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tv   News  RT  December 13, 2023 3:00pm-3:30pm EST

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the, the, the various tags all reported in the southern gauze. and since the rough uh, with the video and seeing bushings of hospitals off to the policy and red present, what code was in his hand by is what it falls as, while helping locals evacuate. we heard from the old blinds agents facebook and on the details of the in our clinic, ronnie for 4 hours. during that time he was harassed, beaten, threatened, as well as a treated in cumulative think matter what the site administration seems to be asking for is billions of additional dollars with no appropriate oversight. us how
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big the rebuffs the president requests one of the $60000000.00 to play is joe biden, gives belie them. is a landscape, a 200000000 constellation, is that the is just going 11 pm here in the russian capital? welcome. wherever you'll catch in the news hour from today across the globe, this is all we saw is the latest news from award to one cause a where is where these strikes have been reported on the southern? so the rough uh lights on wednesday evening. the says, a rust wounded including 2 mental hospitals using any available means. there's no information about numbers or casualties as of yet, we will bring you more when it comes in level dentist. how does that child on his now in my office sent us this report with the details of the is there any is there
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any more planes targeted multiple members and then show houses here. busy and dropped off one of these for the venture. the house was located in a shop board already for g. com. it's brand new, so sorry to mention that i was one of the largest if he comes. busy and russell was nice, instruction house was not targeted and screwed here from out to a hospital when there um, pick up and thousands of injuries. and here we witnessed and we see uh, dozens of these injuries are arriving here. i talked to a hospital how some of these injuries delivered as to how we used to unlock john hoss with them. we see that these injuries and just from civilians was women and children. so it's very necessary also to mention of these are a strikes have been off the very, quite time it was very, quite a is a needs was, wasn't in the area. and it was a very quiet times outside to me without warning. nice as
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a bunch of houses was targeted by the is there any war planes have needs for the houses was full of civilians and follow families. as the idea of expands its movie campaign is well is pushing thousands of thousands tools. the southern rougher refugee come the firm as they can fleet, according to you interface, it was the shelters are overwhelmed with hundreds, living on the streets and didn't make shift tens. people are exposed to the cold weather with minimum access to food, water, and hygiene facilities. the refugees gathered around the un belief warehouse despots, the aid workers struggled to contain the trials before handing over flower woods. the russians. well, the 1100000 displays house in the sheltering in 98. you in the seventy's,
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the south of the, on the war in the us. i have claimed the lives of several 1000 children. i am left many open, surviving the ongoing call that is ever more difficult for children with disabilities. they supposed to one mother, his son has down syndrome about the challenges they face. again with my son who has been diagnosed down syndrome and i out from kansas city. we've been displaced and are currently living and attend by hospital where exhausted from the bottom baldwin's so we chose to leave like the rep trust and recommended. our joining here has been all us, one my son. he has the sound of bowman or any loud noise. his creams, his behavior has changed and this environment is not suitable for him. especially being sick with sleep on the ground without sheets and blankets like everyone else, it has impacted my child significantly. i have taken him to the hospital multiple times, taken refuge from the gas and smoke the war brings. i need
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a lot of assistance. i don't have load as diapers or even fonts to support me. and my 3 sons also have a child suffering from us. my and their father was injured, there was no one to help me or provide for any of my children. now. so southern gaza where 20 policy is being killed and dozens more wounded as the id here intensify the tax on funding you. yes. which it earlier that saves time. now we should warn you, views that this dressing for this i had the the to a carried my hand to to the nearest hospital, covered in blood with an end. this flow of ambulance is arriving and admitted assisting the images as they lie on stretches right in the hall. this comes as these very forces attract several residential areas in on units. garza based joe
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small. so schumann, this report is on the latest developments in the south of the enclave. of the idea of spikes. raise your situation solvers most of the day now, spokesman and source and facebook. c, e. d is decent, price next. so hospitable to its notes, are you still on some of the sites just equal to the boys on the, on a few people kind of actually went to school. so that's what around 2 hours like square peering gas tanks, keep hitting sniper shots. keep eating about people are trying to do, you can use it get, get,
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get ball. i'm going to wait either personal friend who's wife most her eyes, his daughter most to next. one of his other daughter's is is missing. let them know use. so unfortunately, there is no place say some people don't know what to do or where to go right now. staying in, how do you and this is the decision for most people because what, what comes up leaving tenuous society and very pleasant says they is really on the detained and late to release the member of the sides, the on a humanitarian mission, the rescue withheld. why the idea falls is a 4 hours way. he was harassed. i'm beaten, seeing right present. so this was in about 5. so this drives what hopefully was
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forced to endure such a day. the palestine around to crescent was leaving a mission to evacuate. a wounded people from the baptist hospital hospital in coordination with the w at o. and when the evacuation convoy was passing through the check point that separates garza from the south, it was of destructive. is there any occupation forces to stop the convoy you for a couple of hours? and they said they detained our clinic, ronnie, for 4 hours. during that time he was harassed, beaten, threatened, as well as a treated in a new me leasing manner. his. he was stripped of physical office. the blind folded his hands where a tide on his back. and after 4 hours he was released
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in the occupation forces, let him walk over 2 kilometers to pass that through the check point. he was with no closes or shoes, and obviously it was one of the most traumatizing experience for him. this has happened in a time warranty. as a part of it that was the trying to save lives, evacuating 11 the wounded pieces at the hospital. unfortunately, our products are being sort of get it out of being a target for is there a patient forces in garza whitehouse, kid workers, hospital time, ethics and ambulances shouldn't be predicted under international humanitarian law. this is not the case. and gaza is intentionally targeting my colleagues.
