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tv   News  RT  December 13, 2023 4:00pm-4:31pm EST

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[000:00:00;00] the, [000:00:00;00] the page, the tags all reported in the southern gospel city of rough. i was the video and the rough into hoffman who's officer dislikes the policy in red, crescent worker, was detained by his very forces while helping the local. in fact, the way we heard from the organization suppose was in the details of the incident. i was pretty wrong for 4 hours. and during that time he was beaten. threatens, as well as a treated in you really think matter what the fight administration seems to be
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asking for is billions of additional dollars with no appropriate oversight. us house, we go, rebuffed the president's request for another $60000000000.00, said queen, as joe biden is by the visit on the $8200000000.00 consolidation. instead the life of large, the new center i must go. this is the welcome to the global news. all you saw with that i just need some more pulling gaza ways. really strikes has been reported on the southern city of rough or late when say hello. he was wounded including children, to host with those using any available means. there's no information about numbers of casualties of the strike as of yet. it's literally just how does the child on who's now in rough, a sense of this report? the details of the is really in fact is there any more planes targeted multiple
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residential, how it says here. busy one of these events that house is located out of shop. what are the things you come? it's brand new, so sorry to mention that i was one of the largest if he comes here and ruffle was nice to be in the actual house was not targeted. and screwed here from out to a hospital, went there um pick up um, thousands of injuries. and here we witnessed and we see uh, because of these injuries are arriving here at the to a hospital. how some of these injuries live in a. so we use it on the job cost with them. we see that these injuries just fall civilians, laws, women, and children. it's very necessary also to mention as these are a slides have been often a very quiet time. it was very, quite a, as a means was, wasn't in the area. and it was a very quiet times out of something the without warning. nice. has
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a bunch of houses was targeted like, is there any more planes have nice moved into houses was full of. busy handful of families, kind of the idea of expands as movie campaign. israel is pushing thousands of galls those tools, the southern rough or refugee camp. the further they can flee, according to you. and if it shows the shelters are overwhelmed with hundreds, living on the streets and, and make shift tens, people are exposed to the cold weather with minimum access to food, water, and high gene facilities. the refugees gathered around a un relief warehouse. desperate to aid was so the to contain the crowds before have the over flour and bullets. the russians hold on 1100000 displays house is off
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sheltering in 98 new in facilities. in the south of the enclave. the war in gauze i have claimed the live of several 1000 sold them. i left many oakland surviving the ongoing conference is ever more difficult for children with disabilities. we spoke to one mothers whose son has down syndrome about the challenges they face. again with a lot of them is my son who has been diagnosed down syndrome and i out from kansas city. we've been displaced and are currently living and attend by hospital where exhausted from the football minutes. so we chose to leave like the rep trust and recommend judge joining here has been on us. one of my son, he has the sound of pullman or any loud noise from his creams. his behavior has changed and this environment is not suitable for him, especially being sick. we sleep on the ground without sheets and blankets, like everyone else. it has impacted my child significantly, so i have taken him to the hospital multiple times,
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taken refuge from the cast and smoked a warm spring. and i need a lot of assistance, something i don't have mold as diapers, or even fonts to support me. and my 3 sons also have a child suffering from us much and their father was injured. there was no one to help me or provide for, i knew my children's thousands of and goes away. 20 privacy is have been killed and those were wounded as the idea of intensifying a tax on, on eunice, which it early adopt a safe so a warning. the distressing images i had the children were carried. why add it to the newest hospital covered in blood with an end? this flow ambulance is arriving, and medics assisting the injured as they'd lie on searches. right in the fall is comes as it is all the forces of tech, several residential areas, and on units, garza based,
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done some off sort of shilling reports on the latest developments in the south of the enclave. as the idea of strikes range on the situation, somebody like now is spokesman sourcing facebook, the tedious, decent price next to the hospital to its north east, on some of the sides of just be considered more zones. they are a few people kind of actually, sooner. that's around 2 hours like square peering gas tanks, sliding, puting sniper shots keep eating about depot credit or trying to get get, get,
