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tv   News  RT  December 13, 2023 3:00am-3:31am EST

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the, the, the, the, the wall has rules, distressing images from jobs. i continue to emerge coming as more than 150 countries exempt. the un vote for an immediate cease fire. you asked in israel part of the nation. so opposed the non binding resolution. also a head on the program. we came here and there was no life. there are no tens, no water, no food. thousands are forced to flee to a make shift. come from the guys at coastline designated us safe zone by israel. but some of the display say it's no better than anywhere else in the besieged to retreat. also this hour in the united states, what the divide administration seems to be asking for is billions of additional
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dollars with no appropriate oversight. the highest speaker above the president's request for another $60000000000.00 to ukraine is to buy them gifts, love them, or zalinski, a $200000000.00 constellations. the 5 in the morning in the past 5 in the evening, and children at 11 am right here in most school. this witness to december, the 13th. hello, and welcome. a vast majority of the world's nations have voted for an immediate she monetary and cease fire in gal, set us most of the among them it earlier veto to similar motion of the un security council. and on tuesday was among the few countries that oppose the non binding resolution by the general assembly. that of the chamber to the for where to decry the is really assault on the policy missing is the unprecedented collapse
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of an already crumbling humanitarian system. in real time, what we are seeing is an onslaught on civilians. the breakdown of humanitarian systems and profound disrespect for both international law and international humanitarian. though, as i said before, even the war has ruins. but about size, the death toll in gal said, surpassed $18400.00 people according to palestinian officials, while at $50.00 and more have been wounded on these really side, the body con, from the of tobar 7 must have talk by some us has been revised 9 to 1100, while the military has revealed over a 100 idea of troops,
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pills during the invasion of casa so far less pro smaller to dimitry daily on a spokesperson for fonts as reformist democratic function grouping. joining us from east jerusalem, thank you for your time. today, while un general assembly resolutions are influential, they're also always non binding. do you expect this vote to actually influence the situation in gas? this the vote has to be 2 point one and how strong down the united states and israel's attempt to politicize the text of the resolution before it was introduced to the general assembly. and that is considered a victory for the united nations before it was victory. forgot 2nd in the voting, the results have shown that the united states and israel and of course, southern little quote, the countries around the world of less than 10 uh,
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are isolated to the extent when you have such a huge world consensus almost on the world, rejecting the genocide is really is committing, i guess that'll sydney is really is you guys have a 3 or statement and not only the improves that is that the world is not as gullible as the a drug or to lead demented the u. s. president. to believe the united states slides . i mean, if you heard b is because a representative to the united nations tended gonna lie up the line to speech before we vote. you can, it's also a statement that the world does not believe is ready live. the world doesn't believe directory that the white house has bought into and therefore became complicit in the genocide committed. i get is about to mean people invest us.
