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tv   Documentary  RT  December 12, 2023 5:30pm-6:01pm EST

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it's like a new crane right on the board. maybe. meanwhile, here on the grounds, what does the average person dealing with in europe? well, there's no installation relief here in sight in the block. we keep hearing officials here in france, for example, talk about how inflation has slowed. they're obviously trying to celebrate that as though it means deflation. when people are that stupid, they can see that their energy bills and cost of living are still going up. so where's the money going? well, some you parliamentarians have an idea. there is an elephant in the room, and that's the question apply you, do you need to raise all this money for it? so it's just cost a $1.00 for you and your old purchase. 2 years ago, where's is all the money go? well, we all know where it went. be, you know, all the cash on war on weapons and now it's passing around the house. for more, it's not your ceiling or sources. the commission has to mind to the member states, call salt, an extra 1cb1cb to fraction of the purchase that the u. blue
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armoire and militarism half of the task is for ukraine. a country who's destruction, we continue to cheerly to a shame on you. with the queen, succession to the u. s. future 7 percent of the budget would go to key if who's going to pay for that. the impoverished den destroys germany, brussels as finished. so ukraine keeps passing around the hot for cash as clear daily says, well teams always be might actually want to rethink the dancing and jumping for brussels imagery that it's currently throwing around. because with all the cash, the brussels is already tossing it. you trade the whole thing already. sounds like it involves translucent high yield platform shoes and to pull. and that's all for now for more breaking news. head over to r t dot com. thanks for tuning in and doing so far. my colleague rachel ruble will
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be taking over the top of the hour. the miss like music? absolutely. i tried to play for games favorites. like we have a lot of music that we both like a lot, much less shadowing. we have a ramones. we have talked to has guns and roses rolling stones, of course frank ocean, which is his favorite. i usually start with that one the
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i how many was 17? so i understand that there's thousands of victims from gong fired with but there's 17 direct victims from the private enforcement. the we also have 17 flowers. so a way for me to somehow support these other families and make them be part of this without infringing the privacy or anything is to place a flower, you know, these messages
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the, i don't want you to know. so here's where i live with a low voice. fighting for his right now is our margin for his life is large, you for your life. so very, very strong the i didn't know was before this, but i feel like i do not. it's indescribable, the amount of like work that his father has been doing. he's always there for us and i think well, and then well, we're as we call him in our movement till manny has become, isn't really an uncle to us. it's amazing to see the amount of loving some nations
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man can have about 3 such tragedy occurred. the trying to go back and look at these david was the greatest kid ever. he never gave us a hard time about anything. i knew there was this one with the cap on the cherry tree bosses or something that takes there's going to be cool some day when he is old. like now it's perfect. i'm not surprised, but david became and asked of us because he's pretty much, always been an active us his entire life. do you see something that needs to be done? he's going to do it. my husband and daughter and i are exactly the same way i'm. that's just how we roll before the shooting. i don't believe we ever really talked
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about gun control at all. we've always had guns in our house because dad was a f b i agent. so david grew up, seeing guns being cleaned and being taught about gun safety. and the importance of that. i think what's last about david is that he's actually a really fun person. but since the shooting, he's been so angry, he's just been spurred on by the anger and that's what people see is anger and seriousness. one of the most shocking things to me has been the backlash. that's been really, really challenging for me. especially through social media of people telling me things like they want, i can tell my son or that i should have had an abortion, because he's just a disgusting specimen. somebody said, we know we're making a difference when we hear that and people are getting angry. but it's still really hard to take as a parent the
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years are under see they will be under as long as the thing that one main thing is to keep away from shape hating anybody. it's very easy to fall into that tating and not having enough told her is so i need to train myself into not fall into that. the
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the franco genius here. that's why the, i believe in having i believe that this is just like that. this is not the whole thing. there's more i also understand that my kids because of the way he was murdered. as a march here he has my cap direct pass to have. so i wanna make sure to go to the
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same place, the little continued to the one and only one of them came home.