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get ball. i'm going to wait. a personal sense whose wife loves her eyes. his thoughts are most to makes one of his other daughter's is, is missing or to know why. so unfortunately, there is no place people don't know what to do or where to go right now. staying in how you doing this is the decision for most people. because when it comes to sleep and tenuous on the bus in red crescent, a says the is really all maintained and later released a member of the society. i'm like, you might say we're emission the rescue. it was held by the idea of 4 hours. why he was harassed and beaten policy in with crescent suppose bus and, and about i saw this fives what her colleague was forced to enjoy. it was such
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a day the palestine around to crescent was leaving a mission to evacuate. a wounded people from the baptist hospital hospital in coordination with the w at o. and when the evacuation going boy was passing through the check point that separates garza from the so it was full destructive. is there any occupation that goes to stop the convoy for a couple of hours and they and they detained the wood clinic, ronnie? for 4 hours. during that time he was harassed, beecham instructions as well as a treated in new me leasing manner. his. he was stripped of physical office. the blind folded his hands aware of tied up on his back. and
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after 4 hours he was released in the occupation forces. let him walk over to quito meters to pass. it's really the check point. he was with your office or shoes and obviously it was one of the most traumatizing experience for him. this has happened in a time one z as a part of it was the trying to save lives, evacuation 11, the to be at the house. and unfortunately, our products are beating sort of get it out of being a store, get for 2 patients forces in garza whitehouse, kid workers, hospital time ethics and and unison should be protected under international community law. this is not the case. and gaza is intentionally targeting mind clinics. i would panama this
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a health care workers and even or hospitals. and unfortunately, the international community is just continued to be signed. and in the face of all these were crimes that as well as commented against the health system in garza and i work weeks who are just the trained to continue implementing their human need to be enrolled and helping the people who are in the meanwhile, the mayor of a monk shrill subbing canada has play. is it a support for is a no matter what the human cost, including thousands of dead children, the children, the swedish children,
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most of the stuff for 3 months to a $100000.00 positive children children. the girls from canadian jobs i liked service eve ingler, who fill the footage of the canadian there to what he put out a statement he was uh that video is got more than one point. 2000000 views on my, on my twitter, on my ex account. and he put out a statement kind of back in a way. now he, he represents a um, a small enclave. uh, in a suburb of montreal, that's a predominately jewish about 80 percent jewish. it's actually a very weird, but our community doesn't have any
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a commercial or industrial lands all entirely. residential spy speaks to incredible . uh, anti palestinian look. uh he said that is you could kill a 100000 house, didn't you? children, and he would support it because good needs to prevail over evil. that's his direct quote. while it seems to be killing 800-000-1000 children or let alone 80001000 children as is, is there a number would be a sign of evil? not a sign of good, but according to his logic, and unfortunately the logic of far too many people in this country. israel can still be viewed as good as well as skilling, large numbers of policy and children. i think this type of a statement doesn't play well for the broader montreal or for that matter, canadian public because of a ways to the ground design day, the sci fi is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu ripple's. and so this is
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ottoman, that the, you, a saudi arabia who paid for the trouble, the own place, reconstruction st. you and on all to, to get the whole story like the, and the part about the joy of his a recent visit to the us to campaign for move funding, ukrainian presents. and as game made, some questionable claims on the bottle fuel situation in his country. he claimed the claim has not for the loss control of any settlements this year. so you may need to the blind 9 to rush his advances on the front lines. i think the most important thing to understand what's going on. that's russia indeed, isn't occupied in a wheel ej a. you create a village during this year. what i see nimble is on there, but a more russian has not had a single victory of this year. and they couldn't do anything they could not occupied
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a single village. i'm not talking about see this anymore. they couldn't do and a single and as was, is a quick recap of everything present. and so, as he refuses to admit to vice over the past year and the beginning of the 2023 russian forces liberated the town of some of the then in may, the russian defense. and as he announced another long awaited victory this time in 2 months, also known as possible. for a reason, the boss in truth almost completely surrounded the strategic, the quitting stronghold of, of the, of car. and have also raised the russian flag with the city of monte onto the 8 on law school. so late in hong ukraine's desperate mode fi situation agreeing and key risk losing more territory if it doesn't negotiate soon. meanwhile, us republicans, as a told me, total bill says he never believe that you claim could defeat russia. are you concerned that there's no money you claim to lose the war to russia?