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president biden has admitted that is realize losing international support over what he's called, the indiscriminate foaming of gals a. it begs the question, doesn't that why then is washington still opposed to a few monetary and cease fire? and not only that y as well, is it why the united states as the support they provide the weapons and money. basically, bank rowley, the genocide in guys i've dealt with was, is a true position, but joe, by them plays the oh, he tries to play ends in general political game by uh, sending out the sentiments while practically he is supporting the genocide. he is showing that the world is ditch in israel's rhetoric for many reasons. one of them because obviously the world is way too late. the one is 2
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months late in taking such a position against these rather genocide and gaza. 18000 people like it have a government is destroyed. that's outlay. the world is but better late than never. but still the united states is not condemning the use riley atrocities and the block bath in does up it's pulling it out of the world is done. and gets back while the white house is trying to play internally, political game. since the uh, democrats have shown greatly that they are against the genocide and against the, by the policy and most likely, by the use against any republican. uh, not maybe for the 2024 elections as shown by almost every pull out there. the united states contains it continues to sell for the genocide and therefore becoming practically complicit in the slaughter of almost 9000 palestinian children
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industrial. keller put a direct question to you. do you believe the war would end if come us surrendered to the war is not against i'm as so i'm as good was the surrender. the war is against the palestinian people and this is evident, but there's so many statements made by is randy politicians that have clearly state and admit in a very indisputable way that they have these ethnic cleansing and genocide the aim to achieve out of this more and this took place actually if you can go even 40 years back in the baby. nothing out of statements up until the finance minister statements at the beginning of the genocide towards even deducted the speaker of the class that the n d o, the whole military establishment. they are all talking about there at the
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ends in doing the cycle bills of this war. and this is actually what they're doing . and the thing that is really crazy that these guys are not even friday about it. they split up as it is. you've been watching media, it's all over the place, and they have still have people the my internet in the west, which is just simply crazy. if you have a matter what criminal that minutes to the crimes. clearly, why don't want anybody defend them as denying what they admit. okay, this is gone. the, the, the, the whole design is genocide. will supremacist mentality in 5th grade. should all politicians money into what have gone way too far beyond reason, beyond any rational acceptance or bill the what i'm the policies being taken in
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the west had by the i the part of one of the point changes while we have the time to meet you because guitar says it hasn't given up its efforts to mediate a new cease fire that would include another prisoner swap. is that something you think could happen in, in the soon, at an immediate future? and i believe that the, the most important player in these, these far is the, is egypt cuts out his bank calling and have works. i mean, got that has been known to play the role of in atm, but for the political and military power of the, uh, egypt and the political power of. so if you're, if you're driving the world, the building you a include in jordan including other uh, very important countries. i think that's the political and military ways is over there. and the announcement. oh, so yeah, maybe and you will see that with that the local vision without the local solution
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that will not participate in rebuilding. gov up, which adds on the part of the city is you which of these fire? this is much more important and practical a means to achieve is the fire rather than the statement you're sitting there or bank building anything. alright, demetrius getting out a spokesperson for the reformers, democratic function of thoughts in east jerusalem. thank you very much for the northern gals that the policy, any reg president has a cues. there's really forces of violating its medical emissions a spokesperson for the grid. so dark, see that idea of strikes have brought health facilities across the region to a breaking point. the old houses in the city and the north already went out of service. did you to, is there a least targeting hospitals and intentionally they have whether the hospitals be, sees the hospitals with is there any chance denying anyone from getting into the
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hospital or going out of the hospital? this is the situation of what your mouth when hospital in north, oh god zone right now over it is 65 percent on most of the hospitals in gaza strip have already went out of service now and goes to the city and. and of course, there is not even a single hospital that is suspended for 18. um you'd have since the rescue teams can 3, it's many areas where people are and this is brittany, it's for our service and the audit dropped in their homes. there is injured at people of the hospitals that are still open or anything in a sense of gods themselves, of gods as well already over one. and they have already exceeded their couple of cities and they are overwhelmed with the wounded people and where you can see those wounds that are just waiting on hospitals credit or lying on the grounds