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why? because shorter with the team made it into a school 2nd to the right, lower side sellers file for joe to give simply yeah, my daughter was home. ok. so you all for joining us for political motives. by the way, we could care less about this. one guy will not go away the i went to from and, and that's why i couldn't go to the enter a convention to me and i'll really we're being and attacks for the 1st time. not as
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like a major event or i'm trying to hunt on congressman and harass them saying sign this knowing or any money pledge or, you know, like why don't use for common sense kind of legislation before that. the other 2 times that i had were in my products were at the time 100 thing and the corresponding standard. i think the fact that the president and vice president showed up there for the 1st time together ever and the other is history is a testament, our afraid you have guns in my house. we are supporters of the 2nd amendment. we haven't, i don't remember. so, and as we understand the volume, somebody wanting to protect themselves in our family, we're not trying to disarm american citizens. we're trying to make sure that people are able to protect themselves in a safe and responsible manner where their sample are still able to practice or 2nd amendment rights, but not able to go out and killing innocent child. is that that much task looks good. we do good work here and then all of the owners for
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yearbook we did an entire backpacks spread and it's just kind of ironic now because we all have the same backpack too. i really like that. it's kind of the opening to the memorial sections. you know, since we had an odd number of pages, you know, we wanted to find a way to transition from our normal coverage into this a close function. jamie, the people she danced. hicks, in the, i think the children just like the, the,
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me and she now the one thing i think as a class we discussed it and we said that we wanted it to be more about their lives and not about the events. right? so we decided to make it profiles to kind of highlight their accomplishments, their personalities, their, their friends, their experiences before and kind of just not mentioning anything about how it was because it serves 17 friends, right? it's not, it's not anything iris. odd. our 17 friends from me is a weight of heavy eyes or alex there's carmen.
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i think right now it's kind of different ways that everybody has it and like, i don't know cuz we've been stressing about getting it out really, really well received. so i'm tired of it, the the,
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i don't know how we even continue on. we just do it's a crime scene and, and we still go to where it all happened. it's hard to just get over it. it's not just the school, it's the community that you're in. people might not say it, but you're always thinking about a always hear a door close at school and a lot of us don't. john police sirens. all think of that day. i'll just picturing myself, walking out and seeing all the cop cars everywhere of any loud noise, i associate with gunshots. if i close my eyes, like that's all i hear the sound of the bullets heading,
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the walls and people call you a survivor. but i'm not a survivor yet. i'm still healing. i'm still processing, like i don't know is or if i title, i don't know like you want to avoid everything. you want to avoid doing anything. so you never find yourself in that situation ever again. but we were at school, so if we weren't safe at school weren't in safe know where the to public's the states, dominic grocery store chain, supporting a candidate for governor who is an unapologetic supporter of the and already douglas student inactive as david hawk preparing for a diane, at a public, there is a boy cut movement building steam on social media cache, a boy on public. the thank you very much. is that on the offensive is the wrong thing to do with just made of the nation of
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$670000.00 to solve for something that is running for governor that is totally totally supporting the entering yeah. ok. what will we see tomorrow? you're going to see people lying down for 12 minutes starting at 4 pm. 12 minutes are present 700 seconds and that's the number of school shootings that we've had and re in recent history. as a result of the inaction of our politicians in part because of lobbyist, organizations like the underwrite publics can stand with us. they can pull out their half $1000000.00 from not pundum campaign, and they can double that amount and donate it to the store and douglas victims fund . many of the students that are in there still have p gsp from what, how many of those are going on? as many of them started yesterday from what happened at our school, we're trying to ensure that we're able to pay for it. if there's
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a man over there that's chanting, thinking that we're trying to take their guns, we're not, we're trying to save law. we think that if one of our regular melissa, you should get 10 hours of training for each guns because they support friends. if i get the i need to get involved with this. i mean, honestly, i don't, i don't get it. we're just trying to save lives. i. i'm not trying to take anyone's guns. it's the people that are spreading, dismissed information about me and everything that goes on that causes it. it's probably what's gonna cost me to be killed. don't think like that. kind of keep the right now, the sons of us come on in the middle of