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well, well, that's always been a big possibility the whole time. i mean, i've, i've never thought they could when to begin with, especially the way we eased into it. what are the implications that a fresher wins? are you worried about the implications of russia with quail everybody keeps and they're going continue to go across europe. i mean, they can't, but ukraine on the eastern side, how they go and continue to go the rest the way through through year. i've never believed that scenario. i think it's, uh, i think it's a good selling point to spend more money. i think that the buy the ministration and mr. zelinski have a serious problem in terms of securing suspicion funding a to last year and at least be on the next election i. i think i would not be surprised if we see a military and economic collapse and ukraine before the winter is over. the republicans really don't have any incentive to prolong this more beyond the next election. when they know that the likely it's going to end in a very devastating defeat for ukraine. you know, the people who now are in power and congress johnston is
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a record of opposing aid to ukraine. so the stars are aligning very much against the, by the ministrations request and, and the lensky is, you know, hadn't hand request to give them anything. they will keep us government afloat. i would be surprised if he gets nothing. i think you'll probably see something up within the next several months, but it's going to be far below what will be necessary just to stay in the ukrainian government and military through the next electoral cycle. inc lyons president has what was away with a 200000000 dollar hand out from the white house. but it's an a fraction of the 60000000000 he came off seeing for us house be good mike delta last by just to hold onto the times by of funds until the buying administration provides more oversights . i have asked the white house since the day that i was handed the gabble, a speaker for clarity. we need a clear articulation of the strategy to allow ukraine to win. and thus far,
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their responses have been in sufficiently have not provided us the clarity and the detail that we requested over and over since literally 24 hours after i was handed, the gamble speaker, the house. and so what the bite and ministration seems to be asking for is billions of additional dollars with no appropriate oversight, no clear strategy to win. and, and none of the answers that i think the american people, her own crises rights as page from lloyd comes limited funding concerns among us. and only because republican congress recently belongs to the, by the administration's request to providing a package with a $160000000000.00 the equipment as well. so i think urgent need for you as order security, so safety. meanwhile, us present, bite me, remain silent. some questions from jealous about incleanse ministry, feasibility, american papers to president i called on congress and do the right thing to stand with ukraine to stand up for freedom. and i want to thank you for being here and
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help the cause. the us of others have recently questioned the come soon supply of ink to great according to polls, nearly half of the thing the money spent on keep is excessive, but it says, focuses the child was that as he made miscellaneous statements on the air about russian buffalo bill pro with compared ukrainian president with a brittany made of mazda line of the largest and ponzi scheme in history. but if you don't give them your money right now, you're going to lose your entire investment piece of burning made off of or time president. and what are we funding exactly ever think about that via propaganda has been so overwhelmingly calling for the russian to be almost defeated. everything is
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just slowly but surely now dawning the domestic problems are piling up and flushes go into the roof. the solid and border is out of control. there seems to be no one minding the, the american ship as it were present and by doing things more concerned about trying to maintain some kind of a presentable face to the let's keep the situation is almost impossible. now to maintain the narrative is almost impossible to maintain. the next key is uh, being uncertain and suckled by sharks at home. i mean, basically all these sponsors are now turning away for, i mean, not because that necessarily get side of these items because the results on the ground um, no, the actors, it ends keep errors being prepared. and there's a lot of suitors for the position. you needs to maintain the appearance of control over the situation, at least long enough to somehow set the stage for a what would be
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a smooth transition. but there is an increase of cognitive dissonance within the electoral rape. and as we enter addiction season, those uh realities are going to be hard to step, you know, put aside to show the side view and has ordered. one of is full, but officials to repay almost $64000000000.00 the body and chooses the mind a ukrainian national of losing the funds by enforcing them to a mine. he met a policy also going to a new post pupils as vitale vines as one whose reports indeed the 2nd income on the you as a majestic agency advisable him and his boss, a legend invested over 60000000 those taken from governments. i knew in agencies and companies own linked to british business when david kendrick but the new and recruit only about 10 percent of his investment last year. all parties involved in
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the case which is not going through an internal you are in court system, denied wrong doing with candidate claiming the products a still in progress. if i'm legal, i'm media, unless lyle, this is the you and has a, this dubbing, lack of supervision or is funds. this was an individual who was given this money and he decided on his own perhaps without any kind of internal audit to hand over this money to someone. he met mister kendrick, he has to repay the money, give a year's salary. and if he does not repay the money, the filing said internal filing solution to this, he will not be eligible for you when pension. now, in the old days, people what, who would do this would be looking at the full force of the most in, preferably,
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torrential of prosecutions. this seems to be as we say, the legal bis preparatory, would you please give this back? would, would you, do you see it in your heart and maybe throw it in by the, by your salary. and if you play your cards right, and you give us back $64000000.00, you can keep your pension and all is forgotten. i don't understand. i don't also understand who these people are. if this is the way the un, the monitors money. if this is a $63000000.00, what, what also is, is equally as, as lacks in terms of the supervision. now to the indian capital where police have a rested over us, were made the rest of a security breach of the country and parliament building to include his dumped from the visits his gallery into the parliaments below a house. anything from desk to desk with kinds of colorful smoke before being