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. because there is this over a place and even the intensive care units are completely packed and there is no way they can get a new patient. and this is comes with extreme shortage of medicine and medical supplies as well. and what we have received since the beginning of the escalation up to the, to this a moment from the humanitarian aid is burly, me 10 percent of the needs. and as the is really grinding facing in northern gals or rages all local journalists, mohammad sub, i find list report from the rubbish jamalia refugee camp, which once housed over a 100000, publish the needs. this is how the c looked following the withdrawal of the occupation forces from the jamalia comp area, specifically the area of course, the cya ruin and destruction. results against the people in the landscape from the costume areas of the west village above their comp. we see the extent of the
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destruction caused by the israeli occupation forces following their incursion. fest bottles took place here between the idea from the palestinian resistance. they withdrew from the area leading devastation in their wake. now we can observe the magnitude of the destruction left behind here, bodies live in these the debris following strikes by his riley war plans. rescue and medical teams were unable to reach the managers the challenging conditions on the ground. the destruction also reached the shelters, including the un relief, some work agency schools, which were crowded with thousands of displaced people who were forcibly evacuated. these despised people, return to the schools, to retrieve their essential is and salvage whatever they could to survive. i meant the result shortages and challenging humanitarian conditions and northern gaza and the father, my live and the different my but i said, we have no shelter, successful this agency. what receipts they came with apple doza. so they all mean tanks. we haven't found any of our belongings or anything. we are also destroyed about my brother and sisters. we have not heard from them for a days. no contact,
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no sign of whether the alive will dance, the young people who joined the army with the weapons and tags. they surrounded us, us for all i. d's made us raise our hands and forced us to leave with them as a people with helpless. what can we do with this really. busy being raised, pummeling targets all across the palestinian enclave. more distressing images are emerging from the southern city of canyon as many injured children, including incense of being admitted to nestor hospital, at least 2 miners were killed during is really shelling of the city on tuesday with the total number of time victims and gas and those standing it over $7000.00. israel is calling count eunice a dangerous come about. so this by previously telling people to flee there are for safety from other and baffled parts of the district. well, thousands of policy and refugees have flocked to guests or southern coast. it is where israel has designated a ton of, i'll my was c a,
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so names safe. so the area kicks off around 20 square kilometers. it's mostly made up of the barn and desert land, according to the idea if it's also a place, but from us as far as dozens of rockets from that makes that time both a potential and electric targets. and israel's latest designate that you monetary and zone. so the u. n. has repeatedly said that all the loss is not suitable to shelter refugees. people are left to survive. the cold mix shift dwellings without food washer or basic supplies. largely we heard from some of the policy seeking refuge and the so labeled. see if so i was like, man and i was displaced from job aliya to hon. you news then to rafa. but we came here and there was no life. there are no tents, no water, no food, and the un humanitarian workers here do not recognize us. we hope the world will be
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able to stop the war and god, them, we want to america, israel, and from us to end the war by miss when the situation is bad. here we have been displaced from north. the south will left all homes and were offered. the 10th america's goal is to displace the palestinians, and there was a told me that america in israel will push costs out into the snipe. and here we are fighting the war. i'm calling on the arab countries and the congress of the world to stop it. we're now drinking contaminated water water. even animals cannot drink. they destroyed us. there was no food to eat. there is no bread and river i call on everyone to stop the war. we had done enough is enough. shooting testimony, there is no other number of russian citizens or among the 137 hostages, still held in gallons. a buy from us, some of those who are ready being released along with the family members of other wrapped up t's. i've met with rushes on boy to his real intel of a ortiz,
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middle east bureau chief, may finish the house, the report. but it's been 15 days since you've been through the fond of and her mother eat and were freed from captivity. and guys, and the relief is because sweet though, as the sun and grandson alexander remains in the hands of him as the women who hold the russian citizenship meet with the russian ambassador and israel. hoping moscow will step in again the interest of the property while we were driven were told of where a gift for russia. so when people say our release was part of the ceasefire. jail, i'm sure they're wrong. if the russian government and loved him or put him passionately wanted this to happen, it was going to happen on the very, very grateful to him for that. and to alexander is back home in a says she doesn't feel like she has been released from the sub for the i'm kind of free, but i'm not truly free. my body is here,