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a protest. the stomach douglas students after this. david hawk preparing for a diane at a public place organizing 2 separate events today. as part of that boy holly or this morning, demonstrators placed a flour on each of the bodies being marked off to represent the victims killed at stillman douglas. the doctor on the 1710. we did it for the morning and i think with the rain services symbolizes held through time, our tears whilst away said we forgot about there was a, literally a team out here to come and clean them up. and now their dogs basically point that's exactly when you have
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a couple of those. remind me of our politicians. i try to swipe this stuff under the rug and try to make people forget about they tell them not that they're going to do something about it. they never do their approval ratings go up, and then another school shooting happens and do it again. and it, the cycles perpetuate itself. and that's how it's been for the past 19 years, the jesus christ. and what's the date now? the 25th now this, this one is an active shooter incident and no visible west middle school in central indiana. as far as the 947, that was 10 minutes ago. click on the link, the
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how much the as soon as i wonder if you're ever going to turn the building down already right now. right. so i just, honestly, i feel bad for the freshman because like that's something that i know high school i should have to think about. you know, like, yeah, 17 kids were murdered of my highschool. like that's, that's insane. like articles,
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literally more people died at our school decided calling on think about we just accepted. why is it show that they standardized and they tried to do that and then they did exactly what i do. why do we allow these things to continue to happen? is my question, and they have seen multiple getting a sense that's why we're new to this business. it's all different. it's one of the things or anything can happen at any time. so i'm looking at their hands. i'm waiting for one of these idiots to pull up life or gun out or something. i don't consider this
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a big group. and i know probably half of them are. i've seen them so i'm not worried about half of them, but the other ones that are reporters are posing as reporters or media. those are guys, i'm worried about the ones i've never seen always looking at the hands the sidewalk. you want to talk to these people accountable. we went here and bought flowers. we are going inside for 12 minutes. we're going to lie down exactly at 4. and if they ask us to leave, we will leave. we're going to be peaceful. going to the car, are you going to be consider if they ask us to leave, leave the
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guns for 12 minutes starting right now. the 14 bought his flowers here. the next day he was slaughtered at school. when i take $670000.00 from what we call the sisters brothers uncle's dad and mom is in stand against us. we call the united states of america against the national rifle association. continue to put their own agenda ahead of
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the american public and our to the baby is toward sorry sir. i wanna thank you. the young people always
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the good morning. we're today to announce large for our lives route to change a 2 month summer tour around the country where we will go from city to city, state to state, and connect with community and community. thank you. sure we are going to harness an energy. the passion we witnessed on march of 24th and turn it into action. we're going to be making more than 75 stops nationwide, because 4000000 people turn 18 this year and have every single one of those people votes encourages their friends to vote and make sure their family is getting to the polls. we can make real changes in this country. thank you. i'll be taking
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questions. what's your name? i'm carolyn caskey. as a good one. all together represent our home. so we need to be with them. they're looking for votes. we've joined and we become part of what they're doing all the way many go. okay. he's one of the parents that we trust the most. and when he walks in the room, you know, he's there and it's not just because he looks like a pirate. he's here to get done, excuse the language. yeah. always we do. okay. the, the, the russian
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states never as, as tight as one of the most sense community invest in most all sense. and the in the 65 to 5 has to be the one else holes. question about this, even though we will then in the european union, the kremlin media mission, the state on rochester routing and split the r t spoke neck. even our video agency, roughly all the band on youtube, the payment services for the question, did you see a request for check the the,
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[000:00:00;00] the, the us ok is another $200000000.00 to ukraine was fine and reassuring zalinski not to lose hope at the white house meeting, meanwhile, american politicians and the public appear to be losing trust in t as. 7 the idea flows up a un school in northern guys that were at times to have discovered how much infrastructure as the palestinian health ministry says the death toll in gaza has passed. 18400. we hear from the palestine. read president spokes person about


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