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i would panama this, our health care workers and even of or hospitals. and unfortunately, the international community is just continued to be signed. and in the face of all these were crimes that as well as commented against the health system in garza and our critics who are just the trained to continue implementing their human need to be enrolled and helping the people who are in the meanwhile, the mayor of a monk trail sub in canada as the basis support for as well, no matter what the human cost, including thousands of their children. the children, the children. most of
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the stuff for 3 months to a 100000 positive children children, the tech support they are from canadian jewish amex. it was a english film, the footage of the canadian to what he put out to stay men. he was uh, that video is got more than 1200000 views on my, on my twitter, on my ex account. and he put out a statement kind of back in a way. now he,
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he represents a um, a small enclave. uh, inter suburb of montreal, that's predominantly jewish. it's about 80 percent jewish. it's actually a very weird, but our community doesn't have any a commercial or industrial as all entirely residential while it speaks to incredible uh, anti palestinian look, he said that is you could kill a 100000 house, didn't you? children? and he would support it because good needs to prevail over evil. that's a direct quote. while it seems to me killing 800-000-1000 children or let alone 80001000 children as is, is there a number would be a sign of evil? not a sign of good, but according to his logic, and unfortunately the logic of far too many people in this country. israel can still be viewed as good well as killing of large numbers of policy and children. i
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think this type of a statement doesn't play well for the broader montreal or for that matter. canadian public during his recent visit to the us to campaign for more funding, new planning, and present that as he may, some questionable claims on the bustle feels situation in his country. inquiry inquiring has not to loss control of any settlements this year. soon made certainly a blind eye to russia's advances on the front lines. i think the most important thing to understand what's going on. that's russia didn't occupied any we'll ej a ukraine and was during this year. what i see nimble is on that, but a more russian has not had a single victory of this year. and they couldn't do anything. they could not occupied a single village. i'm not talking about see this anymore. they couldn't do and a single and this was here's a quick recap of everything present. the last he refuses to admit to face over the
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past year. and the beginning of 2020 is a russian forces liberated the town of florida. then in may, the russian defense ministry announced another along the way to the victory this time in 2 months, also known as boston. once more recent 8, boston trans, almost completely surrounded the strategic you put in stronghold all of the i've got. i've also raised the russian flag with the city of money. you can come onto the schools the way they know new planes desperate men face situation and bring the keys and risk losing more territory if it doesn't negotiate. so. meanwhile, us republicans, and as a told me, sullivan says he never believed that anything could defeat russia. are you concerned that there's no money you claim could lose the war to russia? well, well, that's always been a big possibility the whole time. i mean, i've,
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i've never thought they could when to begin with, especially the way we eased into it. what are the implications that of pressure wins? are you worried about the implications of russia with quail everybody keeps and they're going continue to go across europe. i mean, they can't, but ukraine on the eastern side, how they going continue to go the rest the way through through year. i've never believed that scenario. i think it's uh, i think is a good selling point to spend more money. i think that the buy the ministration and mr. lensky have a serious problem in terms of securing suspicion funding a to last year. at least be on the next election. i, i think i would not be surprised if we see a military and economic collapse and ukraine before the winter is over. the republicans really don't have any incentive to prolong this more beyond the next election. when they know that the likely it's going to end in a very devastating defeat for ukraine. you know, the people who now are in power and congress johnston is a record of opposing a to ukraine. so the stars are aligning very much against the, by the ministrations request and, and it was a lensky is a, you know,