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but my soul is that there was any way to send me back and bring him home. i would happily do that. also at the meeting, the parents of another russian citizen being held hostage in gaz. i'm alexander ladonna. they went to russia to meet the deputy foreign minister and other high ranking officials, praising most goes diplomatic and humanitarian efforts, hoping it will help bring the boy home and put an end to the pain. the family has been living for almost 70 days. yeah. it's hard all the time. i see my son's face his eyes and i hear his voice. the rest is all background. so october 7th is not over for me yet. it's how we live. october 7th is marked on our calendar. it's been $67.00 days since the 7th of october. we're reliving it every day. every hour and every minute. looks on as big as to be are now is to receive
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the news of her son's death to his line, which what we know for sure is that the military told us he is alive. that's what's most important. we live with the hope that there will be more exchanges, some swaps or humanitarian pauses, or something else. we really hope so. fueling this hope all the stories of other russian citizens already released from the within tens with moscow's assistance like egos, brother, wrong. especially if there are still people being held hostage, i can say i feel a 100 percent happy. i've been dealing with this for 50 something days. so i haven't forgotten about all the others were waiting for everyone to come home, no matter how it. and of course, for my part, i'm glad my brother got out, but i have to fight for every one else to. and this is exactly where russia and then baset are says is direct to needs efforts through the defense or for administrators. but without the ceasefire that to mission is rather hard to achieve
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. refreshing and unfortunately these really leadership is not planning a cease fire, which we think is a big mistake is wrong. the continuation of facilities may lead to irreversible consequences. let's face it, it can lead to the death of some, if not all of the hostages, of course, as far as absolutely necessary in order to save these people, all of the middle east and asia share our position and are advocating for an immediate end to the hostilities this position is becoming predominant to both of the un and, and other organizations. i hope this will be taken into account by these really government as well. then baset or blames western countries for blocking global efforts to reach a truce just last week. the us to be towed or un security council demand for an immediate, for many terrence east fire again, but just a heads up and that's the position of western countries and above all the west, just to prevent any long term cease fire in these really palestinian conflict it's
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not only leading to the mass death of civilians in gaza, it's also impeding crucial humanitarian work. the kind of age and the russian government has been calling for since the very beginning of the conflict is also leaving the faith of the remaining is really hostages. in the balance, the russian embassy and salary you've. this is where people whose relatives are still in can save it to in gaza. come seeking help and will only rushing passport holders most co, which has already assisted in the release of at least 5 captives says that we'll continue is human is hearing efforts and not only to bring the rest of russians home, but to make sure that all hostages return to the families safe and sound as soon as possible. raven ocean on our team from 10 of you can know the story to bring you today. ukraine's president has walked away with a 200000000 dollar home. died from the white house. send me your fraction of the 60000000000 he came asking for us high speaker, mike johnson has
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a pledge to hold onto the techs peer funds until the bite and administration provides more oversight. i have asked the white house since the day that i was handed to gabble, a speaker for clarity. we need a clear articulation of the strategy to allow ukraine to win. and thus far, their responses have been in sufficiently have not provided us the clarity and the detail that we requested over and over since literally 24 hours after i was handed, the gamble speaker, the house. and so what the, by the ministration seems to be asking for is billions of additional dollars with no appropriate oversight, no clear strategy to win. and, and none of the answers that i think the american people her own. well, as you've just heard the speak to is less than impressed with zalinski page for more funds. for the press conference folders, nothing much that we haven't heard before. 5 and said that the united states stands firmly with ukraine. he supports its sovereignty and its rights to defend it. so he
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said america should be proud of the support that it's given when question on whether the ukraine would consider giving up the territories. that lensky replied. no. but he said that the very notion of this was simply insane, as he said, and the next use nato summit was also raise. and of course, along with that, whether you cry and would be invited to join the military alliance and find them responded. and he said one step at the time. now he said that you claim must win the will 1st and then full. so it will some unspecified condition. so nothing you, nothing concrete. and stephen, do us is allocated another $200000000.00 in a to ukraine. what's behind this? well, that's why the president biden said that he authorized this $200000000.00. this comes from a presidential, rhode island or stalwarts. and it means that age and military equipment can get to the front lines quicker. it's not really a lot of money, it falls far short of the $60000000000.00 that was proposed in the us congress last
