation. when energy bills and costs of living are still in fact going up just maybe by not as much. so where's the money going wrong? some you parliamentarians have an idea. there is an elephant in the room, and that's the question apply. edu needs to raise all this money for it. so it's just cost a $1.00 trillion. you're a purchase 2 years ago where it's all the money go. well, we all know where it went. be, you know, all the cash on war on weapons and now it's passing around the house for more. it's not your ceiling or sources. the commission has to mind to the member states. call for an extra 1. cb1cb to fucking up to purchase that the blue armoire and militarism half of the task is for ukraine. a country who's
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destruction, we continue to cheerly. it was shame on you. with the queen, succession to the u. s. future 70 percent of the budget would go to key if who's going to pay for that. the impoverished den destroys germany, brussels as finished. so you crate is passing around a hat for more, euro is according to euro, parliamentary, unclear daily. well, teams always game might actually want to rethink the dancing and jumping for brussels imagery that it's currently tossing around. because with all the cash, the brussels is already throwing at your brain. the whole thing already sounds like it involves translucent highfield platform shoes and the pool. right, so many things for that science to contribute to rachel, most of, of the chinese presidents agent painted haddaway for 2 days of talks with the top fitting of these officials. if a tony said his 1st visit to the neighboring country in 6 is aging,
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has been working to improve ties with other call me to states that with the, with another major infrastructure project on the table in hanoi, the trip follows to it biden's trip to visit to the southeast asian countries at 10, the same buy out of this is an attempt by the us to create. so the distance between china and vietnam, hey, is all contributes. a culture with us is trying to compete, we try to and again, us have come short by bringing money to the table. china. one of the vision china has offered to get nom and larger. asia is, is pan ation bill network that will connect china that will connect cities in china all the way to single ford and including running railway lines from solar, china through allows the vietnam cambodia file in malaysia. and singapore is a big vision for us. it's not offering me.


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