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hadn't hand request to give them anything. they will keep us government afloat. i would be surprised if he gets nothing. i think you'll probably see something within the next several months, but it's going to be far below what will be necessary to sustain that ukrainian government and military through the next electoral cycle. inc lyons president has little to wait with a 200000000 dollar handout from the white house, but i'm a fraction of the 6 c big in he k last name for us house because mike joso has tried to still hold onto the facts by of funds until the binding this ration provides more oversight. i have asked the white house since the day that i was handed the gabble, a speaker for clarity. we need a clear articulation of the strategy to allow ukraine to win, and thus far their responses have been insufficiently have not provided us the
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clarity and the detail that we requested over and over since literally 24 hours after i was handed, the gamble speaker, the house, and so what the, by the ministration seems to be asking for is billions of additional dollars with no appropriate oversight, no clear strategy to win. and, and none of the answers that i think the american people are owed. he's a, he's a test page for my cons. i made funding concerns among us lawmakers public couldn't . and congress recently lump the wine administration's requests to provide in a package with a $160000000000.00 the ukraine and as well. so i think urgent need for the us border security safety. meanwhile, us president biden remained silent on questions from douglas about ukraine's the g capabilities of democrats and republicans, president. call our congress and do the right thing to stand with ukraine to stand up for freedom. and i want to thank you for being here and help the cause
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the us. so it does have recently question the comes to supply of aid to train according to polls. many half of them things of my spent on keep is excessive. but it says folks, news the china was it as he made misleading statements on, i had about russian by fulfill program, compared ukrainian president with brittany made off the mazda mind of the law this no posey scheme in history. but if you don't give them your money right now, you're going to lose your entire investment. a piece of burning made off of or time presidents. what are we funding? exactly ever think about that vehicle? by the end, as being so overwhelmingly calling for the russian to be almost defeated, everything is just slowly but surely now dawning the domestic problems are piling
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up in flashes. go into the roof, the solid and border is out of control. there seems to be no one minding the the american ship as it were present and by doing things more concerned about trying to maintain some kind of a presentable face to as an escape. the situation is almost impossible. now to maintain a narrative is almost impossible to maintain. the last key is uh, being uncertain and suckled by sharks. at home. i mean basically all the sponsors on now turning your wife. i mean, not because the necessary to get died of these items because the results on the ground. um no, the app does. it ends keep uh, errors being prepared and there's a lot of suitors for the position needs to maintain the appearance of control over the situation. at least long enough to somehow set the stage for a what would be a smooth transition. but there is an increase of cognitive dissonance within the
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electoral rape. and as we enter addiction season, those uh realities are going to be hard to step, you know, put aside to show beside the u. n. has ordered one of its former officials to rip, pay almost $64000000.00. the body and fees is nevada, ukrainian national, of losing the funds by entrusting them to a mine. he met of a policy and that is according to a new post report. its list tale and vance harris boy was reported the the 2nd thing come on at the u, as in the district agency, violation of one of his boss, a legend, the invested of a $60000000.00. so he couldn't from government an un agencies in companies owing to business based business, when david kendrick but the un recouped only about 10 percent of his investment last year. well, policies involved in the case,
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which is not going through an internal ewing court system, denied wrong doing with kendrick claiming the products of spill in progress. as those live now with legal asked media analyst law. i know it was good to see you . this is a while, the unusual case i must admit, involved in full is a large amount of money, but 60000000 doesn't seem to be a lot these days. but what's this about? well, 1st of all, my friend, you and i are in the wrong business. we should be doing whatever this is as the great us, senator everett dirksen, one time equipped a 1000000000 here and a 1000000000 there. and pretty soon you're talking about real money. this wasn't an individual who was given this money and he decided on his own perhaps without any kind of internal audit to hand over this money to someone. he met mr. kendrick from the new york times article. i've got to read this one line for you.