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week said this is of course voted that that on this, if i went last, leave alone policy lines, the republicans voting against and the democrats voting in favor now the united states has given $111000000000.00 since the special miniature operation began in february last year, but a few z as in for this continued a supply of, of financial aid. ukraine seems to be waning, particularly among republicans now. this citing, i'd like a strategy, as we heard from the speak uh, in delivering this victory on the possible field. they've also spoken up on some like a volume aside from the pentagon on how this money is being spent. and of course, the big thing that they want and then not shifting on. so fall is that all scheme for tying to immigration controls and supports for this bill. now, by doing the game has seen the situation now. he's described as one of hope. this
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is what he told as, and then scale the bye. didn't himself seems on show mr. president called on congress and do the right thing to stand with ukraine, the stand up for freedom. and i want to thank you for being here and help the cause . the . so steve, does the us have the money for this seemingly never ending conflict. what washington says that the funds for ukraine, they're dry now that they could simply be finished by the end of the year. and of course, congress is due to break for christmas on friday. so that's why this is desperate attempt. the situation is critical. and by doing is pressing for this bill to be pulse before said this is leave a full, that's a break. now, many old me americans are now back starting to question this constant supply of
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a do crane needy haul. from those said, the poll said that they think that the money spent is accessing lots according to a poll by michigan university. what prospects the landscape face? so following this visit, what i think is fair to say that this visit so far hasn't seem to turned up very well for him. he doesn't seem to go this money that he's come type in handful from the us senate. that doesn't seem to be shifting very much, but he's also was noticing that he faces intense criticism, and public support is waiting for the cranium president. and these have these very public spots with vitale clips. cuz of course america, who's accused zalinski of sliding the country towards also retiring. and he said that the independent institution is no longer exists, but he's also choose the cranium, president of lying to the public about the situation regarding the conflict. he's also open, the argued with his top military come on to evaluate who usually who and he said
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that the conflict has come to a style. mike zalinski, the publicly criticized him over this, but also he has right back on that slightly by almost conceding that the, the ukrainian counter offensive has failed. now, as we said, congress is shutting down for the holiday period on friday. and it seems that the christmas miracle is a long way off as a landscape. my colleague, steve sweeney rachel ruble talking through adult earlier. well, mister so and speech visit to washington coincided with a republican push to formalize and impeachment inquiry into jo biden's presidency. congresswoman marjorie taylor green is among those who want the 81 year old, held accountable in our department of defense is obsessed with 4 and worse. they can't get enough of them. so that's why we're in this war. and ukraine washington loves the 4 and worse, but, you know, we're,
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is very profitable. it always has been, i'm not talking about just this for, but all wars or immensely profitable force, various people. so there are people who have a great incentive to continue the war and the bloodshed, but actually from reaching a point where they're just are not the more waves of ukrainians who can be drafted and thrown into the fraud. there is not a reason for optimism on the part of ukraine at this time. what has happened now? is that, you know, so lensky came here a year ago. aaron, a great deal has changed since the fact that he was treated as a, as a conquering hero. but now the republicans have taken over the house of representatives. they have a great deal of power skepticism has arisen about the war. why we're finding it in the 1st place. and most important way we have these are the norm is distractions.
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we have the, the conflict in the gaza strip. and also we have the fact that the american southern border has collapsed, we saw, but the total failure of the ukrainian counter offensive. and what i'm seeing a merge now. oh wow. all along the front, it is the, the russian forces are beginning to eke out games. here, they're not just a single twice as big guys as you know, that's a big deal. but there are other places and there they're moving forward. there will have to come a time where the general solution a will talk to is other generals in ukraine and say, look, we're just showing people for nothing. we can't go on. this can't be about the
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personality and the mood of a single man. the landscape is going to have to go. i, i see that coming at some point. dick black know, christmas and new year's celebrations may be approaching the season, will be mark once more by judy massage in a british prison. so next, in our short documentary, the trust form, we recap his story on a modern day quest for trunk spartans and this is the the .


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