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detained. the following lines, the sides elizabeth supposedly suspended and several others arrested as the vivid protest continued outside. so here is he around is a possibility, has been significantly based up following the incidents which came on the day. the country remembers that the 2001 attack on parliament, at least the 5 attack is and 8 security puzzle, will kill upon you're starting to group active in cash. but it was found to be responsible for the 2001 attack, which led to a standalone countries, or at least voted to an indian m p, who helps to store one of the into this side of the q and on the boat. what happened? today's terrible event that we were sitting, the break was about to stop suddenly and someone said the people from the gallery was meeting, and then the dashed in and it felt like an attack. so we run to stuff done without . they continued further inside running to where the m p. 's sits. there was a man behind us. everyone else was looking at
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a different direction. but i saw him when i approached to meet the accounts of bomb and stuff in waving around and set up. i wouldn't get out of his hands and run outside when i gave it to the security person. no, i didn't even have a moment to saying that it should. well, think of a plan, my feelings for our country, the flag, and i'll call them and they all hit me at once. it was on duty to stop them with them strongly with our country and governmental. this is a huge security breach. people said they would do something on this day and they did this. usually site is a major. finally, a government must address is the piece that i gave you, but at the bottom and to give it to the one for signing out to the gaza. call that i'm it's feeling so resignation. i as the, you know, i think our i met said it would require a viable to state solution. so any thoughts on financing the reconstruction of gaza can even begin the message is going to be very clear. we need to see a viable to state solution plan, a road map that is serious before we talk about the next day and with building the
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infrastructure with gaza road map that is serious before we talk about the next day and rebuilding the infrastructure of gaza on the road map is these rallies and the palestinian authority and the grouping of countries that have leverage on the both of them sitting around the table and saying, that's in game. we're going to wait and see the wilks that's here. this is the timeline and it starts now. let's say a little from other u, a u and i'm positive cause also is a prime minister of imposing told the cause that the u. e. am saudi arabia would finance the rebuild, the gaza, off of the war. this comes with me, it is really if it's be full that conflicts and know my relations with some of its neighbors, made me. we had this wide parts of the international community cooling for to say solution. the decision is not very popular among is really the officials. namely, we respect and cherish the president of the united states, joe biden, who went out of his way during the most difficult period for the states of his
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royal. this is true friendship. we live here, this is our country, the historical estates of our ancestors. there will be no palestinian state here. we will never allow another state to be established between the jordan river and the see. we will never go back to us low and in the woods of president barton, the security of the jewish people is at stake here. this is definitely the case and a palestinian states would endanger it. when you spoke with a behind me in a cold miss idea of it as well as who believes that only an immediate cease fire on 2 state solution can solve the current crisis. to start with, this is not the 1st time that, you know, it's in the yahoo believe that he is the region of king again, can order and everything. he said he's going to be obeyed. i mean, this is his mess to start with. how mazda is where it is, and how strong it is because of his security guards,
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them finance guides. so he won the region to commented to uh, find a solution to solve that as a crisis. to start with, he need to start listening and secession of uh, military operation is going to be step one, whether they agree or disagree. that's the only way that the regions see the you know, uh, final uh, solution to this uh, loan, last thing, a crisis without the 2 state solution. its not uh, viable for us to do or even consider uh, any, uh, reproach me to. it is right. well that was, uh, this is our so is the target company was had one. aunty can comment on a lot of interesting. so is the, i will be lack of them the,
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the, the, [000:00:00;00] the, the in 1492 this evening, christopher columbus reach, the bahamas and discovery, the new world for europe. the wealth of america, and its fast territories. cosby envy of the europeans, especially the spaniards and the portuguese. they sought after taking over these lands, however, there lived indigenous peoples with a high culture and their own nation. who was there, the barbarian colonization of america,
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which went down in history under the name of con. these that lasted for more than 100 years. in 1521 care design. cortez is kind of these 2 doors captured and destroyed the capital of the aztec empire. daniels practically massacring the local population. following them, francisco pizarro is gone, keeps the doors destroyed the inc and fire. as a result of spanish aggression, the ancient maya civilization collapse, suppressing the resistance of the indians. the invaders carried out mass executions . the horrendous genocide was aggravated by the diseases that the europeans had brought to america. the number of the indigenous population decreased at 16 times from 25. so one and a half 1000000 people from keystone became one of the largest demographic disaster fees of mankind and remains an indelible,
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bloody stains in the history of the european colonial empires. the so you will find your accounts on the x restore. congratulations. now as we know, some move in 70 percent of voters, you voted to reinstate 2 and the loan laska blinds. now can we say that this mocks, the change in government's approach towards defense? in your opinion, always 8 on most, just an outlier. well, your mazda has doubled the amount of people using normally $200.00 l x. and he recognizes, as i interviewed him for 2 and half hours on sunday, that there is a real, to tell terry move, not just in the united states, but it, but in, in europe. and in other is the last to silence people that aren't going along with the neo con, globalized neo liberal unipolar plan. and americans don't want to be slaves. and that's


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