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this is the most funny he, uh, he does, uh, he has to repay the money give a year salary. and if he does not repay the money, the filings that internal filings listen to this, you will not be eligible for you when pension. you know, in the old days, people what, who would do this would be looking at the full force of the most in probably torrential of prosecutions. this seems to be, as we say, the legal basis preparatory, would you please give this back? which would you, do you see it in your heart and maybe throw it in by the, by your salary. and if you play your cards right, and you give us back $64000000.00, you can keep your pension and all is forgotten. i don't understand. i don't also understand who these people are and what they ever did. there's a,
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a song stylus. there was a production for music. i mean this, if this is and somebody tells me my friend, this is not the only case. if this is the way the un monitor's money, if this is a $63000000.00, what, what also is, is equally as, as lacks in terms of the supervision. so, all right, but i know is this done because he's ukranian positive. i want to shed any light on the fact that could be some form of corruption. i don't wanna, i don't want to be racist. i mean, i'm gonna say, oh, you creating is, are corrupt. but why the why in the soft time? so the why isn't that? i mean, it's, in the old days, i mean, you and i, in the, when we would, they are our work and, you know, i'll work a trial period. is we still a state plus, you know, we would get a slap on the rest of this guy. what will to i with $64000000.00 is invested in
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some guys of the people. i meet the policies, i wouldn't need them a dime. but how? why, why the soft approach? i mean, i don't understand. well, i don't either and i don't understand it. and by the way, you are, your suggestion is certainly within the realm of possibilities which within the parameters the permutations of reason may be with notions of money in ukraine. i don't know, but what doesn't make any sense to me is this causes more attention to be paid by virtue of the slap on the wrist. and also, as you would think, if this thing wanted to go away, that there would seem to be better ways to dispose of this without leaving it anywhere. but it seems as though nothing was done. he's mysterious. so there is these upper east side parties with one particular man who introduced all of the
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participants who himself introduced president trump, to his current wipe. i mean, it sounds like i've seen from the car dash andrews of these very, very entry, very, very hollywood s. but what's interesting is i've read this, i went back and cross referenced it, and it's the most incredible case of non oversight. the most lacks ukrainian or not. this is the way you handle $63000000.00. and it's just and, and my favorite, as i said, was, please give back your salary. all of the money, 63, which i'm sure he's got all of the 63000000 dollars you can get his address. and also we'll call it even, and you can keep your pension. yeah, i think it was me. yeah. i mean, i've just been behind to this now as a review by the accounting firm, k, p. m g, big from commission by the u. n. last year. blamed the bad investments in part and i culture of fear that prevented appropriate questions being raised about how funds
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was. but i mean, what does that, that was about the open eyes ations functions. i mean, but we know the, you and the is almost, i hate to say almost a bad word these days because we put about the, the know the general assembly, they call it seem to get the right together un security council. they don't seem to be worth anything. yeah. we used to uphold the you when you know, as the leave is as long as the shows the pos, but we're seeing different things are what your thoughts. i love being a lawyer myself. i love great excuses or attempted to excuse and make an attempt to ex cold patience, but that my friend is one of the best. the reason why i did not do there's a reason why i wasn't more scrupulous. the reason why i didn't take more painstaking efforts to cover my bases was because of the culture of beer, with the culture of fear, necessarily make me more vigilant. know it made me less vigilant. if they be more
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lax, i think that's a good one. lot. the bottom line is simply this. when i grew up in my generation to you, when was unicef and we are the world here, i am in new york and when i drive in the east river, it's there. it is this beautiful. whatever it is, this building a testament to cooperation and it was wonderful. now the word global list you and where you when you think of other words and you think a builder bergen world economic forum in davos and g 7. and there's, it's, you're right, there's a different take to it. but wouldn't you think, in view of what we're discussing, that the, the, the bookkeepers at the one would have been a little bit more digital and vigilant or did digital in which i think is a bunch of work to, to make sure that, that this is taken care of swept under the rug, but by virtue of this,
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it just shows this blaring dissenters and once caught, once extensively, you know, caught, you know, ensnared by this prosecution. this is the most a risk slapping of whatever. and then your, your addition of the culture of fear. very, very strange. and remember if this is one story, how many others with even bigger amounts of money or equally as great, and are also as it kept silent by a culture of fear. yeah. and they 9 days very, it's very funny, but i didn't know if any, if you met in, isn't that? i mean, these days i didn't say me and i say 1000000000 maybe every day, but they go and that's the name of that live. oh, who was a pleasure, so thank you so much for joining me, legal i media on this. do i don't. thanks again. a thank you, sir. the opponents have they have spots spunk. so i say
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outbreaks off the he extinguished jewish ceremonial candles during the kind of cause other patient in law. so let me know of the polish right wing monarch is policy is known by his contributions, thoughts is on various topics, from migration to jews and lead quinn in conflict. those are, these are quick to respond to these and this is funny as well. and then to membership for 3 months, i am cutting his face. we spoke with also don't do report the yankee fraud about the told us that he submitted a new spot to in the wake of the will indulge the se every place in your am. am not did the numbers are way using up like crazy. it. assume it to them including violence between shooting and american also in united states on your west,
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you owe them. people be just people being attacked marshal is and before like like 800 percent mold. and last year it was definitely a and putting to is beyond the wasn't in danger. you know, it's funny because in the last year except the story that we have a few weeks ago in the thinking that you saw in washing watson police people, i speak to many watson page. people overlooks the loss in which people walk along the street must go on in other places with the pop they keep, you know, have some jackets on the we look joyce, i didn't hear the last year or 2 even in the honestly, we do the task against the police people, so if we look at the jewish people, even the washer much more safe than other people on the world. and obviously jewish people being attacked all the time. see me.


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